f: I ' 1 a# ?"" : inrA ? nr ******** serious FIRE % SATURDA" kvc X THE LANCAS ? ?????????? f NIGHT | TER NEWS. J ThY 6, 191< X-C-W^-W-X', CHANGE l\ I X 'onoectloii Can X? -T . A W /-X t I SCHEDULE. w ho Made With 1*1 u 1 ?Tho Children's Cliac U. D. C. will meet with Cauthen Thursday of nej 5:30 p. in. . ?Mr: H. J. Gregory*! v coach dog had to be kille( by Chief Bell. The do ' -M. ^ J Cunningham-Hough Bu J pied by Jones* Mercai pany Badly I)Wi Saturday * night, a iter of the o'clock. Are was dlscov Miss Ethel jn Cunningham-Hoi it week at The local fire departme promptly'' to the alarm s fine 0et 'with some difficulty t 1 yesterday could be located. "\. Boc isr showed !?>? " *? K"" "~L *" tiding, OcruI rtittsur utile Coin- . v naged. ?Zl upstairs ,n^Z^aa'K Ligh building. ? n todaynt responded Mr- R- J- bowery < . but it was a v,8Rof here today, hat the Are' Dr. W. G. Stevens c >n the flames | a visitor here today. y a | w J' Sealtoaid Tr ^ IVfr, Ellison, secre Y ber of Commerce, having the schedule > gouthern and Seab f C'btdTtfbia was that persons going I wood. Abbeville ai >f Kershaw was 'eavi here at 10 o'< Souniern and conne . ^ . ,t111 _ Seaboard westbou >f Rock Hill was jeav#s Catawba Jut 111 o *??! ? 'niii No. 5. ?' A tary of the Cham- j * I 1 has succeeded in I I s arranged on the * oard railroads so J ^ Lo Chester, Green- x ad Atlanta, can * t"'1"' L dock a. m. on the ? tl 'jj set with No. 5, the . t nd train, which J iction at 10:45 a. ] JU 1* 'Jffl*1] cpogr I symptoms of rabies. ?Sheriff John P. Hunte upon all the delinquent tions placed In his hands hlB final report thereon. ?The. trustees of the C school district, No. 16, an to meet at the school loca day evening, July 10, at 2 ?The many friends Confederate veteran. Ma1 w VV UUIOl IUIUII5U of the upstairs rear end ir has acted side of the building, tax execu- first attacked the flan ajid made platform of the steps 1< hall near .Judge Jone amp Creek afterwards went upon 1 a requested of tbe nearby Springs bu tlon Satur- th?y were enabled to p o'clock. flames through the wii r?f tv.? ftiri room used by the Joni W C A cu me ?ouinernl|*f Junction at \ J ti gives five niln hange cr.rs. Mr. matter up some-1 # railroad commls- ! I ! schedules of the' * -^A |' and required the V | nd train No. 5 to ! nction for passen- * H iiange which went I inday. passengers I* ytfiis/ - ft S A^KM iE=l Porter, were glad to see 1 streets of Lancaster, aft cent Illness. ?The Rev. J. G. Dale missionary of the A. R. from Me: lco, preached a 1 lent sermon at the open e Sunday night. _ ?All the members of t committee of the- Llbrar tlon are requested to m - ah me time a aenae si aim on the gU|ng fr0m the top box! er his re- entire front of the bull* street, making it appe ?, returned entire top of the bulldin P. church After an hour or more aiost excel- the fire was extinguish' lir services laddies worked hard ai for which they desen he steering mendation of the wholt y Associa- The building, belonging leet at the Cunningham and Mrs. i moKe was is- county ng across the Mi88ea Mary Crc ar^s if the H,nson ?Pent yest? g was on fire Spr'n?8 of hard work ^r- George W. V ed. The fire Jacksonham f.ection id faithfully, brother in Rock Hill re the com- Mr. and Mrs. J. ' i community. Charlotte spent Sati to Mr. W. J. and Mrs. Albert Bla iV. C. Hough. Miaa Manila ... iur oeaooard r< ter, would have to 1 >98 and Minnie 6 a. m. to make coil xday In Heath train. Williams of the Advertised Letters is visiting his July ft, Henry Bugham, r. . Sabeston of Miss Sallie Branch, lfday with Mr. De Lijitt, Mis kenev Ubacar Massie, D. .... il#. Steel. Willie Stnri lad west of Ches- Kl eave Lancaster at |*J Ji inection with that . M li fin for Week Knilin/ l!