The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, September 29, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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- c "Gets-It" Never Fails for Corns! There's Nothing on Earth Like It For Corns and Calluses. "Whenever you Ket corns and calluses. don't experiment ? Just u.-o **OKTS - IT" and nothing else. Kusiest and simplest thinK J know to use ?just a few drops on in u few seconds?"GETS-IT" docs the rest." Tho old wnv is to bundlo un vour toes in harnesses and bandages. use salves 1 that makn toes raw, cotton rings that makoyour corns pop-eyed, knives and 1 "diggers" that tear your heart out < and leave the corn in. No wonder they make you limp and wince. Forget all I these?use "GETS-IT." the simplest corn remedy in the world, easiest to 1 cue. never (alia or sticks, pntnlass. Your : corn loosens, then you lift It off. Yon can wear smaller shoes. ? "GETS-IT" is sold and reconr.mend ed by druggists everywhere. ?5c a I bottle, or sent on receipt of price, by ? IS. Lawrence & Co.. Chicago. 111. Sold In Lancaster and recommended as the world's best corn e remedy by Lancaster Pharmacy and c J. F. Mackey Co. ??????? t m LEGAL NOTICES a I I V f. LETTEI18 OF ADMINISTRATION. it (1 State of South Carolina, j*County of Lancaster. ; T By J.E. Stewman, Judge of Fro bate. j Whereas Mrs. Laura Bowers has r< made suit to me to g^nnt her Letters j, of Administration of- the estate and effects of Martin Cf Bowers. de- (< ceased. tl These are. therefore, to cite and a admonish all and lingular the kin- j)( dred and creditors of the said deceased. that they be nnd appear before me. in the Court of Probate, to be held at Lancaster on 15th Oct., 1916. next, after publication thereof, j. at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 26th dav of Sept. Anno Domini 1916. J. E. STEWMAN. a Probate Judge. ig 101-2te-Fri. |ti NOTICE OF DISCHARGE. e Notice is hereby given that the un-|r dersigned will, as Administratrix of p the estate of R. R. Kennington, de- ' I \ cease>d, on the SLh day of October, 1916. make her final return as such Administratrix and apply to the Pro- if bate Court of Jjanca.ster county for letters dismissary. Mrs. Cattle J. Kennington, a Administratrix estate of said de- a ceased. ^ Se^t. 8th, 1916. 8-15-22-29. d TAX NOTICE. > The Tax Books will op?-n October 11 15th, 1916, and nose March 15th. ? 1917. A penalty of one per cent will ? be added during the niontii of Jan- ]' uary, two per cent in February, and ' seven per cent in March. The levy T for State purposes is 6 1-2 mills. Constitutional School Tax 3 mills. Ordinary County 4 1-2 mills. Inter-!p est on Bonds for Past Indetedness 1 '' mill, Interest on C. & C. Railroad : Bonds 1 1-4 mills. Road and Bridges * 6 mills. Interest on Borrowed Money 1-2 mill, Interest on C., P. & C. ^ Railroad Bonds in Pleasant Hill 1 Township 3-4 mills. Gills Creek Township 11-2 mills. Cane CreeK ^ Township 1 3-4 mills. ^ In School Districts Nos. 6 and 13 ^ a special tax of two (2) mills is ^ charged; in Districts Nos. 22, 29 and ^ 45 three (3) mills; in Districts Nos. ^ 2 and 36 five (5) mills; in District No. 7 six (6 I mills; in District No. 14 six and one-half (6 1-2) mills; in * Districts Nos. 10, 11. 12. 17. 18. 1ft. ^ 24. 25, 31, 3 2, 33. 34. 3ft, 42. 43. * 46 and 4ft Right (8) mills; in District No. 38 ten (10) mills; in District No. 40 eleven (111 mills and in Districts Nos. 3. 4. 5. ft, 15. 20. 21, 23, 26, 27, 30, 47 and 4 8 four (4) mills. ^ All residents between the ages of 21 and 55 years are liable for a J capitation tax of three dollars (33.00) for Road Purposes, and all ' citizens between the ages of 21 and , 60 years are liable to a Poll Tax or one dollar ($1.00) except those ex- ' empt by law. T. L. HILTON, County Treasurer. Whenever You Need > General Tonic Take drove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a Genera] Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acta on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood ami Builds up the Whc4e System. 