LOCAL DC ?Mr. J. A. Snipes of An celebrate bis 61st birthday July 4. Everybody Is cor vlted. ?Rev. W. S. Patterson w : ^ STRUCK liV lilCH I f ^ Mr. Joe Hairtns Narrov * & Death. During the thunder a itoch will afternoon, about 7 ( Saturday, Joseph D. Ilagins of E dially in- standing in the porch in 8*ore' with his brother, ill preach Hno,inn n t TXING. Ay KNcajM's PERS01 torm Friday ___________ )'clock, Mr. Maj. and Mrs. J. Jlgin, while visiting their son, M front of his Jr*? Nashville, Ten Mr. R. D. Mrs- James E. Poo Master Ned and Miss ^ULucile M. Riddle are | The Girl ( re and children,, I V \MwV C l Nanrv Nnrrisnii I V Love, | co )fMystery ? 1 ISTONIRJ OP T UWlf 5 > "is / . v ,?',v V / .} *'& z at, me rieasani Hill ^ church next Sunday, July fi p. m. ?The (hfant son of & Prtvett of the mill villagt away Wednesday ntgh^ an< mains were interred tod o'clock in the Westsldeloeni ?Rev. J. H. Thayer, tor of the First Raptnfl preached a particularly fll Sundnv nicrht on "Tlio Prn! L. ft. l\ ?o~~' " I, at 8:30 Hagins, and a book agent ard, was knocked to th Ir. Anh bolt of lightning. The ? passed tlonef n?. a.iiu tiuiuiuiH Poore, of Columbia a Mr. Pritch- Mrs. Poore's parents e floor by a L. C. PayBeur. others men- Mr. C. K. Harpei y the bolt, today to his home li , after a visit here to I ne tree some , Frank Harper. TIo w ind then ran I j(y Mrs. Harper, whi i attached to husband's parents at near the | Miss Louise Wy orch where j Charlotte tonight for re the guests of 1 ' , Mr. ^nfl Mrs?. I ^ *, Jr.; returned ^ a Honea Path, zz! /^UaBgf \ dr. and Mrs. W | A jR raa accompanied A jHKjr ;$ will visit her A that place A lie will fro to A aHfl&b., a visit to Miss vy\ s?:!m ' I ^#1 PERFECT mmm. At Wmmm ?*** ?*. ?y?, ?? Cross." ?Rev. W. S. Patterson, the A. R. P. church, will vacation (luring the month He will not fi llhis usual ments during the month. ?Mr. T. C. Hicks retui terday from the Fennell at ltock Hill, where he rec derwent an operation. H friends will be glad to Uno( W1> :the gentlemen were . ?e Mp- Hagins sustained pasn^oi takt^iis s'U)ck, which rendered of July. !scIoub for something liki appoints j ne wa8 thought at first I but by the heroic eft i rned yes- 1'ritehard and others, w Infirmary .conceivable means to re1 ently un- at last came to himself is many phone wires being out v that he the effects of the electric standing. | Mattie Walker, a fearful I ^Ir. Walter Kerr him u.icon-ip n,,moUl. H Y m *' i f J&H Y CUNAJJDJ 1"1''1''.' ECURI nhvark ?>f strength lies in While tliis Bank is one v it X a strong dirce- ? ?!' the most pro- JL Is improving steadily. ?Several horses were by the heat Kridav nfterno belonging to the I,ancastc Fuel Company, was prosl North Main street and it 1 time before it could be res ?Manager Parr has com] installation of opera chal Star Theatre and for this r patrons may feel assured l j could not he communict overcome ho n runner wns pu on. One an(' 8en* to Lancaster f< t Ice & |Brown, who hurried to rated on further aided in restorin was some man. Mr. Hagins 1 uscitated. '? *)e(^ ,m"' Monday i??~i *v. able to be UP and about, rs in the fee,inK the effectB of th< eaaon his " that with, . 1 mr I(i>11 with it ,,a:< l,epn visiting Miss t on a horse Mrs. W. S. Elliott >r Dr. K. C. have returned from a Elgin and shore. K the stnck- Mr. and Mrs. O. T was confined to Mount Holly. N. C but is now Rarlett returned Mon though still lett. remaining for a sjihook. Mrg L|n,an c Mji _ from a visit to her < | A. Vowell, In Ooluml Nancy Lindsay, and daughters trip to the seaCast of C I. Rartlett went Lucille Ion per visi^ Gen 1 buniptor L*o\ ler has returned ; ^ieut Gibson . . . cousin, Mrs. W. I The Cracksman B hla- ' The Alvator . . . , 3^^ A the sta 'haracters. Hiost c Grace Cunard ?? Hlftdo il . Francis Ford UlOIlt O e KM. Keller l>llsif)0! .Harry Schumm i ? "Her