nr " ? CROWD IN DILUON SHOWSJHE ___ !of the next term, they t In," said Mr. Cooper. II ! the State give the boys "DCD"ithe m08t ramote district rrr advantages equal to tho | ies and towns. "The trouble in South ould not got j^ifMh'nwii > I III I mlhMt e urged that and girls in I b educational I f se in the clt- 9 Carolina has I . 'w v v/ r^\jy JLl/JLT. SE | KNO' ~ r?*T XUAL St~ (iuarantw pledge j:::; Six pair I :ial Hosiery Offer <1 Wear-Ever Hosiery For ml Women Ladies Special Offer, ed Time Only? ' of our flntvit 36c valne Most Demonstrative , For State Candida \ BLEASE ISSUE IS 1 Richards and Fortner Allegiance, Hut Former Audience been 100 much taxath I 1 have not been given vt for tax money spent/' at or in urging the adoptio methods in the conduct ( RAISED. nfralnj. "If you make me gov( remember my oath of ofl ?ln Swear no enemies and no fi Denies rinHo.i Mr i on, but we tlue received fl lid Mr. Coop- fj | n of business 1 of the State's 1| 5rnor, I shall Ice and know ] lends," con-1 4H/M L* Illustr Tolls all at young men ai and husbands know about tl orn the sex sex life in re! ; marriage. "Se i " ! womanhood; evil diseases. ^ I II 1 ? * * ??? ladies' gu a ?, tan colon nted aao P?k?i. for $1> ai >out box matters; what SPECI id women, young wires For a 1 and all others need to of our flnt he sacred laws that tov Hose with forces. Plain truth of pair of ou atlon to happluomi in dlse Qarte crets'' of manhood and stamps foi sexual abuses, Bot-lal You kn etc. the tes* w aranteed hose in black or s with written guarantee, id 6c stamps for postage. AL. OFFER FOR MEN. lmited tlmQ joaly, alx pairs sat S6c-*rtfTue ' Guaranteed ' written guarantee and a iiVwell known Men's Para"Ijior one dollar, and 6 ow theselhose; they stood hen all cffhers failed Th?* "Coat-Tall Swinging Dtllion, Juno 27.?Cand State offices talked today onstrative audience in j -osi progressive Dillion. Ilob^rt ofLaurens reoinod tao party today. The meeting was held in torium of tho old school "Two years from no idates for fl,,d a single man in So to a dom- l)roud that he voted for >erous and do*lu T. Duncan in the A. Cooper ?Peecl? " which he talke campaign he ca,,s the "system." VV. C. Irby, Jr.. told the audi-ltion to '"migration in 1 building. I toId the corporatioi W VOU won't ? j nth Carolina ; iiltxise,* said ' >M*~" course of a ! d about what i I his opposl- ! 904 THF is then when "NEW PERFECT! 1 I II x no llllOSl, ^__S| prehenaive wc rgt? ? iaued on sexa instruction fo for the true i ^ This books ! doctors, lawyi ** workers, Sunt! ail others, yo need to know AJVT" Winfleld Scot Vll (Leipzing.) most uuvjyjceo hda com ) give real 1 >rk that/na* ever been ' seam,, to al hy^rfene, Priceless and baggy r those who are ready pressed In nuer teaching. 1 fineness, f Aells nurses teachers, material a Irs, preacher,, social ly stalnles my School teachers and! without ht iTK^iind old, what all . .Don't d< t sc\"^*iattors. }J> fore offer Hall. Phi D.. M. WEAIhGV oot conffort. Thr ^ have no rip. They novt; loose as tyh shape Is k.ilt In, not . TW>y are Guarunteed for or ^tyle. or super oriiy of nd workmanship *.u:-o'ute;s and to wear months sles, or a new pUr kree. slay send in your order beexpires. Give correct size. EH HOSIERY COMPANY Dayton. Ohio. Many women were tn a Hisses and cheers greeted t declaration of John G. Kiel he intended to support