The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, May 23, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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LOCAL DOTS * 4 1,1 Born to Mr. and Mrs. C. I). Jones. Friday, May 19. a daughter. All trustees who have not sent In the results ol the recent trustee election will please report same at cnre to Superintendent V. A. Lingle. V. A. LINGL.E, Coi nty Superintendent of Educa" tlon. ?o? Captain A II. Greene's friends, and they are legion, will regret to knew of his serious indisposition. I^ast Saturday he suffered a second stroke of paralysis from the effects of which his condition is regarded as critical. ?o? In connection with "Haby Week" which will be held in this city June 1 and 2. each mother is required to supply a baby blanket and towel to used in the examination of her eh lid. DO YOl' KNOW THAT Efficient muzzling of dogs will < eradicate rabies The protection of the health of children is the first duty of the natton * 3ad temper is sometimes merely a sympton of bad health? Insanity costs every inhabitant in th? United States $1.00 per year? The United States Public Health Service has proven that typhus is spread by lice? Untreated pellagra ends in insanity? In the lexicon of health there Is no such word as "neutrality" against disease? * me aeatn rate or persons under j 45 la decreasing; of those over 45 it In Increasing? I Summer Cooking r Shouldn't Cook | the Cook f Getting dinner readv^S in July is just as com- 3 fortable as in Novem- I her?if vou use a <w FLORKNCK 'OIL N COOK STOVK. ? 4 ( he heat g >cs into the cooking, nut into the J kitchen. It does your 1 work 11 and reliably, I and keeps you comf-rtahlc. It requires less than a coal stove. I You can keep one or mor hot or merely simmering Come in and let us show Automatic Stoves work, 1 No Wicks to burn out. 1 started, each burner will power until you turn it out PERFECT DO YOU WANT A < Nunc and see the oil of the wick oil stove ^s Jamps. No wieks to An i from oil and air. Absonu room. all confined to guaranteed by the peopl people that sell it. Just think with one . no wer wood, 110 wood to and ashes to carry out wait a half hour to heat 1 me show you. I would also like to less Cooker that brain.duce. "The Ideal." tiinr Come ar.d go through \\ want to buy there will 1] your next trip to M Florence Oil Stove and tl Yours J. B. MA< # SALE IIV U. H. MARSHALL In the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of South Carolina. Kaymond C. Gritfiu. as survivor of the firm of K. M. Griffin & Co., . PlalntifT. vs. S. T. A. McMnnus. as administrator of the estate of T. S. Gregory, deceased, Defendant. By virtue of an execution in the above entitled cause lodged with me and dated March 17. 1916, I have levied upon the following described lands in Lancaster County, S. C. and will soli all the right, title and interest or the parties defendant in and to the same, for cash, to the highest bidder, within the legal hours of sale, at the Court House in Lancaster. S. C., on the 5th day of June. A. I). 1916, said lands being soi l as property of T. S. Gregory, d< eased: "A tract of land in Lancaster bounty. S. C.. containing ten(10? .ores and bounded on the north bv amis of W. Russell Gregory: on th ast by lands of M. Elizabeth Ttlaeknan; on the south by lands of the a d M. Elizabeth Blackmail, and or. he west by lands of Alice Gregory ind Amos C. Gregory, said tract icing a part o] the estate lands oi" he late Willis Gregory and designated as Tract ! k>. 