Eg** fl ANCASTI Smmamtk I - Ideal Fabrics For Spring 8 Apparel I Presented to you know to allow you plenty H of t.imP for mnlrinrr Varn + ? . wuruiug! ? VI J lliUUVl Ul/U pilbCO rule. It max bo that you have sojflt1 very dotfa ' nito Spring garment style fttoas'Umd searching for just the fabric thafSrrrrffd th carry them out to best advantage. They're all here. ha , sei Or it may be that you're just beginning to think of making new garments and want -v? suggestions about styles and fabrics too! These Spring wash goods and si^ks are so th, strikingly pru^ty.r^so^chamyng ij&color and design that rRey Wt^^up|ny; rvffift' need! ?e Distinctive and Exclusive Styles. pe< 33-INCH PONGEE, *1.25 YARD. VOILES \ND Ol Natural color ground, sport de- In silk stripes, checks signs. colorings and contra Priced 25c to f POULARDS SILK, 91.54) YARD. 36 inches wide, the most fashion- VOILES, lOc able silk for spring. 12 excellent patte selection. ?_ DOMKSTK- l-ONGKK, YAK... K.YTIt A HKAVY Q? National color, stripes and figures, HlflltTINU !lfi inchoo wlrlo iSilk Taffeta in the season's most Good range of col wanted colorings and designs. : Priced #1.00, #1.25, #1.5(> and ,0r (j|\(j?TA 92.g - "rt? MB MWWWMBWWMMMWMBBHMMWWWMMPB Lancaster County Pension Roll For 1917 CLASS B. Shehan, J. B., Lancaster. Faile, G. W., Taxahaw. Stagle, William T., Belair. Falle, Lewia. Taxahaw. Taylor, A. M., Flat Creek. CLASS C?No. 1. Wright, John, Tradeeville. Barnhlll, Q. W. Williams, W. J., Halle. Broughton, James, Heath Springs. Williams, R. It., Kershaw. Collins, G. B,, Belair. CLASS C?No. 3. Collins, H. J., Belair. Belk, M. A., Lancaster. Caskey, J. M., Pleasant Hill. Cato, Rachel, Lancaster. Knight. W. M., Lancaster. Dunlap, Nancy, Lancaster. Lucas, J. R., Dwight. Gardner, Rebecca, New Cut. Lucas, Frederick, Lindsay. Hunter, E. D.. Lancaster. CLASS C?No. 2. Horton, L. E., Lancaster. Adklns, J. J., Magill. Lindsay, S. L., Lancaster. Adams, D. L., Lancaster. McGutrt, Mary, Lancaster. Bell, J. L.. Magill. CLASS C?No. 4. Barr, Samuel, Lancaster. Addison, It. S., Lancaster. Blackmon, P. B., Lancaster. Aycock, Margaret, Lancaster. Baker, Arthur, Lancaster. Bird, Martha E., Taxahaw. Barton, John L., Lancaster. Bell, Sarah J., Taxahaw. Broom, W. T., Primus. Cook, S. J., Osceola. Blackmon, J. S., Lancaster. Clyburn, M. L? Kershaw. Belk, J. M., Taxahaw. Carnes, W. A., Kershaw. Broom, B. W., Osceola. Clark, S. M., Heath Springs. Caskey. L. S., Lancaster. Crenshaw, Hassle, Dry Creek. Cauthen, G. L., Heath Springs. Carnes, M. E., O. K. Carter, Harvey, Osceola. Caskey, E. M., Heath Springs. Caskey, M. M. Childers, Elizabeth, Lancaster Cohen, J. G. Deas, Elizabeth. Kershaw. Carter. P. G., Sincerety. Ellis. Ta/ma, Kershaw. Caskey, John H., Lancaster. Ketridge, J. N., Stoneboro. v;raiR. wiiiiam, laxanaw. Falkenberry, Nancy, Lancaster. Ellis, A. J., Heath Springs. Flynn, M. J., Lancaster. Kubanks, Jackson, Flat Creek. Gardner. jEliza. Kershaw. Falle, Jacob. Taxahaw. Graham, Caroline, I-xincaster. Gardner, J. W.. Lancaster. Gordon, Hannah, Lancaster. Gardner, S. C., Heath Springs. Gregory, Emma, Taxahaw. Ghent, O. W., Cralgsvllle. Harmon, Martha, Cureton. Hinson, A. C., Dixie. Hammond, Amanda, Heath Sprli Hinson, J. H., Lancaster. Humphries, Sarah,. Lancaster. Haglns, John M.. I^ancaster. Hammond, Mary L., Primus. Hunter, W. F., Taxahaw. Hudson, M. E., Lancaster. Ingram, Russell A., Kershaw. Hucy, Mattie, Lancaster. Dowry, E. J., Kershaw. Hinson, L. A., Lancaster. McManus, J. Q., Lancaster. Harget, Nancy, Lancaster. McMannsj. Richard, Kershaw. Hancock, S. J., Lancaster. Mackey, L. P., Heath Springs. Hinson, Caroline, Dixie. MahaiTey, O. C., Prince. Hair, Sarah, Lancaster. Morgan, W. R., Flat Creek. Jenkins. Molsey A., Taxahaw. Marks. T. R. Knight, Nancy. McManus, A. C., Flat Creek. Langley, E. J., Lindsay. Neal, T. A., Lancaster. Morgan, Elizabeth, Flat Creek Neal, J. O. P., Lancaster. Mackey, M. R., Heath Springs Nesbitt, A. F. Mobley, J. A. Ormand, J. E. Miller Frances, Halle. Outen, W. 0., Tradesvllle. MahalTey, M. J. Patterson, J, A., Barberville. McManus, Eliza J., Tradesvllle Polk, H. M., Tradesvllle. McCorkle, N. A., Heath Springs Rodgers, M. D., Belair. McManus, Mary Ann, Taxahaw Robinson, W. R., Lancaster. McManus, MlflpQurl. Taxahaw. 