The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, October 15, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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I i I t: LOCAL DOTS !' t I j i r Cotton is bringing 12 V4 cents on 1 this market today and cotton seed F 60 cents per bushel. 1: Mr. Duren Lyles of White Bluff, ( who is serving as a Juror at this term ? of court, was the first man to pay taxes for 1915. , r It is probable all criminal cases . will be concluded tomorrow and that . next week will be devoted to cases 1 on the civil side of the court. ' * Mr. John A. Metts, chief clerk of j the railway mail service of South j Carolina, with headquarters at Char- j. leston was a visitor in Haneaster j yesterday. ' > Mayor J. M. Hood is at home after an ansence or several weeks spent in St. Louis where he purchased stock for the Gregory-Hood Livestock Company. The meeting not In progress at the First Baptist church continues to M grow In Interest and attendance .Dr. J. S. Dill of Gaffney Is preaching a series of thoughtful. Interesting sermons. The many friends of Mr. Rov Parks will be glad to know he Is at home much Improved after undergoing a serious operation at Magdalene Hospital In Chester some eight weeks ago. Policeman S. J. Vincent of Heath Springs was In town this week. He reports that Heath Springs Is living up to Its reputation of enforcing law and order and that blind tigers do not find it safe to operate there. The meeting now in progress at the school has recently been equipped with sanitary drinking fountains, which add much to the comfort and convenience of the pupils, enabling V* m f a crnf a f nr nnf a f rlnm*a of rn. cess Instead of crowding; Into the 1 halls for It. Mrs. Sam Paul and little daugh*er who spent the summer here with Mrs. Paul's father. Mr. Paul Moore, returned yesterday to Reaufort. accompanlel by her aunt and cousin, Mrs. Ernest Moore and Miss Eliza Moore, who will spend several weeks as her guests. Mr. John Hough of Rrandv Station, Va., is here on a visit to his brother. Capt. J. M. Hough, and other relatives in this county. Mr. Hough left j Lancaster twenty-eight years ago and i he Puns that many changes have ] been made in the old town. The , Virginia farm owned hv Mr. Hough ( Includes part of the battlefield of j Rrandv Station, on which General Rutler received the wound which cost , him the loss of one leg. Mr. Sam Gladden, a member of the H. & C. crew, was painfully, though ( not seriously, hurt this morning at 1 the depot in this city while helping S with the shifting. Mr. Gladden was hanging on a box car. and was t struck by a car on another track. He was knocked senseless, but regained 1 consciousness shortly after being 1 taken to the Magdalene Hospital. His wounds are about the upper part of - the head and the shoulders, and while painful are no! serious.?Ches- r Her Reporter. KKMARKAHI.F PRODUCT. 1 Square of Linoleum 011 Sidewalk Shows no Wear. 1 There Is a square of linoleum on the cement pavement in front of the 1 Furniture Store of J. F. Mackey & Co., that is attracting a lot of atten-1 tion and favorable comment. The square measures about 12 by 12 feet and has been on the sidewalk \ for nearly a week, subiected to the most severe teats and in all kinds of * weather and shows no damage. Dur f ing this week hundreds of people attending court have tramped over it, 1 and other hundreds who are here ev- ( ery day have dono the same. Tlia linoleum lies perfectly flat; shows no tendency to curl nor "buckle." 