,J " * I M | PERSONALS 1 la Miss lassie Johnson of Ashevllle i' visltiug relatives in the city. Tu. T. C Hicks made a business trip to Rock Hill Thursday. Mr. W. T. Gregory has returnee fiom a business trip to Charlotte. Miss Adelaide Nelson of tlu? Unitj community was in the city Friday. Miss Lynn Williams of Sanford, N C., was visiting in Lancaster Friday. ?o? Mr. Benraark Palmer ot Aliendah is visiting relatives in the city thi; week. Mr. J. A. Hyatt of Van Wyck was a business visitor in Lancaster thk week. Mr. S. M. Barnette spent Wednes day and Thursday in Charlotte or business. Mr.. H. B. Rollings of the Oak hurst community was in the eit: Wednesday. Miss Marie Craig of the Nortl Lancaster community was a visitor ii Lancaster today. Mr. Paul Ross Moore of Greenvilli is a guest of his parents, Judge anc Mrs. Ernest Moore. Mrs. Boswell Plyler and Missei Boyoe Moore and Paris .Elliot motor od to Kershaw Friday, f ?o?Mr. T. M. Anderson of Catawbr Junction was a business visitor in th< city one day last week. Miss Louise Wylie, who has beet visiting in Charlotte for severa days, returned home today. Miss Virginia Taylor of Camden V. expected today for a visit to her sis ter Mrs. Ira II. Jones, Jr. Mrs. Mary Barron and daughter Miss Mary Locke, will leave Saturdaj for U lion for a few days visit. Mr. E. Jarmon of Monroe Is visit lng at the homo of Mr. J. W. Knighi In the Camp Creek community. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Moore and Mis: Boyoe Moore of Hartsville are tin guests of relatives in the city. ?o? Mrs. W. D. Craig and children ant Mrs. S. C. Craig left Thursday foi Rock Hill to visit friends and rela tires. Mrs. S. M. Barnette and childrer are spending some time with friends and relatives in .... Hill and Fori Mill. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Johnson, v-lu have been visiting friends and rela tives in the city for several days, re turned to their home In Asheville to day. Messrs. Bob Flnley and Hennini Adickes of York are expected in thf city today to attend the dance giver at the Mackey Opera House this ev lng. Messrs. R. E. Wylie, W. T. Greg sjnry. Sheriff Hunter, Chief Orr anc Hon. R. S. Stewart have been ir Charlotte th+s week attending flu trial of the Skipper case. ?o? Messrs. C. H. Rowell of Tabernacb community and Lee Oatoe of Kc sliaw passed through Lancnstei Thursday on their way to attend th< Junior Order meeting lu Greenwood Messrs. T. L. Bird. R. B. Lowry, W T. Holley and T. J. DeBurhl of Jef ferson were visitors In the city Thurs day. Prom here they went to Green wood to attend the State Junior Or deT meeting. AID SOCIETY MEETS. The members of the ladles' Aid Society of the Baptist church mel Tuesday afternoon and decided tc hold their annual bazaar Tuesday Decmebr 5th, 1916. Refreshment? will be served. All members are requested to remember the date. AT THE STAR TODAY MME OL^/PETROVA ENERNAL QUESTION." 11 m [short news) m |' > Mr. J. F. Hunter left Thursday for Shelby. N. C.. where he will recuper- \ ate for several days. Dr. J. W. H. Dyches of Heath Springs is attending the State Junior ' Order meeting iu Greeuwood this v eek. Mr.. J. T. Wylie, who has been in he Northern markets for several days purchasing fall goods, returned * Thursday. ?o? Misses Edith L. Parrott and Mar3 tha Crelghton attended a meeting of ' the Elgin Demonstration Club this afternoon. , o 3 Miss . Jones has return- f ed from the market where she | bought the fall and winter stock of f . millinery for Barnette's 5 and lOo 5 i stojre. j Dr. J. W. Dycnes will preach at 1 ~ the Flint Ridge church next Sunday ' night, Sepiember, 10th. The mem- ! hers are requested to bear this an- I nouneement in mind. j ?o? I 1 Many young people from various I parts of the State are expected in the 4 city today to attend the dance given I I by tho members of the Lancaster < German Club at the Maekey Opera ( House this evening. i i ?o? t Prof. Paul H. Calvin, livestock ex- i pert under supervision of Clemson College, has been in the city the past i j two days supervising the construe- , , tion of a modern silo on the farm of i Mr. L. C. Lazenby. ? i Messrs. H. R. Blakeney, J. S. Wil- 1 1 son. I). V. Hinson, J. J. Hinson. B. F. Adams. B. F. .Usher. J. N. Neal, Jno. ' A. Cook, S. S. Steele and E. Clyburn ' Wilson left Thursday