? v>*1 >.' ^ vMP.- { * * '. | Struck b' I;; During th LOCAL DOTS ? about 2:30 thi \1 Inez Hough we w??:"X->^ f ( ' take part, assisted by some of scic.usfmm the Chester's talent.?Chester Re. porter. SOFIA' * Mr. John Dave Caskey was on '* the streets yesterday for the One of the first time since his operation and meetings of th while still weak, is steadily im- was held last ' proving, much to the gratifies Lancaster chap tion of his friends. Mrs. J. M. Rid usally large There will be a basket sup- heretofore publ per at Lower Camp Creek school- will give a gold house, Friday night March 11. al for essays < for the benefit of the school. five to the con competing nuis Judge D. A. Williams' many)saya in the scl friends were pleased to see him presence of up-town yesterday for the first Werd made foi time since his recen? lndisposi- ment of the Ri tion. jference of the 1 of the Confed< The Chamber of Commerce he held jn La banquet will be given next Tues- week in April, day night, March 14, and not on Two new mei March 31, as inadvertently stat- sje Johnson ant ed in our last, issue, the latter ,were present ai date being the time appointed |a hearty welcor for Field Day- I arranged for a Already 65 tickets have been I Apri| 5th sold by Secretary Ellison for n n "The Birth of a Nation" in Char- iJT .j lotte Friday night. The specially train will leave Lancaster Friday M. i $ afternoon at 5:15 and the tickets S are also good on the Southern's j ?. . ^un.n5 morning train & Charlotte, but on return trip they are good only by minto' wa3J . 21? "j** ?pe^l "bich wiU leav* The follows Charlotte at ll:46 p. m. I ? .. |roe Enquirer w | to Mrs. Lkiyd HarSinger of Spring. {friends and reli Mr. J. Ri Thompson, of River- |^Lv__ A T w side, who was in town yesterday - P* * * V* says he heard the cooing of u turtle doves, both Sunday and 5JT?* , , . as Monday and that this was his du * father's sure sign of the corning who " of spring. We have heard others , w. . p declare that no other sign is so j.i.- Liflli . unfailing. Sunday and Monday F" were both balmy and spring like ..1 , J and we ourselves heard the call L,dforat!? of a mocking bird. and^ cards were ha Death of Mr. Ely Langley. dainty hand-]: Mr. Ely Langley died last filled with viol Thursday, March 2, of paralysis mints were give at his home in Kershaw. He Mary Crow ass was a son of the late William m serving violet Langley and was well known in and cake, this county where his whole life J ? v " was spent. He is survived by! The Rock Hi) his wife, who was a Miss Onten, urday, tells of and the following children: Mrs. ner for Prof. C Henry Mosier. Mrs. Tom Will- of Winthrop c< iams and Jackson Langley, of Hill members c Sumter county and one step- Western Touris daughter, Mrs. L. J. Whittaker. Carolina hotel of this county. Mr. Langley Friday evening, was about sixty-five years of Ji*a B. Jones, ] age^ iams and Misses |McManus, of tt ithe party cond 1 i?A. _ _ - _ ipuj?jiiun ictisi h Representatives of the U. S. Bti- Weeks. Miss reau of Education and the Na- |was pregent at 1 tional Congress of Mothers to was a parting < /' Speak in Lancaster on March Weeks, who is C ' 15th. Istate to take i The Bureau of Education, ^ork jn Kansas Washington, D. C., is sending, fog fact in con out representatives who will affair is that tl speak on Home Education and place-cards at the Co-operation of the Home the work of and School. Mrs. Milton P. Hig- whose artistic gins, of Massachusetts, and Mrs. known. We ta Daniel O. Mears, of Albany, N. paragraph conn Y., will speak in Lancaster on ture of the dinn March 15th at 4 o'clock in the Hill paper: auditorium of the Central school. | The banouet, Mrs. Higgins and Mrs. Mears nature of the er are well known for their splen- served in elegar did work in the National Con- ger Wilson, of gress of Mothers. All parents tel. many of th and all other persons concerned uniquely remi in the educational progress of "trip." The lor Lancaster should be present at daintly laid, th this meeting. All teachers and adornments b< parents of the country are cor- daffodils, tied ' dially invited and urged to at- bon. The plaa tend. and ink sketche ("Chapultepec" i ? was made, the h Gregory Hood Live Stock ^'Jhe^number 'f T We have just received a ear of extra good mules, Call and tee omj C(X>^ largely to the s 42-2tc ^ - r? " 'SM ' TTTFl LANCASTER NEWS y Lightning. 