The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, January 12, 1915, Image 1

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m m ' >s it*.. . . I ^ < V ' i ' t . ' # I - I ' - . .. / / v M V! VOL. 10, NO. 28, S: !4|f 1 KM I-WEEKLY. utni LANCASTER, :<w v S. C.. TUESDAY. J ANITA X 3M Iiy vi i<nr? fins. d?-? r J = f\ a irn a t-v RETAIL MERCHANTS' ASSOCIATION FOI Local Merchants Oiftani/. and to the retail meridian good highways the fanner i to bring his products to nun (RflPn less expense, lie can utiliz IV rII of wet weather to do his h town instead of having to til the roads dry so he can e For trip, tlood roiuls increase i . * GOV.BLEASEBISB ?! THE STATE un- ; make i'io : the vain Disagreement Hetwe< ANDS FULL PARDONS 1 MILITIA 1,000 STATE kn Gover- Hlease Favors Thi rA Al/rn lias exor? iscd ?1< met IS Hurli Included n the 11 Stevenson of Kdpelk PPMI/iptc ,w?yearsx,'pi0111 UUMYIuIU ('nnv,<lion ,or Crenel sentence was cor months. A parole we Out /? ? Itllev Thoiiinaon mi i I IS UNCLE SAM ,bor. 11.12. on .. nrflDI C of .runt. Tho ftUrLt IllllUtC'll to Hi X was I untied to Polrflalal W v - " j\ y iv\K. TO HELP ; FIND WORK Mutual Protection. TO PROMOTE II ONI One of the Main I'caturcs ? Organization In the Cn Hating System. A retail credit bureau lias b of adjacent farm acreage, of pood roads to the eotiimu ismall from an individual si ESTY . that there is no reason why .of South Carolina, especiull: ?f the I,er county. should not he cc Nlj, a net work of splendid 1 The benefit to the merchant toads Is great. The town eCll es- I 1211 rm.1 n.1 ../I l.v wftftil Ktirl. lb - ?obi j nor an(j ^yar Depai nity in ho r Landp dnt the Mil to THE OFFICERS WI . L?ancais- ! iverud by will Try to Holil Organ! ilghviiys. gptltcr t'ntll the New ( t of good Comes In. which is , . . _ tl | Columbia. Jan. 11. 'tment. Parole. LL ACT. MAY TURN AL zationH To- ; Governor Snyn llo lovcrnur (,'oitMUlerinK Oponln, itentlary I>o ? Governo.' Coluilihiii Snnrlnl t negro, who whb her j for manslaughter. John Henrv M L LOOSE. March, 1907. murili (reduced to twenty ye Is Seriously 1914; paroled . K tl?c. Pen- Jim Floyd Rlchlu w?. larceny, two years; ] n rhiiriiiuinn Harrv Mcintosh i .a nor uepartn vlnfc four years , Employ me oore, Chester. tjr. Life stence ' GGNEIl iL PL :urs in February, j Ajr'-lrulturul Ak* nd. May. 1014. Agents ami I paroled. Aid it Plnronro ln?? ? tent to Kun an nt Bureau. AN OUTLINED. ?nt.s, Immigration foxtiiiHsters to 1 Task. tablished by the local niercha the benefit of the retail tnu the officers are now very bus gaged in compiling these rati a card index system. This n tlon of the merchants and atonal men will be known :i Retail Merchants' Aasoclati Lancaster and under the ? . ?w. . vu*??*vu ?// oww ft** nts for usually well patronized, le, and business <8 good and the p My en- ;of the community is increase Ings in establishment of a better issocin- rp,| an a(ided inducement profes- fnrnier to patronize the stor i8 the bo can reach over a well I on of | easllv traverse 1 load, orking por a commundtv to bo tr " "J ? l? I KetaM "*ea8? today disbanded rosperity ^aro"na organized mlliti 3d by tbe one con,Panie8. cohiprisii ' market niat?iy J.000 officers an< to tiic affected. Disagreement b es vvhich governor and militia ai anil; md ' Pai*tnient officials on th j tlon and equipment of "! / htna I Was Klven 88 thd reason the South News and Courier, Jan a. Thirty- vlcts paroled "durin ig approxl- havior" by the present il men, are tive were granted full letween the blanket pardon issued id war de- Hlease this afternooi e orgatuza- proclamation hied In tl the troops M. McCown, secretary for ilio ac- is estimated that over 9. All con-!l!,13? niurdcr. l->fe f r Rood be- lo ten years, t chief execu- { "This is just the pardons by a the Governor to the .by Governor i this afteruoon. He 1 1 throuRh a siderinR, he nays, tu lie office of R. t convicts remaininR 1 of state. It ' tiary and on chain 1,000 were | out the State and I ..... ^ , wuhhinfctou. .la icntenre redu? od j employment bur? I evt'O' section of beglning." sn\l [ will be put ill ope newspaper met. 1 department next s seriously ton- operated along tin rning loosm all Wilson's suggest it n the Pemten- polis speech for " gangs through-| od of helping the In countv ialls. America " n. i?.?A national iau, reaching into the United States, ration by the labor week. It will be i lines of President .