President \ Vilson's Soeech THK ton * caoti out of the preut prlc willing to pay for tin I tKTER Np]Wrf JANTJARj ioi got sit?> profit v !)?.> #/?jar royi on that the> .ir>|V , b< rH llmt'It r*8f ttiiiion th?? ' Y And thwre 1? i >: -- l Vl'.,rr ' iiiftlfl *noth*r thin* t?m fi ili Bf 1 ialiMJikil. ^ ' - T? Indiana) The following speech w ed by President Wilson a a jolis on Jacksoi an deliver-1 the I'resideut said "tin t Indianap-1 progressive voter finds other side of the s n?^ whole profit is ratei l|l||? tortionute charges 19(\\ r!a*e? In the tnh w | Democrats propose measure of relief in , "The merchants i e independent j?' this country mu* a great deal carry their goodB. i ica, because the very much n up by tho ex .-? * ;ne of those for ocean tar-?iaf tu# cv a temporary Hnrt *^ hut I dtf?of the U*U?id^V ? ^ m>w that tjOnikw TJ. q. d way of doing ,, , , . and I any that j Valuable ? La ao/1 au impera- j Drives Ot to rectify that, be- _ the VtviL i a General Tonic because it J it Malaria, Enriches the Bkxx tSimicm. IWnML P^Li UIIH, 111(1., tin JUCK8UM 1/ January 8: THE SPEECH The prcBident wild in (j "(Jovernor Kalnton. Ladle tletnen: "Y?u have Riven me a welcome, for which I i from the liottom of my !i rather lonely living in V uy, r nuay, iiiurv iuiii|muy in nu ranks than in the Hep "I Hay a Kreat deal ti tart: tlnued. "because ther h and Gen- crata who are aittiig emocr&ts a: e mean to talk ,, leans talking passage of tb^L^Aiay In which tc . .ough the Hepul friendu of busi- lv*n nnv oxhihiM es? of justice, tho justice, the ready You know wh4t Is the greater part j ^ the formula is * * * j tonic properties < ? is something else. ! tonic and is in Ti ave beard the lie Weakness, gener about the sctenriUc Mothers snd Pal ) handle a tariff Relieves nervous I>1 loons have never purifiee the Mood on of O Wofamily^ttould yon are taking when yon take Grove printed on every Igbel showing that it y. gUINIVE and IRON. It is as stroi ssteless Form. It has no equal lor Mi al debility and loss of appetite. Gives e, Sickly Children. Removes Bj|iou depression and low spirits. Arouses A True Tonic and Sure Appqtfser? A be without it. Guaranteed be ?Mr Iim '? Tasteless cliill Tonic contains the well knows ig as the strongest bitter tlaris, Chills and Fever, i lifeatad vigor to NtMng sness without purging./ the Inner ft actpi and Complete Strengtbener. *ii in action or else they he I'nited inert ion. e that I K'? "What 1 want to j,o. core a polo- .u.>1 ! ! . i? v thn: t!>: use ol Itep- ^ hole rrrtititrv i- t??*rci ay that I ceive, is tlrs. that the to be an ani- "? ??. these men wh< I cratic party does nc lea are lot e> ?'o for busnoRH. are an- force-, < i Democrats shall do ncRs. 1 challenge th hi o.,t t.? \i, rights to stand in 11: s is what tn< ; lease of American niinig to per- rest of. the world. ^ re i. larger'*'' 'hm, a lnlnord ? ray the Detuo-l .? how to handle it know w hat to i\, ;<* scientific to pi s.iying that 1110*4,110 the hands of notlrng for busi- ?ady getting the em to show their .-olita, then they ie way of the re- i*!gly s? a< >uitae'oe? *1 Jl'J ! ' .ILJL a ' cumfitanoep thejr woull . have thought all along waR-f*eeusury to do v w attention sharply to the rrti? in bitsinoes vhip'a lt> and' that tlu*y .vout i ad J. t?el:ev?j tb*?y have*' "* draw more inspiration ire I do from them "They like myself, nr vants of |lie people of I States. Our sinews com sympathy and support, ; newnl comes from contat and with the strong mo public opinion in ths co id f ho roiiunri vt hv 1 for in you than nouy 01 men in the rei tin.' IM'liiorratk- party ' > only s? r- the progressive polio.? lie l'nileon be otherwises gei t with you Denun ratio party anil < ivomentK of ? ratio party has oarrle untry. That which the proR nnn uoiilil of this rolllltrv linv? <1 k'iil:ir ranks minority.'" - * rtn ?vho b< live m friend* of business s <>i our <1 :>> j AniericH v. 