2 WILSON'S VICTORY !N HOCSE SWEEPING. 11 iVItLcmore Resolution to Warn \ Americans Off Armed Merchant Ships Killed in Turbu-|e lent Se>sion. Is MAJORITY DECISIVE: VOTE b 276 TO 112. t>Republicans With and 21 I)e. mocvats \ gainst Administra-1 ?r in Sensational Fight Won V l.v Piotuloni ' V shington. March 7.?Pros- t i ' Wihon to-day completely t iu! d( isively won his long and t st. > t >na! fight to compel Ton- \ Xt-"-- to acknowledge that it i stand- behind him in the submaine n rotiations with Germany. T< > i he rallying cries of "Stand by the President" and "Is it < "Lansing and Wilson, or Von 1 Ttornstorff and the Kaiser." a ; big Democratic majority, and ( nearly half of the Republicans , i?> tlu House, three times rolled Tip overwhelming votes against the n vement to wnm Americv oit;?ens off the armed mer.L "h m of the European bel- ? jr. r< 1 li "]'l . celebrate MoT emoro re- u upon wh'"h the antlt ' 'to" "d I n () ho" ! "' * M' (J V.''IS t hn . " . .1 "o- r siin:|.,r | '1-. ' . ' ' -;t week. 1 v '*'* on1 1 * o*' ' ho .. < , , v ' i ' T",. * o* ( " ' . ' ,, ], (i o?v prn. I ' T I'O4 O 1 4f1 ' ' ' )V1 Mi ' o" T...or!v-<)!' i D- mi|. 1 , . ,> ?-,v0 IM*oy ' : V !"| j*vl " ' im]. of ;uifl IJ ).* ^ < I or V" t bo 'one S 1 I v. lb TI'V'so voted ay - t it. i S V . 4 ho CI"' ' 1 vot p Or )! 1 jht ; b rf 1 o*> v.'lv'*h iule i'tr- f?V1 i . ? ;->p> un- ! Will 1' n t! r 1 on to *)i tvvt p?*o ' >, 1o* ' " (if* .. <)''0C' * ; ,r r ) lin ,l..y ) ! ' 4 , V . ? < { t!-' r vi"ii v ti con , . ' 4 1 'I' 4' T ' i 1 l'( ' t 'o . ' > 1 ? ' --even bnrn's o ' t *r 4 ?v. ' * u1 ' ioi . iii v. li' h 1 < ! i ^ v t i 1 #*. \ NAME. J/, \,-t V !. The name of this ar* 'tion shall be the bani liv11>i" rViiintv Tonrtior-i' A i elation. ,n OBJECT. A, Article II. The object of thb ( 4 on shall bo to bring the sehoo": filv county into a more j-p s.vn ; tl "tic relationship and to , initiate activity along the line of common concern OFFK ERS. Vl \v*.III. Sec. 1. The of- ol ticers of this as-ociation shall . ? tie pro . mi t, vioe-presidi ftt. sec- si rotary and treasurer, elected at i its first meeting. o Sec. 2. The executive com. >: KV' ' toe of th - ; - '?< .! ' i. sir ;i c?> >t o five n tmbt-rs appoint- in . ! b; I'1. preside? t At the beuii of each scholastic year, h ! I i tb iI P v i?! t' is com it' a ' i o ' provide interesting and instrii tr progiants I'oi i mooting <>!' the association. Sec. The president sh preside at all meetings of t a-sociation. The vice-presiden ;hal! assume the duties of ihtj ro'-'dtn! during his absence. Sec. 1. The seeetary shall keep a record of all meetings or the association. The treasurer shall collect all fees, make all n necesvsary disbursements, and * render a detailed report to theje aifisociation at its last meeting. 1 f THF. LANCASTER NEWS MARC MEMBERSHIP. I Work Article IV. Sec. 1. Any One r< eacher or trustee actively en- DmoI* 'do not i aged in the educational work of I\UoIl 11 111 11111? ; in .ife as iancaster county shall be eligi- ? ji-, that v le for membership in this asso- _ lopportur iation. (\ wittily of great Sec. 2. The annual member- * * tion and hip fee of this association shall I we knou ie 25 cents. we cann MEETINGS. . v , pect to k Article V. The first meeting Arc > OU In fl iOne troi >f the association shall be called Hnrrv For Thnf ! fused sc >y the county superintendent of ^ of our > education. All subsequent meet- Printing of jmany ui tigs shall be determined upon ,r , ^ . . ditional >y the association itself. YOUrS f "I* ! selves oi Note.?It was decided that the ing our rustees of the county be asked W'ATfH IK ^PFFH IIP :m - \*5Hi 4ho Mppoi*t of Congress. ' to 'o< a ' . ! 