The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, January 12, 1915, Page 2, Image 4

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J IfmBmammmtmmxx'u: am Tl 1 r? f*\? -B * 'TUKj^s I hundred yards fi t ,lb!>' . . ?*as'i'KR xi:\vs, ,iani;a fom the month of tiie ra,,pn llul? b death, not 01 tl.T ? .11 * I. RY 12, 1915. tiort of compassing hit n, n ace, but a dozut |^|] siness f.olleffp nf f.nln mhia I ine ? | A Novelized Vermic I Aathor tf Tfc i rey u tie m of the Motion Picture Drama of t 'reduced by the Universal Film Co. By LOUIS JOSEPH VANCE l Fortum Hunttr," "Tha Bran Bo*l.""Tl* BUck a. A sat. BL _a I ?. al As^a It A at {% as it Urow net iSLil E.S I I,aU8e^? waving I ^?w (ho head of (ho m Sam* Nam* I into tilt* mouth t I At the same t ticed that the tw wero following J throwing themst I with gigantic leu I And then a grt j| npnpoful K??o*% ?< ir the spot where she ' .' . >oth hands frantically, , ?1 pursuing party swept her vlct,m ,w d the ravine. , "Y mo'e J1* line the chauffeur no- HM. 11 Bt o men on the hillside J1* l*Z * ,iU the woman peBmell, h?'r hei Jives down the slope ps and bounds. 8l8t,or and hei ?at explosion rent tho / buslne .l . .... ... mentullv .-mo* itTKi'iT poisea on tn< ^ ? and smiling down at ith a warmth patently 1 11 tin- warmth of friend f hup little distance, ltoso. icee and Judith's sister j irt out with jealousy ol ? ig Intimacy between hei lover! If* 8s, my friend!" Ilarcui MSkllX trnnhWoH tlto nni??lt*i?- ? WMVQV VB VVBM flakes Special Annoum st and Best Know d in State, Makes anviu cement to Patrons n Institution of Most Liberal | Behind them other 1 two staring yellow ey up over the horizon, s< a time In search of leaped out directly tov Of this thev were nl lira win rnviograpaw im uii I mill rrancui OODTTisbt, 191i by I?nU JOMDh VlBN The car began to tghts appeared, the three men in the es that peered bow, jumped into tb ?emed to pause and slanuned the dc the two, then They made no eft ard them. cause and secure pn Ifnirnthnr lo-tinr. ~ .. * t. ^ .. -i _ * . i. II _J had been profai cracks of the rev ? As the roar c the entire side o move. She swept Bijd ponderously ? desert a mocking ravine with deb le body of the car BunK. thirty or fi >or. leaders of the pu 'ort to plead tlielr rescue, issage even as far Only a Install itiisui?mm mi men ? ted by the pattering Alan ''awolver fusillade. Ht* interrupt >f dynamite subsided in^lv 1,11,1 wl1 f the hill shifted and [ "l knew u- N( down, choking the For Hose ha ris to the depth of ,n the affair, a >rty feet, burying the prefacing her irsuit beyond hope of her Mr. with such a I t later the mntni- mir watched iniuht ed himself to nod know h profound conviction: ow It begins again!" d abruptly taken a hand "lo gesture of exasperation '10" s '>rac all: Alan!" Columbia. l.nw turned instantly, of big Dr;i nerlt> that none who throughout doubt U lllrh lif Ihn ?tvn ..... 01..1 f f er to Y oung Peop >ing with the kip-mi of teach hi management of Drang- months tical Business OoJ'ego of student S. C.. (one of the chain said stu lughon Colle.'cs located ters the the Southern and West- and con ile for 1915 mi by mail for 3. 