'll be bat s in the ranks they suaewl, *ty. How can "If i were speakii itleinen? The partisan point of vl inly tiie I)emo- nothing better titan ?1 out the poll show tiieir true co! ressive people tt'>d eucreed. But 1 i I'sirnil Tli<.ru tlialevob'lit :ik thj lr credentials us tig about exoep ami t r ends of {But if by se'entif llv discredited it Tariff tbey mean jrtual trade eon< iK from a selfish. sud the world, th< ew, 1 could wish (and I want to cal that they could the fact that the lors hh partisans 'the new trade coi am not quite so. very thing. We i it * * I U'AllM'ithat 5* ttroa w??* U t enough to Stun t once goes whil ic treatment of tho Loii> shall int adjustment to the That is wli ditions of America. amotion. the g enl am with them; pathy. Do yo flflKeir attention to American peop bill which creates count a small mmiasion does *hat benefits end t were at pains to see doing business . --v ? ..w e 1 am President, nc- , more reason erefere with thorn. .nualJ, we sli at 1 mean by u great future. And reat emotion of gym- frlends!u suppose that the "Look ab ile are ever going to world! On! amount of material Among all t id vantages to people world, only . i in Mexico against er for her o ?iv??ceQ jL/mrf 4?? "i* th? therefore that great antf ~ * >ould be confident la the I what a future it la. iuy road upon the troubled ly America at peace! he great powers of the America saving her powwn Dflonle! On! J A mor. prefer that our thoughts too often cross the ocean center themselves upon and duties of the United we think of the United S the time comes we shall country can serve the wc borrow a very interest I from a distinguished gc should nol ?een carried out in oh States. If public opinion of Ame Itates. when T1IK CUIlRKNOY I know rhis "Let me instance a rid. I will w?nt to ask the busii lug phrase present if this is not 'titIt-man of arv in tlo ir recollectiu r*l of this pres- rattier pray for th< rhich lias not them. But the ledience to the America ought to m rlcu. stand what they at RELIEF. tempting now. single tiling: ? ; try Is bursting its m-ss men her" are seeing to It thi the first Jartu- "ot only kept tight n that did not w'th steel. -V. " I VMM % V rroo |/Ui li em than abuse ' mitslon Is authori great voice of!nv enquire into i take them under-J press not only upc e said to be at-)of trade in this This coun-dthc conditions of jacket, and they manufacture, the at the Jacket Icftloe?all the thh L but is riveterVlh-' Question of tb 'countries as well i mv??- iu*i com- the liberties an zed and empowered ptness of the M tnd report to Oon- not European i in all the conditions ^ they wante country, but upon blood as they trade, the cost o'- their affairs, ai cost of transpotta- to Mexico beca* ig? that enter into i 8ay? I am I ie tariff?in for 'fi strong nation t! i as tn the Halted .? d the permanent hap- ica using hat [exican people? Have great Bering nations taken as long peace and of d and spilt a? much think it 11 k< - pleased in settling some time ti ad shall we deny that " 'You w< use sbo is weak? No, wrong. Tot >roud to belong 10 a we lost ours hat says: 'This coon- scale from ti great character and tier :th in the interests of prosperity! Do you not eiy that the world will urn to America and say: ?re right and we were i kept y.our heads when You tried to keep the Ipping and we threw the my acquaintance and be will keep your moral poi JACKSON A FORTH III "Hut 1 have come hei son day. If there are present 1 hope they w compelling influences of There was nothing mild drew Jackson; that is tl g that you bring a money string A'der dry time being. because ol GMT MAN. of paying out great ? re on Jack- dends and the oth Itepublicans which come at the tin ill feel th?