50 cents. SAYS PROSPERITY HAS COME TO STAY NO MOKE MONEY FAMINES Declares American Business Men Will Withstand All Shock After the War. New York, Sept. 22.?American business men aided by the federal reserve bank system, will be able successfully to withstand the shock of European competition after the war, in the opinion of Charles Hamlin, former governor of tlie federal reserve board. His views were expressed at the annual dinner of the Institute of Accountants last night, le said in part: "I estimate that the wealth of the United States has increased during he last two years by $4 0,000,000,)00. Bank deposits have increased tolwPAn Sfi onn nan nan nnn _ )00,000, and the stock of gold has ncreased more than $70,000,000. >inoe the first of the year the ini>ortations of gold have amounted to 460,000,000, "No nation in the world has ever njoyed the prosperity that this ountry now enjoys." Mr. Hamlin said he felt that this ime was one in which American usiness men ought to be conservaIve in order to prepare for the ineitable reaction. Commending the ?deral reserve system he said that 1 the future no business man who eserves credit will fail to get it. Never again will this country see a nllapse of credit will fail to get it. Never again the past," he declared. Never again will there be a cur?ncy famine such as we experienced i 1907. I am convinced, from a ireful review of the situation that le great prosperity of today is onlv forerunner of the greater prosarity of the future." CAN'T LOSK 11A IK. wenty Years from Today a Italdlieaded Man Will lie an I'nusual Sight. One of the most prominent drugists of America made a statement few weeks ago which has caused a reat deal of discussion among sciensts in the medical press. He said: "If the new hair growr, Mildredina Hair Remedy, inreses its sales as it has during the ast year, it will be used by nearly very man, woman and rhild in merica within eight years. "When Mildredina Hair Jfemedy i used almost universally,ydandrutT ill disappear and with its/neparture aldness, iteming scalp, splitting hair nd all scali) diseases/ will follow nd twenty jvears froj/i now a bald ead will bd a rarity" There is only one/way to cure danruff, and the is JLo kill the germs, 'here is onlv olle hair preparation hat will kilfy the germs and that is Itldredina Hs/r Remedy. This unisual hair r?torer with its record f thousands/oY cures will grow hair n any head waere there is any lif.> eft; it will cur* dandruff, stop fallng hair and itcf\lng of the scalp in hree weeks or money back. It is the most pleasant and inigorafing tonic, is not sticky, or reasy and is used extensively by laies of refinement who desire to have ind to keep their hair soft, Iusrous and luxuriant. Fifty cents for large bottle druggists everywhere, dail orders filled by American Pro.rietary Co., Boston, Mass. ITT THIS OI'T. H + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ! FRKK to show how quick- + h ly Mildredina Hair Remedy h acts, we will send a large sam I" pie free by return mail to any- * ( one who sends this Coupon to American Proprietary Co., Mos V ton. Mass.. with their nnni?