11' 1J -lea ' vf.it1 lb-> bon 1: o working t h v. is marked as that mbarra sment forced upon him they are '! ' ;r?t oi egg - y ih< dissensions in Con?rres?. !b :r no ' ' 11 - itri b' b * /. l-i ce ? (>! vo ent< 1 ! 'c "!v I ' ' ) or h * h ' -ml.-big his demands ' be , . ' t - 1 ('(> /. '' xi-j. 'o '"< <> a re no--* If? !?? > -1 tb " lb. 're. i 1'. nth mnt of the elocte-1 < of f lv t? n vigate vepeseiitalivos o'' l.h? i wl < r I m ?. c hyr with frr*. it) Pr? -id- nt Wilson now si nd : d b ,-f i *been ? 1 dug oyer | iv r->d to "o on w lb Hv sub :*o%- -( 'ok I ' -1' v". tr k or tour- marine negotiations wi-.li ?j . it,; e\?n The stores kept open (Central Powers. rovurr , ; the yi i s and doc- T}l(> nnv. s1( p proi)ah]v will h, '^h btl ;,r. to -i1 0l,t m '' " an answer to Germany's last 11 endoJ s in suminer tune. pronosal to selt|e the Lusitania amount nd the big event of the yeai- - in wj,ich the United States oncd y in a county seat, where a nrolv,i.lv wip por SM(.h a(i_ it. or be an- was held?was the annual flitiona) awlirnpros as it con? marker! 1 of some circus. dders sufficiently broad and same tin ?ot up before day to go ,ompIetet to KuarantGe that the selves in own to see it unload \o>. \ou new guh^arine campaign, which 1o work '' s ! "'! a bench in the black , on March 1, and in which before. 1 bbe of a judge; you whose deft . notice has been given that our Pi- I he fon of the ear wo >ok the by th< ears when to . , , . ufficlent ans- healthy \y ' wh to stone front. ,ver tf) renortc ulated in Ber- strength "T: die at. the mill race on from Wa hington, that things w Ju,.y, afternoons and went Congress st< ?<>1 two t o one about iti o ' rfied vegeta- ,p.,in-o him in the crisis. own mis v r< garden Rrvjin Not Fe't. ol,r dnti< own to the grocery, and got * such a ? oldinj r worse -for includ- ?ne of the days surprises Canweel , "hull* -eyes" in was the failure of the so-called ,hinr W( io trade. You traded pocket Bryan influence to develop any (litiops . ;;v< s "sight unsc en" with "La- npreoinble strength against the i;,0 thjs Louis"?his private office is President. 'and ener i the -lo enti "nth floor of the "Stand by the President and for only diost building on Broad Street do not embarass him in his di- and resj 3W?and you fixed a "tioktack" plornatie negotiations with for- better. 'Mtrivar.ee on the Widow cign counties," was the whole gat ions r ruth's parlor window with the burden of the argument of the some of <1 of "Scotts" Somebody, who administration leaders. Thev thefr r?h? as an important fipure in vour paid little attention to the iii- our phys vlioo ' world and now drives volved lepal phases of* the sit- der to r ie Ontyai Hotel bus. nation. It was enouph. they ar- and disci And al' the time you were liv- 'rued. that the President had said must lea p and ?vinp the same, un- the reported attitude of Con- to our b !l'l'lc*!! I f a normal Ameri- press as opposed to his policy we must n sunt. n pettinp close to was embarrassinp him abroad, eharpe tl e real ' of life and uncon and to that the\ stuck. but to m L0'IVr, .. ' .. I 11 r.x.n.lution Tributes were pai.l to the Pre- ,hpir . the,,, ami action which si(1,.nt t)y ovory Dem0. govern ' . ,v !?ur> r i"i"1 erat'c speaker from Acting ^c' c!