o "Booster Period Time' Just as the Contest Manage] ants Came Within a Clo< Benefits by Waiting U NOW WE COME TO ' Lancaster News Gre Now is the Time to (Jet Busy? Will Win the Remember there are no losers. The new offer for "Opportunity Time" should instil new enthusiasm into the candidates. After all your hopes are not gone with the closing of "Booster Period." We.told you so. Now that "Booster Period" is history?passed and gone?there are a few among our contestants that did not make the best use of this wonderful period, and could they live those "Booster" days over again, would accomplish a great deal more than they did during the days of "Booster Period." "Opportunity Time" starts today and ends November 18th. 0 p. m. REGULAR SCALE OF VOTES. 1-Yr. Subscription 5.000 votes 2-Yr. Subscription 12,000 votes 3-Yr. Subscription 18,000 votes 4-Yr. Subscription 25,000 votes 6-Yr. Subscription .10.000 votes Special club offer good from November 5th to November 11th 0 p. m. 250,000 extra."otes for every $22.50 club turned in for subscriptions to The Lancaster News. This is a special offer. A club meaning 15 single subscriptions or any amount or number of subscriptions which total $22.50. You don't have to turn this money in all at one time. The contest manager will keep careful account and every time you remit an amount to $22.50 he will issue you a voting coupon good for 250.000 extra votes. The above offer is in uldition to the regular scale of votes. You get as many ciubs as you like and get them anywhere you like. Don't hold < back your money?turn it in as fast! as you get it. The Contest Manager j will keep track for you and every time you have $22.50 paid in on subscriptions he will issue you the certi- , ficate good for 250,000 votes. Remember this offer runs from No Temner nrn to rsovemner i lin :? p. m. NOW WILL YOU LOOK AT THTS. Contestants and friends of contestants s^o road this carefully. Every d: go'ne to ho a period during " rtunitv Time" and will closo prop.} at ft p. m. each day. Out of town contestants will have the same chance as the money they send In will count for the same if the envelope hears a postmark before ft p. Tn . or if they telephone the Contest M nnacer thev are sending. T'tere will he four winners each day during "Opportunity Time" -the four lending contestants?the four contestants who turn in the most money for subscriptions each day up to ft p. m. will receive extra votes as follows: Larecst amount, 7f>,000 extra votes; second largest, fift.000 votes; third largest, 4a,000 votes, fourth largest, 30.000 extra votes. Tit's is in additiot to all other offers, and is m^ 3 to boost the circulation during this part'eular period of the contest This sper'al offer runs from November 5th to November 18th. If there is a single thing in the above offers that you do not understand. call up the Contest Manager, or see him in person, and lie will he glad to explain the proposition to yon. Call on your friends now. Tell them that you want to win one of the handsome prizes. They will help you not onlv with the'r suhscr'ptions but will interest their friends in voitr behalf, and when this contest closes and vou have been fortunate enough to win one of the prizes, you can heartily thank your friends for iheir a?sistance. Now is the time for vou win or not. "I will" that's t.lio solvit. Remember that "Onnortunity Time" offer includes subscrlpj.vn??s oh' and now and arrearages. WHY THIS Om-'KH COW This er-iKrons offer is made now to throw more nincrer into the contestants. Every dollar turned in from now until November 111li t) p. m., counts toward a club. If you have not entered til's contest or if you have a friend that you would like to see in it now is the time. Send in your name. Use a post card, a letter, or telephone the Contest Manager, and a representative will call to see you at once, and explain fully anv details that you do not clearly understand. LIST OF CONTESTANTS. Miss Gladys Jones. Lancaster, S.C. Miss Mariraret Robinson, Lancaster, R. F. D. No. 1. Miss Mazie Threatt, 322 Elm St., Lancaster, S. C. Mr. Ira D. Estridne, Lancaster, S. C., R. F. D. 8. GOOD IN T Lancaster News Tord Name of Contestant Address This Couron when neatly ti name and address of Contes u to the Contest Manager, wil * NOT GOOD AFTER f>; ' Closes With A Rush. r Thought?Many Contestje Margin of Losing the ntil the Last Minute. "OPPORUNITY" IN THE at Automobile Contest Everybody Guessing as to Who Automobile. Miss Anna Faile. Lancaster, S. C., R. F. D. 2. Miss Alice Beckham. Lain aster. K. i". D. No. 3. Miss Nonie Bailey. Lancaster. IL 1'. 1). No. t>. Mr. iL nrv Thompson. Lancaster. It. F. D. No. 5. Mr. S. L. McNeely, Lancaster, R. . D. No. .