% EVERY CENT spent % solutely no cost to par X for some BRIGHT I % HOW TO ENT: ?? v*>> Any child under si: come a Contestant h\ < . . >. Iiavinu a triend no 111 T chants informing thei the contest. Their 11 without any cost whal Enroll the names of 8 igrea Splendid SKe x Contest which is givei > & your progressive mor ?? costs nothing. The ch outfit will be the hapi ?? 1 x ^ they have to ilo to win coupons which are gn X The prize is worth str coupons. Ask your fr V Here arc T V THE AMUSE-U THEA y (Midway.) The house where ?? Photoplays reign supren where sweet music is Bring your friends wher t can get vot< < on the Pon V test. V "The Mutual Home.' $10,000 reward for the who solves "The Million Mystery." X f ASK YO v A^a A^A A^A A^A ? J V 'rV1 coun7Y NEWS | norcjiiAs. Special to The News. Douglas, Sept. 16.?Mr. J. L. Tillmen meant with a serious accident Monday at Van Wyck, just after he left for home. Thoy say his horse began to play and then to run. The doctor discovered a serious gash in his head, in which seven sitches had to be taken We are very sorrow to bear of his misfortune and hope he will soon be over it. Mis s Olivette IMackmon of Lancaster visited Miss Viola Blackmon some few days ago. A series of meetings closed at Douglas a few days past. It was -t very successful one. The pastor, Rev. Hugh It. Murchison, did the preaching. Mr. Albert Caskev has returned to Clemson to resume his studies again. Misses Mamie and Annie Bell Graham were visitors at the home of Mr. I,. A. Graham recently. Miss Mamie Caskey of Heath Springs visited friends and relatives some few days ago. Misses Effle Gulp and Ethel Basking and Mr. Hall Duron were also visitors at the home of Mrs. Haskins Sista re's. We are glad to i.ote that Mr. S. It. Caskey is gradually improving. HEATH SIMtlVG. Spaclal to The News. Heath Spring, Sept. 17.? Mrs. Kalmond McElhanoy of Fort Mill and Messrs. Archie Beaty of Camden and Thomas Beaty of MeBee attended the funeral of their sister. Miss Ella Beaty, whose body was brought here for interment at the Beaver Creek cemetery 1 uesuay. Misses Ruby Rutledge. Mary Brown Van L:\ndlngham, Emma Mobley and Ruth Rollings have gone to take up their work in Wint'nrop College. Miss Lon Durant of Craigsville is spending a few days with ! or niece, Mrs. E. B. Mobley. Mrs. J. L. Bell and Misses Florence and Kstelle Bell, Laura Tlierrell and Brite and Mary Nancy Mobley spent Thursday afternoon in Kershaw. Mr. Ed Williams of the Stoneboro neighborhool has returned to Richmond to resume his studies in the Medical College of Virginia. Mr. Burke Clark left recently for Mt. Pleasant, N C., for a course of study in the collegiate Institute at that place. Misses jonllle Plane, L.ai Kicnartis and Sallle Jones of Llbierty Hill are In attendance upon Winthrop College this session. Mrs. Mary Evans of Kershaw is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Beckham, and Mrs, Nelle E. Small. Miss Elizabeth Clark has returned to Alanta where she continues in the school in which she taught last seeeion. v** * lT PON itland Pony and with anyVthe merchants ent or child--^tt-yQU have to SOY or GIRL to owN%J ER THE CONTEST. cteen years of age may be cither going in person or their behalf to all the nier11 that tliey desire to enter ames wi* then be entered :soever. your children in this great l through the generosity of chants* Do it at once. Jt ild who wins this handsome >iest child in Lancaster. All the prize is to.gather up the ren out at these big stores, iving for. Gather tip these iends to help you. The Merehs THE. STANDARD DRUG "The Rexall S refined This is "Violet D> le and . . ... galore. are Klvin? Wlth e you Violet Dulce Talcun y Conful little Vanity Box, for 25c. Don't put ^r;s,on one. Remember ths Dollar can you get 25 Pony >UR FRIEN Miss Alma Vanlandingham