}n ie t,,i, tiv ittes of later chairman Pon .of the rules com- ^omphsh , . m it toe, who opened the debate, *han y > - why you save to chairman Flood, of the for- ?.ur ros^ 1'' h<"' n paper to readoijft. affairs committee, who t: e p' " "5, . f !" To 31 ? n thev insist- <4ff1(?rt lo \\ny you II keep (lf| that the president did not wel1' 4 ,, . ?ai!:in*iX want war. No one attempted. If we * U tiun U times With an as was the case in the Senate day and d-hon .v, ate prow,, tall ,l<{ ,vtek< to s.;y that anvthinp riod all t "x . \ ? M><> the President had said indicated Painstaki plits. ; ; ,t isn t why you are that |u. expected war. ore possi vir.p t I .pure out how vou that is n?o ,M i ;.-ine>s so a.-, to pet "ft ls sharped that the Presi- jf' " , ifi< fo -iii Home Week." dent wants war, said .Mr. Pou. No. h >or, powerful these "V11 tho imPs of hell never do- 'n'r w|? s if'*:oiu, mapnet that keeps ^jsed a more infamous eharpe. 's ' ,-r ^ irt is the old s*? ,nan s'nce Abraham Lincoln ? nsnmen li i li'u t/flhn f v*1 t*/ i f j 'i* cil/'li o b .,o st Jik'illtr i i i none wit n ' " ^.i v n- .1 r; , ' memory of her the Provident in the last six work wit > rlier vears Becauae ol ita tonic and laxative effect, LAX A- I LrcilKl I . TIV K BR(?MO QUININK i* better than ordinary The wor.t c ir rene\A * " dflfes at tne Quinine and doea not cauae nervouaneaa i?->r | >r* '*d I ' ?_i. ,x( , rinsing In head. Rrmfmbfr the liill nine ?bd I for'at'i A* OUn L Ol lilCiltO^y. look for the aignatura of H W. GROVK. Uc. Soia aad ?* :H 10, 1916 in# With Intelligence. nrtnnoB ?ason, possibly, why we flQ 0E nake as rapid progress ? many of us would like ififl ?. /e waste so many of our j| lities. We live in an age nod activity, keen competi- H0I T large achievement, and needs r in a general way that HA When ot sit by idly if we ex- Ell to eep abreast of the times. BQfl posed ible is that we are con- gently metimes by the choice Ka| and .vork from day to day, Pc2*a '1 /,as lexpected tasks and ad- L-s4 ailing duties presenting them- succes !i occasion and demandimmediate attention. s n to the sacrifice of the ; which we may be en- 1 However, we do not real- \ at the time and assume Donsibilities with every i of discharging them 1 y, but with small ap- MH JV >11 of what thoir Hi?_ SavS: eally menas. We learn bfid *or w 1 rough hard experience so s better to do one thing spells m to shuffle carelessly 191 oS ^tr a dozen, and in order to EZj begin we must learn how to Ki|S jj] etween the various kinds i which come to our: hTS^ We are obliged to use Ji/JL ^:-d. it in making such a| naturally, and the man s this quality has small iffedfc4*d* making any steady and us progress. 9 ** V are few persons, who $5 ? )J , ake the tune and t?'ouh- (?j tr ' i , i | 'V ft F I >k into the r nv.nm r ol ja* . will not admit that r-< wasting a large part of Vji'Pi ? cj? >el-cause the e powe*s ^ j well directed. They un. ? \y In do {(> > mil h u viv-- 'i ;f ^ ro'urh ",i ex geev:?b .] th?'iv ind'vifhir 1 bi':tv / thcv do nol g've the' 'T*r?~ much "ormiderntion. and cvp * mtly instead of advanc- tffe Cave-ill in a modest way they ^ , ju, < itionary and aocom le or nothing. We are | ^ ved only with a certain A rri of physical endurance, A ?"] we go beyond th > lim- j e *, gin to strain it to any|lfilSl. degree, we begin at the in to lose control of our- j gg. a way. and are not able with as much ease a< i w n ? une 1 ""hen it is that wo waste' ?rs in useless worrying j gs i v details which are no4 ! if! .