The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, January 12, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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2 I TL _ "T * /\? 11 _ I hundred yards fr< .mas. Au it <! ?... ?ASTER NEWS, JANUAF ?m the mouth of the Uttl? Bh death, not oni . times; Judith rr 12,1915. ort of compassing hit *?, ?v CO, but hair a dozoc Km K11C herself noised on th? UMO iness College of Colun ibia I ine i 1 A Novelized Version I AMmrmfTtmi I IIL.I.A rey vj ne; i of the Motio* Pictura Drama of th oducod by tho Uaivmal Film Co. . /*. .* By LOUIS JOSEPH VANCE fete* Hw+r.~~Thm fti Bcmi,""TU BUck B Pbtan m 1 " ____ ?v uiun UCU1 | |S I paused, waving be (he hea(j Cf tjle j. Nam* I luto thb mouth of At the same tit ticed that the twe were following t " throwing themsel with gigantic leai I And then a grei I peaceful hush of """ running-board hands franucatly, hpr niraulng party .wept mo the ravine. , * _ Bhip; and at hoi ue the chauffeur no- m? . . men on the hllletde ''*" " "" he woman pelmell, hir hea' ' i. this newsprunf ves down the slope uio. ? , . . a , . sister and her >s and bounds. . . , ?t explosion rent the j I ad buslnes niaht?that till then menta"y apost and smiling down al __ ill a warmth patently JLA i the warmth of friend I?J lie little distance, Itoso, :ee and Judith's sister | rt out with jealousy oi I C intimacy between hei lover! If |,l. s, iny friend!" Barcua ^WIllC rophlzed the unwlttlnf / %, lakes Special Announc t and Best Knowi 1 in State, Makes 1 rr xr ? 1 ement to Patrons i Institution of Most Liberal 11 ? c Behind them other Iff two staring yellow eye up over the horizon, sec a time In search of t leaped out directly tows Of this they were alt tonjiictat, IM4. tir Lmte JoM?k Tun The car began to n fhts appeared, the three men in the 8 that peered bow, jumped into the mied to pause and slammed the doc he two, then They made no effo ird them. cause and secure pas oaether icnor- n<a Mm cro nf thn t | had been profan* cracks of the revt As the roar of the entire side of love. She swept Bij(j ponderously desert a mocking ravine with debr i body of the car Bomc thirty or foi t. lenders of the pui rt to plead their rescue, sage even as far Only a instant 3d by the pattering lan Law< >lver fusillade. He interrupt? dynamite subsided end witl the hill shifted and * "l knew u- No down, choking the for Rose had Ib to the depth of 1 ,n the affair. a rty feet, burying the prefacing her c suit beyond hope of To ber Mr. ^ with such ula later the motor car ' watched might U] d himself to nod know ( k profound conviction: w It begins again!" keep! abruptly taken a hand tlm?8? the gesture of exasperation 'lon 8 l>rnctl all: "Alan!" Columbia, S Law turned Instantly, of big Drai icrlty that none who throughout doubt which of the two , ern States.) rrer to i oung reopl ng with the sp'-it of teach hln management of Drang- months c icnl Business College of student d . C., (one of the chain said stud ighon Colleges located te:*s the i the Southern and West- and comt announces lour ? 4 ? : ?y under etor 1915 * l by mall for 3, 4, or 6 >r longer (as long as the lesires,) after whlcii ihe ent goes to Columbia, endepurtinentR of the college iletes the course thoroughthe direct HimorviHinn nnH ant; and when a deep, i disturbed the desert sil purring of somo glganth cribt J it to the drumi laboring pulses. The two lights wero 1 hind them when, silent sign to warn the girl, lier, took a step apart as If shot. droning sound they knew too well th ence. like the she thought, as she t c cat, both as- seat, chuckling with ning of their those three masks o gated. aot a mile be- It was not until fh ly, without a when she straichtenet Alan released Alan comfortable tl and dropped what had made thei abide by her will. u?/..uiivoq jolted to a halt a ie futility of that, BOif together to settled back in a mircus were statu the memory of onti jabbering joy f dismay unmitl- with more or less tions of the innnnt i'e minutes later, come to seek eliel 1 up from making the prospector's tat she realized the noise of lit in so content to Alan in the car nd Alan pulled him- women came fi find that Hose and Nor was this iing beside the door standing of Ju tul greetings, mixed rowly though incoherent explana- savv her hand si ?r in which they had ously. Iter for-the night in And l??