I DOINGS OF THE I f " AT THE, EASTER p,\RAC>e. TO-MORfLOVM \ WILL BE SEEN THE1 UAIEST SHADES 'N NAiR.\ I EASHIOM DG.CRE6.S THAT I THE UADIES WILL WEAR TNEIK ClOtcFyRES I sN VARIOUS TiNT^' J THE MoiT POPULAR I S?:-*A*C>&S WILL. BE. 1 \ ALICE, ?cue , NILE ciRee^; I I pvRple a>\.ts viols-T'V I WEEKLY BUREAU News to Publish "War Benefit of Many (Address all communications relative to this department to lion. E. J. Watson, State Agricultural Commissioner, Columbia, S. C.) Interest in the scope, organization and methods of operation of this O uuie in the office by noon Saturday in order for it to appear in the Tuesday issue of the bulletin aud patrons are requested to mail the offers in plenty of time to allow for possible delays In the mail. The work of the Bureau has increased s<^ that this is necessary in order to get the classification and listing of articles through la time to be mailed to the different new.soaners throughout nta?? g'ving apace to the weekly bulletin. Following la a list of the Wants aid Offering? of the week: Wants 5 bushel* Mammoth Yellow Soy t^ans. A thoroughbred brown male wnterSp.miel pup at a reasonable price. 2 bushels artichokes for planting. , One second hand good Acetyllno ga* generator, light capacity. Must be In first class condition and reeaocahle. fine hornless male goat for breeding purposes. Pure tbreorsett Kam for breeding purposes. fan exchange registered Porsett ewe for ram. A. V..T.li? n-.i - - VII' uuonul I miuvt UI'IU SBt'Q niril. An hnneal, competent saw mill man, to aav and haul to rail road r&lnable timber. Would like to cor respond as to compensation. A second band Anvil and Vise. Offering* 75 bushelu sound Iron peas, $1.50 * per bushel, f. o. b. Hamburg. 60 bushels Brabham peas, $1.40 per bushel, t. o. b Hamburg. 800 bushels "Mixed peas, $1.15 per bushel, f. o. b. Hamburg. 50 bushels One sound Iron peas. VAN LOONS /" p o T*- GIoodn^-^^ jfh IT1N OF_MARRETING its" and "Offers" for Farmer Friends $1.25 pei bushel, f. o. b. Polion. Sound Mixed peas. $1.00 per bushhel. 100 bu&hels Drabh&ra peas, $1.50 per bushel. 50 bushels Iron peas. $1.40 per bushel. 20 bushels Day Velvet beans, $2.25 per bushel. 12 bushels Yokohama Velvet beans. $2.25 per bushel. 8 bushels Mammoth Yellow Soy, $2.00 per bushel. A limited quantity of Spanish seed peanuts, $1.00 per bushel, f. o. b. Dillon. 5 bushels Hyrters Improved Proline cotton seed, $1.25 per bushel. 5 bushels pure Cook's cotton seed. 10 bushels pure Cleveland eotton seed. One registered Jersey bull calf, 11 months old. Description on application, $40.00 f. o. b. Due West. One registered cow, 5 years old, to be fresh latter part of May (calf reserved) $100.00. One grade cow, nearly full Jersey. 2 years old, fresh, 3 gallons a day. $50.00 f. o. b. Due West. Vive full Jersey cows, not registered. with second calves. $50.00 each. r?r>? 7-0 T??... r? . .jw..-ti> tun, ircsn, lienor calf - weeks old, $60.00. One 7-8 Holsteln heifer, fresh lu June. $40.00. One Holsteln and Jersey cross hull calf, 4 months old, $20.00. Kxchange one black big hone gilt, 4 months old for Duroc-Jersey gilt same age. Will pay difference. 11 pure bred Berkshire pigs, 1? weeks old, $10.00. Pine lot of 60 I'. C. pigs, .1 months old. entitled to registration, $10.00 each with pedigree, or $10.50 each registered, f. o. b. Cameron. One fine registered Duroc boar, 1 year old. 250 pounds. Will exchange for 4 0 bushels of corn, 25 bushels of sound field peas, pork shouts, one pound for 2, or good milch cow or potato plants. 