I LOCAL DOTS I ?A number of young people,of the dancing set attended a delightful dance in Kershaw Tuesday evening. ?The friends of Mr. H. M. Parks, who has been seriously ill at his home, are glad to see him on the streets again. ?The Flat Creek Township InterHonnnt inn t C2 ? ?? .1.? * " __.uuu..uuviuuui ?uiiuay bitooi convention will meet with Charlesboro church Thursday of next week. ?There will be service* in Christ Episcopal church Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Nathan Matthews of Rock Hill. ?The Retail Merchants' Association will hold a meeting in the office of the Lancaster Chamber of Commerce tonight at 8:30. It is hoped that there will be a full attendance. ?Three negroes at work on the Main street paving were overcome for a time by heat yesterday and today another was prostrated. None of these prostrations proved serious, however. ?Mr. L. A. Payne of the Midway community and Miss Maud Vincent, daughter of Mr. Lewis Vincent, of the Charlesboro community, were united in marriage on July 11, Rev. J. 11. Caston performed the ceremony. ?The cle~lc of Flint Ridgo C'amp, W. O. W., has turned over a check for $2,000 to Mrs. Edna Small, this being the amount ot the life insurance policy held by her late husband. R. M. Small, in that order. K haw Era. ?An entertainment will be given by local talent at the Tabernacle school house tomorrow (Saturday) night, July 17, at 8 o'clock. The proceeds will go for the benefit of the cemetery fence. Admission ten and fifteen cents. See program published elsewhere in this Issue. ?Judgq. Ire. B. Jones and Mr. C. I). Jones have moved their law office from the Cunningham-Hough building, which was recently damaged by fire, downstairs and across the street to the Emmons building, vacated this week by the public library. ?Mr. and Mrs J. K. Connors, who have been visiting relatives in Pennsylvania, are now in New York where they will spend several days, returning to Pennsylvania for the remainder of the summer. They are expected home in September, accompanied by their, mother, Mrs. C. T. Connors. ?At the Rock Hill District Conference, held in Chester this week, Mr. J. M. Yoder or Van Wyck was made assistant secretary of the organization and Mr. Toder was also elected a delegate to the annual conference. The conference also licensed to preach Mr. Samuel Roland Williams of this county. ?Mr. and Mrs. John T. Steven3 have taken up temporary summer Muaiicm in v? nm is Known as tne Captain Thiei cottage at the Hailo Gold Mine. In addition to Mesdames E. A. Brown and Albert Dial, whose visit was noted in The Era last week, they have h*ul as their house guests Edgar A. Brown of Barnwell, and Albert Dial and Julius Sitgreaves of Laurens.?Kershaw Era. ?Judge Ira B. Jones and Mrs. Jones of Lancaster, S. C., will leave shortly to attend the exposition at San Francisco and during their absence their daughter, Mrs. W. W. Boykln. and children, Billy and Elizabeth, of this city will occupy their home in Lancaster. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Boykln will be glad to learn that their little son, Billy, has recovered after an illness of 10 days or more.?Charlotte Observer. HISTORIC WAX HAW. LaneuMter Minister* Visit OBI Churchyard. Rev. H. R. Murchison, accompanied by Rev. J. C. Rowan of P.flmHon Row IT 'F ? ?* ri *?V? U. a iiuugoa auu Ul . J. H. Thayer, motoied to old Waxhaw church yard last Saturday afternoon. This sacred spot has long been of interest to all who care for the past history of South Carolina and the visiting clergymen found much to interest them. They spent several hours deciphering the epitaphs on the old soapstone tablets, many of which furnish dates and facts otherwise impossible to secure. Of e8peci??l interest to the visitors was the last resting place of William Richardson Davie, the father of the University of North Carolina, who Introduced the bill in the North Carolina legislature creating the university. The grave of the father of Andrew