The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, June 02, 1914, Image 1

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REBELS INTIMATE ' FUTURE ATTITUDE Statement (liven Official Sane- , tion Criticizes Mediators. 1 THEY DISLIKE DICTATION.!; Constitutionalists Appear Imlls|M?sed to Submit to Uemands I'robuble From Niagara Falls. El I'aso, Texas, June V?A Betni- j ofltical statement from General Car-'s ranza's heardquarters at Durango, . critcizing the actions of the A. B. ! j C. mediators at Niagara Falls, and i ( an announcement from General , f Villa reiterating his allegiance as a military leader to Carranza were , t the developments today of the Mex- t lean situation here. Villa arrived ^ i at Chihuahns t*t?v ? v . Iiuui * \JI I tTUKl Oil I his way from Juarez. Carranza was { reported as having begun prepara- , tions to move by way of Torreon f to Saltillo where he will porfett ;( his provisional government. ^ The statement from Durango'e where Carranza's provisional govern- r ment was established several days ( ago, was uddressed to the press of the United States w ith a note to ' p the effect that it had official sane- c tion, although it was not a formal c declaration. The telegram in part a follows; v "The dominant sentiment of the 11 Constitutionalists regarding the pro- :< Ceedings of the mediation commis- ? sion at Niagra Falls is one of c astonishment that there should he i such an apparent lack of under- t standing on the part of that body, t not OIllV With reeiirM anat.liti ' in Mexico, but as to the attitude !s of the Constitutionalists regarding h the mediators. This lack of under- h standing is not confined to the com- 2s mlssioners themselves but seems to t be shared by large portion of the j American press as well as by the o Government. |d "Judging from what has been pub-j'1 lished from day to day the media-; tors appear to consider General Car-:'1 V, ranza and his followers as a neg- 11 ligible quantity scarcely worthy of attention and who, perforce must agree to whatever conclusion the ' * I ft commission may reach. They do j not seem to be aware of the fact:0 that the Constitutionalists are con- P querors, that they haTe inauguartod and carried almost to successful com-lC pletion a revolution, and that this means the establishment of a gov- i ernmont ent'tlcd to recognition by'T the rest of the world. Recent sue- } cesses of the Constitutionalist army ; and others that are imminent, are | conclusive proof that the power of p Huerta is practically ended. HislS troops will not fight. They either o run away or join their opponents 1' with every sign of willingness. jti "All that prevents the Consti- e tutlonalists from entering Mexico ri City today is the physical obstacle ? of the destruction of tin* railroads, g With communication restored, which Cl is being accomplished with rapidity, P the army would be in Mexico City *1 in less than a week. n "Yet the Constitutionalist leaders w point to tho deliberations of the ^ commission and the statements of " the press as absolutely ignoring this situation. Tin- pome oonnnission even goes so far as to propos? that tho Constitutionalists must recognize whatever provisional gov- l< ernment they decide to set up and " to declare that they must lie forced to recognize that government or It crushed." 8 Drought at l.ast Itroken. The seven weeks' drought was at last broken Sunday niternoon by a very welcome rain, which fell for ^ some time and was accompanied by lightning and thunder. Though this . rain was mostly local, good showers have been reported from several sec-]al tlons of the county. Another show-|w er fell early this morning and we are c< hoping for more good seasons which are still needed badly hereabout*. . J hi Insane Women Nupinoted to he Hut- tr vtvor of Wreck. W Kimouski, June 1.?A woman ap tt parently a Swede, was found wander-; 01 ing dazed and without clothing today tt near