The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, July 10, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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8 county news ANTKKH. Special to The News. Autioch, July 9.? The health of this community is fairly good. Messrs. John and Paul McMahus? and Miss Blceka Arant gave an ice' cream supper Saturday night iu honor of Miss Arunt's guests. Misses Mayme Anna Bell and Bernlce Uraliam and Miss Rachqlle Steele of Camp Creek. Mr. Wade 1>. Jackson, formerly of Atlanta. made a most speedy trip throiiW this section last Sunday. A PliKA KOIt THK MRKAKY. Crgent Call for Citizens and Cit> fathers to Come to Its Rescue. To the Kditor of The News: In the stone doorway of the great ancient library at Alexandria was inscribe these words: "Treasury of Remedies for the Mind." And is not that what books art??"remedies for the miud?*' .1 Can it be estimated in dollars and cents, the value of good books in a Will III IIIIIIV , Ul Kill ttUj I 11 I II f-, llldl stimulates the mental and moral : growth of a soul be sifted down to a < material valuation? Can you think of anything that can bring more to i a town than the company of good books with its wholesome fiction for the young, literature and potery for the adult and philosophy and bio- , graphy for those on the shady side of the "long road?" Next to its churches a community 1 cannot have a more priceless asset |j than a public library and Lancaster : isolated among her red hills, can I have in a library a more exclusive ! and worth while society than the;1 court of a foreign king. There is the i "thousand-souled Shakespeare" ; nd "rare Hen Jonson," there is Homer and Thuycldidew Dante end Milton, i One can spend jeautiful evenings 1 with Cicero and Plutarch, with Car- i lyle or Drowning. Leigh Hunt, in exalting the joy and satisfaction of a good library, says. "O, to look sideways at Spencer, at Theocritus and ' Arabian Nights, then above at Lie Italian poets, then behind at Dry den . and Pope, at the Romances and Rocaocio, then on the left side at Chaucer " Not many .perhaps, are able to collect an extensive library, either fictional or reference, therefore, the public collection of hooks must supply the demand or the average person goes his way with the vague longing in the hack of his head, as aptly sunc bv the Anelo-Saxon hard "A little nook and a jollie gude booke is, better to me than wine." He usually gets the "little nook?and the wine"?but not the "gudc boi;ke," unless the public library supplies it For fifteen years the women of | Lancaster have toiled to maintain a town library. Discouragement, lack of funds, lack of enthusiasm have been their portion, with $8.33 rent per month always suspended over their beads, like the sword of Demoethenes. Tell me, Miss Editor, is it ludicrous, is it pitiful or is it shameful, that a town composed largely of college and university graduates, cannot or will not patronize and support an enterprise so far-reaching in its fuller import, so priceless in developing wholesome ideals in the young, that stands for progress for the community. besides genuine recreation? Where are the city fathers of Lancaster? Where i. the Chamber of Commerce? Towns all about us, much smaller In numbers, and with far lefis educational advantages have councils that give a thousand dollars per year to maintain a library. There is little Honea Path in the northern part of the state, there are Union, marion and many others. I call upon the city fathers to come to the rescue. .Njhe Lancaster library is upon its last^Jeg, in fact no leg at all. it'4s