4. or b or longer (as long as the desires,) after which the dent goes to Columbia, endepart meats of tlie college lpletes the course thorough ant; and when a deep, disturbed the desert s purring: of some glgant cribed it to the drun laboring pulses. The two lights were hind the in when, silei sign to warn the girl. Her, took a so p npar as if shot. If,nvi- as lilt* (H IHt' droning sound they knew too well t Hence, like the she thought, as she ic cut. both as- scat, chuckling witl lining of their those three masks gated. not a mile be- It was not until 1 itly, without a when she strnichtcn* Alan released i Alan comfort abb 1 t and dropped I what had made tin I abide bv tier witl ueseri; ciount'.ess jolted to a halt ; ho futility of that, peif together to settled back in a luircus were star li the mentory of ?mj jabbering jo, of dismay munitl- with more or lesi tions of the mant ive minutes Inter, come to seek she d up from making the prospector s hat site realized the noise of i ?m so content to Aian in the car ?nd Alan pulled him- women came I tinil that Rose and Nor was this iding b-side the door standing of .li ylul greetings, mixed lowly though s incoherent explana- s?'w her hundi ier in which they had otndy. dti r for" the night in And her fn shack and, roused recognize the if .ig and recognizing and to sio??l\ ; by the aid of spy. them. ? V* ?M*' % ? W I I 1 OIUU^I lirst in his esteem. money savi i wasted upon the under- younn nu n mlii h h.H'iiiK lii'i nur- ujim 10 ent fmlively. Mr. Harms \viiil?? Hi whip fuco darken oinin- ?,.NS roller aeeept cotti titer was as quick tc in paynie >? portents of trouble DrnuKhou <> advantage himself ot eontinuinfc coll.>11 plat i uiinunni ?is icir i -) I j ly tuulci 111K plans lor 1 ! I 4. to guidance and young v.mion oian | I'tider t or College in .fruutriry. j arc gooi c majoritv >f aini'll ' "si- , MAIL a oh arc mi lunger '> to [studying >n at ton < en's per jc-nnd I fi,i nt for mil inn i lie l.ig j College of Colnnt'iia Is j '"inpleti to offer this i"n i-ci ts scholar; l, and also announcing'< hut go r the direct supervision and i of experienced instruct ?. his plitn. the Scholarships d for instruction both ItV ml at < oi.l.KCK. and after by mail as long as desired ent enters tlie institution to > tlie work on the same hip, without any additional whatever. Full information Instantly she was k side. Put in the act o him she drew back an several moments moti t those twin glaring down upon them with attainable by a six-cylin Negotiating a trackless When Judith did mot comfort Alan. On tin A i . ? neeling bv his i Then she heaid t f bending over together iu a long, si. d remained for quickly answered by unless, staring H distant quarter ol eyes, sweeplug by pistols popping i all the speed txvo miles away, th ider touring car rumble of galloping desert. The night glasses e it was not to ber flashes of a bod: ? contrary, her mrn?Boino six or s? glasses, had with heir voices lifted |,lt u,)on ,ilis sc a ili howl thai \? aa landslide in "bet v. fnlnter yells from Us devoted tjuau, f the desert, then ind flashing some en by a growing hoofs. in the car afforded > of several horse>ven nho lnilffnH? ?* thv> prixpt'ctoi s aid 11:3 or: homo of shooth:< a Io?i*t. wonted < un tin1 |H? suit and slbllnrt w)i|sp< >' . tarn 111 the inn ~~???-j vv i t li the roth v.hiih sti'ok bosom. . . . ^HpPS&k lint one w? quoncliod, all daughter turnr i .i 111 it i nut notos. moil out horribly on his , . . . . . longer) fro neck as he pitched * in payUloni ?r for hPr ears. ami hi? this tempo xmlight seemed to slow depression ,'ction of that inlprno institution I, rod in his evil !ons V,r.?Uf liooral tori referent* t is silenced, the other tujtjon puyt iu a twinklitiK His Followim (1 on him in a Hash of of enroll tin payable cine year kt and lost in date, will be a? ? < p'.cd who h; \ t for scholarships. wh'le j be mailt rery period of oiis;n>'.?s thein. continues. In fa<t, this | Tlie a is extending 'o its pat- i < ially a thout the State the viot-t and yon ns and renditions with. State di o manner of malting j cause in inents. a $50 si i? are the four (4) plans . cotton ( lit offered! I fool nblo itnoiiinl letterH from those ? actually used this plan will <1 upon request. Write l^r hove plan ( No. 1 ? will espis ppenl to many young men ing women throughout the iring the coming year, beany can afford to purchase holarship. for cash or with at ten cents.) hut do not >- - ?