__4 ?l)p iCuuraiitrr Nrum (SKMI-WKKKI.V.) ed JUAN IT A WYLIE Editor q{ W. S. HOUGH. . . IluslnesM Mgr. q{ ?- " ??i or PUBLISHERS* ANNOUNCEMENT: ca Published Tuesdays and Fri- jn days at Lancaster. S. C., by The jn Lancaster Publishing Compauy, successors to The Ledger, es- w) tablished 1852; The Review, OI] established 1878; The Enter- pj! prise, established 1891, and en- pc tered as second-class matter jjs Oct. 7, 1905, at the postofflce at Lancaster, S. C., under Act ^ of Congress of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: j',; (In Advance.) f0 One Year $1.50 ne Six Months 75c ,jt, TO SUBSCRIBERS. Your subscription must be Y< paid up to and including year ur marked on your label. If paper 18 stopped iook at your date and you will probably find you are m' behind one year. to We cannot send each sub- Ri briber a statement. Look at , . Four Label. If you do not receive your (il paper promptly we would appre- fr ciate it if you will notify us and no we will correct the mistake. In the hurry of malli* ?? out the i papers names of subscribers are eometi s left off inadvertenMy. su Vltin.W, KI-'.PTKMIlKIt U~, 11)11. Weather forecast for South Carolina: Showers and cooler Friday; Saturday fair. yj in Now for a county fair. v. : N< an We really must have one this fall. th It's success depends upon your co- ('r operation. So Nt The fair will show you the silver go lining to the war cloud. tit It will help us all for town and ! hll county to unite in a great common pu purpose. ha ? po Remember in the beginning, it is ke OUR fair, yours, mine, everybody's mi in Lancaster county. tjc We nominate the Hon. John Lowndes McLaurin as ambassador to J Pernambuco. fui "One touch of cotton has made the whole country kin," says The tio Atlanta Journal. au no England should send Sir Lionel wa Carden over here for awhile and put him under the tutelage of Mr. John le* Llnd. tin pe Now it's in order tor Mayor An pi| drews of Georgetown to come 0111 sol saying lie lias 110 "apologies" t< ac make or "regrets" to offer. ! ou J We must see that tliere are rep will gladly go Into each school dlstrict and present the matter, but don't wait for them ?o ? II you. j Make up your mind right, now to reduce. Itj St The best way to go at lhe reduc- cc tion of acreage, Is to arouse such a " sentiment In each school district of the county "n favor of a one half rut In acreage -f cotton that no farmer Wi will dare go contrary to the popu- <( lar Idea. j St We hope the cot. en acreage. will be cut at least one-half, all over the vuihmi nuura, mil wn-n:ir 11 IS (1011P III ho generally or not, we want, to see dt It done In Lancaster county Don t (Ji lei the farmers delav mail forced to 111 do If by lewls i? ton bn; sign one of A the pledgo blanks when preserved sa to yon and stlTk to the pledge. w< % ft "PAUL Ci. McUOKKLE." "Mr. l'aul G. McCorkle has accei I the position of general agent 1 e Accident and Health departure the General Accident Assuran )rporation of New York. Eve le who can possibly do so ought rry a policy of accident and heal surance, and those in need of ti surance will find it very much eir interest to place their buslnt ith Mr. McCorkle. He represei ie of the best and strongest co mies and those who may take dlcy with him will know that few of them."?Gaffney Ledgt Yes, contemporary, you are rig saving "such men are inigh mraon clay." We have some e "clay" In this quarter of t )he. hut very little attention id to what they say or VOl WANT SIDKWALKS? The city council arc now ready gin the paving of the sia ilks of the town. Whenever t operty owners fronting on o le of a city square agree to p le-half of the cost, work will eo ence at once. One whole side city block, 396 feet long, can id with a good six-foot cemt Ftlk for something lilf $1.10, to lid by the owners of abutting pr< ty. We urge upon all pf our Ci ns to co-operate with the c (uncil In getting good sidewal r the town. COOLY, NOT "COLEY." "The Coly on Constitutional Li nllnno rnforfart In evenson in his opinion on iimitl itton