only*fioundering^ielplessly in the blttpf atmosphere lerl net ween it and uttok dissolution. rm,enty-flve dollars Bjer month woulw-malntain and \eep/*L afloat jtrffil ^something or other; nkppens, which always does if w^w|it\ong enough, an'd despite the facv\that ljflr. Carnegie has moved the headquarters of his library distribution fund to* Scotland, there not he-1 ing enongh Vmpriean calls to warrant its further maitenance here. I However, he still answers all calls for donations by return post and ! usually in the affirmative, when the city fathers will co-operate. Very truly, UNQIJIRER. July 4, 1914. Birthday Celebration. Mr. D. A. Funderburk will celebrate his sixty-third birthday Saturday, July 18th, at his home. Every body is cordially invited to come and bring well filled baskets. Will have sermon at 11 a. m. 80-81 Attention Parmer*. Any farmed desiring "Culture" for the purpose of inoculating vetch, alfalfa or crimson clover may secure same free of charge by applying to - l t ? ?- * V/UiUini>U8 IJ lYlCMilll US. Everybody Knows Him. A worthless cuss Is William Fife, He's chuck full of ambition; He has a lofty aim in life, But has no ammunition. Has Your Child Worms? Most children do A Coated. Fur-j red Tongue; Strong Breath, Stomach ! Pains, Circles under Eyes, Pale, Sallow Complexion, Nervous, Fretful. | Orinding of Teeth, Tossing in Sleep, Peculiar Dreams?any one of these indicate the Child has Worms. (Jet a box of Kickapoo Worm Killer at once. It kills the Worms?the cause of your child's condition. Is Laxative and aids Nature to expel the Worms. Supplied in candy form. | Easy for children to take. 22c at your druggist. t T i HI * A CITY OF OI'I'OKTIINIT1K8 * * * I * By P. J. M. * , * * pric ********* ********* one Since the dawn of creation there g?,i has been a tendency in mankind U>|tinu congregate together, the result be- , ? ing hamlets, villages, towns and icfuv cities. i voln Jt was in 17 60 that the region now called Lancaster county was settled ^ by Scotchmen. They crossed the Catawba river and found the hills covered with forests of hickory, chest- 'J<a enoi nut and oak. llenry Alexander , White, the historian, describes it as "a fair region of forest and vine and ^ (lowing streams, which was the home of vast numbers of buffaloes, deer, bear, turkeys, partridges, geese and ,lutks" who, Prom the handful of Scotch pio- ,, the neers of 17t?o, Lancaster has grown, gradually. She has many natural ad- . A U? vantages, she is well located, her ^ railroad facilities are good and she ^ou is favorably located in regard to ^,j the contemplated "National High-'rectj way." Situated in the heart of a fine j farming section, her merchants have o 3 large territory from which to draw . trade. !lBa'b he h It is Lancaster and not Columbia, ; ^ which can make the proud boast of ' lieal) Lhe largest cotton mill under one I roof in the world. For the Lancaster! ^ Cotton Mill is even larger than the vvj,^. Olympia mill in Columbia. ! took Besides this, she has a fine oil mill, j a splendid fertilizer plant and a good SU(>(,( lumber company, and when the state HS|te inspector examined Lancaster's flour- |#i,er) isbiug ice plant last year. Lancaster's I ice was second only to Charleston's. whose was the purest in the state. 'son In 1008 waterworks were installed ' wlif|] and in 1010 electric lights, also. v Our little city is exceptionally well wjU)| lighted and our water is of the purest. p|( At present Lancaster is busy, at great expense, installing a modern and jron] complete sewerage system. Very jnsjs soon, now, we are to have our streets improved and recently $12,000 was | ,.j voted for the extension of the water- ^,r works" Aug i Lancaster has a climate that is jon? characteristic of the "Sunny South.' pj.jj, In winter it is not too cold and in ^ summer only about two months are really oppressive, while nowhere in W|,..