2 *Tar?e+ Tips by Wt \ New Question anc of Interest \ \ lit >1 I I IIK M AN Wllo Will. \ N S \\ 1 P. IHKIJI INTIIINs Most r--.t - >f ti !>.?!' io not Ttefd an introd o' 'o.r eyes from the head >; 'h - column. Those who folio* U -hooting ?port .1$ .ill i*il! a'! : .it Mr. Lane, tlien just burst r>c u? of hi* "teens, made a oh an ? w? ;? of t p.#t' and revolver imp !p- fur ("r.^h* Sam it ttlvj n ir.u - S:< icJiolin. In 11*1?. Ii tIiootnp tittons. the younc Am ioan v .1 pitted against th< ? >rt t- : World and his tri . npt. a- h -ral 1 ! a - one >t t o i t?>*? h; a< \ tnents of shootine historv. Before k tinc to lh? Olympic Gaines, ZMr. Gan* had made t re. world"records and ' or, the indoor pietu>? ohaniplcnship th< I'nlted Stat* ? }] s shooting i- it' |>t uj> ' c a a.fkiOlishiu standard a ithout a relapse, tie late-t important winning with which he i- < >.! tv ' having been the atr* i . ggr -at. ?.f th? r< v !*? ; rany< - ? :h 1 * 1 t ?' ? Girt tourna ment. ting w.t' ;i . raiihei rift practicing in his father's cellar as * -V M l.aia ha grown up wit i pa* iral p< haul fot firearms of all ? -t - b>* "ig . n: -t i- iaii> x*. rt .811 111 -1 f>:. T . . .' - | * I'Mlg A ith *ar t> "shfi >t.n- ir ' Mr. I.ane ha? c*"?n able to carry an exceptional fafruity for concentration and analysis, ?nd i natural talent for things St-.c ani dieirt" shooting subjects and goes to Vne bottom. Not content with claims. is continually < mi 1 net in a experiravnis with arms an'd ammunition to satisfy not only his own inquiring amrid, hut to answi-r in'clliun litly the -oMimial flow of questions that come *ro him. as an authority, front individuals. publications and many oilier fin rees. T ere is no doubt that Mi. Lain is peculiarly adapted to nniidh' qt;< ri> s that may ton to iiitu froni rs toi information covering the "whole . eld ot tile .-port an-, ot t: . nitm of . tions \ )> c!i the editor of The Lancaster N"V. " lias re. !ved h has arranged it n n)?* to tak< ? . of a dep. rtntent ?>r? the subject. Tliis mlnm is open to queries on aii> subject otic ning the use of ti trnis for hunting or target work. If -pace pei mils. 1 ill also throw th* *. V .? * * V% V % V WV * X ^ Mill ' !\< I 1 : ! : ii<. k111? ?r (?:' ?*? (J : 1 1 r: 11 i y - > i i 1 K : s ?* - -- f Lectu X sonally Condu< ?|* and Playgroun Acco? t r 7 T J & AA A A A A A , W ? *% 'HurrOng Helps red PvLane Send Que -tiohs to Mt:Lane> s^careot thi& paper / ^ ^ ^ - 1 xJI P -m - - - ??! Answer Department to Shooters 1 i:: it

. by roadof vi, ;<>i- s > firearms aiul r things ... t, ti.i sport. On question; : egarilinv: the ahun! ii' o -< ,?r> ity of same .11 any pa'.a: I., ility. I r, wiii ho some de. .is .: no.-' cases it will bo neceso write to some cor;po living iti tin section asked about. ' Please tuake your questions as tii'l letinitc * - you possibly Sin h questions ;ls "Which is . best t voiver?" io with it. It your question.- ar I of such a naturo that a lengthy answer i necessary, send nie a stump t. - f-atldtes-ed envelop, and 1 will ) you personally All questions should, of t ours, . h?* sent to tne In care of this paper Unsigned communications will r,\ < no u t tent ion. hut 1 i wt ?ci'? name will be withheld if he des!r< s. Prom niy experience with tliis line of work, I am led to anticipate that many questions will !>?> asked which ill be. in substance, indentical, and j therefore an answer to on, such will n- v< all the res'. 