- 1 have asked the bnnkt such a day pened this year, and tl about An- did not happen; it eon lie reason ! under the Federal resi ency for I ho "The Democratic f the necessity to serve husiuess in ums of money 'ts future projtrnm cr settlements service. \ st of the year, lino now upon whi rs if that hup- was to le between tlurope am ashamed tc States. It has the proportion to h will guid"? Ooti- pride in wlthh ntiflc treatment if from the oppre nternational jruoe. pje "And 1 kno* the things that the th|nes < not niei ouia crusn. snail nave whole weigh "eedom in her own af- the"scale. 1 re.' if I am strong. I Bion, in y > bully the weak. In strength ma: my strength is my counsel and olding that strength "Think ol ssion of another j?eo- struction of life and of h t u hen I speak thes* in some part -r-1 v from iho ppnuivmo *l-" - t of arms in one side of Sow in your self-pdssesour coolness in your ir we not turn to you for for assistance!' t the deep-wrought deeconomic resources, of ope, that is taking place s of the world and think kjioko i>i iim> < onipeuini of the day.' Andrew Jai forthripht man who bell tliiny ho d'd believe in I nest. And really, ladies men. in public life that sort of man worth thin for a moment.* "If I wnft^uqt ready everythina *1 believe ir Lr innin tuM's ! nave emancipated tne kson was a country. eved t'Vfry- TOOK LONO ightinu "i have taken a ioi and penile- and gentlemen. to selo is the only trade commission, bee iking about to choose iuon and li had chosen men who v to fight for ' serviceable to the ?>? i. 1 v rtiiiii this countrv. ns credits or tins ?"?ri?-a ?ui Anient thing with her free TIMK. ' There are great ig time, ladies the i'nited States tt the Federal that have been past ause I wanted of representatives v >e sure that I ei\ as constructive rould be r* "tl> half of business?01 tttnesa men .of which will make av U fit AM Hllin I i mnitc u* a must no som-- progressive Repu dom. . j o.fd that wort bills pending in Jltmocrats either senate jusi nuv i proposing to do. blicans htiv^ (ro- r-esitonse with ? practicable ihc met from you, have done or are time knowled 1? that if -!Ot O'"" p?ci'ie > that ie i to satisfy the in- American poop of the country I -with all d :avf one prvdr ?'i. qj, ^p^ ^ev^p? Lhat Lhw progfe.-vt^ theui that I u< which they have just voir of eneri , but from my lonir- tenunce, tha *e of the American land of plen the seniinieni of the forward to t le. he called ble ue respect to editors because we ipors, I have to say to world :t jvpr lake my opinion a,lli of dismi tTT" tMauUei xrr*tn thslr . iLXdC life a time. "The United States forgotten that it must ke ck and ihko?(-hu rank and the fiJe. herefore, ic hsre h?*-n done and vi son day. 1 done. They were tali he old mili- talked about with * which 1 be- Democratic Congress i pa in in our achieved them. | "But the Democrat had almost not suppose that it is ep its tight - business. The Dernoi TLeiu tb rs<;- ijjr the. mUuhiry of 11 rcvor l?r tin- which will unlock kod about ami the public domain \ utility uni.l li?.iiiM ut-sire to ha attempted and that nobody could u "What we are tr: tic party does great conservation done with the out for the llrst tin cratic party is of the United Sta IM LIU?* I! - v* **** i'i her yyr-f- cutiu... be the resmirroK lu>' vhich the Kepui' so far a* tii ve lorkr.l up .? ?legislatures so thorn. * for ono Democra yinp to do in tb;' favor of their beir bill i? to carr The President s ne in the history .be left Washingto tPn n Bvcfom Kt fi cures from the W* b> W , ' s? ti IVo.alw* ' X ve,T "r " ey cu be don- by *'on,r!5-v t . * . :u? H? orn at wn i isr one, speak lug t. on, hoArtlly In T if; done. : chuckled. kno uvld .h?t just before "**' "h? laup .a he weot over the 3llort' "ba' " io0? principles of t bat when some dailies f solemn l our "ouj where I am jem- f'e solidity < ik ihuuileicu with rife- ] -he exaltiitio tchful waiting. Wood-f^^h prineipl in Jii's chair an.