-- -* inol mi was 10 araw t; r heavy, blunt-nosed re Rt the breech and b clear of dust. Her h; to the holster on Alai this she extracted his C ing it as she had the ot crouched low above the as if thinking perhaps t from the occupants of tl If that were ber thnm rom her pocket making at top spee< volver. break It where Marrophat, 1 low Its barrel waited beside a be and went next had built and llghte n's hip. From Half a dozen Ben ^olt'a .45, treat- w'lth the chauffeur her. Then she these were horsenu man she loved. of >iesa who hud ol o escape notice wltli the duty of ai lie motorcar. of Hopi Jim Slade. ? 1 toward the spot licks and Jimmy rS^gH6g| aeon which they tences exchanged advised her that n front the town Jr targed themselves jM VM enging the death UW 1 Ik i. oxtoi tit snatches of the worn- accepted (! tnent for sc h- r" "B! On'o MO-p" lear? Don t ovor speak $R0 t.omph less you want me to re- Hookkcopin I say. don't speak to ment of D am finished with you complete s( all time; never aKain hand and ert my nature to your fwo such li i Plan will bo tions no strict middling) in pay- monthly holarships and ton cents which a will he allowed for it. makes n und bale will pay for a not to r to scholarship in tlio mail, tin g and Hanking depart- | expenses rnughon's College or a . taking t hnlarshlp in the Short- [student i Typewriting department, i lege. cor laiea will be accepted for . in six u V>. .< iMiiih, UIIIICI nit; I UIIIII' w existing, to undertake the board ami living expenses (tending a college certainly ecessary. While progress Is apld in taking lessons by ; saving in hoard and living means a great deal. After lie Home Study lessons, a should he able to go to Colli plete the work thoroughly > eight weeks and acrept a of an idle hope. Alan fall in the middle of a arid that not even sage tured to take root the glare of the headlights It was inevitable that d follow. The motor car twenty feet. Three ni and ran toward the pa in the car- the chauffei "i^vj ^ sardonic chuc had chosen to Tr,ne.8 KaR ded , wide space so ,eu f brush had ven- Exacting hi8 utmo !en chauffeur, under pe fell upon them plpaguref Bhe sct , iscover.v should Ai~~ ... Alan, stopped within i . , , * . , With the aid of si en jumped out! ?,, ? 4, , I and drink as the car ir, leaving two , , , , . ! quickly enough accc ir and one who i kle from within :he girl into a sul- W st speed from the nalty of her dis- ra iierself to revive * ? ich stores of food \ carried, this was . mpiished. ?i?t(11ii71 iiif* |illr|M ! ! i?r viiloi. hr< ases?never again shall ? ' of yours drive me 10 gainst a man who lias lll, r> sl"i ' . , U. >ote I tno liarm, though enrolling pi m oi' him would have a "War l>is of a charge of man- allowed am y court -on grounds of student to ( I'nderstaml me?" "IP College. 