>r fat shack and, roused recognize thes :iug and recognizing and to seek tr by the aid of spy- them. * * *- - -? I llln rat in his esteem. ; money Havii wasted upon the under- young men dith. Eyeing her nar- n,nR to entc furtively. Mr. Barcus while the Dine fare darken omin- m.KS college aceept eottoi her was as quick to in pay men t? portents of trouble ltrnughon 1 > advantage himself ol continuing cotton plan, ^ , ,, , , that notes iK plans for 1914, to guidance and young worn on plan- Under th t College in .1 lnunry. are good majority tf uiiieM Mud- MAIL an s are no longer atne to studying i at ten cents per pound , , d t for iuitton the lug College of Columbia is eompletc to offer ihi3 i"n cents scholarshl i and also announcing charge \v nnn voor i nr I ."tttl loct n of experienced instruct-' *s. is plan, the Scholarships for instruction both BY il at (!OL!jK(1IC, and after by mail as long as desired nt enters the Institution to the work on the same ip, without any additional hatevor. Full information tmnlul 1 < -? .? Instantly she. was kn side. Hut in the act of him she drew back and several moments niotio at those twin glaring e down upon them with tettainable by a six-cylind egotiating a trackless When Judith did mov< comfort Alan. On the fl f not ti>n (i ft <)? ? ... eeling by his Then she heard tIi bending over together iu a long, sin remained for quickly answered hy 1 nless, staring a distant quarter of yes, sweeping by pistols popping ai all the speed tWo nilles away, the ler touring car rumble of galloping 1 desert. The night glasses Ii ) it was not to her flashes of a body contrary, her men?some six or set leir voices litted |tjt upon this set ill howl that vas landslide in"bet\v? sinter yells from Its devoted quarry the desert, then nd flashing some n by a growing hoofs. 11 the car afTorded of several horseren, she judged? iuv pru?j|wcior s aiu ri?? "r"<iu *l < ionic of shooting a Ions, wasted 1 en the pe rait and sibilant wlilsp^ lace in the nioi ""?????1 1 wjth the rofle which smolil ?vu uut iiurruny on nw , longer)~ tieck as lie pitched a jn pilvnient r for her ears. and hln this temper; mlight seemed to glow depression < ctiou of that inferno institution i ,red I. hi. ev.1 J " * referenc to s sileneed. the other tuition payir iu a twinkling. His Following 1 on him in a flash of , of enrollinei ii date, will i?o accepted twho have for scholarship*. wh'lc be mailed arv period of ntisiuess them, ontlnues. In fnet, this The abi s extending to its pat- "daily ap] liout the State the viott arid youn s and conditions with State dut i manner of making eause ma tents. a $50 set are the four (4) plans cotton (a it offered: feel able < nvivio IIUIII IIIll.MI actually used this plan will I upon request. Write for i dvo plan (No. 4) will espel>t*al to many young men ig women throughout the ing the coming year, beuy can afford to purchase lolarship. for cash or with t ten cents,) but do not 3r willing, under the condl imov uvi ?ao iu uidw in a heavy, blunt-nosed rev at the breech and bl< clear of dust. Her ha to the holster on Alan this she extracted his Ci ing It as she had the ott crouched low above the 1 as If thinking perhaps tc from the occupants of th If that were her thouel jih ner pocaei. making at top speed olver. break it where Marrophat, H jw its barrel waited beside a bee nd went next had built and lighted 's hip. From Half a dozen seut olt's .45, treat- wjth the chauffeur < ler. Then she these were horBemei man she loved, Mesa who had chi ? escape notice with the duty of av< e motorcar. of Hop! Jim Slade. tit. it wns hr???1 I - - toward the spot icks and Jimmy icon which they ^|EpH| enoes exchanged advised her that "''ilii 1 from the town Jr . arged themselves jm W ?nging the death \ l?j 8|||||>VI uii I ttgu. i Barcus caugh ^ an's tirade. silent, do you b , to me again unl Rg|jjj|f ^ place that gag. 1 once and for i shall you perv< KSfflf dainnnblo nitrite 1 . I OIIOI1 t snatches of the worn- accepted (si ; ment for scl tie heard her say. "Be I P?er PP-Vi11* ear? Don't ever speak j PP ' ' "H"1 * ' *;>0 coniplel ess you want me to re- Bookkeeping I say, don't speak to ment of Dr am finished with you complete scl all time; never again .hand and 1 *rt my nature to your Two such bi ISCS?never nirnin shrill a Combine! i-inn- rouon win oe iiohh now trict middling) In pay- monthly lolarshlps and ten rents which ntl will he allowed for It. makes ne< ind bale will pay for a not to ra; te scholarship in the mail, the ; and Hanking depart- expenses : aughon's College or a taking th lolarshlp in the Short- student si r.vpewriting department, lege, com lies will be accepted for in six to I Scholarship of both I position. existing, to undertake the board nnd living expenses .ending a college certainly * cessary. While progress is pid in taking lessons by saving In board and living means a great deal. After e Home Study lessons, a lould be able to go to Colplete the work thoroughly eight veeks and accept a Individual lettera from of an idle hope. Alan 1 fall in the middle of a arid that not even saget tured to take root ther glare of the headlights f It was inevitable that dii follow. The motor car e twenty feet. Three me and ran toward the pail in the car?the chauffeui . - a sardonic chucl had chosen to Trine*s goaded tl wide space so ,en fury ,rush had v.e?,n* Exacting his utmoe e hen the chauffeur_ under ell upon them . . . . pleasure, she set li jcovery should Aian stopped within wwi, ?,? ka t _ . . \\ itli the aid of su |Ura.Pe *?V and dr'nk as ihe car , ea\ ng \\o quic^jy enough accoi r and one who M tie rrom within l#/ le girl Into a sulit speed from the laity of her dls- Werself to revive T itfTX M. * ch stores of food j ^ carried, this word or wish lift my hand a* never done you your perBecutio acquitted hiin slaughter in anj self-defense! . J she raged. "Frr 1 go my way. a Tier voice"brci . ~ " "" t? "" I Bookkeeping of yours drive me to nl gtud|e( taiust a man who has o Note 1* the least harm, though enrolling pa n oi him would have a "War Disc of a charge of man- j allowed and . court?on grounds of student to C . . Understand inef";^ie College. , through. Henceforth cot"on nd >ou jours . . . wjh only rei ike. She clenched her iim? Shorthand and mix- those whc a. Wig the p Ian?Where the student that you vr cash for scholarship, j full detail ount" of $10.00 will be: After tl i Railroad fare of the ed unH hi olunihia will lie paid by; justed tin This is equal in every mal nsaii n economical standpoint experienct i plan offered above, and prolonged nain in force for such a business < sir in t)if> nnini/vn nl' flu* Y h*if it Hi > have used this plan dur>ast year is the best proof can use it too. Write for s. he European war has closlsineas conditions have adetiiselves nnd become nor). this entire country will i the greatest and most period of prosperity and expansion nnd development occupied a corner of tl an aged man with the fa< soul, doomed for a lltth upon thin earth in the < edge of his damnation. As this happened, leaped to her feet and s body of Alan, a revoh either hand. "Halt!" she ordered I?T1? 3 uiiaii^iuiK vttlU he rear seat: brnn? ,?0*]m|e d? :e of a damned A,an s time to live ? . ' . , I in j> flash and trained :ertam knowl- ! _ " ' "" " ** " | tion as he devoured t. -i-.i m ' emptied a canteen. Judith Trine , J. . . . . a. I The mountain pa: ?r? n i^h le judged, a mile distar po,sed in the hillside, accord!, . , ? , i feur. was that of a p ra \e y., j)a(j cam,)e(j there tei sandwiches and \ is was now, he it. The light on No Doubt Which ag to the chnuf- . E? prospector who Camp-foi nnorarilv There "Well, gents!" .IMfe , . CHAF Came First in Hii . A? ,n a "?*' U4 Thoushtfallr r . ^ G " ?. hia attention to the driver oh?rr*-O .. .. . .. i tight fista with tho College mar ontrol. and lifted a Ing conditioi the moonlight. 8. Note both!" she cried. wishes to ci\ ~ """ * **' <or longer) >tfr XLIV price of tin aliv. sufficient tin complete tli< Glass, Darkly. ,ion anr1 ear .Mr ^nrcua returned to pay th?