The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, April 21, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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f> WEEKLY BULL BUREAi News to Publish "Wi Benefit of Man Vddress all communications t Hon. E. J. Watson, State Agriculture Commissioner, Columbia, S. C. The South Carolina State Burea of Marketing is now more rapidl than ever increasing its sphere c usefulness to individual citizens i every nook and corner of the stat< and away from home the system eir ployed in this state is attracting mor and more attention with each weel Huring the week Just ended M K. Oa rot hers. Director of Fai mers Institutes of the Departmer of Agriculture of Pennsylvani. wrote asking for definite informt fiim as to the method of organize fion and operation of the South Care lina Mureau, and the following let fer under date of April 14 from hir speaks for itself: "I have your communication r flie ll'th in response to my lette el th<? ith. and thank you very inuc for your exhaustive effort in e> plaining the organization of th Marketing of Farm Products in you ,1,1,, ? t i. .?i < - iiviuii i nun annoy everv state in the union, and I at frank to say that there is no syster in the t'nited States that appeals t me like yours, and assure you tha I'.'nexvlvania will take great prld in following this organization to large degree. While it seem practically impossible to make an improvements upon your presen plan. if. after our organization, w find that there are any little thing that would he worthy of suggestion Re shall be pleased to correspond with you. "Again thanking you for you kind consideration of our efforts.' The Bureau continues to he ii receipt of constant encouragemen in its work. One of its patrons a Ridge Spring writes this week "Youi fast issue came very near selling al of iny pigs and am more than pleasei with the results, for which I than! on. Keep the good work up for il i- getting better every week." The bulletins of the Bureau art being watched very closely awaj fror: home also. From Hopewell . Va.. the new munition town then ' onios a general call for hogs, the inquirer wanting about l.r?d head and says he will buy a good man\ more in the future if prices arc agreeable. This week the Chamber of Commerce of Columbia nsks the Bureau Co secure the address of parties in the state who ship Irish and sweet potatoes, and the Bureau would request any interested to write directly to the seeretarv of the Chamber >>" Commerce. Columbia. S. C. Through the Bureau the department wishes to announce that as a result of operating night anil day the new marl plant under the auspices of the state is now in a position to till immediate orders for marl at the ruuarkably low price of not exceeding J2.5f? per ton at any point in r!*.c state save one. the average being about $2.12 per ton. Those who w'sh to secure this valuable material which carries a large per rentage of phosphorus at a price far below the actual values and indeed below what the freight alone has been heretofore on ordinary ground limestone, xiioald send in their orders immediately. The following is a summary of the t elites e .1 uiii-i !) in i ii** ivpflK: Wants White seed rice of pood quality. , A good milch row, fresh to pail. Noftc under 5 gallons considered. \ position on farm as superintendent. Many years experience. To buy two settings of Blneh Lang an ' gas Price must be reasonable. \ few bushels Limbless cotton I. :.(|i>ii pure Southern Queen potato drawers. Some Flint seed rice. oO or more bushels of corn. Or vTkll exchange registered Berkshire pigs months old. Tied Spanish peanuts. Also run!.,ng variety of equal quality. Second hand Cyphers or Columbia l.-icnhatnr, 250 egg capacity. 1?> bushels Two Crop peas, $1.25 f#er bushel. 200 l-iishels Clay peas. $1.10 per t/ushel f. o. b. Lodge. 40 bushels Mixed peas. 05 per cent, eotnd, $1.25 per bushel f. o. b. Erbhardt. will exchange for 00 Dav Ve: ' ot beans. 10 bit. hel Speckle peas, $1.60 per lushel f. o. b. Blshopvlllc. _r, b< shels Iron peas, $1.50 per rush-?] f. o. b. Bishop vllle, 10 bushels Iron peas. $1.25 per bushel. 10 bushels Mosy'g Prolific White orn. $2.00 per bushel. lb bushels Alexander s Pure Bred TE ETIN SH 'J OF MARKETING ints" and "Offers" for su v Farmer Friends. 1 ;o Southern Bred Yellow corn. $2.0<? il per bushel. "R 10 bushels Boone County White u corn, $2.00 per bushel. '-1ft y 500 bushels shelled corn. $1.00 * per bushel; 500 bushels slip shuck n corn, 90 cents per bushel. Selected hand shelled Coker's pedi greed Williamson red cob corn. $2.50 ''Ul e . ? * ,anci t per bushel. %in Selected hand shelled Marlboro or j.anc1 r" McColl Prolific corn. $2.5u per bus-|?ni U heI"'r, 50 bushels Wheat to be ground in- .by to Uraham Hour. "Will sack In 24 int: i- slat or 48 po nudsaeks." 