Ernest Shiedl, V .. .Eddie Boland I e financial institutions in to, vot it lias always boon onsorvativo and prudent, i matter of first considerate f its depositors is always b =>s relations and sound ban HOARD OF DIRECTOR! this portion of ? managed in the way. Safety is ? [>n and its treat- ^ ased on friendly iking principles. i gooa iresn air ana a co chair no one need tie a fatigue or discomfort. ?The Civic T/eague will morrow (Wednesday) afteri o'clock. Arrangements mus pleted for the "Trip Aro "World," to he mado soon is most important that th lull attendance. ?We call attention to tl frald ot dOCial ISt meet tonoon at C The Social life of on it be com- was not entirely cut off unci the last week, though the e , and it tions were small ana i ere be a lovely party given for ' Springs' guest. Miss Ire ie ntr?rle4 Iwa? with which Mrs iford comnllmented her Oliic Mttie miss isugenu tlvo Hill is the guest of li Lee Sherrard. ??????? Messrs. H. J. and ir little city or>' have returned fn by the heat ito Greenville, whe leveral func- Mrs. Dupont Gregory nformal. A T. J. McNlnch h Mrs. Leroy Lancaster, after sp me Withers, days with his sist* . John Craw- Powell.?The State, last Tnoufiav Mr. and Mrs. A. F i sowell or Rock | ittle Miss Jennie i Tho opening dr; Thurlow Greg- j series, in which tt jm a motor tripters are establish re they visitor! | Lucille'' undertak as returned to | mlssion ,n an W ending several j honor of her fathr ?r, Mrs, S. K. loves. I Hugo Louheque i '. Rogers are in > W. O. T ima in tte 'Lucille' ?* le principal charac-' led, and in which X es a hazardous ^ roplane to save the T' ;r and the man she JL . ind Sumpter Love ^ hmoson, W. .!. Cunningham, Oeor. Mir, I>. A. Williams, R. L. Crawfor "The Old Reliable. he Bank of Lai Lancaster. S. < W. Williams, 1/. O. <1, Leroy SpringN. ,, ?|> ticaster ? C. ? in iiiiB iBsuH ui me senai now being shown at the Stai "Luclle Love," and "The Pauline." The sixth episod< Perils of Pauline," will app( Star Wednesday, July t, an< oplsode of "LuClIe Love," ' July 2. ?During the fearful v ^Thursday afternoon at S one dwelling and six out on the Dlantation of Rouir p,cvur?? morning.' She had oc Theatre, bl.idRe the players sper Perils or . of houn, most pleai 0 of VTl!? prize for highest score jar J? cards, was won by 1 the first s lnRS while to her gu< Thursday, i (Crawford present made dresser cover. /Indstorm aaiad course, tea ai pringdell, were served, t houses * * * i Mobley. m-= ? le table of?Lancaster again iding a cou- awhile with relatives *untly. The ' Miss Ruby Phillip , a deck of 1 is visiting friends an* Mrs. Leroy Judge Ira R. Jones est of honor. Oregory returned Sal ed a hand- I?l? of Palms, when A delicious the Bankers' Assocla id an ice Miss Esther Sprini who spent the weekhome of her unci v Qnrintru has rpf urnpH after spending UUUBlH ai wei in Chattanooga. same woman a of Rock Hill polled Trom the ii ?^rrweT:ir,.h,afo" e. Col. Leroy L<>abeque sets n Charlotte avenge himself uj m f oini. uotii love i . Loubeque is ex-j ?k < astitutlon for theft j idets. The princip-i him is Cadet, who 1 ?????? abequet's downfall, | ritais.e har"1 ?' Malaria 01 apart his life to Preacription No. ion Love. He care- ! f?r MALARIA 1 Chills & Fever 666 u prepared especially Office iu M< or CHILLS & FEVER. \R J. HINSON -josauigT. >ore Building,E. B. Roddey & Co. J colored, were razed to th< One of the colored tenants such serious injuries as to n his being taken to the h Bock Hill. ?Mr. R. Roy Dunn, wht received his C. E. degree University of South Carol been given a position by tl em Railway and has repo duty, with headquarters i if i i n. u Willi Hi I urtfi air?? a ground. for her cousin. Miss Wi1 sustained table of bridge last eoessitate morning. The time pass< ospital at at the chosen game, Mr of Beaufort winning fl > recently box of candy. To