11 through Henceforth v>av fr"'u : md you yours . ,??l1he \nti"] ii oraoiurKiiip 01 nom posuion. K. Shorthand and mix- ! those wl s. j ing the Ian Where the student that you ?vs rash for scholarship, ! full detii count" of $10.f"> will be After il Kailroatl fare of the ed and I 'olumhia will he paid by justed tl This is equal in every nial nsa in eeonntnienl standpoint experiem 11 plan offered atiove, and prolonue main in force to'- Mieh a business individual letters from 10 have used this plan durpast year is the best proof can use it too. Write for ils. the European war has < losmsiness conditions have ndliemselves and hoeontc norin. tliis entire country will e tlie greatest and most d period 01 prosperity and expansion and development occupied a corner of an aged man with the f^ soul, doomed for a litt upon this earth In the edge of his damnation. As this happened, leaped to her feet and body of Alan, a re vol either hand. "Halt!" she ordered the rear seat: , ice of a damned b ndy 00 1,,tle dl le time to live' Aia" sat ???. *rasp. in n tl ? w>1 nrtrl irntmv certain knowi- .. tion as lie devouret Judith Trine " canteen. stood over the 1 . ThP? ?>? ? > . . judged, a nnle dista poised in lhfi hiiisido. accordi imperatively.' f"","" ' 1 li'iii Pttn.luiH flu en fi. 1 sandwiches and ss was now, he nt. The light on No Doubt Which ng to the c.huuf- . E* i prospector who C?mp-fn o, .... ? i Came Fir6t in Hit teem. _ A? ln a -x Then?btf'ill;r.^' , } , , hl? attention to ...... .j... ........... u.-i limited time ? tight flsta with the College in a ontrol, and 11 a ing conditio the moonlight. Note hot!;'" cried wishes to ci < or longer) 3tfr xliv price of tl sufficient til complete 111 Glass. Darkly. alH| eat M- 't'icus return, i to put thf> the lovf iH. ltlie r?ign!?r s-s in tlu> opinion of the that it 1 natrontetu present exisi- history, lis may justify. protnotio IMim If the student ness. for a note, pavahi." a year have the from date, for the full prepared io scholarship. aliening than hav lie for the student to The far e course, accept a posl- ready re n the money with nhieh plans, if note helure it fa-Ilt -;ue. Uieu?. *?. ffttnilocue nrlco Is chare- erartlen' jus over known within ith and opportunities of rapid n and advancement in basi those young people win ne-essarv training and are will tie more plentiful e ever been the ease before, '-sighted young man is alnlizing this and is making bo lias not already made , *>ru r#? n Tiorniildl and tlllxllioo: tvninlriB ... ... - rianas up: The three who had a without a moment's h father's creatures, th daughter's temper far dream of opposing her In the six hands t houetted against the lie ance. three revolvers g at her command all hfi rmlneoUf tr\ tlm M?1. ?'*-* "" " is i i v as nothing, then, t indited obeved ... . , citation; her, ,hat quarter but sol ey know the ~w^re lhp llo^eni too well to "P. ^?rrop iat and wj.j j had instituted hot | hat -. ore Blh! , 01" 1 adlishts" radl-1 "orse", r" , , . liirtlierniost?perhap limmered; but . .- 1 * ^ . . half away?one wit throe dropped .. . ? i tho nearest, well v Ill f'UI I I I I > . I !! '!** ?? ' II, fit ill > 0 be feared from cheerfully, with* ely from the rear hands from long en. having flicked munion with the his companions, neath the ho* <1 mrsuit. and were may's well make 1 long, straggling christen this h> rrving double the Camp-l'or-the-Nieh s a mile and a fioin' no farth- hh a single rider Pulling this old * litliin three-nuar- desert sands !m? in ?ii: v? i oor,'i ? ' if tin-evident di mwit. -. hva<? rtM: him h< und 1nnmat?-'^n^ '.first difference < stubborn g?-ntui? argument no "i reckon jno name of qui > up vote liiitnis o ll)(. jx\o were at eh Httlubrioua spit tjon?Rose insh t. Yon won't he The last gu -not just 't present shrugged, returi vngon through them -I'm going b W vond.