3 cents a pound1 tur ( f. o. b. Seneca. 12S t_ 100 bushels Webber Long Stapl? | stoi n cotton seed. $1.10 per bushel sacked.' f. o. b. Chester. tift >r Coker's pedigreed special Webber AVil r No. 82. S2 00 nr?r h Webber No. 82 cotton seed. $2.00! |nfi or will exchange. .con Peavine bay or oat straw. Or will ,ro1 luiv it exchange for milch cow, fresh, n 5 tons bright peavine hay. 117.00 ai,n ""per ton; 3 tons bright oat straw.'nail ^ $9.00 per ton. o A grade Jersey cow, 2 years old, j. a second calf, 3 gal. rich milk. $4".00 p0U s cash. der, \ 40 head of steers good and fat for na'' 1 tl 1 so ojbeof; best offer p:ets the cattle; for s delivery May 1. sick j 1 splendid Jersey cow, 3 1-2 to I and i gallons rich milk; one fine grade ,ion r, Jersey. 3 1-2 to 4 gallons rich milk. 'I One Jersey bull, six months old. weij i| $25; one Jersey heifer 1 r> months, huvi t i $35. i and stlv t 2 brood sows, Poland China and;^vj'f| r Jersey cross; or willing to exchange, usuj I One good Berkshire boar, son of ar" II Silver Tins Duke. retu app< c | 8 grade pigs, 4 months old, weight; SOUI t 4" pounds. To per pound, or will ex- kidr change for corn at SI per bushel. " 20 half Duroc clioats, 4"? to 50 :n ' .libs.. $2 each: 4?> to 60 weaned pigs men grade Durocs $1 each, all f. o. h. N , River Landing. hint >| 10 Duroc Jersey hoars and gilts,j ! 2 mos. old, $5 each. here 14 fine pigs sired by registered est , * Herkshire boar from grade sow, $5 '"re each, pigs 6 months old. viV/l Some pure O. I. ('. and Herkshire' \ : pigs crossed. S wks old, $2 each. ; he r 2 very flna O. I. ('. am. KsH?x ''nvi gilts crossed ready for servic ?. ^ 12.jnos! . >ach. I i<idn 1 registered Duroc sow. m ? y ar He s , owl with papers, $20; 2 sows and 2is,nj' riale pigs. $r> each. One registered! ,|ll(.(l year ohl Duroc boar with papers.'with $20. These hogs not related. IS men months old Duroc-Poland Chin-.. sow hat . mod jthini One bay mare 11 months old, t says sound and gentle, used as buggy j M U - - " | nurse > years, $150. ]' I One registered Hereford bull. -1 " months old. will sell at a sacrifice, .old For sab* or exchange H Dnroc- r".. Ilerkshire nigs. months old. $."> 'lo* ' Krrs each. One large pug nose Ilerkshire j ^rn| registered sow, S4d. Registered I??iroe-Jerse.v sows $"?o each. One grade Jersey heifer :? years old, $r>0. One :'? year old grade llolstein hull $50., J or will \ehangc for good milch cow. | |10lcl? One bay buggy mure. 7 years old,' of tl or will exchange for cotton. Into One large fast stylish 4 year old Shetland pony, buggy and harness n'iinc $ 1 r>(?. i tax < Font full blood Southdown young!rPa' rants. 6 years: make best offer. Herd of dehorned goats. $t.5'> j,e | each or will exchange. tTnlo A registered Ituroe-Jersey sow, Apri years old. tor'B Pure eggs from laying strain Pl> ertv mouth Rocks. $1 per setting; rati tax i supply lo settings u week. 09^ | Lots of young duedklintrs, pure jj J Indian runner. 25c each. elect A large heaufifnllv colored fiuei. (eye rock. I Pure White T.eghorn 75r. per IB. Mlack Ilreasted Ited Bantam egg* I$1 per 15; will exchange for equal number eggs of Golden or Silver Sea-; In bright*. Huff Cochin Bantams or .fup-'and anepe Black Tail Bantams. "iVDi Mammoth White Holland Turkey s(,in< eggs. 25c each. $'! per dozen. In si Toulouse Geese eggs. 25c each, st a dozen. Silver Laced Wyandotte ( eggs, $1.25 per 15, or will exchange neiw for Cartridge, White or Columbian ing .wniiuuuv >**??. wniie African Gul-jr,r*B( nea eggs, per 15; will exchange g rati setting guinea egg* ofr Ruff Cochinjgivef Bantam eggs. com! Pure Indian Runner l>uck eggs for an'l hatching, 5c each. White Pektn Duck eggs, 5c each. Pure Indian Runner Duckn fawn and white cros ed $1 each. Pure white Indian Runner Rucka $1 each. One hen and 1 (Continued on Page 7f Tb?fl <ii Kin" EE LANCASTER NEW* mmm m AFTER 2M EFFORT perintendent of Fertilizer Plant Has High Praise for Tanlac ESULTS REMARKABLE" or Trying for i>o Yours to Ovor ome Troubles, He Kinds llelief In ilustor Me<llcine Still another well known and inential Atlanta man comes forward I endorses Tanlac, the new niedip that everybody is talking about. I which is doing so much good ong all classes. This time It is N. Carroll, superintendent of a ?e fertilizer work3 operated here Swift (c Co. Mr. Carroll's standand influence in this city and te are too well known to require ther commt nt. His address it Marietta St. Tanlac has relieved me of serious tnach and kidney trouble, from [eh