Rimouski. It is believed she is a survivor of the wreck of the Emprnea of Ireland, who made her way 1,1 to land on n piecs of wreckage and unven insane ny wurTerliiK. cc ANOTHER HOMICIDE NEAR LEXINGTON Willie Shai-|?e, 17 Years Old, <'liaised With Killing Jesse llowell, a White Fanner. Lexington Special to Charles-ton Mews and Courier, May 31. Jesse Howell, a white farmer, was shot and nstantly killed last night. Willie Sharpe, a 17-year-old boy, son of ^oah Sharpe, is charged with the (hooting, which occurred near her at he home of Tillman Hush, a son-inaw of Noah Sharpe, and a brothern-law of Willie Sharpe. The shootng was done with a single-barrel (hotgun, the entire charge entering lust below the left ear and making ts exit on the opposite side. The harge completely shattered the ipinal column, causing instant death When Sheriff Miller arrived upon he scene at 3 o'clock this morning, ogether with Solicitor George Hell riinmerman. Coroner Weed and D. I. Ilaltiwanger. the dead man was bund lying flat on his back, the ipper portion of the body extending ?fT the porch, the head resting gainst the ground, the lower portion eing on the t "ch. The hands were xtended over he head and in the igiit hand was an open knife slightly lasped. It was brought out at the investigation that Howell went to the home ?f Tillman Hush, a little after 9 'clock last night and began to raise , row by attacking Noah Sharpe, who as sitting on the porch. According o the statement of Sharpe. Ilowell .ttempted to cut his throat with a nife and'also slashed him across the hest. His son. Willie Sharpe, liearng the row and seeing Howell at empting to cut his father, rushed to lie door with a shotgun and llred. 'he old man stated that Howell alo advanced 011 his son before the utter fired. Howell was said to have pen under the'influence of whiskey, lo words passed between Howell and he boy, who killed him, it was said. The jury returned a verdict to the ffect that Jesse Howell came to his eath from gunshot wounds in the ands of Willie Sharpe. The dead man leaves a wife and Either and other relatives. He was bout 3 5 years of age. Young Sharpe was brought to Lexigton and lodged in jail by Sheriff Illler today. The killing of Howell 1 the fifth or sixth homicide to ocur in Lexing ?n county within tne ast two mon is. 30TT0N CROP CONDI TION 74.3 PER CENT 'ills Is Far Below the Average for Past Few Years and Five Per Cent Below Ten-Year Average. Washington, June 1.?The newly lanted cotton crop of the Vnited tales showed a condition on viuv ?* f 74.3 per cent of a normal, the nited States department of agrlculure's crop reporting board announcd at noon today In its first condition eport of the season, which always is waited with great interest by cotton rowers, textile manufacturers and otton dealers. This condition, comiled from the reports of the correpondents and agents of the departlent's bureau of statistics. compares '1th a condition of 79.1 per cent on lay 25 last year, 78.9 per cent on le corresponding date in 1912, 87.8 er cent in 1911, and 80.4 per cent le average condition for the past ?n years on May 25. An 'estimate of area planted in cot hi this year will be issued July 1 by ie department of agrrculture. Comparisons of conditions ou May "> for South Carolina follows: May 25. 1914, 72; 1913, ?8; 1912, 3; 1911, 80; ten year average 79. FA I It WFATHKK I'ltOMHKI). ~ i <Mii|ieratures Near or \bove Normal Kvpected. Washington, May 31 .Generally fair ties, with temperatures near or bove normal were forecasted by the eather bureau tonight for the entire nintry this week. "Kalnfall during the week will be snerally light and local," said the ulletin. "The next disturbance of nportance will appear in the far ! Test Tuesday or Wednesday, reach ie Great Central valleys Thursday r Friday and the Kastern states near ie end of the week.'' Now the peanut may go up. Next i order will be pink lenonede and len the woe of