acreage Is not lioven lease. The explanation may i s out of order.?Greenwood indi The late Judge Thomas M. Coi as the author of the great work institutional Limitaiions. The ty) tter was at faul* and not M evenson. In the matter of the illicit sale I nor in the town, we recall tl iring the administration of Mnj regory the blind tigers had to si ) shop and pay heavy fines hesid repetition of Mayor Gregory's ri de against them, by deteetiv Dtlld ?lo the work. reseiiuuivi? exniuus. i.very section t|1( of the county should send product; m. front its schools and farms. tU] Lancaster cannot "lead" with "l' muddy streets and sidewalks. Cooperate with the city council and cement will replace the mud. ^ Now didn t Coley "cut a rhine" up nn in New York amc.-.s; tho.-t ' Van- th< kee," "cussinK" out Senator Smith Wf ami President Wilson? Let all property owners in town co-operate with the city council am' n CO our citizens will not have to wt through mud on the sidewalks to get about. pa The value of co-operation was ar never better demonstrated than in an tin* "Huy-a-Bale" movement, which a" lias been the largest contributing ca factor to tlio rise in the price of I1 cotton. Tomorrow, September 26, is Orphanage Work Day." Those who give the proceeds of the day's work be to the fatherfess and motherless ws will be richly rewarded. pr si I The editor of The (Jaffney Ledger or reminds his readers that "he who m does not contribute toward the sup- a port of his church and borrow his ja neighbor's paper has a very alim WJ chance of getting to heaven." pf er Speakers from the court house on zp the reduction of acreage proposition C(, THE LANCASTER NEWS, .1. MARION SIMS. pt" We wish to congratulat* the | ^ Marion Sims Council, Ley Scouts of ice America, organized so auspiciously >ry this week, upon their wise choice of a name. Few men have accompiish^ ed more for the relief of suffering* to humanity than J. Marion Sin;s, a >89 native of Lancaster county, at com* | plislied during his career as a sur-j geon. His "Story of My LMe, ' told jj0 in straighfordward, unaffected style nd is an autobiography which every by Boy Scout would find pleasant and LU' profitable reading, for it is the true W 3 )8*t history of a boy who made the most sh of his opportunities, who overcame lia .. * * ?? * 1 - ? - > uvoiuvit- ?ii it'i uusiune unu ?nose rise from obscurity to honor and fame should spur on other Lan aster boys to great accomplishment in ,s" this latter day, when such sup< rinr <>r advantages are within easy reach of ? s>? all. The council honored itself in _ l'3 thus honoring the memory of Latiys caster county's most distinguished on and useful son. n :ir What has become of our Buy-a is Hale movement? It started off well >e- in Lancaster, over a hundred bales ? m- having been subscribed, but has apsh parently been dropped. A further canvass should be made and a com- pr< mittee appointed to collect the money and to buy any distress otton that should come upon the mar- xvj ket. We notice that other commanities htfve perfected their plans i nd i' are retiring the distress-cotton as it , ra !ja conies in. We suggest that the n P(j Chamber of Commerce further the j0, lie plan here. The matter calls for j(l prompt action if it is to accomplish JO anything. tU n. ?? un The Yorkville Enquirer, sin^e the no fall of its idol, Governor Blease, is devoting a considerable portion of its editorial space to eulogies Of its j other also dead, but not burled, po- jia 111 litical idol, McLaurin. In a recent lin he panegyric it says of the Hennettsville ex-statesman, "He knows poll- _r ( tics and is a politician," which seems to us somewhat of a doubtful coni' 8 pliment. I It o n- The recent announcement that to Rrenau College will accept cotton at tj, tea cents in payment of tuition, will insure the completion of her eduor cation to many a farmer's daughter in Georgia. The example set by this lle institution is one which other coley leges might well follow. k lie ed ss When the consumers of cotton ' ? ho ne fun, out that the