. ? / 8 t I > 2 tQ- 2 | SL S | ? o i X 5 4=1 ? ? To" " w X ST C Y ** ft? ^ S ? 3 ^ f o I * > f 1 3 If g* ? N OQ C/3 X CD X p? 5? 7T | ~ O | SS> 2 -a is X P o H V rt" E* o OS? f' 8- g f S Ol I -T5 N3 f Ol g X ? A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A 4^4 . 1^4 4^4 - REACH NO AGREEMENT ! ON MEXICAN PROBLEM I (Continued from Page 1) conferences does not mean, in any way, a rupture of the good relations of friendship between the conferees nor between the respective governments." (Signed "A. Obregon, "H. L. Scott. "Frederick Kunston." To-night it was pointed out authoritatively that the result of the various meetings in El Paso does not mean that there is any immediate threat of a rupture between the United Staes and Mexico. So far as the United States is concerned, it is said, its army iu the Mexican State ol Chihuahua will remain practically inactive. The only break that can possibly come would follow an attack by Carranza troops upon American truupa, il wiib aaiu. jll is uiiucioluwu that Gen. Obregon lias been warned that such an attack will mean th^beginning of reprisals. Conditions along the border were emphasized to-night by the receipt of dispatches from Marathon, Texas, stating that Mexican bandits had again c^issed into American territory and fired on American soldiers and civilians. ? . ill STEVBNSON UNANIMOUSLY ENDORSED BY HOME COUNTY CLUBS "Whereas, Hon W. P. Stevenson is a candidate for ttale House of Representatives of the United States, and whereas fully appreciating the ability, the character and attributes of the said W. F. Stevenson, and fully realizing that his election to congress would not only reflect credit upon Chesterfield county, but upon South Carolina and the Nation as ,well, we the members of Chesterfield County Democratic Convention, In meeting assembled. do hereby en- 1 dorse the candidancjrof W. F. Steven- i jjoB, and do commend him to the i voters of the Fifth Vongrf sslonal < District.'* X 1 ] I certify that the Couvent.on un- J anim-oualy adopted thiw resolution { after It had been seconded by many ) clubs and Individual Members. , (Signed) W. F. ODOM, i 61-2tc Sec. of Convention. I . ? z " i a ? W C/J ' s * r^ ? ^ 2. o > -00 &* S v* H > , ? go 1 ID 2j > ~ a- p ?? CO c Q? 1 vi i ?jj? ' HE LOST HIS ZEPPELIN ,M- * fe 5? V" I % X / g * I > 1 \ ** * I i?S JB wmr. JjSBX^a jJM This Is Lieutenant Commander Brelthaupt who was In command of the Zeppelin LrlK when it broke up In the mouth of *he Thames during a recent raiding expedition carat. The word carat is derived from an Arablo word meaning a weight of four grains. In Greek it signifies little horn, the fruit of the carob or locust tree. The carat is a small weight (originally in tbe form of a seed) used tor diamonds and precious stones, and ei measure for determining the fineness of gold. Thft exact weight of the carat 1ft practice varies slightly in different places. In 1877 a syndicate of London, Paris and Amsterdam Jewelers fixed the weight at 206 milIgrams (3.163 troy grains). The joath African oarat is said to equal 1.174 grains. The fitness of gold is neasured by a ratio with 24 carats is a standard; thus two parts of alloy sake it 22-earat gold, and so on. _ fr! THE LANCASTER NEAT V>WVV V V CO : > ; 73 g I H Z ' teBumd 3""" & X i i > g . 1 * a c tO \ in ' ARTII.I.KRY ACTIONS TAKK STACK CK.VJTIK | I (Continued from Page 1) on lite Mesopotamian frontiers, both | north and east. In the latter sector j the Russians have advanced from in torior Persia to the frontier and have' occupied Nasr-i-Shirin, about 110 miles northeast of Bagdad, their objective. They report the Turks fleeing before them and the capture of several guns during the pursuit. Constantinople reports that in the Caucasus region around Mount Kope the Turks in attack drove out the Russians from positions about 9 1-2 miles in extent and forced them to retreat eastward and likewise to I the southeast of Mamnhainn ?? ? *k~I Russians to flight. The Germans who were defeated recently in the Kondoa Irangi district of East Africa have been reinforced and are advancing on the British . A dispatch