RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. BUFORI In Memory of L. E. Horton, of Honor FMll Flint Ridge Council No. 12, j Fth grade Junior Order. n> \ , Th; Resolutions by the Flint Ridge! ?tu Council No. 12, J. O. U. A. M.. ' KUP n of Heath Springs. S. C? on the Thompson oti death of Bro. L. E. Horton, who p ^ vlor died on the 7th. of January 1910. i 7th ' __ k . BoweiUce minute book the sad fact that j ^riuk,_ our beloved brother has passed ]yf.lo Duncan away over the river. | Collier Tavlo'r. Silently one by one God calls 5^ oracle us home one by one and we are! Nlfirnntla Tavh here to give utterance as best;j.;'i r' 1 we can to the great sorrow ^r.,,|e_ which is ours. . !n;P rtoll Smnii rorever we have parted with Mollie Usher. 1 an efficient executive; we have' p>r,| lost one of our shining lights: j | oon i sistarc 2nd. gradeResolved. that in his death th ' Odessa Snipes order has lost one of its most j gradedevoted members and desires to Willie Usher express by these resolutions the 1 White ford Rov high regard in which h" was Sadie Small, held. I 1st. grade ( That while we mourn his loss,Snipes. Margin we bow in humble submission to i Est ridge, Rurk the divine will. j ' That we extend to the mem- i hers of his family our deepest | ^ j haven't sympathy in their great bereave- news from th ni^ru' *. iu 1 u the countv in That these resolutions be re- turml ; Sunday in Dor i Mr. Garland MIDWAY. ROUTE r?. spent Sunday ' * Mr. and Mrs. John Vincent * and Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Gardner Mr. R (\ motored Sunday afternoon to see . :'r>i i Mr. L. A. Payne, who has been day. ill for some time. 1 J \ Mrs. J F. Gav'ner sent Sd nrdav night with Mrs. 1'. !!. Annie L. C.a Gardner e Del i Mrs. O. If. Wat on of Oil; I'd; knvir w.?r Ridge section. visMed her son Mr. and Mrs. ITavte F ile, of this notion, th" w t wc a?(i tak?. of Dr. Doll's Pine-Tar-Honey. Its a Vi ion is in so tin pleasant Pine-Tar-Honey syrup, just futuro svhat children like and just the mod cine to soothe the cough and check the cold. After taking, children stop Hew Mu:h I fretting, sleep good and are soon on if a). ia;i(J . tirelv well. Insist on l)r. Dell's Pine.. 25,000,000 cuhtc Tar.Honey. 25c at your Druugis uniformly over t form a shell abou t HANP^AHA? g?lg~fw I"1 ftgaif I t ,3*3 J^Tl * fa f ^ F jr, I. wIf T4?yfc! *" U f* o? * ? ? A businesslike business card business asset. We can j you fine samples here. B ordering elsewhere GIVE U CALL. if sfK 6???? ?? BOOK WO R 1 LAW WORI L1KCU LAR job Work of All 1 LANCASER PUBLISHING COM> fc . THE LANCASTER NEWS. MARCH : ) SCHOOL. Working With Intelligence, ' -i*:-*-:-*-:-*-: (Continued from Page 2) iji l for February. fill is safe with (Jod. the results T t a (advanced divis- are His for all eternity, and it + t I ipson. Is by those results that He takes 4. ^ -Myrtle Thome our measure. If we work in an ^ ? Thompson. Julia indifferent way, with a more or y% t is Taylor, Frank-1 less unaporeciation of our re- ^ sronsibUUi. s wo must expect to * I Ethel Noil, Ruth abide by the indifferent results 4* T lie Small, Flonnie in iust the same way that we 4* t Est ridge. shall share in the reward which 4. ^ Etta Taylor, F.ul; follows worthy effort. To many ? ? diic Louise Duncan, such reasoning mav sound dull * ? ? and monotonous because we do 4' it is -Eugene Parker, not all look upon the obligations 4 tl ? n\ Hessic Eth- and responsibilities of everyday i* U ^ee Usher. life as keys to the better life. -O'Dell Barr, An but when we come to think how ^ Rosa bee Rowel!. | little el Jon very rapidly or make much jjjj : antet TOLAS. progress unless we are sure of H T. plain t seen very much our w;,.v- and the sooner we sort j\ 4 'r< e garden spot of out those interests which are ' \ t patte several days I vital t() our existence and keep + Ar ild send in a few|^em apart frorn the non-essen- < * 1, black tials of life the quicker we shall \l v whiti will close about Proceed over the Path in which \\ J Ri ev are nractieim* our te?t are set to the goal uist i- blue ainment at the ahead:?News & Courier. \\ 4 checl \\ 4 CC Caskev visited r?