BATESBURG SEES " EXHIBITION GAME :::i dat Candidates Add One to Regular ,.he Schedule. ?'?>? ! WOl ATTRACT A BIG CROWD ,B rul< era i_l 1. I ? rrkw.t?.iul <'l>uiitjiii Interested Audience. Some Can Not Attend. (li(l Batesburg Special to Columbia State, July 7.? A crowd thought jo ^ contain between 2,000 and 3,000 per/ are sons, mostly farmers, but many .ot them women, gather her^ today from several counties for the joint and extra meeting of candidates for stat ^ t and United States offices, and cheergov ed loudly the attacks of Messrs. Pollock and Jennings upon the public record of the governor, who is their common rival for Senator Smith's ,, seat. The governor failed to attend. , . cam A few supporters of the executive neg were present and did a certain . IS c amount of heckling, as is their cus- , by f torn. None of the speakers went out of hlR way to defend the governor, : ^ ^ though several of his followers, John G. Richards among them, were ab- , for, sent. | ., 1 T->... 1 ...1 v??r< I,.... ?,n T>1, J. X\UllUUbL iTiLViiicc, UUIIV/I UI i MV 1 ^|"?y Batesburg Herald, who with M. E. way Rutland, mayor of Batesburg, and a jpn committee of citizens, invited the . IV candidates here, presided over the . woe meeting. Mr. McGhoe read a tele- ' ,, gram sent July 4 by Mayor Rutland jpa(j to the governor, who was then in . tun Spartanburg. Mr. McClhee also read the reply ? wot sent by the governor from Spartan- ^ burg: 2 i "Your wire. Can not be present at . ^ the Batesburg.' ? Senator Smith was absent also. A ., the telegram from his secretary said that , ? stat the senator was prevented front at( t . I tending the meeting by order of his wer physician. Had the senator been pres- ^ ent he would have received a token we! in the form of a cotton stalk, sur ( rounded by peaches which had been prepared i?y Pr. Didgell, formerly a repesentative from Lerinton county ^ in the State legislature. There seems ; arg to be a strong sentiment in favor of .. . , nee the senator here. 1AUWUA A l I KAi:HUN. ^ The n eeting was held in a chuu- . tauqua lent. It is Chautauqua week (lij in Batesburg. A faker on a street ^ corner mimicked the candidates and afforded considerable amusenment.| "I, too con use brifliant phrases," j he cried. t 0 When the speaking began the tent wor Bled and the flaps being up, hundreds stood outside. The crowded ^ listened attentively and respectfully throughout the day with a few ex- ^ ceptions. Though the sun shone brightly it was not hot. . ^ B. Frank Kelly, candidate for lieu- ^ tenant governor, was given the. honor of speaking first. Following him spoke Mendel L. Smith, Laiwnders ^ Browning, John T. Duncan, John G. w Clinkscales, Robert A. Cooper, Char- nj[ les A. Smith and W. (3. Irby, Jr.. can- ^ didates for governor. An hour and (or a half was taken for dinner which for the larger part of the crowed consisted of barbecue. After dinner the speaking was continued. A. J. Bethea, Tb candiate for lieutenant governor, spoke. He Then W. P. Pollock and L. I). Jennings in turn drew the cheers of the ru crowed and the heckling of the few, wi both men giving almoet all their time ad to laying bare the record of the governor saying that though he was not q i present his record was a public thing. "Coley is in Columbia calling for as f calf rope and asking for somebody to help him on. That is why he isn't here , He today." declared Mr. Pollock. CHEEKS FOR POLLOCK If The crowd yelled and showed their pleasure when Mr. Pollock, recalling He the celebration of the Fourth, cried: of "The people of 16 counties have An decided a declaration of independence from the domination of Cole L. He Bleasse." Ar. To a heckling auditor, Mr. Pollock ^ald: O "You sound to me like one of those fellows known as a coattail swing- Po er." The candidate said that at Walter- So boro the governor had declared himself in favor of impartiality. pc "Yet," continued the candidate,"he comes here to Batesburg and cuts ofT o the heads of notaries public because they are not his friends." Ai "An' he moved 'em!" cried some one. So "Yec," returned Mr. Pollock,"and the people of Sonth Carolina are