producers are not m going to sell them cotton for less a il- than it cost them to make it. they n- will go on the market and buy at if nrevn t line Iirlcnu f' NOTH or THANKS. rs tst Hunter Family Very Appreciative of do yve Kindness. th ist To the Kdltor of The N(\vs: ('? on Please allow us space in your columns to express our thanks, lirst to tho Trc/desvlllo Junior Order and to our neighbors and friends for their kindness and help in tho hour to of grief and distress. They were always ready to administer to our wants. They stood by my lamented he husband's bedside to the last and Pr no ministered to hie wants untiringly to no ay the end. We pray the Lord to bless de each of their homes. Words cannot to m express the gratitude of our hearts nil to our friends for the favors they be- wi be stowed upon him in time of need, im ,nt There is a vacant chair in our home At . 4 which cannot be filled, a voice we Ai " loved to hear is stilled. He cannot >P- come back to us but our prayer shall iti- be that we all may stand on the jty right hand side with him and hear in Jesus say "Come ye blessed of my Si s Father, enter thou into the Joy of w thy Lord." One more act of kind- pi ness we wish to thank our friends for. is when our fodder was ready to in ? be gathered thirty-two men came hi *p" in and pulled it for ub and when ei _ Cured and ready for the tarn,'tr * twenty-live fame bnck and honved It Ib for u8. For these acta of kindness b\ K our hearts overflow with love for our neighbors and friends for their kind3ly ness to us. May Ood's blessings rest ' on richly upon each and every one is our prayer co |H* HUNTER FAMILY. re r- . pr Spot Lights. Exchange. of A detective was being congratuln- ,*?c lnt fted by a New York reporter on the connuci or a ramous cast*. or / "How did yon do it? You muat ?iave employed some mnrveloua es. method," said tlie reporter. UI m- "Oil. no." said the detective. He *** added: "You cast a great deal of light on | a criminal just by shadowing him." ue Is ripp, we think, for beginnii e ag ition for state-wide pr bition along with state-wide coi lsory education. South Carolii s tried all of the hobbies of tl llticians for regulating the whl y traffic. The last time the seni ?nt of the state on the liquor que in was tested, during Tillmar cendency in the nineties, the pe 3 voted for state-wide prohlhltlo t the wiiy Benjamin, in order rther his own political ends, mai 8 legislature give them the iniqi ius dispensary law, which was f ch a long time a stench in tl strils of the people. The peop uu state-wide prohibition and th R going to have it. but we fear tl tislature will not vote for it unlc a matter is referred back to t! oplo. A state-wide prohibit)! I, as well as a state-wide cotnpi ry education law, should be e let! in the near future. Hut r legislators lack the nerve to tal e initiative and enact such lat tliout being advised by the peopl en let the people themselves d ind that they be given an oppc nlty of registering their will up< e question. ALWAYS IN KVIDKNC'K. "We still have one or two men Is community who stand around < e street corners and from mornii til night complain about the tow sir neighbors, their taxes and tl ather. Such men are mighty coi >n clav and it i? fortunate we t>n is a policy in a goou company a at every representation made r. McCorkle is strictly true. Pa cCorkle is a prince of Rood folio id is deservingly one of the m< ipular men in the state. We wl r him the abundant success in 1 i\v field of labor which he so ricl serves." The above editorial from T ?rk News will be read with pie; e by Mr. McCorkle's Lancast lends, whose name is legion. ' ore popular man ever lived in tl wn and his admirers are alwa ad to meet and talk with him < s occasional visits here. A sple d opportunity of showing th< iendship in a substantial way >\v presented and we hope and I ve that Lancastrians will reniei r their friend when they wi t li insurance as lie represents. CltOIIIIUTION I'OU SOITII CAKOLIN A. The prohibition wave lias swe rginia, the