IfSCHO if' Special Pr< r? VLqtii] ix pairs guaranteed to wear /l wd box.... 33 l-3c, per box $2.00 I * erv do luxe.. We have it in all laranteed against darning for \ \ 75c, per box $3.00 ' rranted to yield satisfactory 1 \ $1.00 \D GLOVES ' ' I I | I e splendid (Jloves in all sizes IVr pair $1.00 iTS FOR GIRLS for girls. Medium and very famous (lossard front-lacing 00, $1.50, $2.00, $3.50 and $5.00 assortment of styles and sizes Tango Oorsests, Priee. . . 50c >NOTIO i l r ii i leie siock or an such srru laming cotton, lingerie ribl Mercanl 0 'LANCASTER'S LIV1 J X^^~X~X~xkk~X~X~X~X~X~X~X*?X~X~X~ Jones I L I BBHMHHinamMHHMMMHi :i'Tkmhi:i; is. 1911. S ARE * Been Madi vay College ight no^sjeave for their respe pplied with\ apparel, access s important, items we bougl id wearables and other requ prices of which the followin; t , F i\rr\r if i tlA.1V Made of a fine quality linen, li Plain or initialed, extra <|i Price Hand Kinbro'derod Ilandkerc QUALITY TC ?* * Good Tooth Brushes ! Colgate's Tube Tooth Paste, | Colgate's Talcum Powder in : Colgate's Turkish Bath Soap . White < 'astile. ( 'lematis and () (\>1 gate's best. Cashmere Bou<| Florida Water and Toilet Wa 1 1 leavy C"mbs B Brushes with strong long brb * " Keep ( M"rr " Brushes, 1 wo s Turkish Knit Wash Cloths .. Kxtra Ileavv Turkish Knit \\ Best Turkish and Iluek To i *? 111? > i o i p 1 < Turkish and I lurk Towels, cn \\ kite Quilts medium si^e, sji Full size Quilts, very closely l> Full size Sheets, j^ood <|unlit\ Rest Full Size Sheets Pillow f'ases. Full Size NS \ I | noeaociriao oe mi r* p 111 iiv^vv/ooi 111^0 ao Don, buttons, elastic ar tile Coi E STORE." " T*"*' '' *"" '""w S^?-; " ? To FuMy r.v/^ i LI IB (d. ... sctive >ories x Ml" 4, DKERCH1EFS emstitched. I'riiT 5c eacn, 50c doz. unlity hemstitched handkerchiefs. 10c each hiefs. Price OJin oapli 7 - ~v^v/ VWVU )ILET ARTICLES 10c, 15c and 25c each two sizes 15c and 25c - six scents, special 12^0 can 5c cake live Oil 10c cake, 3 for 25c net 15c and 25c cake tors 25c bottle 15c, 25c and 50c each ties 25c each izos zoc ana ouc eacft I 2V2C each 'ash Cloths 5c each I wds. specially prirod for college 121/4c, 15c, 20c and 25c each ;tra size 10c each km-iallv priced at 50c each aiiiird 75c, $1.00, $1.25, to $2.50 each - 45c each 65c and 75c each 10c, and 15c each 1 /"? ? J llUUKb-dnaid neckwear. mpany