Ull|r ICamaalrr (SEMI-WEEKLY JUAN IT A WYIjIG W. S. HOl'vill. . . IJustr PUBLJSUKHS' ANNOCl Published Tuesdays iXcuui WI,VI SMI HA j Governor Blease and nings and Pollock, wno . . Editor ing for the seat now hi iess Mgr. 1). Smith in the United ? are doing all the11* VCEMENT: . . , and Fri- speeches to belittle wn 18 IK)NK. THIS NKWS I Messrs. Jen- The State, in Frit are campaign- i editorial entitled "P< ,1(1 by Hon. K.j emphasizes the poi paper in criticising i States senate. I. . . ... icies, can do so wit! cu?> in their |,nv|nB any persona at the senator | the man, because a IWA'KRS. lay's issue, in an >llcloa, Not Men,'' ut that a newsi candidate's polhout necessarily ' 1 feeling against _ I is it says "when Mfr-> fl^OAVETIrtE awi a temple Will be 11 X /(f^r hicjh ovVr the aitai "i exist onti T*$ cAll Who dou itg the ruitis of art attcier nearthed sacred to imccess r, HovCn into lining rocfc, ttu;. ) in QJKan?I am j/utnanW bt themsclOcs destrou me; tti 7 ' it land, and/ * se Uttesf ttl. LCU days at Lancaster, S. C Lancaster Publishing ( 1 successors to The Lei i tabllshed 1852; The established 1878; Th prise, established 18D1 i teped as second-class Oct. 7, 1905, at the at Lancaster, S. C., u of Congress of March by The ,ias "oue lor me "oip Company, the South. They sa^ iger, es- Smith did not put cotto e ^Kn'ter* I'*10 P^ce of the stapn and en- ,J>' conditions which he i matter man can control. That postofiice do not deny. Hut whiU n^6 IS?!)1 i uot 'iave put t'ui Price c ' ' has for many years pii 1 more than any man v, >n iiti 1111*1 ts ui you oiH'uiiu) a uauuii that Senator record and reputati m up, but that {and invited disco b Is regulated I When great issues n i and no other ' now the case, in this is true we j "Bleaseism," it is t ? he alone may of all self-respectin; >f cotton up, he nals to get in the t ist been doing and do all in their e know of to a right understand! mm you put. your TJ % Ion in evidence Ql r " ssion of them." I 11 'ycy' ire at stake, as Is W the matter of he bounden duty Y'L^ g, patriotic jourhick of the fight Vi power to lead to 1 flat ng of the issues | 2?l& ^ vOho bclicCc, \ S>futtiati Wilt b { Will harnessed ih*i \h enough ofWio'Sd achieve? ? uitt Ihe panama Canal falls afj&TUxgatxx. &Gv& art a J&anfc/ Acco . ?Human cuotu^ ant? | CI finale ?T>?lWXrtttl svHsciurn(? 1*1 (In Advance.) One Year Hi* Months TO SUBSCRIBE Your subscription paid up to and incluc marked on your label. , is ptopped look at your i educate the cotton gj ' matter of the raising ai 75c the staple. Oar peoj ????- i having heard Senator US. Held agent of the Son must be | Growers' Association, ling year I dent, Harvey Jorda If paper the court house a date and jon the subject of cotto row ore in the and tlio platforms c nd handling of it is in times like th ?le will recall | ing from The Stat Smith, then Jefferson said that ithern Cotton nave a country \iitl and its presi- without government n, speak in vith a governmen t this place press." And yet so in. They both but misguided indivl > t t ho rnonl o _ t ? b n?Mif KoMnr o ri >f the candidate*. I ese, further quot- j JPggf te, that "Tliomaa I WjjEfi rather would he i newspapers and than a country LKTTKIi KK( t and without a ??e well-meunliiK ??? H^ntlVg,h Iduals, who ought jTo the E(i|t0r of n /innutu ttMv UflV. 1 nrultt tobo jFgJvJ ?ti?, JTJLltSJ. Lane UNITED STi >M MK. ADAMS. N|,1 s on State Politics Special to The The News: 1 nnnnrh.nilo r*f NOW BetlU NATIUJNAJ-i J3AIHJV :aster, S. C. \te8 depository. ,v be^hb,: i busin (News. j FOR^BALB9l. June 26.?As 1 ! inal^ cos' do ii in this BANK ess Notices ?At less than half origt c/ftnDl&tc bli^k in an yoa will prooaoiy nnu | behind one year. We cannot send e: scriber a statement. Your Label. If you do not rece paper promptly we wov elate it if you will notl we will correct t'ae In the hurry of mailir papers names of subsci i you mo :q.rHS?ou mo puiui vu* tion of the price of cot acb sub- ly in the hands of the Look Rt j selves. i Senator Smith en ive your point that the cotton i fy U8Poml monopoly in cotton if mistake. , 'zed it, and that if th< v out the much of it the price w fibers are | iie stressed the import i v vi'c a v^utu iv/ rvuv/w uo , u a < ton was large- inn "the nawspapen farmers them- or "if the new spa pe out of it Hlease v iphasized the People who talk thi growers had a repeating what the they but reut- often and what tl ey planted too popular thing to sa ould gc down, warm, milk-and-ctd Lance of diver-j won any fight. Insi ? elected Bleaae," j writing a short rs will only kcepl^ 11 ?00,i numbe ... . , , * . , ,, And it's accordl ,111 be defeated." Lnyway Th? he s way are simply |nity is good at tl y have heard so rains, good crop lev think is the corn! eotton bio cs..?i ,i are no new thing y. Such a lake- pienty t() eat in [ er policy never from a cucumber bead of joining in bago head, frie i/liv, v/p|/vri vuiiibr Wi | letter, being urge"uVr praetTcally new. Mtription. Heath Hardonroe, N. C. 4t. -Automobllsts of LancassurrouufHnR country to ir vul^anKlng work. We outs, t/eid cuta, fabric , at Aidanest prices. Fac!nce04j!\fck of every job. simntonn l.nnc Tlri- nnil Bometii s left off lnad TUESDAY, JUNE 8C ?Weather forecast Carolina: Generally f: and Wednesday. Enroll your name on books, your full name, re: vertently. I t ; sifying the crops an > ujjj limited amount of co L_ I matter of marketing for South Imince words- Hfi to iir Tuesday | ,),:inlers they were r brains God Almighty h; ?j that as long as they rs the club i (,?tton and shoved it < member, for I without rhyme or rea id planting a ! with the newspaper >tton. In the'11 healthy public sei it he did not the forces of good Id the cotton | line, they are like tot using the soldier in time of bi ?d given them; s not in the fight, | lised too much or retreat rather tl on the market forward movement son, the price '*>' which victory i * * * * ** L?f ah /I /?f o h inn nr s to help keep up ^"Tiiung quiei ntlment and rally . po,*Ce??Vr"w. ' government into | through once an the timid, scary j way, right here I ittle, whose heart benefit of those preferring a truce laws f"r *18' that ,a good idea to i an aggreasivo1 each police to < all along the line, where the offon* ,8 won. BHt irt- council, and to al . ?y??K said lee to come i ami uououy mau, prevails. Our rural OM our school V. Hegler, passes ployed Mr. G, <1 a while. Ry the fro? Republii want to say for the ?' our teachei who want to make taught two m I think it would be [ mer. and we pass a law to allow J the best teacl nnplov an attorney. haye not elei iing parties employ yet. It's our i How him $15 or $10, one of the be out of the fines col- w? have four ^ifstrict. We have em- Vulcanizing C. Ityder and wife v?y? can Grove. Va. as two ^^NTED? rs for this year. They mlnk 0 onths for us last sum- coon> sheep think they are among Want goOO hers we ever saw. We before you/ ;ted our third teacher V aim to make this school FQj{>TtEN1 st in Lancaster county, burk res meu who have agreed- ?treet. T. Co., Charlotte, N. C. -To buy your cow hidM, tter, musk rat, 'possum, , goat and horse hide*, ^jrounds at once. See