has gone to Fountain Inn where she holds a position as teacher in the public school. Mrs. K. C. Croxton is still In the Fennell Infiramry at Hock Hill wlier she went for treatment several days ago. The Buttrlck Literary society held its first meeting of the present school session Friday night of last week. Miss Mayme Clingan came in Tue.? day morning from Baltimore to resume her work in the millinery department cf the Spring Banking and Mercantile Cm puny. Rev. J. W. 11 Dyclies has returned from his visit to friends in Vir ginin and will fill his regular appointments at Heath Spring and Flint Ridge Sunday The electric light plant, which the Springs Banking and Mercantile Company put in in connection witl their system of waterworks, seemf to be rendering effective service This should lead our people to consider the fesisihilitv ot imttinir in ? like system ofithe town. Mrs. O. I). Kllis has gone to Co lunibia for treatment in the Hnptisi Hospital there. Mr. K. C. Croxton is the mist re cent ptirchaser of an automobile ii Heath Spring. Mr. Hanson Mobley has returnee to his work as a student in the Cni versity of South Carolina at Co 1'mbia Mrs. Mllian Hinson has acceplet a position .in the lad.es' sales depart meat of the Springs Hanking ant Mercantile < 'ompany. .vuss nrne .>iyitn;y is wun .nr. * L. Mohley in his mercantile housf for the coming season. Mr. 1-2. 11. MQbley lias a positioi with the Springs Hanking and Mer cantilc Company. Tlie Heath Spring schools hav< entered upon what promises to ho . prosperous session. UNITY. Special to The News. Unity. Sept. 16.?The farmers art busy in this community. All seen to be in very good seart. still hoping that 'tis better farther on. We art sorry to note that Mr. Ira B. Cren shaw is very sick with fever. Mr Crenshaw's many froends wish foi him a speedy recovery. Unity and Pleasant Hall chuichei are now being supplied by Re\. W W. Boyce of Mexico, who is awa> | from his missionary work on ac count of the war. The people art very grateful to their former pastor Rev. C. S. Young, for having fount! for them a pastor before resigning How To Give Quinine To Children FKBRIMNKiathetrade-mark name given to at improved Quinine. It is a Tasteless Syrup, pieaa ant to lake and doea not diaturb the atomach I Children take it and never know it ia Quinine | Alao especially adapted to adulta who cannoi , take ordinary Quinine. Doea not nauaeate noi cauae nervouan ;ss nor ringing in the head. Trj I it the next time you need Quinine for any pur poee. Aik for 2*ounce original package. Th? ' name FKBRJLINK ia blown in bottle. 25 cents ?v?-T- -sa ^ r I*' WmmL \ THE LANCASTER XKWS, [Y AND Handsome Rubb mentioned below entitles you I i do is to make your purchase: VALUABLE OUTFIT. A numb HHHBBBLJI mi* (living i COM PA NY HEN N ETT-TE R tore." nice Week." Headquarters each can of (i, a beauti- ceries. We sell , a 40c value ing Marhine. off getting . , spent with us s it with each r votes. the contest. I ii)H TO I1EI his charge. Mr. and Mrs. (J. L. McDow visited the former's brother, Mr. A. C. \ McDow Thursday. I Mr. Grady McMurray \ isited in the Kbenezer section Sunday afternoon, i Mr. McMurray reports that the new building of the Kbenezer church is progressing nicely. Mr. John Hoik of Dry Creek spent tli past week at the home of his nephew, Mr. J. C. Helk. ! Mr. Hunter It. Hill spent Tuesday " night with Mr. Thurlow Hallman. Mrs. A. C. McDow and daughter, . ' Miss Kvelyn, visited at Mr. G. F. ' Steele's in the Tir/.ah section WedI nesday. Unity string band met at the - Junior hall Thursday night. The t music was greatly enjoyed by all who were present, t made some of the > boys think of what their fathers > told them about "back in the i sixties." t IM.KASANT VAIXKY. Special to The News. Pleasant VTalley, Sept 17.?At an. . enthusiastic meeting of the Pleasant ' l'.. II.... .