6 CAMPAIGN D0CUM1 OF OLD DAYS O: (Continued from Page Seve laws, regulations and syst? ENT what could be better done p '44 own enerK>' and action, n.) During the excitement In from 1828 to 1834. on the the states and nullification THE LANCAST1 by their] 900 PERSONS PI WHEN STEAME this state (Continued from Pa rights of an(j rowetj away_ Many , the peo- | to dress were drowned. jlR NEWS, JUNE 2,1914. IRISH My cabin was opposl t> qrvr-jrn said Darling today, 7e Onf) ?^n?d my \??r Wt each other in Hhe pi who waited had a 1 ifo belt hud me. I refused it,\>ut ted Sir Henry ' AllViJkBH and when I CHIGHESH s bumped into iMsageway. He DIAMOND /?fl3 he offered it to Vhe said, "Go on r) * ERSPILLS FREE;-? PJJ. These two be: BRAND ular Jewelry are r> clety women -in JT?'o? largest cities. T flj Bant gold flnlst Necklace ^ ' principles and forms of the list of ment. than they had learn a com- previous quarter of a cent* 1 court lively soon to do again, special- i? easy to discover, tl own are n0w lowering over th< ?unt to horiZon, that there is dan e origi- both |n our foreign and do ai khuwi- BOILERS EXPL e of the The horror or the inl ir govern- th6> time the Empress w ed in the ] the frightened throngs lry or are w?,r(. hurrying every eff before she sank was ad lat clouds explosion which quickly e political^ ripping given the liner ger ahead stad's bow. According mestic re- rescued, the exnlosion UkJk.NI) PI trrled me alonK Gold metallic bosea, >or. Apapareut- ????? l??"a??ftr mother belt, but ?iamond bkand i jcarfl re^trded at Best J fter he had left cai A DV ill 1 EVERY \1AN A HERO. .. gS I K>aaen me neai | woman no matt Cni-CHHS-TK* A | V'ZrVr"^ Off ills ia **d ?nd/A I Our Free Off calcU with Biue<0> tng Spearmint ( "ni^aVa^T^*" I rr, ? ' 1'la.ce a rn.LH. for twratT-flvw I healthful gum Safc?t, Aiwiyt kriiabie. | nwcctenn the ' L DRUGGISTS teeth and aidB t ufurpr worth nnd pleaslni fincnc. tkstkd j sending us but l _' ! cover shipping ri 01 every K?ri ur :er how young or old 1 attractive, er. We are adven's'hewlng Gum and dcblg box ot this Hue. Into every home. It breath?whitens tho llge8tion. It Is refresh g to all. To every one 50c and 5 stamps tocosts we will *hlp a nal sum?advertising in the Is no small item. Hut all e most are attended with som< teractlng good. 1 believe th< of costs deter hundreds frotr into court, which, to a cert tent is well; but when they : pie prosecuting their rights to a denial of justice and det papers i?tions, and it is fit and p vils al- every South Carolinian, e j loun- man within her borders. ( dread not to what party attache i going no party question,) should ain ex- j,js armor, prepare for tl amount an,i demand his right of and a fr;ige, choose directly lili or peo- not hy 'proxy, the public roper that eaused by the water r very free- boilers, bulged the line it matters catapulted persons fro id, this is out into the sea. The buckle on ||st 5ls water pouring in ie contest on tli?> side she was stri free suf- work of launching boat! oiself and difficult and when stir officers of her plunge to the botto 'caching the Commissioner Kee r's sides and tion Army, stood on in her decks doomed vessel trying ship's heavy people to keep coo weighted her helping hand to ma nek made the ship was almost uml i? increasingly his men shouted to 1 finally took his life, lie replied in scores still by his wife and chi notice 01 s, of the Sulva- Notice is hereby the deck of the dersigned will, at to pcrsauade the estate of Mary Pe v 4th day of June, 1 ,1 and lending a ruturn such g ny. When the to the Pnobn^e C< er water one of county for letters lim to jump tor 0aardan ot Mal he would stand May 4 1914. kdren and sank >iscnargv. ; box or zo regui given that the un- Spearmint Guin } guardian of the 1 gant, rry, minor, on the "Tango" neckln 914, make his Hnnl bracelet absolul uardian and apply This offer Is jurt of Lancaster ^ot more than disnilssory. ; Dealers not alh j. A. HYATT. UNITED S ry Perry. Minor. j Dayton, Ohio i ID! 4 ar &c pacaages or tne 1 and include the eleico and 'Evelyn Thaw* tcly free. for