_ < I 4 i J ? I r ? CI tAfr waj ? r p*ci Mft CI of* CI stat pla.? api> It li tfrr in r -'1 W <#; the ma< thrr T dl8( kne 'jj tj tw Oil Oil) we 1 mil Bel va we ev< lf? bet wb to, do Pr< ? ( op pm Hi 1 QUI be* thi QU' to hw to. an I del till SfeMMDc Ob rOPC5 i Romance of StClair'3 Def< ^<7^ na\mn t dat>dt^t-i IKrS?yLJ?\LsLs tri IKIMVIJ LLUSTRATLD^ D. J.LAVIN wyft/crrr a. c/v?cu//?g &. ?o.,/jr<3 """"""""""""""gyfuQpc i g " " i Trr^h^,lriarro^ opening lo could see her slender, lij FIAPTKR I?Jcwieph Hayward. an ?- form outlined against thi i In the United States army on hla seemingly her eyes coul< r to Fort Bormar, meets Simon Oirty, . . th . k within enegode wtiose name has been con- lrate lne uaraness uitnm. tea with all manner of atrocities, also she hesitated, leaning sligl fled for Fort Harrnar with a message "Mnnoimir * n-the British general, Hamilton. Hay d guides him to the fort and protects "Yes," I said eagerly, al tllirSEna number of *couU who tr1ed '?et. "I was longing for y. She came forward cautk 3APTER II?At General Hat-mar's by the sound of my voice, dquarters Hay ward meets Rene D'- . tray who profoBAes to recognize him. fintranc? open, p^rmittl iough he has no recollection of ever glimpse the guard without ing seen her before. opening. SAITER III?Hayward volunt-ws to "You have come to hp y a message for Harrnar to Bandusky , ? ' . come to ne ?ra Hamilton la stationed. The north- emoiselle? I whispered, aKtt r.lady lOT Tir, Vi.'* r,oa? her hair brushed mj only fteld back by the refusal of the _ . ., 4 ... ndly Wyandota to Join. The latter aro *??1 that our need is that < landing the return o Vi-pa-te?-tah. "I must do right." she a illglous teacher whom -y believe to .., , a prisoner. Hayward'. mission Is to without lifting her eye? I ire the Wyandots that the man la Go?l tells me. I pray to h he*d by the soldiers. Harmar lm- ance you are white mei nea on Hayward the necessity of shlnt Hamilton before Otrty. tlans; you came to the W; ElAFTER IV?Rene uki Hayward to mlaaion of peace. What, her accompany htm. She telU htm monsieur? I also am CI t ihe 1b a Quarter-blood Wyandot and ? ? i, nlsslonary among the Indiana. She only a drop of Indian bl been In search of her father. She my veins. Yet all my life sts that she haa seen Hayward be- t i. but In a British uniform. Hay .~ard Indian. How can I turn ts for th'? north acoomponiod by a own people?" it named Brady and a private -old er. cftnnot th)nlr fhat you SAPTKR V?They come on the trail ag paused, breathing h 1 war party and, to wcim from th? lans. take shelter In a hut on an Wyandots have been fale nd. Hayward tlnda a murdered man In I cejVed. They have been r?wx-1c;r\ rr?it proves to be Raoel ! this war by the lieB of uvray. a former French officer, who I Would wo be in danger ailed by the Wyandots "white chief." ?n is appears and Hayward la puzzled by 'hte was left to a council Inslstance that they have met be- j chiefs?" ... "No; they would listen n Aimer* ? i&?ivrn? wcoifniiei fn? J dered man as her father, who waa believe. It ts Hamilton ai wn among the Indiana aa Wa-pa-tee- ' al(,efl who refuafl to hrtar went to his tepee twice Fre^Siourtj ?w?y -the last tl had spent his life amoig the Indians ' suits, as though I were i verting them to Christianity. squaw " HAPTKR IX?Brady reports seeing a' "How. then, did you gall d of marauding Indians tn the vlcln- * i ?.. and with them Simon Glrty. Brady's come here lence convinces the girl that there is "I waited until he lefl Iritlsh officer by the name of [{?. t ? . . ... d who resembW Ahe Amerlc-* Thero are but two white i 3LAPTER X?Finding escape rYom the n,*ht' a"d 000 ?f th<,fn ,H ( nd cut off Hayward and his compan- n?t the man, but he seemi i^prepnre to resist an attack from you, and bo I trust him. I that I come, and told m< flAPTER XI?Keconnoitenng around whlrh gnve me courage I cabin at night Hayward discovers a wn,cn ?avH courage, r te man In a British uniform and a word dropped by Ham es him for dead, after a desperate made liinn suspect your 11 | stake. He dare not net. op lAritn A.11?tiih matins capture sent me to tell you this, i cabin after a hard strut 'e In which per {0 yOU hie plan. It v cward Is wounded. ' . 