* | M1 PERSONALS | Mr. T. M. Hughes made a business trip to Fort Mill and vicinity Thursday. Mr. D. D. Williams of Heath Swings was u visitor in Lancaster Thursday. Mr. Harmon King of Tabernacle community is a visitor in Camden this week. Miss Mayme Mackey has returned from Canton, N. C., where she spent the summer. o? Mr. E. C. Blackmon of Copeville, Texas, was a pleasant caller at The News office Wednesday. "Mr. Will Ross Moore of Greenvillo is the guest of his parents, Judge and Mrs. Ernest Moore. \T r W P? TovIa.- of \r??*u ? - - - - . v/i viae; 1^1 ui l II Lancaster community was a caller at The News o. .ce Wednesday. Mrs. W. T. Funderburk of Rock Hill is visiting her brother, Mr. R. L. Usher, in the Dixie section. Mrs. W. H. Green, who has been visiting relatives in York county several days, returned home today. Miss Katherine Taylor of Uhodiss, N. C., who has been visiting Miss Mayme Mackey, left for Charlotte Thursday. ?o Miss Ruth Dillard, who has been the guest of Mrs. A. G. Ellison for several days, returned to her home in Spartanburg today. Misses Ola and Eula King of the Tabernacle section spent Saturday night and Sanday with relatives near Mineral Springs, N. C. ?o? Mrs. H. H. Kester, who has been visiting relatives in the North several weeks, returned Thursday. Mr. Kester motored to Charlotte Tuesday afternoon to meet her on the return trip. DAUGHTERS OF AMERICA MEETING A SUCCESS Splendid^Addresses and Other Features Much Enjoed at Midway School House. As, was advertised in your paper and the Kershaw Era, an ice cream / supper was given at Midway school house on the 20th inst., by the local Council. Daughters of America. -'There were probably 500 people there, and so far as we know, everybody was served. The speakers for the occasion were J. H. Hamel, editor of the Kershaw Era, and Dr. L. T. Gregory of Kershaw. Mr. Hamel was first introduced. He spoke for thirty minutes on the subject of Fraternalism, the Home, Education, the Need of Statewide Compulsory School Attendance. He drew a line between the educated and uneducated; then presented both just as they are. He gave many examples to prove his assertions, which would make this article ,too long if given in full. He paid his respects to the Daughters of America, and stated he was not a member because his town was not organized, but he would be soon. Mr. Hamel made many friends a while at Midway, and received pro longed "cheers" at the conclusion of his speech. As to Dr. Gregory, everybody in our section know him, and It la not necessary to say he and his better half were at home while in our midst. The Doctor's address was brief but, as usual, it was full of information. He said he was only one of us. and needed no introduction, that he knew all our roads and homes. He was well received. The writer is pleased to stnte that the best of order prevailed throughout the evening. We met for good speeches and good innocent amusement, and were not disappointed. The Daughters of America which is auxiliary to the Jr. O. U. A. M., is growing strong in South Carolina. A State council will soon be organized. W. P. Estridge Is a member of the national council, and has full control in South Carolina. He will be pleased to visit any town or section in the State where he can be of help. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, se. Frank J. Cheney makes path that he is senior partner of the iym of F. J. Cheney Sk Co., doing business in the City of Toledo. \County and state aforesaid, and that said firm will /ay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catyrh that cannot be cured by the uih of HA LI/8 CATARRH MEDICINE. J. CHENEY. Sworn to befordvgie and subscribed In my presence, thlsJbh day of December. A. D. 1884. /lL W. OLEASON. (Seal) / Notary Public. Hall's Catarrif Med\lne Is taken Int ternally and yts through the Blood on L the Mucous S/rfares of the System. Send for testimonials, free. \ F. J. (7HENKY A CO\Toledo. O. Bold by a/1 druggists. 