President Wilson's Speed tii k la xn | ton * cat 1 *ilT " L (front pr ; ; (?1 wiM ng to pay for r mI In r l: i < Int ?! <-? Ji AKTKR NTK\Vi^ JANUARY mot got aii> profit f/ Iiv vtar roy Ut*h that . r If )i< ^ Iipbc iliiiiKH on t.h?? *1* And ih*re 1? / I" - - { nd jitu) 1, ~f<*r'tliy )|pj| r* fii fi" g . wiU do thai UfilL UX I unotljor thin? T*nt'-yfrt MjF | - ' f - ' : M Hl-fta - - *-V^jgaii.* fit 7 ^ . ... _ "*-^r.i^^aer? f Indian The following speec rd by President Wllso > oils, Ind.. on Jacksot apolis on Jacksi h wan deliver-1 tlio I'reiddent said " m at Indianap-I proKreHBive voter tin 1 Day, Friday. I more company In whole profit la oat [v|| I Iavt toriionate ehargei [111 Jydy riaK?? In t,ie ,tj w Democrats propo* measure of relief i "The inerchantH the independent of thla eountry mi da a Kreat deal ?"arrv their gooda, the Deiiioe**at1?'t present moment t ?, "V U?.|V tuv rJT"V9 *n/ U1U?.U on up by the #*x- t . * :ii? of those * for ocean ur- #> huJelry or I ii?lst of this the ^ o to a temporary' ,,u* * k n a shipping bill, ^cry antiyuaK and the farmer* lHiness. * jht have shipH to , is uu immedia and just at the \ ve call upon us here is no other use the speedic iu ue none, i aiu ^ a who doubt either i he learning or tb?|Ji; & " B ll the ^ nov that tk*jTb*it< r\tl c** ?d way of doin* , and I say that ViiWlblc 31 te au,d au irnpera- DrircS Ot to rectify that, be- theVboi lesu of justice, tho i a General Tonic because it A it Malaria, FnHchf^the Blood c System. .For Grown People 'todBiiads'oir and Children, January 8: THE SPEE The president said "Governor Ralston, Li tlemen: "You have Riven in welcome, for which from the bottom of 11 rather lonely living i ranks than in the It iCH "I Bay a great deu in part: tinned, "beeause tl ndles and Gen- crats who are sittng iiiK strap; there are e a most royal are holding haek. 'I i I thank you mats who are nervr ty heart. It is they were horn wit n Washington tueni And 1 respe epuhlicait ranks. 1 way of getting the I more," he con 1the instrumentalit; tero are Demo- Rested in the Hhi| ; on the breech- hear it said in \N Democrats vho hands that tiie I( I'here are Demo i United States sent us. J dare say enough to make til li that temper:' hill Impossible, et tin- eonaert: "These self-style m than through I .^xpensivencss oi y that it is su?- ' -cens of justice, jping bill; and I j Justice itself, fashington 011 all "And then then ( publicans in the he Democrats a lie mean to talk >MkMcatis talking le passage of th'?1 mi-xy In which t . ..ough the Ftepu d friends of bust- Iven nny exhibit t Justice, the ready y<)a know whmt is the greater | iamily.should you an taking when you take Grove'i printed on every label showing that it i y. QUININE and IRON. It m as etton sateless Form. It has no equal for Ma al debility and loss of appetite. Gives e, Sickly Children. Removes Biliout depression and low spirits. Arouses 1 A True Tonic and Sure Appetizer? A1 be watliout it. Guaranteed by yonr Prog J I Tasteless riplT Tonic contains the well knows g as the strongest bitter laria, Chills and Fever, life sad vigor to Nbtsing mess without purging.. he liver to sctiw and Complete Strengtbener gist. We mean it. 50c ? I had' Imm'ii Lithat om* uf il MIIHIHII iiieinbiis o Stale S?:IU! ! i here i , hack. Ami > ft with in t li" Sen iii* am! resell i at i vi':- 1 want il'.'iu in<>i*<> i iiv:i. i r: 11 >>i lor two yhvo H'topir. i oi;m on now ] fool tnaloil < olisoi ;iti\c on pnrolo You Ml tlu- forces of An t> most (i; i n in notion or olso i li I the !' > toil nortion. lo soe lift I ro " V\ I'.at I W ii! I i sinooro upolo- ! ! ' ' 1 Hons"' <>t Hop- * ii* !< " rfrtmtry j In to n\ I It: t I -. i - Hi . t ii; I I from vnu ihsn bodv ol no n in the in to )>? an anl- i"1**. inosr un n w nr. * ? < raln- party duos t n?r|r;t an foi ? ?lo Tor busneas. ur > .in- ioi< < .,1 l>fnioi;rats shall tin iM-ss 1 rhalleiu'e t [.'