Miss from the honoree, Mrs. Poag j ina. has dainty box of handkercl tie South the games the guests irted for into the dining room, w it Char- gant luncheon was serve ? t..t 4 - ^ niitri iiuui u . . ?" '-n-t __v_ Ihers, at one I Miss Beulah Ling Wednesday i f"om a visit of two we id pleasantly i'i Charlotte .and Albi s. Sam Paul i Magistrate W. J. I rat prize, a 31ufT was here on bu Withers, the ' Miss Louise Sapp >resented a! section is visiting biefs. After J friends in Lancaster, were invited | I^on Plyler of NT( here an ele-' tion spent Saturday i td. | Mr. H. J. Oregory i A* le has returned ' fully educates hln -eks with friends making his aveng rmarie. dire. Knowing tl Jorton of Whiteslness todav. ^ become an o of New Bethel bo lays his plans i relatives and j He becomes an broker in nations! rw Bethel sec-! ^ .. . .. In Lancaster. , ?Pon the plan tho and Mr. John D. Rreator than its e lr Ai'i uC/l '1 V . A ffnr .. ^ ustetr to the end of Juken Jhen JT - more certain and return* It tdi tat Love will some , Calomel and do< flicer In the army. n that direction. VETkRIJ international spy, a * have locnti I secrets He works practice of m secrets. He works prepared to tr it no country is, any and all di mallest secret. day of night. t * U .1 T I will break any case, and Hour a tonic the Fever will not Office ph< on the liver better than - ^," n not gripe o*sicken. 25c S. L. ~ ~ " T ()ftlce" I1W AK\ SLKtJhON. Office Hour* ed In Lancaster for the y profession, and am eat your live stock for LANC/ senses. Call3 answered ttTtT? Call me at Ore^jry 8, 8 to 12?1 to 6. >ue 33. Residence 118. ALLEN, M. D. T I Pharmacy. ? 8 to 9 a. ra\ 1 to 2 p. in. Phono 137^# LSTKR PHARMACY. C. B. PRATT lotteevuie, va. iwr. iminm im likeable young fellow, who: are expecting to hear good him in his career as a civil BARLY COTTON BLOS! One from Patch of a Seven Hoy. We wish to acknowledg of several cotton blossoms d v.w,? tironl/ AP QA TIlA PHI ii 111 imu, * * * se friends The younger set enjo things of party also the past wei engineer. Mrs. Frank Harper havl the pleasure of a score or SOMS. people when they ente Mr. Harper'B brother, Mi -Year-Old PC. Jr., or Honea Path. conversation was the e receipt t,me enJ?yed- Ices nni luring the servcd during the evenir rliAst one * * * [ vyyiic uiuuireii ui m iyed a small afternoon in the fo ek; Mr. and turning to Lancaster ng added to Mrs. Mary H. Bar ' more young awhile with friends rtained for! Island. r. C. E. Har , Progressive FOrt OPEN AIK UN: popular pas- J 1 cake were ' Kevoral Congregation ig. .Meetings on Court | The congregations imi i wrr unj i nt vet a lapor U rmer's car. re- 1 j9 a general in the last night.. ed in Manlla He ron is spending .... . } on Sullivan's ter, Lucille, who i Lieutenant Gibson Love household i ION WRR\ I< KS. erUpj0y Qf L( is 1'nite to Hold After watching House Green. Love for years. 1 of the Metho- that the time for . mo., " H. ROT: U S. Army, station- Graduate u. s has an only daugh- geons, Wast s engaged to marry The butler in the Is a cracksman In mbeque. ?> < the movements of ? jouheque decides ^ action has arrived. ? M UUI vr\ vuuiyau/. I, Veterinary Surgeon. , . C. Veterinarv Surlington, D. C. offlpe OV ? -xline's Perils UK?TC* Jours 9-1?^-6. sr Lancaster Pharmacy. & :rease in nccn wi ov. ? "v was sent us by Mr. W. J. "\ Heath Springs, Route 4. have come from Mr. Jim W. J. Thompson, Route 3 Saturday a most interest! munlcation from Mr. H. ham, enclosed a fine cottoi from a patch cultivated by son, seven years of hf?e. Ir to his cotton patch, Mr. Be< ports that his son also ra Vincent or Two attractive little g Others v?sltlng relatives here Beckham, Nel1 Bay Spann of Co , tind on Borothy Zemp of Bpart ng com- *ast Thursday afternoon E. Bock- a nierry neighborhood p 1 blossom aunt, Mrs. J. K. Connor his little dren of Chestefield