Blea senate, but was not a swinger." J. R. Regan, county chai sided. The Rev. H. A. Wll of the Baptist church offer ittendance they asked me to bolP :he heated of the 1,111 that tbere w< tiards that poor whlte people In tl i?e for the |needed work and I wouh "coattail to tbo importation of cl take their jobs away rmau pre-.sald lrby> wh? sktecl His pastor meut to get immigrants ed tho in-!iu ^Posing it. "Ollft ovorv n Iiactimi tho passage| ?re too rnauv le state who 1 never agree TL* leap labor to i 1 QOU from them," j lied the move SlOVCj and his part i irons, nihioli kA<. r I LAUNDRESS igh she works next b , within easy reach o she keeps cool and ne?? Scler.'lfleoll H Tribune. "Act I ?Philadelphl of knowledge 1 ll Ker" The n tnP I "Plain truth I aught to knot C It tlon of evils. I Her II Under plali II $1.00 Coin or com- I ten ctnits ex.V paper yniumimiH: y c^Trect."?Chicago 17N."> :urake and up-to-date." COLLE a Dress. Standard book South < "?? Philadelphia Led- 1:10th Yea 0? York World says: Entranc for those who need or county sea v them for the preven- 9 .a. in. Full foi i wrapper for only B. A. and Money Order, postage j pre-medics ra. A free 11)14 KiE OK CHARLESTON, arnlinu's Oldest College. j- 1 leg in* Se(>tteinber 25th. e examinations at all the its on Friday, July 3rd at ir-year courses lead to the B. S. degrees. A two-year il course is given, tuition soholarshin i S .1R VUUAUUU. C. D. Fortner running fo com mission or, told the Dill dlence that ho intended t Bloase for the senate. Th< tlon brought eome applau few hisses. Mr. Fortner dec as far as he was concemo< in the Fortner bill origin him several years ago whe I ,, r railroad i rom? UP before tho log Ion au-! Inan bas ever been ubl 0 support bow to vote," declared 9 declara- j of his vote to o ae and a govern0r'e yeto of the lared that i ^ bill. 1 the Idea 1 ^ * afu elected govei atod with 1 P?se to bring into play >n he was ?"^?''C0inent of law," dt Islature no H tOrtat e to tell me II Mr. Irby In III V1SGS c verrde the | 1-mlll school 2V( III HHK a State-A ide ||| jclared llich- ||| C ] >le. 1 hat s because i i\v Per/^di riH!l 111 C/inlr-clMt iUi/iMi rut s she i?a SOUTHE on. Premier C 3BHI PASSENGER | Tralna arrl Lf"#* iNo. 118?Yoi u is,il\<. COMPANY siBued to ? yton, Ohio. Spacious : grounds, > * \ unexcelled !RN RAILWAY. ,andXSo arrier of the South. | HARR1**> 5FO ?b i^uuciisier irom: i Beaut rkvllle. Rock Hill and aach county of the state. 3 buildings and athletic veil equipped laboratories, library facilities. ? reasonable. For terms address N .ANDOIiPH, President. R YOUR DEN ? iful OoU^J^onnante working In Greenwood and people teaching in the Br mal college. Andrew J. Bethea and V Hamer, candidates Tor governor, stood today on th health and sang the praises Sweet Home." Both were tlcally received, liberally i saw white ar(* Manning, who wi ower nor- when promised a tem the pardoning power. William M. ! Mr Manning advocate lieutenant,like administration of tl eir native ieru 111 ent ^d local optioi of "Home 8cho?' attendance. He c enthusias- ! on being one of U applauded tlos in wl?ich every set ' h 1* < 1 irvt oH o unanin] is applauded ( III perato use of III <1 a business-; III 1 ! le state gov-, [II DlOH, i compulsory |l| ongratulated 111 cHiy C le three coun II . 