a VILLA PUNNING TO I ATTACK AMERICANS I I PROBABLY NOW FAR SOUTH ] | "'We May Have Some Excitement Soon," is Observation . of Gen. Funston. San Antonia, Sept. 5.?The possibility that Francisco Villa is m.tk- ; tag his way to the northeast with tie intention of attacking; C'en. Per-J shing's expedionary force, was considered at Gen. Funston'- headquarters tonight. ( Gen. Funston said he had receiv- , ed a telegram from Gen. Bell at El Paso containing the gist of a report ( from Gen. Gonzales in Juarez, in | M' L i oil K " J " "IVII mu lauci ruiiiu uifi. till* 11 *finite location of Villa's force in the Sanat Clara Canyon. Gen. Gonzales said ho had dispatched troops to ? nRage Villa. ( Not Improbable. Says I'tin-don. Granted that Gen. Gonzales" inf r- , rnation is true. Gen. Funston said he yegarded it as not at ail improbable that Villa was planning to engr.ge ^ the Americans, probably at some jmint where they are not great in strength. "We may have some excitement soon." he observed. The Santa Clara Canyon is so far south of the southernmost Amen' s can detachment that there is plenty of time to get ready for Villa's rom:nt 'f he really is seeking combat. The Mexican consulate here has 1 received from Mexico City a dispatch which says that on Col. Maxi- 1 Toano Fernesi. a "legalista" leadei, captured in the I.acuna district and ( executed, was found a documenet slated August 26. lit 16. signed by Vrancisco Villa as "General in ' Chief." in which Villa .appointed Fernesi commander "of all the ' chiefs who operate in the T.aguna district." i sol TH CAIIOMN \ MOVES IT. f Clentson College. S. C.. Se.pt. 8. - 1 In the census year, more than twothirds of the total crop values in South Carolina were produced bv (otton alone, and her bill for imported food supplies was $95,000.000. The same year her cotton and . with surpluses to market nl>r..a1. ? A Twenty-seven Million lin'mi-p. j Hut last year was epoch makir-? ( in South Carolina. Ke ^nt reports j of the Federal Agricultural Department show that the State has giin?c-d $5,574,000 in livestock and $21.- ' ^>48.000 in food crops sinco ?1 ?? on sus year?a total gain of $27 000,MOrt in five years. On January 1, 1010. the farners / owr^d 1 4.000 more milch cows and r other e.ittle than in lain, nearlj a LO.oao more horses and mules, an 1 e 252.000 m">re swine. The six-year increases in food re->- we?*e as follows: Hay and for j age 00 ooo tons or 54 per cent: potatoes, 2.600.000 bushels or 51 per \ t; ;.*S. 4 2'* " hushe's n 7-1 t- \tn i t C.?C 000 hnshels or ,i a ent; wheat. 2.11S?,00O bushels or 6 82 percent. ^ It is a great record. South Caro \a ;.s ^ >ne a lone way toward- / est:?bt !-*h: r g t s<-!f-fe?-d;ng system.VV. R. Watsoa. j.; CANDIDATE HCCillKS f'V - FACED A WILSON CROWD A 'Louisville. Sept. 5.?Candidate Charles E. Hughes arrived here this ji morning at 8 o'clock front Nashville Tern., where last night lie was ral- s lied by a' good naturod crowd which cneereo rresiflent Wilson wh^ncvpr \\ the Republican candidate made attach a. \ The brief rear platform address n lanned for this place was abandoned. Mr. Hughes left here after a n 30-minute stay, going to Lexlng- r fcon. t< Give Your Li v \ Take a time tried and proven r&nc ; hreness, Biliousness, Jaundifco^ Ki Blood, Pimples, Indigestion./li su Dr. Thacher's Uver Ttar Liver mad Kidaay are jamr keil frieadi vhM MflecUi they beco?t jomr aoit dmage ihpahd yam ikeaU iii wjjfstely take this gr f \ T METM/iC gave CAUSES MOTHER WO NDER Mrs. Knowles Thinks Tanlac Gave Daughter Almost Unbelievable Aid. A TREATED FOR PELLAGRA Says Mrs. Benson Ate Only a Few Bites During a Day. ranrliiiikn Wot? V ??.U. "I do not see how any medicine could do as much for any one as lanlac did for my daughter," said Mrs. L. Knowles, of 118 Sumter St.. i Columbia, in a statement giving high endorsement to Tanlac. Mrs. Knowles referred to the case of Mrs. Bessie Benton, who lives at her mother's home. The relief Tanlac gave Mrs. Benton