The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, July 06, 1915, Page 7, Image 9

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s: RALEIGH BOULWARE ' MAKFS FOURTH VI s ll. P.'MORGAN SH ICTIM JNnPMWPIIII THE LANCAS] (L V UIIDT CER NEWS, JULY G, 191 knn 5. vnp At 7_ Mil IllkV I Will II II Officer Wounded !r Win Dies in Columbia Hosp WAS BRAVE AND DISC Pistol SUot Through A iwiim nnu I mill ULL r^boro German Teacher Fii litul. Bullets Into His I REET NOT SERIOUSLY IP Ixlomen Assa'lant Declared Moru i uum / res Two lody. UURED. IS S :nu is !(?* ftvir uch good to IbC AL the national joy smoi bacco you f - -1 'DDK I he eel like you * A could Proves Fatal After Twei Days. Columbia State. July 4th. Raleigh Boulware, rural man, died last evening at the bia Hospital from wounds r in the affray which occurred J at Winnsboro when Clyde Ise and others undertook to wrei nty sponsible for War and S of Arms to Belliger New York, July 3.?J. police- was shot but not seriousl) Colum- ,J>' an unknown man at hi ecelved Glen Cove, Long Island, a' lune 14 thts morning, nhower A telephone message re*j ak ven- Glen Cove stated that the dilpment.s entH. P. Morgan y . r wounded A &I is home ai smoket 9 o'clock elved from JUS1 r, P. A. puts a razor e< appetite-division that's n to be phc No other pi Sprv Iml 9 rettfi tnhs? or t eat the sm ige on your you or ai obby enough the fire t >tographed! p A. is pe and ciga- means r( n po n hn 11 ho oke ! ny other man ever did re :o! Men, we tell you to crimp cut and stays pi filing P. A. is as easy as 11 and put wise up. at ? which falling off a geance on a negro prisoner Smith, as the latter, in chari posse was entering tho couri to be tried for an alleged upon a white woman, a rela the Isenhowers. Boulwware's Is the fourth d result from the encounter t , , the officers and the Ise m ' j ? , Jules 8llot Mr. Morgan'had beei ?e of a A later statement. Issu t house Morgan firm, said that t assault were fired at Mr. Morgat tive or both had taken effect. ! It was reported In Glen eath to : ,he man who shot Mr- 5 >etween ' creted himself in the Moi nhower | 'asl n'sht. i captured " ed by the a\\\ wo shots B \ \l? 1 i and that g jj T/ffGE ^ Cove that \L^| I *gan home I if 1m Prince Alb |fi\ no other t LBERT^r) be made \ Ml Albert 1 ?|A process fixe Im removes th( J/1 1=1 and throat ert, because log'. A obacco can "^.i|n like Prince r?llerS" vhe patented Now, wil !S that?and Here's tc 3 tongue-bite three ^ notr?h 1 T nf i it's good to remember I ie toppy red bag especia ' Sells for the price of a jitr 1 the "pipers" kindly oper )bacco that has made it \ ien to smoke pipes v o ? D. A. is put illy for you ley ride, 5c. l both ears? >ossible for fhere one 'posse. The negro was aim sta'ntly killed, Sheriff Hood di night In the Columbia Hospi I Clyde Isenhower died the nex in the Pryor Sanitarium in C FIVE OTHERS WOUND] Besides these, there were ed more or less seriously B. R ham, Earle, Stevenson and Rrnomp rlenn'v It I. lost in-1 ... . ... J"?!lOt I)} < '<?! ncll Mi ed that . . . , Glen Cove. L. I., Julv 3.ta 1 and ! | gan s assailant asserted I t night I ..... 'hester noou t'ia* ls name was F said that lie was an ins wound German at Cornell Univert IV^ok- ? Inatritetor in (>orm Alev New York, July 3.?T! lv oil V ... *? I \ f' Vj ?Mr. Mor- I this after- | [ CR|M?e . Holt an-.l I 'jteayjTVnNG i tractor In nil. The top] ?e Cornell # ythat digest! And that Hi sation is 24 you play P old jimmy r -5c into a maki smoked Any wa] ie of conver- tobacco kt., whether your futi . A. in yotir jngS | Ar npe or roll it pipe joy' n's cigarette. whonnin before! j you hook it up, Princi insurance ! Yes, sir, it ^ ire as well as your pres id just makes your tongui us that your smoke appe or hi or Von "A. e Albert is guarantees ent smokd so jimmy Jtite grows >> a magistrate's constable, anil \ Morrison, brother-in-law to Isenliowev. Mr. Boulwere became unco Friday evening. Tie had a ba< and early yesterday began ground rapidly. He was through the abdominal eavi bullet making seven pert'oi ".university faculty list co \ illiam name 0f a Frank Holt, win t lydo an instructor in German t lhl2. He holds the c nscious bachelor of arts. d night IosSiik Two Bullet* lilt, shot Glen Cove, L. I.. July U. ty th. otlleially stated that one I rations, a glancing course after st utains the rur yoi o has been O. K. r ?