'l'lie I>ti 111 lliiui Kullci There is one question which I know will 1>, among tin- ti 1 -t. and :a t is "What is a <1 im-dnm hullet? ' to I .in, going to an a wet that onf A dum-duni bullet is. broadly -p? iking juv buIII i desipned to expand upon striking soft niateri il -neb flesh. The regular hunting irtridce us.'d for lug name is a ilum' in !>?'i :us?. it lias a suft lend nns*1 sticking out of the trout end of the 'bullet's tiotai jacket When siirh a bullet strike- flesh. it "munhj rooms." i. e. the soft lead nose [trends out like tie top oi a mush , room and result is hip hole which usually quickly kills tie- animal -t uck. Cartridges for use in war have sharp pointed bullets and ar< supposed to drill a neat little hole, ieh. if not pertOral:up a vital part. will heal quickly The only trouble is, pointed bullets frequently net erratically and instead of g >tip straight through, they tip and 'unible end over end and tear a hole Cist like on< made liy a dum dum. ' * 11 i s p? u:iar plienomeiion oeeiirs instly at the shorter ranges and is perhaps the cause of the accusation** regarding the use of dum-dums by hot h - 1 e- .n the present Kuropean 11 Ollhle \ i a ' , tie al mp with your quent ions! ? # >.\ A A A A A A A A V WINTHROP C NOTED EDUCA1 1h?? nosi fan?on> r iuc.itors or tini. :f of N.l. r .. . . a \ fv-#. l at i?n I "if .1 iiirnal of Kduoation. P f-s.-i -tit itv oi I h? K<*li" >u- la! u n .V--o< a COURSES OF S' - - of \ .'! b# |?r ? . . ' (I t.) no.lu-: i>nIs. 11 Sci oo r I i Taac'i r- ai i " > t i< nresv Entertainments, :ted Excursions, Larg d Thoroughly Equip notation unexcelled. O. B. J V> UrV THK LANCASTER NEWS: !+ + + + PERSONALS + ( *1 j,l, + +t + + + + + + + + <' + + + Mrs. Herbert Rollings of Oakhurst community was shopping in Lancaster Monday. Miss Virginia Taylor lias been visiting friends in Hock Hill and Charlotte. Mr. tiilbert 11. Greene of .Hock 'iiil \.sited bis father, ('apt. A. H ireone, on Sunday. ?o? Mr. l.eroy S. Davidson with a par y of friends front Camden visited Mr. \V. M. Stevens. Sunday. Mrs. t>. M. \\ obb of l heraw is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Cook, for a few days. In connection with "Baby Week" which will be held in this city Jun* I and -. each mother is required to -upply a baby blanket and towel to used in the examination of her hitd. Continued on page 5) Unequaled Variety ^ ^ ?HI III rw I'm 1^^^^ ? jt? .< 'l ' a*ajapf From tin- iewpoint ot variety it appoars tlmt noi!iii?*_' lias equaled the number of suit^ . oats frocks made of taffeta ?ilk whl< li have an swercl tin pub!!. s demands tins ?eason The piir.plv of silk seems inexhaustible, but with tlx- incoming of .Mav the demand turns to thinner ma- j It rials, cotton voii . n< is and laces for dressy frocks ami th heavier cotton weaves foi to white suits prom- [ ' od for hot-weather wear. The lin" of colors would he a brief story in taffeta it were rot for th" many two-toned varieties and change able effe"ts For suits, gray, taupe, sand, black, and liirht green, and dark ! blue are presented, witl* dark blues | far in the lead in point of popularity. I Taffeta suits have almost 1 "pt pace with the silk In varietv of develop nier.t so that there is a style for , eveiy one A pretty xample is shown I Xmer OLLEGE, ROC "ORS railed Stales will give h i Columbia University. Commls