>ns in his Indianaa systematic methworkingtnen of pian aaopteu mucn good is ex When the bureau Is complete) ten or twelve thousand ind cards containing from three to reports on each as to the standing of each Individual wh on u credit basis will be at t posal of the retail merchan the business men of the city w moinhot-L- hto ? uorvnt > t <<?n pected. . , perous tt is necessary for [| some ividual ? 8 1 community tc fi ' spirit of co-operation hiri tf.n j which will enable them to v criMiit , by side to bring about betti 10 b,,V8 * . he (lis ,{ons- 18 extremely unj , to allow factional preju< ts and . . . ho an rreep 111 between the marcl his farmer friends and c\ tion. Ui?' rebl- Militia officers tonigi ? sho v a movement to prevent coi tolerance organization. Telegrams rork fide lQ soUtu Carolina membt er condi- gress ul Washington requ profitable tl)ey use their intluenoe t llces 1<* I v? ar department delay ask imnt and (i;rn of $200,000 worth istomers. !. vl. ?i.? j affected by this actio it begin a | rights being lestored mplete d'8- i many by Governor BU were font j stroke of the pen. ?rs of t on- j since assuming olhc estiug tlint |;?ii, the present govei o hu\?* the clemency in 1.66 .ing tne r? - om, thousand of which of supplies I ivsiK'd during good bo ?n. citizenship Over 2,not) more prl to fully that j set free should he do jase with onejernor "fllntrr. wide al !South Carolina" it i e in January 'done next Saturday t rnor has exar- ? general imprest >2 cases, o/?r iw"' ^e ' wholesale were paroles'"" convicts before havior. This eillce. He ha* only Isoners would be I Preliminary wo this. If the Gov- j has been complete I prison doors In ed today l?v Comn A-111 probablv l.e of the iranPRralioi ifternoon. riio"" , tion% h^ve been s don that and rural mall < ; turniriK loo.->" of J the country and n he reiii ?s fro:i agents of the hk ten davs 'ett C. inent. wh > will n rk for the bureau id, it was aunuonclissioner Caminetti n bureau. Instruc ent to postmasters arners throughout early 200,000 field ricultural departo-operate with the This work of the retail met of Lancjister is simply a cm for tlie promotion of honesty esty in the dealings between tl chant and customer. Not a an endeavor made to make ti oral public realize that it | meet just liabilities and deb to imnress nnon the mppcli-ii These prejudices are usuall; chant? suit of misunderstanding, uipaign |H, removed by publicity and b?n- , tiou. There is nothing in 10 mer- ,jon wItli the operation of tl lone i- Merchants' Association wh ic gen- not stnnd the full test of t ?avs to of publicity, is, but * ' nt niii'i y the re- Adjutant General Moi and can tu ieave for Washington explana- lo collfer with war depai i connec- clnld on (|?, situation, lie Retail (governor illease explu icli will or,ier disbanding tlie troo lie lime of li 1 secretary of war and tli - |ot tlie navy and Adjuta p)o< himation issued to "rr> ' 1 ' ' ! of ".ese unconditional tomorrow ?? ? ,, rtinent olli- I 11,0 fo,Iowl,-? P ci dns'-ed i?y tlie governor Inod ... Ills sh"r"s- co""f"blc" lis lh..l .hu " " <"<>???" givciing: el \ M'li 'ii? e socret.try GOVERNOR'S I'ROC nt "Whereas. I. Colenn day gives all his term, pardj'ij. "I know . <h more tarnation ad- aF I promised It- do v ' to all judg. ?. ttllire," said ilic Uovi other olio that he had fr? ed m e, bears ilr- Mcts. I.AMA-.LN. CASES AGAIN in Li?' lesloi nTMmo'n labor (lop-irtiiK nt thai. .? ? a <ia\ jobless in n and t irhen I . ame i t > gather. Aden's u rrnor when tol l bareuu also will parly 1 ,~u > . < a task. The general