aven 1 addition entertained by Mrs. C ;kham re- Played with them at m ises corn, favorite games and wh r ._ hearts romnletelv bv r ;irla who are dtst- I'resnyterian are Misses churches are making lumbia and hold open air union anburg, who court house green ? i were given during the summer arty by their wil1 he placed bac s. The chil- house in the open sp ue were well several buildings t onnors, who Electric lights will a any of their 11 Is thought that th o won their spond to this provislc ervinir them fort by a good att ana a. n. i~. , vomeral uuvv r> arrangements to ington a set of dc meetings on the J most diplomatic i lunday evenings i contents of whicl months. Seats the strictest Becre ;k of the court Lieutenant Glbsor ace between the eafe. At the lcstif >n the square, the butler steals t .lso be provided, or of Gencumeuts of the ut- & 1 / mportance and the % / 1 must be kept in fcj I i cy. As his aide., p i locks them in the v ;ation of Loubogue, K he papers. The hon- Q The si 'e Is threatened fi m Gibson to consider X Snown al est until the papers ? It is h; V fin for r Number xth epiiode of "The Perils of t the Star Theatre Wednesday, ard t/ class thrills which allow afpt* fillt if fVioro ic cit^Vi o 4 V? Pauline" will be u July 1. q only a small mar- S inflf o <3 C3nnrnmo/?\r Ev peas, Deans ana iomaiuu?. fellow Is certainly Betting ample In diversification t and more experienced farm follow with profit. Others whose early blosa been reported nre Mr. S. 7 Mr. W. L. Bowers, Mr. J. 1 and Mr. Henry Mackey of I Springs section. LANCAHTRR TO liOSK Ml' 1 UW lltlic r m - * a fine ex- moat bountifully with If hat older c&ke. era might * * * Friday afternoon 1 oras have Moore also entertained Powers, bridge in honor of t. Bowers Mrs. Sam Paul of Beai the Heath Margaret Moore w?n I dainty handkerchief, w Paul the hostess gave JW'HANT 'Kuest towels. Refreshn e cream nnd union meetingB. In congregations may church to attend in c Wias Mauoe weather, notice will at one table place of worship to 1 her cousin,' may go. Hut on pi jfort. Miss ; the court house aquf :he prize, a Until the necesHai hiie to Mra. fan he made, howev two pretty w'" begin as usual, j ients in twojeven*nK Rev. R. ' ? Inreaeh in the Pros Order that the LucVlc takea i ' know what ceiver thai liiui ase of Inclement, wires are crossed be given of the conversation betw vhtch the people his accomplice in leasant evenings mits that the do< ire will be used, possession, and tt ry arrangements lug Manila on th nr, the meetings press at once. Lu and next Sunday j spot that she wil r. Hodges will of the documents hvterian church l^iihnonno Oi" ap ?i telephone re- ti in them tn^to find that the'F offers s iTSB^yerheara a X u , 1 reen Lovnlfcque and S oaiioon a wnich thAapy ad- S has a r currents ai* In his * anchored rat he iateifis leav- & hnllnnn V e steamship Em- * DailOOn ciiie decith^ on the f>ver-nan I regain possession 9 stf clil if 8Ue foll?w * Hopes the episode of "The P< ome likerVlooking candidate .scension is followed by a slide ocking balloon at one end a 1 at the othin\ Then follows ar >y means yr the same rope, ai d escape i/own the rope over th< figure Quite^W4^ti in this eDi; c*o ou^ivuiavj yt ;rils of Pauline $ s. A sensational ja down a rope that g nd is doubtfully $ 1 ascension to the & nd later a hand- * a ragged face of a sode and each of s Mr. \V. F. liroom (ioes to This Week. Mr. W. F. Broom, one o tor's progressive mercha move to Lake City July 1, In the mercantile busine Broom came to Lancaster from Jacksonville, Fla., had for some years conducl eessful dry goods business. In anintr f n fMtv M M UUI woru II1UCU 1311 J1 * * * liiike lt> An annoUnreraent of ing marriage in which n ,f Eancas- trlan8 wni be interests nts. will lu8t Week by Mr. and to engage Cobb of Ware Shoals, wl ss. Mr. the engagement of th< in 1900 Misa ula Cobb, to Mr. K\ where he on]y son of Mr. J. C. E Led a sue- piaoo. Mr. Elliott was bi ed in Lancaster, wher Ir tlrnnm fynu. I The followin# Sund: an approach- Nein Pressley ofthc nany Laneas- ,n Mexico, who has h a, was made ilt Tamplco. will pre; Mrs. W. c J odist church. 