>. Mr. Jesse Ida ktnon. Lancaster, It. ' . D. No. 5. Miss Maggie Vaughn. Heath Springs. S. C. Miss Estelle Beckham, Pleasant Hill, S. C. Miss Ethel Taylor, Lancaster, R. F. D. 7. Mrs. Herbert B. Rollings, Kershaw, S. C., R. F. D. 2. Miss Verda Wolfe, Fort Mill, S. C , R. F. D. 3. Miss Annie Hyatt. Van Wyck, S. C. Miss Nell Ingram, Kershaw, S. C. DO YOUR BEST DURING "OPPORTUNITY TIME." (Every candidate who wants to win a prize in this contest should do their best at this time and get the benefits that are now offering. Those who are a little behind in the race can easily acquire first place during "Opportunity Time," if a little extra steam is put on. Read the conditions of this offer carefully, and then get out and get busy. Get as many clubs as you can?the sky Is the limit. You will be amazed to see how rapidly your votes will climb. FRIENDS SHOULD HELP YOU. Many of your friends will say, "Yes. I will help you later, next week maybe." This won't do you any good for nevxt week never comes. You want their help right now when it counts the most. Now is the time to put in hard licks for subscriptions to The News. See your friends and relatives, and other people's friends and relatives, and show them what a live-year sub-iption would mean to you. Keep the ball rolling now and the more votes you get right now the better will bo your chance to carry away one of the prizes. HEARTILY ENDORSED. The contest is hcarily endorsed on all sides. The prizes are so desirable and so valuable as to meet with the nnproval of the public. Of course, there are always the usual number of "knockers"?this is but human nature?some people dearly love to knock?they wouldn't be happy unless they did this once in awhile, but every knock is a boost. Pay no attention to these little things. There is nothing to it. The contest is destined to be a great success?the greatest ever known in this section. It is being handled in a fair and upright manner. The prizes will positively be given away just as advertised. Don't let anyone try to tell you differently. The contestants are live hustlers and are deserving of the loyal support of every person in this community. When they come to you for their subscriptions give without a word and help them along. \SK VOI'ltSELF THIS Qt'HSTION. Did 1 do all that was possible during "Dooster Period?" If you can < . v YDS honestly that you are doing your best, all right, but if you cannot sav yes, this is the time to determ'nc u won't allow "Opportunity Time" to get away without a nice showing in the standing column Maybe your name was near the bottom Inst time. Don't let that, dis courage you. Here is an opportunity to put it at the top. ALWAYS UK AD TDK CO.N'T ES'l NEWS. Never let a week go hv withou looking for the Contest Manager'! weekly .story. Keep posted and keei in close touch with the contest. Don' iii alio' i bothering the Con test Manager. That's what he is hen for. Just ask for his help. You wil get it. ! YOU CAN'T LOSE IF YOIJ WORK All non-winning bona tide contest ants who do not win a prize In thli contest will he given 10 per cent o all money collected and turned in I This makes you sure of getting pai< 1 for that you do and encourages yo\ i to get in the contest and work agains I the other contestants. 100 vorrs HE Automobile Contest immed and filled out with itant and brought or mailed II count for ino vot^q. NOVEMBER 12tli. THE LANCASTER NEWS, NOVEMBER 5,1915. I HOW *1 ID1Y0U' Oooortur I DU T , % You've had opportunities Eve started but now comes IT'S GOT 'EM A X As to the outcome at this tin \\ is "OPPORTUNITY \4 WORK ANE THEN > 'X | Lancaster News Big i;|; ^ ^ X OFFER NO. 1. *? Offer 250,000 Bonus Votes ? Nov. 5 to Nov 11 9-P. M. This is a special club offer, 250,000 Bonus Y Votes lor every $22.50 club. A club means Y a total of $22.50?you don't have to turn it Y in all at once. The Contest Manager will y keep account for you and every time you Y register $22.50 be will issue you a voting Y coupon good for 250,000 extra votes. Y This offer is in addition to the regular Y scab' of votes. Now remember this offer is *i\... ...a. .. .1 < 4: v....mi k ^ mm ' ? 11 i ? ?i "ni\ ,i ,>iiui i i 11111' i i f 14 11 llcl v r lu jg | hustle. Kt;ir1s November ~>tli Jtlld ends No- ji V H vemher 11th nt J) j?. in. H 4 El M >,v -?? . r vvr-j-^r?*^aLi?5aaaEa * j Grand Prize ? lA 5 Passenger Ford Touring Car Full ? ^Equipped And You Can Y/inThis Car If YouTr >* | Car |>ur(-has0.000 extra votes. Remember this 9 A offer is only for the money turned in for n V | subscript ions for the daw Shirts \ovei?ilw?v ?! B i!i < vi rv "lav until November 18th, 9 3 B ?* ??- i t % x c "jvr-'Tjy.N'^r* ? w - -r -- rr-'V r ' '?rrrTr'v^ ! AnemeHt'jfc^W' w.. . ...i ... ? , ,n' .L if .? v.*K. NwiiUil Inter? Yes! Yes! Yes! | a| YOU WILL NOT LOSE ? Kvcry contestant in litis race who re- V mains active will receive 10 per cent of all \ < money they turn in for subscriptions if they V do not win a prize. i ' ? ! OPPORTUNITY RAPPINGHARD t 1)r (live th<' old fellow a hearing. He don't 5 often make a return trip if you turn him ?$> down. Open the door, let him in. This is A j your chance to "make things hunt." Head & | the special offers over and be sure that you understand just what they mean to you now. VT? Hay no at tent ion to anyone else or what you hear about any one else. This will not cret *? I votes for you. .lust throw the throttle wide ?? open and let go. Subscriptions count now, * and see that you get them, (let out now V and cash in sonic of those promises. ?? ? v -! "'it's a Long Way to Tipperaiy" * Hut its not such a long way to the closing j hour of t his contest and its going to be some X u finish. Prepare for tliis, build your campaign to withstand the hardest kind of a* finish and the time to do this building is during "Opportunity Time." Days go by ? and they go mighty fast. Don't let a single "opportunity" get away from you, for every one that gets by you may get to the X other fellow. ? FINE! FINE! FINE! ? Just the best ever, couldn't be better. The contestants are doing grand work. w ^ 7 JL I everyone is taking an interest and from y now on until the close there'll be a lively y battle between the contestants. Don't for- y get that the contest manager is on the job V every (lay. is To Campaign Manager % STER NEWS f A4 Lancaster, S. C. f