The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, January 12, 1915, Page 2, Image 3

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2 iWMaBHrXKHH I XU^T EranaBBanaaaBBHUMMa A> U^. I hundred yards fro I a6S^ < #ii As it drow near . AST1SR NKW8, ,f ANITA! n? the mouth of the fa,Ien llt,le bh i ueuth, not 011 i.~ ? ? . . thnoH; Judith tile 8Dot where nlm . ' w rr 12,1915. ort of coniimaslng hit *%, n ce, but hair a dozoc Kltf k||( heruHf poit>ed on tin ' 5 Uw iiness College of Colui mbia I A 11C & I A Novelized Version I AatS?r uf"Tkt f I Dbatrst* icy v iici of tho Motioik Picturo Drama of th< tducod by tho Universal Film Co. By LOUIS JOSEPH VANCE ?rt?M Hmnttr." "Tha fti Bo*.""Tha BUck Ba 1 with Photograph* fnm th* Pictara Prihttiia 1 I paused, waving bo I the head of the pi > Sfm? Nuns I into tbb mouth of 1 At the same tin ticed that the two were following tl "* I throwing theiuseb I with gigantic leupi I And then a grea I peaceful hush of r ?, i.... i .. < runnlng-bouru th hands frantically, . . ' her victim wi Lirsuing party swept . . ,. * * ' even more thai the ravine. . . . . _ shjp; and at soi le the chauffeur no- .. men on the hillside ,/a" " le woman pellmell. 2 * re. down the slope 'r,M" s and bounds. """" ,""d ,Pr t explosion rent the j """J light?that till then ",p' y "IK"" and smiling down at _ ill a warmth patently |kj 1 thi' warmth of friend I? uie little distance. Rose, zee and Judith's sister ; rt out with jealousy ol I _ . ; intimacy between hei lover! s, my friend!" llarcui rophized the unwitting lakes Special Annouiu it and Best Know J in State, Makes CC j._ v r? :ement to Patrons n Institution of Most Liberal I _ f S AS ^ o Behind them other llg two staring yellow eyes up over the horizon, see a time in search of tl leaped out directly towa Of this they were altt tit*. .... ,1 ...1. ? OPTTicbt, U14, tux LonU JoMph VlBN The car began to nv hts appeared, the three men in the d ! that peered bow, jumped into the med to pause and slammed the door he two, then They made no effor rd them. cause and secure pass jgethor ignor- as the edge of the d? ? nau Deen profane cracks of the revo ^ As the roar of the entire aide of ove. She swept 8ii<j ponderously esert a mocking ravine with debri body of the car uoiuc thirty or for lenders of the pun t to plead their rescue, age even as far Only a Instant >gert: doubtless ? > ?? d by the pattering ?-uw. Iver fusillade. ; He interrupt* dynamite subnided 'n^'^ end wit! the hill Bhiftel and "l knew !t- No down, choking the For Hose had s to the depth of ,n the affair, a ty feet, burying the prefacing her < *uit beyond iio|)e of T? her Mr. with such ulx later the motor cur watched might V/ d himself to nod know k profound conviction: w It begins again!" keepl abruptly taken a hand ,ilut>H- t,ie gesture of exasperation K l>rac* all: "Alan!" ; Columbia, J Law turned instantly. (>f big l)ru tcrity that none who throughout doubt which of the two em Statea.) iter iu 1 oung reop Lug with the spirit of teach hi management of Drang- months ical Business of student 5. C.. (one of the chain said stu< ughon Colleges located ters the the Southern and West- and com l annoumes four ?4t ly under leror i9io m by mail for 3, 4, or b or longer (as long as the desires,) after which the tlent goes to Columbia, ondepurtinents of the college pletes the course thorough the direct supervision and "in, twin wnen u aeep. t disturbed tho desert sib purring of some gigantic cribed it to the drumn laboring pulses. The two lights were 11 hind them when, silent' sign to warn the girl, j her, took a step apart