morning for - Greenwood to attend the State Junior Order meeting. Dr. Leslie, who has been connected ' v ith the Standard Drug Company for several months, has resigned his position and will move to Kershaw about the tirst of October. We re1 gret very much to lose these splend'd young people from our city. j Miss Charlotte Jones, who has been tho popular milliner for the Lancaster Mercantile Company for a I r.umber of years, has accepted a pos'.r tion as milliner with Burnett's 5 and _|10r store this ta.. and will be glad to see her friends and olu customers j there. f ' Mr. (j. L. McManus, County Farm f I demonstration Agent, was a pleasant * caner at The ?>ews oftlce lnursday. t He requests all people throughout < > the county Interested in the bee In- c dustry to get in direct touch with him 1 - immediately, as he has some very valuable Information for them. t There will he a Sunday School Ral- "* ' ly at Zion Sunday, September 11, at 1 > 10 o'clock. All members of th ? s i church and Sunday school are urged c to be present, especially all church I f fticers >riss Lilly Usher and Mr. J. T. Oreen will be the speakers, which i means something for the school and I an present. 1 Prof. C. E. Wesalnger arrived in the city Wednesday and began preparation for the opening of school ' next Monday. He has recenntly re turned from an extended vacation ' trip during which time he visited - Chicago, Muwaukee. Hetrolt. Niagra . "alls. New lork City, LJoston. Washington and many other points. " OAKIimST DEMONSTRATION CLUB TO MEET * V ^ A meeting of the members of the Oakhurst Demonstration Club will he held at Oakhurst school house I Friday afternoon, September lf>, beginning at 3 o'clock. A splendid program has been arranged for the occasion. A lecture of canning will be delivered by an expert on the subject. Luther Allison of The News has ' also *been invited to deliver an ad- ' dress. Ice cream will be served at 5 o'clock. / The public cordially Invited to at ' tend. ^ 11 * 1 : What Croup/Come* \ Treat Externally The oldVnfdhod/t dosing delicate little ' stomachs with jmuseous drugs is wrong 1 and hannful\ /ry the external treatment I ?Vick's VamO-Itub" Solve. Just rubs ' little over thf\hrost and chest. The v?> pore, released brohe body hest, loosen the 1 choking uhlegm\snd esse the diffloulft ' breathing A bedtime eppliostiou insures sound alAep. 25c, f?bc or $1.00. YlCfo^SALYE THE LANCASTER NEW DKATH OF MRS. HANNAH MOBUBY DUNCAN. On the 30th day of August. 1884 here eatne to brighten the home of Mr. Rerry and Mrs. Callfe Mobley at ^akhurst a wee baby girl, Hannah ?their first born?and for 32 years she lived?a joy and pride to family itid friends. On Sept. 5, 1016, at a sanatarium n Asheville. N. where sue had 5f??n for several months, trying to >vereome the ravages of disease, driving vainly for health, the death Jtigel hovered and carried her away Tom her home and loved ones. Through childhood and girlhood ler sunny disposition and helpful atitude were assets to home and duriue ichool and college life her falthful\ess to duty won the approval and 'riendship of teachers and fellow itudents alike. After her graduation rom Winthrrvr. Cnllniro ?' wj, VVHV50 UC1 OCIY1W8 is a teacher of ability were much sought. For several years she taught n the high school at Heath Springs tnd among these students also she s cherished In memory. In May, 1913, she was married to VTr. L/ewis A. Duncan with whom she eaves a little daughter about one ear of age to share the home made leautiful by her presence?desolate >y her absence. On Thursday her body, escorted iy a large concourse of friends, was :enda?ly laid away at Salem ceme:ery near the resting place of her nother who had preceded her only a tw years to that "bourn from which to traveler returns." Besides her father, several brothers and sisters survive her: Messrs. lesse and Harvey Mohley o:' Heath Springs. Mr. Zed "Mobley of Hender'onville, N*. C., Mr. Oranson Mobley if El Paso, Tex., and Misses Maude tnd Emma Mobley of Heath Springs. [ . n. C. HOLDS INTERESTING MEETING After a very pleasant summer vacation, the members of the U. D. C. leld their first fall meeting Thurslay at the home of Mrs. M. R. Mc^ardell. The meeting was called to iraer by the president, Mrs. G. J. Derrick, after which the roll was ailed