| 11)15. 1*1 C. W. Baswell, |J| Mrs. Cora Bailev |?i mi. , is Alice Phillips, M IniS Dai n* 1*1 mercial L-^/ V1 ^ J d it more than a p keep his cash. ik believes in co-operating depositors to extend their IV I lace to 1:1 with its com- Kl business To ! ! library at 6 p. m. Wednest transaction of important 1 rvf' . ?The Flat Creek Intel Hi tional Sunday School Con\ been postponed from the 22nd of July, when the gram heretofore publish News will be carried out. * ?All the stores and t closed yesterday, the bus generally taking ndvanti lay for the was badly damaged by business. water, but their loss Is c rd^nomina- 8l""Rnre. The stock of rentlon has Jones Mercantile Compa 8th to the damaged by the smoKi same pro- whlch fairly rained d ed in The tho overhead ceiling, th is covered by insuram tanks were !aw; ,n>rar>- of Judge Ira iness men. ba< >' damaged by the fir age of the , ater* but his ,08s ,s a,! ... . insurance. the Are and 1 mountains of North overed by in -' day to spend her usui goods of the I Mr York Wilson ny was badly spent the day yesterd 3 and water, ; jege friend, Mr. Elli ?-n I Miss Nannie Hill M e T ,I fin ed home after a three ^B. Jon^3 was Wlnnsboro and Sulli e. smoke and Mr. Morris Mcllw ,o covered by nooga, Tenn.. is on a I rents Mr on* M-o leu iur in*; Powers, Frasuer L Carolina Mon- (special delivery), al vacation. joe Jordan. Mrs of Rock Hill Arthur Hush, Mrs. ay with his col- When calling fo ott Springs. please say "Advert oore has return- J AS. P. HUNTF ? weeks' visit to Ivan's Island. j ain of Chatta- BllSlllCSS visit to his pa- = t? tt* * jang Harry Hrp. M this end Peoples Fruit Co., I.J . i. Nanle Jones, l*| Officials J Sele Simiss. I*1 r above letters. I.I ised." M If *H, Postmaster. |J| res Notices|:j 8ti it invites its customers to c at any and all times. your business is small you li ison for banking. If it is la u want to make it larger, yo 11 better cause for coming to t :onfer with its |tj iave good K| rge, and M >u have a K| his bank. Ill noiinny. mere was n special interest going on A number of persons wen * Springs and Rook Hill, w ball, picnics and other were being pulled off. ?We are requested to that the public, generally, to attend the special serv will be conducted this w< Rev. J. ('. Rowan of Can mnrnlnc services will be 1 oimng 01 | , however. v/- p- Robinson. Ksq. t to Heath 1 sov- agent for the Singe here base- ! chine Company W. C. attractions ' and the \V. O. W. and . all occupying rooms ii . announce | ?f,th? bu,,;"n*- " are invited "r l?M da",Ia^ [?om n ices which I a,"?ke- AV- ? -ok bv the !ance excepting Mr. Ho iden Th? ,oss ,s 8,,Kht. The ot Held in the l8Ura,U'e Nvhich covfil> ,h< . A. B. Llnd-1 Magistrates D. r Sewing Ma- Pleasant Valley ami Hough. Esq. j Kershaw were vislto lunlor Order, day. a the upper . Miss Janie Hiek uffered more I nephew, James Wilia ie water and J mountains of North arried insur- ; morning, ugh. whose Mrj, <.aljio nr, hers had in- , pramlson. wil eir losses. * . n. ,4. wcii? inn. j WANTED?1,000 1 K. Hall of ens at City Meat It. A. Hilton of ? >rs here vester- pqu SALE?