m? Bell. Capers Cauthen. P?The Sim J. Funderidence on North Main M. Hughes, Agent. ? merely your initials ficent. Mr. D. Frank Kelley of candidate for lieutenant would be wise not to get during the campaign for entirely too long for safe! are insuf- would continue low j would have no one themselves; that the 1 Hishopville was looking out for governor. w?uld pay Junt an lit into a fight a8 ile could get it for, 1 hla hair in was human nature, t ty. the necessity of raisi needed on the farm. [ rtnlv ns a U1InilIIu OPnn ma tnai mey I OVVUU VI vi* ix a i fc, VI j, to blame bat papers. the battle ( cotton buyer Bleaseism." and himself and u?t.il it is won, they die for cotton foun(1 in some aha 'or this ho Raid street*, repealing w te pointed out wisdom the old wo iir everything i were not for the tlanting cotton ' would be well; they (They should have "V- Iiected. :ry, Down with. The woods art pushing the fight j candidates. Tht may generally l?3|^ows- 9pnie of tti< rty place on the ' !;''r tht? they evf , , v - came to my field 1th show of much |how I was gettii rn-out saw, "if It, Well, who is f i newspapers all governor, a good will ruin things." J, *,n.Rer 1 * Manning of Sum SOI18P PnOUKll to i envnmr*r* Tf iv( j ea 10 pay ovi i full of e'm, I meait1 OUblic funds v >y are all Rood fel- I school Is taug em like me now bet-1ers- We hav< r did. Some of them I who have roi the other day to see . niunity of ig along. ? among them jotng to be our next 1 supterintende? crop to choose from. I succeeding in o a doughnut that raised in mo? ter will be the nextjC* N- Sapp. w * innt shut nur eve* legislature an ;r ana auuve wnai me ron't pay, ao long as the ht by the beat of teach-] fseveral boys and girls' 1 fi tie out from this com- Zl 1 jW"(QJ whom we are proud; are Mr. V. A. Single, . it of education, who is having the school tax t of the districts, Mr 'Y'J 11j ho is a member of the J d county attorney, and _ 74-77_ it Naval Battle i. AT./ , : AMUSE-U Have you put your n club roll and did you wr full like this, John Bell If not, why not? The News and Couri when it says that if a cj governor is a Blease man use to ask how he stand issues. ame on the ?' ? ??- ? ite it. out in These and kindrec! ton O'Neal? Smith sounded in the growers all over the teaching did more tl er is right we know of to educa m did ate for tho result that since there is no cotton has been brin Is on public price, whereas, beofre, were facing bankrup I lessons Mr !know th?t the q< ears of cotton l,IPras and know th South and his|ttnd that the time haii anything ! when the press of S te them, withiany ?ther state for his agitation Ibe ,nflueneed by t King a living Iadvicp. but will con! many farmers \ and measures wh< tey. And the!offlco 1,1 deem ini swspapers know jaud grab wo ran ieir duty as well.1 Taking up th< will never eomei*ory ^"^tion, a will never (ome dates for g0vem louth Carolina, or | for one, do not that raattor. will compulsory educ heir counsel and ! helfeve the state, | for it. Did you tinue to fight men catlon mnk;a f use elevation to ^nd an educatef mical t othe best i desirable c.reatur not bo worsted. ' I the hustling F i matter of compul-j makinK Rood s some of the candi- 1 an election o( or are advocating, I day which res believe so much in l('f Messrs. D. ation and I do not ' Fllackmon anc as a whole, is ready Thompson, not know that edu- We are go lome people fools? Supt. of edm 1 fool is a very un-|opening of ou e, yet we have some about the lasl Mvler brothers, who are ? ? in your town. We had 1 fllir. ' school trustees Saturated in the re-election F. Sapp and R. L. L. 1 the election of Mr. H. 1 nlS ba modes of/ inK to have the State ciurfinff jA cation with us at the cluain? m ir school which will be droplanes, ; J"!