*- . . ' \ 4 'erside some few ANNAPOLIS OEBUTANTE \\ + blue, ? + tan; [.^Tlianis and ,1 ^ ' with Mr. "Panii W "W ' I I ; ' 1 ?t ,&* ? *$r T t 4j^n> ...I .... i- ' i tlpi f I -' . so o I Sun- ifSm^ ' / 1 lbU!? \ i"i "t v ,s also ! s-1* * U S? oolo ; a' \" ol : f' jpi J v? v' ilo: - to I . 1 | ' ' . T ** ! o;' 2 Ml * * " ? 1 * V<' v | fell $ 1 - .; ' <5,: ;:V:? . t i. Ia-t'-' com ? ir ! f + + ).)(! attendant I 4\ ju V ' : T \Y? X' ' j. + i. 4 < i-Vi f v-> T] ' 1 Cttl : |y *f* ' Jn p Externally 11 ' P-O-Rub" Salvo well j' : + T a|u| 'i chost for a few una* . - X til a warm llannol cloth. * *? "** + ' 11 looso around the neck *fy;. + T two medicated vapors an-u . X Sv'7 ' choking phlegm an.I % + atLing. One npplica- * i. mures against a night T. r .. r$1.00. At druggists. * $ + + ^SALVE - * - i + * Miss tiladys Christy. one or' the sea Y T , * + 111 sr? ulr. of L.4 son H must attractive debutantes o! J. . in livn, , , v;,.?i th?4 ' navy set" of Annapolis, is th * Aw us as you cant get daughter of Capt. Harley H. t'hnsty. ^ liluo ? a urt us possible out r s N a??' Mrs I'hrlaty. and her + Y Kit care that proper pro debut was one at the features of th " V . Mini I i' way made for th? Annapolis season. r |>ji; HUNTS 19 YEARS FOR UNCLES + * (Hi Laud There .s. . > 4. Xo' 10a an v* i-ii evel, Men Named Poe, and Relatives of the 4. Pietl ! miles, were spread Writer. Thought to Be in V v he globe, it would California. ? * I 660 feet thick + + ()m Cliico. ('a! ?Continuing a search + + lioal't for her two une'es which has extend 4. .J. [ ,jp _ , ed over a period of Id years Mrs Nel- V nps, a W lie E Mi ,er who-se father was the T , ' I .Irs: ?*?,? ?< - * A r uvles 1 A liar .'< and ^ jjj 11:?n. Kan , at wl.ich limn they 4. 'I-pi 1 were in San Francisco, having come x [4, \\ u!t>; -t^x <> 1 there from their home in Hutchinson. T I j p Mrs Miller came to California in T T .>is a i 18!)t5, and s nee then has conducted ?$ 4. j! I a anarch for her uncles, which has ij. V ^nOW 'i taken her to virion* parts of f'ali v T OVOnil | I fornia She drat \ ;nt to Redding, T JT rxrr* where she entered the employ ol i* + CiOlC 1 Judge F P. J'nnim as stenographer 4. a , '. . Sa j From Redding she went to Yakima, j /\ | j W ash., where she remained for nine T pi . ; years For Ave years she was'em 4" .>8-1 ployed as court reporter there l*>av i. '4. price ;J 1 lng Yakima she went to Eureka ii v 42-i thence to Sari Francisco, and thence j. hr1111 > to Reno. Nev.. whore she entered thi * + employ of Senator Huskey I 4, Mrs Miller has had no trace m t + r ? her "n<'?.? :?inre the San Franolarr < ^ firo and -arthquake in 1 ami fears *' wnlt.e ^ they perished la the disaster. I ]t with \ SShe believes her uncles. tf alive t| Nitt; would be anxious to hear from her black, and in unable to account for her in > '! per pa . # - ability to locate them io this event : < > ??? Kinds ;Hf Daily Thought, ] [ I Nothing Is rarer in tho world than person who is at ail times ? i 500D VALUES 1 FOR THE M We wish to make this our ban: card is good merchandise at re; Our store is literalh packed fr c. Everyone realize 4hat dry g iths; and now w her .e offer : quite a bargain. \k .ia\e the n COTTON GOODS. ility and Red Rose of Lancaster these ginghams are now i 2c. 100 new and beautiful patt< L 11*0111. yard Reside chambia, heavy linen fi shades; also in stripes and eh rard * assortment toil de noid. bate: leal gingham; beautiful patt per yard l: mehester :}G-inch percale, bea if stripes and checks, yd 1: inch Devonshire cloth, coloros ?d, absolutely fast, stripes, check colors; yd >11 clad galitier, good assort me rns; also plain, blue and white; > noskeags best 10c apron ginj ; and white, brown and white, blu 2; yd verside heavy shirting cheviots, and tan and gray with stripe: LORED COTTON DRESS COO -inch mercerized poplin, white, king blue, navy, black, rose, pin 19c value; special no silk finish poplin; all the es, floe value 10 silk finish poplin; white, with black stripes; yd ne silk, with brocaded iarquai : all colors; oOc value ,1 :n, . |n ,* i m |"?l" u, |?l : I ? - - r~*?" 