from the British commander, however, says his troops are quite sufficient to deal with the Germans. The British government will permit, under certain stipulations, the feeding of the civil population of Poland by an American commission. I Phone Us \ ? * > i i We handle everything good u & Sanborns Coffee, 35, 30 an< i ? i i & Sanborns Teas. ?? * l ; Try one of our Stone POl \ | Golden Sunbeam and Chocola \ | f rom the very best ingredient H Onr f fnito '?4 , , nuim me iiiways ir?; i [ Oranges, Grape Fruit, Lemom \1 Cabbage, Irish Potatoes. Call us and get your goods i 1 ?? II11 / ^ Z3 0) "D 19 ^3 2 2! v? *->0 ANNOUNCEMENTS FOH TltKASl'ICEIt I am a candidate tor re-election to the oiftce of County Treasurer, subject to the rulea of the Democratic primary. T. L. HILTON. FOH ltKPKKSKNTATlVE I am a candidate /or re-election to the House of Rojrf-esentatives, subject to the rulejrand' regulations of the Democratic primary. I wish to . take this ODnortiinitv t?? Oiani. voters of Lancaster county for the , handsome vote given me two years ago. S. E. BAILE8. J FOR SHERIFF , We hereby tinnamnce the name of John P. Hunter/as a candidate for ' re-electioa to \me office of Sheriff ' for Lancasterdihuity, subject to the rules and regulations of the democratic primary election to be held in August next. FRIENDS. FOR CORONER I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-ele#tlon as coroner of Lancaster \ county, subject to tinrules of thb democratic primary. I have endeavored at all times in the past to fulflPine duties of the office to the best os my ability, and your support in the\coming primary will be greatly appreciated. M. N. JOHNSON. I \ rourOrders II i t < * i i ? ? 1 to eat. We handle Chase j| d 25c packages; also Chase j \ i; JND CAKES; Silver Slice. jj t?/ These cakes are made i \ eJ aVi/i o ro aii?*A 4-a ^1^^ 'B MMU AAA W OU& W %AJ | sh dpd the best. Apples, ? i, Bananas, fresh Tomatoes, ?? v ! I i without waiting. *? |; ?t Horton 1 c 3 8 ST3 .at? :!?48 ; sr. ? T3 3?P) * g ? ? o (D ? & ar^D ?1 & ^ L Jg o S-* S g o ? < 2L > - f\l b s O. w ? cr 3 c i rh Much Beef Goes to Waste. Although various estimates place the number of cattle in Paraguay all the way from one to four million head, f We have the largest assort stock of Paints, Stains, Oils a received 200 packages/ Alaba ISr. i 1 (( > ? ?- - uuiuc w me pure toou 810 to Eaf-and also call for your Pi \ 25 bu. 90-day Velvet Beans THE BENNET1 "The Pure F % iiiu uuiuu nmusiry, wun untold possi- i bilitles, is scarcely out ot the stago j when the animals are slaughtered for a their hides alone. While all the world I 18 clamoring for meat, cattlo in Para- ; s guay sell for but little more than what ! s their skins will bring. n inexperienced. "Wo are getting up u symposium v on tho subject 'Is Marriage a Failure?'" we remarked to the celebrated s actress whom wo had been sent to in- v terrlew, "and we would Jike to bear , your riews on the matter." " "Dear mo!" she exclaimed. "How | L'an you rxpect me to throw any light ( v on such a question? Why, I have [ * t?een married only lire or eix tlmoa." J p Clean Up Now is the time to clean up Prevent sickness.? WeCai Yo nsjj *5 a> * (b I a "<73 I ?s s S" "= W f > | 3 | a> | ? Q-l 3 D I I- CD | * ? > 0 ! 3. t 2s 4 rT X V! X 1 ^ * 6 I1 I i CD f ^ J. HEATH SPRINGS (Continued fron page 5) lzed into the membership ot the laptlst church Thursday afternoon t 3:30 o'clock. Mrs. J. K. Rurch, with her little on, J. Kerfoot Rurch, Jr., after pending several months with her idici, .inn. j. w. 11. uycnes, left i'hurrsday morning for Clover, Vu.r .'here she will speiul a while with, icr father, Mr. C. A. Gregory. She topped over in Charlotte for a brief islt to her cousin, Mrs. C. A. Covey. Hannah Mobley, the little daugher of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Duncan, Is kith her aunts, Misses Maude and Jnima Mobley, in the absence of her arents. u 9 ijcaoun \ ?. Make your home sanitary. n Help >u ment. and the heat B nd Varnishes in town. Just istine re" and get your good things lint, etc. to arrive next week. p Trnnir pa 1-ltKKI IU. I , ood Store" I