1 This same teat is being made in many cities of the Union and the lin- j oleum is equal to the demands made upon it. It is a most unique test and it is doubtful If any but Ringwalt's 1 Idnoleum would stand the racket. ~ HOUGH'S STORK ENTERED. j Plate Glass Window Broken and Few . Watches stolen. I Sometime Wednesday night or ear- . ly Thursday morning, an unknown party broke one of the heavv nlate glass windows In B. C. Hough's Jewel- ' dy store, entered through the breach . thus thus made and carried off ten or twelve Ingersoll watches. Just . when or by whom the store was entered Is not known, since It was daylight before the theft was discovered. ( It was obviously a rather hold deed when we consider the location of the , store and the fact that the ar^ light , on the corner shines full upon Its ' rrnnr. Notwithstanding this the thief , ni'de a rnihnleto ret-awav and althottph Sheriff Hunter nnd the poilremen are pfter h'm thev have as yet , discovered no "lite to his Identity. rl jMOtt Fro"! Osr Ace. ' Mp II C Q t e ot n ot TVvIe nno f pn-n o' hi? Inul v'e'd h'm AlOfl this yen r ft, e 's?id W S "?ll put tn nn S 8"d after he'ee proved on bv the Chtelcops ho oil O > hu?he's. HA then p"f a rfl't ?*' tho tot I>1 gwee( rvntij- | toes nn f ?>"*he1n. The Other part he planted |n esne and has Inst ^ frniK"! opt AO rations of molnases. 1 In doPars and rents his vlelds ore an < follows' ?fi hpshels eats at ?t> rents 1 per bushel, >1*50; <12 bushel* nota- 1 oes at iR cents per btishel. {4 ? RO; 1 90 rations tneiasses. at 50 centa a 1 gallon, $43; total $108. il r ( HON OK KOIili. <HiH-as(cr <>nule<l Schools for Month of September. First grade?Thelma Clanton, ara Craig, Willie L?ocke Crawford, 'ranees Culp, Itachel Edwards, Sara lilton, Evalyn Hlrsch, Mary Laney lunter, Margaret Penny, Katherlne tlddle, Katherlne Stevens, Hose Willams, Eugene Clyburn, William :ralg, Thomas Crenshaw, John Drenian, Curtis Haglna, W. J. Horton, lack Hughes, James Reed, J. C. Varladore, Hal Jones Long. Second grade?Johnny Cox, Lula loyd Beaty, Cooper Davis, Eliza eth Gooch, Frances Williams, Doris lilton, E. B. Blackmon, Thomas Vilson, Jessie Morris, John P. lunter, Ruth Cross, Elsie Blackmon, 'auline Beckham, James Thoniasson, Eugene Varnadore, Marion Sistare. ,ouise Capthen, Oralee llugglns, tattle Adams. Third grade?Eugenia Adams, Lllian Davis. Henrietta Edwards, Mary lackey Hough, Rebecca Jones, Elizaleth Laney, Elizabeth Lazenby, Mar:aret Long, Ruth Mackey, Irene 'oovey, Mary Scarboro, Mary Evans itover, Mary Donnom Witherspoon, .larion Blanks, Martin Crawford. Villiani Frost, Eldrldge Lazenby, vy Poovey. Fourth grade?Jennie Lee Sherird, Walter Davis. Edward Croxton, Sstello Dawkins, Eugenia HugheB, leulah Mae Laney,J Miriam ProlialofT. Hazel Rodgers, William Hough, '.olin Murchison, Thurlow Carter rhomasson. Emory Penny. Fifth grade?Eva Cook, Mary Vgnes Funderburk. William Funder)urk, Tom McDow, Dorothy Porter, dartha VanLandingham, Sara Wlliams, Louise Williams, Elizabeth JVltherspoon, Mary Evans Riddle. Sixth grade?Wren Ballard, Jewel Hnson, Sybil Llngle, Sadie Parks, darie Settlemeyer, Margaret Thomasion, Ira Adams. Seventh grade?Barnwell Allison, r. C. Hicks, James