8nlpes, W. T., Tradesvllle. McManus, Frances, Taxahaw. \ Street, W. A. Maddnx, Mary, Tradesvllle. Steele, W. R. Miller, Susan, R., Creek. Stroud, John M., Lancaster. Neil, tyary L., Lancaster. Siatare, William, Lancaster. Outen, Sarah A. iwwijuuuimu1 m - THE LANCASTER NEWS TUESDAY. APRIL 10.: .RDEPARTIV The Best Place To Shop After A What "Quality" Stands r_- ri ror nere There is no reason for a person to trade in this store unless conbked that the dollar spent buys a dollar's worth of merchandise, udices in favor of friendly relations existing between the emP&e or owners and the customer should not influence the cusmer to patronize this store?quality alone should determine at. Quality always determines the price here?the looks of a thing s nothing to do with the value that we or you place upon it. The rvice it gives is the true measure of its worth. The price you pay is the price paid for knowing in advance that ur money has secured the utmost value that it is impossible to n /e. It is a rule that has always held good here and it means that p matter how lpw the price may be the goods will be the best of j, e kind tbatrtne price can buy. The infi&wtton--to give is far stronger here than the desire to t and that refers to the quality of everything we sell. If you f not get the bestrplSlity for the asking price then we cannot ex- t ct to hold your trade. ; a IW3ANDIKH Children's New Dresses Are you select is sting P?hade880lf Beautiful This Spring. prince than yo rashion brings into bloom these charming new modes for ^ ard. children. There are clever lit- Ginghams ; rna await your ^ mo(jels in regulation dresses ses ; afc1 w?sh frocks, and no matter children's Roi .^i'jpyiether it s for school wear or V'Ya, v vun ^?ess occasions that the new Lawn, Voil ' dress is needed, we can show vou Presses lace ? S ih? r;eet MUIe Style trimmed; 'also will appeal to your nersonal lik- ' ,*i^, ?< . jnjJr ^Mere is hardly any use sas^ ?f ribbo and colors. talking about the price, for you Priced pi will readily see that any frock 8c YARD. ly woven s))irt- /*- ^ ? ATC ' vaiui. New V: copv^ rns in chocks, ' lors, 27 inches r^7v,?7" Butterick Pc laterial, closely purchase. ummmmmmmmmmmammmaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmummmBmmAt """ Pate. Gatsey, Lancaster. minister that the governmen Phillips, Susan, Lancaster. people of this country are filled Phillips. Nancy K., Flat Creek. rejoicing that the people of the Patterson, Mary M. Russian nation have merged wit * fvl?i * *? * _mij i riyier, jane, t\ersnaw. mighty democracies engaged ii Perry. N. J., Belair. struggle in opposition to auto Phillips, Mary E.. Flat Creek. and desire to declare to Russia Price, E. J. honest gratification that thus a Perry, Rebecca, Lancaster. tie of amity is united with Quick, Nancy. which have so long held togethe Powers, Eliza M., Lancaster. people of the two nations. Phillips, S. E., Lancaster. "It is the ardent hope and a Robinson, M. E., Lancaster. pation of the government of Roberts, Martha, Kershaw. United States that the Russiar Robertson, Mary C., Heath Springs tion, animated by these great i( 'Rheddish, Elizabeth. Flat Creek, will realize more than ever b Robinson, Elizabeth, Sincerety. the obligation due from it to Reeves, S. E., Dwight. kind and the need for the pres Ringstaff, Susan. tion of internal concord so th; Riddle. S. E., Dixie. (a patriotic and united country it Small, E. A., Primus. j vanquish the despotic power v Small, Margaret, Flint Ridge. by violence and machination Smith, Susan, Lancaster. [aces the democracy which the p Smith, Mary E., Lancaster. ?f Russia have proclaimed." Sweat, Elizabeth. Dwight. Small, Mary, Flint Ridge. / JUST AS A START. Starnes, Mary I. Washington, April 6.--An < Strother, N.. Lancaster. gency war fund of $100,000,000 Therril, J. H., Heath Springs. quickly voted today by the sena Threatt. Sarah. Lancaster. President Wilson to be used ii Thomas. F. M., Lancaster. I discretion. The appropriation Threatt, Mary. Lancaster. be approved by house. Vickery Jane M.. Lancaster. ^ '* '?' Williams. R. A., Dixie. Drlve3oUl-Akil|rt-la^oUqts yp Walters, Jane, Dwlght. The Old stand iLyyjr^rrtii ArWi?<|> U>k Witherspoon. Klma 11., Lancaster. gSSJ Wright, Jane, Lancaster. tern, a true to adult? aa.^umfgi Williams, Martha. Flint. * > ...?i West, E. M. IT;, r8,.. pwuh,. 