8 | | COUNTYJV?WS| HKATH SPRlNCi Special to The News. Heath Spring. S. 0. Dec. 20.? The1 annual celbration of the birth-day of Mr. S. C. Gardner was observed at his home on Friday, the 17" inst. With one exception the children of Mr. Gardner, with their families, and a few friends, gathered to enjoy the day together and to partake of the bountiful dinner which is characteristic of these yearly celebrations. Mr. Gardner is seventy-six years of age and is still strong and well. In harmony with Mr. Gardner's genial disposition and the joy of the occasion the clouds of the early morning passed away and the sun shone out upon the table improvised in the yard and laden with a great variety of good things skilfully prepared, and the company of guests gathered there to enjoy the dinner and the ua>' ivirs. nuiiij uu wcio ui *v coiville, the youngest (laughter, was prevented from coming by the illness of her infant daughter. The children present with their families were: Mrs. J. M. Cauthen. Mrs. G. W. Pit man and Mrs. H. C. Powers of I Heath Spring, and J. M. Gardner j and Mrs. Doc Baker of Westville. After Scripture reading and pray-! er by the pastor the guests repaired I to their homes, carrying with them I the memory of a day happily spent , and wishing for their genial host many returns of the day. The Heath Spring school suspended on Friday for a two weeks vacation. The members of the faculty have gone to their respective homes s follows: Mr. Miles to Marion; Misses Stokes and Bigham to Chester, Miss Peake to Edgefield; Miss Davidson to Clinto, and Miss Murphy to Charleston. Before suspending for the holidays the different classes in school hold exercises appropriate to the Christmas season. A Christmas tree was I prepared for the First and Second ; grades, one for the Third grade, and J another for grades four to seven.' Interesting exercises were given by | these several grades. T n Mm lilVli unlinnl ilnnnrt m..nt Miao . Stokes entertained the Eighth grade at Mrs. E. H. Mobley's Friday afternoon. where refreshments were served. In the music room of tlie school buildin.g at seven-thirty Friday night an oyster supper with an after course of chocolate and cake was served to the ninth and tenth grades, with their parents and frends. Mr. Miles presided on this occasion. Recitation, reading and music added much to the pleasure of the evening. All the exercises of the school were greatly enjoyed by those present. At the municipal election held here on the 14" inst. the following officers were elected for the ensuing term of one vear: J. A. Williams, mayor; W. T. Stover, R. P. Mobley, K. F. | Hammond and J. E. Sims, aldermen. With the exception of J. E. Sims, the above named officers held their respective places last year. Miss Gladys Twitty who has been teaching in the graded schools of Oaffney came home Sunday to spend the holidays. Misses Ruth and Esther Williams were guests last week of their grand mother, Mrs. Nathaniel Williams, at Oakliurst. The Rural School Improvement Association of the Oakhurst school will give a box supper at the school house Tuesday night, December 28, at which time Mr. Luther Ellison, Sec. of the Lancaster Chamber ->fj Commerce, is expected to be present and make an address. Mr. Marion Bridges returned from Cluster Springs, Ya., wher? he has been a student in the Acndemv fnr several months. Mr. i\ T. T-Vif.t.v ha? been confined) to his home with eold for several [ days. - ti/.tT' Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Croxton of Lanacter were here Sunday to spend the afternoon with M.\ anf. Mrs. C. i | E. Williams and other relatives. I ?i. oy's father, Mr. S. L). Tailor. and fam: y. Mr.. P. T. Twltty was called to Stonesboro Saturday on account of the illness of her mo|lier, Mrs J. C. Hillard. Miss Louise Bell stopped with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Bell, en route to Rock Hill from Kershaw where she has been engaged in nursing. At a regular communication of Barron Lodge. No. 261. A. F. M., Friday night it was decided to hold one meeting each month additional to the regular monthly meeting, for practice and instruction. Miss Jeanneflte Bigham, teacher of the primary grades and instructor! In the music department of the Ileath! spring school, has resigned. PLEASANT HILL. Special 10 The News. | Pleasant Hill, Dec. 20.?Mr. J. E. Hilton of Westville spent several days week with his friend, Mr. E. B. Johnson. Mr. Kalph Beckham of Great Falls was here to see his parents last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hammond of Stoneboro visited their daughter, Mrs. John Magee, recently. Mrs. E. H. Beckham returned home Friday after a visit to her sister, Mrs. M. L. Beckham. Mrs. 8. P. Adams spent Friday in I .Lancaster. Mrs. L. V. Cauthen, Mrs. E. R. Beckham and Mrs. W. P. Cole spent between trains In Lancaster Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cole moved Into their new home Saturday. Miss Jessie Beckham of Lancaster Is at home with her parents for a fev. dayc. Mrs. Melvin Cauthen spent Monday In Lancaster. Mr. Simon Beckham. Jr., who Is engaged In carpentering at Liberty! Hir. came up Saturday to spend! Sunday with his family. ' Says Wo I Depends Up I * ' Health ami Vigor Ncn'ssltnU'n ltegu latino of Organs of Kliminution. Skin foods and face creams ant powders cannot make a woman bea i iisien on ine raramo You've heard muc Players?the recogni tion picture field. You've seen them ly in magazines and billboards. This is the theatre the Paramount Pictui are released. Paramount Pictur* Appearance in Lancai ber 28, with one of N , cesses, "THE LITTLE ] AT 1 (ST m I I Thf? Place to THE LANCASTER NEWS, ! Beauty on Good Health : j?