1 tool district( H| COSl 1 Perfection Stoves roast, toast?everyt >ther stove will do, and ess for fuel. No hail lntermed No. 113?Clu bake, intemrmeli hi No. 114?Mai 1II 2 lotte and , , ' 1:35 p. r tnPV c No. 117?Col' L In termed! Trains leav idling ' Nov 118?K1J fntArmAH1 late statipea 8:31 a. m. * n,<> an<1 1 irleBUhC Columbia and I Prince late/ stations 10:05 F / , All best riof. Blacksburg, Char- i ?ng, Btrean 1 lnCfecjjiedlate stations ecu tod in i n. ^S*sv | assortment umbla, KingsvlUe and i and 5 stau late stations, 7:48 p. to.; now. e Lancaster for: j HOWARD igvllle. /Columbia and ] Into at o4 a Q-01 a lixrvaas, each O in. x 24 in. ton, iCornell, Michigan )aohr7 in. x 21 in. qiAlity felt with felt headaers, letters and mascot exjroper colors. This splendid t sent postpaid for 60 cents ape to pay postage. Send SPECIALITY COMPANY Dayton, Ohio. ana presentee witn flowers winsome litle girls, whom warded with klssee. J. A. Hunter and B. P. two remaining candidates f< ant governor, were given a CHARGES PBRNCIOUS A J. A. Summersett charge W. Jones, his opponent foi troller general. had had cl< by two ,vreu - ?-<** they re- 8cho?l?- Mr. Maiming aid for week school disti Kelly, the mlnlnium term of ea ?r lleuten- s'x month8. .ttention. John G Richards said CTIVITY aniused hiui to hear th id that A. wLo ure Jnwyeis trying r comp- DMUon ouuty erks from '^e told of his >'ork a.-1 . IU ?ui?i;iy 11> urged State CO< ricts to tiring * 1 ch one up to ; mg l it ratber you e candidates xr 1 to tea.a the INeW J how to ;arm. , 2, 3, f i represonta 1rv1 , il and ashes?all the < ieat you want, just 1 vant it. Perfection Stoves are made md 4 burner sizes. Also II V T ^ ? rook- iH ^?- ?R( i Marlon, Oh* ,.rL^? fl stations, wnen I no. iu?Kin I leston an 1:35 p. J No. 117?Rol I IB intermedi Mn I, K N. B.?Sch H (ashed as tnfc a new ! I not guarantee 'Mtv uvavivao, O . W A A. Ui >ck JRltt, Blacksburv r triable and Intermediate i-i3IlC8.St 10^05 a. m. i .Schedule Hville, Columbia. CharA intermediate stations,! b. ! Lv. Lanca: :k Hill, Yorkvllle and Lv. Fort L late stations, 7:4S p. m ; Lv. Bascoi edule figures are pub- Lv. Rlchb )rmatlon only and are Ar. Chest d. For Information as er & Chester Ry. Co. In Effect Nov. 9th. 1913.. Eastern Time. WESTBOUND iter 6:00a?3:16p -awn 6:30a?3:6Rp mville 6:47a?4:16p urg ??6:68a?4:30p er 7:40a.. 6:l?p EASTBOUND. his office going over the st interests of his reelection denied this. He said one of had come to see him in Fl get some vouchers signed. "I believe that the time when South Carolina will se on the neck of blatant demi decclared Mendel L. Smith t ate In theJUve for various educatio Mr. Jones and of hls opposition tc his clerks school attendance in an loronce to <'oc'ariitiou that lie inte: tor Blease was liberallj has come sparsely cheered, t her heel ('harles Carroll Simnn ^Roguery,' ^rac^ from the editorial he first of w'hich said he ought not i?? rial mea.surod ' I 7 I ^ > compulsory nlete > iy form. His * tided to vote OVen. r hissed and _ 1 can be i read an ex j Sizes. In The State . f to be elected ITCC W1 model?INo. 5 Stove, sold ivith broiler, toaster, and Regular oven, broiler and I ; obtained separately for s Sad -iron beater and coo! ith every stove. 