OKI LOCAL DOTS ;|jChambe .1 The i <-x^H, Lancast meree i . Wednesday, March 8, was Ash House, Wednesday, the first of the forty 7. with days of Lent. Promptl conferer There will be a basket supper by the at the Sims school house, Fri- Springs, i day night, March 17, for the ben- lined th< % efit of the school. ence. ... , V. The n There will be preaching at retary's Carnes school house Sunday af- was rea) ternoon at 3 :30 o'clock and every mation. one please bring hymn books. Seven Chief Orr has moved his family to Lancaster and they arei,, occupying the Hood cottage, re-! r , V cently vacated Col H. G. McI1" nresidPr TIToin nrwl fnmilv i \ . """* """ **" ! elected There was a thick flurry ofj folio win snow for a few mjnutes Wed-; W. T nesday afternoon and a decided G. M. drop in the temperature during ^ the past several days. r rr J T About a hundred Lancastians C. L. left on the special train at 5:15j J. B. this afternoon to see the "Birth, Geo. 1 of a Nation" at the Academy of Harrj Music in Charlotte. D. Re< Rev. I Judge T. W. Bowman, of Or. R. E. angeburg, judge of the first cir- L. Z. cuit, will preside over the spring A me term of court which convenes in ed boar< Lancaster Monday. future t treasure Mayor Charles D. Jones, of|Committ Lancaster, has been selected by j Governor Manning as a memberof the state committee on na-' f tional defense. ! Judge Ernest Moore, who fori the past month has been hold- Mr. a ing court in Lexington, went to I Monroe, Edgefield this week to peside j S oyer the court of that county. Miss * The condition of Miss Inez Wednesi Hough, who was struck by light- j ^m-' J ning during the storm Tuesday afternoon is steadily improving. 'Mr ** Miss Hough's friends have been most solicitious and will he glad w.V"nff to know that she has retrained * * consciousness and is resting qui- .. V j i I c\v Qcij etl^- dr-URhte "Fantasia," the musical ex- r- n travaganza, presented last night 'hitord, at the opera house was enjoyed "ls by an audience which filled the urday. hall. The door receipts were . , iie $119.00 but the expenses were IT very heavy and the Lancaster Chapter, U. D. C., under whose 1 Vl'?ips auspices the play was given. ... j ss cleared $43.00. Wednes ping. Preparations for the Chamber Miss of Commerce dinner next Tues- tion, is day evening are going forward The 1 rapidly and several committees Lester are busy with plans for that oc- received casion. Rut the busiest people ? in town are the King's Daughters. who will serve the dinner. As w Remember the day and hour, from Tuesdav, March 14, at 8:30 p. m. thought The Work will begin next week on are bus; the handsome new building in Mr. J which will be located the Farm- busy th ers' Rank and R. C. Hough's ber. jewelry establishment. This and Mr. other improvements soon to be Longsvi made in the business section ness tri ' * 11 ? - 1 will acid to tno appearance as nesoay well aa to the convenience of Mrs. several of our business houses, of Kers parents Mayor C. D. Jones, member of son, of the executive committee of the Miss Southern Military Camp League,; Midway attended the luncheon given in, Miss # Wednesday at the Jefferson ho- week. \'tel in Columbia by Mr. E. W. Mr. C Robertson, chairman of the com- siness ti mittee. From Columbia Mayor Mr. I Jones went to New Yotk where, ness tr he will spend several days. Mr. L I spent S Mr. J. W. Vincent, a former:and Mr Lancaster county boy, who is' Mr. 1 practicing law in Hampton, in a spent F rate for mayor of that town last; mer's p week received the same number J. Cunr of votes as the opposing candi-l Mr. 1 date. Mr. J. B. Binnicher. Our Longsvi bet is that Mr. Vincent will win with hi in the second election which will, ton, of be held next Thursday, March Mr. ( 