-00 t clay mixed peas, lln ami little & Mercantile Co., ins. left for the c. Carolina this ?, LOOK IN TIIE DC uce and litth puess the correc llams, are visit- ,lir^. i? ?i.~ - frying size chick- 1:1 No Ac Market. ?T No o 3'>o bushels of Springs Hanking 1 fWll lleatli Spring; S. I U _IL!i : 1 n SY HKI; window. * t number of |>i< - ! :count is Too Small to be / ne Too Large to be Accom: e Bank ot Lan "The Old Reliable." Appreciated, y moclated. V caster j \ v Presbyterian church at 1 and the evening services I air. In front of the court 8:30 p. m. MRS. MILhKN WINS Hands in Correct Sol tit i Advertisers' Krroi Of all the answers that ed in at the expiration of 0 o'clock The origin of the fire n the open ' of uncertainty. Severn house, at been advanced, such sparrows, rats, or the < In the top celling from KODAK. cult," but the cause, wh he, was most probably i on of the ^ was eoo early In tiie rs. incendiary fire. The 1c were hand- be known until they The News I The adjusters are expe ~ ~ I fin v or tornorrnvv ? is a matter 7,C ''n!,es "a' d ideas hnv, M' roxtonas English "r- Palmer Kin "dectric wires Piedmont "Portlier a "short cir- nt Spartanburg. 8| at over it mav vv,!''' 'l'3 parents, Mr. teoidontal, as K'nfc* night for an Mr. Hugh Minter. sses will not i Miss Ilortense Lan< are adjusted. > Henry Moore, motor cted here to- College X. C.. this i i will rohirn t i neuter. Mrs. E. ? j ironi Thackston, t ? A puess with everv p. agent of the n Electric lines , ,, tent vesterdav 1 SALE?A lin and Mrs. John c,old st?>rae- Iris early and pet your , , , all pone. E. \Y S accompanied by 3rum and Mr. ed to Davidson ... ~ morning. They ANTED?To bu win ? I'SIZ" : T.anpnqti he Photographer, v -"allCaSU sitting. TS-lto >! i? i ?ii ? ? > < n mil ? ? i#i <* AUveriiBi-r?j v univai, umi; correct, and was handed W. H. Mlllen. , The prize sentence was nlze Home Industries, chants Who Advertise Ar With Whom to Trade. Bidding for Our Business ' Each Person to Call." Mrs. Milieu's answer v and she is awarded the ki results of the contest are V UI1C ??S v' vw,..?..w?. in by Mrs Mr. Commodore Clan injuries while fighting i; "Pntro- a fall to the ground fro The Mer- story of the building, hu e the Ones though painful, are not They are is able to be up and alx by Inviting pij.\ xco-itom? ras correct odak. The very grat- Voting Lancaster Man ton sustained ')V Mrs. M. F. Mur< the fire from i Margaret Minter. mc m the second ! respectively, of Rev. i t his injuries, sonserious. He i ? aut. CAMP OIXIK i 1 if SOX. j |{(>|(]s Annual Mcotini and AiMKtints c Marries York ! Lancaster, i ni?u tv n ?, nicuiiipaiiiea "wuu al diison and Mrs. >ther and sister t YOU JUST MUST lugh R. Murchi-| of Atlanta, who i quarters at the stc dey & Co. Miss Di I'. C. V. lovers of good pies i Z, Fleets Officers 'oinmittees. V\ HEX W E MOVE July 3, 1915. j n?t have to be u warns re of E. B. Rod- + ** ^ xie has a t-eat for ? , cakes and bread. ? 