1 com- wnc fireless w E M< toaster w H- c/ mailer ' ~ L i Everythii C-book Couiple 10 To advertis ares, eic., can on i l?v. ijneate AUTHEN, Agent. i Lv. Rlchb :GEE, A. O. P. A.. Lv. Ba-coi Columbia, I. C. L\ Port L IFFEY, D. P. A.. \r. Lancaf Charleston, S. Connect! rn, ^eab" ig a Man Needs to Shaving Outfit $1 lallwar. Articles 10 Lancaat. le our Universal Sbav r 9:30a?6:4Bp urg 10:20a?7:*7p aavllle 10:31a?7:38p -awn 11:03a?7:Up ?ter 11:30a?8:26p Ions?Chester, with Southard and Carolina & Northallwayt.. ivn, with Seaboard Line er. with Southern Railway. A P Ufi imp the candidates for governor "Why can not we trust tl of each school district to elections whether or not a sory system of school a should be put Into effect?' Speaker Smith In telling o: port of local option fc( school attendance. CI til.. ? A. _ A to apeak uctouac ?uuiu luuuu ie citizens les of the Present admin decide in 8aId that the opposition compul- to hlm wa9 due to the ttondance would allow no one to d " naked wbom should have (i f his eup- and whom should vol )mpulsory 1 harles A. Smith, ask motion from lieutenant governor, was the last U? IUU pOUC- A . 1 Istratlon. He of The State for Cat fact that he Ictate to him QT\ Dr his friend OMJml to for. Washingtoi Ling for pro-, Norfolk, Vi UekMod. governor to, speaker. He I alers everywhere, or write alogue. WARD OIL COMP i,0.c. (New Jersey) Charlotte, ?. BALTIMORE Charlesto Va. Chariest ol j? . lng Outfit and direct will for a 11 this well worl for 11.00. We consumer dlr a kj y save all agent /\nl i i know ar* vei N r 1 Hollc V 0 . ! 1 6-lnch L\ CO ^ 1 Razor sti Ks> u ' 1 Nickle Ei 1 33-lnch I Universal Products we mited time only, send WI, th $3.00 Shaving Outfit sr?ni I; sell our products to the | '' ect and therefore you i .'s which as you r . exa yxlarge. 1 |vacant ech fround Razor. lege and i a^her Brush. I 8tu(*ents v ropT^Ganvas Back. court hous lal Back Mirror. ' f* m- . -^P 3arber Towel than sixte *THi DP COLLEGE RSHl AND ENTRANCE EXAMINATION, mination forsthe award of olarships lo-Winthrop Coifor U^e-'ad ml salon of new t'iliyue held at the county ie (m Friday, July 8, at 0 plicksl^ must not be less, en year>s.of age. When opean.ei orniiun pruseuiai need for a chief executive v enforce the law aroused tl audience to prolonged appla Ix>wndes J. Browning asl the revenue was coming fn Cllnkscales' plan for State-^ pulsory education or Mr. ] and speaker Smith's plan option compulsory educat ion 01 me . . . . promised to be as conslc rho would , . ~ nmi use ol public as of priva le Dllllon' . . , . ..... i advocated submitting th( "J where1 ?'attW'de Proh,blu<>" <> 1 aml bamor j ' the 'phan Ann'e ' le's come to l.\ je an* or i?.h j lCT|B[|yjfa i mailt#, .'Jhe , P \ . covers puncti^ _ _ 1 ^ eral wear. Gur f l_[. r miles service i ' cept abuse. T ded for most Orders have I these tires for States Govern As a Special 1 allow the the next tea c | TTDP es, blow-outs and pene No oomm ihKntee covers 7,500 small fee I rcpaTfrst^everythlne ex- title, hese tThys are Intenservere oeVxlce. been reqelved for use In \l\e United . N< ment Smnrlce. The cour Introductory offer, we named Sati i following prices for | for the ele lays./ 1 various sc.h C? A^rm mrt a ?? <*?. iifv i-Bui lnierert ission charged. Only a 'or furnishing abstract of Ft. E. WYLIE, A ttorney-at-Law otice of Kloction. >ty board of education has trday, June 20, at 4 p. m. etipn of trustees in the ool o4^trict8 of the county. made a compelling argum State-wide compulsory scho ance law. Robert A. Cooper of Lau dldate