1 e, thunvlerstorm $ f. i'SKaS f PERSONALS | horr?p on Dunlap re go to press sh * * sciou# from the Miss Kate McManus lias re>ung lady had jus' tin ned from a vis t to f end is \ had gone from ^ harlotte. * X> into the sitting . \T I1( A;1 r^"n' P? Mc , ... .. re, Mrs. Kitty VIoLure and standing new th Misses Helen and Ruth Mack . knocked down by have returned from charlotte, ?rnl teeth were where they saw "The IJirth of a nd her hair was Nation" last night, ft sleeve was torn :jr Walter Hodges, of Green sveral doctors are vj|je spent t^e past few days \nd her condition ^ere wj^ ^ kr,,ther, Rev. E. s mother, Mrs. p T,, , . ..... vas in the room , *ev- P/ L* R,ack."?on and * ie time, but was 35 ?ff Lfn?svl,le? were in town yesterday. ugh is still uficon- ??l and Mrs* LeRov Springs 1 stroke. returned yesterday from New 4 v ^ ork where they spent the past + two weeks. L NEWS. Mr. Albert Tinslev has re" ' usiness trip to most eniovablc Air. Rnherf v:n n?rm >?. l v,:.. e current yearHicnd, T?Ir. Xecl Pretty man. of Thursday bv the Spencer. N. (\. were week-end tor U. P. C. with V at the home as found with a gun which had ke the following heen recently discharged, and his cerning this fea-ifather with shells loaded with er from the Rock ;No. 1 shot, the same sire shot, as those fired into the body of: for such was the the dead negro. Walter claimed itertainment, was'that he had shot at a squirrel in it style by Mana- a tree on the bank of Lynch's the Carolina ho-river and threw the shell down le features being on the ground near the tree. An niscent of the examination of the ground near ig table was most the tree disclosed the fact that le three central there was no empty shell there nng baskets of an(i no *hot marks in the tree, with satin rib. Purvey Funderburk. the negro o-cards were pen that was in company with the s of the Pullman, [deceased when he was shot is a in which the trip step-son of Wriston White, and landiwork of Miss it is thought the fatal shot was ,ancaster, one of (intended for Harvey. he six course din- " by "Joe," the col- HOUSE FOR RENT, o contributed so Nice seven room cottage. See atisfaction of the E. W. Sistare. 4S-tf-c ? .3 4 '? ' '' v ? ' " ' 1 ^ ' .V a. march 7, 1916. fire on midway. T55ESEE55E5555EZL55 Destroys Wooden Builcnne *i A Owned bv Dabnev & Settlemvi- J h V A ! L A fir, wh oh 0"*urred a'o \ h\ 11 o'clock yesterday mdrning d stroyed the wooden huildin* Midway own* d J v D .l>n< v Sot11 ir?\ i"< ind *le t ;v the contents of six .-stover-> t i jio biK'kj^'Oll The evplo ion of > jra sol n it % 5 ^ managed I m:,? J,0S much Mr. W . H. Rogers, w is the c- u M or the fire which quickly spre,. i; ,vl,jc|, |?. to Mr. .Jim e erjtrnson s store, t- . 1 Ml*. Roll Sii11iv;?n'? .>*wl "\T > ' * H. Hough's. The sheet iron wall illIIll 11 > . H lie protecting Sheriff Hunter's ?; . buildings on the north prevent- continued rclii ed the spread of the fire in thai direction and Pl.vler & Dabne.vV v ti?l 1 l)nul\ill(*11 (IS SUCC CSS. work of the wooden structure ' *< .. . which was soon consumed. Th ' |)IlOS to LUS111C' own irried $800.00 on th * . . the building and Mr. Fevgu^m k llldl Vldliui* j-host $750 on h'?t stof,k of good \ ilued at $1,200, while the n*h oilers i! vcrv (1 < rs carried little or no insurance 2; .... T. ; nection from 1 1 hEUk S SALE. i?