The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, March 10, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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i 4 (El|p ICanrastrr Nei (8BM1? WEEKLY.) /VANITA WYtTlE Ik pl'llmsh b 55* announcemf Published Tuesdays ani l-'j days at Lancaster, s. C.. by 'i'l Lancaster Publishing Compan successors to The Ledger, e tablished 1852; The Revle1 established 1878; The Ente prise, established 1891, and e tared as second class matt Oct. 7, 1905, at the postoffl at Lancaster, S. C., under A of Congress of March 3, 187 suHSCKirnun rnitH: (In Advance.) hie Year $ Hx Months "Let reverence for lawa 1 breathed by every Amertci mother to the lisping babe th prattles on her lap; let It 1 taught in schools. 11 seminarl and colleges; let it be wrltt< in primers, spelling books ai almanacs; let it be preach< from the pulpit, proclaimed legislative halls, and enforced courts of just'ee. And In Bhoi let It become the poltlcal relt Ion of the nation; and let tl old and the young, the rich ai th" poor, the grave and the ge of all sexes and tongues at colors and conditions, sacriflc un^* singly upon its altars." FRIDAY, MARCH 10. 191 Weather forecast for So Carolina: Fair, warmer Frid Saturday rain. Are you a Chamber of C< meree booster? ? With state and national p tics now warming up, there every indication of a long, summer. ? Please pardon another inqu about the hospital, as this is last we will make. But serio ly, is the matter at a standst + Why not begin to plant flc ers as soon as you plant y< vegetable garden? They aff< such bberal return for the ti and money invested in them. The Chamber of Commerce one of Lancaster's greatest sots and has accomplished m; good things during the two ye of its ex is tunc . Ma\ it live Ir am' ; rosjvr. To the merchant of Lancas who : re not making mm of pri er's ink we pass on this lit tip from the Orangeburg T:n ind Democrat: "Anybody c start in business but it is 1 advertiser who succeeds." + We are entirely satisfied w the present state and natio adn inistrations. Manning 1 mode a good governor and entitled to a. second term. Soi Ca'olinians should rally arou him iist as the nation at hu is vo g to rally oro md Wot ro'.v Wilson. yr e are ever to have a pi h bbrury in Lancaster, we mi go "'Wr it and gm others int < '< " We -ho ;ld p<,t he satisf v.-it'-i the inrdeouate facilities h ' but most work for son t h ** Setter. The New York and Baltiim ni '' 01 ler men may be good c i'/c-ns in their respective plac i.i.i ?re doing nothing 1 Lancaster. Why not patron exclusively the home merchu who is working for the devel< mcnt of this community? + Tn this, our last issue, we ci lot mention many of the top ?vl|ich have claimed our att< jflfn as your editor, but we vant to speak a little word pohaif of the approaching spri clean-up campaign. We beg tl you make it a good campai] systematic and thorough. TV keep this town clean and be; to beautify it. Nature has 1 done much for us. We sho be willing to do Something ourselves. * Dr. D. W. Daniel, the eloqu South Carolinian, who will sp at our Chamber* of Comme Aner Tuesday evening, rec< ypddressed a similar gather iB Charlotte and the Charh Observer thus describes the pression made upon his hear< Dr. D. W. Daniel made s a speech as has rarely b heard here and took the he by storm. . He then flung Y self into his real theme, " Forces That Build Cities," i.'ith flaming eloquence, he >pircd his hearers. . . It se jhipossible that any spea 'jriwever gifted, could live U] the advance notices that been heaped upon this Sc Caroli^iim; but he proceedei *" * V\a 8TTOW OKU 11 uuuiu wc ... ? ? -? * - 1 - THE I Hlg VALEDICTORY. | wcfciaoo My resignation, tendered sev-1 * eral weeks ago to the directors ^ lttor of the Lancaster Publishing companv, becomes effective to-day, I A .j. and henceforth the Lancaster! That 1 tw News will be published under |W. Wili y. other editorial management. It,stiff.?S is neither my desire nor purpose j ir- to review the history of the past! Join n- few years during which I have Vermc er been editor of this paper. If the bition. r ct policy of the News is not already stick to 9. known nothing is t obe gained by and Coui ofofino- it hpre. Twice a week j , the editor's opinions have been r''' ? expressed without reservation. a 7gc The suggestions offered may or ^bes not be may not have met with approval the Kitcl m but they have been offered, nev-1 Greeni ertheless, because it seemed e? right to offer them. Lancaster | 9n has made material advancement I id during the last few years. To| 3d have had even a small share in <T?se. w* the work which has brought * hate f t. progress and prestige to this p/>ur ; k- community has been an expert himbia I ie ence well worth all the time and , ld effort expended. Few towns A have grown as steadily as Lan- Goverr :e caster has and few counties en- a good joy greater prosperity than this. will do ' ~ It is good to feel that so many actions s of the things the News has Orangebi wished for and worked for have crat. uth I been brought to pass, that other lay, good things are not far off. In Unci taking leave of those who have When < ?