76c. \ Hall's Family Pills for conization. 1 ISHORT NEWS| ? I)r. and Mrs. Cecil Cowan arrived 0 * in the city today. They wil^ make their home with Mr. and Mrs." Julian Ahrens on Chesterfield Avenue. ?o? The regular meeting of the Lancaster county teachers will be held at the court house Friday, October 6th. All teachers urged to attend. Be sure and read the large t umber of advertisers in this Isf ie of The News. In all probability, you will find jusM. what you are looking for. - o - ? Don't forget that the first number of the Piedmont Lyceum course, the Meistorsingers Male Quartette, will be in Lancaster Thursday evening. ocioDer oin. The ladies of the First Methodist church will hold their annual bazaar Friday, November 17th. Ail Interested in same, piease bo governed accordingly. The mayor and city officials deserve much commendation for the splendid work being done on the streets of Lancaster. Such work is what it takes to build a city. ?o? A meeting of the Civic League will be held next Wednesday afternoon, October 4th. beginning at 4 o'clock, in the rooms of the Library. All members urged to be present. Business of importance. ?-Q Messrs. W. H. Miilen, Frank Harper, J. M. Hood aud Quay Hood of Lancaster and Jno. W. Condor of Columbia motored to Great Falls Wednesday. They report, the country conditions very dry. Miss Lillie Usher of the Dixie community returned Wednesday from Linwood Colleflp, where she had been to attend an executive meeting of the alumnae association of which she is president. Mr. Julius Ahrens, accompanied by his children, returned to Lancaster Tuesday from his former home in Orangeburg. Mrs. Ahrens arrived today. They will make their home in the residence of Mrs. Mollie J. Perry. Mr. M. T. Marshbanks and family have recently located in Lancaster. Mr. Marshbanks has accepted a responsible position with the Lancaster Cotton Mill. They occupy a cottage on Cemetorv strppt nurnorf hv w I Cunningham. There will be a meeting of the Antioch Lodge No. 272, P. & A. M., Wednesday evening, beginning promptly at 8:30 o'clock, October 11, 1916. Work in second degree All members urged to attend. 13. F. Ad.ims, W. M. 'Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Davis, who recently moved to this city from Morganton, N. C.t have moved into the Hood cottage on North Catawba street. Mr. Davis is the proprietor of the new 5, 10 and 25 Cents Store adjoining the Royal hotel. Messrs. M. B. Spier, general manager, and H. L. Smith, commercial superintendent, Southern llell Telephone and Telegraph Company Charlotte, N. C.. were business visitors in Lancaster Thursday. They went from here to Camden to inspect the new exchange recently completed in that city. ItlNGLIN'G BROS. COMING THJS WAV World's Biggest Circus and Sperta.'le "Cinderella" Announced for Early Date. Announcement is made that on Tuesday, October 17, (tingling Bros, circus wil> give afternoon and night performances at Columbia. The famous showmen are this season presenting an all new and wonderful program. The tremendous fairyland spectacle, "Cinderella,' will appeal to both young and old. More than 1.000 persons take part in it. It is easily the biggest spectacle (tingling Bros, have ever staged and its glorious "Ballet of the Faries," with 300 dancing girls, is in itself worth going many miles to see. Following "Cinderella" 400 arenic artists appear In the main tent program. Because of the great European war the Ringlings have secured scores of circus performers never be fore seen in America. An entire trained animal show has been made a part of the main tent program this season. The menagerie now numbers 1,009 wild animals. The ele phants, including "Big Bingo," the earth's largest pachydern, have been Increased to 41 and almost 800 horses are carried. There will be t'?o clowns and a big free three-mile street parade show day morning. THE LANCASTER NEWS! m I SOCIAL NEWS m |! 1 Mrs. Geo. W. Williams was hostess to the Chesterflelu Avenue Rook! Club Thursday afternoon. Mrs.