(> KW FLEET iNTiVE YEARS IS PROGRAI Fifteen Fighting Ships, Su marines. Cruisers and Destroyers. MOKE SAILORS FOR NAY 1? l I H IU rinin ..?u a ?* .--mm * Intends to Make Naval I'ro^inin Administration Measure. Washington. Oct. 12.?Fifteen twemj fighting ships tit the tlrea naught and baitlecruiser type with proportionate number of seagoi subnialines, roast submarines, seo cruisers, destroyer- and auxiliaries enough to make a new deet ?is eu templated by Secretary Daniels t recommendation as a live year buil ing program for the Fnited Sta; na\ y. President Wilson and Socreta Daniels have tlisesused informal the needs of the navy and are agrei that in order to be adequately pi pared for defense the prese strength of the Meet must be almo doubled in the next live years, wi the addition of many of the late type of fast and powerful fightii era ft. Details as to numbers have 11 yet been finally worked out. but tl idea of fixing a ratio for a con tin iiii? nrnsrani over a tieriod of fii years is the basic principle apt which the general board of the na\ and Secretary Daniels are plannit their recommendations. Anotlu conference between the Presidei and the Secretary will be held Frida at which th? total number prohab will be fixed. The five-year naval pro.;,Yam whe completed would add in addition t dreadnaughts and battlecruiaers ilea lv 100 submarines, about 7 0 destro; ers and several scout cruisers an proportionate number of fuel an hospital ships. An important part of the pn AT't til Inn Vl'ill lw? a nrttnttaal f Ar % V?W ? " Ml ?/V C? |?l I 11? large. increase in personnel. Appri priation for at least 8,ftrt0 addition) men will be asked for the first yea to make up present deficiencies, an an adequate number will be sough to man the new ships built in th five-year period. The total cost of t he proposed prr grain for the first year, according t present plans, is estimated at pearl $248,000,000 or about $100,000,Oh increase over last year Just wha construction should be provided fa the first year, has not been dotei mind. As to the approximate num her of ships the fleet should have ;> fhe end of five years, however. t.l (Iters of the general board a mi Set clary Daniels arc understood to !> In thorough accord. It is considered probable that th construction program for the (ir-year will exceed that of succeedip.i years in order that urgent deficit n cies may lie filled promptly. Th general board lias been consistent! recommending four battleships year but hist year only three wei miwii iwi. ill*-: |M r \ |(JU? > fill Dili one battleship was granted. Th general board's original plan of ha^ ing a fleet c.f 48 first-class battleship by 1020 consequently has sufferei materially. It is understood that f'resider Wilson intends to discuss the nava program in his annual message an to make of it an administrate measure. The building program las year provided for If. submarines, s that the total of the undersea craf built and building is 70. Althoug effective means of eombnting undet sea warfare apparently have bee found in Karen*. it ia ti?? . the navy department to rerommen at least 30 submarines for next yeai so as to furnish an adequate numbe for defensive purpose. In the ne> four years, however, an average r 16 submarines a year, a few of whie would be fleet submarines, would h maintained. That would bring th total to about 170 In five years. It is not known as yet what tli plans of the navy are for the organ /.at ion of the new fleet, hut the get oral belief in naval quarters is thf the plan of having a fleet in the Pi rifle will figure materially in the ne program. flat Rid of Those Poisons la Tot System t Tou wll I find Dr. King's New Li Pills a moat satisfactory laxative I releasing the poisons from your sy tem. Accumulated waste and pol one cause manifold ailments un'ei released. Dizziness, spots before tt ayes, MACknesa and a miserable f ?c lng generally are Indications that yt need Dr King's Now Life Pills. Tal s dose tonight and yon will expe I en os greatTvrt relief by morn In 23c. * , KOK PUBLIC IIKALTH. j Hon Can We Aid in tamering Deal I II llatr Among ihc Poorer Classes? YJ A Paper prepared by Dr. R. C Brown, and read before the Lan caster Civic League at its Octobei K. meeting. j Being a physician and ofter brought into contact with this class ' of people from a professional stand point. I have been astounded at the number of unnecessary death; brought about by ignorance?ignorop auce which can only be enlightenet] by a campaign of education. If thin be neeesary, then how can we bring to t about? In my opinion, there it tl01:!v one way?to go among these a people, come in actual contact with ng ihem end tell them of sanitation and ut preventative measures, or best of all emplov a welfare worker, who can iispend most r,r all her time among or them. d If we are going to do this, what os' ruust we tell them to do in order to 'ower the death rate? i'irst that the best of ail