| f lie I'nif ctl enn mi r ?nrini??; ttftil autumns be equalled. , The Lam-aster graded school, the; ..i place provided by the present citizein anol of Lancaster for the education of her raw citizens of tomorrow, lias a corps of e ten etricient teachers. And the splen- ( did opportunities offered there are any taken advantage of. by over 'our iadd? hundred pupils. School No. 2, '" take the mill village, is also splendidly I equipped. rupt Lancaster's social ami religious i ..jf life is as desirable as oue can , pea( imagine. She has a number of yOU churches, Presbyterian, A. R. P., Hpee Methodist, Baptist and Episcopal, in i M charge of as many splendid minis- |0^ ters of the Gospel. There are chap- ' cou, ters and societies, and the two rnov- j ing picture shows, one "uptown" and wjje one t?n "Midway," offer splendid en - j toge tertaining and educational features. for There are four or five livery ^ stables in town, a good hotel, quite nor a number of large up-to-date stores prev and three prosperous banks. j)en Lancaster has as fine, if not finer, business and professional men than can be found anywhere. Neverthe- p|ny less, she ofTers. as all growing cities'of j do, splendid openings for others. Lancater, the all-round good plnce e|OC in wheh to live, Lancater, the "City wer of Opportunities," has a brilliant fu- (,Qn ture, for Lancaster boasts of a Chamber of Commerce and a Civic ai? I ,AII C1IP nnt\ I nvt Kiit ??/v " - ? "J "" this least of a flourishing newspaper. can( The Lancaster News. What she tat|, needs is more "boosters" to show ^OV( the outside world that she really g lives up to her slogan, "Lancaster wafl Leads." Just Wrecks, _ , not Boston Tninscript. thrc ".lust come from the club, left but smoking ruins." "What? Not burned down?" ^ ^ "Oh, no; every one but a half a dozen cigarette fiends had gone and home. . I Uni Notice of Klection. Wheras, one-third of the free- foot holders residing in Rich Hill school wea (district. No 24, in Lancaster county, thel have petitioned the county board of education to order an election to de- ''ou Itermine whether 4r not a high school I' shall be established at Rich Hill, in one Rich Hill districti in accordance with f}Q, Civil Code of Lalvs 1912. Sec. 1826. We hereby ortler the election to be I I held by the trustees of said Rich God Hill school district, No. 24, on Sat- moi urday, August ll at Rich Hill. swe ... > .j.v.i ci<n?iuii uiiiy hurn ftK return real or p< rsonai property for ram tazntlon and t zhlblt their tax re- ! bru oeipts and reg stratum certificates ! Voci shall be allowed to vote. ((f t The opening and closing hours shall be the saaie as In all general "?? elections. \ " V. A. I,INGLE. ano J. G. RICHARDS, J. K. CONNORS, County Board of Education. cou HE LANCASTER NEWS, JIJL> ICKLING MARKS mU8t rem UNION MEETING 000,0?? / (Continued from Cage One.) f some o __ L_ to keep i e or cotton, "i uon't oeneve any ?"