go- f Ing to move him." Tho statement was cheered loudly. ; "Hurrah for Coley!" came the cry from a sympathizer of the governor. "Put It to him. He don't care" ^ "No; he's too dead to feel It," responded Mr. Pollock, much to the de- vo light of the crowd. The candidate read from the records of the postoffloe department concerning "Portland Nod,'' whom la, % 9 THE LANCASTER S governor, Mr. Pollock said, had Trust Legislation Assure :?ed loose when there was a war- Atlanta Journal. . < 4. * - _ i.j The enactment of the trus t tor the yeggmar for cracking a , at the present session of Cong in North C arolina. (now assured. Senate leaders ilr IpnninfK wnc thp 1 riP.t r.intli- I ...ui. tu^ n. t j * h * ai ... ?- -? ? wmi in t? rivBiuvui imii nit) d to speak. There were wild these measures are disposed ers when he declared that 90 per better ?t will be for business 1 t of the vote cast next August mocrats are united, and the R ild be against the governor. cans are not expected to offf>r /lr. Jennings took up the primary or stubborn oppositfJ5?J^Tn fa ,?s adopted at the state Demo- Republican members of the Int tic convention and explained that commerce committee have istration was a simple matter of|w'fb ^h? Hemocrats in reportl ling one's name in full upon the "niended trade.commission bi ^ ' many of them, it is predicte No man," he said, "has been able support the other bills on th ?ive a valid reason why the rules vot?- An tht> committees are not right. And yet the governor in? steadily. The general desi s they will keep men from vot- purpose of the Senate seems to .. !prompt completion of the trus Tbelieve that there are men who raIn: aiu' there is a prospect honest in their support of the 'Congress may finish its work a ernor," Mr. Jennings said. "But i?uru by August. .c men won't support him wlieu Hiis is a matter of deep com r know the facts." tion 1o the country. Not unt CAN'T I)() THAT trust issue is scttlcii fun l)i Some people believe." said thein,ove forward with ftri+freedo rlidate, "that Illease will turn the : (^>rt't,1C1R-^ As conditions no ro mail clerks out. Now the fact !"""? ,t4 '"teuuiues grave aouo very negro mail clerk gets his job what i8 a,ld ln 1 itanding civil service examinations ?rpat Provinces of industry an . Blcase can not set aside as he merce and finance. Melville Dt set aside the laws of this state." | PoBt wel1 **y* in tbecurgent ii Tell us what you are running the Saturday Evening-t'ost. " cried several" in the audience.! "Under the Sherman law a Im running in this campaign to now jndicially amended.... to open the eys of the tk>o. weak, huslne8s engaged in interstate ward sinners like you." said Mr. > conducted at the peril 9f the nlngK ney general It is conducted tore yells followed and still more P^1 of the ?Pinion of the 1 in the candidate cried: judKe?- Th<8 extraordinary sit Cole L. Blease is not fit to be the ha8 had no e<>ual excePl in th< ler of even the negroes he has history of the EnK,ish 8P?akln led out " P'e* wken crime of high t Tossed further as to what he was indeterminate." .Id do if elected. Mr. Jennings Ther<; could be no ??lter 8er I that he would do all in his power the b?*ines? interests of the have post roads built throughout S,ates than a clearlng-up of the j,in(j biguities; and that is one of tl here was not much new said by ful purposes of the pending tru candidates for governor and other The de,ay of this task woul e-offices. Mendel L. Smith. John P^ong the uncertainty and a, L'linkscales and Kobert A. Cooper |ate the evils that have ,on* ' e the favorites. Mr. Clinkscales Now is th<> mo8t opportune ti , for compulsory education was this needed ^^ation. The i i have nassetl the ltniisp hv laiv< 'liarles A. Smith said that The itie8' Th? w,iy for them ,R 0 te. "a great newspaper." was man- the Senat?' They w,u ,,ot I during sentiment for cc mpulsory fihtuk to the "Mintrys busine ication without giving farts or on the cantrary a relief from h uments. He said that what was ?"