measures " v is cleanliness and plenty of suncd shine, that their premises should be v- given careful attention, to combat n; the My by screening their homes, because he"is one of the great"st foe.' to the human race, carrying more 1,1 germs than any other pest; wage war st on the mosquito, who transmits ig malaria during the night visits, that each person is due a certain amount of air space and hence too many ought not sleep in one room. Wc 10 should also, by means ol a sanitary survey, know that their water is not polluted. More diseases are transmitted through the medium of water I than any other. Many hundred children would be saved were it possible for them to have good, pure milk. I Second, we should go among litem and tell them what diseases are coni tagious or infectious, and what steps j to take in order to avoid them. They should know that tuberculosis is an infectious disease and rthat it effects its entrance into the j I body by inhaling contaminated air. ^ i that it may be taken into the all| mentary tract through the medium of food, such as moat, milk, butter, 1 etc. That sputum of tubercular pera ! sons, if not burned, becomes particles 'I j of the air, ready to attack suscepti1 ! ble persons; that typhoid fever is an r l infectious disease, which usually en(] tors the body in infected milk, water, or upon contaminated food. Besides ' i they should know that diphtheria, j scarlet fever, whooping cough, spinal meniningitis and measles are very contagious diseases, easily transmitted and that when a member of the family is afflicted with a disease of such a character, they should let it be known in time and submit to quarantine laws and thereby prevent its spread among others. ,l Though one can do much for the present generation, I believe we should look to the future and teach the children along these lines. During each scholastic term why not have a "health Week" and during hat period devote the entire tune to 1 instruction on matters of hygiene and sanitation. For these children, a series of a dozen or more fifteenN minute talks on personal hygiene, nubile sanitation and prevention of disease may he delivered by physicians or other qualified persons. The ' topic to be food, in ilk, fresh air, "| cleanliness, care of teeth, contagious "J and communicable diseases. Chili dren are quick to apprehend facts and can be appealed to on the side of self interest. For adults a special mo\ing picture lecture could be given ' setting forth the chief facts of the talks to the children, thus mutualU interesting both. It might be well ~ to add some arrangement for organ^ i/.ing the children to assist in certain matters of public health and welfare, with an element of competition between different classes er CPU/lee 'j. It would be a most excellent Idea , for your body to communicate with Dr. J. A. Hayne, secretary state board of health, have him come up and look ct1 f I over your city and no doubt he will j I give you many valuable points. He ' j will put you upon a plan of campaign which, if followed out, will bring iG 1 forth beneficiary results along the line. iG In conclusion I must beg your parIon for imposing such an article on you, but due to short notico I have ! done the best I could and have also selected my own subject. ROBERT C. BROWN, M. 1). ;How's This? f? We ujfr Onn Hundred Dollars Rewnrd for any In ' "' innde by IiIh Orm. m Nat. bank of oommrrcr. Toledo. Ohio. f . Catarrh Tare la tnkcn internally, net inn directly npoo ike blood and inurona nurfare* of g. the i.yatem. Teettmonlala sent free. Price 70 cento per l.ottlc. K?M by all Driivklat*. Tok? fin lie raroiiy pin# for conttlpatlMb THF, LANCASTER NEW jnam |H You Nee RM There are times in e needs a tonic to help ?j PH When that time comes t i | J to take?Cardui, the won b|| posed of purely vegeta gently, yet surely, on the ^^4 and helps build them b< ' WSm It has benefited thousan -I amng women in its past i 9H9 success, and it will do 1 . You can't make a m I CM PSi The Won Ifin Miss Amelia Wilson Fs-^ says: "I think Cardui is tl: for women. Before I b so weak and nervous, spells and a poor appetit , 9n&jj as strong as 1 ever did, Begin taking Cardui tod; 18a Has Helpei ixxxsx; i - 1 ROrK HILL DOCTOR IS BACK FROM EIJROP1 ;| Robert H. < rawIonI l{rlurnx Kioi Work Witli I ted Cross in Germany, Rock Hill. Oct. 12. -Dr. Itobt. 