?.r will be fooled by Senator A qu< th'a clap-trap." the speaker crfn- "Haskelll ed. : Smith rei ^OT OPEN TO CONVICTION. ; the Hask. I wouldn't vote for l'llm If ' ! at iv he Oould," one in the audienW |afterward uteehed. ' affidavits fhen the governor defended his I T,u> rtlJ Ion record on the petition plea, ,lU8Wer tc enthusiastic follower told tire Lv?ted to ker, "You haven't pardoned of a ?e?rt lgh yet. Open the doors and been them all out." .plained, v he speaker assured the audience tutlon by as long as petitions, properly 1896, j ed and properly drawn up. conn) wa8 callei >ardons would bo granted. vide a wn r. Jennings drew a heavy lire Jurisdlctic a he launched into a defense of the con new primary rules, and told the embodied in citizens that if they voted the state, ust J5 tlioy would vote accord- The ori to the new primary rules, "and an exact can't help It." Iinitial m< .lis was resented by several di- st- Matth y in front of the stand. '|day the fes, we will vote. We will votV croW(' i? auditor reiterated again anil Smith hai n, while companions urged that ttt ou ;eep cool. Matthews le hubbub became even more ''is way. ed when ex-Sherift J. U. Long pathetic I shouted: "The old rules were swept his euough for Ben Tillman.'' keeping i h he kept repeating, as others mor '>y ?' up the cry. "Tuke him out." striking f her: Mr. Jennings told of his ?Ptly illu rsb as a farmer, the question was '<ler discus d, "Arc there any negroes over The mt e?" I the grov INK WHO WAS PARDONKD grounds, )h, yes," the speaker answered, I voters pr le the governor pardoned. One'rno?ti?K < sped a little child to death, but candidate vas turned out. along with a NeWherry le lot of others." v Saturday, ere again Macbeth Young, toe ty chairman and state senator; i Union county, interposed, and ! whl\e.fari ted that the speaker get a re-; schools. ,c tful hearing. 1 'ages shot ,et them hnve th?>ir fun unw | less Wtill. s : toward tl Jennings bogged 'After wiJl list 2f> they will be wearing the latodiby; t est faces vou ever saw," lie ex-' fon farinii d I upon the country ii r. Pollock begun by saying that w.ol,|d- i,e intor Smitii's record was too rural libr < for any man to stand on.*' satisfy tin I'ou're right," was echoed from Interested likewise, crowd. ciously s< fos, and I'm going to tell you i for a dee berthing that's right." the ('die- | Winnsbor man added, while the faces in i f? audience grew stern. "The record gTATEMl Jovernor HI ease ts too had for ' good man to stand upon," he THE ] id, and the heckling was again | n UP* 'located a a one of those who kept inter- the close ing him, Mr. Pollock replied: | you had as much brains in your |_'ona^ a" : , .. . Overdraft 1 as you ve go tmouth, I d ask fr(. to get up here and make my Hankei ch." Ourrencif r. Pollock referred to the pardon ^ul^er til Oordozu Hampton, the Union ColnF lty negro blind tiger, who got \ benefit of the governor's mercy Total \ n under a chalngang sentence, ,? , c Capital t ither with the payment of a tine, Surplus violation of law in Union county. Undivldei his speaker also took the gover- Ourren to task for vetoing the act that j^"t* 'ented aliens from voting In the erH locratlc primary- Individua owevcr, it was the Republican ' , et which fhc Cheraw man dlif- **aK'l'er s ed that was the distinct feature Total. he meeting. STATE f he candidates for presidential Coin tors from two districts, he said, ; ca?hl^r'f,( e negroes. The candidates for'vvho. boll gress from the first district was jabove ah , the speaker said, a negro. The *-rue le of J. P. Gibson appeared on ,own negro Republican ballot as a '< Sworn lidate for the house of represon- ! he this 6 vos, "the man appolnte.d on the I ernor's staff,'' Mr, Pollock said. Correct? enator Smith, when introduced met with the remark, "He looks like Jones." You'll find out, by gum, that it's Judge Jones before we get SOU*] nigh with this," the senator rod, which retort drew much ap- Frem ,se PA8SEN 'he speaker then sal dthat he had Trains apology to make for spending five No. 118one-half