plu Mr. <"aminetti as t .,o ' ? v .li be oillrt-H annouiu'ing ill bringing the lie luanless job totlie immigration aid hi the huge Ti was outlined by ollows: }>ca?e'' in ull :iiat i: nplieations the necessity for doing busino: strict basis of business honest One of the principal feati the Retail Merchants' Assc is the credit rating system, system covers not only the city of Lancaster and acljacen tory, but aiso most aii who credit business in the small S? ,','n ? SIR EDWARD GRE " NOTE IS APPR ureH of ?? iclation lx?n?loii PajKTN Praiite til This trtry'M Handling <?f IHfl entire Matter, t terri-| Ixindon, J?n 11.--TH-* do a mcrning ne.\: papers com mi towns Sir Kdwaril C.rpv'R renlv Y'S Moore of South Carolina OVPT> 5 ml hin,self 011 lI,e other VJ V JhU , hjra to tnkt tliJH step. T i? Secre-j onte8' he 8:iid? resulted |ru?t breaches of dscipline in . corps. I.cnch n "Xhe present goverpor lutibr on of Sou'-h Carolina !- of , ti .aJthat it will be unfair ant 011 one sine ; Ulecae ,tlie governor o j South Carolina, hv hese di.Tci- pover uuC authority ve in serious the constitution and tho militia Mntif of South Carolln to'ori*e*anted certain | 9f stale tain?ereons, at varioi the opinion the years i unjust on|n';r' tindred and etev IiLfl X KJIX f the state of j ? virtue of the , >*??| I'ros Kntrrol sted in no* hy <.?vcrnor in <'i laws of the I James II. ? a. ha^* here- j Columbia. Jan. 9.pat olea-to ??. ?- a ietter received yes lib and divers j governor. Wade Hat o?j thniiband. ] iscttnr of the fifth 30. o"0 fin-. ) sulci last nLaht that ?jJT1"?.iJL) i'"" work ?r worm ? by the postmaster at ltet|ue*?t of p|ie?l with forms, i nse AjjainM forwarded to the Moore. agent in charge of ?As a result of the office is locate terday from the , branch of the it npton Cobb, ao- j will handle that Judicial circuit, land to it also will he would enter ' acrlrnltiirnl itenn rs win be received . who will be *up0 be filled out and labor department the zone, in which d. The distribution nniigration service part of the work. 1 ko reports of the -* irtmelit imnla no and villages in the l-ancastei tory. This is not any scheme jure the reputation or hurt tt ings of any person. Under th? ods used in this credit ratii tem, the person who is lion cures a rating which euables get credit from any merchant country. r terri- American iroleat over < i to in- American ea-R'iCb held up b le feel- varships confine themaelv i meth- train to expression of com ir sys- proval of the Foreign 3< est se- | mulling of the difficult an.1 him to subject. in the Recognizing that the repi p. preliminary one. the ne rieln> s to hi<:t part to turn ov?r to h y Hritibh !in offlce the roWtia of Sou ?s jn to. 11 118 Present condition.* plcte ap- read* 'cretary'a The controversy bet wee I delicate* 1 H'ease and Adjutant Gen I was said to liuve been tl y is < niy the Kovernor's refusal t< WKimuors ta1n or,,^?"8 and official | 1b succes^.r jbR!?' n.r.t hundred an th Carolina ! thousand, nine hundred the order ? thousand, nine | 'Mi.^eeo, upon the con n Governor *00,, Savior,* as eral Moore '8hoWn by reference t< ?e result of in ,he of the go o *iKn ror- i8ta,e ?r South Carollr paper j pre- ! ?^'< e ?' 'he secretary < I 0 O 4|. u d twelve am ja nojie prossequl in I and thirteen.'crimirai libel brot > hnmlref. a:. 1 ; agningt James H. J di- >n .lurinv Tbe Columbia He will be fully Blackburn, secretar; o the records nor whicli were set vernor of the j present term of the ta and in the , court of general sea jf state of the when informed la the two cases of to sections where iKht last April e?l. Applicants w loore. editor of ed of the nearest >cord, by \V. F. can obtain work * of the Kover-iseek. for trial at the Commissioner (. Richland county ; plan had been trl isions. ' way and the resu st*nis:ht that the I satisfactory. After laborers are needill then be Informpoint where they of the kind tbev 'aiulnetti said the led out in a small ilts had been most the fire at Salem. Through a system