The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, September 18, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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PERSONALS | Miss Zulce Funderburk of the Tabernacle section left Wednesday 1 for Linwood College at Uastonia. | ] Mr. Edgar Hodges left this week for Columbia, where he entered the : Unlverlty of South Carolina. Mr. James H. Wltherspoon of Uock ' Hill visited hla uncle. Dr. M. It. ' Wltherspoon, Thursday. Miss Juanlta Sowell of Lancaster ' spent Friday afternoon and night : with Miss Elllcen Floyd.?Kershaw ' Erin. < Miss Louise Huey was a visitor in Rock Hill Wednesday. Mrs A I'. Plyler and sons of the j laueruane spcuon Have returned 1 from a visit to relatives in Hartis- ' ville Mr. C. P. Stoll who moved recently from the Gregory cottage on ? Chesterfield Avenue, is now living i in a new cottage on West Arch i Street . , Miss Dessie Plyler, of Lancaster, ( is visiting at the home of Mr. A. F. Funderburk. Pageland Journal. Mrs E. O. Jennings has returned 1 to her hme in Gastonia after a visit to Miss Etta Spipppr. 1 Mrs. Charles I). Jones and little ( 1 daughter. Lena of Lancaster. S. C. arrived in the city yesterday at noon ; and will spend a week or more here | with Mrs Jones' sister, Mrs. J. C. Montogmery, at her home on South Tryon street. Mrs. John Crawford 1 Mi.d children who have been spend- 1 ing 10 days here with Mrs. Montcomerv, aecompnlned Mr, Jones home in his car. Charlotte Observer. 1 Messrs, Thurlow Gregory and Ross C~rnes left this week for Furman University r.t Greenville. Miss Olivette lllr.cknion will gto to Hartsville this week to matriclated as a studet in the Coker college for Women. lion. Claud N. Sapp is spending a few days with his father Mr. and Mrs. T). F. Sapp in the new Rethel fiantlm, tl.? Mas Lou se Poag wll leave within a few days for Winston the Salem Acdemy the comng sesthe Salem Accdemy the coming session. Dr. H. C. Brown has been the guest of his sister. Mrs. S. W. Heath at White Oak the past few days. Miss Knola Rarnette has returned from a three weeks visit to friends , and relatives in Plesant Valley Fort Mill and Hock Hill. Mr. L. C. Paysuer has returned from Virginia where he spent several week at varous rsorts Mr Pay- | suer is expected to return next week. Miss Olo P. Guttling came over from Columbia this week to start her daughter. Miss Mary Alice Gatling in school. She will return to Columbia within the next few dnys. Misses Ruin and Minnie Caskey has returned from a visit to relatives in South Georgia. Mr. W. Q. Caskey left yesterday efor Gastonia to enter daugh ter. Miss LePan as a student in Lin wood College at that place. Messrs W. T. Gregory and A. J. Gregry left tills morning for Darlington through the county in their auto mo^'le. WHO STAKTKD THE WAIt? Who started the war? Not I. says the kaiser, I've been an adviser Of peace from the start; I wouldn't depart mm ? r - - 1 1A.1 r null my peuctMUi position On any condition, A fight I deplore I am dead against war . Who started the scrap? Not I, says Franz Joseph, This war I'd oppose if They'd listen to me; But they will not, you see, These war-loving Serbs Are the class that disturbs My peace-loving nap; I detest a vile scrap. Who started this muss? \Not I, says the czar; It gives me a jar To think of the shooting f And burning and looting. And sacking and pillage 1 Of city and village I'm the kind of a Russ i That despises a muss. ^ Who started the fight? I Not, I, replies Frnnce; j Not by any mischance Would I force the occasion For German invasion, 1 What though Alsace-Lorraine < May become mine again? It doesn't seem right; And it grieves me to fight. 