< /II..1- 1. . 1-1 I I?. mmiwil tlDIi m i 1 <0 SKPTKMBK n 18, 1914. BIJGG er Tired Buggy at :o one vote in this contest?Mo s of these RELIABLE MERCHA er of contestants are already h Iway Tlii^ O RY COMPANY A. B. FEF "Our Idea is for good gro- Rig Re( the White Sew- Low Cut Sho Every dollar Save money secures votes in and secure , Pony Contes .1' YOU WIT a^A. ^ S. C. MILLS TO RESUME FULL TIME WORK^ That the head of a large system of cotton mills In this state had ordered ! from the North resumption of fulltimie operation was reported here on unimpeachable- authority today. Steadiness of the cloth market and improvement of trade conditins with South America was described as th' cause. The cloth market during the week has shown each day increasing stead iness, and the demand Is better. With the farmefs absolutely refusing to sell their staple to speculators, whicn is shown "by receipts closely approach ing none, those mills which have con tinned full or interrupted operations are said to liae practically exhausted their stocks f raw material. With the demand for manufactured cotton good, practically all the rav' material at the mills exhausted anil no ootton on the market, the mills face the necessity f resuming operation and of purchasing cotton. Upon the consumption hy the mills of this county depends the relief of the producer, and this report afforded particular encourapement to leaders in the fight to save the farmer's m finances, they declared. it would ~ jpf'an the turning into trade chanels I of hundreds of thousands ot dallars' worth of products and the placing into Southern clrculatin an equal amount of currency. A TOWN ORDINANCK. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lancaster. Re it ordained by Hie Mayor and Aldermen of the To/n of Lancaster in Council assemble and by the authority of the suine: That, whenever all the owners of real property In Vjje or more blocks fronting on any struts in the town of Lancaster, S. C..J each shall pay into the Town Treasury, Thirty-three (88) cents per lin/al foot for each i foot so fronting on his or her property or shall, furnish to the said | town bankable notAeor other security which shall be approved by the ; Town Council of siyd town. The amounts rr wnicn sayi notes or other security Klven are iy bear interest at I the rate of elffht p*/r cent per annum and to be due antl payable one, two or three yeais fronVii&te of such contract. said town will forthwith cause to be laid a concrete sidewalk six feet in width upon wieh pavements by contract or otherwise upon such terms as it may deemVbest. Passed and ratified this lf>th day of September. 1914. J. M. HOOD. Mayor. JOHN CRAWFORD. Clerk and Treasurer. a^A 4^4 ^4 T^T i^> ^V ^y V CON! rid Harness Given ney paid on accounts same as c NTS and call for your votes. , ard at work. So register at or CONDITIONS Contest began on July 15th, 5 vot worth purchased or paid in on accoi Every child entering the contest i name registered at each of the stor TU? 1, i. iiiiinutri. 1 ne iicime? may ue eiiteret the contest, but remember that you contestant until your name has bee stores. , t V AnV'c h ild\imcier 1G years of age it contest. The child that has the grea on December 15tFflf 1914, will secure absolutely iree? I i^Hvotes to\oe counted must be DecembfeiLlS. No chil\of employes or membei ilies of firnVLgiving the contest v enter the conu?*t^^ No official or buy^ibr any public ticipate in this contestSor secure chased for any contestant*. Thtl buying and selling o5^ndy ! these delieieaeies. As y ? n entered at all the Y 5 eligible to enter the X test number of votes the Pony and Outfit entered before 6 p. ?* i * of immediate famyill be permitted to JL T "? inof if nf inn non r\nv ? iiiomuvivii V/aii p