*uiar ? as jo way as it is un- Will th ?ullet took .. rikine Mr SD611 ar i can put your little olc ight here that Prince double-header for a sing y'us to your tongue ar the other! e "rollers" kindly step f id get some of this liste rr?i I blue-pencil say you ? Albert is a there isn le admission barrel of id taste one jQy smok Unlimbei orward for a my pipe ' ?n into fcj A V/? 111V1I W11U Ut *o to P. A., natural-like t't a bite in a this national r your old jimDig it out of aaeu i, w u / Because I lis aged father was with him last and several friends, his being too ill to leave her honi Doulware was 30 years of ag was hot married. Mr. Roulware's body will b< to Winnsboro this morning Southern Railway train leavi lumbia at 5:30 o'clock. at the Morgan in the breast anil mother through the arm. The otl e. Mr. was saltl to be in the hip. ;e. He Mr. Morgan's assailant i by officials at the court li s taken where he wr.s taken, to ha on the was ot German descent at ng Co- was willing to give up his time to end the war. It passed Ollt systems ner wound and sur s tiociarcii than ev( ,?,"0 hero In the r ve said lie r ul that he cUiy IT10 life at nnv bullfrog was added -[-> 5? Because Prince All e jams more joy into a m 3r before was figured up 01 >lain language of the hill re resist such makin's to can pass up a piece of _ A 1 1 ? " tne aarK bert certain brimlul o akin's paper make 1 i two hands! match! s, you can t You get acq baccothana red flannel! back-action jc corner, jam it y iWjiV f P. A. And |?J|S| fire with a MIJjJjji Me-o-my! E WM uainted with Princa [ / ? j ft oppy red bag, 5c ; or E} |'/ I ? tu< for the doubleB j \ n ?>", >ou 6uy a crystal- ml I \ a Ifafp ^ ? n iii M All of the four men whoa the Wlnnsboro shooting has date were shot In the stoma shooting being at arm's rea from the lilp. Clyde Isenhow Sheriff Hood stood within thr of each other, their pistols o ping each other. One resect! performed upon Mr. Boulwa te lives Uial he declared Mr. Morgi cost to 8P?n?lhle for the war an ch. the 8hipnient of arms abroad, a ch and cou,<1 st?P the conflict if I er and Justice of the l'eace Llj ee feet ,lone<l tlie prisoner, verlap- "I ani a Christian gentle on was the only reply the man v re, the when pressed for his nanv an was re- UCL^ct Ills I a for the cigar et nd that he /q lie wished. flavor, i ster ques- absolute man," was VOllld give Copyiichl 1>IS by e. He do tj jr. nanas to you evei te roller ever dreamei and aroma, and mildnes! i\y the best bet?the R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACG R.J. R?rool4* Tobaoco Co. rything any d-out?rare ?Pong?mout* ... P. A. at the hi 5, and body J of perfection. best smoke COMPANY, Winston - Sslec humidor. And then Bt You tee, it hat the Mi ner top and heept Bt jjfc ghett top-notch point Bj IPffQ BU/ft, Prince Albert it alto f and half'pound tin a, N. C. The tidy i ?wjj ed tin, 10c other perforations being sew BORE GOOD REPUTATI All testimony regarding tli acter of the late Raleigh Be which has been heard in Cc since he was wounded has tei show that he was a fearless, < and efficient officer. True bills have been fov eel up. '?ibo n? ?ay wnere ON. from. As to Ills reasons fc e char- Mr* Morgan. however, he tulware communicative, dumbia He told the justice that lded to quarrel with Mr. Morgan | llscreet but felt the time had cot war to end. It was becoi md for an<1 more unbearable he s una hla firm haliaf tUat 1,a lie camo | >r shooting his home at Glen Cove was more this morning. The phj that the wound was n< he had no The ttr8t news of the personally. rece'v?d at lo;3(i o'i ne for the ?