? in o. t t i *> riuhts to stand in i " s i- v. hat i..' iisi* of American inn i to p.'i' >*'B' of th*? world, horn . . lar^nr ,M' tln-ni, a minoi ri irnlar r i.U. 1 minor! ly? Ti no ray uio ufino- .( now to handle lot know what to /i scientific to p e Hint the itj the hands o! notli iifi tor hus:- "-ady s*ettinp the ti? tn to show their -otiis, then tliey Ihe way oT the re- h-.jtlj ? ientifu i produi is tn the o of c!':.:h Who commission *et0 ' -0 Of^. ity. a lessening of s 'jp-jct I do nc ieir credentials as JliiiK about i-xcei 1 ? determining greater part of tJ < business and it 1 have been il??.-y go ut>ou It lu?s been the .?unt:y is '-.lie : haa rfti' l ; ^ their*. 'flu 11 u,<^ -t. an'l >t crtre to knew Jfiv- jg theirs. it onmiirh tn ? how Ioiik ?hey l?ke" in other eirt it. it ib nunc of t?\ not far ni? say ? .* .!. J ' 1 JBL umstnnees they would ( have thought ail along " ft%c,eaaury to do ua.* intention Kharply lo the nis in btivutoes v-hiv'a rj and" that they .voui ? d I be!:ev*? ihoy have ^Vbere the I do froia (lit in "Th-'.v like inys( It , VlllltS of I |m> people States. Our sinews i sympathy and suppm newal mint's from en and with tho strong public opinion in ths is the reason why I i In- I M um, i ati? put t art' oni\ M r ill** progressive poli ??! tin* failed * * * than then consist in your >! tin- Republican | rt. and oar re- >"11:- day i Nnu'r'ci' will !>?? b is in the ranks they su*ceed. imrty. How c;in "1' ' wore speak gentlemen? Tie* partisan point of 'I only the I)<>nio- nothing hotter tlia ried out the poll show their true c ogressive people aMmmlssion does ?4iat benefits and J were at pains to see doing businest n there. That com- the iit?ertin? ai ? i tiiii President, no- , more reason erefere with tliem. J small, we sin at I mean by a great future. And real emotion of gym- friends! u suppose that the "Look abr ile are ever going ti world! Onl; amount of material Among all tl advantages to people world, only A i in Mexico against er for her ov therefore that great aiui **** Duld be confident in the what a future it is. my oad upon the troubled y America at peace! ue great powers of the America saving her pow- rn people! Only Amer prefer that our thou* too often cross the <>< center themselves up and duties of the l'n we think of the t*ttit? the time comes we * country can serve tin borrow a very inte from a distinpuishe*! ;hts should not is tt?t a single gnat puii hut should ,,i" groat Congress on the policies |>een carried out in itod States. If t?u!ilic opinion oT Ai d States, when Til 10 Cl'ltKKNt diall know this "Let tne instance world. 1 will want to ask the bt; resting phrase present if this is n? I gentleman of ?rv in tloir recollec art of this i?r?-s- rat Iter pray for t which has not them. Hut the obedience to the America ou^ht to merlcu. stand what they i 'Y RELIEF. tempting now. a single ttiitik: ' try is bursting lit itriness tnon her?? are seeing to it t ?t the llrst Janu- not only kept tig tion that did not w'th steel. ? "Thu T i hem than abuse in tsion is author great voice of. to* enquire into make them under- 4 press not only up< are said to be at-jof trade in this This ooun-fithe conditions ol ? jacket, and they manufacture, the hat the jacket ls^tfoe?all the thi ht but is riveteKr-th-1 question of tl countries as wel r? tku %? 1/ r? /* tf ? K ??? C* I ?> ?? ' 1 ? 4 - ized and empowered pines* of the V and report to Con- n0| European on all the conditions as they wanle country, hut upon blood as thej t trade, the cost o' their affairs, ai t cost of transpotta- to Mexico beca ngs that enter inio i 8ay: i am i tie tariff?in for "gt strong nation t 1 as in the United try, which we c .v. ...v |ke ?if t ho '(*0111 up I IH'K I llill Villi ?' * ?