1 Who started this row? i Not I, says John Bull; But they just hr.d to pull Me into the rumpus, 1 Sit still while they thump us? Well, that isn't our game, But we're grieved Just the same. Wo abominate war; It's a thing we abhor. Who started the war* < Though none will admit It, I On thinkinR a bit, it , Seems certnln to us That some onery cuss, * Some kaiser or king i ? Must have started this thing, Let us know, we implore, I Who started this war? ?Springfield Union. Advertised l.etters for Week Ending < September 12. If)f I. , Mrs. L. J. Boyte, Mr. Robertson, i. Miss Iola McDowell, B. F. James, R. B. Helley. Jos. Harsin. Albert Stew- ? art, S. Sherrlll, Charlie Sanders, i Miss Lillle Williams, Tob Porter, | Miss Hattie Rolins, Anderson Wade. M. V. Sparks, Ande McDonal, Lewis Johnson, J. W. Lewis, E. Lannie, J. j ' R. McNeely, Sheley McManus, Miss Minnie Blackmon, Mrs. Mamie Hun-1 ter, Mrs. Annie Hudson, Lee Caskey, Lento Robinson. Mrs Hattie Robinson, E. B. Snipes, M. H. Robinson, O. W. Parks, Joel Phillips, Tillman Phillips, A. M. Hinaon, W. R. Funderburk. R. G. Grny. R. Hinson. When callinK 'or above letters, ' please say "Advertised." JAS. F. HUNTER, Postmaster, 4% LOCAL DOTS | ?Mr. E. W. Cox of Lam aster is low iiiKershuw, fixing looms at the Kershaw cotton mills .. ?Miss Bleeker Arant, of near Lancaster, has accented a position is clerk at the store of E. V. Trues lal. Kershaw Era. ?Mr. Luther Ellison secretary of :he Lancaster Chamber of Commerce Attended the meeting of farmers and business men at Kershaw yesteriay. ?E. C. Secrest of Lancaster was n Kershaw Friday. He was returning home from a visit to his friend. Prank M.. Lowry of Taxahaw, who iccompanied him as far as Kershaw. ?Kershaw Era. ?Plyler Bros, and It. B. Mackey sold three Ford Cars this week and have another shipment of three on the road. "Wars may come and Wars may go, but the Ford goes on forE?ver"-so says Mr. I'lyler. ?Manager Ferguson asks us to explain that the "Lights of London," which he had advertised for yesterday, failed to arrive in time to be be put on the screens. He says this will not happen again, Mr. Ferguson announces the continuation of "The Million Dollar Mystery," at the Amuse-U tomorrow. ?Rev. J. F.Hammond fornirely a citizen of Wingate, but now of Lancaster. S. ('. spent several days with friends at Wingate this week. Mr. Hammond is a popular minister and is held in high esteem by all.?Monroe Enquire. The Lancaster friends of Miss Clem Barrett Strait will be glad to know that the stood scuccessfully an operation for appendicitis in Columbia this week and wish for her a cmplete restoration to health. ?Rosh Ilashanah, the introduction to the day of atonement which followes ten days later, will be observed by the Hebrews of Lancaster, by the dosing of their stores next Monday September 2 0. The Kosh Hashanah marks the aniversary of the certain of the work and is the Jewsh New Yoa. -'a day. The obser vance begins at sunset Sunday and continues until sunset Monday. ?The ordinace of baptist will be administered Sunday morning at Beaver Creek-Church. ?Julia the 10 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Postom died Monday was buried Tuesday alter non Funeral-Services were Cnducted at the Second Baptist Church by Rev S. R. Brock. ?The West End neighborhood elub held its ilrst fall meetig last Friday afternoon at the hospitable home of iits president, Mrs. W. E Taylor. After the officers of the club had ben reelected and matters of routine business including plans for the year's work, had ben disposed of, the members of the club participated in an interesting "cake contest Mrs. J. E. Blackmon wining first prize, a piece of hard painted china. Mrs. K. ('. Croxton