us if shot. Instant!v xli? wns km ironing sound they know too well the Mice, like the she thought, as she s< cat, both as- peat, chuckling with ilng of their i those three masks of gated. iot a mile be- It was not until fiv< ly, without a when she straightened Man released Alan comfortable tht and dropped what had made there abide by her will txilintr hv Kio nM.,*.. - - ' 1 * * ? futility of that, peit- together to t ;?ttled back iu a Harcus were stand the memory of ami jabbering joyl' dismay unmitl- with more or less tions of the nianne ? minutes later, come to seek elicit up from making tln? prospector's \t she realized b> the noise of t\r i so content to Alan in the car glasses, had with t 1*1 .Willi |JU1U?(1 Ilim- " vnnrii i.iiih- n lnd that Iiose and Nor was this ing beside the door standing of .In ul greetings, mixed rowly though incoherent explana- s:,n hands* r in whicli they had ously. tr for*the night in Arid her fat shack and. roused recognize thes iag and recognizing and to seek tr l>y the aid of spy- them, he nrosneetor's aid 'lis head era rm in ins esteem. money savii wasted upon the under- young men .lull. Eyeing her nar- ||iMp lo l>Mt( furtively. Mr. Barcus Whil(, oine fare darken oniin- ,U,RS .o11ck? aeeept eotto her wks as quick tc in pavniei e portents of trouble Praughon > advantage himself ot continuing cotton plan .1 hi. . 1.1, that notes, neil out lull rill! V en lit* UK plans for 1!?!4, to ' guidance and young vonmn plan- I'ltder tl L*r College in .Innuury. jure gooc ? majority >f small ' usi- , MAIL ai s are no longer n!n? to studying n at ten eon's per ml ? ' it for t uitlon t if I.ik ( ColU'Ri' of Columbia Is | eumplete to ofl'cr this ''ii rents s?'ln?larj'l , and also annotitu hiK | < liargo v payable one y?ar tor land test i of experienced instruct *8. Iiis plan, the Scholarships 1 for instruction both BY ml at COLhlXlK, and after by mail as long as desired ent enters the institution to the work on tin- same tip, without any additional hut ever. Full information imouial letters fr?nn tluion side. Rut In the act of him she drew back and several moments motioi ;:t those twin glaring ej down upon them with i Kttainable by a six-cylind egoiiating a trackless i When Judith did move comfort Alan. On the first act was to draw fro , 1 I.VII MIV lieUI'tl >"* beading over together iu a long, sliri remained for quickly answered hy fa iless, staring a distant quarter of t res, sweeping by pistols popping an all the speed two miles away, then er touring car rumble of galloping h lesert. The night glasses in It was not to her flashes of a body c contrary, her men?some six or sevt m her pocket 1.1 * ' ir voices imeci iijt upon this sch< 11 howl tliut vas landslide in "bet w. ilnter yells from Its devoted quarry, he desert, then r d flushing some i by a growing oofs. the car afforded >f severul liorse?n. Bhe judged? ti?2S%Ml iMnc of shootiui; a lonjj, wasted 1 i'U tin* pu mil aud slhtlnrt v'llspo I'ai'p in the mot ??????j \vjth tint retle which 8H10IU1 ltnperial raise . . 7" longer) froi neck us he pitched * in payment r for her ears. and Ms this tompor >nlight seemed to glow depression ction of that intcrno institution i red in his evil ?8 V' "* liueral tern referenc t( s silenced, the other tnition pUyn in u twinkling. His Following 1 on him in a flash of of enrollmei i I 'lit t *??? :n date, will i?o accepted iwho havt fur scholarships. wlrle j lie mailo cry period of uusiness them, continues. In fact, this The al is extending ? its pat- | < dally aj hoiit the State the Most and you is and condiiiotis with State du i manner of making cause mi ncnts. a $50 sc ; are the four (4) plans . cotton ( lit offered: feel able f'Allnll 1,111 I ??