The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, April 21, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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I LOCAL . DOTS * j + * +++++ ++++++ (Continued from page 2) The Zion democratic club will meet at Zion Saturday, April 20. at ? o'clock. ?o? Mrs. Glenn Mct'ants, of Winnsboro, is the guest of her cousin. Missj Annie E. Witherspoon. ?o Don't fail to attend the entertainment at school auditorium to-night. Benefit graded school dictionary fund. Admission 25 cents. Messrs. . I. D. Hood. \V. 11. Millen, . E. W. Sistare, P. M. Lathau and Jos. ^ A. Williams enjoyed a fish fry Wednesdav near the Wltlierspoon bottoms on Catawba river. They report a pleasant outfng. ?o? The News calls the attention of the shoppers to the Easter windows of the Lancaster Department store, the Lancaster Pharmacy, the E wards &. Horton store, the Dennett-Terry Co., the Barnette store, and in fact, all who have endeavored to "shine up" a little for Easter. ?o? , Messrs. (5. W., J. T. and J. J. Montgomery, of Lancaster county, were here yesterday. They are brothers, and the only children of the family. Yesterday was each one's birthday, and there are just , eight years difference in their ages* one being 3o, one 28 and one 4?" ] years old.?Pageland Journal. Mr. and Mrs. Ganson Funderburk j or Lancaster county, p>. e .. are spenn-; ing several -days in the city with relatives and friends. They are at the1 Selwyn. Mrs. Punderburk. prior to' her marriage Tuesday In Monroe, by Rev. Mr. Abernathy, was Miss Allie Plyler. daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Plyler of the Tabernacle section of Lancaster county and one of the most popular and accomplished young women of that community. , A WORD FOR MOTHERS It is a grave mistake for mothers to neglect their aches ami pains and suffer in silence?this only leads to chronic sickness and often shortens life. If your work is tiring; if your nerves are excitable; if you feel languid, weary or depressed, you should know tuat Scott's Kmulsiou overcomes just such conditions. It possesses in concentrated form the very elements to invigorate the blood, i strengthen the tissues, nourish the nerves find build strength. Scott's is strengthening thousands of mothers?and will help you. No alcohol. Scott 8c Bowac. Bioomficld. N. J. if I I F \l\ I For This 1! 1 PAL ] PALMOLI M m| TT M ". I PALMt i For III Only | | 1 lanca: Mi UN : Mi . Funderburk Is u son of Mr. ant Al.s. \V. J. Funderburk of the satm section, and is a leading young far nier. Both are exceedingly wel known In Charlotte.?Charlotte Ob cervor. ?o? Last week in the forecast of com mencemeut exercises at Waxhav graded school we announced tha' Uev. H. ('. Murchison would dellvei the address" Wednesday afternoon We desire to make a correction. Ii is Rev. H. It. Murchison, of Lancas ter. who will make the address There will be no preaching service* in any ofthe churches in town Sun day morning, all giving way for tin sermon at the school house.-?Wax naw Knterpirse. ?o? The Master recital given at th< Jiaptist church last Tuesday evening was indeed a pronounced success The program, as arranged and ren tiered by Mrs. Ola l\ Catling, beim so ably assisted by Mrs. Ttarror Steele. I'rof. It. M. McDermid an< Miss Mary Alice Catling, was eev tainly a rare treat, and was greatlj appreciated by the large number o people present. Mrs. Durant. of Thornwell Orphan age. Clinton, S. will arrive in th< city this evening to spend Baste: Nitb Iter sister, Mrs. Julia Porter. [fc , -M ' ' 'm W 4T *? *** -JKm A SCENE FROM "THE IRON At Tlte Star Theatre REI ? Week, Thr< MOLIVE Si With One 50c Jai / I frl ^ if* Afr 1' IVE VANISHING Or One 50c Box )LIVE FACE PC 44c STER PHAI FHF CM THE LANCASTER NEWS i + + + + + + + + + + ^ \* * H i + PERSONALS + . +'H ? + + + + + + + + + + + + * + + H (Continued from page 3) J W. M. Stevens made a business 1 i trip to Columbia to-day. JI ?o Miss Qladys Jones is visiting 1 t friends and relatives in Kershaw. ? . I ?o? 