^ J'Aher? ? era. and s&ay, July 2. tfle will show all the 'modern warfare, inerriiors, Airships, HyCjunboats, Destroymanv of America's Why did not Mr. John ards got himself elected t state convention from Ke ty and have a hand In th> the new primary rules? No wonder Mr Jennir ing good in his race for 1 good work has been c G. Rich- has been in the sen o the recent jceded that Senator rshaw coun- more about cotton tha e making of i Congress. lie introdi It'ongress to investigal of cotton, which has 1,3 igs is mak- ping the speculator fi the United j rally depressing the p on tinned since ,ntere8t8 of the atatJ ate. It is con- wiRe ones we conini Smith knows the poor un'ortunat n any man in ,U'n,v confronted bj iced a bill in '"vently. "O Lord, to the pooling U,e* <,0n'1 help Ul? ^suited in stop- i om systemati- THK IS irice of cotton Cavernnr Hleas# a. To all of these jor mem running end the prayer of ('?esn f niake e ? . . . . . pvhere the gove e. who being aud- matter of educa r a hear, prayed of the law maker if you can't help'(,annot do anvth bear." ! thing to do Is t< |wo elect to ma! ! poems that the g( ls.,p within himself t ' pardon criminate ? said in iiia povernor has ma ior niRn omce. n ?tny 1:1,1 so much difference I trict who art rnor stands on the w-o do not kn tlon If the majority We have a s are against him, he fight blind tig Ing. The important the communit a consider well who yye a ke laws for us. It iong ago. had svernor has no power uams and Att .0 do anything save a re8Uit we ft i, which our present aRain8t thre .de good use of, and thpni and hat lurcn in uur scnuui uia? not attending school greatest iow of them. '"A. B." 88 n orginlzation here to i^tic pictll ers and all lawlessness f)jTlijq cf i court of inquiry not . . ' 1 Rural Policeman Wil-j*u? roma orney Sapp with us. As course, ha )und sufficient evidence | All love e negroes to convict fi :Q . I them arretted TIipv tn*? J battleships in action lys it/is the moat realre sfeen on the canvas lMJDSE-U this season. contains a beauti.npe of love and, of is a hero and heroine, rs of lovers should not play. Don't forget the State Senate. He has i.ame of the President's tary of State, Mr. Bryan It is a significant fact Hon. Charles A. Smith f wide prohibition but opi wide compulsory educat you thought about that? the middle ami many oilier mea.su great Secre- cotton fertilizers, bag the spinning and pi staple and the rogula that the (exchanges. It was f avors State- alone, who had the re poses State- currency and hanking ion. Have so as to permit farn credit from banks for i their stock and asrri res relating to . . speech at Walterli King and ties, ' . candidates get in tl uding of the ition of cotton VV,U have to tel1 wl Senator Smith. The ? . , diould not be alio' cently enacted . i j or lie down, 1 law amendel ' . , . , made to stand s lers to obtain .. ing made to stat six months on 1 ... tation or equivc cultural nro- * ? " that to our sorro oro. "When the SVir*? that is one le Piedmont they be taken out of here they stand.'' A pardoning b< .f ThM pointed and ren Is right. Tl ,.n,or to consldei wed to sit down, jf Mr. Ed Sir hut should he race for United ind while stand- would vote for N ... . . . ter, hut the govi :e without hesl- jowerg down her ication whether to Smith they sa iw and regret. I am j will be tried a i power that should ?Very oommu the governor's hand, thing, for we aard should be np- men who buy agnized by the gov- won't put thei r the matter. swear a lie. lith was not in the You may h I States senator 1 New Bethel lr Jennings of Sumernor has a few fole but when it comes y they cannot afford t the next term of court. (dttte, Thill nity could do the same i have a lot of honest | and drink whiskey that _ r hand on the IUhle and I II I. ear from us again. M MM Mj I "Leads." ^ *' rsday July 2, at AMUSE-U * !