Jackson cannot be identified, although It is a matter of history that the general's father was buried there. Rev. William Richardson, a native of Ireland, first pastor of the ancient church, around which the cemetery extends, was also buried there. The neighborhood of Waxhaw was the first settlement In Lancaster county and in the old grave yard are to be found the araves of mnnv pioneers who mr.de possible the blessings we enjoy today. Col. 1 James H. Witherspaon, Sr., the flrst of that name in Lancaster county, many of the Fosters, the Richard- . sons, the Crawfords, the Lathans, the Donnoms, and the ancestors of many other Lancastrians were laid to rest ! in "God's Acre" surrounding old Waxhaw church. 1 Any Term Permissible. Philadelphia Record. "A man should be permitted to call a spade a spades" remarked the Wise g Guy. y "But he should be excused for calling a lawn mower Anything he can lay his tongii" to." replied the Simple Mug. who had just moved to the suburbs. MACKOIiELL-I'lUH'TOK. Marriage in York ?f InU'lrst to Many People Here. Of interest here, wnere the bride has been a welcome visitor, will be the following from The York News of Monday last: "A marriage last week that was a complete surprise to the friends of the contracting parties was that of Miss Jennie Beard Mackorell to Tracy Proctor, which was solemnized at the Baptist parsonage, York, Thursday evening. Rev. James H. Machen officiating. The bride is a **- ? ' " ' ^tuuQuivi v/i mi. nuu i*iis. rv. j. Mackorell and has a wide circle of friends in this county. The groom is a popular telegraph operator of the Southern Railway, and has made his home in York for several years. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Proctor left for a short stay at Wrightsville Beach, N. C., and other points in thai state." Miss Mackorell is a most attractive young woman, who on her frequent visits to her grandparents. Major and Mrs. J. M. Riddle, and other relatives here, has made hosts of sincere friends, all of whom wish her much happiness Social News "Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Thompson of Richmond, Va.. announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Hazel Marie, to Mr. Thomas Walter Huey of Rock Hill S (\ The wedding will take place in the early fall." The above announcement, made this week in the Rock Hill papers, will be of interest in Lancaster, where Mr. Huey has often visited and where he hns mnnv friprwls Tiw> groom-to-be is a nephew of Mrs. A. R. Ferguson of this place. Misses Isabel and Jes?ie Williamsson of Darlington, Marie Guerrant of Virginia. Rachel Wylie of York. Marguerite Fitzsimmons of Charleston and Nellie Moore of McContiells ville and Mr. J. I"). Arthur, Jr.. of Futon, who are members of a charming house party at which Misses Mary and Dorothy Moore are entertaining, were complimented by their hostesses with a delightful party Thursday afternoon. The spacious rooms were cool and inviting, a welcome retreat from the intense heat without. The game of hearts was played at six tables. Miss Olivette Blackmon, who scored highest, receiving first prize, a deck of cards. Miss Mildred Green cut the consolation, a dainty handkerchief. After the games, were served refreshing ices. cake and mints, in which a color scheme of green and white was carried out. X )K k Miss Louise Wylie entertained informally Wednesday afternoon in honor of the Misses Moore's house party. Her guests went first to the Star Theatre and from "the movies" to her home, where music was enjoyed. Tea and shndwiehes were served on the porch of the Wylie home. ^ Mrs. T. M. Hughes delighted four young girls by entertaining them at a most enjoyable party Wednesday afternoon. Her guests were Misses Mary Heath Jones. Lallage Cauthen, Mildred Green and Katharine Wylie, and hearts, played for a couple of hours, furnished pleasant entertainment. Miss Mary Heath Jones, who scored highest, won the prize, a pretty pair of lingerie clasps. During the afternoon