-h hfta >?R* e of his fiprses did r.ot P'l for oa?'lt > wftw \vt(])ORa|n<r their tew dollars of opinion. Tt v as not 'K fiioiiKli to deserve rh arm. \ut un doubted I v 1on?(,r Drauj: odds upon some fjues- under this stent. Alan reluctant. tftoir coursi vp way in the end. 'earn the in ?ed to the ear before they. aek tip the trail. " he terested in ... scholarship, which is a lie ready higher than the cash every bif >re '.10. 60. or i>o "ay will fell given. no difference in plentiful, inrged. Many p ud -.its Parent :hon's Cnlb-jje eae?; year place s<>; note plan, attd complete College, i i?. accept positions and ward to onev to pay their notes successfu fall due. If you are in- wish to t this plan, wr'tc for bio, shot nlfin l.lniil- : - - r?i* U3 ((> for the opportunities which ; banker and business man you are euro to be so s who are now planning t.'? n or (laughtnr in Huskies? or young men who look forprepariug themselves for 1 business careers, and economize as much as pordiId write for full informs ........ tv oo gj iu uic vaj in. Then, sharply, "Sta paces!" she required. They humored her ui Darting forward, she pocketed the three weap one of her own singled she named. "Now, Marrophat?an pick Mr. Law up and c the car. And treat him , . . . . ' ters of a mile, nd back two ?T ,, , Nobly mounted, tl lanlmously. "kc tbe? wlndLicked up and bar. ',b '''"7 "rl; ions, then with *aa tralncd to 8Uf' I out the men 1he,c" at boat ooalc ily In dust and sand. d you. Hicks-1 ?1b,bne the lc"s' " J any him Into """" a "TL.ter aentlv mind' "a6S before ,bc bor' naturally broke' t Ins last came on gine!" ng on the motor "What, precise! le; for his horse Alan Law inquire ti going, whereas ious prtoccuputioi I only labor heav- "Plumb bust' al feur explained tei ad won to a point "Nothing could a mile from the act and compreh seman got within Tom Barevs com . - <? announeea. ana he heart of that en- "Feeling the I ercise. no doubt ly, is the trouble?" j "Rose thinks d, rousing from mix- hero," Alan bog n. | the Interruption 1 to hell," the chauf-j "Miss Rose 1 aely. dlth?" Barons In be fairer, more ex- Judith nodded ensive than that," "So I'm golnn mented. htirrm frr?m tha nesitated oddly. | fuii'informn need of some little ex- I Hy Mali Barcus suBgeBted or young 1 It's dangerous to stop Draughon S an to explain, ignoring ! keeping and I Shorthand i s right-eh. Miss Ju- ^ Wfor iterpolated. pound.) wit I darkly. proved note ; to see If I can't fcuy j remain at hi iMitian, m? U h',ra H??II HM1 itlon. plans. ^ 1 Plan?Any you up man and !>ra? woman ran purchase a by Hank* chnlurship for tho Book- whore) a 1 Banking, or for the College < ind Typewriting course, tlonal tr this srholarship with cot- State) n basis of ten rentu per public, tl h cash, or with an ap- of study The student can then for seen; >n?c. and the College will being we iciuwiK one oi mo aoove Ioney saved is money made, lgtion training (endorsed ?rs and Business men everynd the Draughon Business the largest business educaaining institution in tho eed no introduction to tbe te superiority of the courses and the greater facilities ring positions for students II known. If one of you lifts a fi him. that one shall ansv Still none ventured t The two men designat sign of disinclination, st< One lifted Alan Law by the other took the legs, they bore him with evei the motor car. Hut now a second w i ??? * . what he esteemed t Inger to harm , . _ an J opened Are. .er to me. T, ? . 