>.._ .. ~. actually used this plan wll! <1 upon request. Write for ?ove plan (No. 11 will espetpcal to many young men UK wonion throughout the irittg the romlng year, beany can afford to purchase holarshlp, for rash or with at ten rents.) but do not or willing, under the rondi a heavy, blunt-nosed revc at the breech and bio clear of dust. Her har to the holster on Alan'i this she extracted his Co ing It as she had the oth crouched low above the n as if thinking perhaps to from the occupants of the If that were her though ...aAM.K ?1 ?.?!' ?l?eea 1 >lver. break it where Marroi>hat. Hl< w its barrel waited beside a beat id went next had built and lighted, s hip. Prom jjaif a dozen seute It's .45, treat- wjtb the chauffeur at er. Then she these were horsemen lan she loved. Mesa who hud clia; escape notice wjth the duty of avei i motorcar. 0f Hopi Jim Slade. t. it was bred ^ eardonie rhnpUl iowara me spot cks and Jimmy r^j|y||n|H :on which they noes exchanged ' Jvieed her that from the town rged themselves jM lging the death \ a fpnm wltKIn t snatches of the worn- accepted (s ! ment for sc ie heard her say. "Be J), r I>r01!,1!Ul _ . One 500-poi ear? Don t ever speak ; ,50 com?,e ess you want me to re- Bookkeopini I say. dont speuk to ment of I)r am finished with you i complete sc! ill time; never again ..hand and ' ?rt my nature to your Two such b; ses?never again shall [\ [ ombine WVIV/II *? ill W3 I I IV/lin IIUl trict middling) In pay- monthly holarships and ton rents ' which al will lie allowed for it. j makes ni und bale will pay for a j not to n te scholarship in the j mail, the x and Hanking depart- j expenses 'aughon's College or a . taking tl holarship in the Short- studeut i rypewriling department, lege, con :tios will he accepted for in six to d Scholarship of both t position. n i-AiniiuK. 10 unueriBKe me board nnd living expenses tending a college rertalnlv scessnry. While progress Is ipid in taking lessons by ' saving in board nnd living means a great deal. After lie Homo Study lessons, a ihould be able to go to Coluplete the work thoroughly eight weeks nnd neeept ft Individual letters from ui an mie nope. Alan h fall in the middle of a v arid that not even sagebi tured to take root there glare of the headlights ft it was inevitable that dis follow. The motor car si twenty feet. Three mer and ran toward the pair in the car?the chauffeur nornnied a xnrnnr xt 11. ad chosen to xrlne's gag goaded th< dde space so jen jury. rush had ven- Exacting his utmost s. When the chauffeur, under peiu ill upon them pleasure, she set he covery should ^lan. opped within With the aid of sue i jumped out and drink as the car c , leaving two QUickly enough accom and one who | strangling with n 3 girl into a buI- ^ lity of her disrsolf to revive 1 *pT" ? ;?>. h stores of food \ -p arried. tliis was of UtiMffHh irieKTjtMM m si-lf-defense! Her voic<? bro , , . HOOKKeeping of yours drive mo to lHnrv S(U(?C jainst n man who has .j \0t?? I' t ho 1 oil at harm, though enrolling pa n oi him would have a "War I>is< of a charge of man- allowed an< court?on grounds of student to < . Understand me!" ( ... , wav, from a , through Henceforth fo (]w rn{Un nd you yours . . . wm onjy rc1 ke. She clenched her limited time t. snormand ana nux- | those wii 8. I i 11K the 'lan?Where the student that you vs cash for schularahip, I full dotal ount" of $ will he! After i 1 Railroad faro of the ed anil h 'olumhia will ho paid by justed tl This is equal tn every inal