the hostess served elaborate refreshments. In honor of her accomplished house guests, the Misses Simpson of Baltimore. M!ss Leila r.rppnn- ontor. tained an automobile party at Heath Springs last Wednesday evening. The trip was mad) in several automobiles and was enjoyed by a score or more young people. The hostess served an elaborate picnic supper just before returning to Lancaster. Miss Ethel Cauthen was the hostess of the Mary Anna Jackson Chapter, Children of the Confederacy, at a meeting held yesterday afternoon. A full historical program followed the regular business and during the social hour the hostess served an ice course, which was much enjoyed. Children's Day at HulTalo Church. To the .Editor of The News: As I nqver see anything from here I thought that I would give a little . news. It is not on visiting. I just want to tell what a good meeting we had at Buffalo church last Sunday. It was Children's Day and I must say it was the grandest I ever saw. Mr. ' Birchmore, of Camden, came up and gave a good talk after the exercises ' were over. I think it pleased him; he said he wanted to borrow the school to carry to Camden to show what a read Children's Day meant. Now if < this misses the waste basket, which ' I do not think it will, I will come again. R. J. L. j Kershaw, S. C., Route 6, July 14. i Death of Mrs. Nancy Iforton. Mrs. Nancy Horron died at her home, three miles north of Kershaw, j Sunday afternoon at 6 o'clock, of ] pneumonia, in her 77th year. She ( had been in falling health for several < years, but was sick only a few days. She always had a smiling countenance and cheered those who were despondent, over helping those who enme to her for help. She was a J member of Hanging Rock church for ' about 50 years. ' She leaves surviving her five sons: Minor Horton of Oklahoma, Lewis Horton of North Carolina and Hollls * H. Jr., Lee and Charlie Horton of ' near Kershaw. The funeral was con- ' ducted at Hanging Rock church by ' Rev. A. M. Neil and Rev. J. R. Weidon. i Miss Harriet Lewis of Clemson College, after spending several 1 months In New York, the guest of relatives, has returned to Lancaster < and is visiting at the home of Dr. ! and Mrs. George W. Poovey. < % ? 1 lli'iirri'm'\ VY! mUfillA i*. . v . * % TIIE LANCASTER NEWS. 5 - S i PERSONALS $ x s V ! V V Miss Deulah Porter is the guest of Miss Annie Lingle.. Mrs. J." E. Hough of Chester is visiting relatives here. Mr. Herbert Ervin of Charlotte was here on business this week. Mr. Adam M. Qanson of New York was here on business this week. Mrs. J. S. Wright of Rock Hill was a visitor in Eanrastpr thio u-ooV Miss Ethel Vaughn of Waxhaw is the guest of Miss Bessie Cnninghatn. Mr. Burke Lemmond of Columbia was a visitor in Lancaster this week. Mr. C. M. Whisonant of Rock Hill was here on business Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Charles W. Requarth of Charlotte was here on business this week. Prof. W. L. Feasor is spending this week at the home of Mr. E. B. Linnle. Mrs. S. VV. Heath and children returned today to their home at White Oak. Mr Harry Hines made a trip to Kershaw this week on professional [ business. Miss Elizabeth Sowell is in Kershaw, a guest at the home of Mr. C. , 0. Floyd. Mrs. R. E. A. Huey is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Eugene Wilson, in | j Cheraw. j Miss M'Ree Ilorton returned yes- i terday front a visit to friends in Gastonia. Little Miss Barbara Sabiston of s Charlotte is visiting Mrs. W. A. 1 Hl:i W ?mov Mr. VV. Mcl). Brown is in Laurens, the guest of his daughter. Mrs. It. F. Fleming. P. T. Twitiv of Heath Springs is visiting his son. Dr. Twltty.?Rock Hill Record. Mr. Johu Roberts has been visiting his mother, Mrs. J. K. Knight, in Rock Hill. Mrs. S. L. Smith of Spencer. N. C., is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. W. S. Langley. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Williams have returned from their honeymoon, spent on Sullivan's Island. Miss Per.