4 Duroc pigs entitled to registration $5.00 each if taken at once. 36 registered Turn worth pigs $25.00 per pair. 23 registered Hampshire pigs, $25.00 per pair. 4 pure bred I'olund China sow pigs, $7.00 each; pure bred boars $10.00 each, or will exchange for WKXM.1KWI H You Nee( P@8 There are times irtev needs a tonic to help t gfttfl When that time comes\to to take?Cardiu, the worai posed of purely vegetafc gently, yet surely, on the' ^^4 and helps build them bac Pi It has benefited thousand rZj ailing women in its past Hi success, and it will do th You can't make a mil ? CAP Hi TIia IATaU. r?1 lilt VW1U ififl Miss Amelia .Wilson, says: "I think Cjtfdui is the for women. Before I be 198 so weak and nervous, a j spells and a poor appetita. as strong as I ever did. a Begin taking Cardui todaj H Has Helped ELM2LWIW] THE LANCASTER NEWS \WWAT "FATHE* 1 SAW. J sound corn delivered at tilackstock. Registered Berkshire boar, Oc- ti\ eonechee, t'lifton 8tli 201260. Further description and price on upplication. Price reasonable. :? male pigs, Duroc-Jersey, It 1(() weeks old, CO to 75 pounds. Pric* with registration certificates, $0.00 ^ each. laJ 10 nice grade Berkshire pigs, C| weeks old. $2.00 each, or will expe change for 2n bushels shelled corn. One year old registered Berkshire K,v? .. 4 r An xmr, *iO.V>U. uno SOW bled to regis-] tered Rerkshire, farrow in Juno, ? of ,150?- l,r 4 Poland China pigs, 2 boars and , bu 2 sows, f. o. b. Gresham. One One pointer, brown and white, $10.00, Thompson's Imperial Ringlet Marred Rocks, 2-2 grown, cockerels. $1.00 to $1.50 each. 9 (il Rest strain Ruff Orpington stock and eggs, reasonable prices. lEnough fresh eggs to supply one * v o or two customers each week, 25 , or cents, parcel post paid. Pure Indian Runner Duck Eggs, f 1*1 5 cents each: R. I- R<*<1 w.atra ^ i - ? - ~ ? each. One pair pure white Pekin ducks. $2.00 the pair. Some fine U. I. Single Comb cockerels, $1.00 each. Rot of Indian Vf1 Runner ducks, fawn and white cross-' ed, 80 cents each. A nice lot of ^ young fat hens. Make offer. I One Peacock, full plumage, rea- ?* I sonable. One Chamberlain Incubator and brooder. $5.75. I 80 broilers, milk fed. HufT Rock I eggs. Pp Kegs for hatching from fine white I Orpingtons; 80 for $l.,r>0. One 240-egg Incubator, $10.00: J 42 Barred Rock bens, $2.00 each. Indian Runner ducks, fawn and white, one drake and two ducks, I1' $8.00. Fivo guinea liens, $1.75. One lurge Bronze Turkey Gobbler Pf and one hen at $5.00 for the pair. Would like to exchange tor 90 Day Velvet beans. 'u Exchange for anything of value _ smoking tobacco. Ten pairs White and Belgian Ralebits. $1.50 per pair. Open Air grown Earllana Tomato j plants, ten cents per dozen post paid , in lots of three or more dozens. A 600 pound $85.00 Melotte Cream , Separator at a bargain. Some 5 and j 10 gallon eream shipping cans. One Indiana refrigerator; cost $25.Q0, will take $12.50. One 200 pound rapacity light oak woodlined refrigerator, MeCray make used very little, $25.00. One three burner, wlcMess. legless oil shove and oven, $f>.00. Second hand ,two-horse wagon at x;i0.00; would exchange for corn, poultry, or pork pigs, a good milch cow or potato plants. i a Tonic H ery woman's life when she ler over the hard places. LJ > you, you know what tonic S^S in's tonic. Cardui is comtie ingredients, which act HfiPi weakened womanly organs, x to strength And health. hwf century' of wonderful tflhtaafl H I If 111 Hi axi's Tonic PSI R. F. D. No 4, Alma, Ark., flfif' i greatest medicine on earth, V***1 gait to take Cardui, I was nd had such awful dizzy 101' , Now I feel as well and ETll nd can eat most anything * Kfl, f, Sold by all dealers. i Thousands. Kl IMXMMfi I MAY 12, 1916. Onu two-horse Oliver Riding Cul ator. A 5x7 Eastman Camera with com to developing outfit, drying rod d about 75 mounting cards. .$10.01 r the outfit. Two Barred Rock Yearling Cocks ined Hock ICggs. 15 for $1.00. On go dark red Buckeye Cock. 50 Spring chickens at 30 cent r pound, milk fed. Registered Duroc-Jersey .I1 inths old. '? year old 7-8 Guernsey, 4 gallon milk, 1 3-4 pounds of buttei t?i Day Velvet beans, $2.25 pe ishel. f. o. b. Hlackville. % in goodness and in pipe satisfaction is a 1 we or its enth ast c friends ever cl for it! It answers every ; or any other man r jO' ?