aftai u economical standpoint experiene l plan offered above, and proloiiKei nain in force for sipdi a business as in the opinion of the that it h io have UBed this plan durpast year is the host proof can use it too. Write for llf?. the European war has < losusiness conditions have adicniselves and become norn, tills entire country will e the greatest and most 1 period of prosperity and expansion and development ins ever known wtnii.i ? ?? an aged man with thefac soul, doomed for a little upon this earth in the ci edge of his damnation. As this happened. J leaped to her feet and st body of Alan, a revolvi either hand. "Halt!" she ordered "Hands up!" . of rlnmnaa I ! brand-V 100 ,,ttle dil? e or a damned . , time to live! *,aV!? Upertain knowl-] a*"*' """ " i tlon as he devoured tudith Trifle , emptied a canteen, nod over the 1 , 7he? '''ountnln pnsr er poised in n"^ ? ?n.'" ' the hillside, aecordinj .. , i four, was that of a imperatively. , , . .. j had camped there tejn sandwiches and * \ i was now, he The light on No Doubt Which ; to the clinuC- . Est prospector who Campfor porarily. There "Well, gents!" r 1IIT C > TWO . A I i !,, ! f;^,-,. ; ,, Came First in Hit #.??? As ,n a ,. ', ,. Thcr-Tbt'ill;. t . ' hla attention to b? fir-vn oh-r >' ,f thft tivMpnr( * ip lit lists witii tho Col),-ire inai ontrol, and lifted a ing conditio the moonlight. 3. Vote * . ? * ? n icliiio ( a rr i t UUIII. bill? VtlVU. ' lor longer) 'TER XLIV. PrHi?, "I ,,h sutlicient tin complete tin Glass. Darkly. tfon anf| oar Mr Marcus return. J to pay th" 1 the lovore. [the regwiar'i p nf hlc ooronu *11 #1 Of! f^T* #*Zldl lapement present, exist- history, 11s may justify. protnotio IMun If the ?tudenf tiess, for i O l\ 'loto, pHVJlblv* *1 vp^r I ht* from date, for the full prepared, e scholarship, allowing than liavi ue for the student to The far e course. accept a posi- ready re; n the money with which plans, if iioU: Uttli-TC it fails vue~, Lhultt.. iftthloRiie price Is rhnrp- pracftca' Kchnlsirshin wltieli l? *? he rnnitv : tkI opportunities of rapid n and advancement in busitliose young people win upi'puKM rv t. m h?!ncr ;??(] nrc , will be more plentiful p ever been the rase before, -sirbted young man is alulizing this and is making bo has not already made ^ Mfttlre n .~Vnro|iMi and business training so as to r..f tl.n The three who had nli without a moment's he! father's creatures, the> daughters temper far dream of opposing her w In t lie six hands thi houetted against the Ilea ance. three revolvers glii at her command all tli harmlessly to the earth. Shied obeyed 'i "OU"lg ? sltation; heri hu.rler but aolel . .. ; ?where the horsemen T knew the : ,, . . . , "P Marrophat and h too well to; , , ...' , . jjj had instituted hot pu ? . I now strung out in a I line, three horses carr ' ac * i furthermost?perhaps mmered; oul ; |]a,f t iree dropped " ... I the nearest, well wit ' tPra nf o m<lo be reared from Cheerfully, withdr y from the rear hands from long i. having picked niunion with the s ils companions, math the hoed rsuit. and were may's well make long, straggling christen this hye ving double the OaniiM'or-the-Night. a mile and a goin* no furth> h?i a single rider Pulling this old wi thin three-quar- desert sands back ;iv. iri head j mislead him h? and inHlhate* cfr?*- first (tlfforpurp r tubborn genius fl.- n argument an "1 reckon you-all t^e name of tos up yore minus to ;)ie xv.o were at h salubrious spot tjon?Rose insis You won't be The last gu\ not Just 't present, shrugged, returi tgou through them "I'm going bt yondeh has just announced, and wftp their dollars >f opinion. Tt wnn not l,r:< *' ^ he ite -..o.iKh to deserve ?