*?? ,f?? least necessary to onr T* Vtf Instead of keeping our j ~ ' t roc- t worry a< t < 1 ftiVJI| 11 9 that we nv v 1-rinjr ! 11 WW Oil j I V-.r mil 'Is ' |nfti i|) | }U).r,., v.0 s?>on,| oilv U0lSaII B in useless frettlntr over ?" lib h-ve I fn !,ivin*.rl "Look a'There, "v fanes throntrb < It'sJustWor appreciation of >s. We cannot continue th*,tl"<\'1r/ih't # corn calm? ri&iit \\('(? very lonj?; neither in# bananas. pi xp 't to accomplish any- ^ >rth while in such con- AI \nd t ht* sooner we real and bend our though4 jries to fitting ourselves / the necessary burdens \J\/ visibilities of life the ^ J /f ^ We all have many obli- /( >f one kind and another. \ them purely material in ^7 iracter. but necessary to iMi (T ical welfare, and in orneet these obligations iarp-0 them worthily we *' *ndc" ?<*? rn how to adapt them stiiioi Con < est interests. That is. t u?'1th?f< .V'i not attempt to dis. V&n^that bi&'S lem all at the same time "Qworks ake a wise choice as to ^a^'oVcuriniT'oi ative importance and fcSndnVbafdal ourselves accordincrlv. tem, toe-catinK .1 11 rtiKKera such ni ill tnio u nr I'oolb' ?? ... v....- "i ctui.r ?>< - scissors. "C?ct8-U much hotter results *n ^ seconds. N< mill II in 11. nil- stick to, hurt or | iVo attempt to cram a!' oets-ic is b? m * bottle, or st-nt <1 ms'hilities into a piven & co, Chicago. ] waste ourselves in the sold in Lan discharge them equal'y mended an the remedv by Lan< , , J. P. Mackey C< take up our lite nay by work into each such pehe intelligent effort and inpr results of whicFi we 01 Va,ue l.lc we shall ho doinir hi! Por ??viiMior expected of us, because ??fn bJ , . . . ... . between points rk m an intelligent man- charl and conve hall not waste our pow- course without < mlurance or of a?corr?- ? t, and if we ar^ pain- Fri in our efforts we must There is no t h irood results. The" re-; whole distance each task that we ac-; faiaeiy. . each duty that we ful- j it in tied on Paire .'!) I Catarrh Cu ! with LOCAL Aran a r* v wei w ? t h 1.. * S' ut 1 *f 1 i.?* 5S a5 LaUKlPPE _ _ j ( 1:10 l? tj>k ii lnl>Tii 6 noseR 666 will break "",1 """ " of Ohills & Fever, Colds Ix-rib..!* b> \?t". ?,r ippe; it acts on the liver an Calomel and docs not bln,:? ?"*? ,he b"*< i r> or rfrtlT on the mncoi sicken, rnce 25c. e.mbioati..ii -t ?? i .... r. . .. ^ tl's.? ? mi h wcinv tl uilnrfnt, old reliable r>i Hold by Drngflnta. it h,i.? dealing Oil, It relieve# Taka liall'a rami a 'M .he name Una*. 25c. 10c. tlJ? mmm]g rou Need a Tonic H here are times in every woman's life when she RM a tonic to help her over the hard places. that time comes to you, you know what tonic pga e?Cardui, the woman's tonic. Cardui is comof purely vegetable ingredients, which act Nfifli , yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs, ^^^1 dps build them back to strength and health. benefited thousands and thousands of weak, women in its past half century of wonderful fTl >s, and it will do the same for you. BCs ou can't make a mistake in taking The Woman's Tonic 0 liss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. 