The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, May 12, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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n SHERIFF IH'NTKH AFTER UjLKTTI* IMSTILLKHY IX XORTHKKX | + PART OF < (M NTV + Thursday afternoon, May 11'j** Sheriff John P. Hunter. accompanied t! by Chief of Police Joseph B. Orr. Magistrate John I,. Caskey and Bos- < veil Plyler, was called to a commvini- 11 ty ten miles north of the court house ' and in one mile of the Nortli Caro- ^ Una state line for the purpose of oi investigating an illicit distillery supposed to he operating at that parti % + +++++++++ ++ + v + PERSONALS + flun Bi>Iiioh let't to-day on a business trip to Savannah. VV. P. Robinson. Esq.. made a business trip to Chester Friday. Mr. J. M. Yoder of Van Wyck is a business in Lancaster to-day. Mr. N. P. Robinson is visiting his sister. Mrs. Mlllen at Riverside. Mrs. J. \V. Craig and children left to-day for a visit near Waxhaw. ?o? j Miss Mary Davis is spending a fowl days in Rock Hill with Miss Martha Creighton. j Mr. W. F. Estridge of Kershaw,; Route 5 was a pleasant caller at the j . News office to-day. ?o? Col. Leroy Springs left for Anderson to-day where he will join Mrs. Springs who is a delegate to the annual meeting of the State Federation of Women's flubs. Elliott W. Springs lias recently r been at the Greenbrier at Wrtlte Sulphur Springs. W. Va., where he joined Mrs. D. Kahli. Miss Olive and Master George Kahlo. He enjoyed the dancing and horseback riding for which the resort is noTea while there HEATH SPRINGS Special to The News. Heath Springs. May 11. The pantry of the Baptist pastoriuni was weJl filled with choice viands on Wednesday afternoon, due to the kindness and generosity of members of the church, and other friends of the pastor and his family. As a result, the hearts of the occupants are filled with deepest gratlfrde for such a token of appreciation. Among tingood things hroughtln, too numerous to mention, were flour, lard, meat, molasses, sugar, rice, coffee, tea,* an I a'l kinds of canned goods, fruits, etc. Mrs. L. A. Duncan, who has been quite sick for somoMr.o, left for . Asheville, N\ f\. Wednesday morning (> seeking health. Accompanied by her husband and a trained nurse, she went via Columbia where she took the Carolina Special for her destination. She has many friends lr-r<' w*-o wish for her a speedy recovery. Twenty-five candidates wore bnp <Continued on page Ri 0 ^ ^m^JmPr j V9 ***. .. \t - ^BE?flKtHK^!l9^t YOU ( : "The Bai To American Mothe This picture is dedicated * their ejres may be opened to the ; tnd tht^r loved ones, until the prei rocks the cradel rules the world,' <iuate protection against war. jui uet us disarm?i?l us uecuiiim nw IV*aoe with Hunor. Crushed, ble< King for "Peace at any price."?J The sensation of phe greater plea foi is W 1 i Thursc 3 4 Sh <?v?