was awarded the consolation a cake of soap .During me social nour ueuciuuH reiresnments worn served. Mr. Carson Hodgos is expected home tlils week from Michigan, whore ho spent the summer with several of his friends from the state University selling harps. After spending a few days h< re with his parents. Rev. and Mrs. B. T. lloges. Mr. Hodges will return to the University to resume his work. ?The union services for the re- . mainder of the season will he held as usual on the court house square. Should the weather he inclement, the congregation will assemble in the Proabyterdian, Methodist or A. R. P. church, as the case may be. If the weather is unfaiarable next Sunday evening, the services will be held in tne A. R. 1'. church, otherwise in the open air as above stated. Germans Ifeclare Allies' Reports Are > All Untrue. Washington, Sept. 17.?Tie; German embassy today received the folowing wireless from Rerun: "All the Freneh-Bnglish reports of ilctories of battle sin France are iinri e. The German retreat of the MRS. H. C. MOL.LER PRES. Invigorating to the Pale and Sickly The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, OROVS'S TA8TBI.HSS chill TONIC, drives out Malaria, enriches the blood, and builds up the system. A true tonic. For adults and children. SOc tern wing was a practical mauoiner iot affecting the strategical position, riie French attempt to back through (hp center of the German position was victoriously repulsed. ' There is confirmau " of Go man mecosses at several pints o? the long extended battlefield. Th< Temps r? ports that the losses of the li-i?;?h irmy in the recent lighting amount lo 15,000 dead and wounded." American Aviators Warned not to Cross into Canada. Washington, Sept. 17.?Aeroplansts in the northern part of the United States were wared today to becare rul not to cross the border into Can- 1 ida during the war. This explunatin was issued by the state depart-1 ment: "The denartment lias been advised ay the American consul general at Vfntreal that an aeroplane wa.? recently fired upon by Canadian guards Ahlle flying near the long Sa ilt ca-| ml. This was done, the cnsul gen-ral stated In compliance with a gen-* ?ral order of the Dominion government regarding the use of air craft n Canada. S|tecial Notice. The I.udies Aid Society cf Bethel Baptist Church are most earnestly I requested to meet at the church at 10 a. m. Sunday September 20th. husness important. THE-LANCASTER Nfltt A Call t? The >lei? of liMneaster. For some time it has been nppar ent to all lovers of our town that tin greatest asset whicn we have con cists in tho boys and girls wliicl are in our midst. They are at unci our pride, our hope and our joy. And yet to every thoughful mat the question must come," What an uviii^ iui infill: it is IlOt Oil Oil ft! merely to provide school advantages in the shape of a graded and higt school nor will it suffice alne to s- n< them ff to clleg. Particularly for th< boy something more than this is neec ed. And that something might aptlj be called personal touch. Do tin hoys come into personal touch witl the older men of our community' What Influence have we o ve the great number of hoys who ar< here among us? And yet these boy: are the hope of our town, our futuri citizens. They will take our places To every lover of the man in mini ture, therefore we would appeal Are you, men of Lancaster, interestei in your sons, and in your neighbor' sons? Are you anxious about thei moral welfare. Heleving that yoi are, and that you share with us ai earnest desire to promote their wel being, we appeal to you to be presen at a meeting of the citizens of tfu town to be held in the Coiort housi on Tuesday evening. Sept^nber L'1 at 8 a. m., to consider ^ ays am means Of fnrmlnir on UIKIIIIU.ilUUI fcir the betterment for our hoys. .Tames M Thayerflfl 11 fl..nV JAMKS H.