Mother of the Stati to the dry column. Cleorg: >rth Carolina. West Virgin id Tennessee have preced e Old Dominion into t y column. Then why shou utli Carolina linger long hehin< iw that the politicians and dem gues have received a set-back, tl % SEPTEMBER 20, 1914. (3Jouncj manual 'Dak* time?consider. f select th? pattern for ,your Jt ten 3ucce?5. Caen time yot your occupation uou musl you elect a definite ccmr,5< COety successful day v5 a lb SaOc One dollar uDill Our Bat I SaO'ituy 1 Mates- THE FII ^ JMetw V. UNIT! the Soi From Other Papers "nlhre tions or, concern 1 Advice. . . Quit howling and sow oats.? y ? igelaiul Journal. approac the nat Second the Motion. transcat Let us turn our attention to more ' ' ( ifltahle matters. The State. try thai Chee.Tp. h?U8es To the boys who also ran: There 11 he other races. ?Anderson Mail. Then l.cs*t We* Foik?(. sense iti Mr. Farmer, sow more grain and dent of ise more hogs and cattle. Re- the Wo mber the European war.?Tuga- the ! > Tribune. ton clot . demand t'noilleial Prayer for Peace. Then And if you don't care to wait un- we are October 4. we dare say a little The wa official praying for peace will do being c harm.?The State. two-thil South. "Cheer Up." demand Cheer up?it is mum better to bo th< rd pressed financially than to be cotton i rd pressed by the enemy with gat- mand. a g guns.?Spartanburg Journal. Nobody Many A men. posed t Iking of this European war, clubs, f it were done when 'tis done, then c'"bs m 'twere well the wor were done quickly." never b< ?Columbia Record. did any t ? the ( We'll IJke to Meet llim. 'tut i lere is a man in our town. through The wisest e'er I saw; the wea ? talks a lot, but never says own mf A word about the war. they wi ?The State. Istence, get evei lrse il\ than yourself if you will st look around a bit. While yo-i ay he worried over having to dodge I II collectors these days just think the poor Germans who are having dodge bullets. Spartanburg urnal. u V ] More Food. ^ Wheat has gone up and cotton * ? wn. Get busy and sow more wheat M an ever this fall and plant less Jr. tton than over next spring. The >rld can make last year's clothes a wnno longer, nut last year's ^ ad supply Is gone. liaise more aCC ad now and loss fibre.?Spartanrg Herald. SOU X yoi So Mote It He. We want to go on record with the edletlon that in five years from w grain and cattle growing in An rson county will have developed lo?c? such an extent that thrice the an- I tal amount now being marketed 11 be required to supply the deand that will have sprung up for X tderson county grain and cattle.? Ov iderson Mail. ji?u The ltlgtit Spirit. I "If I had ten thousand dollars to V vest just now." said a well known & ilisbury gentleman yesterday, "I V Cu ould buy cotton at ten cents a V qc >und." The speaker argued that > would thus he nble to render aid X time of need and at the same time s confidence in cotton is 3trong Ch >ough to lead him to regard the X^ ansaction as a profitable one. Tnis the spirit which is making the A r iv-a-bale movement worth while. ' Salisbury Post. JL aov ^r oii Hurrah For South Carolina. V . South Carolina deserves to be wel- ?& med back Into good society and re- X wh< ived In good standing. In her first t mei Imary she defeated Hlease for the 1>ai( nate and In the second of Tuesday JL t e beat the Hlease candidate for ivernr>r. Having rid 'herself of is great Incubus the United States X Cot America can now afford to take In t >uth Carolina, upon one condition at she never again Is guilty of such JL r? ?becoming conduct. Salisbury t V J >st. % The (ireatest Financier. J The world's greatest flnnncler 1?j VVN J ft " t do jou^nifltt tobc? j^f Jjau one the designer i you must *???' xture. >A hasti/ start vJon't hasi change ^crnr mind and shift t re-tearn and re-earn. R. THAYER. hier daily investments exceed .... .. , . I.iincastec Pastor Writer of Rewdness the clever transac- liKious Verse. i Wall street and no business The following beautiful hymn is or corporation, however the recent production of Itev. J. 