IT $ H 2 *"T i**-- . ?' wttjt MISS if ^fviLlM Si > ^rR?ANCES (Copyright, by f CHAPTER VIII. \ i ... i ciicrs ot i aies. The days flew rapidly by. M! Minerva usually attempted to trt Billy all the morning, and by the m day dinner hour she was so exhaust that she was glad to let him play the front yurd during the afternoc Here he was often joined by t three children whose acquaintance had made the day after his arrlv -,and the quartet became staun friends and chums. All four were Bitting In the swli one warm spring day, under the si veillance of Billy's aunt, sewing < the veranda. "Let's tell tales," suggested Jlmtc "All right," agreed Frances. "1 tell the first. Once there's " "Naw, you ain't neither," interruj ed the little boy. ,#i'ou all time tal lng 'bout you golife to tell the fli I 1 tale. Frn going to tell the first ta myself. One time they 's " "No, you are not either," Ba Llna positively. "Frances is a g and she ought to be the first If s wants to. Don't you think so, Billy "Yas, I does," championed he; "i on, Frances." That little girl, thus encourag? iproceeded to tell the first tale: "Once there 's a man named Si Elisha, and he had a friend nam Mr. Elijah, so his mantelniece fell < top of his head and make him p< fectly bald; he hasn't got a sing hair and be hasn't got any monc 'cause mama read me 'bout he rent 'hie garments, which Is clo'es, 'cau 'he didn't have none at all what t long to him. I e'peo' he Just rent him a shirt and a pair o' breech and wore 'em next to his hide 'tho no undershirt at all. He was drea'f poor and bad a mlser'ble time ai mean Mr. Per'dventure took him i on a high mountain and left him, i when ho come down some bad lltt i children 6ay, 'Go 'long back, ba head!' and they make pock-mocks i him. Seems like everybody treat hi , bad, so he cuss 'em, so I never s anybody with a bald head 'thout I ru 'cause I don't want to get cussed. I two Teddy bears come out of t! woods and ate up forty-two hunde of 'em." "Why, Frances." reproved Lin "vou always get things wrong. I dor believe they ate up that many ch dren." ("Yes, they did too," champion* Jimmy, " 'cause it's in the Bible at Miss Cecilia 'splained all 'bout it i me, and she's our Sunday scko Iteacher and 'bout the bullyest 'splni er they is. Them Teddy bears ate i ?'bout a million chillens, which is ? ;the little boys and girls two Tedt bears can hold at a time." j "I knows a man what ain't got t ' hair 't all 011 his head," remark* J Billy; "he's a conjure-raan an' it an' Wilkeo Booth Lincoln been talki to him ever sence we's born an' 1 ain't never cuss us, an' I ain't nov* got eat up by no Teddy bears neithe I Iluccome htm to bo bald? He's 01 ! in die del' one day a'pickin' cotto : when he sees a tu'key buzzard an' L ix^lk to her like this: " 'J say tu'key buzzard, T say, "Who shall 1 see unexpected t day?' - "If she (lop her wings three timr you goln' to see yo' sweetheart, hi this-here buzzard ain't Hop no wings all; she Job' lean over an' th'ow u klj head ?n" he been bald eve sence; ev'V single Lair come out." "l>id you-all hear bout that 'Talia Dago that works on the section gan eating a buzzard?" asked Frances. "Maw," said Billy. "Did it mak him sick?" "That. It did," she answered; "li sent for Doctor Sanford and tells hin 'Me killa do big bird, me eat-a de bl bird, de big bird make-a me seek.' " "Them Dagoes 'bout the funnle: talking folks they is," said Jimm "but thev arot to talk that wav 'earn It's In the Bible. They 'sputed on tl ,tower of Babel and the Lord say 'Co found you!' Miss Cecilia 'splalned all to me and she's 'bout the dandle 'splalner they Is." "You may tell your tale no' Jimmy," eald Llna. "I'm going to tell 'bout William T< 'cause he's in the Bible," said Jii my. "Once they's a man name' "William Tell isn't In the Blblt declared Llna. "Yes, he Is too," contended the 1 tie boy, "Miss Cecilia 'splalned It me. You all time setting yourself to know