a short time cnly_ 2 orders to one party, awed to accept this. ALES COMPANY P. O. Box 101 nruicoo ui mm *v , much other state in the Union rges in for electors, who are pledg ially as for their favorite candidate guard- dent, a high prerogative 1 lent to 0f this state are. and alw [ never heen deprived of; and om t court times the candidates for t vp 1 d of ture never tell the people i*; iu ir?u ipn on ner nccRS we rile of every only a few being able te directly, sides and find support ed to vote From all accounts for Presl- Kendall of the Kinprethe people bore himself like a tru ays have retained such com main e half the uatlon, it appears tlu he legisla- Storstad's stem still hut who they it had made in the E carrieu uown, with lilt* words, U, < to clear her done," on his lips, on wreckage. Only 2 2 women a ('apt. H. (?. of the many aboard i is of Ireland, been saved, e sailor. He One little Kir! Ilelc d of the sit- until she was picked it while the Miss Thompson, froi ip in the gash Mrs. Greene way, u Impress' side. was separated from 1 uou. tny win De ! COLIiK(iK OF South Carolina' ml two children |>tli Year Begin ippeared to have Entrance examl county seats 011 F n O' llara swum ^ four-year I up as also did H A an,j jj g. d( II New Zealand, pre-medical cours bride of a week A free tuition , . i.i signed to each coi lier husband and . CHARLESTON. AUTOMC s Oldest College. AU1UI'U s Septteuilier 25tli. AT FA(" [nations at all the 'riday, July 3rd at Save From T courses lead to the 1 2 8x3 $ grees. A two-year . 30x3 le Is given. 30x3% 1 scholarship is as- 32x3% 1 inty of the state. I 3 4x3% 1 " > I ]<).i 1 )BILE TIRES TORY PRICES :tO to 00 Per Cent, 'ire Tube ReHner 7.20 $1.65 $1.35 7.80 1.95 1.40 0.80 2.80 1.90 1.90 2.95 2.00 2.40 3.00 2.05 J 711 t OK O A ft $200 to execute a neighbor': simply to have his lands among his sons agreeable to mise, and that with the const wishes of all the parties con and no doubt the charges an ously high, especially on estates?I learn much of the t of courts of ordinary has beei ftirr^d to thnf denartment. I s will, are going to vote for, but. divided e(j> generally respond, we < his de- the collected wisdom o ?nt and js brought together, and tin cerned, jy consists of a few party If } griev- 8et the notes for the legisl small they again for the whole b usiness people of the state What 1 trans- the people in, or what did do not r\t Iho r.ldntinn of Prostilor when ask- Captain Kendall beggo 'annot tell of the collier to keep f the state going so that the hole at general- plugged The Storsta waders who dropped hack and the 1 ature, and and foundered, ody of the Captain Kendall s hand had bridge as the ship w they know boat picked him up an it In 18:12 , HARftlHON RAN CIT 1 our little son, ieparted this life STATE OP gOUT 11 months and Co?nty of L By J. E. Stewman I1I1K8 aim uuutriii; | osai a lipped laboratories, ; 33x4 1 r facilities. I 34x4 1 nable. For terms I 36x4 1 dress j 3 5x4% 1 IXM/IMI, President.) 36x4% 1 37X4% 2 iTION. 37x5 2 All other slz H CAROLINA, tires 15 per cer ancaster. ten per cent at , Judge of Probate, clean fresh gi 4.80 3.50 2.45 6.80 3.60 2.60 7.85 3.90 2.80 9.75 4.85 3.45 9.85 4.90 3.60 1.50 6.10 3.70 HH 4.90 5.90 4.20 ;es In stock. Nou Skidit additional, red tubes >ove gray. All, new laranteed tires. Best know that the fees of the o on the whole are too high; h often thought they probably have been more equitably ai between small estates and lan Men often enter courts of 1 get Into litigation through a and the evil passions attem human nature, and are nol r(Unary 1836 Gr 4 0? Nothing upoi ut have they got word or heard might from Columbia. And whs rranged they to have in the roml ;e ones. 447 1 say fearlessly, the aw and no other state in the. Ur mbition heen so deluded, defraude lant on posed upon, as regards t] t much of free suffrage for Pre i earth till craft was loaded. Tin the news injured and suffered f it part are but his hurts are not < ng one of When day broke the people of had not returned from lion have the wreck. d, and im leir rights TALES OF HER< sident and TOLD BY STJ] captain was Chauncey. h Left us. yes. forever rom exposure we tt) m,.ei langerous. On that bright and rescue boats the scene of )'rou were our treast You were our joy a We loved you, oh. t For soon you slept 11 DISM qtttttauc! All is dark within o ttViVUKb limnlv ti r?? mi r linnrl , , wnereas, ?