* rh trroi. t>ut undoubted^' iontor pr;i-j~ odds upon some ques- under this i tent. Alan reluctant. their conrs< e wnv in the end, earn the tin ted to the car : before theyick up the trail.'* he] Crested in hesitated oddly. higher than the cash every big re 30, 60, or ;> > flay will fell given, no ilinVPvticu In plentiful, urged. Many s'.udents Parent lion's College each year place aos ;iotn plan, and complete College, < ?, accept positions r.tul ward to tney to pay their notes successfti fall due. If you are in- wish to e this plan, wr'tc for ble, shon plan blank, which gives lion con< .<' in< UIH"U iuiiuh'S wriica : banker nnil business man you are sure to be so s who are now planning to i or daughter in ISualnos? ir young men who look forpreparing themselves for 1 business careers, and 'conoinize as much as pov,iild write for full informa erning one of the aoove Then, sharply, "Staiu paces!" she required. They humored her una Darting forward, she p] pocketed the three weapo one of her own singled she named. "Now, Marrophat?and pick Mr. Law up and ca the car. And treat him { f# /VMM M# MM.. 1IJA. ? n _ i back t*o Nobly mounted, thii nimously. 'ike tk? wlnd...? car wtth every stride icked up and . . . / was trained to such ns, then with .. . . . ?.? ,?*?., the car at be8t could < out the men ?y )n dug( gnd >an(j you. Hicks? ,??nc ,he ,e"8' " >'a<l rry him Into wl,hi" * ,u" n " lently. mind! bke(ore.the h?r8e ? e_ what he esteemed th< umuamij uiukc iu u last came on sine!" ; on the motor "What, precisely ; for his horse Alan Law inquired, going, whereas lous preoccupation, snly labor heav- "Plumb bust' all feur explained ters I won to a point "Nothing could t mile from the act and comprehe man got within Tom Barevs comrr f uroDer ranee. Law nod<UH > t e iil'kil oi msu en- "Feeling the I errise, no doubt, , in the trouble?" | "Rose thinks rousing from anx-, here," Alan begt the Interruption, to hell," the chauf-, "Miss Rose 1i ely. dlth?" Barcus In >e fairer, more ex-! Judith nodded naive than that," "So I'm going tented. I burros from the iAflf) tftA -mrmm ev leed of some little ex- j# k> Mai Ban us suggested. or young a it's dangerous to stop iDraughon S< in to explain, ignoring ! keeping and ; Shorthand a , right-eh. Miss J* ton ^onT ' terpolated. : pound,) wit darkly. proved note, to see if I can't buy remain at he prospector back thera. ' nun. pians. x I Plan-?Any young man and Drai voman can purchase a by Hanke -holarship for tho Pook- where) a Banking, or for the College ( ind Typewriting course, tlonal tr this scholarship with cot- State) n< basis of ten centu per public, tti h cash, or with an ap- of study The student can then for secvj ine. and the College will being we loney saved is money made, igtinn training (endorsed >rs and Business men evorynd the Draughon Business the largest business educaaintng Institution in tho eed no introduction to the le superiority of the courses and the greater facilities ring positions for students 11 known. ii one 01 juu lino a an him, that one shall answe Still none ventured to The two men designate! sign of disinclination, stej One lifted Alan Law by ti the other took the legs. B they bore him with every the motor car. But now a second wil itself The man in the re an J opened Are. _ He fired thrice. His 1 j , . wide, his second by il a, without a . . .ped forward. a reaT t,re 0 le shoulders; Pacing upon it an a, etween them cap' ,wblle bl?thlrd 8r care toward as blS hands flew up from the saddle, drill 1 manifested body by Alan'8 on,y sl ar ?pnt lifted A long-range pisto respond to the otl Irst Bhot winged worried eyes revit ll-chance ripped the breakdown, f the car, thus "What's to be do ddltional handi- dered aloud. iught the zenith "Take it calm," tl and he dropped advised. "Frettln' cd through the nothin'. If It was hot. day, make a fire, 1 duel was in out of the cyah. a -?