16. hog the Miss Rev. J. C. Rowan announced j^c (\uv at the sevice at the Presbyterian Mrs." church Sunday afternoon that nr>sdav there would be a congregational j pj't>. meeting after the service next ' pf s Sunday night to take under ad- .JU , visement the matter of repairing , )f , the church or building a new| one. For some time the mem-: bera have had in mind the mat- I. ' ter of building a new church, ^ and is altogether probable that a new church will be built before wj^ a very great while.?Kershaw Mr f Era. ^ ter, Mr: THE LANCASTER NEWS Mi DICERS ELECTED. y( r of Commerce Holds ^ v i Annual Meeting. !j! PERSONALS fa; innual meeting of the >; x wort er Chamber of Com- $ ? m?r< vas held at the Court Pu.u Tuesday evening March Miss Rosa Hill, of Greenville, llzln; 35 members present, arrived to-dav for a visit f y at 8:30 o'clock the at the home of Mr. R. E. Wylie. ice was called to order x/r r, ? e ? in ir president Col Lerov Mr* W* R- Moore? of Green- stan who in a'brief way out ville' is here ?n official business dent b object of the meeting, this week. brou Miss Sara Wray, of Ridgeway, the ext feature was the sec- is the guest of Mrs.Julian Willannual report, which iams. tollo d and recorded as infor- Messrs. Walter M. Stevens and Tota .... . , . John D. Wylie spent Wednesday p0fa al other important mat- in charlotte. {7 re disposed of, after ^ ^ , o le election of officers for Mr. R. T. Beaty will spend Sane ling year was held. Sunday with relatives in Winnsiprings was re-elected boro. P?fa it; Chas. D. Jones, re- ^jr Edgar Marion, of Phila- i jL? vice-president, and the de]phia, visited his sister, Mrs. ' fi g directors chosen: R B Allison, this week. woo| Croxton^ Mrs. E. E. Cloud, of Rock Hill, be 1 Stewart is in Lancaster this week be- pose Bennett cause of the illness of her sis- emp Thomasson ter, Miss Inez Hough. in t MaManus Mr. Paul G. McCorkle, of York t1?1" Mackorell I wno in T onnucfov f Vlio tirnnlr onrl I c "MO All UIUIVHUVVI VI1IO ?HU 1*1 W. Williams his friends, as always, were glad . . . Hirsch to shake hands with him. \l-ai ece Williams Ken i.igh R. Murchiaon Mi?s B1?eka Nash Arant. of Wvlip Kershaw, is now with her par- pip Lazenby. ents, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Ar- jj eting of the newly elect- an^' Fast Lancaster. 1 will be held in the near Mr. John D. Arant, Jr., spent W ;o select a secretary and last Sunday with friends and re- trib r and appoint the various latives east of Kershaw. A ;ees for the ensuing year. not Mr. Billy McDonald visited his parents in Kershaw this week. JNTY NEJYS Mr- Geor?e F- Wing, Jr., of Atlanta, was here on business W UNITY. Thursday. peoj nd Mrs. J. C. Laney, of Miss Betty Brown went to spent Friday with Mr. Winnsboro yesterday afternoon 1 na togner. fo a visit to her sister, Mrs. S. \H.\h Lillie Mahaffey spent W. Heath, day with Mrs. J. A. CrenMr. Sumter McLendon, of Co . C. Crenshaw has been 'umk,ia. is visiting his aunt. Mrs. R at Van Wyck this week. illianis. on C hesterfeld Dl Iloyt Crenshaw spent avenue* day night with Mr. Gary Mr. W. F. Broom, formerly | OK of Lancaster, but now of Lake jn Mary L. Neill spent a r\tv, S. C., is here on business u : 1i 1. .. *i.L 1 .. . . * rs msi wet?K wuii uki this week tr, Mrs. W. D. Todd. ? nd Mrs. R. F. Usher, of t Miss Ressie Rlackv !!. of Tar- L'% visited the former's sis- Hnpfton, is the {rues' of her sisis Lillie Usher, last Sat- ffi\ Mrs. Waddy R. Thomson, on (,r Chesterfeld avenue. sa s Alline Nelson and Ade- Mr and Mrs John M Craig ^ mmpson spent the u^ek. of Houston, Texas, arrived in i-t-p Riverside with Miss Lancaster this morning for a vison s parents. it to Mr. Craig's father, Mr. T. Loma McCain spent B Craitr. .a",, ClclJ1 1H \\ flXutl W Shop- r*n|ii|i ^ rf ' Soo ? ' Cant Ella Huey, of this sec- SOCIAL NEWS, very ill. t F(>* ittle son of Mr. and Mrs. , + *? < n i !