(1 ? means to the ,ded was more funds and facilities, te resumption of confidence i 'Our people are meeting tlie neeos- 1 tn es as they arise," he said. i?? deferring to a leading article in _ __ s morning's issue or The State, he II /I "" 1 iviiiii i 'You will notice they say only certi counties are prepared for coin- CURED FOREVE sory education. The State seems be weakeirhTgr* B sneclaUst6 rhe lieutenant governor was pre- who possesited with two bouquets and a has-; ses the ex- ; ;)fl| of peaches. perience of Mr. Irby continued his attack on ,Tk? Bs "> Wm .. ... . ... , right kind /^sr > cotton mill, hanking and railroad , Qf expericrests. He declared that the com- I euce ? ation of cotton brokers and cot- doing the /? i mills in 1 ! 1 1 cost the people of same thing/ ! state $15,000,000. *h?y hun^ V Telegrams expressing regret at not dreds and Huwn ng able to attend today's meeting perhaps re received from Richard I. Man- thousands of itmea with un ?. candidate ior aovemor. and fh t, rftheSh! omas H. Peoples, candidate for at- ' xnent? If you df*ire to cor ney general. reliable long-estsiilished spt of vast experience, come to n THrt rAMllDtTK learn what can Hie. accomj gefleld Chronicle. ^?th, RklUfu1' ???( . , , I hold t""0 medical Biplonu e noise of the candidate certificates by examination Is heard throughout the land, other requirements fronc is gittin' mighty anxious boards of medical e#iminerf To shake you by the hand . States in the Union/togethe M over 20 years expefienee in t don t he love the farmer alty practice. I successfully th his horny hand of toil? >1 Blood Poison, Varicose d ain't it migl y noble to be I Ulcers. Kidney and Bladde ~ r . v. 1 eases Rh oil mat! am flail < *?..??* " ' Paralysis, Discharges. "pih isten to his tender voice Rectal Trouble, Stricture a So like the gentle dove! | Nervous, Chronic and prlva he tells the voters of the Ian*' eases of Men and Women. Of his abounding love E/fm!?a,t!?? a"* ' 4 ? w confidential. Hours: 9 a. n tells us how he fit and bled, P_ m Sundays, 9 to 2. And how he'll fight a*in' j CaH or Write. only he can get the vote* J)r Register, Specia Knough to put h'm in; ^ Union National Bank s tells you of his service Cor. Main and Oorval* long and weary years, COLUMBIA, B. O. d the money which he loses I,; th, ,au,ef?rwh:,h h/.are# WITNESS AFTER WI ) tells you of the blood he hed i ho l PTrn id he whispers in your loving ear J^j I.ANl.AS 1 KK "The other man's a knave." ^ ain't he kind and noble Such KvidenCe Our Headers This candidate so brave? . Dispute. r he wishes to he spent and spend . take up The New T_. . / by wedc, we are struck by th< His countrymen to save. , unmistakable way In which let us all support him, after v^itnoss speaks out as All hr.? h vn nrxr an/I #.1/1 I Hufwi Hn*? v> 1' V. | Jiv? ?liu UM? A. t,MV>OV llt7V| .r he don't need -inv monev strangers IfVtoff-miles away v . cu '1 only count bin. in L p ciybtmrr l=*gach 8t.. Ml you rich and poor ir.en ter, &aytr "My exphrlen< Come cast for him tcif '!? # Daon's Kidney Pills hay beci r u!i !m v ants at the pv Mc crib >?factory. I , commend them. Jny kidnc Ib just to feed on inactive and I J>*fd backache Moan's Kidnev/Pills has beei Paying and Painting. the Standanf Drug nctnnati Enquirer. they rid m/ of Ihe trouhh/ ibe?Dauber says that ho is wed- had no rftuso attack.j'flc id to hi Hart. keep right oh usinfe mf na Steve?Then he ia entitled to a dl- nm Hirudin ft Pi aw II fiiifiT")' rce on the grounds of non-support, this remedy is lyorthy of it. ^ . ? Price 50c at/all dealers, o Prevent Blood Poisoning simply auk for a kidney r< plr St once the wonderful old reliable DV unt Doan's Kidney Pills tl iRTFR'B ANTI8KPTIC IIHAT.iNG OIL. a ?*: f?* "J*" rivhura hld FO al dre.aln* that relieve! pain and heal. that Mr. C lybUTTl nan. ro ^ sanie tine. Not a limmrnt. 25c. 50c. Si burn CO., PrOpB. BUuWOy N. r v T"? 1 *' pm\mf ?' ? - ? IEWS, .JULY 10. 