* t the '.overs. jtbe regnlnf I lageniont present exist- history, a ts may justify. promotion Plan?If the rtudent ness. for e a note, payable a year have the from date, for the full prepared, e scholarship, allowing than have te for the student to The far3 course, accept a posi- ready rea n the money with which plans, if tote JjtLure it falls UTaTogue price is charg- pracficn! >? v.i i niiunu n liiu:] 1IB n?l opportunities of rapid i and advancement in busithose young people win necessary training and are will lie more plentiful ever been the case before, sighted young man is alilzing this and is making ho has not already made .. enure n thorough and business training so as to nauub up: The three who had al without a moment's in father's creatures, the daughter's temper far dream of opposing her ^ In the six hands tl houetted against the he ance, three revolvers gl at her command all t hnrmleRKlv tn tlio oarth . ? a j - . wr8 noCMng. then. t< ishted obeyed that rter, but sol( citation; lier, _where the hor8eme > -new ^ e up Marrophat and too we.i to, had instUuled hot p ,, now strung out In a i, ^cr,e * !* line, three horses cai adhghts radi- fartherino8t?perhaps immered; but; half wltl hree dropped, thp nearegt we? w o be feared from Cheerfully, withe ?ly from the rear hands from iong 'ii, having picked munion with the his companions, neath the hoed, ursuit, and were may's well make long, straggling christen this by rying double the Camp-for-the-N'ighi ! a mile and a goin' no farth<>h? t a single rider Pulling this old v itliin three-quar- desert sands bac _ - u inn uviaenc I rawing head mislead him h*1 and Ihtlhiiite co!p- j first difference < stubborn genluii fh'-jan argument ac "i reckon you-all | name of qui up yore minds to' the were at eh salubrious spot | tiPn?Rose ineis t. You won't bo The iast ga1 -not Just 't present, shrugged, retun .-agon through them -I'm going bi k yondeh has just announced and e or nis semes aid not 1 ?*? mr i-m n wgn witnessing their f**^" dollars if opinion. It v. nB not ! ^ hp nte enough to deserve . !!! ':'!.^ eh irrel; but undoubtedly (Liter praUf: odds upon eome ques- under this i tent. Alan reluctant. their course re wny in the end, i earn the inc aed to the car. j before they- : ick up the trail," he tore?t?d ,n h?Rttnt?,t nHHiv I"peela! note Bi-imiiiiBiup, w turn i? ii uo reuuy i higher than the cash every hip ro 30, 60. or 90 day will tell riven. no difference In plentiful, urged. Many s'.ud'-nts Parents hen's College ear's year plane son into plan, and complete College, o ', accept positions and ward to >nev to pay their notes successful fall due. If you are In- wish to ei this plan, wr'tc for hie, shou plan blank, which gives lion cone lor me opportunities which banker ami business man 4 you are sure to be so i who are now planning to or daughter In Dushicsf r young men who look forprepariuR themselves for business careers. p.nd ^onomlze as much as polvihl write for full informaerning one of the aoove Then, sharply, "Star paces!" she required. They humored her un Darting forward, she i pocketed the three weap< one of her own singled she named. "Now, Marrophat?ant pick Mr. Law up and ci the car. And treat him .... tera of a mile, i ac v. o Nobly mounted, th . like the wind, gainli anlmoualy. ca every .trld wae trained to auch .. the car at beat could out the men ?y ,n du>t Md >and gently, mind! pa" before the hort naturally broke' ti lis last came on gtne!" ig on the motor "What, precisel e; for his horse Alan Law inquire* i going, whereas lous prtoccupatioi only labor heav- "Plumb bust' all feur explained ter id won to a point "Nothing; could a mile from the act and compreh leman got within Tom Barctm comi be heart of that en-; "Feeling the i erotse, no doubt y, is the trouble?" "Rose thinks 1, rousing from anx- here." Alan begi i. the Interruption I to hell," the chauf- "Miss Rose 1 aely. dith?" Barcus In be fairer, more ex- Judith nodded ensire than that," "So I'm going men ted. burros from the ! rvi,I inrorma ieed of some little ex- , 4, By >|n|i Barcua auggeated. or young \ lt'a dangerous to atop Draughon St &n to explain. Ignoring; keeping and Shorthand a a right?eh, Mlaa Ju. ?W for 1 ... ton (on a iterpolated. pound.) wit 1 darkly. proved note. ; to see If I