} ican people wing that he laughs of the world hs last, knowing in thank God tl ere the temper and America, wh the American neonle. Pie. are lil may come, and I know r?f character and I know s of hope. I kaov the ^ e, with which the Auierwili respond to the call I for this service, and I hat those who believe in io try to serve her peoIcelv to ftlon jiik ardor in behalf of ma Andrew Jackson became and you will notice th* the United States forge) for mankind, a Democra President. The trouble v publican party is that It a new idea for 30 years, speaking as a politician : nkin<1 when still on trial. . . . This President, going to use any par it whenever do continuous and co ts its ardor ' work. If any group i t is elected . dare to break the si vlth the Re- Democratic team for i has not had j from any motive, ti I am not , most unenviable notor I am speak- JponBlbillty which will country is not which the groat 1 ty that cannot country can be use nsistent team ing set aside so tha of men should at them. I shall wj Uidity of the deal of Interest wh iny purpose or friends of business i leirs will be a hills, iety and a res- "Do not misunde bring deep bit- are some men on resources of th.B;tbat while these d instead of be-: incomplete, they i t no man can ge^ ! ocrats reckoning itch with a great would. If it had at the self-style^ y?w. have had a iry to do to tho?e the olectral eollej "Fortunately 01 ratand me. There ' not presldei that side of tha thing is signifies **??> vtvv UiV/U (iuu figures were as yet If 1 did Dot tl show that the Dem- emi*rate. ; state by state. sati8fled 10 8ta: been a presidential may Co,ne a tln , majority of 80 i? P?0^1? *'H1 ba re I know what I r unfortunately thig ?0t' * itial year; but the *? int to me fnr-thla " by Ibe link I knew. I wouM America her use I * would not be tended to b y where I am. There kind." ae when the American ? .ve to Judge whether aATTipui am talking about or upJ^jT t least two years more PASSENGEI think that I do. Trains ar i way, a very comfort- ^o. 118?T< ? ~ WW " U?k self from the first ine, the servant of raanBRN RAILWAY. Cwrltr of the South." " 1 I TRAIN SCH EDULE8. rive Lancaster from: vrkvilla T???V om ?-? o" iimiunull. 1 J for new ideas in the re< have not found any proe< the Hepublican ranks." The President added t publican party hud had I suggested new ideas, "b tried to carry them out, tiuued: "I would not sneak aave looxen | terness to them. The < ;ords and ! | is serviceable to a nal E>eding from that can hold absol and march with the hat the Ke- with the 2est of a con<) leaders who "I am not saying th nit I have cause I doubt that tl and con- party w ill be able to di but because I believe witli f d\w #1*^ inly party that chamber who und? ion is a party of these things i utelv together valiantly by them, discipline and small minority, uering host. j -The majority th ese things, be- tliem is on our side he Democratic amj thev are the fri o these things. "But there are ot that as leader vve have to do. Sc rstand the value reason, d are standing "A great man: but they are a speaking of the I a minority party at is standing by 80 much of a mi: of the chamber. Republican and ends of America, minorities I thin her things which belong to the lar imetimes when I.moral of that is 1 in? thought t* , . of the United r people here been V tbe , k we can clain. to mood i * dent that we c iierclv what i lavo tat the next Congress Nq State* 1* going to bo ' jnterm* >emocratlc and there- a. m. together feel a* much No. 114?Mi Jackson did that we 1?^35 ^ are about. No n'7?Cc ny friends, in a very tnterme I today. I feel confl- . Trains lea' lo know the spirit of ? ? Aiwt una diate stations 8:11 a. m. harleston, Columbia and stations lo:Of trion. Blacksburg, Ch-jrid intermediate stations, m. >I"mbia, Kfngsvllle ui^to stations, 7:48 p. m. ve Lancaster for: Ingsville. Columbia and speet of the Republieat always speak with great the past. The past wai to the present, and was a speotion of the future, liean party is still a eo refuge for those who a for those who want to c? grandfathers about every! v ?v?i IIIV uiuc uriii^ ui t party. I can promise the count respet t of do these things." s necessary the President paused sure retro- to the two Democratic The Repub- Indiana, saying he ne \crt and a; awake nights wonderi re afraid were going to do. I jnsult their | the- country is not go :hing. * | itself to lie awake nisrh mat party I took around, nay fri< ry that it will great mass of stru * Hero on this continent, it to pay tribute |(, rnv heart to see senators front ar<* at a disadvanta, ver had to lie guides and hel MK what they th'nk it would be a le added that for the liemocratic lng to trouble iak?