I have suffered off and on for een or twenty years." he said to liam It. Logan at Jacobs' Phar->" I am satisfied I had neuritis, or animation of the kidneys,*' lie tinned, "and I also had stomach ible of the worst kind. 1 would e fearful swelling of the abdoi and terrific pains after eating ost anything: and 1 would have is under mv shoulders and in mv k. This undigested condition of my 1. so I was told, resulted in the ioning of tlie kidneys and blad, which would give me terribla is in tlie passage of them and i produce uremic colic. These attacks would make me all over and sometimes cold. I would have swimming sensain my head, and attacks of dness. I finally got so I could p very little and was losing ;ht and strength all the time. I p used only one bottle of Tanlac. the results are remarkable, to the least. It agrees perfectly 1 my stomach. Other medictnes illy make me sick. My nerves all right again. My appetite has rued and tlie indigestion has dis?ared completely. I sleep as ill as a log, and the blindness, ley and blndiWr trouble bother no more. f am going to keep right on tak Tanlac. and I am glad to recom d it to my friends." unterous cases right hero in Ata. reported by people of high ding and wide aeuuaintanee are 1:1 r in snuif rosni-rf* tn ?lw. given, and prove in the s?rongpossible way that Tan la e is tin's great remedy for the stomach. \ kidneys and all other deranged organs. moiiK the Atlanta rases that inav eralled on this point are the fo|ng: J. A. Hancock, well known federate veteran and retired buss man of Atlanta, suffered from ey. liver and stomach troubles, ays the results from Tanlar were >ly astonishing. H. L. Forrest. Iy known Atlanta meat and prodealer, suffered for five years kidnev trouble, liver derangeI and dyspepsia, said he took a full of tablets and many other icines but Tanlae was the only g which brought hint relief. He he now "eats like a plow hand." any others like these are continr being given to the pnblir and g discussed far apd wide, mine, the master medicine, is exclusively bv J. F'. Mackev k T.aneaster; Peonies Drug & Co.. Heath Springs; C. O. Floyd. mnn. rin-K. <t per ixmir pht. NOTH'K (?r ELECTION. hereas. one-third of the freei*rs and one-third of the electors te ape of 21 years, residing in n school district, No. 19 have ioned the county board of edun to order an election to deterwhether or not an additional )f 4 mills shall be levied on all ' and personal property for school oses. e hereby order said election to leld by the trustees in said n district. No. 19. on Tuesday.! I 2">, at the school house. which ejection only such elecas return real or personal prop-; for taxation and exhibit their j receipts and registration certifl-j . cl.nll a ~ ^ - . mini i#r niiunni IU ?Oie. >e opening and closing hours I ho the same as In all general Ions. V. A. Llngle, Jos. K. Connors. W. B. Twitty. County Board of Education. i?\\<;kks of int.\ft ialts fool host when wo are l??t perspiring, just when they are dangerous sirtd the result is Neu_ a. Stiff Neck. Sore Muscles or 'times an atta<:i. of Rheumatism , jch cases apply Sloan's Liniment. J iinulates circulation to the soro j painful part. The blood flows y and in a short time the stiffand pain leaves. Those sufferfront Xeuralgja or Neuralgic lache will find one or two appllins of Sloan's Liniment will adve tsful relief. The agonizing pain i way to a tingling b< nnatlon of 'ort and warmth and quiet real nleep la possible. Oood for Neu("too. Price 2Bc. at your DrunPiles Cured in 6 to 14 Days. driiKriot will irfuml roonry II PaZO ' MUST fail* to cut any cou of Itehiug. , Hlcidlngor Protrmllng Hl?r? in 6 to 14 v?. ' ?*t application a ?< ? )"4 kcvt. Syc. 3 APRIL 21, 1916 A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A V* ^A" A" W^jlr^rilil^ TAT TAT A "4" # "1^ A^A A^A. A^A A^A A^A ^A A^A A^A A^ -A^A A^A -A^A. A^A ^yT^f ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ tf ft TT n TV XX v ? > : ? II ni ill Dl | BOC l||* And A :** ? I itt JT ? THIS Pi || LANCAS' X X and is th< XX XX that does. 44 lates in adi VV ?? Lancaste 44 44 rsf a R;cr TV wm vt wt5 A. R :d the people if i ft what our to selL ii tt YY ======= XT ' XX .Some Live ft * - - || ready Adv II DON'T Yi || r*r Our Job XX "On ' vv ft it tt it VT rtt ft YY TT w II Lan ft tt m. * || IN 4 V v W W V W w v 4 4 I F A 1 LI I~? ISTER 1 XX advertise in XX $ NEWS I ===== ft XX UPER COVERS || TER COUNTY g? 5 ONLY Paper || It also circu- ?? _ 2_ oimng counties. :r is the center ade District and || want to know ft OS merchants have f% 1 Wires are Al- ii ertising. WHY If W? || YY ff Department is *<|? The Job" 1! < If - | i fhe | caster if ews ^ / '