the land will be coinlete, especially when the circus >mes along. I 900 PERSONS PERISH WOUL till ini nrriiipft ai?i?'a WHtN SltAMtK MS Canadian Pacific Liner Rammed Highwi by Collier, Storstad. sha LARGE HOLE IN SIDE. (OMM Steamer does li?wn in Minutes t*overnn After Impart?l.ittle Time for nl "Women First." Kimouski, Quebec, May 29.?Sink- A lar ing in 9ft feet of water within 15 min- citizens utes after being rammed amidships counties in the upper reaches of the St. Law- afternoo rence river early today, the Cana- commit! dtan Pacific liner Empress of Ireland meeting carried down with her more than 900 f?r Rett of her passengers and crew. Of the adopt 1,367 persons on board the liner, w*y tt r only 4 32 are known to have been ty as a saved, making the probable death list Charlott 934. ney, Est; Looming up through the river mists, as the Empress of Ireland was (liiy H ,RS lying to, waiting for the fog to lift ' or day to break, the Danish collier mecltnK Storstad crashed bow on Into the . ( ?'un side of the big Canadian liner, strik- 1 ing her about midway of her length mass"m<1 and ripping her side open clear to >'>s,,'r('a the stern. building lotte, N CRASH NEAR SHORE. , 4, resolutic The crash occurred not far from mjttee ti the shore off Father Point, 150 miles 0f raj8ii from Quebec, which the Empress of an(j jan( Ireland left yesterday afternoon route to bound for Liverpool and 10 miles ponsea. from this point on the St. Lawrence, j PXp,? In reality, therefore, although the u|ar SV|t liner was heading for the sea and ,jone the collier coming in from it. the dlsaster was not one of the ocean but visors o of the river. Unlike the Titanic's counties victims, the Empress of Ireland's j lost their lives within sight of shore ROod ro: ?in land-locked waters. gineer t<: Immediately the ships crew recov- Maintain ered from the shock of the collision patrollnf and when it was seen that the liner pleted w had received a vital blow a wireless will cov< "S. (). S." call was sounded. in leugtl HURRY TO RESCUE. R The hurried appeal was picked up 'l'ecf by the government mall tender Lady a BUCC<?81 Evelyn here and the government en 11 pilot boat Eureka at Father Point, * " ?.?.K ..... -... -v. - - ...... rn uui i?j iin* rescue. Bo "' deep was the hurt of the Kmpress, ^used c however, and so fast the Inrush oflco,)',,, ( waters, that long before either of the adopted rescue boats could reach the scene ^ ^el the liner had gone down. Only float- Kershaw In* wreckage and a few lifeboats and ma,ltl 1,1 rafts from the RteHmer, buoying up ma'" less than a third of those who had ran 1,0 set sail on her, were to be found. ( anu'en The rest had sunk with the liner, to a (?" had been crushed to death In the Storstad's Impact with her, or had ( aro"na been forced from exposure in the ice- NMtei chilled waters to loose their hold on 'ias 'n<"( bits of wreckage and had drowned. expert COLLIER DISABLED. #U?h 'l and n..ii7 o ? ?...J ... .o? priguun Wfrts pu'Kea up "Whet hv the Storstad, which was badly winning crippled herself, and these were i)ejnK jm brought here by the collier as were ajj sectu those saved by the Kureka and the time, an laidy Kvelyn. Twenty-two of the pr0per t rescued died from injury* **r ex- most net posure. and The others, most of whom had "Whei jumped into the boats or plunged a?d p? into the water from the sinking liner Masses, | scantily clad, were given such cloth- transport ing as the town could supply, and mJtr|<c-t. later those who could travel were "Resol placed on board a train and started too ronH for tjuebec. responsil Accounts agree that in the brief chairnuti space of time not more than 14 min- charged utes between the shock of the col- paign fo lision and the sinking of the liner shall re< there was little rhanee f<?? * .. .... .Voreiiicilu: m IMC C< marshalling of the passengers. In- contribnt deed, everything indicates that hun- and co-o dreds of those on the