f ? ? .. f < VOL. 9, NO. 80, BKM1-WEI MEXICO'S SECOND C COY IS CAPTURED . v o\ Guadalajara Falls Before Rebels h< tii Under Obregon. in at AN IMPORTANT VICTORY, w ! I. ftelteln Are F.xuberant Ovki* K'tc- . cesN of Arm* an I See Visions I of Occulta*( ! of < apital. . "A f-altlllo, Mexico, Jm v 9 ?General ^ Carranza was officially advised 'ate today of the fall of Guadalajara lie- ^ fore the Constitutionalists forces Wednesday at noon. The news was received with the utmost elation at "* Constitutionalist headquarters where ^ it was regarde. " ?" ? f pute as yet. The battle covered a f distance of over 100 kilometers and the dead are acattered an over this territory. "Those who escaped are In flight I or dispersed entirely. For three days we fought with more thnn 12,000 of the enemy. Have virtually captured r all artillery and ammunition held by I enemy and five thousand prisoners, c Others mining all the i.;mc and sur- < rendering. Very few of our men are < wounded or killed. No officers. En I thuslastn reigns in the city." I Celebrations are going on tonigln , \ in all the towns of northern Honora, 1 where news of the victory was re- t 7W reived. i t R Jot. ?i!. Wffafkh .it** lllhir'lr Jk- :Jk. ? i CKLY. I IK lil> WITHOU1 ouiu; Woman Accus llcr Muslim Oak City. N. C., Julj iph Johnson today w it bail on the charge >r husband last Satui le conclusion of a pre! g here. It iB charged id killed her huRbar ere driving near Spee Mrs. Johnson says as Rhot by some c unding at the side ichard Manning, a kid he was about 10 le couple when the si id, testified at the he iw uo one run from he moon was sbinini ild. Mrs. Johnson is 22 3 usband, who was truier, was 24 years VILL RECONS' REBEL GOVE limine Necessary ii Which Has Keen < Revolutionary M< El Paso, Texas, Ju ruction of the constit rn m en t mnchlncrv ill begin immediately le settlement of the < ispute. Carranza officials dice in Juarez and otl t?es by yie Villa factl istated, according Rents here today, ould mean the restor ilegruph and railway ualiua to the contro ppointees. Most of t mong the 24 Carrunzi ?. virtual prisoners i Ity by the Villa authoi reach. At least three Car ill resign, owing to lade by Villa's den abela, minister of c< 1 the Car ran za cabi iretedo, one of the Ca gents in Washingtoi ddro Arevino, chief < nnstitutlonalist leadei loved, according to onstitutionaiists in El It is reported that aran, special repr arranza in Washiugl esign, as the Villa fa gainst him. In reti oncessions on Carrans as acknowledged ahs ation to him, accor ages from Torreon. ral Felipe Angeles, eh nder Villa, will be ii? consiiiuuonanst r anza's order, still wu onjecture. While on the surft perns peaceful there ii iction 011 both sides djustinent Ik only ten 4 sending his brigac roin \Torreon oh ten sib te. \ RKTURN TO T/ 'arranzA and His Hta Tonr. Tampico, Mexico, J 'arranza, constitute aauder, apd staff, h iere, after having g vluiout interruption nlles of Kan Luis Fot ection of the railroat epaired. General Cai aaln here until the cc roops is more advan rill return to Kan Lu art in the attack. * Fifty Spanish subje e^ey and the same nui icinity today placed i ler the protection of Consul Miller, who esi he steamer Alfonso 3 y thfc Spanish gover hem to Spain. WKN1>KIX VVII.M 1 1 * ran uziana * H?avement. . ,, j g n han would not be removed until the discourteous remarks utionalist ov '88U08 between Governor B!ease and the speeches ?f both , ' *?V Secretary of War Garrison had been nings and Pol. "k and fi in Chihuahua tA1 . , " .. , settled. of Senator SmitUr-. as a result of Carranza-Villa war department recently ''or the "**t 11 toe the withdrew an Invitation to the South friends stayed today aft< ousted from Carolina militia to participate in the executive had had his say ler Chihuahua oncampn,ent because they did not Rtun,p, the policy of Gove ion will he re- me0t the requirements of the Dick]'8 pot to appear until ti to Carrauza tn'litla law the matter of equip- arrived for him to spo Such action ment and number of enlisted men in leav0 the stand prompt! ing Of federal th(> various grades. has finished, lines in Chi- Trouble hav. previous,. arisen be- Today the ?'