1, and upon which he dwelling st.? nds. having been con ,veyed unto T. s\ Gregory by John Hunter, ! herlff of Lancaster bounty, by deed dated the 7th day >f February, Aj. D. l'JO?., and recorded in Book MJ at page 424: "Also tract containing fifty (50) acres, more or less, in the eaid County and State, bounded on the north by lands of Alice Gregory: on the east by lands formerly of Halle, nt al; on the south and west bv Flat Creek and being designated as Tract No. 4 in the division of the lands of the late Willis Gregory and allotted to Thomas S. Gregory In the said division, by an agreement, ov deed, dated the day of August. \. D. 1892 and recorded in Book G., page 779-781. Sold as the property of T. S. Gregorj t C. J. LYON. United States Marshall. Mov o Q U 95 1(1 ^mm The Turning Point in Oil Stove Hutor. " ' FLORENCE Oil Cook Stoves "Look for the fever" watching ami regulating e burners at an intenselv flame. 5 you how these Florence g low simple and reliable. I \ro Valves to leak. Once keep going at the same * ! LY SAFE REAL OIL STOVE A stovedhat is as far ahead j elevxrie lights are of oil rn out. ITeat generated itely safe, 110 heating the : stove. A stove that is le that make it and the of these stoves you have cut, 110 wood to carry in b, and you haven't got to up your stove. Come let show you the host Fire - has been ables to pro labor and worry saver, ith me. If you do not >e no harm done. Make ackorell's to s?k- the ic Ideal Fireless Oooker. truly ;korell i ,i i THE LANCASTER NEWS CELEBRATION OF MRS. S. C. GARDNER'S TOth BIRTHDAY On Sunday, May 21st, the c nlldreu, their families and a few friei.ds gathered at the home of Mrs. S. C. Gardner, the occasion being the celebration of her 70th birthday. All psesent enjoyed the choice dinner which was spread under the beautiful shade trees in the spacious yard. These days of reunion for this de/wl -I iuiou iniuui an- niwilJ'S niieCl Wit It Joy and they give assurance to Mr. and Mrs. Gardner as perhaps nothing else would do of the abiding affection of their children and the continued esteem of a large circle of friends. Th. occasion has been celebrated each >ear for the past twenty years. Their relatives and friends returned to their homes late in the afternoon, after wishing Mrs. Gardner many more happy birthdays. GRANDSON. DKATIl OF MRS. H. W. SISTARE Last Saturday the entire county was saddened to learn of the death pi M'\s 11. W. Sistare of the River-, side commpnity. She was found dead in her bed early in the morning, the cause being heart failure. Mrs. Sis tare had made Lancaster county her home all through life. Prior to her marriage, she was Mir.s Rachel Louis* Thompson, and was born about seven miles north of Lancaster February L'O. 1855, being fil years (and three months of age at her death. She Joined the A. It. P. Rhiloli church early in life and always lived, a pure christian life. She is survived by her husband. H. W. Sisatre; seven sons. .1. R.. \V. ( L., E. W.. C. J.. E. L I. C. and 11. B. Sistare. and one daughter, Mr-. S. D. Lathan all of Lancaster county with the exception of Mr. E. L. 1 Sistare who resides at Latta, S. C. j The Nows joins with their many friends in extending sincere sympathy to the bereaved ones in this hour of their great grief. DR.VPH OF MRS. TOM RAKER Wife of Tom Baker died at her home Saturday evening about 5 o'clock, age 32 years. She is survived by her husband and one child, who have the sympathy of many j friends in their bereavement. The funeral services were held at Union, Baptist church Sunday afternoon V 4 o'clock. THOROUGH WORK llow a LnneaMer Citizen Found Freedom From Kidney Troubles. If you suffer froimJ>aekache From urinary disoruers? Any 'hmrble disease of the kidneys. Use a Ndetl kidnjcy remedy. Boat ' Kirtaey Pills have been vest.1 by thousands. / Lancaster peVil# testify. Can vmi ask ni\jp- convincing proof of merit? X Mrs. I. Y. Ha^ic^ck, S. Main St.. ... ..... o.?jn. | 1 ^lu-u'd severely1 at times from bawarhrcind I couldn't do my housewor* with Xomfort. If I stooped, my hack gave {Sway and it made m? weal*. A box 7X Doan's