\irs. e has left us. Jcsse Bowenj hjiv more, to gran^ them let our loved one , f th eBtate happy shore. A Bower8. . These are. the ireel admonish all and pride. ro(i and creditors erhaps too well. Bower8i deceased md died. appear before nu , probate, to be h ur borne. June 10th npxt k trti ilV* .. . . - - .. J as. .A. iiowers a 11 ii siuuuuru aim 'e niado suit to me Buy direct fro iters of administra- 5 per cent disci and effects of Jas. accompanies ei 10 per cent d? refore. to cite and I (nation, singular the kind- j TIKE FAC7I of the said Jas. A.lpPpt. A , that they be and ! s, in the court of ' dd at Lancaster on after publication Special iiiuepeuuuui manes. m us and save money, sunt If payment In full ich order. C. O. D. on sposlt. Allowing exam'ORIKS SAIjES CO. Dayton, Ohio Hosiery Offer entitled to the public symj but they are compelled Into cl and the ordinary's court, for i ulation and manaRoment of and the chances ouRht to be m and reasonable, especially 01 ones. The people of this state th Is dear, and they are deterrt eolnc Into court. In some jatmes; vice President, and woi hanoery could, not only urpe upon the rep- Qf York, but every disti estates, state, to speak out and oderate mand their political rlph a small longer submit to the usuri 'few political aspirants, ink law Finally, fellow citizen m! from niy strongest claims to yo of the rests 011 the fact, that I jld that I tlip people Passengers Speak in 1' rict in the tain Kendall and I! boldly de- Did IDs Full I ts and no Quebec, May 3 0.?g pation of a Empress of Ireland db to Quebec by survivoi s, perhaps details of the most te ur suffrage jn the annals of the have been mmnunui it t<> t For the one we lov? 'raise of Cap- Has forever passed eelare He l)?(V Thy gentle voire no Thy warm true hea >torics of the ^|Uj on ^y- yOUntf u! ulster brought is resting death's e< s, gave vivid , rrible trage.lv WR8 Jin a"fel That was not quite St. Lawrence. Go(j tooj( our Hni lift* sitllt' ill lr ftlf T.. 4.11 ?!?..? i.n , , ttiereoi, at 11 on m1 so dearly to 8jlow cause, If Bwny* the said admlnlf he granted, is hushed. Given under ti rt is still; day of May, Ann< id innocent brow 1 aid eh lib band in heaven, *DT>1? complete, JrltJa ling Chauncey . "Non-Pllll ook in me ioroiioon, j any thy have, why | drat ion should not (iunrtntffd W r . . ... Men And \V ny hand, this 26th I o Domini 1914. E. STEWMAN, For Limited 1 Probato^'Judge. Six pair of < r? ladles' guaran 1MIER tnn colors wl a. it a for $1. and 6 cture Auto special < 'ear-Ever Hosiery For 'omen Ladles Special Offer. 'Ime Only? >ur finest 35c value teed hose in black or th written guarantee, c stamps for postage. OFFER FOR MEN. other states they think it cln go into it without much drei I have no doubt if it was eh here, there would be more c that court officers and lawy( haps, have not much to fear reduction in charges. I am of opinion the legists attempting to alter the cons! eap ami brought out by a number id; and gent and respectable citi; caponed sively of the Indian Land. it, so stitutes a considerable ai crs per- able portion of the dlst from a first fully informed of n opinions, both on general iture, In matters, and they were 1 titution, iinsisted on my being ru of Intelli- the Titanic, but point* sens exolu- the case of the Titar which con- time to prepare for dea id respect- those who perished on riet, being there was little time fo iy political prayer. I and local From the accounts c vllllng and seems that soon after n with my rammed she careened ... ............ | u in iiiai vacant d out that in >ir there was Thy ha,n,ls are vh breast, th, while with jlave hissed thy the Km press And in our aching h >r refiection or We have no Chaunc , , , , Sleep on, beloved, s! if the saved it t^y rest> the ship was \Ve loved thee dearl until her deck thee best, T taped upon thy Guaranteed 7,f These tires lovely brow, known mileage | earts we know sold at a price 1< ey now. dlnary guarantee covers punctures, leep on, and take ernl wear. Guara miles service agi y but Jesus loved cept abuse. The ded for most sei ires ' F"or a limit* >00 Miles Service bear the greatest ,r of our w guarantee yet are d,8e Garter8 t >ss than tires of or- 8t 8 for This guarantee You kno^ , blow-outs and gene the (e8, wh0fl nUe covers 7,600 lve rea, foQt ainst everything ex- 8e ^ rl _se tires are inten- and baggy as 1 vere uerxlce. Dressed in. Tl 2d time only, six pairs f>c value Guaranteed ltten guarantee and a ell known Men's Paraor one dollar, and 5 stage. these hose; they stood all others failed. They comfort. They have no They never looee the shape is knit In, not lev are Guaranteed for nave done wnat tne people ask them to do and left "uni1 things they ought to have <1 I have seen some Intlmatl a move may be made at c session to give the election tors of President to the pe would be a strong advocAte measure. The present mod lieve to be anti-Democratic a (lia not opinlonR as they are. lone the It may be asked why tl lone." brinR out one whose oplnl Ion that ed more with the other >ur next and probably with a majc of elec- voters? I will make a si ople. T to that made/by John for that When he first entered Cot ie I be- lnr rather a youthful app? nd antl- hein* about to aualifv it stood at right angles w ley did not She slid slowly Into t ona accord- it w is only possible 1 candidates boats In the brief Inter >rity of the finally sank, mllar reply Captain Kendall was Randolph, when the collision occ lgress. hav- the steamer sank he tarance and away, later to be pick 1 the usual nt hnol# Pn??u?ri?? ith the water. I 1W,? "?* ue ,oiik e , . , and share th he water and For we w|U ?oon u, to launch five God bless your hap val before ahe Not now, but In the ... It may be In the b< on the bridge We.? 'read the mea, urred. When And then, sometln was washed stand, ed up by one Jesus. while our hei r? ?n^k In HI. ?>r the spoils that re we snail come Orders Dave b y bliss these tires for u ilte again. States Governm< py smile. As a Special li will allow the 1 coming years, the next tea da] ftter land, TIRESnlng of our tears , ae, we'll under- 2gxg $ irts and bleeding,: death has won, vo-oi? een received lor nneneBB, for t se In the United material and 1 snt Service. ly stainless ai itroductory offer, we without holes, 'ollewlng pricee for Don't delay rs. fore o^fer exp TUBK8. IV E A K-EVKR Tire Tuba 9.20 % 2.10 ? 10.21 2.30 WINT1 18 ** SCHOLARS! 11 AC * A* ityle, for superiority of workmanship, absolute- /V I ad to wear six months 1 | , or a new pair free. send in your order beiire?. Give correct sftao. HOSIERY COMPANY bnyton, Ohio. (ROP COLLEGE IIP AND ENTRANCE Republican, and farther, I against the spirit and mea the constitution. That ins . says "Each state shall app such manner as the legislatui of may direct, a number of equal to the whole number resentatives and senators t< the state is entitled in Cong deem It manner, a member rose i ning of and asked if that young 1 trument constitutional age; he i oint in turned round and with a k e there- tic look, indignantly repli electors my constituents who sent of Rep- Indian I^and strictly spea a which was represented till 180 ress."? had a member four yea n his place praise and declare h? nan was of duty. (Randolph) KILLED BY FALL ieen sareas- Chief Officer Steed. li ed. "go ask killed by n boat falling me." The working to help the king, never cape. 8, we then Laurence Irving, nut rs, and no and son of Sir Henry ... We wouid at this so j did his full Calmly say. "Thy ? [NG HOAT. ThouKh cast down saken, t Is stated, was ThOUKh afflicted, no ; on him while Thou didst give and nasseuKers es- Blessed Lord. Thy v FATHER A thor and actor, Fart t4A4) IrvliiK. accord- NVw V(irk Tribune Ifmn meeting. ???* t* vlll be done." 34x3*4 31x4 , we're not* for- 3 2x4 38x4 t alone; 34x4 I Thou has taken, 36x4 >'1H be done. 36x4 kNI) MOTHER. 