1 , ..... me to come here with Hat nAd %t*ihV"hands "of The K,iardrt an> Wyandoti conceals him In the cellar of the only to ask the chief to 1 ln- Monsieur Brady's wounds. ilAPTER XIV?Hayward discovers a been warned against me, breed negro ln the cellar. They en- .? ?, .. . n In a fierce fight, which ends when ] nothing. Tint Knglishn negro accidentally butts his brains i left in command was led against the low roof cf the cellar. fhft ofh?r pn,, of {he vHUg rlAPTER XV?Harward meets his chief sought him. he wa ble. Joseph Haywunl of the British y. The latter admits that ho had ! found, and bo I u;t? Kiven I TVAuvray a prisoner In the cabin. ghw 8tepp?d 8l|ftntly bat that he know nothing about his , J , ... tt. His object ln detaining D'Auvray trance, and glanced out ii to help Incite the Wyandots to war , [jght, returning as swiftly dAPTER XVT?The Britisher de- \ 8leeve. es that D'Auvrav was murdered by ?T . . _ r\egro. ost of vengeance. Listen, monsietir, i I AFTER XVII?Rene reports that faB,? for 1 know not who dy is a prisoner of the Indians and picion us. Now mark eve : he Is to bo burned at the stake. They .f , deanerate chance I to rescue the scout. t i? a desperate cnance. IAFTER XVIII-Rene pleads with the from now be r?a(,V Wo f for the life Of the scout. Although tonight, while Hamilton Is hlglily respected among the In- win somehow draw the is her efTorts are without avail The ish officer Is recognized by a renegade from tnis side?here, ne ied I.appln, who demands his life of monsieur. When yoy hear three times creep beneat irlJ5?aXdT^^eTaUIflghtad* k'n" fh* and down thH hank to tbe 1 You must move like foxe IAFTER XX?Brady la tied to the ... . . to and the lira started. Hayward will be sleeping warriors iters clay on his face and hair and I down Stream." ears before the Indians who, thinking j ?Arwl i ?0n?h h-o * the ghost of ill*' dead m elde by side at the edge of the water "Then it was treachery? The pui he put his lips close to my ear. " p^, waa to kill us? Girty lied?" , =. "?n y?ur back- lad- with on>y the "Yes monsieur. You?you will no oiling in l n0se out; stroke easy, and let the cur- belu>ve , knew? That I suspected sucl ghtly poised rent carry you down." a thing?" s Are, but He lowered himself into the stream, My handcla8p tightened. not Pfno* which was deep to the shore, as silent ?N deur QO; go on Where are th An instant jy a8 a ghost. A dozen feet away 1 men?" ,tly forward. lost 6,ght of him entirely amid the Qf {hem teQ Qr tweWe a8 nea readvonmv di?'' dan^K ?hadows- ( Tben as I could make out. are in a ravine a outcome" , W ??"al ?autl?n' the edge of the camp, yonder close b mslv gukled VZ ?UP. ,^0 r" ^ shore. There are three others uj leaving the 8 V . . vlfibl.e above here, hiding behind the hank." i/ooiFiut uvinn iu'?uku ruin 01 ciouu. ,,j aee. attack was to be made b; in* me to The small river was not wide, nor the tho8e a^ovo aa we crept along, aud i , facing the current particularly Bwift. and 1 had eUher of U8 got away those thre not been carried far down stream dovlla were to complete the Job." dp us. mad- when the overhanging branches of the bending so opposite bank gave shelter. I drew myr lips. "You 8eif ashore, and sut there, shivering in (Continued in Our Next Issue.) lesperate?" ray wet clothes, the night air chill, and nswered, yet stared anxiously about, aud across to to mine, "as the shore we had just left. The heavy. \ LANCASTKIl INVENTOK. dm for guid- dark woods were silent; I could hear! i and Chris- a scurrying in the bushes at the top of Mr. Nathan Hirscli Secures I nten /nnilots on a the bank, but It was only the fright ""'iSlT,', fmm Th, is my duty ened flight of some startled wild anl- The f? ?'w,n bod flows In excitement. Hirsch: have I been j moved down the shore cautiously, United States Letters-Patent No against my keeping well below the concealing 1,090,060, dated March 10, 1914 bank until I found fcrady. He was have been granted to Nathan Hired do." I urged crouched in the shadow of a great tree of Lancaster. South Carolina, for ai eavlly. "The root, hi8 whole attention riveted on j improved cuspidor^ The J prove oiv tod de- .v. i. .u. raent, which is clearly shown in tlv iHven info ? opposite side. accompanying cut, includes a recept driven Into ?There are no signs of pursuit? acU; having u lid. autr a casing. / white men. "Not that I can see. I have watched j member is mounted to swing withli now if our here some minutes, but there has been the casing and project exteriorl; of Wyandot no movement along the bank. We will; thereof, the member/^ being forraei move on down stream." with a socket. A bar is cohnectec to me. and It Was hard walking amid the tangled with the socket an/ adjustable verti id his white roots, and we made slow work of It. j the story. 