* ntiH A h address and ten rents in silver * ( or stamps to pay postage. ! + + + + + + + + + + + + IIEATFN' BY AUSTRIAN*. Vienna, Sept. 20.?The official communication issuea today says: ' The Roumanians southeast of Hoet/.ing (Hatszeg) have been completely driven off. Petroseny and the Szurdak pass are again in our possession." The Austrian communication of Tuesday said the Roumanians south of Hatszeg had been driven back in the direction of Petroseny by way of Merlsor and that the Teutonic allies were in close contact with them in (he (lergeny and Kelemen hills. For the Rtomach and bowel disorders of babies McQEE'S BAHY ELIXIR Is a remedy of genuine merit. It acts quickly, is pure, wholesome apd pleasant to take. Price 25c tfpd 50c per bottle. Sold by all dealers In medicine.?Adv. \ ' \ THE LANCASTER NEWS | DELIVER MESSAGE IN AUTOS You have all read the story of the messenger who rises to be a millionaire, but if the Western Union Telegraph company continues its plan of supplying automobiles to their employes you may read soon of wealthy men educating their sons to be messengers. Two of the boys at the Western Union's main office, Fifteenth and Chesnut streets, are now delivering messages in speedy runabouts, and it develops that a squad of motorcycles has been introduced, the drivers of which are earning from $loo to $130 a month. "Sure, I got an auto?but it ain't the fun it used to be," said Mike lirenner, at the main office, last infill. ? IIIJ Iivtrs ill I Oil 111 II Sixth street, drives due of the racers about the city. "It ain't the fun," he continued. "Wherever we so every one stops and looks and says. 'Gee. whatter yer know!'?but is was better than this when I was a kid and leg-running my messages five years ago. Then a feller would get a message tnaybe a mile off and he could take half an hour; to smoke, read, walk as slow as you please. Now the car gets there in five minutes?why, I deliver 50 or 60 messages a night. It's fun, but not like the old days. The auto system was introduced by A. II. Heiner of New York and it successful 10 cars will be put in use. i The service is still in an experimental stage, and. according to R. C. Fable, supervisor of delivery here, is the only one of its kind in the world. Western Union cablegrams are carried by camel in the Sahara, by foot runner in India, by dog sleds in Alaska, and by auto in Philadelphia. Philadelphia Public Led ger. STOP AMI MSTKX. Atlanta, Ga.. Sept. 21.?As the re-1 suit of automobile drivers failing to heed "Stop, Look and Listen" warn-J ings, there were 57 automobile acci-j dents at crossings of public high-! ways with Southern Railway tracks during the year ended June 30. taking a toll of 12 lives and 50 per-j sonal injuries. In 1915 there was! 69 such accidents, resulting in 12. deaths and 58 injuries. . According to States, the number of accidents, deaths and injuries in lb 16 were as follows: Accidents: Alabama 7, Georgia 11, North Carolina 11, South Carolina 17. Tennessee in, Virginia 1. Deaths: Georgia 2, North Carolina 4, South Carolina 3, Tennessee 3. Injuries: Alabama St, Georgia 8. North Carolina 14. South Carolina 14, Tennessee 13, Virginia 1. Unique Document. In the "American Magazine" Prof. Charles Downer Hazen tells some ludicrous incidents of the FrancoPrussian war, describing a document that is a modern curiosity: "Cohesion was lacking, as were numbers," he says. "Many generals were sent to command troops with which they were entirely unacquainted. "Not only soldiers, but sometimes generals went astray, unable to find their places. 'Have arrived at Ilelfort,' telegraphed General Michel on July 21, 'can't find my brigade; can't find the general of the division. What shall I do? Don't know where my regiments are.' This document is probably unique In military records. Another general hunted for his artillery staff; another for a cavalry corps which did not exist." Whiskers and Corsets. Patience?I see that the first baby born in Lorraine, O., will receive from merchants of the town gifts including a theater pass for life and corsets or Darner service ror lire, as uie case may be. Patrice?It would be awful If the baby should cling to the corsets and decide to let the whiskers grow. In These Days. Wife?You say