steamer pro- county s ably never reached the decks. Few )M. done, women were among the saved, not for worl more than a dozen, the lists make it supervise appear. approved NO CHANCE FOR "WOMEN FIRST" ors. "It all happened so quickly we did "Resol not really know what was going on mittee si and nobody had time to cry 'Women soliciting first,' *' one of the passengers told duct a pi Oaptain Bellinger of the rescue boat upon the Eureka. banks at "The stewards did not have time land owi to rouse the people from their contribut berths," the survivor added. "Those ity to th< who heard the frenzied calls of the of this officers for the passengers to hurry counties on deck, rushed up, piled Into the The said boats, which were rapidly lowered promptly (Continued on Page Eight.) (Con VOL. 9. NO. (ii). SKM I-WEEKLY. " LANCASTER, S. C., TUESDAY. JUNE 2. 1!)14 .0 BUILD ROAD OE?! BV SUBSCRIPTIONS . .. Wash iy Proposed r rom Ker- (;,.m,ra| w to Charlotte, N. C. depurtm the Ger ITT EE IS APPOINTED. r,a hl fines as: ithat the nent Will he noked to Fur- cruz sh Kngineer to kiOcate totalled the Route Secretai ge number of representative statemei from Kershaw and Lancaster "The meth in Kershaw Friday, fined th n to hear the report of the Bavaria ee appointed at a former charged to devise ways and means consign* ing the national government p()rt be: as part of the national high- Vera Ci oad through Lancaster coun- manifest mm oeiween Vera Cr e and Camden. K. IX Make- "The |.. presided over the meeting, upon th ike the following from Sun-: $04,950 ue of The News and Courier. j,,.r ,.arB ontains the details of the correct chargint ibla Special to Charleston than tha ind- Courier, May SO.?The "Gene eting of citizens at Kershaw officials y considering the matter of under tl a new trunk line to Char- apseRP u . C., via Lancaster, passed \'() appe ins appointing a central com- Qf the 1 0 have charge of the matter js (j,at lg funds from cities, towns to jp 1 owners along the proposed niade to help in defraying the ex- Conce It was decided that half of Vera Cr use was to be raised hv pop- Kaid; jscription, and the work to "The through co-operation of the pitted 01 committee with the super- Cruz. 1 f una ^ " ""1 ??- ???** than 7.0 , i , _ not one nlted States department of ..lirr),,i ids will he asked for an en> locate and lay out the route. T>T A "M mce funds and a system of r-LjA-w I the road after it is com- A ere decided on. Each patrol it stretches of twenty miles I j. I With 1 proposed to make this new ' WIU roadway a model, and if It is Coluna s pood road building will be Herald, great impetus. Commissioner eert tson, who attended the mass- (,f returned here last night en- about th ver the result and gave out H Carte the following resolution health w by the meeting: of hospi reas. the economic needs of1 and Lancaster counties de- j Hary eni e construction of a thorough charge < Chway to which lateral roads'TheBO m built, a road passing from iwor'1 'n fin Lr ^ I. ? ? U'itrk <> 1>< '141 ana bancaflier, i nection with the main high-|D- state Mecklenburg eoiinty. North neotG?l v , to Charlotte, and. {zone. reus, the federal government rha <l' rated a willingness to extend '-horougi engineering supervision to a c?nim oad if properly constructed, ,,1(* ROUr ing plac. reas, it is obvious thnt a be- w'" <>st' must be made somewhere, it niunity t possil)Ie. to build all roads in l?ul >ns of each county at one P'G ?t 1 it is therefore eminently tain tirsi 0 concentrate efforts on the r<'gan ided trunk line at one time, ??alth c< neighbor reas, delays cost the people, desire to irticularly the producing Quito eli heavily in the matter of the W'H he I tation of their products to -ils the ss now, therefore, he it LePrincf Ived, That a central commit- nient. isting of three men of known lility, he appointed by the 1 of this body, who shall be with the conduct of a camr raising needed funds, who , ... . . _ ,, , . Vera , ,??