more'n me and Miss Cecil One time they's a man name' Willis Tell and he had a little boy wha the cutest kid they Is and the de come 'long and temp' him. Then t Lord say, 'William Tell, you and Ad* and Eve can taste everything tb Is in the garden 'ceptlng this one i pie tree; you can get all tho pes and bunnanas and peaches and gra( and oranges and plums and persl mons and scalybarks and fig leai and TDout a million other kinds fruit if you want to, but don't y tech a single apple.' And the de mo' Mm and say he frolrz to i Lii> 'P cn a prle and everybody | tj bcw down to ft for a idol and ~ . THE L what he call *] _ _ _, . . , , would take t MINERVA . put Bome on u ana SSJSS I GREEN Ifflli 3KH. married soon'i "How long Boyd Calhoun "!$,r.?? Kellly A Brltton Co.) I been to Su William Tell don't bow down to it he j got engage got to shoot a apple for good or evil very firs' Sum off'ra his little boy'R head. Tliat'B all it tell I went lBS the little boy William Tell and Adam nex? day an' lln and Eve got, but he ain't going to fall Bay Bbe think id. down and worship no gravy image on "Pretty notl ed top a pole, so he put a tomahawk in "She jus' stu in his bosom and he tooken his bow and w|tb hot air. ,n arruh and shot the apple plumb th'oo u^e a girl. T1 lie the middle and never swinge a hair spend a w of his head. And Eve nibble off the long ago and i aj apple and give Adam the core, and bead to make h Lina all time 'sputing 'bout Adam and tiie bottle to Eve and William Tell ain't in the where 't is. I Bible. They're our first parents." Q* that on you ng "Now, Billy, you tell a tale and then curi out." ir~ it will be my time," said Lina with a ? 'Tain't not on savlng-the-best-for-the-lnst air. good," gloomil "Ouce they was a ol' witch," said jeBt make it (,^j Billy, "what got outer her skin ev[y Won't I be a ] night an' lef' It on the he'rth an' on long pants turnt herself to a great, big, black cat curls stuck 01 an' go up the chlm'ly an' go roun' an' 'nuther sight ride folks fer horses, an' set on ev'y- "Bennle Die body'B chls* an' suck they breath an' eBt bead they kill 'em an' then come back to bed. Bennle Dlcl An' can't nobody ketch her tell one baby of Mrs. j night her husban' watch her an' he jane. *r^ see her jump outer her skin an' drop ??n Bbo' Is," ,f, it on the he'rth an' turn to a'normous be look funnj black cat an' go up the chlm ly. An' 'cause his fac 80 he got outer the bed an* put some salt ??t * MUV ?? n 11' an' pepper an' vinegar on the skin an' Jimmy, snatch ! ' she come back an' turnt to a 'om?n gestion. "Let* an' try to git back In her skin an* oa D?nnle Die " she can't 'cause the ealt an' pepper turn yeller.1 8 an' vinegar mos' burn her up, an' ahe "Aunt Mlnei keep on a-tryln' an' ahe can't never orer t0 yo? bc V"" anuggle Inter her skin 'cause It keep "You all til ' e on a burnln* worwr *n ever, an' there Minerva won't >J.' she la a 'oman thout no skin on. So 8ba aure ^ I, 6 she try to turn back to a cat an* aha t>oUt the 'fral< 80 cant 'cause It's pas* twelve erclock. Come on. Bill ' j an' she Jest swiwle an' swlwle tell The little bo flne'ly she Jeet ewlwle all up. An' don't wan * that was the las' of the ole witch an' dand8r up any ul her husban' live happy ever aftev. boun. to>? he id Ainon-" reluctantly to "Once upon a time," said Llna, so ! y -! ^ Ji ^ |' | w| f? 10 ' / I take a look nt ' It looks anyth Kink'." 0. "there was a beautiful maiden and she Giggling mlg was in love, but her wicked o'd pr. dividing feuc< ren? wants her to marry a rich olu stealthy tread l9; man threescore and ten years old, Sarah Jane's c it j which is 'most all the old you car. Bennie Dick 't; set unless vou are going to die; and before the opei P j the lovely princess, said, 'No, father, which was secu r i you may cut me in the twain but I |tjm inside. 