11. leered, has ever been able to Thayer: h her in economy. She is j Q Rook of Uooktll BO prer,OU8. ions ablest trader and her j q word of God. so fair. Lions more nearly reflect the ! Thy pages, how resplendent, s and prosperity of the couu- J Thv promises, how dear. 1 the reports of our clearing i ^ Hook of Books, we take thee. ?Anci-v ; m Intelligent > is no doubt of the fact that f*\al1 a? ^ triumphs be. facing a serious situation, i >Yhen trut* sha11 rr,Rn ^rever, r in Europe has for the time r rom s<>a 10 aoum,,nK 8eaut off the market fc~ about ds of the cotton crop of the ' ? The mills havo had a similar <> Hope of all creation, for their Roods to he cut off. j Cpon thy open page, e women will !)pgin wearing Is seen the light eternal, toods it will increase the de- Of every clime and age. ind it will help the situation. ? hope of all the people, can question that When wars and carnage cease, of the men have been dis- 1 Reveal to weary nations, o poke fun at the women's The Christ as Prince of Peace. While admitting that the JAMES H. THAYEP.. ay be a source of pleasure to | The tune of Ewing is suitable, nen, a great many men have | This is the tune usually sung to een able to see that the dubs | "Jerusalem, the Golden." real good to the women or j ? 5ow?l7' the womeu'R club. MfM-UHlX out the South will stimulate "Vwft W\o (\os\to"\cv \k ring of cotton goods, oy their wW. W.I W\U W mbers and by other women. aO.?AOW.v\TftCl&S, 11 be able to justify their ex- ? * _ .... w. and will at the same time ' C0A/V3^O\3tXAi)VVCVJ^^^^vDvt.a with the men in a manner i ght to appeal to every wo- 'I NK FIKST XATIOXAL I1AXK ieart.?Anderson Mail. 1 OF LAXCASTKIt dedical College of the State of South Carolina SCHOOLS OF MEDICINE ANI) PHARMACY. Vilwned and Controlled by the State. Session OperK^October 1st, 1911, Closes June 3rd, 1915. V New Building reftdyvfor occupancy October 1st. ID 14. Advantr located opposite Ropbcjlospital, one of the largest Hospitals in Lh. Hospital containing 2p8S(l)ods. 'cal work tor Senior StudentsIn^Kgdicine and Pharmacy a special Large and well-equipped Laboratories in both Schoois. Deit of Physiology and Embryology in afflliiuTon witn the Charleston i. Nine full-time teachers in Laboratory Branches. Six gradujointments each year in medicine. For catalog address OSCAR W. SCIIIjEKTER, Registrar. Charleston, S. C. 0 This Bank % Built x on the rock of "ample ? pel*** / resources." Financial Kt,nmy und $ * Ko, but we are always X re?dv to meet nml rln. -o fy them. Keep your ount here for safety's sake. Keep it where the reirees are always ample for any demand. We invite ?$? i to read our last statement. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF* fy THE FARMERS BANK & TRUST COMPANY, V ited at Lancaster, S. C., at the close of business June 30, 1914. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. V ins and Dls- Captal Stock Paid :ounts $166,646.43 In $50,100.00 % jrdrafts 1,844.06 Surplus Fund. . .. 1,600.00 V . ,_ Undivided Profits, A rniture and Fix- leH8 Current J ores 2,87 6.00 penses and Taxes V e (rem Banks paid 8,261.01 n , m m .. T.JI_ ". - iuu Dkutera .. d'f.ZlJ.UB* iuuitiuuoi unyuBim A 3 067 00 Subject to Check 64,668.71 ? r5encjr Time Certificates of 4% ld 1,047.60 Deposit 83,606.34 JT yer and Other Cashier's Checks.., 41.61 f dlnor Coin 497.61 Blllk payable. In- A ?*. aod Cub cutis for Hm', V terns.. 766 ?9 Borrowed 66,000.00 fotal >212,960.67 Total 8212,956.6? VTE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ? County of Lancaster?se. lefore me came W. H. MUlen, Cashier of the above named bank, t !>, being duly sworn, says that the above and fnrernin* ?<.?&. V at is a true condition of said bank, as shown by the books of V 1 bank. W. H. MILLEN. V lworn to and subscribed before me thin 6th day or July, 1914. JOHN CRAWFORD. Notary Public. A rect?Attest: W. T. Qregory, W. P. Robinson, W. P. Bennett, ^ Directors. J \RMERS BANK & TRUST COMPANY ? T. GREGORY, President W. H. M 11,1.KN. Cashier V R. T. RRATY, Jr.. Assistant ('ashler. *