v LOCAL DOTS | he ?The U. D. C.'b will meet with w Mrs. Q. M. Plyler Thursday after- ti noon at 4 o'clock. Wl ?Two deacons will be ordained th at the Taxahaw Baptist church next ; in Saturday night, October 3. pi s' ? Rev. R. A. Lansdell and Rev. | ^ John Lake will speak at the Baptist Q* church at the Sunday morning ser- [ vice. | rV ?Rev. J. B. Caston will begin his ^ pastorate of the Taxahaw Baptist V church the fourth Sunday in October at 11 o'clock. (j ?See new advertisement of the m J. T. Wylie Company, offering to pav f0 10 cents per pound for 2 5 bales of g, cotton in payment for goods at cash ^ prices. M ?We note from The State that ai the railroad commission will make E an inspection of the Lancaster & Chester Railway Saturday, October i er 3 proximo. tli ?Mr. J. L. Glenn has returned " from New York City, where he ac- aJ companied his son, Mr. J. L. Glenn, ?' .Jr., from Washington, to embark for Oxford, England, where he will enter the university, as a Rhodes scho- I lar.?Chester News. ?Beginning this afternoon at 6 | o'clock and continuing through Wed- ? nesday, Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, will be celebrated by the ^ Jews. This is the holiest day in the t( jewisn caienuar ana trie ttirscn p Bros, and M. Poliakoff will close (? their stores for the day. ^ ?Mrs. M. J. Perry has returned tc from Ciiarlotte, where she spent the 0| past weekend with Miss Mavme w Mackey,vat the Charlotte Sanltorium. r( Mrs. Perry will leave tomorrow to 1 tt rojoin her and will accompany her m to Baltimore, where Miss Mackey i bi will undergo treatment at the Johns pi Hopkins Hospital. r( ol . / KILLS HIS FIRST DKKIl. , a1 jK1' Mr. Claiul X. Sapp Enjoys a Geolgte- n town Hunt. I c' Hon. Claud N. Sapp is back hflme " after a pleasant Week spent on llhe hunting preserves of Dr. Station ' Baruch of New York City, near . Georgetown, this state. The hunt- P1 ing preserves include 3 5,000 acres of land on the Georgetown coast. Mr. Sapps was one of an invited party who shared Dr. Baruch's hos- s' p allty. The party engaged in the sport of killing wild duck, deer, wild .. hogs and in Ashing. Mr. Sapp killed ' two does, one of which he sent to e< Stogner Bros. & Connor, and which * was on exhibition for several day*. ? Mr Snnn had to en thrnueh thp int. ! tlatlon, always enforced fnm time " immemorial, against the person * who kills his, or her. first deer?and ' p that is to have the face well washed _ in the blood of the victim. Mr. i ri Sapp, of course, submitted with all 11 the grace possible, to the ordeal. He K says he brought down a large buck S with antlers like a chair. The rea- g son he did not kill him was owing to n the fact, he says, that like the Irishman in the story, he was taken bv surprise at the slow approach of the .. buck, supposing at first he was a man walking along with a chair on his J ' head. , b t< ( CARD OF THANKS. si w King's Daughters Appreciate Help ai Given Them. w The Lend a Hand Circle of King's ,l Daughters wish to thank the several 'r religious denominations of the town 0 and the Young People's Christian Union of Riverside, for the valuable ^ aid recently given them in caring for w a family stricken with fever. After the circle had contributed $50 of its , P own funds to help this worthy cause. | an appeal was made which was generously responded to, collections be- ! .. ?1.A ?i nlna ? .. ,1 I nt?S umrii iii nir uiuuii an * itc, aim * at th? Baptist ~hurch and a contributioi. having been sent from the above-named organization at River ; (]; * aide. The Lend a Hand Circle have . -r further made tip the additional ex- | ti penae of $17.80 incurred in provld- 101 ing medical attention and other necesaltles. The King's Daughters p. ask a Heavenly Father's blessing j ( I on all who helped them in this very j v deserving work. K """" I 11: MIIS. FltF.D It. HOItTON l>KAI>. rc Passed Away Last Thursday in n Atlanta. 