^niAYKU Pastor liaptis ^ Church HUGH It. MURCHISON Pastoi Presbyterian Church \V. S. PATERSOX Pastor. A. It.P Church E. T. HODGES Pastor Methodis Church I.UT1IER KIJ.ISOX Secretary Ch un her Commerce. Meeting of" Hoard of Governors. A meeting of the Hoard of Gov ernors of the Chamber of Commerc was held in the dice of the secretar Thursday evening, with all the Gove nors present except Messrs. J. j Wilson and Geo. W. Williams. The principal object of the meel iug was for the purpose of discus: ing the advisability of agitating th paving of main street. I The question was thorughly di | cussed from every conceivable angle and it seemed to he the general opit ion of all members present that th main street paving should be done A resolution offered by Mr Wylh second by Mr.Robinson, directing request to be sent the Mayor an city council providing for a joir meeting with the board of Governoi for the purpose of dlscussig sam Monday evening, September 21s promptly at 8 o'clock was unanimou iv an up I (Ml. Tli ? advisability of In nnuguratin a county Fair, to be held some tini during November, was discusse and as a result of same, a committe composed of Messrs. Lazcnby. Jont Sapp, and Mnekorell, was appointe to conf >r witb tlie secretary rrgar> inn all details in connection wit iiolilMir such a F.iir i report same to lie made back to the Govei i.ors i yt Mo'.'lny evening. o?bei ma'.ters di-cus* < hich. the' P-.tard ndjournt i i. I/nday evening, Sepi.-'inV * .'I S o clock LUTHRR KLLISON Secretary, Po-Do-Lnx Itanishes Pimples. Bad Blood, Pimples, Headachci Bliiousness, Torpid Liver, Cinstipr tlon, etc., come from Indigestlor Take Po-Do-Lax, the pleasant an absolutely sure Laxative, and yo won't suffer from a deranged atom ach or other troubles. It will ton up the Liver and purify the bloot Use It regularly and you will sta well, have c aelrcomplexlon an steady nerves. Get a 50c bottle tc day. Mone yback if not satisflec All druggists. The editress of The Lancaste News had on her fighting clothes thl week, as witness the following para graph from her paper: "The little pin-headed simpleto who wrote the anonymous common cation to The News about Mr. Sapp' political advertisement appearing I the last Issue of the paper did no have sense enough to know that al such advertisements are received an published as a business proporitior We pity the little creator? for It lack of understanding, and sugge? to it that any anonymous writer i justly regarded by en'gntened pec pie as an enemy to go-doty." That is roasting "ii" to a -torr And all self-respecting people >vil say "amen." The mangiest, meal lest, sorriest, scurviest cur In hvima form is the thing that would hide, b* hind anonymity and write a lady letter that would move her as pro foundly- as Miss Wylio must hav been moved to cause her to write th paragraph quoted abeve.?tlreenvill Piedmont. ANSWER THE CALL liAncAAtar People Have Pound Thi This is Necessary. A cold, a strain, a sudden wrencl A little cause may hurt the kit neys. Spells of backache often follow, Or some irregularity of the urlm A splendid remedy for such a tacks, A medicine that has satisfied thoi sands Is Dean's Kidney J'ills, a spocii Sidney remedy. Many Lancaster people rely on i Here is Lancaster proof. Mrs. W. L. Dyrd, S. Main St., Lai raster, says: "Two of the famil have taken Doan's Kidney FMlls wit splendid results. Both had wea kidneys and suffered from backache: In one case the kidneys and biaddf seemed to be inflamed and there wa a lot of trouble from the kidne secretions. Dropsical