can't Buy remain at tic prospector back there. tlon. plans. M I Plan?Any young niau and Drau foman can purchase a by Bankei holarshlp for tho Pook- where) ai Banking, or for the College (i ,nd Typewriting course, tlonal tra his scholarship with cot- State) ne basis of ten centu per public. th< b cash, or with an ap- of study The student can then for secwr ime, and the College will being wel one? saved is money made, glion training (endorsed rs and Business men everyid the Draughon Business the largest business educatining institution in tho ed no introduction to the s superiority of the courses and the greater facilities ing positions for students 1 known. If one of you lifts a fl him, that one shall answ Still none ventured t< The two men designati sign of disinclination, ate One lifted Alan Law by < the other took the legs. ] they bore him with ever the motor car. But now a second wi . . wnai no esieemea i iftom.^ an J opened Are. , dtapnt. her. ,"e thri? ?" >d. without . . "* ,econd?by ipped forward. tbrodgh * reaT t,re he Bhouldars; pl*clngup?? " ,a" Between them ^ "h"e "V ' ? (A1?? . as his hands flew up y care toward (rom (he 8add]e dr, 111 manifested body J"1 Alan'? only. A Inn jr.rn n ca nifit ne proper range, uiv noooea a respond to the o i first shot winged worried eyes rev ill-chance ripped the breakdown, of the car, thus "What's to be d additional handl- dered aloud, sought the zenith "Take It calm," ? and he dropped advised. "Frettin tiled through the nothln'. If It wa shot. day, make a fire, nl Hnol wad in a??+ t\9 #1*^ v? nead too weary to Rone says be ha therms humor. His how many?" iewed the scene of "Three will be posed. "I mean one?** Mr. Law won-1 I'm stopping hei "But?" Alan the affable chauffeur She gave hln ' won't get you-all gesture. a me. I'd call it a "Please! It's get them cuahlons , Law: I've made ta aome?doean't know 1 Fc enough," Judith Inter, don't get one for mo. | ' re." jpHMoo at&rted to protest. I i pause with a weory j| [ no good arguing, Mr. j| up my mind; I can bo I r Results?Try a Carolina Si tudavtpu ci rrrnup n a 1 News Ad. pecial ps ni iiu Itself. The man In the r up a weirdly sonorous v< j "Stop!" he cried. "S sense! Drop that ma command you?" "Be silent!" the girl c "I command here?If it'i tell you." There was a pause of Then the old man broki ear seat lifted " 0/ ; ? "T Qjce. progress before the top this non- ha,f ,he remaining n! Judith. I pasaI3y the time it e . . which proved to be ut in sharply. ... * , a necessarv to 1 with tower,n? sld^ neCeSSary t0 ; and shale and brok. astonishment. I 8U" w88 n?t,a llund e out in exas- ! wh,,e the flr,n* .1 uous. car had covered Tou can't do not! distance to the anyway, and that fore aunup." ntered this last, "Where are you a narrow rnvine manded. of crumbly earth "Walkin", friend ?n rock, the pur- "What for?" red yards behind, "To fetch hell well-nigh contln- yo've got some 1 ruther aton hveh ouvk gcv ovuio loot. JIlOHl IieipiUl C bin' till I get back. Bide," she ass( won't bo much be- Trine with a maddened him. t going?" Barcua de- no harm can c< well able to tak t; just walkin'?" At thia the breathed an unl >?leastways, onless prayer of than tick coinin' end 'ud he doubted not uermanenl'?" Vi\r U lere, Dy my rattler's srted, and nodded at significant smile that ^ I "He needs me?and J >me to me; I'm pretty e care of myself!'* .! innocent bystander teard but fervent little ksglving. whose spirit was shared by Alan. I 1(1 ?? fttMAtW A# Tlrtl. : limuuun jlcltuiu uu r? citi VIA tuthern R DDPlfirD (MDDICD AC mi \ UAALI cago ailway 117 LWW "fill pvraiiuu mat tui catrwc< fury: "Judith! What dc this? Has it indeed con my own daughter defl< face?" "Apparently!" she ah a short laugh. "Judge "Have you forgotten me?" "No. But I take It bi ft? that In mv nrlvlleee u tu w OA lutv . __ . > you mean by ! , Two hundred reel ne to this that j *wo men were worki bs me to my ka9te at some yat though none noticed lot back, with ?nly the chauffeai tor youraelf!" wom,n1 ru?n n? do" ' an angle, to interce] your vow to , 1 ick and cancel' I believe. . . . above the trail He turned off ng with desperate with preparations erious business? "It's