* The Chora w Chronich pertinently: "The new i v ill not disfranchise tin particularly, but they x chise the lazy or indiffore neglects to step up an , pame." Without making any p. i says very j ducts. When the hill party rules | nouse it did not incluri i poor man ?>nd it was Senator Sm vill disfran- atehful of the intere nt man who mer, amended the bill d sign his and saw that it was en thereby putting the I ? equal footing with all etenstons to I !S should he. , .. they endorse the i came from the le this feature. ,,Unn* his adm,nl ilth. who ever ?mce of K?ve 01 , . .. . may be summed up sts of the far... . Bloaseism. The foil in the senate . . , for Rovernor have a acted into law. , positions known a; 'armor on an , Bleaseism, viz: other classes. John G. Clinksc n.wl r A?.*l record of Blease to vote against ? stration of the Well, I will rl r. which record on this Subject . . my friend and in the one word. Mothershed? H owing candidates,' his hole and pu lready made their Hp ?aid in his i opponents of after ,J Adams he would on Jimmy, let's ales, Richard I. you and I run fo .,i.... t t>?,....sntiprvUnr ;i n H T *mith- fiiiiiiniiM ing off for this time J What has become of J school mato, J. R. ^ \JWSm. e must have gone in f lied it in after him. last article to Th^ IjlU le heard from Mr. \ R write again. Come fj IJT^* hear from you. Let's "/'] I r office. You run for J ' |i will run for nndltrw I ie it a Point )n the Fourth > T ve your money in being a political prophet tlie prediction that in the nary for governor, the r between Olinksoales and and that Cliukseales will ? inner The Vorkviile Kunuirei ation of "coat-tail xwinger l, we make While supply and second pri- potent factors in reguli ace will he of cotton, it has been I Richards who has educated the S be an easy atly r nm and .John T. I)un-,has not fully i to the question, hurt of a year a should be subor-i'^ V*'1'**' 1? iKh't. What say you ' ''s article ? to my A ,, r. J. vV. Twltty nry*** o many kind words V gi?aa h I appreciate very' r>rry that Mr. Twltty % bank in recovered from his 1 go Do not murmur, find SUT] ?^to^hfJ"!6 .f?,r V atrement riak ^. / ;' cause which to haye your account. plus, ample /ash reserve angl c We sha/ be glad to have vr >od bank. Don't JL its loss from any V V This is a good Plenty of capital f onservative man- % )Ur rtfpount liivoro *4 oays who :.re ?-ut. hi nign reminds us also of a va of The Enquirer, John, curly locks, whose swiiif landed him in obsecurity "high position." John T. Duncan, candid nor, in his speech at F1 off this irood one at the positions. (oui or new. neronie in lued friend lie in n position to hold nio of the I'll indefinite time, or t ;ing finally ords, "until hell free instead of do not believe the far t'arolina will forget ? litmith has stood by the ate for gov orence. Kot LWVYKR VS. F, exoense ot dependent and ,?;nated to this si his cotton tor j,; THE issue in o uhp his own j!