for governor in his ft since the Manning meeting, the governor could affect t nee and welfare of the ci the State by his actions. , v'lpcb nut with one ent for a j /he alio v. : > how w omen a ol attend-; earned their board ' An' so the> ought to < rens, ran- wnon c:hers tasks ret speech An' we listen to the ar said that ha " t" e m*. tect > he happl-j \n' ? .) I'm - b.n he vn tizens of , [nil ?i *. hat . abc I Else the SuffrairlRt* 'II o sweep; 1 II aloiiR have m Drink il ZV,# and be., Ki merits, and B .2 #r ,, fc? I# U - :c?rcshed!^^P^^^^ ' * ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ I I ? ~jf + uur.o. /\ 11 repor yfire Tube Name the i / 9.20 $ 2.00 l,y them. f 10.25 2.30 I 13.60 2.80 \ 1405 3.00 ATTTfl \15.25 3.20 AU1U F7.00 3.25 AT F 1B: 00 3.30 19.60 3.40 Save Fr 20.40 3.60 21.00 3.80 28x3 is musrxie in by June 27. men you wTsb^ttaen rt&nd V. A. LINOLB. 'MOBILE TIRES ACTORY PRICES onyBTT""to (K) Per Cent. Olre Tube Rfeliner S^*J>0 S1.6R il.aK "The State of South Cai never be a greater state unt of the land la a shield of for every citizen and ia et the letter from the mounts sea," declared Mr. ooper Ing hlmelf to enforce the at Mr. Cooper advocated t slon of ?he benefits of Cle rollna can I don't watch out! 41 the law i ?The pro toot'on iforced to Cx)UKh, an(, ?old* Wea Ins to the tern. In pledg- Continued Coughs, atutes. Bronchial troubles are hA ATten- an<* weaken the syste ne exien we,Kht an<, appetlte gen mson col- Qet a BOc bottle of hr ?viv Continent. Si ?? - ? ? ken the 8y?- m -er Colds and > |f\ i depressing m. I/oss of (J erally follow, i ? " ITInv'a M?~ p by sip here's pu ljoyment?cool coi rt?-a satisfied thii a contented palat gBMMfcT 36x4 m] m / W 36x4% it . f C W 36x4% ire v? 37x4% V 37x6 Yi A11 other sli t**~ V cent extra. 6 pi ? ment in full a rSt H lf two are bo <>: charges will b< /> on 15 per cen V? rillf nn?nl.? la ' 22.00 3.00 30x3 26.00 6.00 ! 30x3% 27.00 6.10 | 32x3% 27.69 6.16 34x3% 32.60 5.40 , 32x4 tee. Non-Sklda 20 per 33x4 Br cent discount If pay i?!*4 ccompanles order and >6x4 ordered, shipping 36x4 % i paid by us. C. O. D. 3 6x4% t of amount of order. 37x4% . 57tK 1.95 1.40 10.80 | 2.80 1.90 11.90/ 2.95 2.00 12.4y 3.00 2.05 13/TO 3.25 2.40 yf. 80 3.50 2.45 16.80 3.60 2.60 H.85 3.90 2.80 lf.75 4.86 2.46 19.85 4.90 3.60 21.60 6.10 8.70 o A *n r an Ann lege 10 tne r arm era who i by demonstration farms He the farmers bore the heav: fertilizers and should be ta to farm to beat advantage. FOR BETTBR BDUCA "If all the whlto children ege In the State were to a slon to the schools at the nipport it Discovery today. It w said that cough. Tho first dose ? ???<. nf beat medicine for Stub! r coaia CeJd8 d aU Throat ani ught how bl6B Mr o H Browi Ala., writes: "My wife 1 TION. ing the hot Bummer m honostly believe Dr. Kin of school cov her nfo. sk admls- children. 60c and 51. beginning druggist. ?*'?n D tiuw III stop your helps. >The; >orn Coughs, I Lung TrouU Muscatine, m was sick duronths and I Whenever if 8 ^wAI)Jn' you see an Good for, * 00 at your Arrow think of Coca-Cola. Demand the genuine by full name? Nicknames encourage substitution. THE COCA-COLA COM PA ^ ATLANTA, OA. v/ VUV|/UV ID I m early ordering. K giving purchac JK all middlemen' J STRONOTR1 NY ^ Por VVeakoeu The Old etnodrrd I OKOVBS TASTRV | Malaria and l>afldn?t!on. uj>4he sywtein. A true tonic TFRK Pi p?