4. . ... ? ,iiHe fired thrice. Hii o dispute her. ., , , . , ed. without ? *'*">' J" "-cond by epped forward. ^ro"gh a t,re the shoulders: "lacl,,g ?up"" " " Iletween them ca"; .*?" "'third y care toward ?s hands flew u, ; from the saddle, dr ill manifested bo?y by A,an'8 on,y he proper range, Law nodded a respond to the o s first shot winged worried eyee rev ill-chance ripped the breakdown, of the car. thus "What's to be d additional handi- dered aloud, sought the zenith "Take it calm." i and he dropped advised. "Frettin illed through the nothin'. If It wa shot. day, make a fire, head too weary to Rose says he h? ther's humor. Hta how many?" iewed the scene of "Three will b? posed. "I mean one?" Mr. Law won- I'm stopping he: "But?" Alan the affable chauffeur she gave hin ' won't get you-all gesture, s me, I'd call It a "Please! It's get them cufchlons Law: I've n.a'le )'* WB|?WVUI 1/aV A iUCIV. T ^ i8 Bomr?doesn't know 1 Fc > enough." Judith Inter, don't get one for mo. T"7~ re." |f?? started to protent. I j pause with a weary I m I L no good arguing. Mr. I up my mind: I can be I >r Results?Try a Carolina S News Ad. pecial Itself. The man in the 1 up a weirdly sonorous v , "Stop!" he cried. "9 sense* Drop that ma command you?" "He silent!" the girl < "I command here?if It' tell you." There was a pause of Then the old man brok ear seat lifted ~ .u?.B-rauBe p.s, oice. , progress before the Itop this non-i 1,alf the remaining n! Judith, I pa88* iiy the ttnie it c nit in sharply. 1 wbi,ch provfd to bo s necessary to Vlt l \ rring aid" and shale and brok astonishment. 8U* wn8 nnt hun(1 e out in exas- 1 whl,G ,he ,ir,nK was , . . Hulls nil uuei was in out or tlie cyali, car had covered You can't do not distance to the anyway, and that fore sunup." ntered this last, "Where are you a narrow ravine niar.ded of crumbly earth "Walkin', friend en rock, the pur- "What for?" red yards behind, "To fetch helj well-nigh contin- yo've got some 1 and get some rest most helpful h hln' till 1 get back. Bide." she :iss? won't bo much be- Trine with a maddened him. i going?" Barcus do- no harm can cr well able to tal; I; just wnlkin'?" At this the breathed an unl >?leastways, ouless prayer of than tick eoinin' end 'ud he doubted net lere. by my father's ?rted, and nodded at significant emlle that I "Ho needs me?and J >me to me; I'm pretty e care of myself!" innocent bystander leard tint fer\ent little ksghing whose spirit was shared by Alan. IHKUUbH SLEEPING CA r<? Chi VIA rnthern R RDAALY co go ailway prrauon mat tnreatene fury: "Judith! What d< this? Has it indeed ecu my own daughter defi face?" "Apparently!" she si a short laugh. "Judge "Have you forgotten me?" "No. But I take It bi f fViof la mxr nrlvllDva a 10 wax into a you mean by ; Two hundred teei ne to this that !wo men were worki es me to mv haste al Pome n,>8' ; though none noticed tot back, with ?n,y the f^auffeu for yourself!" I woman runn'nB dov your vow to | an angle'< to lntercel ack and cancel T Kolinvo 1UIUU1 M*'i? ' ) * t above the trail ntt turned off ng with desperate with preparations erioua business? "It's simply th them. me belieive this r was aware of a jng more nor less .n the hillside at out nightmare," L it the car several sively. ?? nut Mr. iJtw v lng: he had turne thon ato t?