Porter, Laura lilbert Williams, Mildred King, '..ewis Murchison. Ida Cauthen. Eighth grade?Lily McManus. Eveyn Mobley, Floride Perry. Roy Big;ert. Ninth grade?Ernest Moore. Mary Rllen Blackmon. Freddie Knight, 'aroline Porter, Guy Skipper. Tenth grade?Toy Gregory, Helen terrick, Paulino Marion. Brighton lorton, Ivah Nishet. Eleventh grade?Ernest Peaty, lossie Ferguson. Mary Kirk. MIKE SCHOOK. First g.udv ?Grace Chapman, tubv Ghent, Nora Kanglev, Azilee snight. Kula Knight. Evangeline, 'earl Starnes. Koran Chapman, T. C. 'haptnan, Elliott Chapman. Moss Iregory, Ansel Hunter, William 'nnderburk, Alonzo Kangley. Second grade?Webster Humph ies. Elice Snipes. Pardan Hunter, ^lasce Vick, Frank Bowers. High first?Smith Clark, Harvey Ihent, Willie Harris, Wade Orr, dertha Outon. Kois Sanders, I. W. lhaver. Third grade?Clyde Jordan, Robert Bowers, Chalmers Carnes. Fourth crade?Sealy. Acnes, Flleeka Lancley, Lizzie R. Adams, Itosa Walden. Rose Eva Garland. NEW BOOKS AT LIBRARY. rhirty Voltinin* of Recent Fiction for Booklovers. The Island of Surprise?Cyrus T. 'Irady. Delia Blanchflower?Mrs. Humph-, ey Ward. . . Suzanne Stirs the Fire?Emily Pllake. Amarilly of Clothes-Line Alley? Vlaniates. Phyllis?Maria Thompson Daviess. The Genius?Theodore Dreiser. The Lone Star Rancor?Zane Grey. Martha of the Mennvnite Country ?Martin. Capt. Protheroe's Fortunt.?Osvald Kendall. Lawrence Claverinc?A. E. W. Vlason. Perch of the Devil?Gertrude Ath?rton. Rose O' Paradise- Grace Miller tVhito. Mr. Rincle?Georce Barr Mc uicneon. The Way of an Eagle?E. M. Dell. A Knight of the Cross?Eawrenco 3. Saint. The Seas of Clod?Anonymous. A Girl of the Blue Ridge?Payne Srsklne. Felix O'Day?F. Hopkinson Sm'th. The Secret of the Reef?Harold 31ndloss. The Code of the Mountains?Chas. s\ Buck. The Foolish Virgin?Thos. Dixon. . Patty's Romance?Carolyn Wells. The Eandloper?Holman Day. The Valley of the Moon?Jack London. A Far Country?Winston ChurchIll. The Keeper of the Door?Ethel \T. Dell. Peg O* My Heart?J. Hartley Manners. Holton of the Navy?T,awrence Perry. .iNTTprv?w. J. I^orke. The Olrl With Two Selves?Costelo. Library hours are from 4 to ft ruesdavs and Saturdays. The hooks ire hetncr rpontalomied nod rearrana>d and the ounrters are verv comfortihle. Manv new snhoerintlnns have >een reee'ved this f"tl and others ire Inv'fed to |o'n the V tnoist'on, 'or the Investment of one do'lor nor ear pood read In er ni or i? nr<*il. i*>to at I^A T ancestor t isranv rron* n n*ov*1 " n ITifl 'tl T O nooofrty (honId embrace such an nnnnrtIIT.I?.r YEW CI.OTHIYO STORE. !t. unci R, Tx^nr* 0*><>n(uu I'p In 0nrln?c?? Rl'^k. Mr. C. A. Reese of Rock Hill *nxnt' rMirsday here on business. IT? 'a >nen<nK up a store In th? flnr'nca >1o?k. the second door from the Ho*?l floval. and th? new hoi**? will h? mown aa th? R. and B. Tailors. Mr. *???.? also conducts a r?rr *"??*???ul clothing buelneaa in Rock Hill. I TTTF T,A W ASJTFT? VKWS I PERSONALS I V I i -! I)r. T. W. Lesslle spent the past week-end in Kershaw. Mr. J. L. Pearson of Columbia was here on business this week. mi. i'h 111 ur. i*ici;orKie 01 iorx was here on business this week. Secretary Ellison spent Wednesday in Columbia on business. Mrs. Ed Clyburn lias returned from a visit to relatives in Kershaw. Hon. J. Harry Foster of the Rock Hill bar is here in attendance upon Court. Miss Margie Clark is visiting