-y. who has been the guest of Mrs. W. A. i-rost, returned this week to her home in Columbia. Miss Louise Wylie left yesterday for Sullivan's Island to attend a house party given by the Misses Martin. Miss Mildred Cunningham left last night for Ashevtlle and Hot Springs, N. C.. where she will snend several 1 w teks. Mr. und Mrs. John King and Prof. ' Chalmers King left today for a trip to Spartanburg and Unaka Springs, ? Tenn. s Miss Laura Gilbert Williams of ' Lancaster 1? the attractive guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Green.?Rock Hill Herald. Mrs. Allen Crimmlnger of Gainesville. Fla.. and Mrs. Tom Gray of , Norfolk, Va.. are visiting their aunt, j Mrs. W. A. Rlakeney. Mrs. H. E. White and three chil- _ dren of Gastonia are here on a visit i to Mrs. White's brothers, Messrs. John T. and M. J. Green. \ Miss Mary Davis, who has been visiting Mrs. Ernest Hardin in " Greenville, is now the *ueat of her brother, Mr. Joe Davis, in Ashevllle. Mrs. Green Ferguson of Lancaster is visiting her daughter, Mrs. James Simril, near Yorkville.?YorkviUe Enquirer. Miss Ella Williams, who has been the guest of Miss Alice McNeill since the Clark-Williams wedding returned this week to her home in Charleston. Miss Elizabeth Jones, daughter of former Chief Justice Ira B. Jones of Lancaster, is visiting Miss Lottie Wyse on Elmwood avenue.?Columbia Record. Mrs. II. Y. Hathcock left today for Columbia, where she will be joined <> her daughter, going on to Charleston for a stay of two weeks at the Isle of Palms. Mrs. C. A. Green and children, Miss Ann Phifer Crawford and Master William Crawford of Fort Worth, Texas, are guests at the home of Dr. R. L. Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Payseur left last week for an extended trip through the Rockies, Western Canada and Alaska. They wtll be away for several months. Mr. and Mrs. Boswell Plyler, Mrs. Ed Bennett and children, motored to Hartsville Monday, returning Tuesday, accompanied by the 'atter'i sister. Miss Boyce Moore. Mr. Herman Poovey, who holds a position with the DuPont Powder Company at City Point, Va.. is spending awhile at home with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Poovey. Mrs. Fannie Mae Woods of Colum bia left Monday for Kershaw and Lancaster, after spending several days at the home of her uncle, Mr. W. T. Rutledge.?Pageland Journal. \^rs. H. G. Woodham of Blshopvllle and Mrs. Rembert McCain of i 'olumbia are expected as the weekend guests of Mrs. Minnie Duncan ind Miss Georgie Plyler of the Tab >rnacle sectlbn. Messrs. Walter M. Stevens and laud N. Sapp motored to Charleston this week in the former's car and attended the convention of the Hardla/ o ro A aanolatinn a f t It o Popnllnaa of < he Isle of Palms. Mrs. Leroy Springs spent yesterday n the elty en route home after a week's stay in New York with her - T. M. Jones of Pulaski, renn. Colonel Springs and son, Mr. i'.iifott W. Springs, motored to the f!ty yesterday morning to meet Mrs. iortngs on her arrive! ?Charlotte Observer . I ^ I % J FLY 16, 1915. PLAYS AT TAHKHNACLK. 1 i To l?< Prosriit^l Saturday Night l?y ' Local Talent. On the evening of July 17th, be-' ginning at 8 o'clock, at Tabernacle school house, the following drama sketches will be presented by local talent: "The Hrookdale Farm," a drama in four acts by Bentley. Cast of characters: Squire Brooks, (owner of farm).. Sim Carnes Mrs HrnnUa /UJ ? w.uunu \llia ?lie> Lula Taylor Marion Brooks (daughter) Ruby Plyler Gilbert Dawson (farmer) Ganson Funderburk Dick Willard (tramp) Dewey Funderburk Ephriam Green (servant) Cleve Plyler Nan Cumming (adopted daughter) . . Corinne Funderburk Sheriff Hunter (sheriff of Spring County) Sim Plyler Ben Holy (hotel proprietor) Wardlaw Itowell Miners, Bundy Van Picket Plyler and Clyde Funderburk This is a beautiful home-spun Uory of New England life that will raft odors of green fields to vour nostrils and bring music of babbling brooks to your oars. A drama of young Mr. Badger's tppers. Cast of characters:: Mr. Badger _ . . Bundy Plyler Mrs. Badger.. ..Mrs. Bundy Plyler tommy Badger Ruth Rowel! Dr. Ivory Clyde Funderburk Dr. Pillpopper .... Rom Fundcrburk ilorianna Furniss (colored cook).. Dess Plyler Coon Creek Courtship (Ethiopian ?ketcli). Characters: viHie Grimstone. . . .Bertha Taylor Johnny Overall Oscar Taylor Admission in and 1cents, proceeds toward enclosing Tabernacle cmetery. Public is cordially in,itcd. Business Notices POR SALE?Fine milch cow, fresh. J. C. Nelson. 