- mm uinuursH all iun(18 NVm, tti maty in which they were ^ d. who shall consult with her(> ,at<l ipcrate fully with, the t*o |gjnanng uncrvlsnrs as ? ?" *" and who stiali pay all bills h,"" by ' t as agreed upon with the * ' nora 1 >rs, when certified to and W<>r,> abt by the respective supervia- ' are<' ^ na. As si: ved. That this central com- oru'M*r " hall forthwith appoint local fo"' committees, who shall con- rePort al Hinstnklng campaign, calling tio" u'as 1 chambers of commerce, id commercial institutions, ; a,iy othe iers. farmers and others to Itllf* rum< e to the extent of their abil- fami,y v 2 project of the construction until aft' main highway through the wa of Kershaw and Lancaster. ,,ort coul committee shall report as ii-. . . A corr as possible to the chairman which sit ?? she Is a tinned on Page Four.) the far si HAN STEAMERS HI f* i PAY HEAVY FINE Dl_LH I Iteports That Agent l<'or anga and Vavaria lias Arranged Hoods. iiigtoti, Juno 1.?Brigadier Funstoti reported to the war 1 s ' lent today that the agent for (i man ships Ypiranga and Hani arranged for bond for the ('()|{|{ sensed against them in order y might be eleared from Vera Concerning the fines, which ,tef*'rK k||| more than one million pesos, y Garrison today issued this at: Colui customs and port officials 1 News ' ie Hamburg-American liner erilor ' 118.f?8.1 pesos for having dis- houth < a large portion of her cargo >d to Vera Cruz at another I *on at fore arriving at the port of ui anu ror correcting her suuatio t after arrival in the port of 8,1?uld uz. that if similar fine has been imposed sa','sfac e Ypiranga. amounting to UP *or pesos for failing to discharge decisioi ;o where consigned, failure to ^r<>ni 1' invoices accordingly and dis- Kenernl X her cargo at a port other "The it to which consigned. ing to ; ral Funston states that the particip in question had 110 option not we lie Mexican law and had to Moore, lie fines in the sums named, nor Hit al has been taken on behalf militia vessels and the presumption niobilizi ifany further proceedings are Jones ii id representations will he with M our state department." quickly ruing sanitary conditions at at their uz Secretary' Garrison today governc and pel United States army has com- gusta. ie month's occupancy of Vera covf 'here have been ashore more ( (10 soldiers and marines and 1 .1 r 11 . ter r,M'< death from disease has oc... ... .... from < ; nth 111 that period. "I an CAMPAIGN 1 " fro 0:11ion v LU-AIWST MALARIA in*; inf( ? I encamp II and Sa?itar> Knglnecr |jear Aj Kvperience In Canal Zone Have <"harice of Work. U) Augi ibia Special to Spartanburg request May 30.?The work of free- wh,.the! ain sections in South Caro- tjie na(| malaria will be taken up ticjpate e middle of next week by H dates n r. M. I).. United States public Hay tha1 prvlce, for six years director ican ?jt tain in the canal zone, and ; south ( ^eFrlnce. who was chief aan- | the fiLat gineer in the canal zone in rainpmi f the "mosquito brigade." now be en will probably start their factoril: Greenville county and will up for iug with James A. Hayne. M T^e , n o 1 * "' "I" uin<rr, wiio WJUB con- J|l(> gov 'ith Or. Carter in the canal tjlt> tiaractor of tha work will he <?KN lly practical They will visit Adjt. unity, personally investigate | govemo ces of malaria or the breed- "1 hep t es of the mosquitoes. They letter d mate the cost for a com- letter o 0 be mosquito free, and will -ion to die meetings where the peo- vcne fo le various localities may oh- I he mai t hand scientific information i:>" r**?iu 1 to the malaria and general Military auditions in their immediate your re] hood. Should a community st*e any undertake the work of inos- t<> this iuiination, its sole expense does is the actual cost of the work. Kiv*' niy tlaries of I)r .Carter anil Mr. hip of t are paid by the govern- that wh hake wi 1 desi TVS FAMILY KLKKINU. (i;;(.sj f( tary hoi Dictator and His Three Son<> ... dvf as ml to l?e on \ piraiiga. Cruz, June 1. Coincident t' the a e sailing of the Hanihurr ? . ? n?'