Kidney FMlls, which I got from the Standard Drug/ Co., relieved me. I give great creiit to this m dicine." Price 50c. it all dealers. Don't >ply ask for a kiney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills?the same that Mrs. Hatheork had. Foster-Milburn t'o., Preps., Buffalo, N. Y. | You Are Judged by j i the Appearance S | of Your Letter j CS ( If your stationery is up to ; } the minute, with tvn? th? f \ proper size and neatly dis- ; 5 played, your communication ? C will command attention. } 1 CS> > | That Is the Kind of j Dr. M. R. .Campbell ilcgisterw/ Optometrist and Manuf ./Caring Optician. I Anderson. S. t . Standard prug\co., locm repre , sentatlvea. y )ur hrok?-n lonse* j and reyairjy to tbcnv for prompt and j accurate irerk. / ; MAY 2:*. 191ft. + + < * + rr + >1 PERSONALS + : * >] 1 Mr W. U. Clyburn oT Kersha* ?i was in the city Monday. *1 O? ?' Mi < Sudio X lv spent Sunda\ " ;tl> er parents in Kbenezor. ?o? ! , M Kiiiiuii'd lirsch i-; a busiiMv- * \ : r in tin- city of Now York ?o? Mi. It. .!. Glenn of the Jackson- v 1 'in section was in Gancastet Satur (lay. lion. ('. X. Sapp of Columbia spent tlie week-end with friends in I,an- * a-ter. I* Mr Gilbert White has been in I* Gain-aster on business the past sev- ! < ral days. I* Miss Oorrinne Jones returned Sal- ! vrdry from a trip to Charleston and I* Orangeburg. ( Mr M. Ganson of New York |* ( iv is a pleasant visitor in Lan *a - r? ! tiii s- week. I*. -o- i: M> .1 K. Stack and son of Moil- ! roe ;a itored to Lancaster Monday |* 1 sa? .it the day. |# M Ley Kiel mond Lentz of Con |* I (1 is the gue-t of her aunt. Mrs ? .1 II \\ t' T poon ! Mi-. W A. Davis spent the week- ! end with her daughter. Mrs. George I* C Heath, in Charlotte. I* ?o ? x* M M'U". IP l is returned t* !" i ' -mi.-i 1 - sh,. ha- been r? tea- h i .:- Ho p i t s? -sion If Mi Gladys Junes left Saturday L for weks visit to the home of Mrs t* \V;: 11<' 1" Itlver in Sumter. Mr \\ J. Cunningham has 10- ? turticd from a pleasant visit to Char-it# 'ntte and ini mod late poin's I* ? n? Me i- Sliala Mohley and T,air-dnn |? William- of Heath Springs were I* visitors in Lancaster Monday. I* Mrs \v. T. Williams and Miss I* Laura Gilbert Williams wore week- j,, end visitors in Charlotte and Book Hill. ? Miss Janle Craig who lias been A teaching the past session in Dennettsille has returned home for the sum- ? inrr. ? ?o? Mrs. W. A. Blakeney lias returned from Ashevllle, N. C.. where she at- j tended the Southern Baptist Conven-' t inn Mr. and Mrs. Bland Hammond and brother. Mr. Hugh Hammond, of Columbia motored through Lancas- ] ter Sunday. j Mrs. I.. I). Chllds. Mr. and Mrs.! 1 Thomas McGeehee Phifer, Mr. Austin Childs and Mr. Ernest Wilson i of Columbia motored through the; city Sunday. Miss Eloise Foster has returned from Statesville where she has Just closed a successful year's work as * lady principal of the S^ntesville Fe-; I male College. ??? *"TMiss Dorothy Moore returned Saturday from Decatur where #h* has been a student past vear rt Agnes Scott College. BUSINESS NOTICES \\ \VI'E1> To sw\ip a second hand rubber tire. detath#f>le toy* buggy for two or three ?. Phone 160. i T. J. Cunnln^jnm.y. ' WANTED -Van fo llow that we will i pay the highest prity-s for chickens! and eggs. Phone v$0, Cunningham Meat Market. 6.1-tfc; PI.EASE 11ETl'H\ --AVhite man who borrowed one broad tire wagon wheel from m*. will please return same immedfftelv. Brutus Ram?e 1 66-1tp' GIVE I S V()IR\ ORDERS FC?H Flowers?It ny your Mowers for graduating exercisv-sJ^tfm us. Plac? your order 1 m nWnia t ely. Sole' agents for theAnSous Van Lindlev flowers,137. Lancaster PharmanTT \ 65-lte ('.MI :tr>8 Excelsior Grocery Company for fresh meats of all kinds delivered at one<-. Excelsior Oro-; eery Store, at Southern Railway' Station, city. 67-tfc( WANTED?6.000 pounds of cow, horse, mule, sheep^ftnd goat hides. You will find us 'on White street. 