The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, October 15, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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2 ? ?? S 1 Tint T Tim T T1 niri nir: rn 2 Well Then Get Bu BOOSTER PERIOD = : CLOSES I NOVEMBER 1 M r A ? 5-Y : 4th = s THE LANCASTER NEWS GREAT m =====z==================== S Any White Man, Wo^ man, Boy or Girl, of J Good Repute can Enter 1 his Contest. # 1 IT DOES NOT COST 5 ONE CENT TO ENTER A Contest that will pos itively be fair and square 9 m SMILE, KEEP HAPPY. J SECC Tliis will bring you re- ? suits. When you go into I Vict* the Held to get subscrip- M ?? Hour tions, forget all vour trou- ^ ? ;; pleasure A hli><?<ri.t init with ? Kniil- * ? H own he ~ ing face and a look of eon- ? , # a lire tin A fidence and they can't d 2 n win it. 0 turn you down. t>. > ? Any Additional Prizes that n a "BOOSTER PERIOD" comes early ning and not got behind. While the conte ?} work becomes harder and will take more 1 ? Rule No. 1 says, "No votes will be allowe 2? lose your votes?turn in the money, get y< i S How Can Addres : YOU TU 2 Stay Out Box 2 #COCOdO?906Ot9MOtt TIIK LANCASTER NEWS, LJRRAHT AF sy Now and Boost All Times to En HERE'S Regulhr Scale of Votes. ear Subscriptions 5,000 votes ear Subscriptions 12,000 votes ear Subscriptions 18,000 votes ear Subscriptions 25,000 votes ear Subscriptions -30,000 votes The above is the Booster Scale, good ui FORD AUTOMOBILE CONTEST ~ iillANl) 5 PASSENGER FOB Automobile bought from Plyler Pros. & 11. 11. ?I -1 fnHSfiSylll "IP Mackey, Ford Agents for WILL IT BI The Answer i I Wl LET THAT BE Y i r? EVERYBOI )ND |PRIZE I o If you slio ir Victrola I!one 1 the 1 , . ? ll during the s and hours ot $ . , VT . - ? Lancaster Ne e right in your jj i ii von I en Port ime. Will last _ __ J ___ 'A sion on all mo ne ana you can .> iturn in for si Me*********************.* Work and voi lay be offered through the 1 1 ?1 n nti 4"-v nvi/i/\iinnr(A "*?' '? an iiiu au an iu t-ucuuiagv; cvi'i y r st is yoiuij; every contestant has the san work to get the subscriptions. Rememb (1 on subscriptions held more than one w )ur votes and then you can hold the vote s All Communicati e Lanca 45 Lancaste ex { OC'TOBKK 15, 1915. ?<? < IE YOU A B Your Favorite. No\ ter The Contest > WHY Bxtra Votes. Total Votes. 15,000 votes 20,000 votes 31,000 votes 43,000 votes 47,000 votes 65,000 votes 63,000 votes 88,000 votes 80,000 votes 110,000 votes itil November 4th. = II ALREADY A BIG SUCCESS. Contest "prize ID TOURING CAR i YOURS? s up to You ILL OUR SLOGAN. ^ OOC3O94?O?e0 - , W Itt <+'* ' *" / < ' H ? OPENS! TODAY! ? POSTER? | v is The Time of % ?? : 1 BOOSTER PERIOD CLOSES 5 NOVEMBER | 4th | ants Waging A Mighty Battle % 1 ? NO LOSERS Every Bonafide Contes- J tant will be a winner. ? e IT DOESN'T COST ONE J CENT TO WIN Enter Today ? Get out after Subscrip- * , tions while the field fis ripe. m ?? = GETTING BUSY EAR | LY COUNTS. ? J This is a line offer. You ^ ire 1 can figure out in a little ^ 1 while what it will mean to Q Be- I you to hand in a few 5 j |j year subscriptions right J i now. Even the single Q 1 year subscriptions all 9 j| count big during "Booster q Period." 9 will 1>P . tti- uiiil\/Ulll/UU l?lt6r ^2 for you to keep right up in the run- 0 After the field has been worked the W int each day and don't forget that J 1't hold back your subscriptions and q les of the contest. ? Iger' Come In 2 YOU'LI. ? ? Enjoy It | 323. FINE ^?OO?fl)OOOO3O?##0# ? 1- ?III )Y WINS. /-t-H*-.1 ?'*'+w.vM*MrM i THIRD PRIZE ulcl not- win ? is ,T 111 Suite of Furniti contest rI he J ws win pay if Winner will choose Vnt cDimnis- i \ tween a Parlor Suil ney that you I and a Bed Room 7 : Libscriptionu. ?i SUITE ? Courtesy of Local Merchants ontestant in this race. It makes it possible 1 tie chance and can get subscriptions easily, er this big offer is not for long. Make it cor eek after being secured by contestant." Dor s and vote them when you like within the ru nnc ^o*v*rkoi/w? viio v/aiiipaign lfiaiK ister Nev r, S. C. Phone