of credit information it exposes the < dealings of the "Credit Gr and the man who secures cr< commodations which he ncv tends to pay if he can avoid ing. The rating system i rating on the wealthy man iu* the pauper. The wealthy rating refrain from '^tailed argu' rooked criticism, but express sa afters" over the spirit of cordis 1 jdit ac- with which th-'j assert Sir er in-'i.ns met the .'jneiican argut so do- The (igui ?s cuoted by Ki: jives a of American trade are he', as well sent a strong tase. and tin person n?ent is supported by I moats ?ri8',ntert to h,n> bV ,he tip faction !eralrankness ' The secretary of wai Edward secretary of the navy b ix.nta. *'e8 to controversy, r Riwnr?l to official statements, <vh< j to pre- ter of acconnttnp for at ?.oveiii- | worth of federal pre the i ow* federal departments el state wi ouuin varolii! Jutant gen- reconj8 W|ll speclflca '.show the name, or nam r and the |Boni Qr persons, so part ecanie pur- jty in which he, she or I aeeoru'n:? ; victed, the term of con r>n the mat- jn>, judge thereof, >out Hot).- naI0t.H of said person ?perty these wj,at offence convicted aimed had term sentenced, in en a. wnicn Ram . . , lly give and I cr:m"Ial proceeding iee. of the per-1 wouUI " droppe.l n . , 1 request, Mr. Moore i >letl, the coun- , , , never attached tiny they were con... . , i tne matter as he co rt. the presid- . .. j tlons brought mere the name or' , purposes, or persons, of I and to whati There were two ich and everv *'r- Moore baaed C s against him Mass., last June, t the governor's factory operative! naid that he had ?r <'niployment. th importance to succeeded in flndl nsidered the ac- i of them, ly for political By a colncider tar>- Wilson, of warrants against ,ahor. approved < >n editor.'als ap *,Hte of lhe , re8 when nearly 4.000 i were thrown out e labor department ing work for many ire. he said Secretin^ department of >nly yesterday, the fdent's speech, the n uu v> in nut. pay 111 h or ner worse than the one who is pr< from so doing by poverty ai fortune. Many of the bad a on the books of the merchants state and most of the heavy b which he carries from year are against the accounts of who are well able to pay th< and honest obligations but w diiis is papers in '.*> \iew that wh.l evented s'ble comestun* should i id mis- where ont/ nutations of i ocounts are come mod. Jngland's pi i of this the war pr?c' er eny rer.l i stances policy. to year The post i:. tin editorial i people ,.gir Ed , at j 0rey haB c. eir just g^0>N n I ( t. bulk of >.i ho tiro. e .ill pn?? ' ?oen lost and destroyed >e mad?- ' il'a organizations was iu i.e. ? * ii'v accounting of this prope [tuition in Bun about a year ago a chniifTti Ti was completed and the ports were said today t t| fo rthe signature of Gove The situation became f urt?.oiMl> p||,.atej jaHt sumtner wh 1 prnnr rsfiuml t M nurmli by the mil- , , , individual rase. 'hi up. An rty was be- PARDONS FO! nd recently "Now, know ye. tl finished re Rood causes and cons o be ready I hereunto moving, I ha rnor It lease, to pardon and by thei urther mm- jprant a pardon to en< en the gov- j Person or persons so | ? i-4._ d'irlnir mv terms nt I pearlng in The K< ?*i 1 ? 14. and April - * AUl?. charged that Mr. jat for divers jy aluj maliciously dderntions me |OUR intent, origi ? ive thought tit la(e an<j publish n je presents do (0ncerning one i'?< eh and every Yhese were sworn < paroled bv me ! uiaokburn .then nfflpa on 1 ? , , . mini report mat t?r?! on <-.uinneiti. anno i 1 n 14 !?ar.t . , 1 ?t the plans, uor ?lnl wilful and wih mailt' STAKVIXC* IN iU?. ult?r. clrcu- ? false statement Krnnti^tniis Turn iU> L. lUor-se." ,\ll Their < ??n >al l>y W. r-a- i: \\ ushinwlon. J noerapher In tiio 0f ellRioua wnrki te io him ny air unoing completion "HOI.VLAXD." >ed Out of Nearly vent* liy Turk.s. Ian. 10.?Hundred!