(* over." We A WAR mers of South uecently a man how Senator nn(1 kiUed by an au ra lanburR and The Sf ' neit day coramente A KM EH. jetdent: . . - ? ^n'ni;ni, uu ngle matter for y0? v^ili reap ii the campaign. . f:?lnt not. Thf - once was young, |have never seer saken nor his s was run over,This should be a itoraoblle in Spar-'ail ?f Lancaster every MISS LOUIS! am nnpper. I turea. an Ice cream aupper J Due frc y'ounK people at the and Bi F. Adama July 11th. ^ Currency . Pioceeda to ko for J o0i Serve. I Checks 1 HINSON. Items. INCKNT. WRIQHT. X Total 5 ROBERTS. IV , 2 V76.00 lees Cun >m Bancs J pense* ai Dker?. . . . l/,332.22 Paid .. /t,026.00 individual /1,005.00 Subject 1 ind Other / Time Certli Coin.. .. / 740.35 Deposit, and Cash/ Certified CI I 314.75 Cashier's ( ||^>i^l?S.94 Total . . ent Ex- 1 nd Taxes 6.994.71 Deposits Jf to Check. 60.643.79 t Scales of 21.640.39 JL 1,463.74 t Checks.... 31.81 >182,163.94 ^ tiered of the trouble of name. He has only to mark and the club secret the rest. We can't see h rules work any hardst "poor" man. V- by does the demogoj the "poor" white man's TTn/< , signing his stand on the senator! make his not know, hut we will Lary will do that not a single one ow the new ported Smith six yearf lip for the | ran for the senate President Rhett and And when Smith and ;ae harp on were travelling all ove i being din- states urging the fa V. AAf f An f Ae ViirrHxx al rare we do ; (jay anfj on venture to say |nR ,Q the hope tha of them sup- (ent|on bere * ago, when he against Bank other lawyers. wouldn t be Harvey Jordan hear of his oppor ir the Southern Senator Smith ha irmers to hold bring down the pri r nrlnna Qmlik inl?rMt Of ROttOn ?!? l\T]y 7T' may1!?1 ,t It will arrest at . MIag KUnioi Primus Knrollm A surprised next to. The book ft ic.nts saying that voters of the Pr ? found at B. P. s been trying to A? voterg that cc of cotton tn the approaching pr mill owners. Hut Iiavp. their nam* LACKMON, A a i A i c i MALL, % U B FAULK EN BERRY. Before ent Hook at Mr. B. F. Y *bo? Ui* l r en roll men of the ?% of Mid tx Imu* precinct wlU be 2 Sworn Adams' for ten days. % desire to vote at the r OUU'i'M UAKULl^A, oi?nty of Lancaster^? > me came W. H. Mttlen, Cashier of U> >n btAng duly swots, says that the t Is a true condition of said bank, ai ink. to anc subscribed before me this lOt W. P. ROBINSC -Attest: W. T. Gregory. W. P. Bern f e above named bank, t above and foregoing V i vhown by th? books W. H. MILLEN. A h day of March 1914. )N# Notary Public. aett, A. B. Ferguson, Jt rruiH iiir?rju ; uuuci lun i the same opportunity of as the rich man or any mail. There is only one inen, rich and poor alikt that is sign the club roll see how the new rules wo ship for the "poor" mai I UICT5 11 fD nan | U'CII WVM/U I\/I mnuo 1 registering | was not held In very ] other white mill president* and thing for all And in this year of gi !>, to do and will see, contemporar; I. We can't mers will not turn I rk any hard- Farmer Smith to vo l. Blease. high esteem by ! '? farmer* of 801 cotton buyers. | how "Cotton Smith race, 1914, you | to help them get /. that the far-1 the staple and how their backs on them to hold it ur te for lawyer good price. The him and believe In ith Carolina know wait upon > k?. | a ? Sto enroll at Prii i haa always tried (,ay or night f a better price for mv roslrtenci he haa long urgeJ you to enroll al itil it brought a i to your resldon farmers know (everybody to < iconvenlence. him. all persons wanting ______ nun club at any hour, or the next ten days I; A UI ft. The law require? I /*I*i t the nearest precinct \V. T. Cil c.e. T earnestly urge nroll at his earliest B F. ADAMS. &/UWW1 ? VIERS BANK & TRUS1 IEGORY, Prmldcni W. H. T. I1KATY, Jr., Asslatiuit C<