10 announced ? iir daughter, I ''"'in W. St Jgene Klliott, Mr. John W. Stev lliott o( thin and Mrs. Charles St* urn and rear- a long and protract* e he has al-|home in the mill vill ly evening Kev. She at once reaitz A. it. P. mission chance of rea'-hu lad headquarters fore it puts well tc ich at the Moth- aid of the goveri son's rival for hei lends his assistan ewarl Dead. to the hydroplam ^art. son of Mr. [*** is skipping ?wart, died after ^ske of the id illness at his Little does Huj age last night at that his Nemesis ?rTh/ the' "only T the.m ig th(y Empress bo- $ Pr decenl > sea, is through the * injJT, \vhl( irneut aviator, Gib- ? the nerv r hand. The aviator those COl ice. She springs in- $ 5 and in a moment i he as over the wators in * accident. Empress ? perils. r. 5? Goubeque dreem * the l)au0l is above his head t* , ^ , ^resents endless ?^ks. In any ts the slighest wavlring or hesii ch is generally folowed by thi e, might have meant death or icerned. I tension, which bflongs to the which was not a part of Pa those who were assigned to th on and allowing it to rise to onl; of these ascents & tation after start- 51 q oozing away of $ serious injury to ? story, invited an 0 uline's chronicled l| e task of holding y a certain height $ feels that he la moving In the best towns in South Car "we of Lancaster think he the lending town and we eorry Mr. Broom has been ] Lake City-wise. His friends in Lancaster and his family all prospe happiness in his new field ai as he is convinced of the er way they will welcome hln , : ways uvea until ree ,,one. ? re accepted a reap ollna. but 9mon at Ware Sboa Is leaving a PpiendJd young mai are only ant manner an(j address, persuaded lnR Rood ln hifi new . . Cobb's father Is presidei wisn nim manufacturing compan T ty an<1 Shoals and his daughter as ao?n compllshed young wc ror or his wedding will take place o back to fa? enliy ? when 8 o'clock. He was lonsilAfe po-|ige and was horn n Is. He Is this county. He ha n, of pleas- her of the Haptist ch who Is mak- her of years, and die home. Miss nurance of the forgiv nt of a large | through the merits iy at Ware whom ho followed f is a very ac- He was a membe >inan. The Camp, Woodmen of i the coming was held in high ei members as was atte thirty years of and ready to lan< ear Taxahaw In contemplates that (1 been ?'i mem- tn his plan of rove urch for a num- pletlon. (1 In the full aseness of his sins *2 of his Master. ^ r of the local ^ the World, and A s tee in by fellow ^ >sted hv the fart i by his side as he ? ^ th<> last great strok White) j mge Is nearing com- I hours of ^ missing $ had spru p; i The sc p $ auoon get away from them ar journeyed around in the clouds sky-life, landed over on Long being carried out to sea by a ng up :enes are mostly exteriors, sh tnd jagged sides and rock-stre it line the banks of the Hud s unusually fine, orv follows: Owptv hpnrinor id Pauline (Pearl $ , and after three Island, narrowly 5$ west wind which ? lowinp the tops, ^ ?wn bases of the Q Ison. The photo- g f a Hull AA V, oanan M m? town mat L?eaus. Senatorial < midi'late* H morrow. All arrangements have h by County Chairman I Stewart for the speaking by the candidates for tl States senate. The meetin held In the beautiful grot George W. Williams' on Ch avenue, the speakers to ad _ OVERCOMES I1Y I ere To. ' Young Antioch Mnn Stt een made Field, loach 8. Mr. George Threatt ol tomorrow Rection, while plowing lr le United hla home, wan prostrate< g will be lant Friday about noon, re of Mr. a little while later, Mr. testerfleld