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Moore of York. ' spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. ' .[J T. Thomasson. , ?o- N Mrs. Julian R. Williams is expected home this week from n visit to.,, friends in Augusta. 1 Mr. C. O. Stogner, of Route 2,,< Uethune, S. C\, was a pleasant caller < at The News oftice Thursday. ' t I Capt. U. E. Penny, who holds a s . responsible position with the S. A. ' r L. railway, visited his family here ' f this week. 1 ?o 1 Mr. and Mrs. R. U. Riddle. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Porter and E. Cly~ burn Wilson motored to Columbia * Sunday. They report a pleasant trip. (Continued on Page 8) i mt mm * xa* CLAW,1' CHAPTER No. 4. (PATH E> { . Mon<la.\, April iMth. ', t * I I ? f ill - |! ;e Cakes i| OAP 1 !:+ i CREAM I IWDER | 1+ Actual Retail , Value 80c |f ?: )ma rv s: \iu nv, i a v 1NER I ? j APRIL 21, 1010 , frlp i- + .;j i- SOCIAL NEWS + ; ! y + >; ( + ++ + + + + 4, + + 4, + rv,l,J J Mrs. A lift* Kdss Kwart lias an- ,*j inunced the approaching marriage of y 1 or daughters, Misses Manila and tophie; Miss Marilla to married * 0 Rev. John Mills Tligham, of Hunt rsville, N. and Miss Sophie to >r. Charles Hrlce Draft'in. of C'oluin- a ?ia. The ceremony will take place n the Yorkv.lle A. K. V. church, lunc lath. Yorkville Knifiurer. 1 une 18. ?o? ; in honor of several home guests ind other friends here for the I". 1). \ conference. Mrs. Ira It. Jones. .Sr.. J entertained at a beautifully appoint- ' <1 dinner at six o'clock Wednesday. 'overs were laid for twelve and an ? elaborate course dinner was served. ifter which a delightful evening was J 'pent in this hospitable home. Among lie guests of honor was Mrs. I". K. trooks, of Columbia, who was en- * ertained by Mrs. Jones during the y onvention. ?o? It m ... ' .in. .1 ii. w itherspoon's party /esterday afternoon in lionor of her , ] sister. Miss Shirley Montgomery, of v ,'oncord. was a most enjoyable af- ] aii . The rooms were springlik < vvith vases of dogwood and low bowls y >f red tulips. There were seven ta- ! < ales tif players, four of nuetion *< o'idge and tlire< of rool; Mr l'i- ' ' s| Mooi-i won the prize for highest ! ', .core at bridge, a daintv piece of * jjind-tnade lingerie, the work of the hostess. Miss 1 less McManus won . !h? rook prize, a box of hand tnad< # land kerchiefs \ similar prise went V o the guest of honor and another was the consolation, cut by Miss a K'fieida Pong. After the games il" icious refresh men t s. in two courses. ere served, with a color scheme of V irecn and white effectively carried >nt * Most of the rural schools have J losed but let every teacher who fa still on the job practice the children -egularly in the fire drill. Prepared- y less for such emergency cannot be * on strongly urged. j ' 71 ^ now to treat Croup Externally Rnb Tick's "Vap-O-Itub" Salvo well over the throat and obost for a few min- ;?n nt? s?then cover with a warm flannel cloth. ! |,r I .cave th?? covering loose around the neck j <o hat the aoutUng medicated vapors ariatig may loosetfthe choking phlegm and | >aso tho diflienlt breathing. Ono applica- <| ion at bedtime insures against a night j \ittaek. 25c, 50c, or $1.00. At druggists. VlCKS v^SALYE : Oil OS *-* CO rv ^ T ~ Lrusiiicdd INUllCeS t KOI I SAI.K?One M<( orniiclv hinder. ^ good as new, reason for selling ae- j count of moving. See W. F. Stog- T ner, Lancaster. S. C., or write C. O. Stogner. Hethunc. S. It. 2. V 56-ltp T LOST?Friendship bracelet on street Wednesday; reward if re- v turned to Miss Nanna Ferry, ?T 56-ltp - 4KOIl KKN'T?Five room cottage, ^ Call or phone Mrs. .lack White. lights asid water. <v ,ut::ry sire i ? 