*? * mviir; nil i powder dry i iin? being. because IIUIGIIT MAN. <>' paying out groat here on .lark dun?ls anil the u ire Republicans i?nii' at the will feel the 1 have asked the bat of sin h a ?l..v petted this year, and mild about An- (lid not happen; it i is tlie reason I under the Federal t l itur i 11 (Iiiennv. have emancipated tl > III| 1 f 1 * *. krviMvvinvi' of the necessity 'o servo business j sums of money its future prop rati titer settlements service. first of the year "??e now upon wl ikers if that hap was '? do the eoui I they sanl 'no, it stopped and an ould not happen whi< h was intolert cservc net.' \V< en up. We I: te credits* of this \nterica hut Anier *? |/t? i ?.? t\uun r? uu? t. uuro anu uuu ii thin country and' of foreign combii n is a program ot international tra We have laid the and the United liich business that full powers whl utry harm shall be gross in the gcii economic control questions of ible sliali be brok ?** lave emancipatt <1 At every turn ica must do sone prip.ressive Rem mi inose question- jvigt as much fi nations which affect fHjrs as we ha* do between ti'irope ani ashamed t< States. It has ?ho proportion to eh will gutd"i tot- pride in w ithli ?ntiflc treatment >f fr0tn the opprt international jraae. pje> "Anil I knox the things the things < not mei lblicans hrtv? r m. reedotn iii her o" i? af- the'scale. N re." If I am strong. I sion, in y< > bully the weak. In strength may tuy strength is niv counsel and olding that strength "Think of ?ssion of another peo- structlon of < life and of h< v when I speak the** in some parts rely from the generous of the reserv low in your self-posces>ur coolness, in your we not turn to you for for assistance!' the deep-wrought deBconoruic resources, of ipe. that is taking place of the world and think oir of hope, the roser ?>f ili > day " Andrew forthright man \\ lic? thinjs.' ho ij'ii heiieve Host. And really, lac men. in public life t hort of inun worth for a moment.' "If 1 wns not rea everything *1 bi-iie\ Ik . . >? . J ark so n w; *. s a ! country. 4 4 believed ..;r!V ! TOOK l.O.N :n I.Kiii in.; ?',ir i "? hav?- taken a lies and gentle- and gentlemen, to s hat is the onl\ trade commission. I thinking about l*> choose men and had chosen men whi dy to tight for serviceable to the e In. 1 v oul?l this country, great tiling with her fr< 1; TIMK. 'There aro ?roa i...... Ixtxc ladies the United States elet t the F? tii-ra' that have lineii pa iecuuse I wanted of representatives I lie sure that I ei\ as constructive d would be rea 11 > half of business? business men .of which u 11 make ; as well us sinai rnoua waterpower ftPdoni. i o.^d that vrer it hills ponding in I ' mocrats eithei senate jus? v.-. '.' proposing to do. sued Itv the hous ' of particular which are intend- dependent voteri measures in 1>? v ?>uld like to one great measui . 1 :t??re are thing* tvallnble the enu.T^-'okr n; cot:tail b of this foujHry^ iTv.. * rC'SJKUlS*' Wltn e practicable the met from VQU r fcave done or are ,,mt; knowled If that is -jot o"r s to satisfy the in- T^^can'peop t of the countrv 1 , , " "With all d have one prodi ?>?. or pTont new^n: tuat thy progre>\->\ , * r.. ?V.- b v- V-l! L WHICH tfiejr Have just voir of enerK , but from my long- tenance, that pe of the American ianf? ?'?.% * I % tn on # /vf l> t frtoit ?. >/! , *MV- l?v?? V??*JVMt V/? ?M?. ItM ? W4 v? ? W li ile. >o called b'.ei up rosjteot to editors beiause we ? ipors. 1 have to say to *orid in ever take my opl.nion and diama irrtn their "it lo? pn y, the reservoir of busthere Is in this great ty. May we not look k/v - V, -V. 11 uv uic ? UVJI n C ssed among the nations, succored the nations of their time of distress *, pr?> tliat thai ^ tnlnk u my duty tit ta back aeat. I like breathe tne nir of J like to be reminded tout boats of llenioer lieve have come to li time. "The I'nited Stu forpotten that it inus i 111r nrilnr it* ImlioW ?4 a b ick and i?ko i the rank ami the h therefore. to huro b?? 