> *"??* f"**ncrruni - - - b***"' rmokerippetite thai t ;n n mighty shor Will you invest 5c t?. - i. 'Honal j :\r -ur. to i."? * Father took t .Zy '/.A \ smac*. AS; R' Tr.i* peuiiento peppei plauts. 1S 1 plants for 25 cents. | * .J Large yellow en una bulbs, 15. ^ i ats pet dozen. delivered by parcel, Q pOSt. 50 pounds Comb lloney in 1 pound | , sections. 11 cents per section, f. o. 0 b. I'eliou. 15 Belgian Hares, price; on application. English Rabbits and Guinea I'igs.j j One saw system gin outfit J q J with engine and boiler. One 4S | I inch grits mill eninnlote I - ? - I ^ "t'lemontia Mineral Water,'' bene-j . lieial in all eases where a lithla j y water is indicated. Analyzed by | ? Clemson College and University of i 5 Virginia. Five gallon carboy $1.00 J . f o. 1>. Kantowles. g SUMMONS FOR RELIEF { 1 ' * STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, t LANCASTER COUNTY. < o Hy Jno. L. Casbpy, Esij., Magis? trate. \ / " To J. T. Wopdwrd: c Complaint having been made unto i me against you/by the Lancaster j; , l>rug Co., T. KjfDoster. president. r e THIS IS. THWKEFORE, to require ' . you to appear before me, in my ottice, * in Lancaster, /nn the 5th day from i tiie service of' this Summons, exclu- ? e sive of the days of service, at 10 a. ni. to answer said complaint, or >i judgment will be given against you ' ' bv default. ? I. Hated April 4th. A. 1).. 1010. John I,. Caskey, Magistrate. 55-4tc-tues ?I Give Your Lii Take a time tried and proven ren iveness, Biliousness. Jaundice. 1 .ilprjhaclier's Liver " I -? ShS fifC* r?r k.? fri? p^N. Prince ";t^k \ s m o \ <^e^,8 ^ir'' j I ? it can't 1 / ? hard" m*A> J if comeback H" That mean* ? ,/ ^ 3 V joyment. P ^aold withou INGE ALBE the national joy smohe XfOU LL. find a cheery howaw\ou arm i neck nf the erooda you dropjdto For. P Albert im ri^ht there ? aOTne w?l place AJW pa** that aella tobdcco ! The topp bntl *el/a for a- nickel and the tid tin for a cfrf. e, then the.ya i the i anrpA pound and hblf pour US1- ^ ye hem-dor* and \ the [ crrrta'-itleae mirrudoi aimed ^\v '^grtXZtt, .>?A I BouCi H~T I C\ DOclARS WoKTW \ '/ ' j Of=- ?>VE-S TO CfoWSR \ I THESE. tASTER. feC^S ) \ \ with ' havc >ou / e*M A.NVTHlMU( tOKemer. Bllll intll the lust few years ttus supposed to be ncurable. For a great uiau.v years doctors renounced It u Us ui disease ami prescribed local emedles. and by constantly falling to cure with acal treatment. pronounced U Incurable. Science as proven Catarrh to be a utnstltutlonal disease, ud therefore reijultes constitutional treatment, lall'a Catarrh Cura, manufactured by F. J. 'heney A Co., ToledoAObfo. Is the only Constltulonal euro on the market. It Is taken Internally 11 doses from 10 dropaAo a teaspoonful. It acts Urectly on the bloou itpd mucous surfaces of he systi'm. They off. r doe hundred dollars for ny rase it falls to cure. Send for circulars and estlmonlals. Address: F. .T. CI1F.NF.Y 4 CO.. IVjledo. Ohio. Sold bv I?ru(jKlst?. 75o. Take Hall s Family Fills for constipation. rera Chance ledy lor Liver Complaints, CostSidney Troubles, Impure or Bad I uttering from thesp take f and Blood Syrup I ds if yon keep then La food coaditioa, bat I |eron enemies. |li yon are bilioas or caa- I [real preparation ?50c and $1?all dealer*. J Albert gives kers such ht, because or is so different and so ly good; bite your tongue; parch your throat; n smoke it as long and is you like without any ; but real tobacco hapzerse side of every Prince age you will read : 'ROCESSPATENTED JULY 30tm, 1907'' to you a lot of tobacco enrince Albert has always been it coupons or ..premiums. We je quality! / / nT fl G?or.i