-? Starnes, of this section, Lewis-VanLandinchani |??? i a painful burn Monday. , Tf!a following rem the Cam- A , __J den Chronicle will lie ol interest n.21 WH'TF It! UFF t" the friends and relatives ol e haven't seen any news the groom in Lancaster county: White Bluff recently Mr. and Mrs. F? J. Lewis have i we would send some. announced the engagement of | Tl c....r u,: , their daughter. Miss Lucile Lew- i t farmers 01 this section . . R, ... T, T i* l. v cultivating their land. ? to M.r;.S- X' Van Land mghum.; -i . A. Ilinson Has been very the wedding to take place in the, < ; e past week sawing lum- J 1 1 he announcement will be read 1 Edgar Hill son, of the ?'.th . intfclT' >>>' the many He section made a busLlfl,'lendao< both the young poo- ??r; ip to White Bluff Wed- ''je- vSl"ce to. C?ntd?? child- Dr>7 dngham."' "* ** W' ^oihers andTiste'rs.8 8eTera' Deb me ^tk,??bes"ent0Fridtahy SEVERELY BURMTD. B5S Sivu'fr'iJfr? Reed Uor. Little Son of Mr. Clark Robinson ?f'(* White Bluff Suffers Injury. j, V* llinson lost a fine While playing Monday morn- ?a i pa week. jnj? jn the yard near his home Ev n on is spending the four-year-old son of Mr. and " ?r 'ran,lParent s. Mrs. J. Clark Robinson accident- in W. ... on spent Wed- ajiy overturned a vessel of boil- tl< .vim mrs. ai. jng water and was painfully Dl n scalded. jSt1 iqr made a Water was boiling in prepara"tster last tion for cooking cattle feed and the little boy in investigating rv -? what was gomg on, by mis- LJi chance knocV cd over the pot with on of Mr. result stated. Dr. R. C. Brown n sick the was summoned quickly and made aT a day the child as comfortable as posV il * very sick sible. A trained nurse is in at- ? rippe. itendance and though severely sen 'in! l,y. 'ted his sis- burned, his* condition is as sat- and 9. Robe11 iiurtoi). isfactory as could be expected. ?< * i i \RCH 10. 1916 Save fhe Ashes. [ ?ry few persons know the ^AViV.'m'i'i'm'iV.ViV.'.Vi edients of fertilizing value in i ashes, nor their chemical > a p | pp 1 h, else they would exercise J A V/I M H ; care in saving them ant' > 11 VJl&JL Ll J ing them to use for ferti- > g purposes. y ist week C. O. Strogner, who > is on the Mody Hough lands > Tl . , le Timrod section, at the in I HC backgroui ce of J. T. Stevens, presi- J of the Kershaw Oil Mill, Ilian has much ght to Dr. Leroy Habenicht. > mill's chemist, for analysis. * pect which he ? black jack wood ashes. The J W'ng 'with Sand'.^1 I "??*. Whel ,1 Phosphoic Acid .... 1.54 .. . < ish available ... 5.72 ' continued rela b 17.00 y . - , , . . l 58.30 ; tial banking 11 Without Sand. ii Phosphoriic Acid ... 3.70 ; becomes, ill a ' ish available 13.71 , e ?0,89 and adds stren nere is .lust any amount of rl going to waste that could I wards success. nade to serve a good pur- * d by reducing it to ashes and nliow In hue! no loying it as a fertilizer, both *,IU S l? 1)11 S,IU he field and garden. Cer- y iniliviiliial |v if thprp pvor wnc a fimo 1I1U1> lQUal* justified the home manu- v -f . ure of fertilizers of every * Oilers U very (1 lable kind, this is the time.? * , s.haw Era. : nection from ? y ld day contributions I invites your at nity $ 4.00 * ancaster, Cen., to date $12.40 > or sm.nl I m publish individual con- I utions later. * 11 contributions should be in later than March 20. > ! THE BANK re wish to thank the grood _ )le of Lancaster for the kind- > LcHlCt shown us during: the long: ss of our dear brother; es E\lly the King's Daughters of J. E. and Pearl Stogner. SPECIAL I from kersh/ isiness Notices A: TB 1 " MA) SM.K?Texas Rowden and v fruiting cotton see-l for plant A j. nrw. SOUTHE] I C Extremely L SM.K?One family horse, hup and harness; horse eight year From Ke il. perfectly sound and guaran- IJe ed to work anywhere; any lady j child can drive it with perfect Tely. Weight 1.000 Ihs. $2.50 Cft r outfit. Frank P. Green, Ho' fi. Lancaster, S. C. This trajn wl? 1eave Ker8] Lancaster 5:08 p. m., Catawba ?