t JUDGE CLAY1 admitted as authentic. Whereupon Ju while he was in congress as chairman passed a law permitting proof of handwt referred the contending lawyer to the ] Statutes where the law could be found. "Sometimes even a practicing lawye attorney, as he sat down. KENYON MADE T Senator Kenyon stirred the senate to a high pitch of hunger the other day. He was talking about child labor. In the course of his talk he J drew a picture of a fnrmer's boy sitting down to on old-fashioned country dinner. j The senrtor was contrasting the life of the factory hoy and the farm boy. He said that while the farm boy worked in the llelds, rested at noon by turning the grindstone, milked the cows and so on, still he went swimming and fishing, saw the circus, and h?d a pretty good time. "I have a very distinct recollection that as a hoy on a farm I had to pitch the bundles to the threshing machine," said he. "I used to think that was about the hardest work that j could possibly be done In tlie world. ' "But when you remember the farmer's dinner?the fried chicken and | mashed potatoes, and gravy, and corn on the cob, and tomatoes, and the bread mouth, and the apple pie with a piece o and llo under a tree?it was not so bad, At this point there was a general r of orders for fried chicken. MAYOR MITCi the fruine of the mayor, his face contor made a frantic pass at the hack of his lei were already leaving the field, and the their retreat. And even while he groane. broke Into the rollicking notes of "N? Twice." And the mayor took the hint a ADMIRAL HERI Herbert Quick, member of the new farm loan board, looks like a magnate, even If he Is a farmer. One day when he went into breakfast In Youngs hotel In Hoston, one of the dignified and portly negro waiters came over and filling his glass said: "Good morntn', genernl, will you have some canteloup?" "Yes," said Quick, "but I am not a general." The waiter brought It and said: "Now, governor, will you have some cereul?" "Yes, some oatmeal, but 1 am not a governor." Again ine waiter carne ana said: "Now, Judge, what 1* you gwlne to have for breakfast?" "Ilring me some ham and eggs," suid Quick, "but I aro not a Judge." As the meal drew to Its close the waiter said: "lloss, does you mind tellln' me what you is?" Quick's rense Of humor had been olready aroused and ho said: "Why, no, I don't mind telling you I am the admlru) of the Sw negro. "I did uot know Jes what you you was you was de top of the heap." Ills tip wfl smithereens by the shells, and when broken off they let the wire fall tint to the ground." Restful. "That hired man of yours is a very picturesque figure," remarked the artist. "I'd like to paint him." "Go 07. fur ez you like," replied the farmer, "but it seems to me I've heard somewheres thet they ain't much of anv market fur still life pictures." Name of Spirit. Press Agent?I've got a dandy name for the chorus beauties of this piece. Manager?What is it? Press Agent?I call 'em our Rrnndy ' Peaches. Its Usual Course. I "What's this scandulous story all 1 about, anyhow?" "I think It's all about town." iRilimrcnpcc h VHIVUVIIUllll II Ths function of the liver Is to purify the bl decay. Constipation. biliousness. weakness. dc from an nnclean liver. It is nothing leaa than a The eetabliehed remedy ia Dr. Thacher's Livi It is a pore. harmleM and effective vegetal for liver complaints, biliousness, kidney trouble stomach, sick hsadaehea. It contains gentle lax The response ia quick, sure and lusting. Buy a THACHER MEDICINE C< ? pcreat business activity Is here. Will carries you swiftly to success? This ? This Is a year filled with opportunity foi KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, RAL SUCC^SSJI A Y This la one of the beet and simplest double strol | % patent automatlo choke relief; oapactty D 1 rHEPlAI EROUS C l's Liver Tone Acts Like C< Sick?Don't Lose a Day's V Hen, Women, Children?Re k. It's horrible! right up and m; Irug tonight and want you to go work. money. Dodsor vcr which causes sale of calomel vhen it comes in- entirely vegetabl lino it, breaking make you sick, lat awful nausea I guarantee th; Liggish and "all Tone will put > >rpicl and bowels clean your bowel , dizziness, coated waste which is c h sour, just try a you feel miserab vcr Tone tonight. Dodson's Liver any drug store feeling fine for ti on's Liver Tone. It is harmless; dc 't straighten you ant taste.?Adv. His Idea. "You're charging us elty prices for these raspberries." said the summer resorter to the farmer. "Yep. You're city folks, ain't you?" "Of course." "And used to paying city prices?" "That's true, but we picked these berries ourselves." "Well ain't that the fun you came out here to get? You don't expect to j get your fun for nothing. do you?"