01 The following from The Macon (j tGa. 5 News of lar* Friday evening, jj will be read wltn regret by the friends and relatives of the deems- M'. ed, who was the wife of Mr. Fred p( R. Horton, formerly of Heath i s, Springs: g "The body of Mrs. Nellie llortou, p, whose death occurred yesterday g( morning in Atlanta, was interred in Pirt Hill cemetery this afternoon immediately after arriving here on the al 1:26 Southern train. A brief funeral Ba service was conducted at the grave or by Rev. \j. 8. Barrett, pastor of the j Hast Side Raptist church. Bt "Mrs. Horton formerly li 'ed here pI and has many 'friends who deplore ' ar w her death. She was a slater of Mrs. i a. T R. F. Hill of thia city." . .. ar ? at FALL OPENINGS. ' ui th Women Buy Hate* in Spite of nt Adversity. Neither the cry of hard times nor | ^ the threatening weather during part ? A... I ^ ui tut" umy Ki;pi tuts wumrn awa.> from the fall opentngR, where almost " every visitor purchased one of the smart creations. The Lancaster Mercantile Company, the RobinsonCloud Company and the Jones Mer- fi' cantlle Company, all three had attractive displays and their respective ( milliners and assistants spent hour er after hour suiting the needs of their ti< customers Black velvet hats of st many shapes are decidedly the most in popular and these are trimmed in a Hi variety of styles. Most of the hats al are larger than for several seasons le past. bt ' "V -V * i, . h. # AM) Kit SON BEAVER DEAD. ited Man ?f Xew llethol Settion me of his daughter, Mrs. W. H. allace, In the New Bethel section, tiursday night at 8 o'clock. He 8 as 8 5 years of age ana was a son of ! e tote Martin B. Beaver. He was t arped "to Martha Williams, who ? edeceasod him eleve nyears ago. f. B^ver was a man of sterling i 1< lalities. He was a consistent mem- d rr of the Methodist church, an upght ci.tizen, and an honest man. a t the-'call of his country he volun6red as a private in the Lancaster rays, commanded by Capt. John . . Wylie, and served during the en- j re war. He made a brave soldier, r. Beaver left surviving him the r illowing children: Mrs. John W. c lllivan of Rock Hill, Mrs. Ransom . Carnes, Mrs. W. H. Wallace and ! <1 rs. W. F. Crenshaw of this county. r id Mr. H. Stewman Beaver of 5 luff City, Ark. 8 His rnmnlna u-orn tntorroH of ToK_ I nacle graveyard, in the section of ie county where he was born and ved all his life, on Friday afternoon 4 o'clock, the Rev. w. C. Kelly ficiating. ^ocic^News With its first fall meeting at tho ame of the popular secretary of ie clubV Mrs. John P. Hunter, the riday Afternoon Hook Club, Lanjster's eldest social organization >r women, entered upon its sixsenth veaV. The hall and parlors r the llueter home were bright ith goldejfrod, salvia and late fall jses. After a cordial welcome to members gracefully given by Its. T. Y. Williams, two readings paring upon Julius Caesar, the la\ to be studied this fall, were sad, one by Mrs. Krnest Moore, the thor by Mrs. L. C. Payseur. Th?> ttractive year books were then dis ibuted, after which routine busiess claimed the attention of the lib. During the social hour, a decous salad course, followed by 1 jffee and mints, was served. This ' rst meeting of 1914-1915 year was 1 1 eclared by all who were present to e one of the most enjoyable In the ' istory of the club. Two visitors < ho enjoyed Mrs. Hunter's hospltaly, were Mesdames M. S. Wither- I :>oon and 11. G. Mcllwaln. * * ? I The eleventh birthday of Miss [nry Gildersleeve Wylle was marki by an afternoon party, to which j score of her young friends were in- . Ited. Tables for rook were placed ] i the living room and for an hour j r more the games progressed merrl- | Miss Eliza Moore scored high- , st, winning the prize, a silver i angle bracelet. Ice cream and , ike were served during the after- | oon. Tiny favors in white and , old were given each guest as sou- ( enirs of the occasion. Many little . ifts from her friends were left to . ?mind the young hostess of this ery happy birthday. , * * * In honor of Mrs. A. S. Duffey of < altimore, the attractive guest of [ry. Charles