56 58-2tp J I'OI! S\i,i:?Laige siiipinent of fine 4, Nancy Hall potatoo plants expect- -r ed to arrive Saturday, l."?c per XOo. $1.65 per lOOu; call on me. W. __ i>. Chambers at L & C station. 56 ltp ' + l?'Olt HKN'T?Two or three unfurnislied rooms, close !u, water and . hath. Reasonable \pply Boxj _ 333. < itv. 56-2t * I OK KK.N'T?A nice seven-room rot- 4tage with water and lights; price . reasonable. K. \V. Sistare 55-2tc * SKCOXI) shipment of sweet potato + plants on Friay, 21st inst. K. W. 4. Slstare. !>5-2te TIIK I'Kltl'KTIAh Tin tiding & Loan + association has opened a second + series beginning this month which + will he held open until May first 4. for anyone who wishes to take 4, stock. W. 11. Millen. sec. treas. . ,r.4-5tc * + VVANTKI*?6.00O pounds of cow. I llaruo m lln ?hr?<>n on/1 irnnt UMac i T You will find us on White street. + See us before you sell. Capus Can- + then & Son., Lancaster, S. C. 54-lmo-p . ion SALE?5" or 60 bushels of + Forked Leaf Yam Potatoes; the i sweetest potato that grows. I'ric.- + $l.o0 per bushel. Phone 122-2: .j, Geo. W. Maker. Monte 2, Lancas-j. er, S. C. 53-3tp * + iOTIt'E?We will give you five cents , + apiece for your meal and hull bugs. They must be clean and + free from holes, Lancaster Cotton + Oil Co. 62-6tc . V iANC* HALL, Porto Rico, Early!* Triumph sweet potato plants rehdy for immediate shipment. *1.25 prr + 1,000, f.o.b. Florida. F. E. Hull, + Uock Hill, S. C. 61 6t c . . _ Place your order now for pi nto plants. Nancy Hall and any! ariety. To place your order ;ith us in the next two weeks ou can get plants out of the.* irst shipment, April 10. MACKORElX GROCERY. 2-tf-C i + H r . 1 ACTO refill DANK I l/ll. BOOK I V INACCOOnr WITH- w* A J*r/, -7f D iiiihm nmd ' in'.* iiumm'iiiiiiiiiiir , iLk In y v ^INK-TENTHS oi ^ of (he world is (I Whv no( do vours th Vour liioiicv is safer i than anywhere else. It is i time and you can pay it o ins your check, a cleaner way th hills and silver. Then, too, the ceipt for payment, for, of coursi the money -your money? until he .receipts We accept small ana are glad to j THE BANK OF I "Oldest, Strongei May Avoid Break (iermany may make good assur- K1 (< s already given and avoid the band eak. nut if the Berlin govern- Texa [*r.l prefers the open breach the Char nerlcan people must meet the issue raid, nan ly and support their president. ; in th O. Times Picayune. recei + + +-:-+ : + * + : * + : +> vni Business is Solicit VOI business, 110 matter how small Sanitary Bar Latta Davis, Give our Pressing Room a tria Good Valuei Spring I Cl-l fine wool velvet finish h'ue serge, sizes 34 to 4G, on<of the greatest values In America 115.00 Fine quality all wool serge Suits, value $13.50; special for Faster trade $11.7." I 5 _?w?V?V ' >>> '?'? ltt> of the | U5INE55 I fORLD III V t the business : lone by checks. \ at wav? 11 a good bank > it your call at any y ut simply by writ an handling the actua ! ! check Is a good re 2, the payee can't ge' . -from the hnnk. J for It V y accounts get them > .ANfASTFR I mm smm i BM A [* st, Best" > >* Kiiui n.mdit.s Guilty. Paso. April 20.?The six Villa Its placed on trial at Demiag, s. yesterday charged with killing le^ D. Miller in the Columbus were found guilty of mtfrder e first degree, according to word veil here. h + -+-: + >H^ +- + + + -+ + . I D I J i ;ed and ? JR - ? I, is APPRECIATED ber Shop ]| Prop. \ \ 1. 25c. per Suit. 1 ? in Fine j Suits ; . < r TRADE MARK7; clothes] : .oud co. : (DING STORE I 444444*44444444 n Pino steel gray sorgo Suit.-.. v j epocially priced at $10.00 / j Vow Palm itoaoli ami Keep J Kool Suits. Koop Kool two piece sorgo \ Suits, strictly tailored unllnod . oat suit, spoolai $10.On Genuine Palm lleach Keep ' " '( Kool make, big assortment pal terns; price $7.50 , Ot-nuine Keep Kool Suits, \m Panama and light weight cloths at 15.00 and $8.on 1 ROBINSON-CL LANCASTER'S LEfl