71-tfc A HOUSE it does V We CU1 rebuilt. We use * . . IY0UKN01 ??a??? i sell you the BEST COFFEt WIT! L in bulk at 5c a |j ifying. for it l.as proven I do read the ads in The Ne' man who thinks otherwis change his mind. .iliooting Suinla; Sunday morning about J. W. Knight of the u Creek section, was shot shoulder by Luther A. shooting occurred on M n1n/.A 1..U.M.A TfAtri O.wl KU that people l ounry tiir ws, and the The following aeroun e is due to riago of Mr. R. Mack ( this place, mention ol made in a former issue f. is taken from Friday's 11 o'clock Yorkville Enquirer: pper Camp "A beautiful weddin, in the left nized at the home of Mi Voyt. The Newman Plaxco on Yoi r. Knight's 8 o'clock Wednest fnmllif nlaA f WllPTl tVlAll* dflllfrlltAr I, V tlllljl UlAlf, u. v.. *i?A court house this clay, Roblnaoif of TT ' which was M" Hou&h' 1 -e ca,u of The News v^rtl0 Vn? n?T ' Issue of The }*? . Q' , aske>" for commander an _ elected and W. B. Br " ,\ r p' adjutant. and Mrs. R? t*i, ?_ . . rkvllle No. 1. VfrTh?e l?omKHa feu lav evenlnir Mr- HouSh made a n Mtaa be requested to part \ mei in c?re 10 neej and after a few joist intact. Ho by Comrade J. science with us. \ p went into an Monroe, N. C. tor the ensuing was nominated IF WE HAVEN'T d unanimously you want, we w uce was elected you. ladies present. ' lotion that they DR.. C. B, iclpate in all of > every joint and + pound let use-moving is a i V. J. Truii & Son, T- cans. W < 69*tfp $ n tr at x Coffee RI: the Legal blanks i ill print them tor ^ ^ PRATT I fA ;s than the same coffee can b< 3 also grind this coffee on our It ill, which will improve the qua :all for suNst KFS AND PR At bought in tin nproved Electric $ lity 25 per cent. I IINE | ^fr<; t |iiacC| w IICI o v \jj t aiiu IIIO reside. The weapon used gun, which belonged to 1 was loaded with No. 3 sh hours after the shooting to town and surrendered 1 T. Carnes. Knight's woui ing serious, he has been i ball. Heath Springs Pic The picnic given at Hei was a shot- became the bride of J '{night and Robinson of Lancaster, ot. A few and impressive ceremc Voyt came In the parlor of the ho to Jailer A. being artistically decor; nds not be- and white. Shortly af idmitted to to the strains of the w played by Mi9s Ida Pu ton.'i, the bridal pari nlc. Master George McGlll nth Springs prettily constructed gat dr. R. Mack I theA b?8i?e8S of the , The simple 1 *as 1 ,nv was held ! ad?Pted that the can Ihe room ' V' a ted in Rreen Pf and tbe ,adl?f ter 8 o'clock. J?"' ?ur naxt anauaI dding march. f.asterf?" the J711*01 rslev of Gas- t,on of Comrade Hoi ty entered as !?? C?mmfl"!e was a' opened the vUe .Ukere Me"" e. Rev. W. P. 1,'^ speakers, etc ' _ r rk rnnlrmnn Mro DENT heTmade and ?our8. 8:30 a. m tp accept an in- i to 6: tamber of Com- Phone of the town to Office over Lauct reunion at Lanf July. On mo jgh, the follow- I ^pointed to take g T ALL] rations and inMrs. G. J. Der- Office over Lanct vt v> MWCof. risT . to 12:30; 1:30 ^ :0?- : \i Fl 283. |J later Pharmacy. 3^ i *? EN, M. D. ister Pharmacy. 'ennett-Tt C*nmfiAfi irry j 11 I yesterday was a most sue enjoyable affair. Even rainen early in the day, : aggregation of visitors gat Lancaster, Kershaw and points and those behind taking were highly delli the success of the occasfo Two interesting games ?d between the Heath S Yorkville teams, both r favor of Heath Serines to cessful and urier or ciover, and though it Patterson of Lancas yet a largo Then came the ush hered from Boyce Plaxco and E. immediate who were followed T) the under- maids. Misses Reoia an< Silted with sides. Next came the n n. Miss Mary Plaxco. sistei were play- followed by the dame o prings and Walker Craig of Eancc esulting in sister. The bride then e the tune of i arm of her father. Kev. w. S. -- ** " ter, leading. de"' M/\, D? G; W era. Messrs. radea J M Ho?