D. Jones, Mrs. Robert . Brown entertained eight auction ridge players very pleasantly yes- \ >rday afternoon. The chilliness outde was soon dispelled by the ( armth of the hospitality in doors ( nd before a glowing fire the tables ( ere placed. Roses and dahlias , irther brightened the living room, i which the hours passed all too ( ulckly. Dainty refreshments in ( vo courses were served. Mrs. - > it lie r i*i. aieven8, scoring nignest, j on two pretty handkerchiefs, while ( ) the guest of honor, the hostess , resented a deck of cards. j COMPANIES MUSTERED OUT. j a master Reserves Among the Five f Companies Disbanded. ( In accordance with the recontmen- f itions of the war department, matle i i April, Ave companies of the Na t onal Guard were Friday mustered t lit of military ser\ice in this state, f ir order of the go\ernor. The com- s n.iitp are: R. First infantry, Rib- f ty Hill: E, Third infantry, r "'1: H. Third infantry, Conway; f . Third infantry, Walterhoro. an.l 0 . oioni' companv, coast artillery t serves, Lancaster. > General orders. No. 73. under t hlch the. companies are mustered t tt, is as follows: "1. Under the provisions of sec- c on 39, military code of South Caro- \ na. Company B, First infantry, 1 iberty Hill; Companies E, Barn- t ell; H, Conway, and K, Walter- C iro. Third infantry N. G. S. C., and ( #eond company, coast artillery re>rves, Lancaster, are hereby muster 1 out of the- military service of >uth Carolina. j "2. Pending the settlement of leir property and financial account-. UIHu lk? , - Jl -?? -?l /ill VJ , Hir: lUUllllllllUIIIK Ulnars OI 1 | ild organizations will be carried fl 1 the unasslgned list. "3. Lieut. Col. James T. Hornsbyl fl ate arinorer. is hereby dlrecteon his arrival he will receive from i j te commanding officers of above j t imed companies all public property. nlted States and state, for which n iey, the said company Commanders. t e responsible, giving receipt thereir, after carefully verifying ac- i ^ >unts of samo." ELECTION COMMISSIONERS. * ; c overnor Appoint* Two Net* in Knrh o County. | The governor has appointed fed- P al and state commissioners of elec-, o on in the various counties of the J ate. those for Lancaster county beg: Federal. (1. Washington Wil- t Fims. J. A. House. John E. Porter, u 1 of Lancaster; state, J. E. Rut- n dge, H. R. Blakency. L. P. Cly-; * irn, all of Lancaster. ' t THE LANCASTER NEWS PERSONALS I* Miss Ivor Broun of Heath Springs J, pent Saturday and Sunday here. j Mr. W. Carson Hodges wept yes- r erday to Columbia to enter upon his b enlor year at'the University. f I Mr. Charles W. Kequarth of Charotte was a yisllor in Lancaster Friay? and Saturday. Uev. J. B. Caston of Taxahaw was J1 visitor in town yesterday. Mr. J. Oscar Williams of New P rork is here on a visit to his parents, e udge and Mrs. D. A. Williams. t Mr Molann -? ..... ..viov/11 muuiKUllierjr Ul V lie- * aw is on a visit to relatives in the ounty. Mrs. J. J. Kamlner went to Gudslen last week to spend awhile with elatives. itrs. Jack Reese of Congaree is the ;nest of her father, Mr. J. Wylie orter. Dr. and Mrs. C. D. Rollins and hildren of I.ake City are the guests ?f Mrs. Rollins' parents. Mr. and lrs. J. M. Woodley. Miss Ruth Dillard, after a visit to drs. A. G. Ellison. returned last veek to her home in Spartanburg. Miss Joyce Clark is visiting riends in Charleston. Miss Rosie Todd has returned rom Hendersonville, where she pent the summer. Mrs. A. S. Duffev and little Misses .ouise and Alice Duffev of ltaltinore, who have been the guests of drs. Charles D. Jones the past sev>ral days, left for Charlotte today to spend the week before returning lome. Mr. S. D. Hough of Lancaster, S. J., was a guest in the city Friday.? 'harlotte Observer. Mr. Crawford Relk of Fort Mill ,vas here o nhusiuess yesterday. Mr. John H. Caskey, who holds a msition with the State Hospital for he Insane, is here on a visit to relaives. i Mr. A. Lloyd Moore has been {pending several days here with his amily. Mr. Thurlow S. Carter of Sutton, Williamsburg county, is here at- 1 tending a court of reference ?? u J .vltness. Hon. W. U. Clyburn of the Halle 'Jold Mine was here on business tolay. P.