- read what we have written as says goo< )m~ well as those of less patience I that he \ and more discretion, perhaps, I grip alon oli- want to express my best wishes. , ja I have come to know many of j A hot yo.u personally and count the When i friendships thus gained very are burn* I helpful and very pleasant. My being wa iry newspaper experience has broad-jit, go ah* the'ened by interest and given me ?Pagelai us-j also a wider point of view. I ill? feel that I have received more' "All We t i ? T liovo WVinn , 11 nan i nave- >;ncii, ,>c?, ? ,, ..v.. . >\v- given my best. cian run 3ur To those who have communi- throws hi 3rd I rated items of news or other- > hat is us me wise rendered assistance, T am .of his de debtor, as well as to that one people.?' whose wise counsel and actual ' 's help, so freely given, have been Would !5< as~ of inestimable value. I wish also "Peace inv to acknowledge to the men of less renm :,rs the pn ss of South Carolina my will Wil nv hearty appreciation of their en-j sing if 1 coiP'agement and kindness to a.neace pri mere woman who invaded their:hard cast tev province for a little while and nt- -ho counts it a privilege to To t'e have worked along with men of Politics such high character and purpose.: insurance In conclusion I would ask the'people ar ! v> readers of the News to continue.the bill, their kindly attitude towards vet work< paper. Improvements have j and ne n ij been made in it and other jm-jNews. ias provements will be made from time to time as patronage war-[ Hum ^ rants. 1 wish I could make every : Miss IV |nrj reader realize the powerful in-1 homedei .Lro fluence of a good newspaper. T.qncastcr As a leader of thought it helps Kershaw ito make public opinion and byh0 visit tl keeping the people reliably in-; offoi*t to fomed it makes better citizens, -coking. )s+ In order, therefore, to keep r-.?ed in e>._ the News up t<? a worthy stand-,wish her ; ")'d. I ask that you always give Xershnw it your support. Although after to-day no longer its editor, 1 Take sha'' always watch with loving j YVe'nvv interest the future of the home farn,er> t jre'naper and my wish is that ; nlant som it Lancaster News may become hip- fon j)Q1 os, ger. better and stronger than 11iX)r, or be or have been able to make it. You must izei JUANITA WYLIE. Plant cor mt er crops >p" ! OUR SUCCESSOR. sale, and tide over put all th *n-j Mr. L. P. Huddleston, of At- Abbeville ics lanta, who assumes business and sn- editorial management of the Lan- , Reco <1?1 caster News is a newspaper man et *n ;of wide experience in every phase jn ra 'n?!of the work and an enthusiastic thei iat community builder. As editor of jft Hecc ^n"the "Firing Line" of the Atlan-i an(j Jta Constitution, he has made that. HVc^y b ?ln department an interesting and Manning successful feature of the paper. i,auyons Mr. Huddleston knows the news- f0n0Wintc *or (paper game by reason of long tefj ^ ty service in mechanical, reporto ft f rial, business and editorial posi- {overcome eak t'ons* I vails in t ,,L As a citizen he has entered j ernor a i 11 l. Jl? i. ? ,1 ...,.u1. ..f I I T ?nt- wnoienearieniy jiilij me wuik uj ourg jou ing city building. During the ad* _ rtte ministration of Mayor Maddox, Y/v im- Mr. Huddleston was a member jr.- of the city council of Atlanta, **111 uch an(i aiso acted as mayor pro-tern OVl! ,een during the mayor's absence. The ' f-0 >use new editor is an enthusiastic j ""*"8 dm- Chamber of Commerce worker Anrin The paving served the Atlanta body:* an(| as chairman of important com-1 1 CfL in- mittees. j ems We take pleasure in present- L?