'i done a nil lack son day. I done. They wore i of the old mil? talked about with acy which I he- Democratic Congret !fe again in our achieved them. j "Hut the Detnoc t?*s had almost not suppose that it t keep its light- business. Tho Dei !e T;.et? rUs attempted and that nobody could "What we are t ratio party docs j,r?-at conservatioi is done with the out for the first t uocratio party is of the United S >f It; V:^Ffflru" eaiuiu$ Jte i the resources oj "'re** in>* which the Kepul' Out so far as tl ia\e locked up .? alate legislatures use them. f'?r one Deniocri rying to do in tli favor of their bei u bill is to carr The President line in the history he left Washing! tates a system I . figures from the * J* . .. y. UllVlftlfB QU I O'. b* Ul# f o/i- , ' * . - very f?r fj ..v* ovate*. ** ? ' * L'Ortr'lV rojMli icy cuu be doiu> bv r ^ i , -'l>r p? orn at wi I for one, speaking at. am heartily In " *" baik np dene. ' ... < >""*>?> "no aaid that ju.t before 'f" who laup on be went over the sUorl' a "at v i last election and ?,rlac'a'a8 of urn v\ noniff uajiivi* 1 '"^wu . *?ui roru where I am Jem- j 'he solidity c is thunaered with ris-;'-he oxaltatloi itchful rutins. Wood- 11 *h priaciph in his chair act ican people i wins that he laughs the world hs last. knowing in 'hank God tt i*ere the temper and America, whi the American people. Ple- are lik ium> come ati<3 J know ^ >f < huwler and I know jj 1 of hope I know tl1.*? ?. with which the Adit. ^ vill respond to the call fur this service, ami I lat those who believe in o try to serve her peo.ely to be ulso what n in i>\ nun ill Andrew Jackson bee and you will notice the United States fc for mankind, a I)em President. The trout publican party is tha a new idea for 30 yi speaking ub a politick ing as an historian. lllilll l\ 1IIII W IK'll nul l I'll I II ill. ... 1] a me President. going to use any p that whenever do continuous and irgets its ardor work If any grou oerat is elected dare to break the >le with the lie- J Democratic team fo t it has not had j from any motive, sars. I am not . moBt unenviable no! an: 1 ant speak- ' ponalbillty which wl I have looked ! terness to them Tt ms country is no; which the srcat arty that cannot country can be u consistent team ins set aside so th p of men Bhouh! at them. 1 shall ' salldity of the deal of Interest w r any purpose or friends of businesi theirs will be a bills, toriety and a res- "Do not misund ill bring deep bit- are some men or IP onlv nartv that ??i? > resources of th e that while these sed instead of be-.Incomplete, they lat no man can get oerata reckonin *atch with a great would. if it had hat the self-styled year, have had ; i try to do to tho?e the electral colle "Fortunately c lerstand me. There1 n?t a preside > that side of the j thing is aigniflc figures were as yet . ,u "Ul 11 show that the Dem- emi*rate? beca K state by state. ,3atisfled to s,a been a presidential may Come a 1,1 i majority of 80 in J*-?**16 Wl11 hj tge I know what J >r unfortunately thin } ?0t" But tor 0 ntial year; but the am goiag to ant to me for this 11 18 by tb< i i\sr thnnaht #1 urn* i Knew, i would neri use I would not be tended to t>< y whore I am. There kind.** ne when the American ive to Judge whether OATTTUI [ am talking about or jJJJi." ( X least two years more PASSENGER think that I do. Trains ari i way. a very comfort- ^?