\KENT-TEACHKR ASSOCIATION. j! Holds Meeting at Craigsvlllo School House. At 4 o'clock Friday afternoon, ' September 2 5. the Parent-Teacher ' ind Improvement Association of ,~ North Lancaster district met at I 'raigsville school house. This is the first meeting since school closed in ' \pril. Considering the long Rap. it Aas very well attended. School l Ail 1 not begin until the last of Octofier, but we wished to get in running ! irder by that time and make some 1 [dans for the opening of school. The | president called the house to order 1 Hid after a?- song atid prayer, the nlnutes were read and the roll call- ] ;d. the following pieces were read: "In Behalf of Our Oirls," by Mrs. , N. B. Cousar. "The Family Barometer," by Mr. 1. Boyd Craig. "Current Kvents in Child Welfare , IVork," by Miss Annette Craig. Itev. W. S. Patterson called at- . ention to the fact noted in current , 'vents concerning a horticulture lass organized in one school and .hat we needed sucn tn our school. * Arter some discusston it was de- 1 ided to meet next morning prepar?d to do .qqtne work on the yard. I rhe school ground Is very s'fiiall and < s all needed as a playground, so no lowers or grass can be planted or . towed. Mr. Patterson also, asked ' hat the patrons look more to the imuaem'ent of the children, at the ichool house. I The president asked for discus- ] don of the Smith-Lever hill, which < ippropriates $10,000 to eajh state I or home economics and agriculture . ind more aa the state appropriates j nore. Though it will bfe some nonths before this money is avail- , ible to the state, Mr. J. Clark Robin- , ion and Miss Annette Craig were ap>ointed to write to different officials ind let them know that we want the irst work of the kind done here. I The next meeting r.:ll be held the ( norning school ope?is. Rvery one. whether member, parent, teacher or myone else, is invited to come and } ake nart with us. Is there another Parent-Teacher _ irganizatlon in this county? If so, ^ vr uld you kindly write Mrs. J. loyd Craig, Lancaster, a card so c hat we may give information to the ^ "lul'J Welfare Magazine. t ? PROGRAM COM M ITT',L. . OPKICKKS KLKCTKD. 4. .!/ ilrs. W .H. Milieu, President of * .-King's Daughters.*,* At- a J meeting of the - King's laughters held yesterday afternoon , it the home of Mrs. T. Y. Williams, 'fficeraTor -He ensuing were ilect^d. Mr?, J. B. Mackcrrell and he otner omcers who had served the ! r frcle ao faithfully. decllneA**re-elecion. Mrs. Mackorell particularly _ iaa served with conspicuous ability la leader of the circle foV' several 'ears, having been unaMmoualy p e-electfMV qajJ} time to thU lmpor-lp ant pmdtloftT I^aat year anVaccept- a d very reluctantly and tdld the ^ nembers she could not serve longer | hau the year. She has been a very ,ble president, zealous and_ tactful^r nowjng always thtV broad charity so n keeping with tMe spirit of the . ^ork. It was wlfll more fh.m the isual regret, therelbre, thafc the clrle was forced to aiPeept Mrs. Mackirell's resignation. They vjsry wise- f y elected another capable woman ^resident, Mrs. H. PMllWh. The ther officers chosen wer?: Mrs. ohn A .Stewman, vice president: llss Ktta Skipper, recording secreary, and Mrs. W. I). Craig, treasirer. Among other mutters of husi- i iess transacted at this meeting, was he gift of a contribution of $15 to he Door of Hope In Columbia. , KKPTKMKKR 29, 1914. THK MKXICAX (MUSIS. i. It. I*. .Missionary Makes Interest- M iiiK Address. W The ltev. J. (J. Dale preached at he union service In the l'resby- .W; erian church Sunday night. He M ealt at lengtn on the causes of the evolution in Mexico. Mr. Dale has fljPj een a missionary of the Associate fjV teformod Presbyterian church in lexlco for the past fifteen years, le was withdrawn temporarily from lie field on account of the civil war ow being waged. Mr. Dale has een located not far from Tampieo. le attributes the revolution to three auses, the lack of local self-govrnment. the landless condition of Aft, ?,Q - -- - ... ...cmi-r.