IIOY St'OUT ORGANIZATION. liOral I tody to l>e Called Marion Sims Council. Tlve necessary steps looking tovardh a focal organization of the toy Sqots of America were taken at i meeting held Tuesday evening on he court hoitRe gnonnds. The meet- j pg was attended bv about thlrtyIve representative citizens. Rev. E. T. Hodges was elected temporary :halrman. When the purpose of the organization and the good that may oe accomplished through it had been fiscussed by Revs. H. R. Murc.hiwn, J. H. Thayer and Messrs. W. T 3regory. Luther Ellison and 0. E. IVossinger. the following officers ,vere unanimously elected: Mr. L. j 7. Lazenby. president; W. T. Gregjry, first vice president: John 'i locaL do i ?Rev. S. R. Brock will preach Sunday at the High Point < flautist .1 1 church at 3 p. m. ?Married, September 12, by R?v . J. F. Hammond. Mr. John Duren Caskey and Mrs. Mary J. Cfttoe. ^ ?There wlM be services at Camp Creek Baptist church Sunday after- j noon next at 2 o'clock. B. F. Carson, pastor. ? Mr. H. M. Parks went over I * Chester Wednesday to see his son. , Mr. Roy Parks, who is in the Magdallne Ilospital.x His many friends ! will he glad to learn of his Improvement. Mr. Melvln Stover of Heath , Springs, formerly with the JohnsonPoe Drag Company, is a visitor in the city en rotate to Charleston to ' resume his studies in the Medical ' College.?Rock Hill Record. ?Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Thayer, ( who have been boarding with Mr. , and Mrs. J. M. Woodley on Chesterfield avenue, have moved into the | Jones cottage oo Market street, re- , cently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. W. F. | Harper. , -Leroy McMurray, colored, drayman for Edwards & Horton, is now serving a 30 days' sentence on the ! chaingang for selling a load of the firm's coal on his own account. He . i was tried and convicted before Mayor Hood. Mr. \V. Carson Hodges returned yesterday from Minnesota, where 1 he spent a pleasant summer vacation selling harps and where he met with 1 many novel experiences. After spending a few days here with his parents, Mr. Hodges will enter upon his senior year at the University of South Carolina. ?The Pleasant Plains church lias engaged the services of Its pastor. Rpv. T A Hahnov ui unlnew "< ' - W "I ??*.?. V.I $1,000, to devote his entire time to the work of this church. Mr. \V. 1 Estridgo. who was re elected ruper- | Intendent of the Suv.Jay school, reports that work in a flourishing condition. The Pleasant Plains church is one of the fe.- marches In the county which ha* a p?.??'?r devctii g all of his time to its service. MISS I'KHW MAPI' MARRIED. Weds Mr. T. A. Wooding, Jr. of Virginia. Miss Perny Sapp, daughter of Mr and Mrs. D. F. Sapp of the New Bethel section, and sister of Hon. C. ( N. Sapp, of this place, was mcrrled to Mr. T. A. Wooding. Jr., of .Virginia last Friday evening in ^ror'h Monroe by Rev. R. H. Kennlngion. The ceremony was performed in the presence of a few friends and the happy couple left immediately in the groom's automobile for a cross country trip to thyeir Virginia home. The romance ^hieh led to their [ marriage begin when Mr. Wooding visited his sister. Mrs. G. P. Ryder, who with her husband, taught the j New Rethel school during the two past sessions. Mr. Wood tut returned to Lancaster county last week to claim his pride and they proceeded to Monroe, where the marriage took place. Miss Sapp is an unusually bright, attractive young girl, whose many friends and relatives in bo'li town and county regret that her marriage Lancaster Day at Fair ami Also a County