- / '? | ivose says ne na jar's humor. His how many?" jwed the scene of "Three will he posed. "I mean, ne?" Mr. Law won- I'm stopping her "But?" Alan ie affable chauffeur She gave him won't get you-all gesture, me, I'd call It a "Please! It's get them cushions Law: I've made ind get some rest, most hpinfni v> a some?doesn't know iFc enough." Judith Inter- ^ , don't get one for me. [ ? '* " ii?? started to protest. i pause with a weary j f no good nrgutng. Mr. i up my mind; I can be nrn Kv m t? fo V* /-? *'? >r Results?Try a Carolina S TUDftfifU ci ccDiur ri News Ad. pecial d ninv up a weirdly sonorous vo i "Stop!" lie cried. "St< sense! Drop that man command you?" "Re silent!" tho girl on "I command here?If It's tell you." There was a pause of c Then the old man broke peratlon that threatened j | progress before the c W this non- ' half ,he remaining t ! Judith, I ; I By the time it rn it in sharply.! wbi,ch ,,rovfd to bo n necessary to witb *id" o( and shale and broker istonishment. 8U" WH? n?,a hundr<? out in exas- 1 whl,e the flr,nS waa 1 to wax into m,"s _ ar had covered You can't do uoth listance to the anyway, and that fore sunup." tered this last, "Where are you i narrow ravine manded. ' crumbly earth "Welkin*, friend; i rock, the pur- "What for?" d yards behind, "To fetch help.vell-nigh contin- yo've got some ki ruther stop hyeh p In' till I get back. Bide," she asse won't bo much be- Trine with a i maddened him. going?" RarcuB de- no harm can co well able to taUi just walkir'?" At this the breathed an unh ?leastways, onless jirayer of than] ck cornin' and 'ud he doubted net ermanent*?" For it stuck i vi v, u.* iii.? iaiuci o rted, and nodded at significant smile that ^ I "He needs me?and J me to me: I'm pretty e care of myself!" Innocent bystander icard Imt fervent little {sglvlng. whose spirit was shared by Alan, n tho memory of Par UlllVUUll JLLU U1U tA lo Chi rnthern R PREMIER CARRIER OE T1 I\ UMLI t'llgO ailway uv? wnrni fury: "Judith! What do this? Has It indeed com' my own daughter deflei face?" "Apparently!" she she a short laugh. "Judge f "Have you forgotten me?" "No. But I take It bat it: that is my privilege, 1 you mean by 1 wo nunareo ie^i p to this that ; ,Wo n,en were workinj 3 me to my ',asto at some mystei i though none noticed t ?t back, with ' Only the chauffeur or yourself!" w?man running down your vow to an an8le, to intercept :k and cancel f believe. . . . uDove me iruii He turned off u ? with desperate with preparations i lous business? "It's simply thin hem. me belieive this is was aware of a ing more nor less i the hillside at out nightmare," Ba the car several 8iVely. But Mr. Uw wt lng: he had turned then standing by tl .mi busied himself run thet their igainst his journey. < w hose shack h igs like this make Ilarcus after the n't, after all, noth- end prior to the1 than, a long-drawn- which had affon ircua observed pen- ununlty from pi l In the hearing ie no more attend- ids string of t away and waa Just three, he running-,board of , This, then, nv friend. the prospector Queen iid sheltered Rose and ir transit of the desert I man-made avalanche. ! ied this temporary lm- I Lv. C irsutt) had mentioned Lv. Si of Rose the fact that j Lv. B rnrros was limited to Lv. Ol I Lv. Si u?t have been the nub | t ?? f & Crescent Route. SCEDULE: WESTBOUND. harleston Limmerville ranchville rangeburg t. Matthews vl o V ? U/\ 11. Big Four Route. 