years working In tbo N ted States senate "in the Inter- ?" |nte i of the people who make the a. n 1 you eal and the clothes you-"No. 114ir. If It weren't for the farmers, re'd bo no factories," the speaker jgQ \{ttinued. inte t was at this juncture that some , Trains asked about the negro. No> 1183D GROUNDS FOR PREJUDICE No No man made In the Image of Marlot I wants a pure white government stat e than I do," Senator Smith an- i No. ***" red. "Three members of my own ily have been butchered by black f40 117. tes, and the man who says I ad- , inte ite the social or political equality , ?*" he negro tella a deliberate false- '**??5, * not guar d and he knows it. * 1^, What about negro postmasters?'? W. ther inquired. W. I'd put them out tomorrow, if I , Id," was th ereply. "But you { 10, 1914, ^ : : - v. ember that there are >eople In this country, and 4 hose Yankees up there want J ^ r^~ mu negroes in office that they a few votes." iie added. ?_ll?l Hll" jry was also asked about ?? hiii." To this Senator 4*4 n3p|| J "s*>>Ued that he did not attend jt f^Z ell eonventiou; that he was 1 T 5i! ^ ? Cm orge to se ethe woman "M fsam married, and that he had y *< * to this effect, y ; :: m: ^ leuker also volunteered an 4% 1:7 Jl i > the charge that he hud x pay $2,000 to the family, > in the event a member I: :d j : ? /? hed. This, the speaker rx- V institution! his is/nd 1 van written into the con. ti- y Vour funds. We Jhvite Tillman and the relo'i.iers 4^ banking service ft OUT and that all the legislature L it upon to do was to pro- STATH|MEN1 ,y for a co irt of compete :t 1 THE l-ARMEKSvl? in to handle this provision J located at Lancaster. S. C. stltution, after tt nad be^n RESOURCES, in the constructive law of ?? Leans and DisJL co until $10f>,( iler of speaking today was JlL Overdrafts 1,1 V 1 m duplication or ::iuc of ilie i ?um?i.ui*- miu rutet,lng of t.Uc campaign at lures . . 2,1 OW8 June 17. Then as to- ')ue from Batiks governor mm stlrreil the UI'1' Hankers . . 37,2 i,, and Senator Curreucy 3,( 1 to face a audience A (,old 1,< tset. But today, oh at St Silver and Other , the Senator tactfully felt X V:M'nor Coin .... and when a chord of sym- \ C.hecks juid ( aoh Interest had been struck,.^* Items audience along with him, ; ill in boisterous good hu- ; A Total $212.! in inexhaustible supply of *W* STATE OF SOUTH CAKt mod jokes, with which he" ?? County of Lancasl strated each question uu- A Before me came W. H. I ssion. who, being duly sworn, s meting today wps held In X lB a tr"<- condition e on the school house said bank, with approximately 1,000 Sworn to and subscribe esent. There will be no ; J* omorrow. On Friday, the' A Correct?Attest: W. T. C s again got together at A . and 2o to (Sreonwnod i 1 : * FARMERS BAN Rural Libraries. *? T. GREGORY, Preside] ist do something to hold R. T. BEAT' ners in the country. Rettcr * hurdles and' social advnntlid be provided. Nothing top the senseless fatal trend ae towns and cities. The '< > ?. < / ,5^. ial\yay? -b?; sufficiently popu- Sg those who have no attitude ? ANNOUNCEMEN igand itlie-continued drain |j? fresh, red. blood of the ? For Election ?? a a short-sighed t policy. It ;\ caster Founty. a Una idea to establish ? aries. That would serve to g Clash must accofhpany a craving of the youth to be % Notices for tlii/Columr I and thrilled, and would " / should the hooks he judi- HBOSEO-WBSOMCK 'JF.' -JC- -SBv* sleeted, lay the foundation FOR /SENATOR, per and broader culture. I am n cancWdate for State 0 News and Herald. from Lancaster county, sub " ~ ~~ ! the Democratic primary. WNt'IiK TlIK^t'ONDITION 'f REECE WILLI OF lr BANK OF HEATH , am .'XSeTr'w SPRINGS, |Senate. "EquaL^ lglits to all; t Heirth Springs, S. C., at privileges to nofKy" I am a of tmsinrais June 30, 1914. crd. KESOURCES. HA\ry hi d^liscounts ...