1 Hrady, In advance, stumbled once or | n /* x and was twice, aud, I noticed, held one hand ^ - j me with In- pressed against hlo side as though in unknown from pain, breathing heavily. To our J ^ left, but some distance aw&y, a voice ^T. # l permission called, and was answered by another. . So, toiling on, we came to a sharp t^yVl fhe camp, bend in the stream. I \ \vl nen hero to- <.j? must be about opposite here, \ Wr Hrty. I like Wayward," he said stopping, "the girl * ? C.I If a iiinuuij iu told you the boat would be. What Is \1\\ e suggcs e jumpinjj shadow yonder? Your JfclA i hTh 1 "h ey?* are younger than mine." e had heard j looked whens he pointed, shading on w <1 eyeB> and (frodually focusing the enlyWbut he out"n,,a until they assumed definite i^l , A IX ind to whis a tree bent down over th9 TNi | tas easy or QO doubt the one she meant." ?"??"'li r I\i nllton away < .. . ? i . I of Providence nr.* past finding out"Perhaps the days of miracles are d. the scout. not gone." he said doubtfully. "and|bf>'OI,d l,or'*' '? ? meet the In- (}lrty may haye p!ayed fair. Anyhow Artothe- pi n.re more lately seen I there Is nothing to be done now but ja 'cover design" by I^eslie Thrashe ugh the dap. t??t lt come on, lad; we'll take to ' shows a mother, with puritanic] in a strange wator again." | mien, leading her son to church. O gors pressed >pbH -.-heerful note in his voice bol-i a divergent path are shown two boy e nasswi m.ti 9te,?d. ^ .?W.n couraffe- We 8Wam I with fishing Doles and bait can o ? Hiraigni mia time, witn steady stroke, tjjejr way to the creek on wbo? dropped thn our eyo(( rtcaimtnK the bunk wu were fftces |H the expression of delight I In dsrkneee ??P~"rh|nk And the c.noe wu? th?f?. ih our eyes searching the high -to r, a mother are tod^v thankful fc moment she bank towering dark above us. There it and o:e confident #th \t the con Then elow- wag no movement, no sound, and I low- ?:ng , .".pnce j that moilic beai ,, forcing its ere3,t|on they hold today, for r rpr?r " =..?? n Brady, but trBB j waded cautiously ashore and * cd u tr,er< ed, a sudden crept out Into a maze of roots. The A Mistake Surety. ? honest plan i,igher bank roae sheer before roe Ta BUffai0 Kxpress. ack of It ac tbe right there waa an opening, as If a "Your son nsays his professor as It born of trajj )ft m e! : Who are Your I i I ~ Tell them where they can get a sac J as is found in Melrose oj/'Fip-Top so * tion of quality. We/dre headquarte j especially Good Flour- Don't forget crop of Irish Potabqgs. I will ha potatoes about July the 8th. X The Rock Hili Bread is finey Cal a loaf. If you are worried With ch some Carbolineum, it willAlo the w< will not cost you anything. Just rec of Van Camp's Soups, Po*iv and Bea line of can goods. Call us when you 1 grocery line. /Yours fc E. W. SIST "GOOD THINGS TO II e a - h e! Have You Seen a ,. If not, waste no time. She i d Take her into your Uome, she \ j! f c fort, keep you cool,[and the che? 'ej V d find, you cannot afford to be w ) matic, valveless and wiekl/ss. it Stove is one of the wonders of ? N anteed to cost you lops money, 'g J and to give you less trouble tha e My guarantee behind every on to think, you don't h^e to g< r. kitchen when you have.a Florer i\ n have to wait on the fire to start i t, you want at once, saving that ] it i d to stand while you are waiting e * to get hot. Come and investij! >r i- you anything to see for yourself '8 d J. B. Mac Is l- I le I r RE WANTS VDE t, come to Edwards & f in every line that we you can depend on getIf you are not already is a trial and see if you us than you are getting len you get accustomed ever change you off on mi" uimiof Vi i n ?r f Vinf. VOI1 7LIJ OWIHVW4IlI?ft v???- v ^ ). When you buy someis wasted. We buy our o-date wholesale houses buy from us is strictly don or your money remething, phone us. We ours truly, IORTON i fD BRICK. , Neighbors? f k of good Flour, such Id by us (the perfects for groceries and to plant your second ( ve the cold .storage 1 1 us when you want icken mites, get you ork, if it does not it eived fresh shipment ins. We carry a full 11 want anything in the * >r business, t * ARE EAT." Florence? is very beautiful, vill give you comipest cook you can ithout her. AutoThe Florence Oil the world. Guargive out less heat, n any stove made le sold. And .just r> in that old hot ice, neither do yon I is you get the heat t'uel and that heat I on the other stove jate, it won't cost korell I i