symptoms els appeared. We were much please with the proniDt relief Doan's Kidne Pills brought and feel that we ca recommend them to other kidne sefferers." Price 50c at alt dealers. Don simply ask for a kidney remedyget Doan's Kidr^y Pills?the sam that Mrs. Byrd recommends. Fostei Mllburn Co.. Props., Buffalo, N. Y. SKl'TKMBKR 18. WILSON HEARS BEL- Ci I GIANS FROM KING <| (Continued from Page One.) J have chosen us as the friends before I whom you could lay any matter of | 1 vital consequence to yourselves. In >m the confidence that your cause would " i be understood and met in the same | s spirjt in which it was conceived and ^ i intended." 1 1 BELGIAN ST AT KM ENT. The text of the statement of the I Belgian high commission, presented " >' to President Wilson today by Mr. ( Carton de Wlart, was as follows: U ' "Kxcellency: S "Ills Mnjestly. the King of the ^ r Belgians, has charged us wjth <*^1 special mission to ttie PresidentJ s the United States. ^ ( [> "Ever since her indept ndenCe was j first established. Belgium lu^ dec'ar- " ed neutral in perpetuity. This tieu- $ trality. guaranteed by tlie powers, ' has recently beepr violated by one of " s them. Ilad^w#" consented to ahan- ll 1 don our netfiralifv for the bem-ii of f| 1 one of the beligeronts we would have ^ 1 beUgyed our obligations toward tin* .( others and it was the sense of our in- *4 1 "fernatlonal obligation, as well as that ^ r of our dignity and honor that has I '* driven us to resistance. '4 "The consequenres suffered by the i. ' lielgian nation were not confined t 1 purely to the harm occasioned by o forced march of an invading army. . This army not only seized a great i 1 portion of our territory but it com- 4 mitted incredible acts of violence, K ihe nature of which is contrary to J th< rights of mankind. { ' "Peaceful inhabitants were niassa- k i. cred, defenseless women and chjl- L' t dren were outraged, open and unde- ( i. fended towns were destroyed, bis- k - torical and religious monuments L' were reduced to dust and the famous librarav of the I'niversity of i.ouvain k was given to the flames. I HKSPLT OF INQKST. "{ f "Our government has appointed a k >' Judic al commission to make an ofli- k) ,r rial investigation, so as to thorough- n v ly and Impartially examine the facts k and to determine ttie responsibility l! thereof, and I will have the honor, Excellency, to hand over to you the 1K proceedings of the inquiry. L; "in this frightful holocaust, which n ' ;s sweeping all over Europe, the K ^ United States has adopted a neutral w p attitude. And it is for this reason M that your country, standing apart r( ? from either one of the beligerents, is , a in the best position to judge without (j bias and partialty the conditions I' it under which the war is being waged, s , "It was at the request, even at the I ,e initiative of the United States, that ' t, all civilized nations have formulated is and adopted at The Hague a law > regulating the rjghts and usages of . g war. t e "We refuse to believe that war has t d abolished the family of civilized 1 e powers or the regulations to which * 's tliey have freely consented. ?1 MORAL STANDING., c I- "The American people lias always ^ displayed ils respect for justice, its ' search for progress and an instincr" tive attachment for the lyvs of humanity. Therefore, it has won a 1 1 moral influence that is recognized by ' the entire world. It is for this rea- " 1 son that Belgium, bound as it is to you by ties of commerce and inreasing friendship turns to the '' American people at this time to let it know the real truth of the present ' situation. Resolved to continue its ^ L" unflinching defense of its sovereign^ ty