|1|C ker, ing Mr. Huddleston to the peo. p to pie of the town and county, who had will, we are sure, extend to our _ HC >uth successor the uniform courtesy Nice s i to'and consideration which has aialways bees accorded to ua. 43-tf-c m, L jANCASTER NEWS, MARCH 10, 1916 I What An "Educated 1 K OTHER PAPERS. Knows. * Two or three years ag c*sfff *Tnnill. t in turer at the University 5 u.n Chicago handed a hundrc .on is also somewhat ""ns'Z^hem m ^ hundr partanburg Herald. audience,0 explS . _ , tJ , if anyone present could ied to Their Idols. questions correctly hi >nt has defeated prohi- consider himself an educa rnere are still some who sorit but ^bat "otherwise the path of sin. News better go back and and ner* post graduate course f< that his college degree m >oes Not Follow. _ ceive the recall." One Baker in the cabinet more difficult questions; indicate a leanim? to io M 11 crn AT 11 noforKorrr lin policy by any means, be found much easier n rille Piedmont. the Harvard professor < man birth so named has i And Ours. e(* wide attention during t ce Times says, "Join y??r by his extraordinary 10, like Dr. Rugby, say ments, the last to be r i dum fly.'" Please being that after the war application to ioin.?Co- rope there will come a re tecord. zation of the United * which will "imbue the Ai Man of Action. nation with German ido< jor Manning has made ^ ~ rJr i!/*'1 record and the people vel*slty Club of Chicago i well to remember that college men who were sti peak louder than lip.? ?y the lecturing pr. irg Timies and Demo. Jhough all of the men boasted of a degree won a versity, forty-one of th . .. w dred called on merely r( lesjrable Luggage. questions and then "gav Old King Winter finally ,. The other fortv-nin j-bye it is to be hoped ^ answers but very , cont forgot to take his cordi t th t , Charleston Post. gave ?orrect ans?ers [Q ...... them and not one answer Wasteful Habit. rectly in every case. Th grass, stalks and trash tions were as follows: -<} valuable fertilizer is N sted. If you don t need of th Unite() gt t ? burumg. the treasurer of the nd Journal. States 3 Name thc C0I , v j wj ? of the New York Symphc ^ a"d a Yard Wide. chestra. 4. Name the l South Carolina politi- 0f Tammany Hall. 5. s lor office lie ^cver your congressman. 6. 1 is hat into the ring. The Hugo Munsterberg?. 7. uially t>io sign capital was c^jr Christopher Wr (votion to the common \yho js ^li Raba? 0. V The State. the Pentateuch? 10. V a seismograph ? 11. Wh .? a "<i!orious Victory." clevis? 12. How many i hath her victories not are there on the bench ivned that war." Thus supreme court? 1.1. Nar iam Jennings Bryan of them. 14. Who aaid le receives the Nobel child is the father of the ze?worth 810.000 in 15. Who said "The prove i.?Sumter Item. Cod's first temples?" 1C> said "Once more unto tlie 1 o Much Politics. dear friends, once more' pot mixed un with the Who is Mommsen? 18. law, and, as usual, the the president of the Lake e called upon to pay railroad? 19. What is the Too much politics never city in size in the United ? ?d well for the masses, 20. What is a prepositio ver will. Greenville Qne commenting' and newspaper editor doubted member of congress or go if Demonstration. of a state could answer fartha G. Creighton, ouestions correctly. He rionstration agent for made bold the question w county county, was in there was "a half dozen l Tuesday of last week the United States outside he jraded school in the five college professors wh organize a class in answer offhand every o Mi ss Creighton is en-1 them." It is surprising t a good work and we did not go further and every success in it.? doubt as to the ability < Era. live college professors" t wer offhand in all cases. : Care of Yourself. ambition of the average peal to the individual professor of our time is o you, Mr. Farmer, to come a thoroughly-eq ething else besides cot- specialist, not a library < i't follow your neigh- versal information. No deceived by bis plans. even the man who wrote ; take care of yourself, questions could have bee n. Raise hay and oth- pC(j ap some pomt or which promise a ready . .. . ., ... which will help you to ,,! ?"ner 8im,lar 1,9ts Pr if cotton fails. Don't beh?nd his back. e eggs in one basket. "educated person" must 1 Press and Banner. . 5*?? luanswer on nana every q ~ " that is put to him ia all rd Race Probable. The really necessary qu itrtfnce ol Mr. ' ooper tions of an educated man ce for governor means K different character. Pr re will unquestionably ary ^rill jtt gciences, lah nd race for th-\t. posu and literature may be p this secondi race will regarded as a sine qua n< e j ;e,^r a retentive memory ia I and Mr, Cooper. The means the hallmark of man has a very Strong "walking encycloped that must be admit- rarejy a man 0f unusua le same time it is doubt- or intelligence. Such ? so strong that he can knows where to find a a sentiment which pre- or so Qf more or ]eas jmj his state to give a gov- frt(.