* rrs in the Holyland for not to unions forced. There is a general belief minds of customers that tin merchant ta making an eu profit in the handling of m dise. This is a mistake. T! chance for the merchant t< any money under the prese ditions is to do the volume < -- _ ?vih nl.'ih interference h in.Tie ius not been eetabn in the i,aH t,rowi t' tt had really t>? 9 retail d,?d f.,r i|M> ...trals for orraous was exported, erchan- -The British Nation and lie only t58h soldier8 and sailors > niakelfi(?htj)1){ an(, dylnR for Kng nt ron- ?r0od reason to complain of jf busi in I < rii | troops to participate in nh?-.l t ut encampment ordered by i> ? h"'i'- the division of militia ..I ? . ? mi it action. according to slate the adjutant general"', the Uri-i aulted in appropriation.-, who are aggregating abont f66,oti land have tenance and equipment o the policy ; Carolina inilitla being VIIC III I I 1*1 ( " ' the annual Rovtrnor of the state < the chief of during the year Talrs. This- 1014. tuenls fro?i "This pardon is inte s nfflip, re- and is granted only t by Congress or persons whose par 10 l'or main contained the one rnnl if the South Rood behavior," and d held up le it intended to. grant f ? amro of the govern if South faro- t <> ] 4, al which t:n a 1911. 191.. -pjie Record was a trute II. F. Ileuchel ;ndod to apply fondant, fixing the 1 o such person $5,000. ol? or paroles j riuT-T. AMERICAN C ull mirdons to XX A C! Q A IfPT or. on April aro facing si rvj u* the editor 01 reports received I rrested Magis- frey Schilling of released the do- tjer. commissary iniount .of bail at Holylaud n the The report d huve turned the lXIAT>TrPV nearly all of the ' m>nia. I'pper \ t>*?t rtTTT-a* . ition, nceordintc to today by Rev. Godtho Franciscan Orfccneral for tho raited States, eclares the Turks Franciscans out of >ir (onvents in ArSyria and Galilee. ness. In other wordR. he has his capital over live or six t the grocery business or two c times In other lines of trnch average net profit of the gi not over fl?e per cent. Tit expenses in connection wil mercantile business of whir but tho merchant is aware. to turn ?r ,,|K Majesty's Uovernn lines in war win dr"K on many bi >r thre?> ,,fl,,men will die because th 5. The meBt ,laH adhered to the ooer Ik ceP,ion that property is mc ere are thnn ,,fe " th the ? h none TW'? I'HIKS .\T tiltKKWl Add to ? Mnt-LI...,, lent. The the war department. I ave Eng- the three reRiments of I e Qovern- auxiliary corps affected t new con- are 600 men whom the g >re sacred ' refused to muster out of on orders received al month sago from the c liliK, H.C. division of Ignited State* fairs. 1'Uk I I - - - - nclud"d i.t any person or persons nfantry -and paroled under any o >y the oid -r or condlt'ors." overtior hvi ^\n unconditional servi?*.? op-1 granted to W. T. Jont bout e ttht ( Pnion farmer, who wn hief of the ln few weel s hro, afte i militia af ()f a ufe ?ei n for inure | Thero w.?re some ot! , --- UAW * XJA who have been ? ther eondilion consul <fc?nernl Wft Kijins ere lliphl.v pardon was ??f Amer.cui ;s, the wealthy Nt.w York. Jnn s paroled only charily has saved H< r serving par' vation, declared 1 ler of his wife, j American consul gei her conditions *-j~ -- - ' ujcixjvriuiu leaving them in | ? of their convent lt?i Says the Hel- Jerusalem, and I Appreciative Annunciation at 1 Succor. , iisulem flourish i 11.?Amercan ' the Assumption! Igiunt front star- Fathers of Zion Sthelbert Watts. Benedictine and teral at Brussels. Poor Clares, anc ... . ... I. . | >osH?'88ion. however. of St. Savior in t lie convent of the X.t'.areth. In JeriiK totumuiiities of stH. Dominlcians. White Pat hers. Carmelite Sisters. I other orders aru mis expense a heavy percen loss from bad accounts and t of doing business is very ma increased. The credit ratln tem eliminates much of this 1 that is why an effort ie bein to make a sueeeaa of ihls^syi eery locality aad to secure n the eo if ratio a of the m< tail aI lha aaa.a.1 ?U<a tage of ' ? he cosi ,,f ??M?00. iterially Greenville, 8. C. Jan. K Bys- Markley building, formerlj osb and ware store on Main street K made r*nt, burned this