| | Frank Smith won the prize for i highest score in rook, a box of cori respondence cards and Mrs. R. C.' ; Brown won the prize for bridge, a deck of cards. Late in the afternoon a salad course was served. o Miss Ruth McCardell entertained ! the United Workers Thursday after jnoon at her home on Gay street. .The house was lovely with late fall j roses and ferns. A dainty salad i course with tea wna oorvoil Little Miss Frances Rowell of , Buford entertained quite a number of her little friends at a birthday party Saturday afternoon. After indulging in games for quite a while, ice cream, cake and candy was served.' The afternoon was a happy one for the little tots. ?? MISS MAinrK Hl'NTER BECOMES BRIDE OF DR. CECIL COWAN I * A quiet but lovely home wedding; was that of Miss Maidie Virginia Hunter to I)r. C?yil Robertson Cowan of [Lancaster which took place yesterday afternoon at four o'clock at the residence of the bride's uncle, J. Stokes Hunter on East avenue. The living room where the cere-j mony was performed was tastefully i decorated in potted plants and old1 fashioned flowers, an especially at-! tractive corner being formed of bandsome ferns where the bridal party stood. M iss Marion Babcock presided at: the piano and to the strains of Men-; delssohn's wedding march Miss Nan-j Inie Louise Hunter, sister of the bride entered with A. C. Cowan of Rock Hill, brother of the groom. The bride and groom then entered together and the ceremony was performed by the bride's pastor. Rev. J. Sproles Lyon, Jr., of the Fourth Presbyterian church. The bride was becomingly gowned in a brown cloth suit, lace blouse, brown hat. champaigne boots and gloves, and carried an arm bouquet of killarney roses. Only the relatives and a few immediate friends of the famiiv I present. ; Immediately after the ceremony! an ice course was served. l)r. and Mrs Cowan left on thej afternoon train for a short stay in Columbia and Charleston from where they will go to Rock Hill to visit the former's relatives. They will then return to Lancaster where Dr. Cowan is connected with the Lancaster Pharmacy and where he and his bride will make their future 'home.?Greenville Piedmont. PETIT JURY, SECOND WEEK, OCTOBER TERM OF COURT, (THIRD MONDAY.) I. M. L. Thompson, Lancaster, Route 5. 2 A. C. Williams, Lancaster. R. 1. 3. W. D. Caskey, Lancaster, R. 3. 4. H. B. Sistare, Lancaster. 5. S. J. Mungo. Taxahaw, Route 1. 6. G. W. Pittman, Heath Springs. 7. C. H. Everall, Lancaster. 8. W. R. Threatt, Heath Springs, Route 2. 9. W. F. Crenshaw, Heath Springs, Route 3. 10. S. B. Roberts, Lancaster, R. 5. II. L. E. Williams, Heath Springs. 12. H. M. Parks. Lancaster. 13. Boyd B. Horton, Lancaster. 14. John A. Adams, Lancaster. 15. Julius )E. Blaekmon, Lancaster. 16. R. P. Neal. Heath Springs. R. 1. 17 ii r>?.i..... T-?- ?* ~ - " oiiriBwu, r on. mill, It. Z. I 18. J. A. McCain. Lancaster, R. 1. lift. W. M. Green, Lancaster, i 20. J. W. Patterson, Fort Mill, R. 2. 121. W. N. Faile, Taxahaw. R. 1. 22. Lee Dunn. Taxahaw, Route 2. } 23. J. R. Thompson. Riverside. '24. B. H. Plyler, Lancaster R. 5. |j 25. J. K. Bowers, Heath Springs, i Route 1. 26. J. E. Sims. Heath Springs. |j 27. W. M. McManus, Taxahaw. i 28. E. B. Wright, Lancaster. R. 2. 2ft. R. L. White, Osceola, Route 1. 30. R. O. Small. Heath Springs, R. 2. 81. T. M. Hugehs, Lancaster. 32. J. D. Arant, Lancaster. R. 2. , j 33. J. N*. Caskey, Lancaster. 34. M. ('. Lyles, Heath Springs, R. 2. 3 5. I). F. Sapp. Lancaster R. 5. 