her aunt, Mrs. John W. Hamel in Kershaw. Miss Belle King has returned from a visit to Mrs. C. N. Houser in Kershaw. Mr. James H. Hamel of The Kershaw Era spent last Saturday in town. Miss Madge Givan of Lawrenceburg, Indiana, is the guest of Mrs. Leroy Springs. Mrs. J. C. Miller of Jefferson is expected today for a visit to her mother, Mrs. Alice Gregory. Miss Mary Hood of Lancaster is the charming guest of Miss Evelyn Frew.?Rock Hill Record. Miss Betty Brown will go tomorrow to Laurens, where she will visit her sister, Mrs. R. F. Fleming, Jr. Mrs. J. Franklin Smith of Mooresville, N. C., is here on a visit at the home of her father, Mr. W. T. Gregory. Miss Mayme Mackey, who has been spending the summer at Canton in the mountains of North Carolina, is at home again. Mrs. Albert Tinsley and little Miss Margaret Tinsley will leave tomorrn w fnr a vital* n Mre TlnolA?'? ?? rents in Dublin, Oa. Miss Jeannette Moore of Burlaw, N. C.. who is teaching this session in Monroe, is here to spend the weekend with Miss Minnie Coley. Little Miss Virginia Dlehl. who has been the guest of her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wylie, returned yesterday to her home in Rock H'll. Mayor TO. 1>. Rlakeney, Hon. J. Copeland Massey and Mr. K. L. Williams of the Kershaw bar have been here this week in attendance upon court. Mrs. J. H Witherspoon, her moth er, Mrs. W. J. Montgomery of Concord , and Mrs. John Crawford motored to Charlotte this morning and are spending the day there. Mrs. W. T. Gregory has returned after an absence of several weeks spent with . her daughter, Mrs. J. Stoney Drake, in Atlanta and with relatives in Alabama. Miss Mayme C. Allison left yesterday for a visit to the exposition, going by the Northern route, to Chica go, up into Canada and by Portland In San Francisco Miss Allison will visit her brother, Mr. George W. Allison. WRIGHT-RINKR. Popular Couple Surprise MAny Friends. Mr. Charlie Riner. grand son ol L. M. Riner of the Waxhaw Baptist church community, and Miss Daisy Wright, daughter of Mr. und Mrs G. It. Wright of the New Rethel section of Lancaster County, surprised their many friends by being united in marriage Saturdav. October a 1915, lit the home of the groom'f grandfather. Rev K. W. Hogan officiating. Only relatives and friendi of the contracting parties were pros ent at the marriage to witness thii joyous occasion. This young couplt have a host of friends in their re spective communities who wish foi them a long and happy life. MOORK-W AIJ1ROP. Miss Mrta Moore Married I<asl Tuesday. The following announcement cardt were received in Lancaster thii week: Mr. and Mrs. Willie Martin Moore announce the marriage of theii daughter Willie Meta to Mr. John Brooks Waldrop on Tuesday, October the twelfth nineteen hundred and fifteen Monroe, N. C. At Home after October twentieth Spartanburg. 