1 m Malaria qr Chills & Fever Ptnctipdoo N4l tfb U prepared'eapecially lor MALARIA** CHILLS A FCVCR. Fire or ?i* do*c? will break any care, and If taken lk? ae atonic the Fever will not return. It act* on the Uver better than Cak>n?el and daea not gripo or rickan. 2Sa FORGKT YOUR ACHKS Stiff knees, aching limbs, lame back make life a burden. If you suffer from rheumatism, gout, lumbago, neuralgia, get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment, the universal remedy for pain. Easy to apply; it penetrates without rubbing andj soothes the tender flesh. Cleaner and more effective than mussy ointments or poultices. For strains or sprains, sore mnBcUo ?? ligaments resulting from strenuous exercise. Sloan's Liniment gives quick relief. Keep It on hand for emergencies. At your druggist, 25.?Adr. Tl My CONKL A ND it no^ only m -tx and higheft grades k with speed an? smoot TjjSelf-Filling W Fountain Pen NONLEAKABLE has over 1,500,000 satfefi Let us show you a Conk ticular style of writing. STANDARD Telephone 4 mm i >?t?n i ?<*> * i FRESH SF of !| GARDENER II CITRON i! POlJND ]| MAR^SIE II We Slice This /Cake II i1' = 11 Give Us An /Order EDWARDS < { a S ICE CREAM j r 9 Oar Ice Creanp is Par Rich and toothsomeJ always the hesf.X On a are large and Insc^ous A a happy smile. / Buy Your Candy When a A Compete l,i ^ CiiiarrHts an I LANCASTER CAI an MIDWAY CAN : 2 STRIKE OF TRAINMEN NARROWLY AVERTED] Action Prevented by Discovery of ! Error in Telegram to Texas Brotherhood. 'Houston, Tex., Sept. JL? \ strike or trainmen on the Southern Pacific lines in Louisiana and Texas was averted tonight by the timely discovery and correction of an error in the code message sent from j Washington revoking the general j railway strike orders. The code message as received here by J L. Morgan, general chairman of t!it- trainmen's organization, owing to a mistake in the wording, faded to reVnlu tho AfUlr.nl ? 1 * . ,?v V. .6IU>I aiuivr uruur ana until a second dispatch was received at 9 o'clock tonight, enroling the error, preparations were continuing for the trainmen to quit work tomorrow morning. With the receipt of the second message or-i ders Immediately were issued to abandon plans for the strike. tats The Way fi' -IN Writes" M eans better writing ?it does the work H hness. KL Old fashioned writ- KB ing instruments are mX set aside for this H efficient self-filler, if The Conklin is the B original self-filler and V ied users everywhere. |R , iia suited to your par- It \ DRUG CO. oSSL Starnm Lanccster, S. C. ? ? * ! ?? ?? , ? f ? IIPMENT I > :'S CAKES I: i' CAKE II CAKE !! CAKE II I: ? * i r j x{n Any Quantity, I For Melrose Flour. II & HORTON I; : \ND SODAS S i t and Wholesome, 0 ajvays the same, w r sodas and snndaes J y Every trial brings ^ ... ^ | ^ I Kit's Fresh and Handy \ 1 ine of Cigars, 0 d Tobaccos. ^ ncuiy-iwo oxners or the crew were left on F>phant is-1 land on April 4. The first attempt to rescue these men ? wr.s made in June and the second attempt In1 July, both failing on account of the ice. I HARVIN'S COTTON ItKPORT Replies to 2,000 in(|tiiries sent to every cotton growing State as to the growing condition of cotton to August the 24th, shows an average condition of 57.8. * I1 lly States as Follows: Alabama 4 6.6 Arkansas 65.8 j California 87.6 1 Horida 55. ' Georgia 57.5 j Louisiana 58.111 Mississippi 27. !' Missouri 76.8' North Carolina 62.611 Oklahoma 41.7,! South Carolina 4 8.2t; Tennessee 6 8.2 ! Texas 58. 1 Virginia?No report. Extreme drought and extreme] rainfall in various sections of the'l belt are the contributing causes of 1 the great deterioration from the pievious report and that section where commercial fertilizers are used report the plant as suffering! very much for want of German pot- ; ash salts. Please accept mv thanks! for yr}ur kind, sincere co-operation. Yours very truly, REN 11. HARVIN. WKItK K KPT A LIVE TXDER DIFFICULTY London. Sept. 5.?A fuller report from Lieut. Sir Ernest II. Shackleton. who arrived at I'unta Arenas, Chile, Sunday, with the rescued members of his Antart.ic expedition marooned on Elephant Island, gives ciedit to Frank Wild, second in command, of the party on board the lost ship, the Endurance, for having kept his party together under trying ' and difficult conditions. Sir Ernest gives a detailed account by Wild telling of the appalling weather during the early days of , their imprisonment on the ice Hoes. Realizing the difficulty with which any rescue would be attended they made a food allowance which they ' cow and then supplemented with i penguins, sea weeds and limpets. j PA SSK Xou College pork was produced ati i> cost of four and four-tenths cents (4.4) to six cents (6) per pound when forage crops were used wi'hl the grain rations, while gains produced on grain alone cost from nine (0) to twelve (12) cents per pound.| Such results are not uncommon >n comparative feeding experiments, therefore it is a fair comparison of cost of gains and without unsuitable forage. Forage alone is not sufficient. For growing pigs, feed in addition to forage from two to thim-; pounds of grain daily for each one hundred pounds of live weight, in which case a 100-pound pig would he getting from two to three p->uncls rjf grain daily. If hogs a''f being! fattened, heavier feeding is advisa-j hie. Good water and abundant j shade are also essential. Fall and winter pasture should he( arranged for without delay. Sow I rape in September, preferably i>e-1 fore the middle of the month.! Rape demands rich and well prcpar-) c d soil. l op-dress with wen-rotted j manure if possible. Fse only the! Dwarf Essex rape and sow at rate of! seven to nine pounds per acre: lib-1 eral sealing pays. Other good fal'i and winter grazing crops are Ah-1 ruzzi rye, oats and wheat. Kern em her that fall and winter grazing, ( rops are not possible unless seed-, ing Is done at once, llnr and Grim-! ron clover are splendid h games fo grazing and can he depended on folate winter and early spring graz itig. I WOMEN WILE MEET. suffrage Convention to Open in Atlantic City Wednesday. Atlantic City, N. J., Sept. 3.? rhe question whether the National j Woman's Suffrage association shall imit itself to working for either na-j ional or State legislation or shall continue its present policy of supporting both State and national campaigns is among the most important subjects to he considered at the contention which begins here next; Wednesday. Every State in the ITn ion will be represented when the convention is called to order. jf) LEGAL NOTICES [?] NOTICE. STATE OK SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lancaster. Coujt of Common Pleas. \ / i Cetherlne > A. Mosler, io' her own right, and as Administrator of T. M. C. Mdaier, deceased, Plaintiff.1 \ / T, J. Mosler, And otherA, Defendants. Pursuant to^ii order of Judge I. W. Bowman, made j in the above stated case: \ / Notice is herebyy^lven calling upon all creditors oAthe estate of T M. C. Mosler, deceased, to present and establish th^r claims before the T-> -< L? - uiiuoimguru i\