136. J. W. Ingram, Taxahaw. I : Croup Relieved in Fifteen Minutes No need tA^lose or $1.00. FRIDAY, SEPT. 29. I SUITS WE CAN Zl ' We ha II SUI7store u YOU any ont I WITH priced 1 A \ Iril II SUIT- Come \ ABLE SUlT A I [ "SEE sin n=jir II BUSINESS NOTICES 1! WANTED?6,000 pounds of cew, horse, mule, sheep, and goat hides. You will find us on White street. See us before you sell. Capus Cauthen & Son., Lancaster, S. C. 60-lmo-p ('ALL 358 Excelsior Grocery Company for fresh meats of all kinds delivered at once. Excelsior Grocery Store, at Southern Railway Station, city. 67-tfc ATTENTION FARMERS?I take this method of advising the many farmers in the county that I have located in Lancaster for the purpose of buying cotton seed. I expect to pay "top market" prices, and will appreciate your business. Phone office 305 during day for prices. Can be found at Royal Hotel after business hours. I will be located at Porter's Old Stable. A. Wilson Mosier. p 99-3tc. FOR SALE?Good stock, fifteen pigs ready for sale next week?5 and 6 weeks old. Lewis Hunter, Route No. 4, Lancaster, S. C. 98-3tp-Tues. FOR SALE?A new 6 foot bath tub with all fixtures. Used six months. ?OA AO A ? * ? - * v.um .'v uargam ir sold at. once. Telephone 323. 98-3tc. IMPORTANT?A prominent Lan caster county citizen has just written us that his turnout,'from a large shipment of wty^at to us more than justified hiny'for paying freight to Rock I^ili rather than haul elsewhere. C^tir mill is upto-date. Our returns prompt.' Haul or ship to us. Satisfaction guaranteed. pATAWBA MILLING CO.. Rock H W. P. Bennett. y ioi-3tc. Piles Cure^^n 6 to 14 Days jtanr dniniit refdnd money If PAZO ONTMKNa fail/to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Rleedify; ^Protruding Pile* in 6tol4daya. The first application give* Ktic and Heat. 50c. wl Nearly Every WHA Don't whsIp your til Come right here, where y< modern, up-to-date 5, 10 a saving in time as well as everything everybody wai LOOK FOH HHP 1 W. E. ^ln > THAT ILL SUITS?Men's and Boys, ndle no other kind. We nevei nsuited with a suitable suit. \ e?business suits, street suit suits,/ expensive suits, any ki M leye And Be Suited Wi B. FERGUSO : US" -> LAI t=3in uii==?" aTj jrii jXj A a iri iri A M I COUGHS A V V r^h (rcQl ? ! m . , A [Ql Quickly Re ?i> n NyaTs Wi X Syrup; A ffj] no Nam A P a Pi H T 101 ^ = ^ HI / Insi* I X Nyal's 1 ! ?|> = Best. Sol ; X a V r^S z K?3 T ^ i I IT/1 i nunr* ILAINIASI tK OPEN EVEKY Ni 'it A^A A^A A^A w* ^0* y MIDWAY NEWS. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Catoe and children spent Saturday night at the home of the formers mother, Mrs. Wm. Catoe. Miss Mary New visited Miss Bessie Catoe Sunday. Mr. Pete Faulkenburry and Allison Deas visited Mr. Onnie Catoe Sunday. I Mr. Dewey Neal spent Saturday night with Mr. Burreland Jack Phillips. I Mrs. L. M. (lardner and children and Mrs. Matilda Faile and grand-' daughter. Ruth, visited Mrs. J. M.' 1 Phillips Sunday. Miss Pearlie Deas spent Saturday j afternoon with Miss Bessie Catoe. : thir^g To Nearl; T Db YOU W ' me walking alluver town liuntin iui can get ev^ryfhing under one nd 25 cent #tore, iU the lowest p money. /We caterto everyhod; its. / -s- \ n\()^T - XKX? % OR DAVIS 1 i ]l' ^==l[g SUIT | We sell suits that suit, r let a customer leave our U Ve have suits suitable for 1 s, work suits, moderate ind of a suit to suit you. jU 1 1 [g] ith A Suitable Suit. N & SON NCASTER, S. C. II' 'Hol M?0MJDSl T fcojl ?? on ?? lieved With fnl X nter Cough ?? Contains V _ T IHJ )tics. Not [ ] itent. [] I T it On V he Very X Id Onlv By = V PHARMACY I inilT IT1WTII 1A.')A ? iuiti uiinii iu;i)u ^ A^A A^A *^A Mrs. Jane Pittman and daughters, Mrs. Connie Mongo and children and Misses ,Etta Pittman and Birdie Phillips visited at the home of Mrs. Jack Gardner Sunday. Mr. W. L. Adams and L. M. Gardner made a business trip to Lancaster Tuesday. Mr. Labon Pittman visited Jack Gardner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Johnie Morgan spent Wednesday night with Mr. and Mrs. T. E. W. Adams. Miss Minnie Catoe visited Miss Cora Lee Lane Wednesday. Mr. Reed Roberts of the Longsville section spent Wednesday night at the home of his daughter, Mrs. T. E. W. Adams. The ice cream supper was largely attended and greatly enjoyed. =LL y Everydody I 'ANT? I ig for something yon need. B roof to be foand in a g rices in town, and at great 9j v', and we have just about 8 m*m rn m m?m Hi m TO ftOYAL HOTEL I ? co. I