^ce ?' Sheriff Petti iiing more count>'. at Mlneolo. T aid. and it niediately dispatched Cove to investigate th< i, at 9 o'clock other partner of tli 'slcians advise lo pe a( j,|s cout ot serious." j Tuxedo Henry p shooting was , ,, i London and Thoma clock at the it of Nassau on Jl's vacation, soi he sheriff 1m- ~onmen to Glen A second stateme ? report. Morgan firm reads i e firm, was said i hip. itry home near Mr. Morgan st: . Davison is In a chair' The but ant's bark was t s \V. Laniont is . . . brass coal hod newhere in Ore- an,j brought it ( ant's head, but t lit issued by the second shot. as follows; rr.i._ . - .. asked to see 1 aggered and tell into was an old fri ler, once the assail- , .. ? to Mr. Morgan urned, picked up a front the fire-place s, e lown on the assail- T'ie finatu oo late to prevent a breakfast root Immediately Mr. Morgan .saying he end. Word was taken that some one wanted ier came out of his n into tlie main hall. > tie intruder shot at muraer py tne f atrneia count; jury against Krnest Isei Jesse Morrison and James Ra of whom are held without bai state penitentiary. A true t also returnerd against Clyd hower but his death next < course ended prosecution in h NEW SHERIFF JAMES MA James MaeFie. who was an y granri * lhower. t0 ^r> Morgan and ask liin wis. all Thls he knew Mr- Morgan 1 In the compile because of his ? till was encee Isen- "I wanted to see Mr. N lay of to reason with him," the is case. "I have nothing against .CFIE. The assailant was cut O' nnintpfl hv Hin KInn- u-ith t hn /trvo c.v.u.w Details of the shooti 1 to om* lt- ing at that hour, i could ac- Except for the ftct treat inttu- gan hft(1 been shot, sue the Morgan firm as [organ and were without details o man said. nearly two hours afte him. was said to have occur ver the eye The rumor of the si I l.nrl ? * ng were lack- "Two shots were I gan both of which that Mr. Mor- tails regarding woui li members of I been received at t were In town rtrra. A statement f the shooting , will be given out in r the time it The man who s red. came to Glen Cove [tooting reach- the 8:53 train, hire i ut; ouuer ten fired at Mr. Mor- the weapon a took effect. Ite- ,.,i him. Servan nds have not yet answer to his ci he office of the office and a phys from the doctor e(j> Tiie man w about an hour." regt and taken ti ihot Mr. Morgan he refused to sa this morning on giving his name. >d an automobile a ?-ns i on me man. wrest- J him. He had i way and overpower- them both, ts came running in There is sti \11 and the sheriff's the statement! iclan were telephon- I bullets struck as placed under ar- j port is that tli 3 Glen Cove. There the leg and tl y anything, even to Gf tbe stomac nil flit, I two revolvers, and used 11 some discrepancy in s us to just where t':o Mr. Morgan. One ree first wounded him in lie second near the pit h. by Governor Manning to suee iate Adam D. Hood as she Fairfield county. Is a man o 48 years of age and has owr operated a store In Wlnnsboi number of years. He Is i cousin of S. B. McMaster of bla. Mr. MacFle is of medium eed the had been blaeding freely riff of was limping as the result f about counter with the Morgan i led and o for a Wounds Not Kerb Ei first New York. July 3.?This Coluni- ment was issued by J. P. Co. here: height "J. p. Morgan was shot ? ..ww, uuu ea \>au sireei soon u He also iug of the stock marke of his en- reut on the floor of tl servants. stock exchange before olflce of J. P. Morgan ?us. The market, which ( announce- larly. shaded a point Morgan & and remained practice after the news was co hv an un The onlv nartners i rter tlie open i and went to the ^ t and was our- j Matinicock Point, lie New York and when the butler It reached the for Mr. Morgan. H & Co. J old friend of Mr. Mc jpened irregu- fused admission, on the rumor I T1,e man then illy stationary I Ggainst the stoniac nftrmed. who screamed, and n the firm nf . lorgan home on t() yjlen Cove > He rang the bell hedge on the M answered, called satchel was lillet e said he was an n was said th trgan, but was re- yesterday in thi Mr. Morgan's ho pressed a pistol Another versic h of the butler tiie intruder ;nt< pushed his way that he had n ???*??. I Fu| vas found near a , "How is till organ property. The . have got your 1 with dynamite. ; and other troj e assailant was seen phono, I see." e neighborhood of asked to comj i that Is why I laid on the put m of the entrance of Haten tQ tbe f 3 the Morgan house ?)er pioh o troul)le in gaining ly Preparad. a. Herr Zwetscke? You room full of oleanders )ical plants, and a tele"You see I have been lose a poem on spring, have had a telephone jllc park to enable me to singing of the birds."