\ invites your ii( Several Tracts Changed Hands > ! . . . , Yesterday. > or small. A fairly good crowd was in % town yesterday. The clerk of the court sold the following real > estate: > In the case of A. J. Gregory, Z TUT"' A \Tl/^ 1 plaintiff vs J. F. Williams, et. al. i Hjl /% I\J K I defendants, 240 11-4 acres of land * MalJ i/lilul was bid off by C. D. Jones for y $2,100.00. I Qrtpn In the case of Samuel Johnson > et. al., plaintiffs vs John Thomp. > son, defendant, two tracks of *" land were sold. I One tract of four acres was SPECIAL E sold for $350.00, John T. Green, From KERSHA attorney, being the purchaser. Another tract of 8 ,acres was sold to ?, C. PayiOitr f ory*n. Owner can set name by naytac ' for thin ad end rewarding finder. pffiAgqWIfefyLJgiffi Apply to Stag* Oaethen, Lone SL ' 4t-tte FOR SALE?An ideal family horse, lfnVVT T YY perfect qualities, sound and will Wk\ A A f I I |A work anywhere. Also Tyson & .i^h. IA1 M UU jrf S |1 rubber tired buggy, good as new. 111. I .11 1 Both cheap for cash or on secured W W AaflAA credit. D Reece Williams. 2t PI FOR SALE.?Pedigreed Polnnd-Chl- A' I na pigs, ten weeks old. Price $."> A Y each. W. H. Hendrix, Heath Spring, S. C. 42-2tp PREPARIJ TO EAT?by planting Pot IH'W Sprint' ties Irish potatoes. Irish cobblers, and early bliss the best Main grown, at ( j,)S(Ml anfj flowil Mackorell s Grocery. Feb. 25?4t . , .. , . , , hrnno collars, high, 1< when you want your gar- cln .m] front, 2 fol'... hex?plowed, call J. M. Mornson who also runs Dray'and Hack. VilsOU RptS chili li'fj'""' "* I 38"8"' six 1 Mack, white an ?? - - 1 1 \ : l tu i RAISE YOUR OWN Cabbage. Star- li8UU -DrOS neat now. Have plenty of all kinds of IU1\ \ .llld faHClCS, pai ^ahbage plants at Mackorell's Grocery. 30-tfc Paris single and DOZEN REAL W1CE PIGS for sale. New lllblar loatll . fine stock, ?f* to aeeon weeks old. -^4. 1.... Delivered In town at |5.?0 a pair UOOCi Pat- llose *"} Beik6 they lMt' FUoa# t0dar' 7i& Soft; finish men's ? Men's soft finish OR HALfS-?One home-raised horao Moil S pure linen J four years old, weight lbs., , , well broken and sound, at a bar- I H/lclSllC Seam (ll*a gain for quick sale; also will sel' 1 cloth. Price per pair my fine combination boras, dark * 1 bay, eight years old, Cine saddle, 4 UND good family horse, quality the best in every way. Pricee on eppllea- j p^n t ,r, \Y?]aon Bt'O tlon. At a bargain for casb bankable note. J. Clark RoW' JiPatO S1' S, son, Lancaster, R. P. D. No. 1. l.tf-c * O i in# shirts Vricr Dr. M. R. Campbe'.1 Registered Optometrist Ty f and Manufacturing Optician. fx* nijVyl ANDERSON. S. C. . t Standard Drug Co.. local repi iNCASTER ientatlv?a. Take your bcokea lense A ' - . J 5 BACKGROUND I |. ! i : 1 iul 1 n hind a business | to do with the as presents to his com it'hej lias close and > lions with a suhstan- ? istitulion, tlic bank V # way, iiis background f y gtb to bis efforts to- ; The same rule ap ss man, farmer and [ "The Old Reliable" E csiraltlu blinking con litis standpoint, and y u-oimt, whether large y V : ? V OF LANCASTER j ister, S. C. y , i v IXCURSION TRAIN W To CHARLOTTE ID RETURN ICH 10, 1916 VIA i IN RAILWAY >w Hound wp Pares: . rshaw . . $1.25 *th Springs . 1.15 lcaster .... 1.00 . awba Jrj'c't, .90 Ml ft w 4'30 P. m*? Heetb Springs 4:45 p. m.. tlon 5:45 p. nt., aril re Charlotte j unc Charlotte 11:45 p. m. ving .ed for the accommodation of those 'perf g picturo "THE BIRTH OF , A novln , . od going on train No. 113, March ^ b?t will be good returnjng only on CAUTHEN, ~~ ' w WKS Agent. Lancaster. S. C. IE MEN'S IRNISHINGS . each a beauty. .25e and 50c lg ends.?New styles in Lion >w and medium, opened and 25e n knit hose, heavy fibre, silk d navy, pair 25c Tv all-silk hose, black, white, ir 50 c double grip hose supporters 25c and 50c ler belts 25c and 50c pporters .10c handkpTv?Viif?fa /Inn v*A*VJ?K7f VAV/4 . i t*VC M handkerchiefs, doz... .$1.00' ! handkerchiefs... 15c and 25d | wers, of fine quality jeans 1 50c I ERWEAR. | s\ underwear, union and sep- | i are here; they are beauties | ..50c, $1.00 $1.50 and $2.00 I SI-CLOUD CO. I ;s LEADING STORE* | J