^8 when he wants thf second term. , >partan- yie cannot afford to kee rnal* ^ constantly stacked up in 1 ~ . - inind to the exclusion of < u are lrivaJ thought, r Millinery p- __________ : W I 3 JAX rhun. , B1SCUI" and 16 t supply energy. Buili blood muscle. Give rigor of brain aster Lep . ) nerve. Nearly Iwica the . value per pound of the steaks. Cost much less. ll'SE FOR Ri'iN i (\ /O * \ Tw.?^ta?"gt , ?uumBwci Made lyf?, ?MckK?w.lW Cracker \ .. ap.r. _. isz A Man's Banking Connections !S Largely Determines His ted per- _ H; Success in Business > ight re of the I' ! -"Who ?would ow, for The bank which gives careful, cheerful, helpattract flll service has the most customers. instate- Perhaps you may wish to do business with a eported bank that offers a progressive helpful service. Tf *>rgani- so, we extend you a cordial invitation to visit us nerfcan all(* becomR acquainted with the fact that service ds." is a paramount idea with this institution. Also tie Uniind the talk over your problems with us in confidence. Limped" afessor. An account at the First National combines t?unL ^le maximum of safety with convenience and e bun- service. ;ad the *e filfed ^ e we^come the individual instead of the size ac- of the account, ahshed, half of ed cor- |i t] e quesII The First National Rank i\ ill lie rpa ? I United In j uluctor II Under U. S. Government Supervision. >ny Or ill Ji leader vN?- - < Name 1 Who is ?1 A. W. CHANCE ' ,rhat is iat is a This notice is an incentive to the move list ices of t.ho we have made, that is to our new quarne five 7 m i 'T i:; ters, first door to the Lancaster Bank. man ? 's were . - Who Saflll r ^ii 4m (1^ B ' vernor; A&fllh these C> Tr'ac! Fancy Groceries and canned goods are ite""n!- delicious when they come from the old uidba Reliable. More to the point next issue. )f "acMS A. W. CHANCE. college to be- ? luipped Death of Mrs. Nannie King. STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! of uni- Mrs. Nannie King, wife of J. . doubt Ed King, died at the home of *v,nK Carter Tomatoes, i these her father, Mr. Harvey Robin- 10?- can, and everything else in rt trip- aon- near Tirzah, Sunday. She, Groceries just as cheap points bee" in poor, healtb for s"Tf- E. W. SISTARE. 1 time and several months ago she j__ 'epared came from her home at Fort Lawn to her fathers' hoping to ? u .n regain her health. The quest nTi ~ ~ m )e was in vain. Mrs. King was a DR. C. B. PRAT f n Hoirruit PViriatian wtimnn ? mom- I nvvTiu'r wrot!F.|?r"of the Preabyterian'church. Hl>ur. a m. ^ alifica- She is survived by her husband to #.00 are of and three small. children. The mb elTmin- funeral and burial service were guages held at Tirzah church Monday Lancaatf roperly afternoon, conducted by Rev. W. ? W. Ratchford-Waxhaw Enter. Wood's Productive u",Ufs Place your order now for po-; COITISI force tato plants. Nancy Hall and any: . . t man variety. To place your order | ^C<! million m. Coras nave an established minion Wlth Us m the next two weeks, reputation for superiority in 'm but you ?an K plants out of the productiveness and germinate thorn first shipment. April 10. ting qualities, his own MACKORELL GROCERY. Wood's Descriptive Catalog original 42-tf-C tells about the best of prize-win ning and profit-making varieties in NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDI- 1,0111 White and Yellow Carna. IU All persons having claims against COttOIl SCC(3. jl the estate of J. M. Hough deceased. - are hereby notified to file the same I We offer the he?t and m<>?t u. _ II duly verified, with the undersigned. i proved varieties, grown in section* | I and those Indebted to said estate will ' absolutely free from boll weevil. please make payment likew ise. Our Catalog given price* and lnforMrs. Lilly H. VanLandlnKliam, mation, nn<J tells about the bent of j ExecutresB. ' Southern Seeds, *8La^?^ ?M Hough, deceased, j 100.DAY VELVET BEANS, Sola food March 10. 1916. Beam, SUDAN GRASS. Dalits Grass best 3t-frldajr? md all Sorghums and Millets. ? Catalog mailed free on request. *4Lm Invigorating to the Pale and Sf.lckly . II la Ak The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, T.W.WOOD O SONS. HMW OROVE'S TA8TBLBS9 chill TONIC, drives ont prmcum m . ? u- ' Malar la.enriches the blood .and builds up the ay ? SEEDSMEN, - Richmond. VL tern. A true toOiC. For adults nod children. Me ' wm* *V * 'J* .v