I - *** * :: t < . V ; .j ILttC < I ll MM i A . ' - VOL. 9, NO. 77, SF ASSAIL GOVERNOR !M I-WEEKLY. cent for tho inar er the previous IS ABSENT..l"al,Bl8 irement in State of 1 ,U,M w ?f Americans. , I,' [ Tune 26.?The eick : t oops at Vera Cruz | led June 24, was 2.0.'. j j army and 2.30 per! Archduke lues, n decrease unit ;>~>c 'Vife ^ week. of the last reports, j I I It .Ul 1L LLED IN SMI Francis Ferdinand Wet ms of Assassin. About 1,iSOO (juther Tor Which Include* Number <>| er Interesting Fentun Barnwell, June 26.?For time since the United Stat torial campaign opened, the was placed on the defensive W. P. Pollock, who has beei ontlu ha " -The Heat Hlnuatlons" j Sauni to Charleston { Winusboro Spe< ?? _ . i Record, June 29.6 on. ijor united Stat he majority of j 200 voters of Fail ly, and was ap- j today. I ^Ull tV JiUlU II1t II I. ment today, "si nuendoes and In- pitals, )7 sick I \KHinxt Dr. Of those sick 52 'er8' disease and eigh :ial to Columbia u decrease in l ?The candidates malarlu and a es senate spoke to intestinal di field county here sick at the ber 84, as comp irom me war aepnrt w iMfi' JM low8 43 Kick in hos- ^ n quarters, total 60. Two Attempi aro incapacitated by of ltnyn it by Injury. Thero is W Ihosc suffering from Sarajevo, I marked decrease in ,iuke Francis sease. Those remain-1 .\ustria-Hung >nd of the week num-'uuehosa of I ared with 88 rem?'fl- ??? ? l*Y lUUTH, is Wort- Made on Idfo I Couple. the First iih a 1'omb. 3??enia, Juno 2 8.?Axclii Ferdinand, heir to ;erian throno and tho lohenberp, hia morgan>PA rViAf W.. wnvi/ uaiuiuniiug av iiic 5 pardon record. The governoi k> out of the running for thi missing the Beaufort, flam Jaspe: county meetings, a he returned to Barnwell tod< loaded with reproaches. He 1 ly begun his speech before to luanch into an explanath pardon of the yeggman s 11UJ D I _ . , rhas ben 1 promotlon and to wish hi ree daya. 'th and 8Ucce68' pton and _ . __ ~ , .~ nd when FAIR AND WAR] ly he was MOST OF CC iad hard- ? 5 he had Occasional Relief Thr< 3n of the ^ Thunder Storina Pi ometimes This Section. m continued parently the favorite For Governor, M. L. ! i Cllnkscales and R. I .Till some applause, and all Axt* received good attentio >OKh l/ocal was held in a tol>aca -onii Clark. The archdu i u ouub ltuau i-utiay u.Y the main street o| the tai, a short time after iped death from a bomb > royal automobile. The in as they were passion ity on their annual visit ;ed provinces of Bosnia rinia. ike was struck full in the known as "Portland Ned,'' appeared from the governo This outlaw, the governor not "Portland Ned." but 01 Johnson Instead, who had of the wldly notorious saf< He also read letters from States marshal and a federt attorney, saying that there who dl81 Washington, June 2 r's office. 1 for showers in New Eng] said, was --"'die Atlantic States fa no James weather Is forcast for tl tho alias the doming week over s blower, county," 8ald the Weatll a United bu,leUn tonight. "Over il district and Southern districts, were no ttockies the Central stab 8.?"Except!tomorrow at Dlllion. land and the) pour persona wero lr ...<1 wM0 ,aBlt, ou ? tie flrst half | most of the |sitting gavo way. ier nureau'a [ Comptroller Genera the Middle opened the speaking t! Weat of tho Jng followed b: Jam> ?s the South Rptf n rnn(U tall, pressed to tako a ^'le hrst arm ca/innil mUU i P-'ucess was shot ? iomen and throat, few minutes alter reach.ce to which they were onsible for the assasalna re that it should prove ere wero two assailants, ed with a bomb and the, r? Tl. -? outstanding warrants aga convict at the time Clemen granted. Tho governor made his c bitter attack 011 the newspa ignating certain reporter's 1 He characterized the new rules as "a dirty, contempt of thievery, which 'Portland (ill Vila auunoiotoa nrm?1 si not Inst the I ' u^e uun Biaies ai cy was ' ValI?y generally fair wea vail during the week, wl imtnmnrv high temperatures to tin pnr?. *" > "-.per, as "liars.'Ith? CentraI districts by t i the week. primary Ible piece ! "In the Missouri and Ned. and 8iss,PPi Valleys and the I r weather with moder na tne onto | ' ther will pro j Gen Moore and th continued lis, for tho samo oflVo e Southward , dainip. Geo W Fair; ttures over | commissioner, was fo he middlo of | Fortner lor tho same i ner, replying to the f upper Mis- by J. A. Hunter yest Lake region idea of the so-called F ate teninera *< ? ~ 7, W4, iUio campaign toda (,apt. M. jtbe vojume reporti presented their veKligatloii relative f, for railroad launders, and at Mowed by F. 1>- Itlea ;e a3 uttering office. Mr. Fort- situations" against iUitement made read abstracts fro erday, that the 24, 01 the hearing ortner bill orig- 12, 19 13. .. moro detinue si sr by reading from naive,y intimat{ ng the asylum in- UQt ,et w ? ? to Miss Eleanora waylald by an , -tacked Governor iu a capito, COJ inuendoes and in- an eIevator : her character. He m the book, pa>:e r* ^ Ima **0 : dated Septemb-r of the Nationa? jjociation, and tand on tho question, "??-? :d that hia wifo would wa8 "irowu md Secretary Bryan, as ^ sp(M' ,n enthusiastic suffragist rec(?P^on- wa rridor, took refugo in 1.10 archil ing through . ,, with his arn ward Shaw, president . , , . ? Z. and explodei Woman s Suffrage av- , , , aids decamps Jane Addams of Chi- 1 a dozen spe< i? ic*ui*rj, a Uv UUIUI) at the royal automobile > the town hall, where .1 s to be held. uke saw the missile hurltho air and warded it off 1. It fell outside the car 1 slightly wounding two i in a second car and hell' tutors. It was oil the of." E. D. Smith, he said, i publican, and no friend of GO FOR RBCORE Though in a distinctly Bl< tory, Messrs. Jennings am did hot let up on their der of the governor's pardon 1 expect to place the gover cord on exhibition from ev< (vas a Re- tures (,urin? the first l*al: | will De followed during } hair by unsettled and sh< ease terri er with hiRh*r temperati 1 Pollock i !? Mlddle A?*atlc 8ta mnciatlou 1 Eng,and Rhowers Monda record ?i|,owed by fair weather o nor's re tr,cts and by somewhat pry stump fU *emPeratur?8 over tl f of the week the constitutional con ; the second this was true that W jwery weath , regard for the white ures while In tor. F. W. Shealv, tea and Nev spoon and J. H. Whar y will be fol- order named for the s ver both dls- , LIEUTENANT G more moder- Candld;itcs for 11. ie Middle At-; M Vrnni, if.n. ir:., u iicriu in He read a letter ventton, said if'ecutive to Dr. Ilab< iiiler had more Lne latter to let race than Hun quietly." W. 1. Wither- ' "Why 'go quie ton came in the Pollock. The spe ame office. Miss Saunders as I OVKItNOH 'clan and a woman sutenant gover-j^ne wh? had spn a i iioiimn I mon neonlo. He si from the chief ex rock whirl, advised lof Kentucky, v Dr. Saunders "go!their cause to 1 1 Marshall and 5 tly?' ? asked Mr. Mrs Ure<*ki? aker then praised of Henry C,uy H >eing u good phvsi- prealdent wou,( or high character. I fra?e caUKe" T mg from the com-|terrupted: fti(.. ! "I've got to r . ^ruo jjiocmii'iup' >turn of th ice president, pleadeo , ragedy was both Vice President (|f those thai Speaker Clark. pages of tit* ridge a granddaughter , Hupshurgs. aid she hoped the vice , cached a t 1 help the woman suf- i route to the he vice president in- j tud?>nt, Ga^ iof the crowd emember my wife and e procession that the added to the long list t have darkened the rt cent history of the As the royal automobile irominent point in the palace, an eighth grade /rio Prinzlp, sprang out and poured a deadly Kl. 11 in South Carolina," Mr. said, "and the detectives around with the party can't c~ fhe stage." Pollock said that he ger, nigger, nigger' un ^c.oroughly disgusted. "Tha governor's got, and if my serves me correctly, I 1 Jennings 8uue8' unuI towa' running th* *e*k, ^hen ?howers ed with rising temperati : scare me v Vl "In the South Atla ti had heard T!' COn" til he was ranlonal relief through I ,, , htorms." t s alt the memory ORDERS EQUIPMEP Jelleve it "d tlie end of ' i are indicat- W M Warner and J. ires. sented their claims. e states high A- G. Brtce for Ai nue with or- ^pke. Attorney Gene ocal thunder- : absent, being in Col I the announcem through a letter writ! IT HELD. j gleton. It wan 12 10 n'rlrw' A. Hunter, pre- ] "I ask you uot b Kinase and his ap| ttorney tieneral thls woman out c ral Peeples was ^roke her heart." umbiaa on husi- Mr. Pollock's m ent being rnade'ernor Slease tool to L. B. 81n-lthere were cries for him to contim k wh?n ih? | Senator Smith, o endorse Governor ' ^ want t ?ointee? who drove lier " >f the asylum and. This reinarb the suffragists I fw attack on Gov- shall opposes I k the crowd and Mrs. Antoinc from the audience 8?id the delegu ue. titions sent to the next speaker, sengers. o get separated from luatic pistol duchess. ; was interpreted bv Prinzip ai to mean that Mrs. Mar icompositor I the movement. jdabrinovlch, ?tte Funk of Chicago I by the infui ition wanted their pe-1 finally were the senator.-, by mes-l;Lre native ? | of Herzegovi uuiicir* uum an auuiat the archduke and id a fellow conspirator a from Trebinje named barely escaped lynchinir nated spectators. They seized by the police. Both of the annexed province nla. was uniy a iew yearn again ernor was-himself a trustee ro college in Orangeburg." Senator Smith, who has pletely ignoring the charg oppoenta today answered ment made by *he govarno Smith, when a member of lature, had voted for a bill nify the family of a negro ai ire gov isieaae Write* letter Ui ) of a neg- of lteRiment Columbia Special to been com- News and Courier June ;es by bis regimental commanders the state- nal Guard, South Carol! r thai Mr Blease has written the the legis- ter: to laden- Ju . who had 1..11? ? " > Commander jidatee fQr governor M' A. Smith asked prom< ' _ ^har,e8ton ord M Lieutenant do - - To the ho favored a two-ceni of the NatioIna, Governor Mendel L Smlth "" following let- the demagogue and I "poor man" by politic ne 2, 1914. strong Ple? 'or 'ocaI ' . * ! sory education and . , made one of th( began. Charles . . , speeches on cotton ation on his rec- ., ... , , problems which vernor and said , since the opening ; passenger rate. _ ... , Calling the law omped all over | iiabitues of the coi the uso of the. Smith answered tl dans. He made a ha(J no record ,n option compul- 'jng. enforcement of ..T u?, e most eloquent "I will do tl i and its legislative Vice President, he has delivered ordered the pe of the campaign. yers "denizens and KOOHEVELE urt house," Senator le assertion that he Plans to Con the senate by savu Oyster Bay, lat for you," said the The first i and calling pages, ho duke occurr titlons distributed. high school ter a brief i SICK, MUST REST, of the build I hurled the iduct Fall Campaign eea8ful,y wa ,t Home. that 11 fel1 N. Y., June 27,-Aftcr 2.- 8. C.,; W. W. Lewis, Yo iccMRfttion. R. Legure. olumbia. S 6, section m,.n: You will please, autn Caro- instruct o-.ch captain < /iWion. The pany in your regiments he senator (jU|sh possession of any nan and supplies now in the han back in or any member of his the power anybody or under anvb ii *~;narie8ton, > . 'Pkville, S. c V" waa Pres< C.?Gentle- ?r8' immediately, J Browning pre 3f each com- to be Governor of all not to relln- enfoi"ce law with t equipment or t,ce" ids j John G. Clinlfscn company, tb !th? causa of the boys odv's order I I ing a strong plea f ;nted with fllow- |an(j camo out of j | by gum, I made >miRed if elected land take notice." I the people and i Senator Smith. >ven-handed jus-! been referred to a ;that he had be les championed I "there is a letter i and girls, m k-: New York whicl or a State-wide must be defeated i cotton putch, but, ,leari?g his pfc that crowd sit up r,e e'ther must lor incur dange saying that he had hea'th. Theodo s "a Joke." claimed i "*an? far a " in existence from!more Joi ? says that Smith I engaged { at all hazards." and expects to \uilllt VUII lysiclans's decree thai ^erizzo wer take a prolonged rest .