*-.-. *..1 Hlf pmpiC, 1111(1 lilt' rM 'atholic religion. From the time of the counties* of 109, lexico by Cortez, all of the land has rgio' iclonged to a comparatively fee ich people, the masses of the peo- tww, ile working them as serfs at a tarving wage. When Diaz came in lower, some r> years ago. he began ijH lis administration by having the foj| thole country thoroughly policed. ^2 le ruled the country with an iron iH land. In many respects, the speak- rfj| r said. Diaz was a great man. His ucces'or. Francisco Madero, who ^wi vas assassinated six months after M le assumed the reins of governnent,. was fifty years ahead of his ime. The minister paid a high M ribute to his honesty and efficiency. tut the most baneful influence in Mexico, Mr. Dale thinks, is the Q| 'atholic religion, "a religion that ^ ias no < "nrist in it." To emphasize the superstition tnder which the noinl.i II'O'I .....1 k - < lied. lie related many instances of low the Romish church sold sup- MB josed indulgences anil benefits to the jeople. He related many instances ?f conversion to the Christian re- QB igion my means of the Bible. He irought home to the consciences of lis audience the duty the Christian people of the United States owe to liese heathen people just south of iff is. Mr. Dale spoke with great BB orce and earnestness and made a 'ajA leep Impression on the large congre- ff ration. MB [ I usiness Notices [J ICST RECEIVED another shipment MB of soi^K^VVill sell it 7 bars for JSc while illttnu Cnmn I? I" ill gone. IhrrneTYt^'s 5c and 10c -= Store. i jr * WE WILL GIMeyour cotton for*-2 5c per lfrwwtanil, iU.ductitig 20 pounds For bagging and ties. Parker Pros.. Ant loch. 103-104 L. tint sen ^ snvfi Uin close their store!? VVednesday^TtKeommemoraLlon of the "Pay of Atonement." LOST?Five dollar hill, probably on tlrA|' 1 Saturday Sept. IP. Also red heifer strayed :'roin my home same date. Finder Itlease notify ('. S. Caskey. Lancastr. Route 103-P FOR SALE?One carriage and harneAa cheap. First come. first tervecf. MI'H II. M. Funderburk. Mill Hill, near DaptisV\ church, Lancaster, S. C. 103-P fllPSARE WANTED for erection of nei^^scluml building at Oakhurst. For plans, eft*rr~?ttjite or see, L. R. Itollings, Ki rshavv7rrt>?4Ji 2. 103 WANTED- You to know that we pay^tjie highest prices for cattle, tiogs, i lifTli i mi i | ^ | , li ii 111 i hides. jountry h?m?, and TttL produce, i Write, call or phone 114. >Plyler & Johnson. 102-tf WA^jTED?Agent to canvass I^anpaahn^rnnn{j on a splendid sell-1 lag article. Liberal* crrrajplssion I paid. For particulars, address Or- I alina Specialty Co., Rock Hill, S. C. I 101-104 F1AIR IIRAIDS made from comb- I "iKits. Hundreds of satisfied cus- I * -" ""IWI 1]| |,n ? ? York. file, S. C. __ JUST RECEIVED?A big shipment of Typew liter Kiihhons of most of ; ***? the best ^ machines, in- *t* hiding Nloliarclcv^Royai, Oliver, A Remington, UndnnvomL Wo are { idling these at 75c and rV^v are as *t* (ood as the best. Lancaster Publishng Company, Lancaster, S. C. VANTED?To buy your cow hides, X mink, otter, muskrat, 'possum, y oon, sheep, goat and horse hides. X Vant 6,000 pounds at once. See me A isfore you sell. /Capers Cauthen. y DR. C/B. PRATT fKNTIKT ; S lours, 8:30 a. m. to 12:30; 1:30 X P)k?n^?8. Office over Lancaster Pharmacy. I. S. L. ALJjEN, M D. 1 Office Over Lucaner Pharmacy. X >ffice Hours 8 to 9 J. m.. 1 to 2 p. m. X VKTKHINAm SUROEON. I have located m Lancaster for the \ \ tractlce of my profession, and am 1 * ami uu incites long, jy $5.00 and $5.75 lilored and made like a ? 5, $6.75 and up to $12.50 , 6 year sizes, each $2.48 ? d 16 year sizes, each $1.98, $2.98 and $3.75 < handles, good twill top, ? 98c ; 'op Parasols, each $1.50 ? $3.00 \ J , all sizes up to 2, per ? 50c ? x pair. . . . 65c and 75c & tir 75c and $1.00 ;!; ' CLOUD ! 1 NY | UNO STORE. |