8. C. Mrs. Waldrop, as Miss Meta Moore has many friends in this, her girl hood home, who will be interested tc learn of her marriage. Sho Is ? modeBt, unassuming woman, whc possesses many fine traits of char acter. Mr. Waldrop is a promising young business man of Spartanburg in which place they will make theii home. ARE YOU GOING CUT or TOWN? Then You Want_a MFat r a r> r? Let Us Print It Per Y u HUNDREDS OF SAMPLES to Select From The Lancaster News. * (HTOKKIf 1">. I'M."). i I Scene from "A ltoyal Family," the J Metro at the Star Theatre today, Friday. I J ? :! Take Advantage of Good Weather. V The farmers of the county should < take advantage of the pretty fall I weather and plow in grain and >| grasses. It is not known how the *< weather may turn, so no chances V should be taken. The salvation of the farmer is to plant those things which will supply the wants of him- >' self, family and stock. V< Business Notices; ; V FOR SALE?Extra good Fulcaster y wheat, fanned and graded, small ! defective grains removed. Price J $1.50 per bushel. Cunningham V Farm. 3-5tp JUST RECEIVED a car of genuine * Texas lied Rust Proof Oats. They V are something fine. Call and see * them. E. \V. Sistare. l<M-4tc UOST ?Ttfesday afternoon between ? ? First Methodist church and resl- *" dence of 1$. Cunningham, spectacle "" case containing pair of glasses with gold nose-piece. Finder please return to this olllce. 3-ltc CUSTOMERS WANTED for the wellknown brand of Toilet Articles s? , made by the Klinker Manufacturing t,. ( Co. Those desiring these goods or wishing to see samples, please call te No. 9, and I will give you prompt at- at 1 tention. Mrs. Nettie Griffin. 3-4tp j FOR SAL^ CHEAP?One new top ! buggy. Edwards & Horton. j 3-tfe j JJ - blRllS, L'KMENT AND BRICK for sale by Edwards & Horton. -r 1 3-tfc u SEED WHEAT, seed rye, seed oats and onion sets for planting. Come see the quality and prices. Mackorell's Grocery. 3-2tc M | 1 M 10 POUNDS of good coffee for one M dollar, either parched or green, M only one dollar's worth to each party. M t Mackorell's Grocery. 3-2tc M I WANTED?6,000 pounds cow, horse, mule, sheep and goat hides. See M me before you sell. Capters Cau- M I then, Lancaster, S. C. ltp M I M MAKE YOUR CABBAGE at home M | and you won't have to buy. I can M furnish you all the cabbago plants ; that you wan', frost proof. Maok-jM ore IPs Grocery. 1-4'c i " J I u | FOR SALK -Splendid farm lands ? near Pleasant Plains church, 30 | . acres cultivated; 100 acres in timber ;!-H estimated at half million feet; 30! r. acre pasture wired in with branch i. running through, tenant house and -v barn. It. F. Long, Kershaw, S. P. t 2':Ul> l| I AM IN HOPBS you will buy your T ' wife that Singer Sewing Machine 4? J you told her you would buy her this fall if cotton sold for 12 cents. Our !' terms are so liberal you cannot miss r the money. I give you the falls of ; 1915, 1916, 1917 and 1918 to pay for o l a machine. Mv office is over Rod- V ' ley's store. Treat your folks right by buying them a Singer Sewing -5 i Machine. A. 11. Lindsey, Manager ! J J Singer Store. l-3tp 4. I FOR SALE?On easy terms or for -irent, seven room dwelling, Jnst f overhauled, good as new, with light9, ? sewerage and bath. J. J. Black- j j mon. 103-eowtf ! DR. C B.PRATT 1 DENTIST f Hours, 8:30 a. m. to 12:30; 1:3? * to 6:00. + r I' 2*5. Office over Lancaster Pharmacy. ? EDGAR J HINSON + I?FVT|ST. 4* I <ifTi ?? !n Moor< ! liWl'iig. ovur R. P Po'Mi-v K fn. flour*. h ')i I'J?I t?? n, 4 (\ff\t-p [ihorip f:. W?-? 'I 'licp lis ?% a. r, a r.T r'v. M n I '>nic?> nioi ( ni'i'H' "'! I'hnrniHfv. + jOfflrr Hours < 'o a rn , 1 to 2 p. in T Phono I 17. s v .? /.?. ??> iv t-if: nn'l ('ml for*. I A'l nf-snn* ha"lnc olMma v 'Hp ostnto of T.oonsM McMtillon. d?- ' J roftvd a?