you saw Miss Pickering walking on the avenue. What did she have oat Husband?1 can't recall. Wife?Well, she must have had or something. Husband?Quite possible, my dear; 1 probably overlooked It.?Life. Stiff knees, aching limbs, lam< back make life a burden. If yoi suffer from rheumatism, gout, lum bago, neuralgia, get a bottle o Sloan's Liniment, the universa remedy for pain. Easy to apply; i penetrates without rubbing an* soothes the tender flesh. Cleanei and more effective than mussy oint ments or poultices. For strains oi sprains, sore muscles or wrenche* I ligaments resulting from strenuom exercise, Sloan's Liniment glvei quick relief. Keep it on hand foi emergencies. At your druggist SB.?Adv. 'FRIDAY, SEPT. 29, 1916 MUSf ESTABLISH j HIGHWAY BUREAU LAW IS INTERPRETED United States Office of Public Roads Construes New Act of Congress. Columbia, Sept. 26.?"1 am. therefore, of the opinion that before South Carolina can participate in the benefits of the act, it will be necesIsary for it to establish by law a State i highway department, such as is resquired by th*. act. empowered to perioriu ail 01 mi1 mncuons usually | exercised by such a body." concludes an opinion by \V. Boyle. acting I solicitor of the United States office of public roads. relative to South Carolina participating in the fund recently appropriated by congress for the building of permanent highways. The opinion was given upon request of K. J. Watson, commissioner of agriculture, who has been handling the matter with the federal office of public roads. Commissioner Watson said yesterday that he secured the opinion in order that a definite program of legislation might be outlined for this State to participate in the fund. The solicitor ruled that the State department of agriculture is not a department of good roads. The commissioner. in accordance with the opin-' ion, will make certain recommendations to the next legislature. STOP THE FIRST COM). A cold does not fd>t well of itself. The process of wearing out n cold wears you (toiL ana your cough becomes serious Tf^feglected. Hacking coughs drain me energy and sap the vitality. Foiy 47N?s?nrs the happy combination /of shilling antiseptic balsams An Dr. IvK)g'? NewDiscovery has nealeu coughsNqnd relieved congestion. Young and old can testify to /he effectiveness of Dr. King's New Discovery for coughs and colds. Buy a bottle today at your druggiBt, 50c.?Adv. ITALIANS FALL HACK. Sofia, Tuesday. Sept. 19 (via London, Sept, 20).?Official announcement was made here today that the Italian troops on the Macedonian front had been driven back by the 1 Bulgarians, who occupied four villages, In Eastern Roumania along thej new batle front south of the railroad ! from Constanza on the Hleack sea: 10 izernavoaa or the Danube, a great battle is in progress. It is developing iin favor of the Itulgarians, the announcement says. I | Frittoo A Ihort io gold (MrjrwIUi '? loppy rod bagr. 5c; tidy re tip*. IOci hand romo pound an half-poand tin humidor o ? and that clamor oryotal-giaoo poun humidor with oponga-moiotom tap that haopo t ho laiaccm in oplondid condition. >RIN It J. Reynold* Tobacco Co RHEUMATISM ARRETED ; Many people suffer tli^tortures of lame muscles and stiffened mints because of impurities in th^>loodyand each sue- | ceeding attack seetnb mare acute until fl rheumatism has invadVl \Aq whole system. To arrest rheumatism/it is quite as important to improve youAveneral health as to purify your blooa, apcMhe cod liver oil in Scott 'aKmulsion is nature'sgreat blood- *NC maker, while its medicinal nourishment ^ strengthens the organs to expel the % ? impurities and upbuild your strength. Scott's Bmulsion is helping thousands every day who could not find other relief. *> Refuse the alcoholic substitutes. | ' want troops hack homb nir j Columbia. Sept. 23.?The Columbia Chamber of Commerce tonight ,M unanimously endorsed the efforts of s*o the Harvest Jubilee committee in trying to get the South Carolina troops buck from the border in time to participate in the State Fair to be held from October 2.1 to 27. Secretary Holcombe announced that the assistance of the South Carolina Senators and Congressmen had been re- C;.