*h ai B. Faulkner. The oam? adi?uTri y the brides- ^e. ??urt house Ju 1 Lula White- ? clock a m> laid of honor, | ** r of the bride, ! D ,, ? ,, f honor Mrs ^ B Bruce' AdJ< later, another ntered on the RESOLUTIONS O She wore a . Poovey, Com- Office Hours 8 to 9 ad J. M. Riddle, j phon(, nod to meet at ly 27th, at 10 j I. CASKEY. EDGAR J. Commander. DEN'l Office in Moore Bu F RESPECT. Roddey Hours. S to a. m.. 1 to 2 p, m. j 187. ^ ? HINSON ?IST. llding, over E. B. & Co. 12 1 ?.i A I Vl/ffipufl ! *n?-;-?*?-> : .! . !: y I! ;? '!:4i4; + i4i:4i4K4* 1 4 to 3 and 9 to 0. The Heath Springs eitlzi r + tninly royal when it com* tainlng visitors and the c< ner in which they made a yesterday was the genera of all who attended. An Kurnest Reqw To the Editor of The Ne^ Allow me through your I pretty gown of white oh ena are cer- J court train and carried !B to enter- | bride's rosea and mal >rdial man- ; Her veil was caught wl ill welcome J forget-me-nots and hei il comment ment was diamond lav) of the groom. After tl the little flower girls, w?t. beth Cousar and Sudie vs: and the wedding party v columns to w?th the entrance of tl armeuse with ... . r... , a bouquet of VnHse,} R,i! denhair fern, j ? J ,; .* ' 1 th a bunch of foHowing re only orna- ?f n T' a m P|vQt alier the elft ' Mi: ^ n bride pame x! Misses Eliza- p ?J " r*?\edl\hf Green Plaxco, 9?""h /l ? 1 1A sas completed ie*lb?S, 0UJ? ?8tX ie eroom ar- i-Thereftfri ae groom, at- . ? - That ,n ~ ; Office phone 33. ge Council No. . A. Mk/ solutions were Notice of 1 RidAe Council. Notice Is herel) ieqioH' ONa. M. undersigned will, c t^19\5/ \ 'estate of E. Garri 4/e EMuf rttflge 31st day of July, , M.. nJbuifn the final return a3 ;ucl: ted Hrp\|ier, R. ply ro the probate e be it# , county tor letters thfl tntlnir ott'ou I ????<-. Residence 118. ' Discharge. V T y given th.it the I U is guardOn of the _l# j[ s Brewer, on the lft 15, make her t guardian and apc iirt ot Lancaster _? ? dismlssnry 3 in 1 MACKEY CO! The Three-In-One Store flPANY express me siycwre wish 11 beard the powerful appeal earnestness In the salvatlc made by Rev. J. O. Dale, i air service last Sunday ponder these profound tru allow the impressions p pass away unheeded. E. TOLAND HO Pastor Methodist Mr. Robert Wright ] nai mi wnu tuuipiiiiieu uy nifl D for greater Howard Williamson o >n of souls, During the ceremony, at the open Phillips of Chester, ni?ht, may "Oh. Promise Me." ths and not I after the coremony, a i roduced to tendered the young < home and scores of gui DQ)ES, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson Church. morning for Lancaster will reside. Mr. Roblm Dead. ber of the Roblnson-La esi man, air. i.i y.T f Lancaster. rJ^[A s9i?L \ Y? Miss Statia Sfc^. &J sweetly sang. ^ Immediately JiJlW W*** to reception was ,^e ?ouDle at tho *Hlolved further. atrts attended. our mlnute# b??k Ne left vesterdav memory BrothA where thev copy of theM re8ol,? ion is a mem- the widow and that Lthan Jewelry ed ln our cou?ty *al ??ci ? " f