-* and is said to be as fearless ^ man whom he succeeds in of * was a candidate for sheriff last primary and was defeat close race by the late Mr. H< is said to be cool, clear-henc <">llected and fitted by dlsposl the position he now holds. as the known man, presumably i Hce. He In the Medicine Cliest foi ed In a In this cheat you have a aod He remedy for toootliache sprains, stiff r.eek, baoltar led and , rheumatism and lor i tion for I gencies. One 25e bottle 1 Liniment d'>es It all?th I these ailments are lymptoi . I ervses. and ar? canned hv x crank, at J- P Morgan & Co., town today, so far as JMc. were William H. Poi n excellent Morrow. Mr. \V. K bruises, j he, neural- i "V'JS?': K U B-M Yor Sloan s is because j Will cure Rheumi us. not dis- ralgia, Headaches. C rnnffoetlAn n . ^ - -? ? j past the servant in who were in Morgan was upproi was Jinown. j loor through the 1 rter and Mr- j what tlie trouble w Hamilton, an- ; Aag a shot which t TISM whe~ver %eNea itism, Ncu- The Old Standard >ramp9, Colic chill Tonic is equal to the hall Mr. admission. He n Etching the front tall. He asked Constipation as. The answer Accumulated 1 ook effect in his of bowels c poisons, tends to sets digestion. 1 a General Tonic stuffy, irritable, rove's isn't you?it's yc Grove's Tasteless inate this poison lly valuable as a one or two Dr. b vent to the door and i ; $100 I Causes Most Ills. Til.* of tvaste in your thirty ''?rn that 1 auses absorption of i produce fevers, up- th.-only i> ?iriv You belch gas. feel JTi-' .5^at r"V.!irf?? ' almost cranky. It Hair* c.tarh iur condition. Klim- tZr. ous waste by taking f th- <u*<Us??. m ling's New Life Fills 'L.."i' I!" leward, $100 this paper will in- pleased to s at l\i>t one dreaded disease been able t euro in nli Its < Catarrh. II.ill's Catarrh Curo e en re now known to the meilatarrh being n constitutional a constitutional treatment ire Is taken internally, acting bio el niul mucous surfaces of by destroying the foundation lid giving the patient strength constitution and assisting na invigorating to trie Pale and The Old Standard general strengthen GROVE'S TASTELESS ehill TONIC, Malaria.enriches the blood.and builds < lam. A true tonic. For adults and cbl DOINGS OF I /"* " 1 ^TT4tl Ml. Sickly aQ(j inflarnmatlon. If you log toaic. those who use Sloan's Li ^v..oat better still, buy n 2 5c idren. 50c prove It. All 'IruggiFts. THE VAN LOONI r^nl JWt | sprains, Bruises, Liut ntment, or; Sores, Tetter. Ring bott'e and , zema, etc. Antisept 3 i used internally ores s 7TTT~\ I fWH I% THSl WSOAI rTTn I lajst wllandte?. 8, burns, Old j ^ne-al Tome becai Worm Fe- wel1 known ton,c ProP worm, C.C- I and IRON. It actso tC Anodyne, out Malaria, Enrich ternally. 25c Builds up the Whole I TA MCur I I ? - lse it contains the tonight. Enjoy ertiesofQUININE movement in lh< n the Liver, Drives so grateful. Ge es the Blood and containing 36 pi System. SO cents, gist today for 2 5< It didn't look c ; i a full, free bowel ??> much faith 'in 5 morning?you teel ;>0%n""nJ?! t an original bottle, Addren k j c Us from your drug- I r.,i.i t,r nit Dn J. 3 Take llall'a Fa Micouraging for Fathe OlONT lov l^ | it* curative powers that they i Dollar, for any case that it ad for list of testimonial*. 'HENEY A CO., Toledo. O. :i?el*ts 7">c. mtiy Pills for constipatloa. rf that's a f*ct * l HAi A MUH/TAW ULtwcS yov TIVTH. 4 MM>a Ar<>oiNTM&HT W< I AND -TTKJ6 HIM 1 ] SITUATION SO I I * _-3\w :?w I ( r tS? I __ U,t * IS? I I HAVHU N I >'<?J TH H?M lAN APf^WTHiNT) Vi*^ v? f l*A/rrH yw.r~^ <XWK>i I | THWK! J no??c3JJ IS f . So-AAJb -iO *\#N AMD ? [ <*= JOVNO l-UND AN! 1+1 A | rNFUy?NCCJ> IN AN s TO FIU.J Ipo ntt.ytkAI 1'f \>flD e&QOfeSl i! Mxv Ik ft r\ OU I ttiTATl I TB MV l - l -r-4& S AS POU.CW,- XVw OGARLV BGlovSO. lS"rX-_J N A^POINTTIENI ) ^ SXV L Ma D*AW r-/ / 4/1 ?H. *NIU., PR * . \ VI5 P(fi tt<t? ) JjV ^ / / \ND I'M I H I rafU. y V T K.puwr? OFPICK \ s^yaey \\ lX ' ff : ?=s ss 1 I - I