35x4*4 36x4*4 Fancy. 37x4*4 37x5 A1.WW ?.V7 16.25 S.20 EX JI'JJ l The "amir :! ?? ?*5? vacn.it scholai 26*40 ! !! le*e and for VI'in lil students will eJ'9? J-*? court house c 55'SS r'n> ? m- Appllt o?'aa 5 ? than sixteen jJJ-?? 5',1? Scholarships i ?*** they will be 32?60 6.40 ing tjje high* AMINATION. tatlon for the award of rships in Winthrop Co?the admission of new be held at the county in Friday, July 3, at U iants must not be less years of age. When Eire vacant after Julv 3 awarded to those raak9st average at this ex (Arurie zn, section isi.) i believe that the power glvei legislature of pointing out t ner and mode of electing authorized them to elect the Under the late appolntm South Carolina is entitled tc tors. Who entitled? The ture? No! The people. ' will or writing should decl oo noi otner till 18^8, since v i to tho with the exception, perhi he man- years, we have still had r electors, are somewhat peculiar!] mselves. and have some local inl ent law, may require the attentk i 9 eleo- one conversant with ot legisla- and affairs. 'If any From age and its atte are that tivitv. I feel an unwill! vhirh time, in* to survivors, died < aps of four save his wife. Mr. ai ?ne, and we were last seen on the r situated, ins one another as :erests that They went down with >n of some fd In each other's arm ir situation p. K. Abbott, of To last man to see Mr, Ii ndant inae- "I met him llrst ii InEIieSR to wnv " ho M "nnil h ivhile trying to T, .. . ' If It was true tli id Mrs. Irving , . .. our errors, we'd all deck embrar- . , , .. . . dends everv day. If in farewell. ... . Mexicans cat sail the ship, lock- .... When a young in no heart, it means i ronto, was the ?. ... 1 lie most durah rving alive more. i the passage- _. . . . , , The best exercise I s for wot.icn are Davte b. Non-Skids 20 per ainlnation, pi cent discount If pay conditions go :ompanies order and pllcants for srdered, shipping write to Prei paid by us. C. O. D. the examinat! of amount of order, amlnatlon bla nlted, so we suggest Scholarship We sell direct only, free tuition, r, the advantage of open Septan profits. further infor ID KURBRR CO. address Pres. >n. Ohio. Hill. S. C. rovided they meet the vernlng the award. ApScholarshlps should sident Johnson before Ion for Scholarship exnks. ?s are worth $100 and The next session will aber 16, 1914. For matlon and catalogue, D. B. Johnson, Rock a certain family shall have { a certain sum of money, in su ner as the head thereof ma; what would be said of the that family if he should dir he take and use it all hims I would deem it expedient that the people should ele< from the congressional distr ind take travel over the district in ich man- canvass, and living: in t y direct, eastern part of the disrrlc head of few opportunities of mins ert that the people, I hope the vol elf!" ceive this communieath at least,, apology for not visiting t ft seven son. I have no ambitloi lets, the gratify, or any particula the present -is the boat going n as an the actor reached for nem in per- boat suddenly lurche< us views to thrown against the do< ,r desire to His face was bloody r. , , . swimming and feno vn?' I said it " , . . . . Th?* successful mi e, Irving then the shoulders of otl r. There is no One wonders wha to cry and as fe(r of his cabin. ? nd Mrs. Irving ANSWER 1 Ihk. ' an is he vlio puts " lers to the v? heel. 1 ?? t would be the efie of our most flayers around the 'HE CALL f Tf~'AQT mm? '^1 y.l legislature migni eiect two resent the senate, by so d change in the congressional would be necessary. The sovereign people 01 come out and attend to th business, it is rightly the! province. A maxim of prl may well apply. "Trust nc to do what you can do yours in rep- intrudo my tenets and < oinK, no others, neither do I desire districts the popular breeze into ture under deceptive and Kht to Should I obtain a majoi ieir own free suffrages of the peop r proper found zealously advocatln vate life interests to the extent of r ?t others should you otherwise d elf."