and minutes read. Mrs. Mary McDow. treasurer, read .he annual report of the chapter vhloh was very gratifying to the nemhers. Mrs. McDow handed in ler resignation as treasurer which >vas very reluctantly accepted. Mrs. D. C. Rlarkmon was elected treasurer nstead. The historical program was next n order. The U. 1). C. ritual was Irst read. This was followed by the 3rooks Summers Controversy taken rom the Wrongs of History Righted. Mrs. W. E. Taylor read an ineresting article from A. W. Chance ntltled "Historical Survey of Exiting Times in Lancaster During the iVar Rotween ftio Sioloo " The Daughters were glad to enroll he najme of Mrs. E. J. Hinson as a nember. Tho guests of the Chapter vere Misses Grace Carson and Janie )avis. Mrs. Mary Barron rendered leveral selections on the piano ac ompanled by her daughter. Miss dary Locke. The hostess served dainty refreshnents. IEACHKHS ARRIVE THIS WEEK. Miss Alma Duke Jones of Millers>urg, Ky., will arrive in Lancaster Saturday. She has charge of tnc eusic department this season. Miss lones specialized at the Conservatory >f Cincinnati, where she not only mproved her own mastery of the art >ut availed herself of the opportuniy to be enabled to impart her knowledge to others by taking the Normal ou rse. Miss Ethel O. Brock will arrive roin Honea Path, Saturday. Miss Hock was the successful teacher of he third grade last session. Miss Bryan of Sumter and Miss ^ynch of Saluda are expected Satur ay also. These two teachers did ex -*: ii*-ni worn in me nign scnooi last pssion. Miss Juanjte oely will be here for he teachers' meeting Saturday. She lid excellent work last session in preparing - the pupils of the seventh rrade for high school. Miss Miriam Jennings takes the dace of Miss Walker in me sixth rrade. Miss Jennings is a graduate nthrop an. comes highly recom nended. r-' flrady Bowman of Manning, !. ('., wli; arrive Friday evening. Ho succeeds Prof. Peaster as principal. |jx*Fot, A WH, Effactive Laxative i Liver Tonic Dee* Not G*pe nor Disturb the Stomach. la addition tA other /roperti ea, Lax-Poo contains Caacara in acceptable form, a stimulating LaxatiVfe and Tonic. Laz-Poa acts effecttvelyVjhd does not gripe nor listnrb 3totnach/ At the same time, it aids iigeslion.aroq^cVthe liver and secretions and restores (he healthy functions. 50c. For Results Advertise in The Lancaster News. ft FRIDAY, SEPT. 6. 1910. LAM'ASTKH CiltADKD SCHOOLS Ol'KN MONDAY I J Sunt. Wossinaer snvv lie is liiratlv Impressed witli < tout look for a Splendid Fall Session. In conversation with The News, correspondent today. Supt. Wessinger pave out the following information in regard to tiie opening 01 'school Monday: He will he iu the o. ,ce at the Central school from lo until 11 a. in. Saturday to give delinquent pupils of the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth mules information in regard to the {examination to be given on Monday alter other pupils have been dismiss eu. This change has been decided I upon In order to give all pupils anj oven start Tuesday. The first teachers' meeting will be held In the Central school building c.n Saturday at 4:30 p. m. All pupils will report directly to | their rooms for assignment of lesson. Each teacher will conduct devotional exercises in their respective rooms. There will be no chapel exercises on Monday. A list of honks is in the hands of each local dealer for the sake of: ;avoiding any inconvenience to both] i dealer and customer, incident to a sudden rush, it is advised that, books 'should he purchased as early as possible. Cpon being asked to express his polnir n of the next session, Supt. Wessinger said that the strong educational ! spirit prevalent in Lancaster would ei able the teachers to give their b?st I efforts to the pupils, and that he expected this to be the best ever. Ho was also much pleased with the sue-1 cess Miss Kirk had in competing for the beneficiary scholarship at Win-1 throp. RROOKI/YN STREET NEWS. Editor of The News: If you will allow me space in yourj columns I will try and give you a few dots from Brooklyn street. A pretrootod meeting is in pro-; gross at the Second Baptist church.! j Rev. T. A. Dabney is doing the preaching. '| Mr. Will Robinson of Kershaw is visiting his father, Mr. Robt. Hobin1 son. who had the misfortune to fall and sprain