-n i ^ ** ** \ i i' 1 >. - I ... .'1 !. All. li ' ' MRS. GERTRUDE JORDAN. a trial bottle can be obtained, free of charge, by writing to Dr. \V. B. Caldwell. 4 54 Washington St., Monticello, Illinois. orange blossom wreath was very becoming. She carried a beautiful shower bouquet. The ceremony was performed by Mr. J. B. Moore and was beautiful, the organist, Miss Helen McCollough, continuing softly the strains of ttyo Bridal Chorus, and simplfe, thotigh made a deep impression upon the JWo hundred friends who had gathered t?> '/ witness the happy event. The bride bus lived in Great Fftlts several years, where she lifts a host of friends, who wish her Continued '' happiness. Mr. Jones was formerly 11 win uauu?7i uui nas airway won tho esteem of a number of warm friends here and is regarded as having a bright future. After a short " visit in Gaffney the couple will be welcomed to their home in Great Falls. Death of Mr. K. D. Crenshaw. Mr. Frank Crenshaw, son of Mr. H. Crenshaw, died at his home in the Lancaster cotton mill village, December 11th. Mr. Crenshaw was 28 years old and was sick only nine days with pneumonia. He is survived by his wife and three little children. He also leaves four sisters, Mrs. J. S. Threatt, Mrs. L. T. Croxton. Mrs. W. J. Williams and Miss Delia renshaw. The remains were laid to rest in New Hope cemetery at 2 o'clock December 12th. ONE OF THE SOCTH'N IIHHT KNOWN PLOW MANIFACTl'HEKS SAYS I have used MOZELKY'S LKMON' KM XI It for ten or twelve years In my family for stomach, liver and kidneys, and find it is the best medicine I have ever used. It is also a sure specific for pain in the back or under the shoulders. 1 have recommended it in numerous cases to my workmen, when sick and unable to work, and it has always given perfect satisfaction. H. I). HEUREL, President Atlanta Plow Co. Atlanta, Ga. SOU) AM) KF,< OMMKM)i;i) BY KANVAKTKIt PHARMACY. n nUlliM and newspapers alrree that the highest ; you can see are those L! i i \ unt Program. [1m J h about Paramount . j zed stars in the moadvertised extensive- I newspapers and on | in town which shows I res as quickly as they 1 I as make their initial *ter Tuesday, Decemfew York's latest sueDUTCH GIRL" ||||||||| 's are shown exclu- i Popular prices will DECEMBER 21, 1015. Buy it at HOME this Christmas. j| Big Dinner? '- '*" ? V That is exactly what we mean?a BIG CI ; taifl Groceries are far richer in nutriment <>. . nfj ii - ' ' j vmveu c/iere is no ainerence in the price v Y buys his stock. If he i& a stickler and ins Y: best and his customers get the same. Ol Y stltuted, but it is NEVER just as good. 1 t jr prices. , FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS DINNER Y careful housewife could desire, down to tl *f dinner LONG TO BE REMEMBERED. 1 Y PURPOSE, and every single article will Nj I 4 FEW THINGS Y A fresh supply of Cranberries, Celery Jelly Rolls, Apples, Oranges, Bananas, Ni ^1^ TT.rrrrc Pllf fo*1 PaJIq/1 T-T ?\ X liv/ntu 1 ifUll, OU^UI VyUICU y Souce, Liverell, Oysters, Turkeys, Checki to mention. ^ | E. B. RODI The Leading Grocery. ??? # ?? A IB II v I t-' at f H o m1 e! Keep Pro s' pre'.r i t | Every thin FOR MEN: a One lot of White Shirts 39c Q One lot of White Shirts 79c ? Silk Shirts $1.69 A Ties 25c, 50c and 75c % Suits $10.00 to $20.00 w Extra Trousers $1.10 to $5.00 Shoes from $1.50 to $5.00 a Hath Robes $3.50 New style Collars, two 25c Silk Mufflers $2.75 We cannot begin to mention all oi Christmas trade. The variety is endles member of the family. We mention o but there are hundreds of others just a are very close. FOR BOYS: One lot of Suits $2.25 One lot of Suits $3.75 One lot of Suits $4.50 Trousers 50c to $2.00 Union Suits 15c One lot new Ties.. 25c One lot of Shirts 39c Caps 25c, 50c and $1.00 It is easy to "buy it at home" wh have the stock, and it is high grade, u] price. I FOR TH1 a Special Table Damask Sets, Napkins and Z Cloth to match $8.50 to $10.00 2J All Linen Table Damask $1.00 to $1.50 yd J Colored Border Turkish Towels, special lot W just in 35c to 75c W Blankets for all the family. Crib Blankets | LANCASTER Ml < 7.'--.?ret?** 1 > fi ' vj * $> <% ijk Keep Prosperity in THIS Town. -Little Price I 1 > mstmas dinner at a LITTLE price. Cer- ?* than other grades of the same article. rith some dealers. It is up to him when he lists on nothing but the best he GETS the ?* therwise "something just as good" is sub^his store buys only the best, and at small X we have a great variety of everything the