5 j will never marry any but my true kitchen cook J u n love.' >o the wicked parent shut up )iear her liapp< g! tl lovely maide~ in a high tower ions melody; \ ! many miles from the ground, and returned front o made her llvo turnips and she had waH clear, and nothing else tr eat; so one day when Jimmy tiptoe io she was crying a little fulry flew in returned with i a. rt the window and asked, 'Why do you fuj "blondlne" lg weep, fair one?' And she said, 'A 0f candy in th n?nru c.i. duui ...c ui> m.u "lier.nle tJlo Bt I can't ever see my lover any more.' nice stick of < y, So the fairy touched her head with U8 wash yc 'o her wand and told her to hang her The negro 10 hair out of the window, and she did curved la a gr n- and It reached the ground, and her ebony fac? ben it lover, holding ft ropo ladder In one black eye* sp at hand and playing the guitar and sing- bis fat, rusty I ing with the other, climbed up by her greedily at th? w. hair and took her down on the ladder chievous little and his big black horse was standing an(j poure< ill near, all booted and spurred, and they tbe liquid on 1 m- rode away and lived happy ever jn vau> gric after." made a second i," "How he goln* to clam' up, Llna," before tha bot asked Billy, "with a rope ladder In one they stood ofl It- hand and his guitar In the other?" thotr efforts, to "I don't know," was the dignified cr0us. The ? up answer. "That Is the way it is told 8fc)n and red la. in my fairy-tale book." the little negi im expectations o t's CHAPTER IX. shrieked with vll ? and over on he Changing the Ethiopian. bounded dellg im Billy and Jimmy were sitting in the "Huahl" wi aw I I swing. J "What makss your hair curl Just believe 8a 'r* like a girl's? asked the latter. Its bere to see 1 bout the curliest hair they la." get behind t? m" "Yes. It do," was Billy's mournful ahe.B ?olnK to re* response. "It done worry me 'mos' ?' to death. Ever sence me an' Wilkes 'Hit were ou Booth Lincoln's bora we done try Hit were v11 ev'thtng fer to get the curl out. They Hit were >ut , - v n'.:;e t.r~". c*~e las' Art' h'.t'r 1 r- I!!.--' some atu;T In a bottle If ANCASTER NEWS MAY 7, 11)15. No-To-Ktnk' what ho scy t he kink outer any nigin' Aunt Cindy bought a take the kink outer her T5 a* Wilkes Booth Lincoln Vf is heads an* it Jes' make J' what it was already. I's \ /\ roun' folks with my cap I rlike & frizzly chicken. rj/\ * say she like it though, '*V V iged. We's *oln' to alt M&kLA >iM>Q i I puts on long pants." you been here, Billy?" n't know perxactly, but |5Sa^\-T J T [ nday-School four times. SCsNSg^v/ / f /?7 d to Miss Cecilia that day, but he did n' know k\sNM over to her house the is^sS^jT' y^l 0* tol' her 'bout it. She my hair is so pretty." ^^Nv^^nSv hln'," sneered his rival. v flln' you fuller"n a tick It just makes you look * lore's a young lady come ~~ \ > eek with my mama not ~ she put somepln' on hrr floated Sarah Jane's song i It right yeller. She left nearer. our house and I know " 'Hit's de old time erllg Jaybe if you'd put somo Hit's de ole time' " ir head 'twould take the She caught sight of her his glistening black face ? hln' n-goln' to do It no i hair. She threw nn her h. y replied Billy. " 'Twould her eyes, and uttered yeller'n what 'tis now. Bhrlek. Presently Bhe slov pretty sight when I puts her eyes and took a secoi with these here yaller her curious-looking offsprti i topper my head7 I'd Jane screamed aloud: ruther be bal'-headed." j "Hit's de handiwork er d k's got 'bout the klnkU , hoshaphat! Hit's de Man is." ! Who turnt yo' hair, Bonny I was the two-year-old aBked of the sticky little Garner's cook, Sarah J pitting hapDlly yg the flo t* -- ?v.