* HI?To ... .1 . ? Intarmai sen irom the first ini. the servant of manfEN RAILWAY. WTler of the South." TRAIN 8CHEDULE8. rive Lancaster from: rkville. Rock Hill and n* ? ! A *? for new ideas in tht have not found any i the Republican ranks The President ndd publican party had h suggested new ideas trienquering host. | -The majority l these things, be- i them is on our si< the Democratic' they are the I > do these things. "Hut there are ve that as leader we have to do. ! of that party 1 ? leraiana the va)u? reason, and are standing "A great man i, but they are a: speaking of the I a minority part; hat is standing by |much of a m ie of the chamber,1 Kepublican and fiends of Ameri -a. minorities I thii other things *hkh belong to the la Sometimes when Immoral of that is ? p," - ? ' of the United ty people hare been ' very safely 1 Democratic party as fore, we can a y. Well it la not confidence as Inority party as the know what we I as between the .-go \ feel, ik we can claim to confident moot rger minority. The ,ient that we < merely what 1 have (ties American mc neii I on*re*i No ii3_Ick State* Is going to be jntenn* democratic and there- a. m. ltogether feel as much No- ?Ma Jackson did that we l0t? 411 1 . o O p. are about. so. 117?Co my friends, in a very lntermei 1 today. 1 feel confi- . Trains lea* 1o know the spirit of ^?" J1.? v , Intermix! nponlo thit A ~ buiiious o:si a. m larleaton, Columbia tad stations le:OI Lrton, dlacksburg, Ch^rd intermediate stations m. ' >mbla, KIngsvllle t~d late stations, 7:48 p. m. e Lancaster for: ngsville, Columbia and liate stations R-ai ? n speet ??r the itepub always speak with g the past. The past to the present, and w spertlon of the futur liean party is still ; refuge for those wh for those w ho w ant i grandfathers about e\ "Villi II- l I I ei..> ? l> liran party. I i ran promise the coi rent respect of do these things." was necessary the President pause as a sure retro- 10 the two Pemocra e. The Repub- Indiana, saying lie i co\ert and a awake nights wond o arc afraid were going to do. to consult th?-T|tii?j country is not ervthing. * * , itself to lie awake n ?.VI% Uiuuuu, IUV I intry that it will great mass of sti Hero (,p t??i? continent, d to pay tribute (,, ?ny heart to s< tie senators from ar . ;>t ;i disadvani never had to lie (, .t guides and h ertng what they tlrnh it would be lie added thai f, < the Democrati going to trouble t;,k,. a systematic ights and wonder (the working men i i"nils, and see >ne i mreuuy ueen pc ruggllng liumn, uyjthat neither pa It goes very n.:? h membership hhs ?o how many .en ! not want to ma iage and are v th?jvoter too proud elpers. Dour vou tbave got to admi a pret ty good 4?lea r?ntrlle 0f mind jned, are the things -phere is nothi ?? UU No 113 Rc pram of betterment Marion, >e necessary for us to t mediate t ?? ,lo have a verv "f? fiuence in the support stations m people. No. 117?Flo in talkinp with busi- intermec . p. m. ltiy about the present R grj of American business, jished as inf ns the mnt?*?r ti..t ?n??.o >ck Hill, Blacksburg, Charlotte and interstations. 10:"R a. m. Kingsville. Columbia, on a~d la.ormedlate 1:35 p. n. tck Hill. Yorkv'lle and llate stations. 7:33 tedule figures are puburma r? only and are huve come to you ii Jackson day. I got t In Washington and things. I wanted to get in contact with and say what I reall "My friends, what want you to observt polities in this counti rn-iiiri-, m.ii i ; wiiat tnese men are ti tlu? spirit of ' if tlie eonntry has t ired of staying ! choose other men saying sweet tion. he said "team ronie out and is what they are j you once more of us. and that is ( y thought. well ub our collect! I particularly That is what Jackso: ? is this, that If a man will not p y does not de- then he o do that it will <.in, help the worl In this connec- were simply to est work all the time era! employment b 'going to demand a vast deal; by th ?ur individual a6 which spread over ve responsibility, could be directed n Day stands for. the country to tfc lay on the team, to those tasks, v vay In whir avoter, hut I hop? ting men. If independent ablish a gren* ':>4- to say this distil ureau it woou? 4j ( any party any 1 e federal agc^pfc tinues to serve this country pressing