antl independence, it deems it a , duty to bring to the attention of the J u civilized world the innumerable ~ grave breaches of r'ght of mankind, . of which she has been a victim. " "At the v^ry moment we were s \ leaving Belgium Uie King recalled to us the trip to ^he United States and v !" the vivid and strong impression your $ powerful and virile civilization left si upon his mind. b | "Our faith in your fairness, our s confidence in your justice, in your T r spirit of generosity and sympathy, fl all these dictated our present mis- - sioii." v Mr. Carton de Wlart handed to President Wilson the result of the d l_ official Investigation, instituted by tl * the Belgian government, showing In n I detail the destruction in Belgium. p II ~ ci ,j s|ieiinl Notice. , Any one who is interested in Tab s ernaole cemetery, I wish to say that we are still securing money and subj sorptions towards enclosing same , with a nice Iron fence. Any amount you wish to give will be greatly ap, predated if sent to me. |j OKOHCIA PLYLER, |. Secreary and Treasurer. Only One "BROMO QUININE" a To get the genuine, call (or full name, LAXA> TIVK BROMO QUININE. Look (or signature ot e H. W. GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day. Stops p cougb and headache, and works ofl cold. 25c. " Business Notices L. HIR^CH & SONS will close both t 8toreK<mMonday and Tuesday, September 2i and 2 2, in observance of the Hebrew New Year __ { i FOR ^ALE?Cow, part Jersey, fresh in mlH^first calf. Price reasonaide. Appl^V tfr-C. Nelson, I'iione [ 12-4. 09-P M. I'Ol.fc^VlFF will close Monday and Tie Vlliiss?S-ptember 2 1 and . 22. on account of the Hebrey New ' Year. 1 HAY FOR SAM-: Hood Mi \i. ,m hay .uYH^LoO per hundred. Guaran teed J, I'. Robinson, at : Porter's stables/LlfTTcaster, S. C. h k FOR saj.Kj ^Two rows with young s" calves. \v' U. slwte, Lancaster, >r Route 8. 97-98-P is * j FOR SALE CHEAP?One twohourse wagim?*?4?^JJcCormick (, mowing machine Apply, C. L. I Helms, Riverside, Route No. 1. n y WANTJED?To rent a three horse farm thre^jnlles from . town with 't god dwellliij^^^nd outhouses and ? | splendid water^lNki^resBlve ne.ighe borhood, within easy retail of church r- I es. Apply to. MRS M J PERRY. . . . ii ? >.. ^a8aii8e????>ti Pi Bank No. 33. M Statement of the Condition of the g BANK OF LANCASTER ^ located at Lancaster, S. C., at tt close of business June 30, 1914. B RESOURCES. ^ Loans and Discounts... $4 88,08 1.7 Overdrafts 2,468.0 ^ Bonds and Stocks ownen by the Hjurtt 10,500.0 Furnttu remand Fixtures. 1,000.0 Bankinj^Wlouse 5,800.0 a4 Due #rom Banks and Bankers 67,282.7 |yj Currency 10.657.0 Gold -i 7on <i Silver and other Minor B Coin 1,559.9 jjmt Cheeks and Cash Items. 4 54.6 wt Total $591,594.1 LIABILITIES. 5 Capital Stock Paid in..$ 50,000.6 B Surplus Fund 100,000.0 Mj Undivided Profits, tess Current Expenses and M Taxes Paid 24,800.0 a. Due to Banks and BankH ers 2,551.8 9 Dividends Unpaid . . . . 2,500.0 ta Individual Deposits Subject to Check 192,083.3 0 Savings Deposits 85,881.7 amk Time Certificates of De^ poist 84,323.6 Certified Checks 21.3 Mk Cashier's Checks 154.8 Notes and Bills Redisp# counted 40.000.0 1^ Reserved Interest 6,277.6 Reserved for Taxes. . . . 3.000.C m] ik Total $591,594.1 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lancaster?ss. A Before me came Geo. W. William S Cashier of the ahove named ban who, being duly sworn, says that tl OA above and foregoing statement Is true condition of said bank, as shov by the books of said bank, a GEO. W. WILLIAMS. Sworn to and subscribed before n W91 this 6th day of July, 1914. Mi] J NO. H. PCTA1, ^^4 Notary Public S. C. ^ 1 Porrnni A T " * vui ?nucoi. L<eiuy opnnji M Waddy C. Thomson, R. L. Crawfor Directors. ^OR RENT?Dwaning on Harr St.. known as the jSJiarry P'oster dace, $15.00 per month. T. M. n, I ughes, Agent. 