- ? ! angel been here?" replied Billy "Wouldn't Benny Dick nodded his ' If he had yaller hair, ! a delighted grin of comprc e Is so black?" I "Hit's de doing er de L< era the bottle Is," cried his mother. "He gwlne tur ilng eagerly at the sug- | white an' de done begun s go get It and put some head!" k's head and see If It'll There was an ecstatio g * behind the door, rva don' want me to go | Sarah Jane rushed inside >nse," objected Billy. her mammoth proportions ne talking 'bout Miss mlt and caught a culprit In I let you go nowheres; black paw, mperdunt to you. Tou "What yer up ter now, J lest boy they Is. . . . ner?" aha aaked. "What yi !y," pleaded Jimmy. doing7" >y hesitated. Sudden suspicion entered it to git Aunt Mlnerra'e as she caught sight of 1 tnoiWn I Jest natchelly bottle lying on a cbalr. "Y< said following Jimmy puttln' suthln' on my chtle' the fence; "but I'll Jes* knows yer, I's er-gwlne ter mammy gl' ye de worses , - . yer eber got an' I's gwln< > dls here William right obei Minerva. Ain't y'all 'sham selves? Er tamperin' wh I what de good Lord put on Qn 1 I i I i pusson's head an' er-tryli .111 Ml Iil -\^r~ v? j mj qii | ? "?? * ? "??? "> ?L y j |? ; l j I body got ter scarify yer hi J [ I II KII I that ain't Just like y : ft I said Jimmy, "you all time ( \\\ U||l | pose to make nigger heads f \ II MlI I you all time getting little bo y| J I Ufj ble. You 'bout the smart A1 M 4 D \ rabbit they Is." r? ]?' I , "You perposed this here A/lllll I fl/ll ' ness yo'self, Jimmy," retort ' ill I n II T low-consplrator. "You's alw i 'jlli I I t i in' yo' meanness on some ju I Ijj I | fl[ | ever sence you's born." I ill H I lUll "Hit don't matter who I J J III hit," said Sarah Jane flrml; I j y , ness has been did, a'tt' y' V H if I structlfled on de place pe: ' natur* fer ter let my chfie e jRT | CHAPTER X, K ' Lol The Poor Indian _ Jj| . i BlTTy had Just decided t?' '{f to the livery stable to pay 3 a visit when the gate op? f LIna and Prances, their beh " j In their arms, came skipping fliat. bottle an' see* ef Jimmy, who had had a Ing *t all like 'No-To- with Billy and was In the his own side of the fence, im climbed over and joined tl htfly, tfiey Jumped the tn the swing. He was lone and slipped with the prgsgect of companion aroand the house to :nbin in the back-yard. too alluring for him to nur; was sitting on the floor ger longer, a door, the entrance of "Aunt Minerva's gone tc irely barricaded Co keep Society," remarked the hos arali Jane was in the y' all wish it met ev'y da] g supper; they could jcs' meetiu' ev'y MondayT" i voice raised in rellg "Yes, I do," agreed Pran Irs. Garner had not yet cat\ have -to much fun who! a card party; the coast mas go to the Aid. My ma the time propitious. too. so sh* left me with Br d to the house otur head." and to card parties nearl baby's thick, red lips time. Bhs tailed Sarah Jan 1n of delight, kfs shiny to me and Sarah Jane's uslei imed happily, his round her snoring. Ain't w# glad arkled as he hetd out no grown, folks to meddleT Ittle hands. He sucked have fun?**' candy aa the two mis- "Whafll ws play?" askec boys uncorked the hot- who had' deliberately a*e| 1- a generous supply of mud puddle on the way, an< hta head. They nibbed mud alll over herself, left inlay with delight They plea." 1 and a third application "Nawv we start a-gofcsg tt tie was exhausted; then mud plea," objected Jimmy. ' to view the reoult of make mud pies all time wl The effect was ludl- folks V looking st yon." ?mb!natlon of co&l black "Let's play sumpin' whs gold hstr presented by I sever play, sense we*s bor MV ayAaaitait #)sa rllMasil I f Jimmy and Billy. They ?I hop* grandmother w laughter and rolled over me." aald Una. "she's read the floor In their tue- Inter eating book." ht "Let'a plan Injun!" yell* arned Jimmy suddenly, "we alnt never play* Injur This auggeatlon waa re? irah Jane'a coming out bowl" of delight. bout Benny Dick. Let'a M* tt?*ma*e tot a bo* o in door and aee what'a that. ahe puta on her faoe d?*" goes to card parties. 8he . . _ . , ?? _ none on when ahe Just g< good fer Pan an 8 aa. A , can rufl bom#J ^ good fer Pau an 8 aa. tQ mftke U| r#d ^ InJJ good fer Paul an' Sllaa, .. ^ Z^od ernough fer me.'H lk . "M7 mother has a bo* il.4fi| 4.<:. > M^rrxfl Waiter / MWfr* ,T*T. 11 '1 i?I nearer and too.