?Vpr"or 1 of Carrauza twee,, the governor and the secre- but hls ""Verier* rema . .. i to liear both Messrs. Jt hese men are t^ry of war over the location of the poUock ftpp|y the gaff U a officials held proposed encampment on the Isle of record" It waK (hi n Chihuahua Palms at Charleston. S. C. Secre- , gau,tg that caUBed the \\ rlties since the tary Garrison finally premotorily ^ tQ ffet and brigUe ^ transferred, the camp to Augus.a. | KASIEST FOR SN ranza officials (_he three subjected the demands General Moore Talks. interruptions. Senator ?gates. Isldre Columbia Special to Charleston tQ Thlg wa) miyunications News and Courier. July 8.? Re- ^ fact ^ thc wnai net; Alfredo ferring to the fact that Governor to flR he has Qn g irranza special Blease has declined permission to. a at fr(jm any di8CUS ?- unf1 (}ou company of Georgia militia to pass ch g preferrcd by th jf staff of the through the state of South Carolina and utterI ignored the r. will be re- via Blackville to the joint militia en- reoord The attacks whl well informed campment at Augusta next month. reoted agft,nst him wure Paso. Adjutant General Moore gave out due t.a's part. Villa rajntia of another state through its joke8> aptiy illustrating olute subordi- , territory when the foreign militia tlons under discussion. ding to ines- are movjng under orders from the gecond time' that the s Whether Gen- war department of the United States had to face a hostll aud ief of urtillery state miltia then assumes the na- beginning, and then emei expelled from ture Qf federal troops. Therefore the lmous fpvor, with a cho anks by Car- re(lue8t for permission to move the to conttnue speaking, s a matter of .Georgia Hussars through South Car- A NEW EXHIB olina which was made by Adjt Gen. Pollock also adde ice everything Mci uui wmeu. ecoRHiiaiea tne portH fr0ru Columbia were not taken J The governor said th tchas and thin seriously. i,i(bell?ve that there was Poovey. Mr. ' I, jUaion county who would escape, but we Wi8dom of the man who knowit H io"?" *?an could raise o ) sustained n<> all l8 valuable, bat so is the hole *n i, ? ?? a doughuut. 7 ! * ' i I ( Continued on Pag* : ri J ' jew 914. | * fkanck wilij r\ininiv\m nrnn 0 ^ < 'handier ol' lloputies Vote For mCULLU . prTllin Pa ii a ma Exposition Fund. rxi iILlI Imi] f>aris- July K The chamber <>r K| Deputies today adopted the appro- ' print ion bill to cover expenditures of Have Ex- Fn'?ch official representation at the parranza' I Panama-Pacific Exposition at Sun ' ' " j Francisco. 461 deputies voting for prove the measure and 115 against. CROWD. Leon Petoulle, Socialist deputy, M1NISTE sulci during the discussion: "1 am , of Time, in filvor of lhe appropriation, but I Kef ie Itself must express my regret at the diffi- '' H Iculties placed in the way or French imports into the United States by the m a e' customs authorities, and notably at Washing Lates sena-|, , . , .. _ ?, turn iiruiuicui OI LUIUOgeS POT- oi Here today cejpjng? ? tionalists t of the Deputy Hetoulle then traced the ' Ppace couf o Kpea ers ,.ontrovprsjeB Wjtp United States reuentative le campa git | CUBtomK on BUpject 0f procelains ^rme<* ber | since 18i>0. baran and Spartanburg most prom OFFERS FAIR PRICE "'If.!!!." lis feet. In word that four speak- FOR CANAL RIGHTS lBt general iinilar gril- conference! small but Br>an ?^o,K.ses That United States d,Bapprove ngued the' Pav <<>sta Rloa Fop formed so ripd fire of rea it into that Kua" tr*aty- jt became known to- (Jcnt surpr night, has been met by Secretary medlalorg , governor's Bryan wlth an offer to Pay ,hfI for" til ibe atti ?r the chief mer country a fair sum for any |gt8 WQg On every ri?hts lt n,ay have 1,1 an in,rr' Secretar rnor Hlease oceanic canaI route by way of Lake improper f ie time has Nicaragua. uation in ak. and to, Costa Rican opposition is based on Carranza,8 ly when he a c,aim to Jurisdiction <>v*r ? That th portion of the proposed route, and strou>?ly <> ft as usual. as lbe treaty ?,rtnides for an allow* conference, ined behind ance of W.000.000 to Nicaragua, the who havc. Minings and stale without according vlrtually , ? th egover- fuU recognition of any claim, has de- p]an Qf Ql eir bold as- rided ('OBta K,ca shou,d b* n,n "(i that a mil mitcd nutn- on the same basis Nicaragu i. get up aft) A nrotest npainet tlio (i squirm. ' D "" K-(h1. and tl treaty was contained in a message lle]() until to these in- fr?m Pre8ldenl Melendez of Salva- mllltary r dor, made public today by Senalci ruiririr Smith had t'1' f 11 Smith of Michigan. President Melen- BBnnr) > ?The election of' Fil'tl ... a president and receiving committee New Y agle Repub- ^reports occupied the National Educn- John I). It rfleld-Arthur (jon Association today. The cou- today no c lis explosive veittion endorsed woman suffrage by