Fair. Mr. Luther Ellison. Lancaster's wide-awake Chamber of Commerce secretary. Is working on two propositions which promise Lancaster advertising of the right sort. One Is a "Lancaster Day" at the State Fair: and the other is a county fair of our own in November. We believe our people will co-operate heartily with Mr. Ellison In both undertakings, concerning which we will soon give our rerders more detailed information. . I Whore Lancaster CllrU Are Teaching. Of Interest to their friends in Lancaster will be the following notes concerning Lancaster teachers from the Southern School News: "Miss Annette Stover of Heath Springs goes to Winston-Salem, N. O. Miss Addle McMurray of Lancaster will teach the Three C.'s school near Kershaw. "Miss Jessie Lee Hlackmon of Lancaster goes to Morehead City, N. C.p to teach the present session." I ihkps ner to another stale. Mr. Wooding is a splendid young business man of Republican Qrovo. \*a. COUNTY TRUSTEES ORGANIZE. Elect Mr. Wade II. Drnftin President. After the addresses of State Superintendent of Education J. E. i Swearingen r.nd Miss Eva May Hite, last Saturday, a county trustees' association was formed with Mr. Wade H. Draffln as president and Mr. E. B. Lingle as secretary. The meeting was a most enthusiastic one and trustees from two-thirds of the schools in the county were present. This organization shows that the trustees of Lancaster county are earnest in their efforts to advance the cause of ; ^ education and we hope and believe they will accomplish much by tbeir united efforts. COTTON' MILK OFFICK KNTFIIFI) Thieve (iH Sinn 11 Itewatd for Tlieir Trouble. An unknown party or parties effected entrance into the office of the Lancaster Cotton Mills Wednesday night hy breaking one of the plate , glass windows of the office. A broken key and a knife blade, found broken off in the key hole of a change drawer show that thero was some difficulty in opening it, before resort was had to an axe. Only a i small amount of loose change left in the locked drawer rewarded the thieves, to whose identity no clue has been found. TWO HI'I.P.N'mn PIIAPOuitiovu Ireen, second vice president; .1. T. Fhomasson, secretary; K. C. f'roxon, treasurer; W. It. Thomson,' icout commissioner; John H. Poor, scout master; Albert Tlnslev. asdstant scout master. Much interest was manifested by the ministers, business a..d professional men who seem earer to help v\i?h this organization whlcu ban been found to be so beneficial to growing boys. The individual members of the council were very appreciative of the efforts of Ttev II. it. Murchison, who has been trying to irouse interest in the movement e\ i Mr. and Mra. N. B. Cousar and Pp< Mr. and Mra. Edgar Kobinson of '<>? Lancaster spent Sunday at Mr. l>. I ?a\ M. Walkup's.?Waxliaw Enterprise, des Mra. J. P. Young of Richburg waa to the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. P|p Wltherspoon yesterday and today. ,iaJ Mra. L?. C. Payaeur has returned from an extended trip to Virginia. ; ter Mra. J. M. Woodley has returned "d> from Clio; accompanied by her yet mother. Mrs. A. Manning. Misa Annie Gregory has returned ' from a visit to her sister, Mrs. It. L. ,,,lf Mason of Atlanta too Withers Massey has returned from a visit to Lancaster. Hock Hill Herald. oat Miss Lou Durant is visiting her 'I'll' nephew. Mr. Walter G. Taylor, In ,,,r Kersliaw. the Mr. Malley Ferguson was a visitor ' 111 Charlotte this week. del Mrs. J. W. Powers and daughter, pet Mildred, left yesterday for a visit to the relatives and frlonds at Heath ')l" Springs and Lam aster. ?Kershaw Lai Kra. oer Col. and Mrs. Leroy Springs were visitors in Charlotte this week. hui Miss Laura Rartlett of Mount yc; Holly. N. ('.. is the guest of her 'os brother. Mr. O. It. Bnrtlett. on Miss Marie Brewer returned to Pageland this week, after a visit of several days to Misses Bessie and Kuniee Flynn. Miss Ktlle Lingle lias returned Vn from Charlotte, where she visited friends and relatives the past two weeks. wll Miss Mtry Moore of Lancaster t>r> lias arrived in the city to attend Sn Converse.