81-ltp ' POR SALE?Rubber tire buggy and set harness, practically new. at bargain. Address P. O. Box 128.1 Lancaster, S. C. 16-23 FOR RENT?A six room house with all conveniences on Arch street, lear Baptist church. Apply to T. M. Belk or Phone T. B. C?Mg. 345. Mrs. Marguerite Craig. ?l-ltp kVANTED TO SEEL?One good fam- ! ilv horse, set of good harness and 1 juggy, for cash or will sell on credit. . ?ood paper required. Edwards & rtorton. 80-tf S'O SPOILED FRUIT when you use Economy Jars. These jars seal so >erfectly that the contents cannot ipoil. Half gal. size 81.35 doz. or *5c half doa. M. L. Sweat, Midway. 81-5tc k'OU JUST MUST meet Miss Dixie, of Atlanta, who is making headluarters at the store of E. B. Rodley & Co. Miss Dixie has a treat for overs of good pies, cakes and bread. 71-tfc ( F WE HAVEN'T the Legal blanks you want, we will print them for ou. Bif All New Gc -? We are receiving into the Sale as fa New shipment $1 New shipment 32 MANY OTHER 1 We positively sav have to buy, it m< 5c to spend, we sa This sale will go t not been to this s: If you have been, < closed out but oth You will find Bar Robins LAI pDEPW ^ |||| [:] [ I \UT I si I DAI : find it more < : keep h > This bank believes in c< j mercial depositors to ei this end it invites its cuj ; officials at any and all ti V > If your business is | 4* I 1 - ? icanuu i ; still bettor cause for V > No Account is Too Sr > None Too Large tc I The Bank < 1 "The Oicl I Lancaster, y _ WANTED?To buy 60 cords pine wood at once. Edwards & Horton. WANTED?'Every one to know that Rape and Hayes are grinding wheat every day until further notice it Plyler's old mill, about three miles north of Tabernacle church. DR. C. B. PRATT DENTIST '.lours, 8:30 a m. to 12:30; 1:30 to 6:00. Phone 285. Office over Lancaster Pharmacy. EDGAR J. HINSON DENTIST. ")ffice In Moore Building, over E. B. Roddey & Co. Hours, 8 to 12?1 to fl. Office phone 33. Residence 118. gains a plenty here. ion-Clot ? ^CASTER'S LEADING ST ; )ods Going at i. \ new goods daily, ist as they come in. .50 Shirt Waists, S? inch 15c {Gingham, NEW GOODS RE< e you money on c ikes no difference if ive you a part of it. hrough all next we lie don't let this op come again. Some ers have been adde< wmwnwnmwwmmmi I SIR than a place to [: is cash d-operating with its com- > ctend their business. To > ^ li. :>iunit*i.- tu tun.t'l Wllill n . mes. : small you have good y If it is large, and > it larger, you have a coming to this bank. > V nail to be Appreciated, > ) be Accommodated. > V of Lancaster f Reliable." ^ I ~ M oouin Carolina i; (: S. L. ALLEN, M. D. Office over Lancaster Pharmacy. Office Hours 8 to 9 a. ra., 1 to 2 p. m. Phone 137. Notice of Discharge. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will, as guardian of the estate of E. Garris Brewer, on the 31st day of July, 1915, make her final return as such guardian and aptly ?o the probate c ert ot Lancaster coontr for lottors dismiss ?ry. MRS. M. H, BREWER. July 2. 1915. Ouardian. Notice to Debtors tnd freilitors. All persons having claims against the estate of W. A McOorkle, deceased. are hereby notified to file the same, duly verified with the undersigned. and those iudebted to said estate will please make payment likewise. J. R. EVERALL, Admr. Estate of Said Deceased. June 25, 1915. Ill ale )ale Prices These goods go de . . . 98c , yard . . 10c ||| :eived daily very article you : you have only ek. If you have portuity escape. : items have been I id Co. ORE. 111