his Pocant several no- embodying in it a favorable report on is spending ihlican leec- a statement of belief of the educators Mr. Roc lifferent dis-,jD "political equality" for both sexes, jbis daily p hat of J. P. They say it is necessary to the best Df golf, m Marlboro interests of the country. Rufus with that representa- Stanley, of Elmira, N. Y., said the,he m?v 1 members ot reason city boys become convicts. There will while country boys become layers. as Mrs. E spoke first, doctors, etc, the city boy is trained jare in fee itonants had,jn unnatural environment. There is'.john I).. >nday, when ao faniuy inttuence neighbors, school Maiue. al situation wor|t or play. He takes an abnormal Many < to were con- view of life I)r T A wiltlams, of 'have been e such, he Washington placed the responsibili-j Mr. Rock' his mind no ,ty for tj,e majority of adult neurotics |he wished in from gov- on niothors afraid to allow children out public senator on out nf sight, and those frightening' __ reports, he children Into obedience. att> blatherskites i ' 'lt'" m Colonel Not Yet Persuaded to Run President those who l'or tiovernor. 1912. when New York, July 8.? For two hours VVashin le organized progressive leaders of New i Wilson ar York State used every argument at sharply or oday s'ru<'{ their command to induce Colonel ' by Senat* i Roosevelt to agree thai Tie would ae-' Both atta vas pilloring i nomination for governor. 1 the senat ft Demo Cave-In. Militants ig. otherwise Abbeville. July 9?W. A. OBryant ldlng them, an Ahbeville liveryman, had two Olasgo1 mules killed and a wagon demolished surprised at he didn t a cavein of dirt. The driver was in the ac a voter in jotu||ng his wagon at the base of a the cottai I believe that | 20-foot embankment which suddenly Bums, I r lower flip caved over on the mules and wagon were plac ? Eight ) competely covering them. One of t! 1 "" ... I. $1.50 PER YEAR WON'T JOIN ~*nr -nniirrnrnor :Ai?t "bunrtKtnut s Generals Don't Apof Mediation Plans. IR N AON SURPRISED um>s to Talk 1'ntil Ho irs Officially From < 'nrraiiya. ton, July 8.?Border dilating that tho ConBtltu-* would not enter informal erences with Huerta reps were partially cone to-night. Rafael ZuRuis Cabrera, the two inent Carranza represent>, had nothing to say, but most of the constitutionals, to whom the plan for s had been submitted, had d it, caiue from well inurees. Naon, of Argentina, the >f the mediators in Wash id the dispatches with eviise. He indicated that the would take no action untude of the constitutionalarned officially, y Bryan said it would be or him to discuss the sltadvance or tue arrival of formal answer, p constitutionalist leaders ppose the idea of peace k did not surprise officials. mu iYi f ji iiioil it wnnl f\ ha mpossible to modify the uadaloupe, which provides itary government shall be er Mexico City is conquerhat no elections shall be the country is pacified by ule. IRENCES COMPOSED. from Torreon that differveen Carranza and Villa, composed were verified toents of both. There was. m undertone of comment, that it was but a temce. The break has had a ing efTec.t politically in the nalist ranks and eviit are manifest in Mexican e. Reports from the borsaid one of the conditions reement between Carranza was that Hafael Zubaran from bis post as head of tutionalist agency here, baran and Mr. Cabrera ked hard to bring about onference with the Huerta who now are in New r Spends His Seventyi Birthday on Tanks. ork, July 8.?Although ockefeller is 7 5 years old elebration is being held at. ico Hills estate, where he ; the summer, kefeller planned to follow raetice of playing 18 holes Weather rarely interferes exercise. Later in the day I o 1/ o n n o ii a rv? 1 a m r\ a be no birthday gathering lookefeller and her sieter ble health and his son, Jr., is at Seal Harbor, congratulatory messages received which pleased efeller, although he said the day might pass witfa:ity. U'KKII IN SENATE. Assailed by Townsend and Clapp. gton, July 9.?President, id his trust program wero iticised in tne senate today Drs Townsend and Clapp. eked general conditions in e surrounding the trust Senator Clapp declared a itside of the chamber" was. le for the failure of the tend to business. Senator I ..aid the people wanted to quit and go home. Plot to Destroy It urns Home. w July 9?The watchman two militants this ffiorning Y of attempting to destroy ge at Ayr. where Robert .he poet, was bom. They ing bombs against the door, be women was captured. 4