1914. , njf $t bilis T II ;ress Is | agree f sooner of, the epubH- Groceries is a thing that serious yOU have not to buy very ct, the *?rstuto often and you want to get joined them where yofx have the Ing the // 11. and least troubles in placing e fnni your orders/ Place them work- with us ami you won't have re and / be th > to phona all over town to t prog- your^omdtitfilled. We that "X Hid ad- will fill your order or the ~ article can't be / found in o= jtratuia a hi ii the Lancaster. We/don't mind asiness / m and a little thing/like trouble ;! or work, for that is part of ;| t as to I ; pertain our business! time Hies |j d com- when we havevwork to do. i |j ivisson Give us a chance at your ume of grocery business and we I will give you quality, price h ? it is- and delivery, every Yours for Business, trade I attor- i ,l| at the 'uation Mackorell's ' ;!j a early Grocery | jjL vice to United I V se am- Bucklejn's Arnica Salve For Cut*, < I le use- Burns, Sores. st tills. Mr. E. S. Loper, Marilla, N. Y.t d only writes: "I haie never had a Cut. ccentu- Burn, Wound v Sore it .would not ?xisted. heal." Get a of Uucklen's Ar- gJ| , nica Salve todaj^nKeep handy at all ' ' times for Burns, wes. Cuts. Wounds bills prevents LoekjiAt, 25c at your to > major druggist. & lear in _ 10 rove a ' til ss. but MONEY TO LOAN. larraful I ana now prepared, as heretofore, st' omple- to negflWa.e loans of J200 and upind nc- uartl8 rfet mortgage on Improved cotton fa>^^i in Lancaster county, on long time,Repayable in annual In stallments at%E per cent interest. ? ~~?"" No commisslo^VsCharged. Only a M small fee for furtflahing abstract of I title. \ R. E. WYLIE, Attorney-at-Law. I R ===================== I! . AT ITMIMl | HLUiuin icialist ' ne and dished tment. This nine piece combination Eg is and | | bave another shipment and th i of 4 4 r with ter. Don't fail to come to our spectre *' White Sewing Machine at x DisMB EN N El itrlctly a. to 7 I ^ ujjjj // TNESS Ml / " <'an not EB ^M ; witness ?v|j -.' | were ^ vo might 3ut they |- f iighbors, i VI <1 is too ' qfl-n y tlonbt, ^^Ul BClAl their iBtw others. Lancasre. with j i so sat- H I OV Le to re- ?| y^? ys were H f OH i. I used H rt so sat-^ I ny ?t i: : Sajjj / >?' d| / GET THE r?--1 PKIf SI-CO] ?medy? ' Lancaster, S. C. iP h: rue H| ator-Mll- jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjgjggj 33 -v,. r.-^^,qr? KII I Fn RY Ml - - - - * * ' JL M~IM.1 During the month of June, sons lost mules by lightning: near Gassy Pond, Cherokee < Curtis McMillon, near Chesnorf barn; Mr. Billy Burris, nea^Mc Mr. E. H. Wilson, near l/>wry> J. P. Crowder, near Fo/^ Mill, ( The Mutual Live Stock Insi will insure you against the de your stock caused by Fire, Wir See R. T. BEATY, Jr., Agent Bank & Trust Co., L Or write D. E. BONEY, Mai Greenville Fema Greenville, S. ( Imparting the Knowledge, Ide ments of Perfect W No Nonthom iurtitation MTordr. ynuuR women tool lllM'ml duration tlia?> doov tho cirrrtivllly Kmna'c ('oII?ki tr?in it* taitootn t": live ?>f t'u fallmt MelnHy tnd m oonrsn-; of sti. Iy tvtl c ultural Infumroi irv ertiruiy in I UK oc'tir.iu'c ? i uv . -^t.vw 1*10:11; 1.1:0 in??:i I II H 1 II 11 11 rfTViri 1 wink. SriMiitfi 111 !wf rmmi: !s!> pin no pnu'tii 'Jul,Kointinp rth $100 in money and exemption 1 $158. The examination will be held at the , 1014. General (entrance examinatioi lie for all studeitts. The University ne. iranee Association ath or damage of id or Lightning. at the Farmers iancaster, lager, Yorkville. lie College + I | als and Accomplishomanhood i> complete advantages for n bro*d, I B. It is prepnral in every way to iponaihility. Its ?mrnt. faculty. ' lartrnuy with present day reijuireifor ionv?ni< ril comloi .aide life and e r siVrrr-r-ljlirary ; six parlor*; well H' if $2..VN). College-owned dairy. letd tn B. A.a H. I. . and M. A. de- B ore, Buminctm Course, loading to H nmrrvutory of Mamie, department* Normal Training Courmm. linn teni'liitice mid iiitiannrns. Con> best educational opportunities at lident, Greenville, S. C. | th Carolina f L/TTXT A TTrtXT xx x xvyn rers a Teachers' SchPlarinty. The scholarship is _ from all fees, amounting county seat Friday, July e i will be held at the same . W* iges. Varied courses of iness. Write at once for iWT jj i th Carolina J| GAIN x ' ij ooker all for $1.75. We '1 ever offered in Lancasine sales on that beauti rr co. 1 President?we dn, we must ^ola ] and adds the , ady gait. >5< iKT you. [i WORKS I s Pure and Clean v' 1