1 See us before yort sell. Capus Cauthen & Son., Lancaster, S. C. 60-lmo-p * i WANTED?To lease Piedmont; Springs Hotel, Bottling Plant ann Cottages for one/or more vearsj Will make right price and good* terms to right/Party. Everything fully equipped and furnished to' get right to/buriness. Hotel has electric fights, sewerage and baths. Unless responsible do not apply. White Diamond Phia Springs Co., Gaffney. S. C. 62-4tc FOH SAI.F. AND fc.Vt'llAXGK?See Kelly if you lo** ,'at dry cow you wot'd s ap ar a good mPker. K* y V-'' Sen a good: hor-. a. ?* bu^gy * "? t?l . *?3-Jtfcj TV A s I :? v.* t-Ss - ) ha\< (i pp. r. o\ > i - sc.- to at' SoHtl.en Depot. > l>. Kowell.' 4T-4tC| FOB HEM i 1 it, one ftv<j I >n\f sit .Modern conveniences. A piy / > M ? Jacki White or W. J. A ,nc ham.' 63-Utp I * - 5 ?!.'^:;:.i.vv.i.i.v:.i.,.v.v.v.v.i.,.,:,i.,.,.v.,t .v.v.v.v.v.'.ya ,^'?Vnsw THF ?> 1^.^ i j fSP|fO^ o/the | I ,N4^~ RflCIWircc I: ' uwjiiii, J J IIIIKIi linn* ?r j wor i\r? i y ] j ^IMi-TKNTHS of the business : ^ of Ihe world is done by cheeks. Why not do yours xliat way? : Voiir money i> -atrr in a good bank than anywhere else. It is at your call at any time and you can pay it out simply by writ- J inp your ?i <.k. .1 cleaner way than handling the actual * bills and silver. Then, too, the check is a good re- * celpt for payment, tor. of course, the payee can't get V the money?your money?from the bunk, * until he receipts for It. * ? We accept small accounts > and are glad to get them ? THE BANK OF LANCASTER ! "Oldest, Strongest, Best" > > ? 1 DVERTISE IN THE NEWS FOR BEST RESULTS You Must Be Careful Accidenls will occur. When they do, you must be sure to dres9 the wounds carefully. Not to do so may mean blood poison and death We carry a full line of flrst-ail\suppliea such as BANDAGES MEDICATED COTTON DISINFECTANTS ADHESIVE PLASTER LINIMENTS SALVES All of them simple, effective helps which you should keep on land for emergencies in your home. STANDARD DRUG CO. "The Kexnll Store" Telephone I Lancaster, S. C. . mVVITftT /l A prirw ? 1HIN WJII UN DRESS GOODS One whole table pretty flowered Lawns, striped Yt>iles and organdies, 10c, 12c and 15c values, special, yard 10c Pine sheer Voiles, pastel shades, beautitul floral effects, yard 15c Fine 40-inch striped, checked and floral Voiles. French Gingham and corded Voiles, yard 2 5c I Bia line 36-inch Wash Silks, stripes, flowers and chec ks, yard 50c Good equality 2 7-inch White Lawn, 9c value, apt-rial, yarcK 5c Fine shefer 4 0-inoh White Lawn, a very special value, yord . . . . 10c \ Fine sheer^0-incl( White Voile, a regular 25c number, special, Xard 12 l-2e Our stock of\tl/e Organdies, Batistes and Voiles is complete, jfc'ome in and let fts get you up a dainty and aip\ dress for graduation, parties and other attractions. 36-lnch Crept/de Chine, white, black, light blue, pink, navy a Jul Copenhagen, yard 50c One piece 36-Inch gray Susine, special^u good for middle aged ladies, yard I.ACEH .V.M) KMBltOIDERIES " Thousands of yards of fine round thread and val laces, values 6 l-2e, 8c and 10c. Width up to two inches, yard 5c Fine shadow lace, widths up to three inches, worth 10c yard, special, yard 5c Fine French shadow laces, widths up to six inches, values in this lot up to 25c, special, yard : 10c Nicest quality dainty embroideries, widths two to four inches, a very special value, yard 5o Fine convent ed^e embroidery on i^oglish nainsook and long cloth, widths three to six inches, yard 10c MILLINERY AT ABOUT HARP PRICK We are 3howiiig a big Hoe $2.50 trimmed hfcts, special at $1.7b $3.50 trliaiued hut*- at $2.58 For anything In the millinery lib*, come to Lancaster's Leading Pt?:r\ ROBINSON-CLOUD CO. LANCASTER'S LEADING STORE < i