unconscious. Dr. R. C. Idress the summoned at once and that they followed t HEAT. body to their last rei A.. H. Robbins, super icken in the j Lancaster Cotton Ml sented for those mil ' the Anttoch are members of the \ i a field near their work and attc 1 by the heat Mr. Stewart leaves i When found wife, who was Miss A Threatt was daughter of Mr. Bun Brown was five small childrei T)V nnnlvlnr warn Intorroa lr? W/n tis remains in a % iting place. Mr /fy ? intendent of the '// kilnrily con- % II employes who % VESSEL V. O. W. to leave | % >nd the funeral, j yfo % surviving him a I V/. flay Ella Wright. % well Wright, and 1. The remains at ai/io ii w c s'on at 2 *V/ 8 and Hic* f\- w, sg comes ar taQM gg 8 termines K \ V/ k Everyl L' ^ ^ I invitatioi % ? after she ; jgUm%A I dashes t! jmSBm k rectiona i nearby park, urges Pauline t< :s to the flight. At the last r 1 uninvited member of the par to carry out his diabolical sc thing works as planned. Paulii ti to have her picture taken in > steps into it an apparently um hrough the crowd. The people and the balloon rises out of r wmiivvu aoV/Uii" n 3 accompany him 2 ninute Harry be- II ty, but Owen de- a ;heme regardless. g le accepta Owen'a the baaket; juat 5 manageable horse 2 scatter in all di- * each before they j? audience from Mr. Willia porch. The proceedings wil ed with prayer by Rev. Murchison. Four candidal* dress the people, via: H Hmlth, running tor re-elec' Cole L. Dlease, Mr. Lang J. and Mr. W. P. Follock. T lng will begin at 10:*0 a. m speak for the candidates a and attentive hearing on tl nil r nonnlo ms' side proper restoratives, revlv l,be open- man, who is now fast n Hugh R. js will ad- Advertised letters for 1 on. B. D. Jane 97, 191 tlon, Oov. Miss Cora Crenshaw, Jennings Dangley, Rascom Holt 'he speak- Fannie O. Dennis, Hem I. We be- 8. R. Reeves, Miss M respectful , Frank Bradley. C. B. le part of j Mrs. Mandy iieath, Wai 1 dnf M r>a I Ho ' i'V? o n ed the young this morning, the c scoverlng. ters being Rev. W. the Second Baptist c Veek Finding the deceased, asslste 4. Burgess of the & Mrs. Cather church. The follow /.elaw. Miss acted as pal I-bearer: y Bell, Mrs. Lark Starnes, Ji Per ary Dunlap S. Knight, Roy Sta Paaderbake, Craig. Iter McDiale, | ? ??V KIU11 VVU1T3I.C/I jr v7///7)^I^BV ifflci&ting minisP. Hammond of f FPAvrn hurch. pastor of V? ^Tjmix d by Rev. C. W scond Methodist 1x1 win* Woodmen Jr n^iL?%6: Don t Forg men and J. A. _ Thursda | heretyTh et the Date, ? f'omythe .<2 1 & available y, July 2. I "arrycl * ' * t inty I'Ari mat nas Happened. Harry, 1 e balloon in sight. It anchors down a cliff, and Pauline slides Harry arrives, secures a rope, ? e conspirators discover them i id Pauline are left on a ledge at ! base of the cliff, with but a si In order to secure a rope imbs up to the balloon and brii 1 wVlirVl thpv null on/1 + Kb ntent on rescue, g on a rocky ledge | down the rope to r ind slides down to and cot the rope. gj ; enormous height 5 hort piece of rope 8 of proper length, S igs down the cut- 9 11 ^_li_ mi u Attention W. O. \V There will be a meeting Camp, No. 79, Thursday n 2, at 8 o'clock. All mem urged to be present as thei ness of Importance to be t J. A. HYATT, Tri \ i Nettle Stogner, Joney ! r. Mamie McWain, Beny of Cedar Blther Jennlen, Dr. Fr Ight, July Blanch Jones, Mrs. Mass hers are M. J. Steele, re is busl- When calling for at raoaacted. please say "Advertised." usurer. JAS. F. HUNTER, F 1 i|>m>u, mmn r nurui ass. Afcent. kJLUl M fck^eston, S. C. J now hav the bott Pauline, pi - S Harry h heatre&ZZ wmf ww - .v.. V..WJ pUlIf WI1U tllU ?/rt e a hope to ground. As they 1 om, Hicks appears, knocks Ha bound and gajfged, to his mac iarns the direction taken, obti n pursuit. .'A\ ,'4\ .W. /A ?"uu i mum. i ney a land exhausted at 3 rry down, carries hine and escapes, lins a horse, and . -