'I I Crawford, a son of Dr. T. A. Craw I ford of ibis city, is back front a sta 1 of several months in Germany, as member of the American Red Cros | in hospital service. Dr. Crawford v.a I stationed at Gleiwitz, Upper Silesia I lie had some very interesting exper iences during his trip abroad an work in Germany, but is pleased to b in America again, preferring his na live country to the realms of th kaiser even though no war existed ii Kit rope. Dr. Crawford's service was per | formed in a hospital in Gleiwitz th capacity of which was about 17' wounded, and which in time of peao was a large theatre. Gleiwitz is sit uated near Cracow and during th | height of the Russian offensive j 'through Poland and Hungary, \va | not far from the battle lines. Tin | Hermans enred for there were al wounded on the eastern buttle fron lighting the Russians. I?r. Crawford's opinion of tier many, the Germans and the great con flirt raging in Kurope are of great in terest. being based on, first hand ob serrations and a determination to litu out as much as possible about actua conditions. He visited many Germai ?ities and saw considerable section of t lie country. Dr. Crawford expresses the opin i ion that the outcome of the war a far as the fighting is concerned i doubtful. He hardly thinks the allie lnnt<> u'liA iinlMnJoni-n-l In #!.? n.av>u?>.v., .. nv. ,1,IUIHICICU 111 UIOI I 78th Prussian Infantry at the he-1 ginning of the war, owes his life' < to a comrade who was killed. < Llewellyn was wounded at the s liattle of Ypres and was left lying ' e' between the hostile lines for ', twelve hours. When night came j he started to crawl back to the ' 1 German lines, only to fall uncon- , scious. When he recovered con,? sclousness he saw a dead comrade lying beside him. On his belt was j, a flask or Coffee. Llewellyn mans aged to unfasten the flask, and y was sufficiently stimulated by the d Coffee it contained to reach the trenches. t Yet you will find people in this n peaceful country today who r substitute all brands of stump d water for a cup of good coffee. :i If you will try the famous j ' Luzianne Brand | a Put up in sealed Tin Cans, ' and guaranteed to please? your Coffee troubles will be ! n all over. ,h All Good Grocers Sell R e Save Your Luzianne Coupons y FOR VALUABLE GIFTS. | i. J ; FARMER'S MUTUAL GROWING '* Notwithstanding the cry ? of hard times, our membership is steadily increasi?j ing. I visit Lancaster frei?j quently and will call on you o i if you Will drop me a postal ie saying you are interested. :e! D. E. BONEY, York, S. C. I-' I U ^ I NOTICE OF ELECTION. 1 | Whereas, one-third of the free holders and one-third of the electors ? of the ago of 21 years, residing in ? Camp Creek school district, No. 15, u have petitioned the county board of f? education to order an election to de- ^ termlne whether or not the present tax of 4 mills shall be retained on all real and personal property for school , purposes. ? We hereby order said election toll be held by the trustees in said Camp MhaaW ?/vl%#>Al XT.. 1 r t.i_i i * 11 '* t\ bviiuui uiMiiri, iiu. id, uii r ntlay, October 22nd, at S. P. Roberts' gin house. At which election only such electors as return real or personal prop-' erty for tuxution and exhibit their tax receipts and registration certificates shall be allowed to vote. The opening and closing hours shall be the same as in all general elections. . V. A. LINQLE. W. B. TWITTY. J. K. CONNORS," County Hoard of Education. i | WHAT Dl I GOVERNO! T i Hp wurnc Trnn fn l/\rvlr /Mif t ?? IID J v/u tv 1WVI\ VJUt til lit I j WHAT DO ?? We warn you not to buy i X Weevil may come. The Pock L* we ask you to buy where you prices. v Just in this week: Cereals, jL Pino on/1 ^0?*n IT1 n lrr?o i?la/\ T? cuiu v^wi ii i (Uou l good. Red Oats, Fulghum Oat ) all kinds of Grass Seed. D Onions. We have the Onion ? ! BENNETT-T. i PURE FOOE | VERY LO\ t -ONriTDMI 11 Ulllll | Bedstead in f Dresser very" V every | Chiffonier A1Th< f* Bed room table I Ratisf t La< ? Davenport *? 8t0 y injf ai ? Center table "f Book case want" *? rn . goods ? Inairs make I J. F. MAC] V I II ^ I . I MEAT ant The brainiest people meat eaters. +Brainy, people make they have more than 1 of brains. _ This exceptional brai due in great part to right kind of meat?G EAT S AN] BUY IT riTV MCA1 VII 1 lULi/ll ' r , a ?. ; r ^ ^ fcc - ^ Malaria or Chills & Fever V rescript!on No. HI k prepared etpecially >r MALARIA ? CHILLS A FCVCR. 'ire or aix doM will break any care, end [ taken then aa a tonic the Fever will not tain. It acta oa the liver batter than kkxnel and doce not gripe or eioban. 2Sc | NOTICE. Write mo and I will ex- K B plain bow I was cured in 4 |H H days of a severe case of ^5 Piles of 40 years' standing without pain, knife or deH tentlon from business. No H| one need sutfer from this W* disease when this humane |B cure can be had right here 8 in South Carolina. ^8 8 R. M. JOSUV, | Jtoutq4. jjamar^S^C. H )ES THE I R SAY? li 1 I prepare for the Boll Weevil. ! | i i WE SAY? I mtil you see us. The Boll E et Weevil is here now and '' get PURE FOOD at right \ ; } \ Oat Flakes, Puffed Wheat, ! | ruits and Celery fresh and j ;s, Rye, Barley, Clovers and i ; on't forget to plant your j Sets. E ERRY CO.II L ri mrvn n f sivnn. | orwK+x******* i * *:?* * , J^V ^TA ATA AT^. *V WW V V V V V V V 'fl V PRICES | TURE1 i e the articles of furniture ?|? ; column to the left. We \em all and are making ? close prices on each and jfc one of them. V i quality of every piece is nd every purchase carries MERE S s ' MARKET