$20,354.64 ? X f 48.76 FOR REPREKENTATIV Jn Ranks and I hereby announce niyself 23,991.03 | election to the House of Rep 1,726.00 1 tlves in the approach/ng 225.00 ' election, subject to Ae ru id Other Minor (regulations thereof. / 937.25 J. COPEhA^D MAS . $47,281.68 FOR REI*RKm?NTATl\ ^INABILITIES. At the solicitati^i o' frient 5tocK^R<H?l in... $10,000.00 nounce myself y candidate Fund.. .... 3,000.00 House of Reyeseutatives, 1 Profits. \ less elected 1 will iarnestlv ende t FixpenBeB laud iniake n faithfi/ and an efficiei paid F. . 1,652.25 her. I will a/ide by the rule anks and Bink- Democratic /rimary. 45.00 / W. B. BR tl Deposit/ Sub- i 1 Check./.. . 32,518.35 FOR I*;PRKNF,NTAT1\ Creek/. . . . . 66.08 We take Veasure in ann / the Hon. George W. Jones as . . ./ $47,281.68 didate for the Ffcrnse of Rep )F s/lJTH CAROLINA', i tlves, pledging hitfKto abide ity pt Lancaster?ss. ;suits of the Democratic print mf came H. A. Horton,1 MAN^ FRIF of Jthe above named bank. ?- aIT,?wniKXK.?Iii,VT ( lg fiuly sworn, saya that the, irrATimr d foregoing statement is a, _ . . UCATIOM. udilion of said bank, as ?} hereby announce/myself f the books of said bank. [j'(iate for re-election/to the H. A. HORTON, Cashier. Superintendent of Equation 1 to and subscribed before i ?^8J?r ??unty< J/c. 40 h< ith day ef July, 1914. !of the democratic /riroary W. B. TWITT 7, P' A LIfs -Atte8t?Ury , UbllC' 8" C" FOR COUNT* TKEAHUF ROBT. B. M ACKKY, I am a candidaL' for re-ele LBROY SPRINGS, ofn.ce of County Treasure JNO T STEVENS Ith? ru,es governing the Dei Directors. |Pr'?na*T. ^ ^ ^ ?HERN RAILWAY. for supervisor. ' Y hnrahv nnn/mnen mvanlf ??r Carrtor of the South. 'coun^^p^or npp tj4atn qrwirnTTI ICR f'rimary Election and pledge GER -BRAIN 8CHKIJUL.KB. to results thereof. arrive Lancaster from: ; H u Hf)p -Yojfcvllle Rock Hill and Mfty Bt 1914. rmt'cnnte stations 8:31 a. m ?Charleston, Columbia and FOR SUPERVISOR, rmedtate stations 10: PS | hereby announce myself a- I date for the office of Count] ?Mafl?n. Blacksburg, Char visor, subject to the rules gi * ann^-hiL^rniedlato stations ^e Democratic primary. 5 P 03. 1 I M. C. GARE ?Columbia* Klngsvllle and rmedlnte Rations, 7:48 p. m FOR SUPERVISOR. leave Lancaster for: I hereby announce myself ?KlJgvtfle, Columbia and dldate foi re-election to the rmedlatrf stations, 8:31 a. m County Supervisor of L I?Roc* Hill, Blacksour* County, subjoct to the Dei l, Chailotte and Intermediate primary. Ions, HLjWTV m. T. O. BLACK ?Kingvllle,/Columbia, Char- : >n and lute/mediate stations, i FOR SUPERVISOR. S p. m. / I hereby announce myself ?Rock Hill, Yorkvllle and dldate for County Supervisor rmediate/statlons, 7:48 p. tr to the rules governing th< ?Schedule figures are pub- cratlo primary, s Information only and are J. CRAWFORD f an teed./ For Information %? iger faips, etc., call on FOR SUPERVISlOR B. CAuTHEN, Agent. I hereby announce myself H. McGEE, A. G. P. A.. date for County Supervisor, Colombia i C. to the rules of the Dei H. CAFFBT, D. P. A. party. Charleston. S. C A. F. HAMN V. ?=7 ?' J I |j ; I ' ? jj^ Read 1 I 'I'^0 4 ^[| Report ! ror this bank's conui- ^ lion.. The figures will ? prove how sound an what a safe one in which to deposit your account and assure you every power to perform. ? OF THE CONDITION OF ANK & TRUST COMPANY, close of business June 30. 1914. 4 LIABILITIES. 