^ "I ain't never see Aunt Mlnerv Ion, I no rod stuff on her face," remi i Billy, disappointedly, baby with "Miss Minerva, she don't neve ind golden' the Major come to see her, nor nds, closed no card parties, Is the reason, a terrified plained the younger boy, "she rly opened goes to the Aid where they air id peer at men, and you don't hafter put n ig. Sarah on your face at the Aid. We' you have Bome of our paint, e great Je- My mama's got 'bout a million dl iter's sign, kinds." uiciir sne "We got to have pipes," was pickaninny ce8?8 nyxt suggestion, or. "Is & , ' My papa s got bout a m v'"' . , . pipes," Doasted Jimmy, "but hi head witn ;egl tfa Qffl { 8 .? ;henslon. ,. Drd " cried" Father has a meerschaum." n my chile "Aunt Minerva ain't got no l t on his "Miss Minerva's 'bout the curlc woman they Is," said Jimmy; iggle from a,n>t Sot nothing a tall; she aln no paint and she ain't got no ] as fast aa ''Ladles don't use pipes, am would ad- can do without them anyway," ach huge Llna, "but we must have feather Indians wear feathers." Immy Oar- "I'll g?t my mama's duster," tr bean er- Jimmy. "Me, too," chimed In Prances. [ her mind Here Billy with flying colors the empty to the fore and redeemed Miss & m been er- Va'a waning reputation, s headl I "Aunt Minerva's got a great, T?' buncher tu'key feathers an' I ca whlppln' >em right now," and the little ? ter take flew into the house and was ba r tcr Mlsa a seconds ie* er yerI de ha'r (Continued in Next Iasue.) er colored ? ?' fnr t am tCI ICI done. An' dat somedes." ou. Billy," yeiier Tnd To Make Good ys In trouexlst JackT^Z. EDWARD ays blam body els# perposed * n r; "meaxv- | f3 | gotter be rvlded by I VEG1 I *. Always FI run down lam Lamb ?ned, and * jved dolls * dl fferenc# COAL, - BRICK, sulks on mediately TJfe can SUppl^ He others e and wood and Oal whip was?, hl. an- Place- 0r *>3* nw ??r i r*?\ I tUWAKU, r 'stid er fi ices, "you n our tua- ^ mn's gone other and 1Z "DON1 In Jimmy, ; srs WHATr e ? 'tend pi. I hear rvl' Oherealn't JLflJ Can t we ? _ 1 This is What We I Prances, | KMd In a I Our Ph JnSei* We have in stock Potatoes, Cabbage, ' ^wVcIU String Beans, Liin &en grovm Corn, June Peas, t we mint Peaches, Blackbei n." pot 10 Peaches and Prun< ont mtea Don't place your o lac a imw, Plants until you see * I have lots to sell in 3 tired with ! Success For Us and t red stuff j MAP 0 when the i Caddy Good Plug never puts ? ^ oet to the YOU $4.00. Tr BENNETT-! Of Pilnt, %e A A HOUSE p BURNS tl as easily when times are hard * as when times are godd. How would it be with you should * your house burn now. It you have no Insurance. The Farmers Mutual policies cover Fire, Wind and Lightning. f Addi-ops D. E. BONEY, Yorkville, S. C. ^ * Malaria or Chills & Fever Prescription No. 686 b prepared 'especially for MALARIA or CHILLS A. FEVER. Fire or ais doaee will break any case, and ___ if taken then aa tonic the Fever will not return. It acta on the liver better than a put Calomel and doea not fripa or sicken. 2Se irked r let w-y *?:i tor Juat i*t no ri 1* o red Delicious 11 let Billy. iffent Lreani) SOFT DRINKS and CANDIES, TOO, B got * ' THE NEW pipo." 3 J^ANDY IV ITPHFN said ; all , -? Is The Place cam* For You linei* ORDERS TAKEN OVER PHONE > bis n gl" 05 AND DELIVERED 1 ho* PROMPTLY". IGUS BELEOS, p?qp- | ? \ JBread Buy Your Flour FROM S & l-IORTOIN ilCELAIN "he Brand iTABLES IESH at this Store VE SELL - SHINGLES, - WOOD J y you with good Stoves Wood for your fireliing in the Wood line. S & HORTON i m * w ? r KNOW ro GET FOR NNER" 1 Hear Every Day Now?Call ones, 119 or 204. , Sweet Potatoes, New Irish Hams, Eggs, Peas, Beans, " I a Beans, Beets, Succotash, Heinz Soup, Pineapples, fries, Evaporated Apples, as. Can Goods of all kinds, rder for Nancy Hall Potato ? us. Crop little late. Will , ilay. Trade \Veek was a Big j we are yet on the F LANCASTER. Tobacco for $2.80 Will Bring ERRY Company