/ Admission, Adults i' 0VBNMHMDNBHC4flHUK3t?aUBUJhNBa* L', . _ Icular place. The locality Is in a large body of C woods on a small creek and from ^ all evidence had been doing quite ,T1 I i large business, however, from all Nv | indications the still had recently u been moved as there was still (Ire alive in the ashes. Ten barrels with K dune 3 0 or 4 0 gallons of beer were " destroyed. The only road leading * ' to this lonely spot was a path or two which led out to the home of a negro, Harry Mobley, on the old JacksonWallace place. The officers searched the home of the negro, hut only found > about one half pint of bad looking 1 whiskey and in an old house in the 11 I yard located some live or six bushels .. ; of meal which seemed a rather large vi j amount for one negro family to have ^ at this particular time of the year. ^ The negro bitterly denied having any connection whatsoever with the still, *,i Sheriff Hunter has turned him over to I'nitc'd States Commissioner John T. Green for further investigation. j Sheriff T). P. Douglas of Chester- v j field county was in the city Thurs- t j day. Ho stated to Sheriff Hunter s (that these Illicit distilleries were he- :i , ing operated all along the line be- v 11 ween North and South Carolina and 1 that they would remove from one j location to another quite frequently. , | Sheriff Hunter stated to a reprejSentative of the News that this was , I the first illicit distillery which had .been located in Lancaster county I during the past fifty years. t Whenever vVpu Neetf a fleneral Tonic J Take wave's , The Old tiOuulary Grove's Tasteless , chill Tonic isN^qydly valunhle .* i General Tonic i^jfnuse it contains " 1 weli ?rn?wn tonic fropcrtiesofQUININii and iRON. it yfi>yu the Liver. Drives < out .. r , Lho Llood j ih:i!'V tht^rThole Systen er> ccr" ??/1 IH i .... 4 mill/ Ji iVULil ttle Cry oi r\ / ^ ltli \espect, reverence and jrimirntinn. ;>i*ril vOiieh menaces and ^11 continue sent state of "lInpropare<yft*ss" lias l?e??n ' and in\those mother Uhnda lie the po si as theA demand anyf receive proper i lpless, unprotected ^nasculater, and t sding and tnample<y upon. America may . Stuart RlatyUo/f Harbourwood. Ovst CHE LANCASTER NKW^ SOCIAL NEWS * ~ , ++++++* +++++++ , Miss Helen Mackey entertained ( ' le little Girl's Club at its last meet- j po ik Saturday afternoon. Progressive i * mversation was the entertainment' 1 nd Miss Laura Gilbert Williams won! A le prize for the excellence at this.! ^ piece of crocheted lace. Miss Mil-j s rt'tl Billings won the prize in nnther contest. This was a basket of ' larshmellows. After the games the ( ostess served dainty refreshments. c ?o? * Miss Betty Jones entertained the| |.<o hest.eriield Avenue Club Wednes-j ay afternoon at a very enjoyable ? looting. A number of otlier guests I * ere invited to join the club members j v taking in all six tables of rook, j layers. Punch was served the uosts on arrival and after the games j|T. ie hostess served delicious ice / ream, strawberries and cake. Mrs. s . Franklin Smith, who scored iiigh- 1 st, was presented with a beautiful, ' on net or sv/ec peas. i ' Miss Pauline' Jones Marion was . ostess at a merry rook party yester- \\\ ay afternoon in honor of her class-1 1 nates, the members of the tenth' rude of the Lancaster Graded I i ichool. Tne liieh splmni loa.iic", I'ere also present and one of these, I liss Agnes Ilryan won the rook ? rize. a dainty handkerchief. Miss'''< tarion s guests enjoyed the series j if games as well as the delicious re course and cake which were orvnd late in the afternoon. ! ~ r (, In a South Carollnn mill village rlthin the past week the vote on he nuestion of a three mill special Chool tax passed by 76 to 1. Such' cts as his explain why the state's' vhito illiteracy has reduced from .1.6 in litlO to 6.6 in 1914. I w HAVE YOU BEEN SICK?: ' Tt.,.? -A - >?ju