-p hfohv not'fled to flip theiij same. du'v ve'^ed rlth the undor-j-f i icnp?ii ?tid t??ono Indebted to s?M/| eMate wll! please make payment like- |? , *H?e. .1. A. TTU/MAN Adoi'o'e^mtor of Leonard ' [ >?~m i'?p r>^censed. Octo. 6, 1916. 1 m *?<* * .dt? Ai?ti. > ' ? > BA YO Mur As rou sell your Tops your money home and pe fire, or in other ways. PUT YOUR M< BA1 and when you have accun pay on your indebtedness for sueh amounts as you IF YOU HAVl And here's hoping that y serve it, then the way to the longest," is to check We want your business THE BANK 01 "The Old LANCAS1: 1,1ST OK NOMINATION'S. linos of Prospective Contestants in News Contest. The following names have been ggesica as nominations in tlie const ami any other men, women, >vs and girls who would like to enr. will please send in their names once: LANCASTER, S. C. No. Votes. rs. CI. W. Poovey 1,000 rs. M. J. Perry 1,00 0 iss Otiibel Duren 1,000 ss Mabel Plyler 1,000 1st, B.dle Williams 1,000' r. A. T. Carnes 1,000 | im Funderburk 1,000 ' iss Mary Locke Barron 1.000 iss Wren Bell 1,000 iss Margie Crenshaw 1,000 LANCASTER. R. P. D.'S. iss Estelle Bailey, Route 6.. 1,000 j iss Maggie Bailey, Route 6..1,000j iss Estelle Raskin, Route 6.. 1,000) iss Eva Johnson, Route 6. . . . 1,000 i iss Norma Cauthen, Route3. .1,000 iss Etlle Culp, Route4 1,000 iss Genevieve Beckham, Route 1 1,000 iss Ethel Vaughn, Route 1.. 1,000 iss Lillie Usher, Route 2. . . .1,000 iss Marguerite Sapp, Route 5.1,000 iss Louise Sapp, Route5 . . . . 1,000 iss Eunice Flynn, Route 7... 1,000 iss Daisy Funderburk, Route 7 1,000 1 iss Margaret Robinson, Route 1 1,000 iss Nonie Ruiley, Route 6...1,000| +T+^+i: JUST RECEI BY EXJ 150 Beautiful Roollflflll C* UVUUU1 U1 V>1 CJJC 1 gett Crepe, Voiles mixtures. Col< Navy, Black, W1 i~? i rie: Pri< $1.00, $1.98 $3.00 ai Come in and s? RobinsonLANCASTER'S L i jl: > * WW?P?, NK. UR ^EY 9{ V this season, do not carry J rhaps lose it by robbery. ONEY IN THE j MK lulated what you wish to * 3, give a check or checks wish to pay out. V A SURPLUS I x,, 1 * * - " I*. IJ. No. 2 1,000 PORT MILL, S. C. Miss Eunice Belk 1,000 POUT MILL. R. P. D. No. 3. Mrs. Massey Culp 1,000 Miss Verda Wolfe 1,000 Miss Mary Potts 1,000 Mr. James Bailes 1,000 Mr. Charlton McGinn 1,000 Mr. Frank Stephenson 1,000 ? ; ?? jj VED ] i PRESS ! 1 Shirt Waists. | ie Chine, Geor- j[ i, Silk and Cotton i ' I 5 : j ors: \\ lite, Cream and j sh. | X :es: I , $2.25, 2.50 + id $3.50 H i i se these waists ! S 11 Cloud Co. EADING STORE. , | v{ wu may uavu, iur you ae "make your money last * it out Only as You Must. 3. Come in to see us. i V lwaw f Reliable." >! rER, s. c. : ^ Miss 1011a Howell, Route 5....1,000 Miss l?thoi Taylor. Route 5. . . .1.000 W. M. Mellow, Routoll 1,000 Miss Sue Kirk, Route 3 1,000 Miss Irene Rennette, Route 3. .1.000 Miss Irene Caskev. Itoute 3..1.000 Mr. T. M. Burtoh. Jr., Route 3 1,000 Miss Clll'rlntf n \1oThiroJw 3 1.000 Mr. John Bailey, Route 3.... 1,000 Miss Nettie Caskey, Route 3.. 1,000 Mr. W. C. Williams, Route 1..1,000 VAN WYCK, S. C. Miss Annie Hyatt 1,000 HliATH SPRINGS, S. C. Mrs. W. C. Ellis ......1,000 Mrs. 11. E. Williams 1,000 Miss Onie Mackey 1,000 Miss Nannie Mobley 1,000 Miss Laura Thearrell 1.000 TRADESVILIiE, S. C. Mr. Ganson Funderburk 1,000 Mr. Clevo Plyler 1,000 Miss Allie Plyler 1,000 Miss Carrie Funderburk 1,000 KERSHAW, S, C. M'ss Ethel Gardner 1,000 Miss Nellie Ingram 1,000 Mrs. H. B. Worsley 1,000 Mrs. Herbert B, Rollings, R.