- -Spartanburg Herald. pai Mrs. Alan Glasscock Of Atlanta, eri Ga.. was in the city today, en route up to visit in Lancaster.?Hock llill to Herald. He Judge Krnest Moore returned yes- of terday to Union, accompanied by his Ho cousin. Mrs. J. I). Arthur, who f ing I)r. Jabez Ferris of Kershaw, fu Dr. J. W. H. Dyches of Heath Springs. Rev. J. 11. Caston of Taxahaw. Rev. T. W. N. Faile of Charles- 1!^ boro, Rev. J. F. Hammond, and Rev. S. It. Rrock of Lancaster, and Rev. J. H. Thayer, pastor of the PI First Baptist church of our city. First Baptist Church, Itev. James H. 01 Thayer, Pastor. lingular services both morning ? and evening, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m, The morning topic will be, "Unto ua a Child is Given.'' Sunday school pr i at 10 a. m. Graded classes for all. i p* Tonohoru' mooMocr -- j . ..?iQvii 1 4 Supt. V. A. I,ingle, Lancaster, S. (\ v* Dear Sir: ?It was a pleasure to ~ meet you and your trustees Satur nay. i nave never boon privileged to confer with a more earnest or un selfish set of workers. Your program to advance eonsolidation, to secure at least a six months' term in every white school, to enroll each teacher and to register each certificate as soon as these ZZ matters are reported by the trustees, and to organize your tru-tee.s' association will certainly lead to further advances during the year. ^ I hope every special tax district in your territory will participate , either in the rural graced school appropriation. high school appropria-' tlon, o rterni extensior appropria-It*. tlon. Yours respectfully, J. E. BWEAUINGEN. State Supt. of Education. Notice of service. -t.ttttt; ?rrrr: ' - rr- - err. . ^KPTKMBKU 25. 1914. NOTICK TO sens<'tue. [t will be a temptation to many ?pl?' this fall, on account Of the price of cotton, to pjt off the nient of their subscription. VVq lire to urge all our subscribers not neglect tills as we nc .v spa per peomust live even if to? times are | d. The price of every commodity ening into the printing business has . anced at least 25 per cent and our subscription price is uniii eeil Right now we are Insulin/ all our >rgies to aid the "Hnv-n Hale" vement." and giving our farmer irnds every item of interest in er ? rop, veteh. corn wheat and s. which we ran get together, i* interest of the- farmer is our ittest and we shall st i.v with him to end. Ranting politicians and nla'ant nagogues have used every .irt of 'suasion to teach the 'artner that newspaper is their worst. er.emy. L we do not believe the farmers of ncaster coun'y have any s i h con tion. It has been our pleasure to meet n(Ireds of them during the past If in our ollice ami we li-ive two I a dollar of subscription money any of them this vcnr. \V. S. HOl'tlll, Manager. TO HPIMCXTK <11115(11 II Wyck Presbyterians llavc $.",.(?