icaiuc im utter weakness that ror>8 ambition, destroys appetite, i and makes work a burden. To reatorctyiat streogthaiulataminathat la ao essential, nothing has ever equaled i jr compared wilh Scott's Emulsion, bt:ause its strenml/-sustaining nourish- I'"" Tient invigoratestthe blood to distribute mergy through^tYhebady while its tame ,-alue sharpens/lie Yppstite and restores sealth in a nawtral. Yertnanent way. < II you are /uu down, tired, nervous, >verivorked 4x lack atiYngth, get Scott's Smnlsion t(*day. It islree from alcohol. Itowne. Bloomfietd. N. J D SEE t Peace" j M?d with the earnest prayer that to menace them, their chlhlern remedied. "The hand that ?rr m iii*n in mi and receive aflepolice protection against crime, hero shall be Peace, but. uot llnd herself on her knees lienor Bay. L. I. i against war. No resented. It rror. iturday a I 30, 8:45 11 Seats on Sale Now 1,1 ito-drama/ A call to arm: r preparedness could be ( as in/ all its. gory boi (Vill J>? presented at the J&ar Theatre Friday and Sa I ;.:!y 2:00, 4:15, 6: ?c, Children 25c P MAY 12. lf'Ti. usiness Notices 1 R KAIiG?One gouu milch cow : ' ?ives 4 to 4 1-2 ga)(oii8 per day, 2 pounds butter. See W Ft. Plyer. S0-3tp, H S.\|,K?One Jersey cpw. gives' I gallons. Good condition. On" lorse and one mnrp ???"' Vill work anywhere; ages 8 and ? 12. Will sell for cash or good J >apers. Plione or rail J. R. Lyles. : . Itoneboro. S. C. 61-::tp J ,? EL 358 Excelsior Grocery Com>any tor fresh meats of all kinds < lelivered at once. Excelsior Gro-1 J ery Store, at Southern Railway Ration, city. 57-tfc It WOMEN'?Free treatment for ' .ufferiiiK women. Sent/ this ad , tnd 1 will mall you fruft ten day's ' reatment of a home neuiedy which ' villabsolutely cur^fil female com)laints. Address^rith stamp. Mrs. : VI. A. Hilton, ^Kershaw, S. C. 62-4tp .N't 'Y HALL and Port/ Rico potato sprouts guaranjfed genlune' dock, ready for immediately ship-' ment. tl.?K J - , ' ? ?iiwua?iiu, n'-f houand and oveiy$1.15, ton thou-! ; land and over S/.oo per thousand r. o. b. Florida* F. K. Hull, Rook | Hill, S. C. 57-6tc VN'TKIV?C.000 pounibrof cow,1 horse, mule, sheep, and pont hides, j You will find us ojr White street. See us before you Jell. Capus Cau- | then & Son., Lsmeaster, S. C. BO-lmo-p >lt 11EXT -Siy roojr cottape 0111 Market street. i?f>rwerly owned by \. W. Chance*".' Apply to II. S. Parks. 1R SALE?Good mtloh cow. 3 1-2 1 gallons and 1 pouud butter a day. W. Hazel Cunningham. Route 4. Phone 208-3. 61-3tp: >1; KENT -On cornej? Dunlap St., near irrs?d??<l v...11,11 ? ? 1 o CV..WUI 1/ LI 1 1(1 I 1 ^ t un?? 1 r? room house. ? e W. D. Jones, j Lancaster, Route 3, or John B.; t'raig. at Roddey's store. 60-4tc] \XTEI>?To lease Piedmont, Springs Hotel, Bottling Pl?flt ann Pottages for one or \\\0fo years. I Will make rlg\t prl?^ and good ' terms to right ptirjp.' Everything fully equipped janu furnished to get right to bjrfimess. Hotel has f I'leotric lightpfsewetage and hatha.1 Unless responsible \lo not apply. White Diamond Lithi\ Springs Co., GSaffney, S. C. kt Ht SALB?Cows, C Kelly W you t J want a good milker. Hes then. u'.vinp rrom one \to foirr gallon:-- ' i day. If you <lo iro^/ant a milk r, you ran get. a loam fresh meats ] for your money, JlmVa lot for less money, hut oynot |nr the sam? i money at (^i^ininghiVin's Market.' : T. 1\. Cunningham. Jr: 62-tfcl I ' Excep Our Barg Accun Mo Dry Go Figured and strip at 12c Figured and Lawn at 15c 'Striped and at V.U Silk Voile at. . . 