? i Detroit Free Press. i I .A I >1KS KAKN BIO MONKY TAKING I orders for l>r. Sawyer's lt< ttiellldicd years The SnwyiR<|iiaw Hoot t'o.. 177 N. Stale St.. 1>< t>t H, Chicago A1? remedy, prescribed by reputable physicians >. impure or bad blood, pimplee, indigestion, soar H stives, which cncourmre the liver todo its duty. bottle today. 60c and $1 at your dealer's. m I CHATTANOOGA, TENN. | OPPORTUNITY GREAT PROSPERITY yon g<*t on the crest of the wave that chrrol gives von the necessary training, r you. FOR HANDSOME CATALOGUE Addreti EIGH, N. C., or CHARLOTTE, N. C. PRESS PRICE $50.001 Naaataclara? try , Glfi - MMSftjJ A* " 0 0lilNN JESLP, OA. re horse power hay pre sees on the martiev Baa ?alaa per hour. WRITS FOB DKHCR1FTION& CE OF ALOMEL jlomel But Doesn't Gripe, Vork?Harmless Liver :ad Guaranfppl ike yovi feel fine and vigorous I hack to the store and get your i s Liver Tone is destroying the because it is real liver medicine; c. therefore it can not salivate or at one spoonful of Dodson's Liver our sluggish liver to work and s of that sour bile and constipated logging your system and making le. I guarantee that a bottle of Pone will keep your entire family nonths. Give it to your children. >csn't gripe and they like its pleas* "Saved Daylight" 40 Years. Monson. in Maine, wonders why there is so tnue)i ado about the "daylight saving" plan. According to the Youth's Companion, about 40 years ago someone in the town suggested that It would be a good thing for the workers in the slate quarries to gain an hour of daylight by going to work an hour earlier in the morning and stopping work an hour earlier at night. The town adopted the suggestion, hut instead of changing the working hours it set the eloeks ahead. Through all the years since then the clocks of Monson have been an hour ahead of the clocks in other Maine towns. Assessed Value. Diverted Wife?I want to otTer five dollars reward for news of my huehand, dead or alive. Police Ollicer?Put, madaiu, you ought not to put news of him dead or alive at the same figure. D. \V.?All right. Make It ten dollars reward if he's dead. Nothing More. "Your wife must he very solicitous about you." "Why do you say that?" "She writes every day." "She's solicitous about the canary." ?Louisville Courier-Journal. Long Arm of the Curate. She?(Jertie says the curate put his arm around her three times last night. lie?The bounder must have a torriblv long arm.?Passing Show. ECZENM3 'Hnnt'a Curn" ts Kuaranteed to top and permanent 1 y euro that i A terrible itelnnK It la com- /**-'" n vjl pounded for that purpT/ "I j refunded without <)"?**tloll 1fg J J I If llimi s Cure ful s to ,-nre f y? / / | or any other eklD di.senio 5Uu / I the box. \ / j For ?ale by all droit utoroi / or by mail from tlio I A, B. Richards Medicine Co., Sherman.Tei 1 why not ti-vr poph AM'S !| | ASTHM MEDICINE: C OlTfs Prompt and Positive Relief In Every i s Cieae. Sold by DruKfl?ti. Price HAW. Trial Package by Mail Inc. <1 > WILLIAMS MF8. CO., Props. Clenland, 0. J DRIVEMALARIA OUT OFTHLSYSIEM A t.OOl) TONIC ANI> APPETIZER TEACHERS WANTED icboola. |AU to |7&. tli I.adl*? oomblnlng tnuelo and son.nion School, unprecedented demand (31 tirade end h>k'b aobonl. Can place all qualified teacher* (or any of tbe above Write today Hunlhrni I rachnre' Aj'ry ,ll-SiCar?ll?e li.l ?U? 0 KODAKS & SUPPLIES ? y We also do hiftbest claea of finishing I Prices and Catalogue upon request W j^JI S. Galrtki Optical Co., Kickatnd, Va. tAfekfe*'*? V HAIR BALSAM * toilet preparation of merit, ^ Van H*Ip* 10 eradicate dandruff. )'V-, )0 For Rnitoriai Color and R ,lwJ8 r BeautyloGwjrorFaded Hair. ? FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Diaaohred In water for douchea atop* pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflammation. Recommended by Lydia E. Pinkham Med. Co, for ten yaara. A healing wonder for naaal catarrh, aore throat and aora eyea. Economical. Ha* extraordinary daaam.c and genairirlal power. Saaapla Fr-a. 50c. ell jrn?in. of postpaid by V tr.aj. TVf ??>nti ro?1?d Co?*pe*r. Bort