8 i i .; h-H? i + i K? + rmirwi* * *? ? I t * f??+ *** H-H ? + + * * 4 + t N GOOD MERCHANDISE * f 'ONTO OF MARCH. j i ter March month We realize that the best drawasonable prices. T om floor t<> ceiling with goods purchased at the old *r ^ pods have advanced rapidly in the hist two + vou new hit*h class merchandise at the old prices + * [oods and the\ must he sold. i X uc. yd 10c * t ging- 27-inch fine woven zeyfer, stripes and + + worth checks, yd 25c 4, 4. rs to I- ;,,., :ui-inch voile; white with pink, light a ..10c blue. black and green stripes; yd 25c inish: bine "Hi-iiich lace cloth. ])in!< and blue; ? T eck? pr?? e per yard 25e * T . . inv- I ii c .'Hi-inch voile in beautiful pastel * "t s and shades: numbers and numbers of designs; t "J" eras; price per yard 25( + k ? 1Heautiful 27-inch vi.ih u. 1... a a imnivi Ml(Ulf> , T T" utiful price per yard 15c 4 j 2 l-2c 1'road blacknnd blue and white awning -> 4 guar- linon skirting; yd 25c 4 s and 30-inch lingerie crepe for making gowns , ;t ..20c and fine underwear; 25c value 19c 4 -r nt of WHITE GOODS. 4 1 rd 15c 36-inch good middy twill; 12 l-2c value. 4 fham, special 11c 4 * le and 33-inch cannon cloth; pure bleach.. 10c 4 * 8 l-3c 36-inch heavy cannon cloth; pure bleach v T plain priCe per yard 12 l-2c t t 5 anc. Lonsdales fine 36-inch jeans for middies v T .1<,( and skirts; yd 15c -r , l-piece fine 32-inch white repp; 25c val- f- 4 k ^nd nc; sPecial 10 1-2c $ ? - 27-inch crepe for underwear and waists; T. I .. loc ' j. T good a value; yd 10c T. 4 .,-r 36-inch cardered voile; beautiful for 4 4 pink, waists and desses. 4 X o- 30-inch fine India, linon. mercerized tin- + ] . . 2ac *r d do- ish: .v. te; yd 10c and 1? 1- 4 * c val- 10 ii ine rou-ul thro id lnwi 1 ' - + t t .>>1 y,. . v . . who;o ho s ) t i! he + i11l ut) a unfortabl re n ml ' ' 1 " "V j. mson try eiinc 4 ?s. Re 11. < n 1 h < ilaces v ) . ? ' * 6.50 and "p to - le.ou \V * . ' c\ ! < i * > $3.00. 4 * + I p i r. A ' ? 0.6,* rr>?J + ii. S?:( ?* j J-'' .... I * ?Lvfr.i."'' 4. :n. "t 3L r;L o o cl. * * + AND H;?.? 11r-.t 1*0 lull fashioned .-ilk !^?>- < hit .j. black bronze and evening sh < v. dv- Phoenix gttaran .<.> ! silk ho , white. black and evening shades or Toe and $1.0n jnGordon and Onyx silk hose, black, a:-o + in all the new fancy stripes and cheilk hose, pair 2-"k * ~ ro (iood cotton hose 15c, two for 25. + X" ' i .no !i-. I. so, black and white, pr 2Ac + v Our stock of small wares is complete, 4 h YVe cannot begin to list them here; b :t no + X difference what it is, we have it. j ihhe. NF.W OXFORDS \Nl> ITMPS + P'-ot; Our stoi k ? f Oxfords and Pumps is now '* * .t)0; 4 pink. $fho0; $4.00; $4.50 and $5.0. + *' . . 1)8 e Drown'- fine pumps, str. ps and oxfords, ; + limed pat., gun metal and kid; the greatest line 4 ..08c of ladie' - low shoes that we have e\r * 4 ( nine siKiown at si.7">: -S2.00 and .S2.50. * ^ $1.08 NEW MISSES SLIPPERS. + J $<>.">() Baby-doll pumps arc the thins1 I'm* all . ? trim, girls; we are showing tin 11 for the tiny tot i SI.00 in sizes 2 to 5 at 0?>c + T Uighl on up to our fine billiken 2 1-2 to + 4i in ? b f?r the bis miss at 83.00 + i \Y. L. DOI BLAS OXFORDS. f f For men and boys. No description is ^ + } r< necessary for these oxfords; men's gun + ? m >- metal oxfords 83.00; f) and *1.00. Men's tan oxfords $3.50 and SI.00 ming Boy's Douglas oxfords, . $2.50 and $3.00 4*. T *lH8 NEW FELT HATS. > 4 + ' V > l*'or men and boys; black and colors, $1.00 + *. .-m.ou ana $;>.oo. . + ? New caps for men and boys; sevyi and ^ \ fancv mixtures; 25c. 50c and SUITS AND PANTS. i t , Huy your, boy a suit for Field I>yy. \\'e * 'lain It makes no difference what you want, ? >lack give us a call. We h ive the goods and at o >1.25 prices that wid save you money. We sell ;; and only goods that will stand our guarantee of v ;. >rlee satisfaction or your money cheerfully re- -k .50c funded. '' ! \ Cloud Company r's I.eaclini: Store. i ?:? J ? -Mi