<i out i steamer \pin.nga from II t r todav persistent rumors, or... ?... . - - 111 i?if.Men * uy ann oroughi r'.'i efugees were circulated that c(.rt,: ,.,i 1 ucrta and her four sons ,lecnm, >ard the ship The Ypiranga n or Kurope by way of Haba- j Jon or j ie left the habor the German ;vtM.r a resden hauled up her anchor -py(^ (jp ?wed to sea. There was a' arrange, Iso that the liner's destina- ,and thp Puerto Mexico. lhiF (.a? r Rrtg. (len. Funston nor ;quiraR a r army or navy officer heard h ir that some of the Huerta ,,Kt[n,at, 'ere aboard the Ypiranga must er the steamer had sailed. | oampmfl is no means by which the red be verified. . At th espondent wants to know on White ! le he should tnilk a ?ow. It George kicker he had '-ett- r get on umpire ide. autocrat *i.ou ft: It YEAR I WON'T LEI SOLDIERS ENCAMP t is Inopportune Time For uard to Leave State. ESPONDENCE IN CASE to Mexican Situation, ami ys He is Watching I'eace Conference. mbia. Special to Charleston mil Courier, May 30.?Gov(lease has refuse'1 to allow the Carolina troop participate encampment of u.e 9th divie Augusta, Ga., assagning as a that in view of the Mexican n he does not think the troops leave the state. He promisee the peace conference results torily he will take the matter further consideration. The i was made known in a letter lie governor to the adjutant reasons you assign for refusillow the national buard to iate in these instructions are 11 founded," says Adjt. Gen. in a letter replying to Gover>ase. lie points out that the could be transported to the ation camp at Camp Wilie ii five hours if war breaks out exieo, and could he more mobilized than if they were home stations. lie asks the >r to reconsider his decision rmit the troops to go to AuKNOIt I1LKASK S LKTTBR. ollowing is a copy of the letdved by Adjt. Gen. Moore uvernor Blease: r. in receipt of a communicant you, trasmitting commuiiligned W. A. Simpson, requests lrmation regarding the. joint ment of instruction to he held igusta, Ga., for the troops of militia division from July 10 ist 12, 1014. inclusive. You me to ad vis u at once it is my intention to have ional guard of this state parin these instructions on the lentioned. In reply I beg to t, in view of the present Mexuation, 1 do not think the 'arolina troops should leave ,e to participate in the en at. If the peace conference Ing held should result satisr, I will then take the matter further consideration." mmmunication was signed by ernor as '-* - illMm?I national guard. KHAI. MOOltK'S RKPLY. (Jen. Moore, replying to the ir in a letter tonight, said: o acknowledge receipt of your site of May 2!*, answering my f May 27, requesting permishave the military board con r the purpose of apportioning ntenance fund of the inilitia ired by Sections 1 f> and 17. Code of South Carolina. In pl\ you state thsit you do not necessitj of putting the stat.i xpcnse unless what the board put into effect, nor will 1 consent for or attend a meethe board unless 1 ant assured latever action the board may 11 be carried out." re to inform you tout this re>r the convening of the miliird is in accordance with my adjutant general and a part tatutory law of this state. As atioM ot the board being carbv me I desire to state that action m apportioning these 1 in accordance with the law ig same, their action will be to by me. otherwise 1 shall to certify to apportionment* lay be made, and in my opinn the opinion of my legal adre in violation of the law. tails of arrangements can be d between this department department of the Kast for rip of instruction, as it reconsideramle amount of corcnce, together with proper ?s and requisitions, which made in advance of such en nt " e baseball Ram*' between the Sox and the Giants Kin* had a chance to ?vatoh the and thus (iiscover what a real t is.