(>(? Kdiftee. The Presbyterians of Van Wyck II dedicate their handsome new ck church at Van Wyck next nday. Rev. Jaiues Russell is the stor of this church, which was cted at a cost of $ fl, 0 ft ft and is an -to-date edifice and quite a credit the Van Wyck community. The v. \iexander Martin. I>. I)., pastor the H*1rst Presbyterian church of ick Hill, will prea? ii the dedica y sermon. iportant Notice! . Save PepsiCola Crowns. Instead of giving the retailer one vote ticket wjTth every bottle of psi-Cola solc anoNioy are as ?od as the best. Lancaste/ Publishg Company, Lancaster, S. C. ANTED?To buy your cow hides, mink otter, muskrat, 'possum, on, grnt a'ul horse hides, ant 6,000 pounds atouce. See me fore you sell. Capers Cauthen. DR. C. B. PRATT dentist >urs, 8:30 ay m. to 12:30; 1:30 to 6:00. Plwne 285. Office over Lancaster Pharmacy. S. L. ALLEA, M. D. Office Over Lancaster Pharmacy. Hce Hours 8 to 9 a m.. 1 to 2 p. m. Phon? 187. VKTBRINA^Y SURGEON. I have located (^-Lancaster for the actlce of my profession, and am spared to treat yeur live stock for iy and all diseases. Calls answered iy of night. Cell me at Gre_oryt>od Live Stock vio^npany. W. H. BOTZ, Viederlnary Surgeon *aduate U. S. C. ^Veterinary Surgeons, Washington, D. C. EDGAR ? HINSON dent)st. floe In Moore Riuldlng, over E. B Roddey^A Co. Honrs. 8 t?\^2?1 to 8. imice pnone as. iteRiaence 118. John A. W|netead, M. D. OITloe rtver Lancaster Drug Co. iborntory Dlnftirnsis n Specialty lours, 8 to 10 n. m., 4 to 6 p. m. rhcinwt JM(/and 25. Xlttht Ph^iio 344. S (fP, Hank No. :i:i. | | fl| Statement of the <'onB 99 Banking House 5.800.00 Inls Bank IS back- [99, uue irom nanus aud ed t>y ample re- BB Bankers 67,282.76 sources. Banks can gg M Currency 10,657.00 otFer to business cMl(lr' nnrt other" Minor 3,,0<) 0 men few induce- ? Silver and other Minor , a M Coin 1,559.98 ments more attrac- n jg' Checks and Cash Items. 4 54.64 tive than a ML Total $591,594.11 S m liabilities. otrons W ^ Capital stork Paid tn..$ 50.ooo.on *** O a ^ Surplus Fund 100,000.00 . . .p . g? Undivided Profits. less Upital and SurDlUS S \ Current hxpenses and r r a M Taxes Paid 24,800.00 . i r .. _i ma' Due to Banks end Bank- A record foi ers 2,551.86 banking, and an es- gg M Dividends Unpaid . . . . 2,500.00 tablished reputation gg individual Deposits Sub- for treating their 3 jeet to Check 102.082.30 ^B ?? Savings Deposits 85.881.71 customers CIVlb LW Time Certificates of De- and considerately. Wj w" r, P?'?1 84,323.56 Because of its 'ffn ?(ertifievl Checks 21.30 -trpnirth its record M 'm Cashier's Checks 154.80 siicngi.ii, it. i 111 (Ml 3 No,"s anrt mils Red is- and its reputation. counted 40.000.00 r|A Reserved Interest 6,277.58 1 Ills l>ank lias Reserved for Taxes. . . . 3,000.00 Grown. lP?. We invite the Total $501,594.11 continued natronSTATF OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Lonunueu paiiun County of Lancaster?ss. age ot the public. >^<1 Before mo came Geo. W. Williams, Cashier of the above named hank, fljft LjBBj who, being duly sworn, says that the >aa above and foregoing statement is a rITl I) 1 PP true condition of said bank, as shown I HP IjPink flCf LjW. by the books of sa'd bank. < \m GEO- W- WILLIAMS. C I |W Sworn to and subscribed before me OT I-3f1C3SlPl Mb this 6th day of July, 1914. Q JNO. H. POA1, Pi, ra Notary Public S. C. QQ ,iP, Correct?Attest: Leroy Springs, T""m"?"' RCraw'ord' The Old Reliable S m Q | HEW MEAT MARKET I I?.? 1?I We ha\e opened a new Market on Midway and are ready to serve the people of Lancaster with the best Sit'lili, I'ork, Ov Ntrm l ' i 1 /kaitl (iiiiiic. Our Service Is Prom^-Delivery Sure I I / all i l tin ? it you 11 help U5?we'll h?H" <11111 I i)(" 'f ? Men's Overshoes, all sizes, per pair 75c and $1.00 j; I ROBINSON-CLOUD j COMPANY LANCASTER'S LEADING STORE. V % % <~x~x~t~x~x~XKK~x~x~x~x~x~x?--x~x~x~x~X"X~x~x~x~x~x*