simply th them. me belieive this r was aware of a ing more nor lesi >*n the hillside at out nightmare," I ?t the car several gively. ? But Mr. Law \ lng: he had turne then standing by and busied himself cu* thnt Iheir against his journey, (whose shack li ings like this make Ttarcus after th< isn't, after all, noth-jand prior to th< i than.a lonfc-drawn- which had affor iarcus observed pen- munity from pi in the hearing vas no more attend- his string 6t 1 d away and was just' three, the runnlnihboard of. This, then, ni friend, the prospector Queen lad sheltered Rose and j ?ir transit of the desert ' e man-made avalanche. ! ded this temporary im- i Lv. C orsuit) had mentioned Lv. S of Rose the fact that Lv. B burros was limited to Lv. O: Lv. S iust have been the nub * a_jlV VAIVlVlun ur AT & Crescent Route. SCEDULE: WESTBOUND. harleston ummerville ranchville rangeburg k. Matthews .1 t lfi nut I ft. Big Four Route. 8:00 A. M. 8:43 A. M. 10:20 A. M. 10:55 A.M. 11:24 A. M. Silence!" she stormed to gainsay her. "Sil hear??or It will be 1 you!" As well command tt Its voice: her father rag man that he was. for t divested of his habitual heartlessness. And seeing that there as k0' 8trove ' I the motor car ai to M,BB -Tud^h 1 id civilly explaining of the lovera' 'rine the purpose of nnce that Judltl rpedltlon. ' reluctance to c this circumstance convict himself wrinkle between the Ingratitude, re 3 into the humor of service his en , done him. lsed himself, was a J " only Judit ate the Comic Muse *? change her d out in turn the sev. i Ho set hims< quarrel: Rose'a Insist* ! n b be left behind. Alan's j ~r* consent to this lest he Ar. C of the charge of rank membering the great Lv. CI itwhile antagonist had Lv. C Ar. G h might not find cause amind! A * c elf sedulously to divert | A ? oiumDia . incinnatf. hicago EASTBOUND. hicago, incinnati < olumbia t. Matthews irangeburg i l fli - 12:55 P.M. 10:55 A.Mr: 9:00 P.M. 8:55 A.M. 6:35 P.M. 4:45 P.M. 6:05 P.M. 6:35 P.M. T way of quieting him, t to the third man. "Now Jimmy!" she "Into that car?and be ?and gag him!" "If you do," her fatb? have your life?" A flourish of her w instant obedience. She stepped up on the he girl turned IT eapons > running board eral component ] derelict in the h and silent hills? a mouse petrified ltselt in the mid phants; In the ca nlac, Mr. 8eneca their woe* and r Ing his teeth in I himself In close parts: the motor car | Judith with th< ollow of those awful. *'Hnal powers? for ail the world like ^ received, with fright at finding Kossiplng whei 1st of a herd of ele- hor sister's sld r, that aged mono ma- The ensuing Trine, author of alf | m?re portento nisadventurea, gnash- Riraint Impose Impotent rage to find both parties tb Juxtaposition to and "e believed, > magic of his conver8a- '^r* ^ -an offering indifferent- "P. b He was still blithely Ar.^ f i Judith flung away to Ex< le. | for St quarrel seemed but the I Seattl us in view of the re- Nortl 6 upon themselves by pQ1 lereto. ! Cnnth however, that n crisis i kruucnviiie ummerville Ihaileston seDei.t connections at Chicago in Francisco, Los Angeles, Omal le, Milwaukee, St. Paul and otl iwest. . passenger fares, schedules, \ lern Railway Ticket Agent. vir v :io F. M. : 8:48 P.M. 9:40 P. M. with through trains la, Denver, Portland, ler points West and tickets, etc., call on T* A tn and shot a quick, set at the faee of the chat "Straight ahead, my i "Make for the- nearest those hills yonder, ax unless you are anxious joajfor* a**"" >??- ' for trouble. Off ^ "Straight^Ahead, M V. ^ - ' her In the frlei y Man I" She Said. lnable, precisely e the man for whose ""penrted wbe 1th an insatiate pas-1 hells founded standing outside the' nn<* at this he >nversation with Mr. winds and rat s Judith?talking to hands upheld ldllest fashion imag- nianner of bu if she had not *To ' in the tinkle of mule- j down the canyon road; j threw discretion to the i toward the two with W. E. In mock horror anu u J morous protest. [ >e Continued.) Lwm w. Division P McGEE, Assistant General Passenger Ag< Columbia, S. C. n. vAr r isiijx assenger AgUfVl, Charleston, S. C. J ent, * *, ' f; _______ > ,*54 vt t ' / - / ) w - . - .