needs of to those park*,ofi "I w??it to m lose undertAk- ms j dent voter in th vhere they < uld crat. It is a lit iuucpt?uueui a I *ou are America. now," the Pre ake every indepen- as 8afe to buy is country a Demo- and that 1' tl tie cold and lonelv there will be less except a state of!to Passenger W. B. W. E. upon the motto of the hamber of Commerce w H. >iug to buy it buy It sident paid it is Just now as it ever will be ^ he buying is started Auditor's Ne no end to it. Th? ru. rur inrormatlon at fares, etc., call on CAUTHEN. Agent. McGEE, A. G. P. A.. Columbia. S. C. CAFFEY, D. P A.. Charleston. S. C. IX NOTICE. tic? for Tax Returns pond any longer up< members of either pj not enough regular this country to take tional power; and 1 ir ly ndd there are not Democrats in this co either. "This country is ">n the regular' "Now what is tl irtv. There are say 'hasn't this Con; Republicans in a great program?' and hold na- J rled out a great p mst immediate- | had the most remarl enough regular ' any Congress since untry to do it ' has had. * living at an extraoi guided and its The world has never me Irani. find profitable < teir duty? You labor of this coui press carried out glided from oppor Yes, it has car- ntty. We proved i rofcrum. It ha-c "We were told liable record that of the I'nlon 30.OC the Civil War ed to gather the c Hut we are ,?d in a cabinet m< rdlnary moment, jartment of labor been in the i'?n employment. .The out where he is, itry needs f- he holds the balan< tunity to opp xtr will make the foilo*aents in person or by Wednesday, January igo, Thursday, January morning. k, Thursday, January evening. riday, January 15th. policy is determined I dent voter; and I ha' you how we can bes independent voter th; mem lie needs is i party and that it wo? for hint to attempt \ publican party. I d prove; 1 admit it." :>> the* Indepen-I ditiou that it is n< re romp to nsk | Half the world I t prove to the J America among the at the instru-ithe world is free to the Democratic life: and all the wo tld be hopeless i America to serve its to use the lie- I and while this is o not have to ' is going on? I "Do you know. ... i u mi urination ain ">w, my friends form that it coulc \? on fire, only the postofllces all great powers of ptatet.. and that t govern her own labor should net rid is looking to labor department * economic need, notice could go out happening what vas the result? ' were found and t gentlemen, that traces where ih1 business. I say for a January 22m use we are now recon- Carmel 8at They have graciously All person we had a right to do 21 an(J ??* ' , .. . ? law, shall pa o. and they have very ^ p?>rBOnft t Id that they were go- *na rr .v.ii ?vuu?jr and vmeeaay. i and 19th. rings Wednesday and nuary 20th and 21st. Hill Friday, January 1. urday, January 23rd. s between the ages of Bxcept those exempt by y a $1.00 poll tax, also >etween the agee of 21 tf> A A vvui i it At Declaring that onl the Republican party sive and that about tv .Democratic party wa v KXC'KKS. j the ocean freight rai v one-third of in some instances ti was progres- : ordinary figure? A .o-thirds of the 1 mcrs of tho United S * progressive. ' raise grain and thos tos have pone up piovment. r? 10 times their cost a great deal ml that the far- mil do a groat des >tatea, those who I'nited States wen e w ho raise cot- ; do such things f n~. |? ceiit. It 13 none mereed in busii and It Is none of that opportune Kame- tion tax for i always believed, that shall be mad ness men were abso- er*y and trai t heart but men im- "^all be note aess do a lot Of things ?r non*retnr ty offers to do which 1/B/ a f o.wu UUUiaiUDlB- - -> road purposes. Ratuma le of all psraonal propnsfers of all real estate d. 50 per cent penalty JOB. W. KNIGHT. * Const? AsdKor. 1 I * ' " r \ I < V ' ' * , *

' \? 1 / 'MJ* . - ' * . ?' p: v" . ,4 / *s