8:00 A.M. 8:43 A. M. 10:20 A.M. 10:55 A.M. 11:24 A. M. Silence! she stormed i to gainsay her. "Sile hear??or It will be tt you!" As well command the Its voice: her father rage man that he was, for th divested of his habitual t heartlessness. And seeing that there ^3 hestrove tne motor car ant 1 civilly explaining or the lovers' < Ine the purpose of nnce that Juditl ^edition. reluctance to c this circumstance convict himself rinkle between the Ingratitude, rei Into the humor of service his ere |done him, ?ed himself, was a i " on'-v Juditl te the Comic Muse to ?hange her r out in turn the sev. i lilmse T., JUL !ii 4? _ quarrel: Rose's Insist- ' Air" P i be left behind, Alan's j ^ ^ onsent to this lest he of the charge of rank membering the great/ LiV. CI twhile antagonist had Lv. C Ar. G ? might not find cause Ar S nind! A * q If sedulously to illvert ^ uiuuiuia. incinnatf hicago EASTBOUND. hicago, incinnati [)lumbia t. Matthews rangeburg iz :?>?> if, jja. 10:55 A.M.. 0:00 P.M. 8:55 A.M. 6:35 P.M. 4:45 P.M. 6:05 P.M. 6:35 P.M. >7 .1 T? way or quieting mm, in to the third man. "Now Jimmy!" she "Into that car?and be q ?and gag him!" "If you do," her father have your life?" A flourish of her we instant obedience. She stepped up on the i b giri turnea said crisply. uick about it Q^^^pS3M||BBra foamed, "I'll apons gained running board " -' '? -' H oral component pi j?p derelict in the hoi swa and stlont hills?ft P?*i a mouse petrified v tffr' itself in the mlds 3e phants; in the car, fill' their woes and ml Kt|j ing his teeth in in W't\ himself in close j J i ?- -?_?? ?- - irts: the motor car '"""u wim me How of those awful ,i(>nal powers? >r all the world like ,y received, 'ith fright at finding gossiping when t of a herd of ele- hor sister's s!<l< that aged monoma- The ensuing < Trine, author of aif;,nor<* Portentoi sadvcntures, gnash- f,raint impose* ipotent rago to find koth partie s th uxtaposition to and believed, * * ? m non/ln/l magic or nis con versa- " X an offering indifferent- -^r. He was still blithely Judith flung away to Ext 9- for Sa quarrel seemed but tho Seattl is in view of the re- North 1 ui?on themselves by por ereto. however, thnt a crisis 'AMilVIIVIIIV ummerville 'ho leston ;ellei.t connections at Chicago m Francisco, Los Angeles, Omal le, Milwaukee, St. Paul and ot! iwest. passenger fares, schedules, 1 ern Railway Ticket Agent. \XT i ;in r. m. : 8:48 P.M. 9:40 P. M. with through traii.s ha, Denver, Portland, her points West and tickets, etc., call on U r A T?PI?V nuu omit n i|uimv, ncui at the face of the chaufl "Straight ahead, my mi "Make for the nearest those hills yonder, and unless you are anxious fc you gof" r trouble. Off "SMght Ahead, My V nrffiP:? iffFinT *-' << * '?uii?iubb 10 injure life ho luatod wit aF' *n P?^te coc &,'sjptygjfof Trine's mutinous her in the friend Man!" She Said. Inable, precisely me man lor wnose nuoi h an insatiate pas-' bells sounded ?i tending outside the nn^ at this he iversation with Mr. wtnds and ran Judith?talking to;han<la upheld I llieat fashion tmag 1 manner of hur m If she had not (To I tun II II KM' OI III UK'- I lown the canyon road; , threw discretion to tho toward tho two with | W. E. in mock horror and u Jnorou8 protest. \ e Continued.) IT ? Division F McGEE, Assistant General Passenger Ag Columbia, S. C. ii. t/nr I'uit 'aasenger Agfcnt, I Charleston, S. C. ent, * vs.* V* ' '* I ' U: * ? . * , / I A