> a systematic 111 tn anil ni>n.lo? - ends, and see ?he already been poi Ruling liumni ;ty that neither pai goes very uv?i? h membership hfcs how many ien n?t want to mal ge and are voter to? proud pers. I)onr v?ouT}have got to admit pretty good *!ea [and I am bound partv to tliat he waj ' * '1 lethod of hcyr.ngj^on them mentio " tne American Ming out to you. know tl)e p rty in itB regular whloh ? a majority. I ,lo un?enake. tha te the independent _ ro v.i , . reasonable com of himself, but I .u , . of the America that he is our boss to admit that the 1 have bee its. so far as I have nC8S mon recen ned, are the thins* ^.ale of m,nd ( miermoi people, that we do n0. 113?r, pram of betterment Marion. >e necessary for us to t mediate t we do have a very N*?' Tidence in the s\ipport stations u people. No. 117?R< n talking with busitly about the present r gc >f American business. | iished as lni diate stations. 8:31 a. m. , ock Hill, Blacksburg, Charlotte and interstations. 10:fl5 &. m. Kingpvllle, Columbia, on a~d in.ennediate 1:35 p. ra. >ck Hill. Yorkv'llo and diate stations. 7:33 hedule figures are p*bfurmn ? * "You will see. therefi have come to you in tli Jackson day. I got tired in Washington and sa things. I wanted to con get in contact with you and say what I really th "My friends, what I ] want you to observe is ww*t(#l?w. *wt- ? ore. that I what these men are goi ie spirit of if the country has to ( of staying choose other men. It ying sweet tion, he said "team woi ne out and is what they are goli once more of us. and that is our ought. well as our collective particularly That is what Jackson E this, that If a man will not play um? work ng men of ng to do. that a ^ry simple wt :lo that it will can help the workii 1 this connec- were simply to estal rk all the time cral employment bu ng to demand a vast deal; by the individual as w hicli spread over t responsibility, could be directed t< lay stands for. the country to thoi on the team, to thoao ? !* nV America? Tyer? that I want. 1 am ty In whtfavJfi'f-'fj voter, hut 1 hope lift men. If i.,?ian Independent f dish a gren* "!' %- to say this distin reau It wou.4? fe , any party any 1c federal agt^?W ' tinues to serve t his country 1 pressing needs of 3 those par;<> off. "I want to ma Be nndertah'??ti jdent voter in thii lA?A ?U?.. -4 ..I?* *4 " . not an independent 18 nolhi I ' 1 ? country a Demo- and tbat II ng the matter with n^t guarante less except a slate of 10 pas^nger W. B W. E. upon the motto of the lamber of Commerce H. ing to buy it buy it aident paid it is Just ~ low as it ever will be te buying is started Auditor's :? " wuij auu nre ed. For Information an fares, etc., call on CAUTHEN, Agent. McGEE, A. G. P. A., Columbia, S. C. . CAFFEY. D. P. A., Charleston, S. C. AX NOTICE. Mir* f/w V*. b iruiallin ill 111 115 country u< pond any longer upon t members of either party, not enough regular Hep this country to take am tional power; and I must ly add there are not enov Democrats In this eountr either. "This cnnntrv la irnir\ oes not uia 1 ? ' 18 a mi iployment. ;J*he out where he is. ry needs t be holds the balance inity to opp jrtvj- ^not the majority i the other dar. (come in where it at in two t-a$dl "Now there is o men wero* we& a irreat enthusias >ps. We 8u/-^ei^ ' almost say a n Unit that tti- (t+ &nd that is human lould hsv nnK ernnr hn? in?i > le cold and lonely iner* win ne because though he P*?