25c All shades Fop (lood Apron Gingha 12 1-2 Dress Giugh 15c Dross Gingham Good Bleaching at and t Shoes J Ladies and Misses lil Slippers Ladles lx>w Heel < Slippers. Patent loathe at $1.2.1, $1.50, $2.00 Mens Slippers, 111a at Mens Palm Beach , Slirvnara ol ?1 OS ?? 0? II :.z It will pay you to gi' M Our Motto and S J. i / I WW BOOK I V J INACCOUfir WITH ft % iiiim:- |? . ? ? *?t mm I I .? r/VVIIlii I'Mli1 If/. || ? J. .tt1IVf|?9t' | I ' N' INK-TENTHS of ilio wnrlil i. vr- ?.a?x ?T Vt 1 xm I V : Wliv riot do vours w ? I Vi?ur money is safe; * than anywhere else. It >! time and you can pay i > your check, a cleaner wa: > ! bills arul silver. Then, too, ? ! celpt for payment, for, of c< the money?your mon > < until he rece V V : We accept sm > and are glad I THE BANK OF : "Oldest, Stroi _ i _ Clock Four Generation* Tn Family. At a sale of the effects of John Haines at Romney, W. Va., was a arrandfather's clock that had been In the family four generations. On the Inside of the clock Is a statement that | It was repaired last in 1817. It has been running constantly and the onl- thing do::..* to it in the- lust I 23 year:- lias Uoun some oiling w?tb . ll< ll Oil i?- ? tionai \ ^ains Haven't lulate Dust, ve Too Rapi ods | Clothing ed Dross I-awn Mens lllue S 5 c si/.es 35 to 41 striped Dress * 12.50, anil . .. lOo Hoys Soils, s floured Voile $ 1.'J8, $2.50. $: 12 l-2e Mens Pants, v 25c $ 1 50, $2.00, $2 ilin at. . . . 18i Hoys Pants, .? ni at 5r 50e, $1.?0, and am rvt.... 1 Oc Mens Odd ( at. . \12 l-2e to ; 5e, 7 l-2o ; V*oc / Mill >hoes At your ack and WhitV 1 /\ Ladies. Misses V>c \l latest styles. Tri >r Hinh Jieel Sk $2-00' 12 >i liiKJi /teei \ Ladles and Oh r or Viyl Kid OresseH, Skirts. , , Qu k Mens and B< and./. $2.98 yatg ftt 10c 2 ck /r White \r.<l / .a. \Mens and Bo and dress Sh Hlark or Tan and ? > so <x en Mens Underw, , oO. $3.50. at 2Sc R0(. $4.50 and tre our bulletin your mo: Polial : Honesty, Our Foundat \ quare Dealing Our Succ 5 ?_ ? ? 't M BUSINESS i \a rr\ m t\ I: TVVJK.LU pi > of the business : s done by checks. that way? : r in a good bank > is at your call at any I*; V t out simply by writ y than handling the actual .* the check Is a good re jurse, the payee can't get J ey?from the bank, J Ipts for It. J all accounts to get them jj LANCASTER I w lgest, Best" I V Ill i VAVA'A1.* ? O -t All That Happened. My tiny niece baa a propensity for playing with the telephone, for which she has received many scoldings, bat to little avail, writes a correspondent of the Chioago Tribune. Her mother heard a crash the other day and called In: "Viola, what have you done?" The little miss replied: 'T didn't hurt it this time, mother. Just the 'number, pleaBe,' came out.** Values I nn* nr i lime lo I They | dly Clothing (Tfre all wool Suits. f !. at $8.98, $10.00. ? $15.00 I izes 3 to 20, at 75c. :;* > 3.50 and $6.50 ^ fork or dress, at 98c. ?a .50, $3.50 and $5.0o iizes 3 to 20, at 25c. $2.50 outs, at $1.98 up $5.00 linery own price 'KICK i and Children? Hats, mmed, at 50c, $1.00, .50 and up. ildrens ready-to-wear Middy Blouses, &c. :>ys Straw and Felt ie, 50c, $1.00. $1.50 $2.50 ys full line of work ilrts at 25c, 50c $1.00 par. B. V. D. and etc. Unionsuits at 50c *1.00 it careful attention rr KMT | ion, Fair i :ess. I