| quested and everything looked favor- ? able to the bringing back of the ^ troops within the month. Jm r?l X* %n M * nxr m.T * iinuin o.tir ni\l.^ I Idl.M W1TH1A Pimply, muddy complexions nre due to impurities in the blood. Clear | up the skin by takli/g Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thei/ mild laxative qualities remove \th^ poisons from the system and brighten the eye. A full, free, non-grip\ng bowel movement In the morping is the reward of a dose of Dr. King's New Life Pills the night before. At your druggist. 2Be.?Adv. GIVE Let us print your d Drop in and see THEY ARE MODELS OF NE i uai 11 r I I tobacco is prepared! int< FOR SMOKERS UNDERTHE PROCESS DISCOVERED IN SITU I MAKING EXPERIMENTS TO X PRODUCE THE MOST DE- \7 X tlGHTFUL AND WHOLE- ) \ (/^"NsOME TOBACCO FOR CIG- _ . feO^ETTE AND PIPE SMOKERS. ' feel PROCESS PATENTED VOt< J I y, JULY 30T? 1907 jj Jjj taif I RJ.ReynoldsTobaccoCohwoiy knc I WimstonSalem.NX.LLSA^ I 00ft NOT BITE THE TQNtfUE I * ' \ 7 * pip \ cigareite unless you get c I with Prince A/oert tobacc< I P. A. corses to /ou with a real | goodnessWnciisatisfaction it offc | a patenteq ^/ocess that remove Ix uu tun smiukc 11 long ana na back! Prince Albert has alwa> couponsybr premiums. We pn Prince^Vlbery affords the keenes enjoyment! And that flavor j coomess is a? good as that answers the universal den without bite, parch or kickintroduction to Prince Alberl Z Ahan to walk into the nearet tobacco and ask for "a supply < J out a little change, to be sure, fullest investment you ever m i rp ??' < Aie Ibt ,i ALE Win?ton-S?l?m, N. C. Copyright 1916 by R. To Cure a Cold In One Day 4 ke LAXAT1VH BKOMO Quinine. It stops th? ugh sod Headache and works off the Cold. uickIsIs refund money if it fails to cure. W. GROV'K'8 signature on each boa. 25c. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Premier Carrier of tn? South. k8SKNGKR TRAIN 3CHKDULE8. T-. Ids arrive Lar.c:?'er from: . 118?York, Rock Hill and intermediate stations 8:45 a. m. i. 113?Charleston, Columbia and intermediate stations 10:11 ? at 114?Marion, Blacksburg, Charlotte and intermediate stations, 1:35 p. m. >. 11??Columbia, Klngsvtlle and intermediate stations, 7:25 p. m. Trains leave Lancaster for: 118?Ktngsvtlie, Co! :mbla and intermediate stations 8:45 a. m i. 113?Rock Hill, Blacksburg, Marlon Charlotte and Intermediate stations, 10:11 a. m. i. 114?Hlngsvllle Columbia, Charleston a"d intermediate stations l:3f ~ p ra Schedule figures are published as rormatton only, not guaranteed, tr information as to passenger res etc.. call on 10NEY TO LOAN] I an now prepared lohrtotiilr loana ( money on uproTal cotton laraaa iai I.aaranter cAnntyin igna of S.I00. and nywardn aty tper cent interest, repayable in nniilbl* inntallmenta. in period* of firr/amri or ten year*. K. E. WYfilE, 1 Attorney at Law . ' It U INTEND TO--^ A DANCE ?|j lancing orders f our samples / ATNESS AND BEAUTY erfect Printing puts new joy a the sport of >king! OU may live to be 110 and never ^ old enough to e, but it's cerl-sure you'll not >w the joy and itentment of a ndly old jimmy e or a hand rolled >n talking-terms :>! reason for all the ?rs. It is made by s bite and parch! rd without a comers been sold without efer to give quality! t pipe and cigarette and fragrance and sounds. P. A. just land for tobacco back! t isn't any harder st place that sells >f P. A." You pay but it'9 the cheeradet 1ERT J. R?tmUi ToUma Co. /