>ident said s of power, he is ')eC4U8? be hat and I want him to the men who ki is warm. * is needed In A ne thing I have got Ueve ,n ,hat f m about; I might he cou'd secun ickless enthusiasm of tbose *'bo i i liberty. The gov- (party tbi r? w a. ? t H 1 inr A In 4 1% . no end to it. The he was sure of that The Audit i taken counsel with aPPointi now and that all that * Taj a haw, merica now is to be- 13th. uture. He said that A .8. Mui e his hearers as one 14th in the ?poke for the Demo- ^lat, Cree >t It to perfectly -fa ??~ au neiarni far 1914. or will make the foiloanents in person or by Wednesday. January igo, Thursday. January morning. k. Thursday. January evening. 'rldtv. Jannam 1 K*V ,r policy is determined by ti dent voter; and I have c< you how we enn beat pr independent voter that inent ho needa la the party and that It would I for him to attempt to u publican party. I do n< prove; I admit It." * .v.. nn i iir worm nas never he te? indopen- dilion that it is now, mi? to ask Half the world is i ove to the America among the gr the instru- the world la free to go Democratic life; and all the world ?e hopeless America to serve Its e< se the Ke- and while this Is hai 1 Dt have to .la going on? I "Do Vnll linnii' on in the con- ed information aboti my friends furra that it could >n fire, only the postofllces all < eat powers of states: and that th >vern her own labor should get in is looking to labor department ol ?onomle need, rotice could go out f ppenlng what vas the result? Th ?ere found and we ,_ J J? * it this :n * i? '? of *ard Mexico. 1 I toubh Mtjx ihe)?entml principle a r stateav ^Mhat every people has rom th^ci .Xhat ?mine Its own for lose 30,u0tvpnvu nnd until this re re sent tr_ thei Mexico, until the u? opuaru ADOUl *w "v,,v*w 411 lu' la Mexico. I warn ! "We are aor ?ut Mexico?or oat .busineae.jjlu^MjJ your Attitude to- fiiaae the fneml told It an n fundu- , trying to contro nd so do you. that little time becai the right to deter- ciled to them, m oI government: admitted that i cent revolution in what we did dc end of th* nu? h?Rii.A?..i? b iuiure. Kershaw 15 tts3Zr 1 business. 1 say for a January 22m ise we are now reeon- Carmel 8a They have graciously AH persot we had a right to do 21 an<) ??? ' "d.tb?y very i iitmimm" Monday and Tanadar. i and t?th. prings Wednesday and muary 20th and 21st. Hill Friday, January fl. turday, January 23rd. is between the ages of except those exempt by iy a $1.00 poll tax, also between ttve ?' " WHY DEMOCRACY F Doc-luring that only 01 the Kepubl{ran party wi tcive and that about two-tli .Democratic party was j ~ ? -?.w ? ftC !XCRLS. the ocean freight rates no-third of ; in some instances to 1 is progres- ordinary figure? And ilrds or the 1 niers of the United Stai regressive,1 raise grain and those v iiunucu, iam\ piorM where they g< have gone up 1 ployment. 0 Milieu their cost a great deal of that the far- ' mil do a great deal es, those who United States were tho raise cot*)do auch things syi ?t proflUW^em-' reign. 80 per cent It wfrt J not had a 'look in' In ' money a3 I it should be their f of service Hthe their government to undfttyrHj toil am for the 80 pe itematica'i/l and of my business, a r of the people never ! lng to play the i determining who "I believe. I covernors or what ' Americah busti shottld be. Now lutely sound ai t cent. It 13 none , mersed tn busir ,nd It is none of that opportantt U iu?i mey were go- and gg 8kan game. tion tax for i always believed, that shall be mai less men were abso- erty hMw k.< tm shall be not< ^ . S " 'or non-retm iess do a lot of things j offers to do which pay a $3 00 communt*- ^ road purpoeea. Return* l? of all pevaeual prop, nsfera of all real ?wtate Ml. 50 per cent penalty JOB. W. KOTOHT. * CM?tr AedMer. v > X ' * .V?vv. - \ ^ ? v 4 , , .-V* .f- C .* > ;* ? - - -1 - * BL* "^SM ? j** ' 1 \gwi Nk t /*' f '? , %3 "ij K * v. -y Tfc* y.. ; r ' > ^1..'" % ? - . itL&J* & J *L- " ^ 4^-J ' y>