96-98 NOTICE- Jje tiie farmers of Lancaster are prepared _ o gin your cotton. Lancaster Cot- ^ on Oil Company. VANTED?To buy your cow hides, cj mink, ot\r. muskrat, 'possum, oon, sheep, goJti^and horse hides. v \fo r> ? A A A -v/%..? * I ???.??. u.uuw (luuuun ai um:e. OKB me n] efore you sell. Capers Cauthen. ol 1EORGE EKE?Host Hand Laundry. ? My ^vork on collars and cuffs is Ull iljfT'" up in best style. Mease Rive raeiTtrkL and you will e convinced. George Lee, Lancas - H pr, S. C. 91-tf MONEY TO LOAN )n Lancaster County Farms. Extra mTrjr~t*irm if desired. riRST NATIONAL BANK Ll Fort Mill, STC. 1 ALESMAN WANTED ? Tobacco _ and cigar salesmen wanted to adertlse chfts^Jng and smoking tobacco. 100 monthT^ajjd traveling expenes. Adverlse sm&Wtig, chewing toacco, cigarettes, cigars. Send 2c tamp for full particulars. Hemet ? 'obacco Co., New York, N. Y. 80-20t pr t'E WILLFOR the next 60 days pr pay 10 ctbH^ner pound for mid- an ling cotton, inPKljange for any- da iiing in our line, such as horses, I H< lules, vehicles, harness, etc., or in ' ayment of any indebtedness due us. Gi Iregory-Hood Live Stock Co. HMMBWI IwA. t --intttTl?- " New Shipm Sui By today's express / handsor Gloves lined moderat4dly pricet $13.75 $15.00 f 19.75 $ Kid Gloves at the sameVnrice. nate in placing our order w June and had our gloves tftiliv< out. \ Prime*quality kid ploves sam? ways handled. Black, Tan, White and Gray pe Gloves Black white and Tan pi Half wool Silk Gloves every Remember that we buy cotton Robinsoi Comf =Lancaster's Le .' f I 5 55 i Ample g w o Resources ! io B I o |W( 0 This Bank is back- 0| ed by ample re- 0| 6 sources. Banks can [? offer to business S men few induce- S 8 ments more attrac4 tive than a M 1 Strong | '0 Capital and Surplus JJ '0 iP?, A record for pood gQ ? banking, and an es- W 10 tablished reputation' C< fni* trontillpr tliuir :l customers* ^ cYvilv M and considerately. $$ Because of its W lo strength, its record W and its reputation. S ... . W is 1 his Hank Has o Grown. ^ ? We invite the B continued patron- B< ape of the public. JW. f. g " The Bank g >? of Lancaster g g| * The Old Reliable g liiiirtiiti! EDGAR J. HINSON DENTIST. (floe In Moore Building, over E. B. Roddey & Co. t ? . Hours, 8 to 12?1 to fl. Office phone 33. Residence 118. Whenever You Need n General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless lill Tonic is equally valuable as a etieral Tonic because it contains the ell known tonic propcrtiesof QUININE id IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives it Malaria, Enriches the Blood and uilds up the Whole System. 50 cents. DR. C. B. PRATT DENTIST ours, 8:30 a. m. to 12:30; 1:30 to 6:00. I'hono 285. Office over Lancaster Pharmacy. John A. Winstead, M. D. Office over Lancaster Drug Co. iboratory Diagnosis a Specialty, lours, 8 to 10 a. m., < to 6 p. m. Phones 340 and 25. Night Phone 344. S. L. ALLEN, M. D. Ofllce Over I .an carter Pharmacy. flee Hours 8 to 9 a. m.. 1 to 2 p. m. Phone 137. VETURINARY 8UROKON. I have located In Lancaster for the actice of my profession, and am epared to treat your live stock for y and all diseases. Calls answered .y of night. Call me at Gre^orysod Live Stock Company. W. H. BOTZ, Veterinary Surgeon, aduate U. S. C. Veterinary Surgeons. Washington, D. C. lent L oat| | ts nely lineded guaranteed 1 at only 25.00. We were very fortuith our importer early in ?red before the War broke Sqpality that we have al r pair'ljy^O U> Button Kid e rpair . $3.00 pair guaranteed 50c and $1.00 4 and pay 10c inTracte. i-Cloud mny ading Store ' "