morning, item in an G8t'mated loss of $40,0< tot only Ithe flr?meu were at work, I >reliant, jout * the Cmpoloen mills, <j I three stores snd ?m m*n* * > i ne innitia was con Adjutant General Moor 10.?The well, whose official posl ' a hard- j affected by the order, now va- ! Bleaee, however, was cot entailing chief, ex-offlclo Gen, i )0. While of Columbia, ?m brfgad Ore broke of the South Carolina co I octroying quartern of the Pirat Inl mtUM. au m* -1 nnandcd by attached to the parolt e of Hnrn- aides that of good be tion in no'. , t<>ok a special pardon Governor I NEW CL.EMENC nmander-ln- Later in the aften AH lie Jonen blease sent across to tl liar general,, stale another list of rpa. Head- roles and eommutati 'entry Regl- the total number of cm > >v. a nuiiiu luuav un iea> 3 of Jones hehavlo-. and Hi J'*" "m to free I,In, ?h'P arrived. Mr. \ "Y I 1ST jglum had less than rioon Qovernor 8"pp,y W,th the e: he secretary of b,y 8ome out,*n? tblrty-flve pa- treMed on., bringing j m?als each day MS la which be "Bsl?laas mm hk e 01 uDuence. , nufv ? American relief'8treet8Vatts aand, "He?- *n r*'BponRe ti three days food troub,e ?h? tception of postti- iwil11 lhe state villages, the dis- 'ar* bowev*r. ?e now assured c*r? ?' suffe availing. ^ ewredatlve CROWN PRI1 IWII JMI I IIIUI I! * o early reports of ter was taken up department. Thus arts to arrange for rers have been unVTR8 IN CAMP I i i ? p?wva ?i yWWIIV. The Retail Merchants' Asm doss not stop at trying to m protect the setail dealer, but gaatsatfon 4s used for tire pr< for good roads, trades weeks i upbuilding of communities, the merchants and the buslm of the town are thoroughly or IhM in> ftkla ?A ? ?!?? ?k?l? relation #nUlllnf alo*of '8-000 intually ~ the or- N>xt Amerlrati Bar Me >motloo New York, Jan. 9."?The and the Bur AModatlon will hold When meeting at Salt Lake City, )? men Augast 17, and 18th and 1 gaol zed Regiment at Columbia, TMrd at Charleston. Co ctlag, corps was located at American 8u,UvanB IsIftnd- Beai lta next aear**toWD' each 1 Utah, on *ro*lmat* "trenath of < mil officers. War Department Not I 1UV IJHU? II II ,?| ' ' . ?ami of th? MtrMi tha Incoming |( aat artillery Oy woald order 1U rac Charleston. avoid as far an poaelb ufort and money allotted by tha >ad an ap- ?rnm?nt for the mllltl 0 men and Sumter, Jan. 11.i statement to make i Hiriimf itlma." ulit I ? i ?" ABtnqui succor mnor ipetd- P*niee for America) nrganlsatlon to r?Ter?nc*?< hoard le any Ion of "To the boot of national gov- there hoo been no I n'n support. the distribution of i man military authc -"I have io "I was informod b H the present sal Johnson at Oho Mh imltin ?av . man mtfkAo(?(aa w? Nothing but a?I might mj To Be*tow Ho L Regiment my knowledge London, Jan. nterference with Telegraph dtapatc ellef by the Ger- says: irltiee "Crown Prince y American Con- who visited Bedl! nt that the Oer- red with several Jk 1 ?- - * ? ^ ui oanw. 9.?An Shrchanc* h froai Amitordfim Pmdwlck William. In racantly, confnrof Um ?J|feMtrs. friends in mttltri of public prleea. The promotion of good roa qua! importance both to the \ muivi j nruncnm or hbos t enter- j Berne, 8wltserland, Ja i Eight person* are known ds Is or | perished In avalanches < farmer following the recent bear? i ' Washington, Jan. 11. n. 11.? partment officials were i to hare concerned today by newi tar Berne emor Blease had dlsti snowfall. South Carolina mtlttia. ?War d?- amor-elect, when aek not much he would Instate the fi that Gov- national guard after >anded tlio i tlon. He said ho woul They be- patter when "official! ed tonight if rMUtntioa for Ame k>uth Carolina auppllea inadvertent hia .nauKiirv Gorman officer* and d cona'rrr the } In Belgium homes, y advl'U'l." and orderly." ? mmm prumpi un nts return to t rlcun food and quartern he wan i ly consumed by Crown Prlneeen, ' men quartered stow decorations Brussels Is qui? * the reg ment whe colonel. he EapMFr'i headtccotufatfXed by the who Mred to on tho officers of w U hoaormry * -