mho, M. un* man. this July 2, 1915. Meat loss, and _____ tegular session. ~ the widow and Notice to Debtor It sympathies. persons havi Unit a page in of W. inscribed to thejceased' are herebj Small, and a th? aame. d"ly ver tions be sent to d0r8'Kned, and thof they be publish- e8tat? will pleas< per likewise. ti. HKEWER. Guardian. j I * tn?l Creditors, ng claims against A. McCorkle, de-' r notified to file 1 ifled with the un-j )6 indebted to said 3 make payment Registered Pharma To Fill Prescriptions Furniture Dealei To Furnish the House cists *s Mr. Robert Wright, eon Henry Wright, died at his Oakhurst Saturday last, years of age. His remali tered at Salem Cam* Oro his pastor, Rev. Mr. -Wells at the funeral service. '. i . ... Notice to PhMfoh The patrons of Jacksdni district are requested to I Pontrol arhAAl hnllHInv of the late Co., of that town." home near He was 63 - J, Frank flaHaer is were In- Mr. J. Prank Oardne t* Sunday, his heme In Kershaw , officiating morning, after a short was about 30 years of ?? one of K?ri?hawvfc mosi * business men. He was ham school iate Samuel Oardner. neet at the Miss Katherine Blackm -? %.?? ?* * * " ** , A. IN. R. L. I P. W. Jr., Df?d. r, Jr., dieu at ? earl? Friday July Clearan Illness. He we call our readc age and was Robinaon-Cloud C I enterprising Clearance Sale. whl< a son of the Thursday. This Is His wife was event ;wlth this lei ion, who_sur- which time they sell i HAKKaTr, J. n -,YLES Admr. Estate of TWITTY. June 25. 1915. Committee. ? ??? Notice to Debtor ce Bale. All persona havi >rs' attention to the estate of U. R ompany's big are hereby notified sh begin* next duly verified, with a semi-annual and those indebted sding store at please make paym< all surnlus stock Mattm BJ VKHALL., Said Deceased. L n wad Creditors, ng claims against f. Neal. deceased, 1 to flle tte same, the undersigned, "a=?BB to said estate will v ent likewise. I (7 M VFit " .icensed Embalmeri Undertakers MArvTv rni t and inaiv JulylOth, at 4 o'clock, ron la urged to be preeebt ? .*? V> A. LU County Supt. of E. . . . . Wfcuww Ym Need Oei Take drove'e The Old Standard Grove ? chill?Tonic ie equally val ' General Tonic becauae it < well Known tonic properties ^ i vivhb mm wuii iwo nil Every pat- ?rt and Steve. His rent terred Saturday in the 40LE Kershaw, the funeral lucatlon: conducted by the Rev. Mral Tosk Death of Mrs. Eml< Mrs. Emley Oolns, wl s Tasteless Oolns. died Friday eve aable as a o'clock. The funeral i :ontains the conducted by Rev. 8. 1 >ek to offer their July 2, 1915. tn carries high and they think Notice to Debtor :ise.them In The All persons havl the estate of Rob* | ceased, are hereby 4 same, duly verified signed, and those AWt*. wl" P|eaM 11 f said Deceased. ?l A s and Creditor*. nR claims against ert M. Small, denotlfled to file the I, vlth the underIndebted to said take payment like- 1 ?, . ITlrtUYLI IU1! The 3 In Store "Yonr Life-long Friends' uran i * and IKON. It acts on the L out Malaria, Enriches the Builds np the Whole Syrten 1^",At * ' .... .J ? ' ,iver, Drive* ! remains were laid to i Blood and ; side cemetery about 3 ( l. 30 cent*. day afternoon. rest in We.t o'clock SaturFIRST NATION cvcv^vuowr ???. ki Administratrix Est AW namwr Deceased. al. bank. june 11, 1915. L?INA SMALL. Ate of Robert M'j ^ % our Job Work t< i o the News 1