1 PROFESSIONAL CARPI URRKTINU T<> Itl'SKIA. ^ nga aJy? tampb l nlted States falls Attention to Ke fcf i.S t*'1%3^, Ol)Llhwr^fc] Obligation. and ManufaCTWinp^Optici Washington, April 7.?Official an- ""ANDERSON S. C nouncement of the entry of the Unit- Standard Drug Co., local r< ed States into the war has been trans- sentatlvea. Take your broken It mltted to the new Russian govern- ftn<* '?pairs to them for prompt , ? .. . accurate work ment with an appeal to the awakened Russia for peace and concord within its hnrdera in (tin nnvvoct a?. I*** dr mocracy may "realize the obligation due from it to mankind," in the Hours from^T^O vOM.^toJ? great world struggle to vanquish au- Xtf8^toji*c to $ 1.7.1c Dozen. " T Rick-Rack and Soutache , v?" i r? / Braid 10c md VtU'cale Dres- / . -?-?? v^5c to $1.50 i S:!k Soutache Braid 2oc Dress Shields, light weight, npers, . ->t o . o Uesh color, sizes , 3 and 4. .25c le and Organdie Aeroweight Dress Shields. . ,10c and embroidery Stickerd Braid, all colors.. 10c ribbon run, with Smith and Nulward Needles, all n. sizes 5c l0? tn <7 -n Dress Belting, black and white, size 2, 2 1-2 and 3 yards, 10c Belt pp | Collar ClieV??r?r? "Raw?a ....? i uicaiieu ueiore mey are used in any 1 nu- especially true of plant diseases, other place. Drainage water would leals. Plant tissues once infected with a also serve to spread the disease from efore parasitic organism cannot be cured. 8Ucb places if the water is allowed , min mi. ji j i ? w , to drain from the diseased portlona i man- The diseased part might be removed , . . . on to lands where the disease doea e*v?- and a parl of the plant savod> but the nQ(. Qccur R Jg practical ^ " : " tissues already affected cannot, as a do so. many of the fruit diseases can ma> rule, be cured. The only practical be controlled in a large measure by! ' 'ir> method, then, of controlling plant dis- collecting and burning all of the dismcn eased fruit. If It were possible to .. eases is hy Prevention With plant and hnfn a? Qf {hp rf)ttpft diseases as well as with infectious dte- ]umfi ftm, ,hpfl ,n comniunlt at eases of man and the lower animals, .. . ? . .. . . , , ; one time, brown rot would be in a sanitary measures are our pricipal . ?.i ttti.u ?w~ 11 large measure prevented. With the 'raor- "if'a c?erta1nVd"sease is to be check- trP? d,8Pasps- !t 18 vpry Important w.?? J ?, certain disease is to ne cnecK (hftt ft]1 d,Beafled portion8 should he ed a11 80Urcp8 ?(f Infection should be d off and ,)urnpd Wherever a tc to removed and It is always the old dis- (,ead Hmb ,s fflum] {n ft u KhouId i his eased parts that serve as the main bp pm ouf and burnpd A (,pad must source of Infection. It is from these | tlMUp Js ?urp (n bp a S()Urpe Qf lofe?' an * . , ' Keep records, diseased parts. With certain soli diseases like toepr* mato rr'.it. cotton wilt, water-melon Whether we hare war or pee*ee yoa !n"* wilt, etc.. It Is not only Important that should play safe and plant plenty of ai' the diseased plants be destroyed, but food crops. KI/OIIKN'CK Wll.l. HOLD The first suggestion was triade by HKi DR.MOXSTRATION Moseley Oliver to The Times and i taken up by The Times In an edlto480 Patriotic Meeting Planned for (Jate rial urging the people to join. At f <"ify at <'oker for Whole I'o** the sa.ino time ('apt. W. H. Keith of Dee Section. Timmonsvllle made a similar sugFlorenre, April 6.?The proposi- gestion and promised" aid from that acy. tion that Florence hold a monster pa- town, and since then there have been ___ triotic demonstration here within a a number of suggestions. I'KK hort while at which all the Pee Dte The plan would be to have a groat country will be represented is re- meeting some day, when every one , > reived with general favor throughout could come in cars and on the trains j j the community and pledges have and spend the day and fly thf dag been received from the men and wo- and let the eagle scream. Prominent i men of various sections that if Flo- men would be asked to come with >ence starts they will all come, mtti- Senator Smith and Mr. Hagsdale to tary, school children, women's organ- talk to the people and music and izatlons, patriot'c organizations of other entertainment for the visitors M all kinds and the people generally. would be provided.