National 1-Muc.ilion \?sn. aof the Story-Tellers" l.eag i--. t if* < :i iii! 111 i i v lit ??r< rUDY : I r* i-j .?f ( 1 i -5 I p. : .' n nti , " < 1 T- ii !, . r ;-ts. Out-of-door Plays, IV New Gymnasium, ped. For rates and furl IOHNS( ROCK HILL, SO1 ; may 2:). n?ir>. THE STEADY SUBSCRIBER I Krotn the "Liberal News" How dear to our heart is the steady subscriber Who pays iu advance at the birth of each year. Who lays down the mone> and does it quite gladly, And casts round the ottice a halo J of cheer. He never says: Stop it: I cannot afford it. I'm getting more papers than now I can read." Hut alwavs sav>: "Send it: our ueo- I pie all like it? In fact, we all think it a help and need.'' How welcome his check when it reaches our sanctum, JIow it makes our pulse throb; how it makes our heart dance. We outwardly thank him; we inwardly bless him The steady subscriber who pays in advance. ' in Taffeta Suits I id tin picture, with a Terj short and loose coat. It is c ue with a flare which looks as if it might rival that of the ballet dancer's skil l, if it were not confined by a belt of the silk that slips- through slushes cut ut the waist- j line. This belt is in reality used as a ; decorative feature and is finished! with a fiat how at the front. It does j not define the waistline and appears j to terminate at the sides. j The wide < apt collar and flaring c tiffs are trimmed with parallel rows of white soutache braid Three buttons provide an inconspicuous fastening at the front. The skirt is plain except for two bias bands about the bottom, attached along their upper edge. It Is cut rather long and very full. i SCHC K Hill, SOU' 1 I Ajlarge faculty has b iul.it ifiiiiJ if) f hit; n rwl nthitr a \! SPEC MlitW^Sch(?(>!, Hunt! ? :i tito Nlnntt-iNqri M?-tv ?1 < rlitic;if?* -.till itNJon fur .School .lid tflk? thoN^nd c( lusical Companies, 1 , Regulation Size Sw :her information wril DIN, Pre UTH CAROLINA. AUTOMOBILES ? F you are interested in Automobiles, let me show you the Oakland-Six, five passenger touring car $795. A. J. GREGORY (JU-OPERATION In Order To Co-operate With Corn Club Boys We have decided to furnish one gallon of improved 90 Day Vclv?-t Beans to each boy for only 25 cents in cash. These Beans are now in stock, and also as a reward for diligence?We will give as follows on First Monday In December next j Three JjCash Prizes It- -t Results, First Prize .!.. $2.50 Second Host Results Second jl'rize 1.50 Third Best Results. Third Priie 1.00 Now boys, see Deruonstritor MeManus and get votir card and go to work. . We also wish to thank the Dailies and 1'utrons who have so i . klv i esponded to our Clean I p Week Ad. in last issue. We have the (iooil Paint* yet for you. We are making decided changes in our store, and are going * > enlarge our business In order to accommodate our customers. C.\ 1,1. OX TUB "P|T?K FOOD STOKE" r THF. RFNNFTT-TFRRY fO A AAJU L/JU1 111 JU A Jl 1 U11A1 I VU? "The Pure Food Store" >OL ~~~~1 TH CAROLINA. f FACULTY | oil seeur.-d, i'(?mposed hi specialists anil leaders ol .J, tates. " f :IAL. FEATURES ? ?| -I iol Problems. Kindergarten Practice, and Lectures V County boards of education are authorized to renew 1! teachers who do satisfactory work in thi S.nnrn- i mi nat T A Educational Moving Pictures, Per- ?: imming Pool, Larjp Athletic Field X te for Summer sch >ol Bulletin. V tsident, I < *