4 Capt&l Stock Paid 4 >4r>.43 in. A $50,1)4)0.00 544.00 Surpiuji Fund.... 1,600.00 UndivJWed Profits, 4 lexI Current Ex- 4 ?7 5.00 pjXises and Taxes Sfiid 8,251.01 4 113.98 Ipuividual Deposits 4 )67.00 f Subject to Check 54.508.71 W7 R(. frime Certificates of 4 i Deposit 33,605.34 4( m Cashier's Checks. . . 41.51 J 197. Urn Bills payable, in- " / eluding Certi- 4! zee />? cates for Money J Borrowed 66,000.00 * Total $212,956 57 * >D1NA, 4 :er4-ss. 4 WWft;n, Cashier of the above named bank. ays\that the above and foregoing stateof said bank, as shown by the books of # W. H. M1LLEN. ? d before me this 6th day of July, 1914. )HN CRAWFORD, Notary Public. ? Jregory, W. P. Robinson, W. P. Bennett. . Directors. 4 X & TRUST COMPANY nv W. II. mLEN', Cashier. 4 If, Jr., Assistant Cashier. 3B- "Wj FOR SUPERVISOR. rpo $ I 1 hereby announce myself a ( 10 J didate for the office of County Dan- $ I pervisor, subject to tne rules gov* i u f uf iij uc ran c primary. $ THOMAS H. BENNET1 all * ~ ~7 ( $ FOR MAGISTRATE. i announce myself n candidate SCOMv Magistrate of fcane Creek towns subject to thk rules of the De Senator <ratlc primarf. cu naior i I G OOA* iject to j ________ AMS. FORI MAGISTRATE. ______ 1 hereby announce myself a ca date for Magistrate of Gills Ci State TownBhiP. sabject to the r ....i.i governing the\Democratic prim Demo- >NO. L. CASKEI ines. formag^stratk. 1 hereby announcV myself as < |.\ didate for Magistrate for Bui for re- Township, subject to Bhe rules | resenta- erning the Democratic \rimaryprimary JOHN A/yARNE! les and 1 ,RKY FOR MAGIHTRATwC. We hereby announce thl nam< rj^ R, T. Belk as a candidate for Ma Is I an- tra*e ?' Cane Cnek Towilship, i for the ^ect lo act,on ?' ,he Pemoci and if Pr,raary. / ivor to (Signed) HIS fAuenDI it mem- / s of the FOR MAGISTRATE. 1 hereby announce m/self as a *T" 1 didate for Magistrate ft Gills Ci ~ Township, subject to/the actlor r*J' the Democratic primi/-y election ouncing ISAAC IT. IIUNTEI 3 a eanresenta T the re- FOR MAGRfTRATE. lary. I hereby announce myself a JNDS. didate for Ma^istrito of Plea ??? Hill township, subje\t to the r IP EI?- governing the DemociVtlc primar H. W^MOBLEI a can- \ office of Tor Lan- FOR PRORATE JUDGE. i ruling With many thanks to the pe of I^ancaster county for their k iGLE. ness and confidence in the pa< hereby announce myself a candi tkr. for re-election to the office iction to Judge of Probate for said cou ir under subject to the rules governing nocratic primary. J. E. STEWMai nnAAt jav/IN. '1 *1% 1 ' ?___ for auditor. I hereby announce myself a a candi- didate for re-election to the offlc in the Auditor of Lancas r County, ) myself Ject to the rules of the Demon primary. tTON. JOS. W. KNIOH' for magistrate. I hereby announce myself a f qiineir- rtldate for Magistrate of Flat C Township, suhject to the Democt iverninK , primur>. >NER. T. W. PAYN1 for magistrate. ' a can- I hereby announce myself a office of didate for re-election to the c ancaster of Magistrate of Indian Land T< mooratic ship, subject to the rules of Democratic Primary. MON. D. k. hal Notice of Discharge, f a can- Notlco Is hereby given that the , subject designed will, as administratrix j Demo- the estate of N. R. Small, decet on the 4th day of tugust, 1914, n ?OOK. ' her final return as such adm - tratrlx and apply to the Pro I Court of Lancaster county for lei a candi- dlsmlssory. subject MRS. J. A. SMALL, mooratlc Administratrix Estate of N. Small, Deceased, iond. July 3, 1914. + I mo oek ulea caurord ROV I LKiBsub A atlc ? canreek i of canRant ules y. T. ople indst, I date of inty, the . run e or subratic canreek ratlc E. cantfflce >wnthe L. I uumed, lake f 1nta- k bate ttcra B. ^ 4