4, Alma, Ark^ |2f I think Cardui is the greatest medicine on earth, omen. Before I began to take Cardui, 1 was vnlr nnrl nxrvnnt and haH <;nrh awful dizzv and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and ong as 1 ever did. and can eat most anything " Ahm taking Cardui today. Sold by all dealers. las Helped Thousands. Hi [HEZZZZEZifca 7E SELL AS FINE.'.i > riff's?\"i ljr-c- .? ,1 ? aas there is m the compk-' es" ock of pare foods 0 )i r seSectfons. ? w?. ;> i rt.itiv :;{?({nick Delivery (|ftk T Marara Cof fee at. . . 30c lb. ^ i M'i i >n of yreen stork and scientific ro; . I'njc il piers tig cap quality. It t >:i A ena-ovv other adulterations. j R arara tomorrow for break- ^ E. II. ItODDEY & CO., ? Phone 27(j. i.tiUlinjr Catawba Meat Market; hijrh r'ass meats ^ Phone 210 W 5 .;C-G-a: jOL. f*l Com Not'e K t?t lUM iiAiitiK 'S\ 'V ufll i h< r> \ i\. ;i th. t i . un* ... ^l?G" K Work An. . r. (.11 I. 1 d JUfciO 11 W'11 fh . (J.|V (1, >lan!lt im ;kc hi ( :i;il r?:urn a sub oxeIf You Don't Think nr..] apply to flu- I'ro!' ! Court iderful for Corns!" : letters .lis ... . , r 111' nry. s. look at It! I>an(l or .... just look at It! That \\ H W M.I,A < .. off.?Just like pi el- i vi rutor estate of \. Reaver (lout your finger on my # ; Fob. 29. 191C. 29-7-14-21-4t SOUTHERN RAILWAY I I Premier Currier ??!' the South. ! PASSENGER TRAIN SCHEDULES. | T-..lns arrive Lar.c. s er from: York, lii" termedlate stations 8 4a. ra. ^ ?'o. 113?Charleston, Columbia and intermediate stations 10:11 /^ I^P| ,0. H4?Marion, Rlacksburg, Ch-r^ lotte and intermediate stations, 1:36 p. m. See the Like? N? No. ii7?Columbia, Kingsville and !t' '? It*'a?!!?.!!??1 Intermediate stations, 7:26 p. m. -I'tb.afrild,- Trains leave Lancaster for: i.?w smooth the skin iv. 118?Kingsville, Oo; imbla and where the corn was. intermediate stations 8:45 a. m a,n"anhcorns every 'NO- 113?Hock Hill, Bla.-ksburc, \ "it's the new.'simple Marlon, Charlotte and Interims. You'll say mediate stations, 10:11 a. m. !8h st?lekryPta^9pla?- -St- i 14?Kingsville, Columbia salves, and grave- Charleston a?(i Intermediate ? knives, razors and btatlous 1:3C *"> " 8tT,!.polNnthin? w - 117?Rock Hill. York, and jress on the corn. intermediate statious, 7:41 ?ld everywhere, 2Gc a p. na. irect by E. Lawrence Schedule figures are published us '11, information only, not guaranteed. ? caster a?Hl recom-| pOJ. information as to passenger"^# i world's best co*"" f;.res etc., call on taster Pharmacy and Lancaster & Chester Ry. Co. to Navigators. Schedule In Effect August 16. 191b. a an instrument lias Eastern rime. r Mhich a true course WESTBOUND. can be found on a ' ,v* 1'aneaHter .. -6:00am?2:30pm rtfd into a compass ' 'V- |'ort 6:30ain?4:08pm ^otn nutation I !-v* Baacomvllle . . 6:4 Gam?4 :28pm oinputation Rlchbur* 6:55am? 4 : 43pm j \r. Cheater 7:3oam?5:25pm iendshlp. EASTBOUND. iair-way house on the i '?v- Cheater .... 9:00am? 6:45pm ip; if you dou't go the ,v Hichburg . . . 9:45am?7:27pm you have started J 0?!!"0 * JZ:f 2P? v. Fort I.awn . .10:30am?7:55pra vr. Lancaster ...11:00am?8:25pm J Connections?Chester with Houthnnot Le Cured i ?< Seaboard and Carolina & NorthiCATIoXS. they own not ^ "allways i..i:iicii u n niood ort I.awn, with Seaboard Air p. ai.d Ill orthr to our,- It i.-no Hallways. ' 5 Lwmter .w.h oittwn hi Hnrtuvoii. Ilall'* t atarrb k siii'dlcliie. It wa. | r< i.m t? .t i>iij?lcinn? lu this Oxen Work Best in Pairs. id t? ? resniir i'^rtptioD. jt j8 an accepted *.act that oxen nauhe N??t ionic* feiioirn. mmt bio.nl purtflrr*. acting