*TKI>?f,.ooo pounds cow, horse 7:00 p. m.. and will return lea mictTfi, kiwi, linnk, oiipr. Tuts excursion Is being < ion. fox. muskrat, opossum hides desirlng to see the wonderful us before you sell Capers .. . ,,, , lion & Son., Lancaster. S. C. NATION. Tic ts will also 10. In addition to special tral Xf>?Saturday morning set o:' special train. ?.'Pth in fron? of W. T. Or?^ por further information, c . Owner can get seme or pav-.jtg this ad and rewsrdtne ftnrter 7 to o'nc Cnrthcrt Long " -yy g v \v. LEGIIOKXS, u: i: INJC. .OOUOING STRAIN?NTo hot! . li?ilMB?MM.IM1 \v our hntching eggs at $1.50 po 8 | 1. *7.00 per 100, or Rahy chi -t fl 1 $3.50 per 25, $12.50 per 1" 9 TSlHrTT'ff IT StTBlT I Mil |f#| HAIiR?An ideal family horse, 8 rfect qualities, sound and will I ; anywhere. Also Tyson & Jones I er tired buggy, good as new >j 11/ 1 J-*.. J T1 cheap for cash or on secured * f? 6flIlCSU2lV 2111(1 t. D. Ueece Williams. I J ?To buy or sell milch cows I iill young calves, snrineers. and I arlings; also two buggies for sale a bargain. T. K. Cunningham. 44-2tp frld e head?for fire months every e means keen pain We wi,j haye Qn KN YOU WANT YOUR OAR- ladias' head wear RN?PLOWED, call J. M. Morn- laaias neaa wear. >n who also runs Dray and Hack. bona Iff. B8-8tp Miss DaWs has mat SB TOUR OWN Cabbage. 8tart . . ,, , jw, Have plenty of all kfoda of display one of the i&rg bage plants at Rackorell'a Oro- u , w.?. ?.y. 38-tfc nnee of Millinery ever :EN REAL men PIGS for sale. le stock, sis to seven weeks old. New Dress vered In town at $5.00 a pair I. they laet. I>h.n* today. T.U. We haye arranged ~8AI.E?One home.raited bora. a Rreat arra>' of Suitaur years old, weight 1,000 lbs., all broken and sound, at a bar- v .. ;ln for quick sale; also will sell l OU are cordially y fine combination horse, dark j j ky, eight years old, fine saddle. Millinery and ready-to>od family horse, quality the best every way. Prices on applicant. At . he.?I. ? ?- -- 'U. a u? 1 gaiu IUI CttBll (ir inkable note. J. Clark Robin- E n. Lancaster, R. F. D. No. 1. f-c r. M. R. Campbell pnRINIQn Registered Optometrist jLxV-/1311 JVy, id Manufacturing Optician. ANDERSON, S. C. LANCASTEI tandard Drug Co., local repretatl"es. Take your broken len??e* ' repairs to tbcra for prompt and urate work I 1 2 J >??????? ;?>>>>>>>>>?>v BACKGROUND ! 0 0 [id behind a business * to do with the as presents to his com njhe" has close and I tions with a substan- * istitution, the hank ; y nay, his background gth to his efforts to- ; The same rule ap ss man, (armor and > "The Old Reliable" : lesirahle banking con tIiis standpoint, and sconnt, whether large t V OF LANCASTER! V aster, S. C. mimiU CXCUKSION TRAIN iW To CHARLOTTE s'D RETURN RCH 10, 1916 Via Et N RAILWAY o\v Round Trip Fares: 1 r.?ha\v $1.25 ath Springs . 1.15 ucaster .... 1.00 tawba Jn'e't . .00 tinvv 4:30 p. m.f Heath Springs 4:45 p. m., j u uui.iv/li u.io 11. in., arrive UQcinotto vjng Charlotte 11:45 p. m. jperated for the accommodation of those moving picture "THE BIRTH OF A he good going on train No. 113, March n, but will bo good returning only on all on . CAUTHEN. Agent, Lancaster, S. C. (V OPENING I lursday March 15 and 16 | display the newest creations in 4 le an extra effort, and we have oq est, as well as one of the nicest displayed. es, Suits and Coats. to have on display for opening, Dresses and Coats. invited to attend this display of wear. 1 N-CLOUD CO. | R'S LEADING STORE. | J