#l 11\ ctr Ktf IjiTiuauuni? ror It stuck I and busied himself one thpt tluir against his journey. < u hose shack h ings like this make Tlarcus after the isn't, after all, noth- and prior to tin i than a lon*-drawn- which had affor iarcus observed pen- t tnunlty from pi ! in the hearing ras no more attend- his string of 1 d away and was Just three. krxn-A m In the memory of Rarfriend the prospector QUCLT ad sheltered Rose nnd >ir transit of *he desert ! man-made avalanche. t ded this temporary im- Lv. C irsult) had mentioned Lv. S of Rose the fact that Lv. B lurros was limited to Lv. O Lv. S PREMIER CARRIER OF T1 i & Crescent Route. SCEDULE: WESTBOUND. harleston ummerville ranchville rangeburg t. Matthews HE SOI TH. Big Four Koute. 8:00 A.M. 8:43 A.M. 10:20 A.M. 10:55 A.M. 1 1 .OA A U v. viiut in 111/ |/iif Silence!" she stormed to gainsay her. "Sil hear??or It will be you!" As well command tl its vo!ce: her father raf man that he was. for 1 divested of his habitual heartlessness. AnH spplnc thnt (hprr as hestrove > the motor car ai to M,Bs Judl,h T &*'& lhfe chauffeur a e: ^Dle^overy of luuiuii^uvoiu ui | i inn, i urn, ui id civilly explaining of the lovers' 'rlne the purpose of since that Judltl rpeditlon reluctance to c this circumstance convict himself vrinkle between the Ingratitude, re i Into the humor of service his ere , done him. ised himself, was a " only Judltl ate the Comic Muse 10 her 1 ,1 He set liimsf uni nave ui'en tne I1UD j p quarrel: Homo's insist- / * i be left behind, Alan's ^r* ~ onsent to this lest he Af. C of the charge of rank membering the greab L?V. Ci itwhlle antagonist had Lv. C Ar. C t might not find cause y mind! ? " p ?lf Mdnlrtnalv /? ^ olumbia. incinnati* hicago EASTBOUND. hicago incinnati olumbia t. Matthews rangeburg ? A A .Ml i~I. 1U. 12:55 P.M. 10:55 A.M.. 9:00 P. M. 8:55 A. M. 6:35 P. M. 4:45 P.M. 6:05 P.M. * ... P M I - way of quieting him, t to the third man. "Now Jimmy!" she "Into that cor?and be ?and gag him!" "If you do," her fath? have your life?" A flourish of her w Instant obedience. She stepped up on the u uui ail mill mr pr** inrts: the motor car Jndlth with die allow of those awful ''?nal powers? ror all the world like ,v received, with fright at finding Gossiping when 8t of a herd of ele- hor slater's sld r, that aged innnoma- ensuing Trine, author of alf *?ore portentoi ilaadventures, gnash- "ralnt Impose mpotent rago to find both parties th In vt anna It Inn tn nnil He believed. ? - "" . A IJ ma^ie of his conversa- j ** ^ an offering indifferent- ^ Ho was still blithely ^r\ ^ i Judith flung away to Kx< e- for S* quarrel seemed hut tho Seattl is in view of tho re- North tl U|K>n themselves by pOJ eroto' ' Or* th however, tlint n rrlsis I ' I .i tranchville ummerville ho'eston ( 'k'l.t connections at Chicago in Francisco, Los Angeles, Oma le, Milwaukee, St. Paul and ot iwest. passenger fares, schedules, 1 iern Railway Ticket Agent. 7:15 P.M. : 8:48 P.M. 9:10 P. M. with through trains ha, Denver, Portland, her points West and tickets, etc., call on and shot a quick, set at the face of the chau "Straight ahead, my r "Make for the nearest those hills yonder, ar unless you are anxious you go!" i - for trouble. Off ^ ^ "Straight Ahead, M; S. ' helpless to Injur* life he lusted w ^er ^e friec / Manl" She Said. Inable. precisely s the man for whose impended whei 1th an insatiate pas < ',p"s sounded < standing outside the nnrt ?t this he mversatlon with Mr. w'nds and ran J Judith?talking to j u|>held idliest fashion I mag- >manner of hui if she had not ^ ^ n the tinkle of mule- j lown the canyon road; threw discretion to tho townrd the two with | W. E. in mock horror and u ^ norous protest. k e Continued.) LaBMaaiMi w. Division F McGEE, Assistant General Passenger Ag Columbia, S. C. H. CAFFEY, 'assenger Agtrnt, Charleston, S. C. ent, * ? i V* < * . ^ V f f / V