bis hip one day last week. Mr. Ray Harris, who has been sufw tli fever, is reported to bo ' improving. u Miss Maude fames of the county !s visiting frlendes here this week. Mrs. J. W. Kirkley of near JetTerson is visiting her mother. Mrs. H. E., Knicrht. Mr. Joe Rlackmon of York rountv visited friends here and in the county last week. Mr. E. Hunter of Westville has accepted n position at the cotton mill.' Mrs. Metter Stewart and children visited in the county last week. The Mill Company is to he complimented on the nice work they are doing on the streets. When this work is completed we will have as nice streets and sidewalks as you will find in a mill village. "Factory Boy." If you feel "blue," "no account," lazy, you need a good cleaning out. HERBINE is the Mght thing toi that purpose. It stimulates the liver,, tones up the stomafl\and purifies th*? bowels. Price 50.\\ Miss Edith L. Parrot;, State agent. South Carolina Canning and Home ' Demonstration Work co-operating with Winthrop College, is in Lan< aster today. She is here for the purpose of advising with Miss Martha (J. Creighton, Lancaster County! Agent, relative to the local county) j work. Miss Parrott is deeply intereste 1. in the great work being accomplishied in this State under the expert di-| reetlon of her able crops of efficient assistants in each county where the, work has bpen located, and at thej United States department of agri-j culture at Washington. D. C., she is considered one of the best if nnt tn. Vest, State agent employed in til is > particular work. Miss Parrott is highly pleased with the results so far accomplished in Lancaster county, and it is her deistre to see this one of the highest de-"*" veloped counties to tie found in the ,State. OUIEra STRONGER To l>e heal&iy at ?e?vemy, prepare at forty, is souuA advice/'beaiuse In the strength of middle lifeAve too often forget that neglected Voldi, or careleaa treati ment of slight ftafca end pains, simplj undermine strength and bring cbrook weakness for laRen years. To be stronger when older, keep yotu blood pure amd rick and active wnh tbr ! strength-hifudlng and blood-nourishing propertied of 9cott's gjtaulsion which is* food, a/onic and amedicineto keep your blood/rich, alleviate rheumatism and avoya sickness. No alcohol in Scott's. / ttcett & Bowae. Bloomficld. M. i. I MISS MARY KIHK m M ,VVVXS PROFESSIONAL CARDS Miss Mary Kirk received notilica(ion yesterday that she had wou one of the benellelary scholarships given CcHTIODdl by Winthrop College in a recent ex- ,, . . , ? , ? animation hoi,I at the court house lu Kecistered Optometrist Jul iind Manufavturihu: Optician. Miss Kirk was a member of the ANI)h, S. (J. , . Standard Lirux CT.. local reprefirst eleventh guide woik inaugural- sentntives. Take your broken leusee ef HAUL'S CATARRH LfXV. U. O . rULLAAD MEDICINE. PRANrf J. CHENEY VETERINARY SURGEON xt'v T&XL'P.Treatment of Sick, Lame and Ais?ai)1886 \^N??SAp2biic. Disabled Horses, Mules and CatHall's Catarrh MeXlcine is taken In- tie. ternally and acts tlrrough the Blood on Office* for S'"" Orrery-Hood Uv, Stock Co. F J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O. Telephone 22? Isancaater, 9. O. Sold by all druggists. 75c. Residence Telephone 113 Hall's Family pills for constipation. I COLLEGE BOYS AND GIRLS | i ...LEAVE SHORTLY... k > > f BUY EVERYTHING YOU CAN Y ? AT HOME BEFORE LEAVING. IS *f x i i I 5] We Are Headquarters For [J Y [1 Fine Stationery .? % y Toilel Artic^s | X V fnl Perfumery ? |J Tooth I\ste U ?* V Toot hy Brushes V, Hhir Brushes Y V Soap, Etc. Y A ! Y M AGKNTSJEOR __ ? X X PARK Ar Til,FORDS FINK ( AM)IKS {(a^} ?|> I LANCASTER PHARMACY I T OPEN KVEKY NIGHT UNTIL 10:30 V fSHOESl for .ALL THE FAMILY AT OLD PRICES' 7 \ / HI We bought all our staple shoes early in January, oerore tne advance, this means that we own our shdes at the same price as last year and we are going to sell them on the same basis. This means a saving to you of 25c to 50c pair on children's shoes and 50c to $1.00 on ladies' and i w men's shoes. V/e have an enormous stock of shoes and will sell them all at the old prices. But remember we can sell these shoes only once aud when we have to buy they k.. r? c* will uc uignci. lci us iii (fie ramuy up at these savings. ROBINSON-CLOUD CO. LANCASTER'S LEADING STORE. I