\rchduke F ,r of permanent 111 ; quired as t re Roosevelt today jtown hall tl conduct the fall cam- ronatomary ,s possible, front Saga- |t-harply inte in McGrath his secro- Herr Ru i cottage in the village here to pay move there from New jhave been 1 bush-wUlUl'iK aiiu i.onoei i' struck by silvers of iron, erdinanri stopped and Ino their Injuries. At the 10 burgomaster began the address but the archduke rrupted and snapped out: rgomaster, we have come ' you a visit and bombs Ihrown at us. This is al or the common people" MANY VOTERS TH1 Approximately 1,200 vot ed the meeting and each got a welcome similar to tl ^ ed by Barnwell on former Senator Smith, too, wan and when the governor a minute at the close of Mr nte At. the flnHP of Mr do not propose for the i ERR State to be kicked out era attend- as property theiveB. an candidate. hold to what ycu bs lat extend- The whole thing is oeeaalonB. polltlcB, and ne soon ai & favorite foot-loone I am aatlsfle aked for a no trouble In straight* >. Pollock'r tlre matter out. pnii i\/> If 'u I ~ " militia of this compulsory educatlor and branded , scales was not feelir d I want you'nucntly had to paus ive. the oppresAlve heat, simplyt dirty, most faint, finally h ? I can set speech short. He wai d I will have flowers, ming the en- John T. Duncan dl calls the "system." i law. Mr. Clink- 1 "This does not iK well and fre-jhe said, e on account of In reply to Gov* making him al- made at St. Mat aving to cut his Smith at Georgia i prerented vlth ''"1 """/ilating th Senat ir Smith re tSCUMeri -vh; t h<- IMedm Mr Duncan hsJ.1 K,a L'enat*>r whicl *U?4 T 4U look like a joke," rorK* Another dc srnor Kinase's claim reached was t thews:, that Hoke,of visitors to J Is the author of th? I told his consta 0 cotton exchanges, j litical loader v >ad a letter to The;Htraiu and tha ont from the 'leor-1 PprKOI,s and sa 1 says: "I wish tolRee no one exci logelhei an icision Col. Roosevelt After a p o stop the procession "Now yov Sagamore Hill. He was. qu leavir nt interviews with po- j iUke and hi ^ere too much of a cation of v it he should ee fewer n,rr8 0f thei lid hereafter he would itheit way 1 ept by appointment. 1 actually we amazing indignity." auae, the archduke said: 1 may speak." ig the town hall the areaIs v/'.fo announced their In initing the wounded memr suite at the hospital on back to the palace. They re bound on their mission ate at the close of Mr. peech to answer a char Pollock, it looked as if th would be howled down b Senator Smith. The gover patiently a minute and thi ed that he knew what he w aaked permission from the and I also got Senator S _ .. with Kind personal Pollock'a beat wishes, very respe ge by (Signed) COLE I e governor Governor and omnu y calls for nor wnlted TKI'HTEES ELECT 1 an exclaim- -? doing. I C.n.r.1 i chairman, ^ a meeGng of the 1 mlth'S per- I,Rniiint?-r nrradoH ?n?i? regards and'that Governor Bleasi ctfully, "frost" the other di ItGEASE. .handwriting on the inder-in-chief. i C. Irby, Jr. de of rural credits to e PEACHERS. ant farmers to buy 1 4chool Fully R- 1 Mannings sa jernor's attitude towi irastees of the largely copied by th nla kul.! thlu Puty Lime A 1,1 s received a , ator R. D. Smith iy, and saw the m and , wal1* floor of the aenat veloped his plan BLfcASE nable white ton- chain rm an Mc and. grom from Goven Id that the Gov- Hcheduled Iqr the ard the law was rtaid that the ch ie people as a j not be present b? t: mil trtjuii to oun He introduced Hie Wealthy N V ^supported It on the IS ABSENT. Ned overboard to search he had ao tragedy wi 1 his pistol at the imperial enied he had accomplices, is 18 years old. Nedeljl s is 21. He told the police Lained the bomi)' from at Belgrade, whose names know. He denied alf.6 that eompllces and treated the th cynical indifference. : wu xt i i. : t 5 ' '' ' (j ]' ji ? .-A;