was remarkable, Mrs. Knowles said. Her statement, describing Mrs. Benton's ailments and the results Tanlac gave her follows; "My daughter, Mrs. Bessie BonIon. suffered from what was s?id :o be a severe case of pellagra. She vas treated by specialists here, and ad taken pellagra treatments, but he got no better while doing so. ?he did not eat anything at all. and do not see how she lived, sue ate :o little. Her stomach was in very' :ul shape, and many a day she did >ot eat over three or four bites dur ng the day. "She was run down terribly, had 10 strength and felt badly all the ime. Her head hurt her all the itr.e, and she was never easy, her end ached so much. Her nerves vere so bad that you could see her hake. "We read about Tanlac, and she lecided to buy it. And Tanlac aid ;er a wonderful amount of good. ;he has more life and energy now bar. she has had in years. She has good appetite, eats a great deci nd seems to have no trouble with w-r stomach. She says she does not re as quickly now, and she wor?\.s 11 day. hut. before she took Tania" >he was so weak she could hardly lo anything. "She has gained some weight ind looks a great deal better. She loes not complain of headaches lately. There is no medicine like ranlac she thinks. "I am glad to recommen'l Tanlae. tnd so is she. for she told me she ntended writing a testimonial and tending it to the State agent. I |?areA4ii|netotiale loans J of money on bipyoved rotton farms euf\isc it contains the well known tonic nfoffertiesof QUININE jtid IRON. It afasotithe Liver, Drives jut Malaria, Bjfriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. I TRAD l E itvATOP > MAN PAYS IT TO | THE FARMER THE. MERCHANT PAYS IT TO THE CARPENTER THE POWE rONSIDER the power of ^ magic. It circulates, and puts people to work i away to the out-ot-town hi us. It is out of commtssii never see it again. Let i remember that our best in "Keep Lancat -IMM -i-MiirnCTT' ? r - ^ ?I" 35 * / ^ == 'ft KZHZMUntHXIM H You Need a Tonic B There are times in every woman's life when she ^-*2 needs a tonic to help her over the hard places. L-J DM When that time comes to you, you know what tonic B?8 to take?Cardui, the woman's tonic. Cardui is com- fTl mjm posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which act gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs, ^ and helps build them back to strength and health, M It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak, BOB ailing women in its past half century of wonderful L _ J pj success, and It will do the satne for you. Kjl You can't make a mistake in taking I CARDUI | P8| \ The Woman's Tonic pi fifl \ Miss Amefla Wilson, R. F. D. No. 4, Alma, Ark., Bfifl says: "I thUnc Cardul is ths greatest medicine on earth, pi for wonm Before 1 began to take Cardui, I was Bfifl KM so \tapa and nervous, and had such awful dizzy PBI LJ spellrand a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and |Bfl asJfropg as I ever did. and can eat most anything " flU| Bdgin taking Cardul today. Sold by all dealers. Wk/ Has Helped Thousands. Ml FARMERS' MUTUALS If you Are not insured, now is a good time to insure. After the wAt spell/the roof of the house will be dry and may burn frOm ayfepark and fires frequently occur from ^ Lightning. \ / w n./k. BONF.Y. AGENT YOKIv - - MIFTII CAROLINA / , ? I Send The News Your Job Printing. E AT NOME | in i ? mi i I THE FARMER THE MERCHANT DEPOSITS IT IN RECEIVES IT FROM ? THE BANK ^ ^ TME^ANK i | THE CARPENTER THE GROCER X SPENDS IT AT THE RETURNS IT TO I GROCERY THE Ramk R OF A TEN DOLLAR BILL | a Ten Dollar Bill when it ts spent at home. It is like X It pays off a hundred obligations. It creates business ? in our community. Bat the ten dollar bill that is sent X ouse does nothing for our town. It becomes dead to ? on forever as far as our town is concerned. We X is, then, give power to the money we spend. Let us X vestment is that power-money that we spend at home. % iter Dollars in Lancaster." |