?If will not comDlain. opinions on became frantic, to Rail with CARKIKI) IIKH 1 the legisla- 'Keep cool,' he w false colors she persisted In hold Ity of the around him. lie forc< le, I will be over her, pushed her < g their an(j practically carrle< ny,capacity; i asked if I could h< etermine, 1 said 'Look after you I man hill (!i?l hlou UPSTAIRS 'ut of the door ?r "?me Insula , . . , A splondld Trem* \ her upstairs, taeks. alp and Irving A medfeine jjutt ! raelf tlrst. old "and* a vmi nil ola Doflu 8 Kidney lave I'olirid That pessary, a, sudden wrench, t hurt t|k<' kidneys le often follow, rity of../the urine, I*aS edy' for Biieh atkas satisfied thou- tl^lllC pins. hundr t the half million mark hav s of Ford progress. More ed thousand Fords have b< I re gone the H i than live 1 Ben sold to you wish business well don to It In person. Mr. Madiso: Federalist, (that great text the constitution) says, "It w able that the sense of the should operate In the choic person to whom so Importan was to be confided. This en answered by committing the e attend JOHNtf n, in the book on What has become of t -U4 ,ie<,ir- ioned statesman who us people t^timonlala for patent n e of the Child Cross? Feverlsl t a trust A cross, peevish, list d will be wlth coated tongue, pa ri?rh? ,f 1 ?le?p; eats sometimes K then again ravenously SPRINGS. same." . . . . Abbott got on deck i he old-fash- .... ed to write board- IIh faught hoi ledlcknes? timber and an he floa ?? on deck kissing hie w i? Sick? went down, tlesn child, le, doesn't Mr D- A- Darling, i very little, I was saved by a life I ; stomach have saved Sir Hen ? v..? Thousands or pe Here is one rase and dived over- E? W. Coiner, A Id of a piece of ay nipt ted saw Irving piajnt In my case. Ife as the ship on when I least often I was compl . . days. These spell a survivor here ^ mf)nthR alway ?elt that might of flharp, shooting ry Saton-Karr. heard of Doan's K1 opie; reiy upon u. 11111 date ill otFoi l|l Ford expected It and |111 etely disabled for |UI| V Ive 111 " 111 ? ~ We- couldn't tfive you b< rd merit. E very where you the favorite car. hundred dollar* is the price cf the F ring car is five fifty; the town cai Detroit, complete with equipment rUculare from >tter proof '11 find the V 'ord runabout; * Beven fifty? D , Oet catalog II , making It to be chosen by a themselves." The people ought to aroi their lethargy and attend own business, do their own and thlnKing and act acc They are falling fast Into a apathy, becoming careless different to their best Inter tnn tn II r-h t/> ot he le people sour; breath fetid; pains with dirrhea; grinds t use from asleep, and starts up w ihftir al1 KUK&e8t a Worm K thing that expels worms, reading ftVery child has them ordingly. Worm Killer is needed, state of today. Start at once. have to coax, as KicV Killer is a candy conf ests, and pfi]g tj,e WOrms, the ca rs to do rhild's trouhle. 2 5c at vi in stomach,! .. .. efth while Notice to I>ebtors a Ith terror? All persons lndebte ilhr?some- Qf Louise Stover, dece and almost forward and settle pr< Kickapoo undersigned; and all Get a bo* claims against said You won't same duly itemized ai :apoo Worm the undersigned, ectlon. Ex- BEN C. < use of your A uir drueaiat. Wav 27. 1914. - them and one or t n<1 Creditor*. me. I don't think d to the estate kidney medicine c ased, will come effective as this 01 >mptly with the to confirm the atat< persons having time ago, recomme estate will file ney Pills." id verified with Price 50c at a! simply ask for a 2LYBURN, , I get Doan's Kidne; dminlstrator. that Mr. Comer hai Co.. ProDS.. Buffal wo boxes relieved there Is another f)| y' ?n the market as g LI J le. I am pleased sment I gave some ndlng Doan's Kid-1 II dealers. Don't kidney remedy? 1 i rills -the same Lmmm rl. Foster-Mllburn l" o, N. Y. | bmtmmmmmmmmm LER BROS. & R. B.! Heath Springs, S. ( distributors for Lancaster ( i' KACKEY, I bounty. '^1 VI unnii(| ww > v !.C > ' I w.--< -m .mm* v." . ' ' . '* r|< .. ** ... * 'I ' ? ' M . ,... .V J . I 'v ; > ^ " ' - ii . '} *$' <>* ^ ? '.k " , t .. * .*/"* ' ?